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1、完形填空解题技巧总结 复现方面复现方面1.复现的方式:相同词,同根词,复现的方式:相同词,同根词,2.同义词,近义词。同义词,近义词。Think about how we 10 . We know something new from reading or another person; then we hope to try it out, and then we make mistakes. Over and over again, we learn from those 11 until weve learned how to do it. By 12 from mistakes as

2、we are babies and kids, we gain a lot of experience when we grow up. 10. A. writeB. think C. behave D. learn11. A. problems B. mistakes C. examples D. things12. A. defending B. borrowing C. learning D. demandingDBC同词复现同词复现Many countries celebrate World Book Day and the 6 is yearly held in different

3、ways. 6. A. performanceB. activity C. celebrationD. design C同根词复现同根词复现 One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute. Another 10 is to take the place of the car engine by something else. 10. A. aspect B. advantage C. problem D. means D同义词,近义词复现同义词,近义词复现In this way we

4、 can live a(an) 20 life rather than waste time doing meaningless things. 20. A. comfortable B. meaningful C. messy D. emptyB反义词复现反义词复现 复现方面复现方面2. 复现的跨度:复现的跨度: 近距离(较多)近距离(较多) 远距离(较少)远距离(较少) Exam anxiety is something that almost every person experiences during his or her student life. Little anxiety a

5、ctually helps one concentrate and work hard for the exams. However, if students spend all their time feeling 2 , a lot of valuable time would be wasted. 2. A. curiousB. confident C. anxiousD. calmC近距离复现近距离复现 Every summer, hundreds of thousands of students travel to other countries looking for work a

6、nd adventure. 第二段第二段 第三段第三段 The trouble is that 15 hope to have an easy time of it.15. A. children B. students C. employersD. parents远距离复现远距离复现B 上下义词汇关系上下义词汇关系 总总-分分-关系关系 A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with a variety of 6 : headaches, heart trouble and insomnia(失眠症失眠症

7、). 6. A. questionsB. reasons C. complaintD. signsD Each year there is an increasing number of cars on roads and streets as millions of new cars are produced. One out of every six Americans 1 at putting together the parts of cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling cars with gas. 1.A. arrives

8、B. aims 2. C. produces D. worksDIf we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for 16 , such as rice, corn and wheat, feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept. 16. A. food B. flowersC. crops D. plantsC 干扰选项没那么具体干扰选项没那么具体 搭配方面搭配方面1.固定搭配。固定搭配。 Aro

9、und twenty years ago I was living in New York. Though I had a lot of 1 experience and a Masters degree, I could not find satisfying work.1. A. working B. traveling C. writing D. managing A When Jack was in kindergarten, his father died. And his mother was ill just after Jack started high school. Jac

10、k had to drop out of school because his mother had no money to pay his school bills. Jack and his mother started working in peoples gardens to 2 enough money for him to go back to school and finally he returned to school. 2. A. share B. make C. spend D. giveB earn/make/get money 搭配方面搭配方面 2. 根据文意选择搭配

11、。根据文意选择搭配。Still some are 9 about traveling, believing that it provides them with more chances to know more about the different cultures and customs in different parts of the world, while others choose to stay alone and 11 up a book and read quietly because in their view, reading can add to their kno

12、wledge and make them learn more about the outside world. 9. A. curiousB. concerned C. careful D. crazy11. A. pickB. make C. show D. setDA 搭配方面搭配方面 3. 与句中动词的搭配。与句中动词的搭配。The whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the 12 they made. 12. A. promise B. progress C. complaint D. noiseD 逻辑关系逻辑关系

13、逻辑关系即理解文章意思,有时逻辑关系即理解文章意思,有时候只需理解一句话,有时候要理解整候只需理解一句话,有时候要理解整段话。段话。 Most Americans find it hard to 3 what life would be like without a car. However, some have realized the 4 problem of air pollution by cars. The 5 air is poisonous and damaging to health.3. A. intendB. faceC. imagine D. seek4. A. seri

14、ousB. violent C. changeableD. various5. A. protectedB. polluted C. expandedD. surroundedCAB 句意:大多数美国人会难以想象,如果没有句意:大多数美国人会难以想象,如果没有汽车,生活会是怎样的。汽车,生活会是怎样的。If you want to shop for clothes after work, you might call to ask how 14 the store is open before you travel all the way there.14. A. late B. fast C

15、. soon D. earlyA 多晚商店还开着门(还在营业)多晚商店还开着门(还在营业) 利用特殊词选择答案利用特殊词选择答案 and or but Occasionally, humans would bring their ill or 35 children to swim with her . 35. A. skiful B. clever C. disabled D. shyC 2016广州一模广州一模 In the old days I used to reach for the tissues until I realized that passing a person a t

16、issue may be just another way to take them out of their experience of 14 and pain. Now I just listen. 14. A. pride B. surprise C. enjoyment D. sadnessDMost of them do more reading on that day, believing they can change the world by changing themselves through reading. Reading makes us wiser and more

17、 11 . 11. A. hard-working B. skilled C. seriousD. learnedDReading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading enables us to have a good knowledge of and have a better understanding of foreign cultures and 14 . 14. A. exhibitions B. experiences C. habitsD. customsDwh

18、ile others prefer to surf the Internet for news or 6 , by which they can know what is happening around the world. 6. A. titlesB. education C. songs D. informationDFire can help people in many ways. But fire can also be very 2 . Big fire can burn trees, houses, animals or people, which can bring seve

19、re injuries and even lead to many deaths. 2. A. harmfulB. painful C. useful D. hopefulA 段首句挖空段首句挖空 在一段文章的第在一段文章的第1句挖空,考查句挖空,考查的是对整段文意的概括。先不要急的是对整段文意的概括。先不要急着选择答案,看完下文再选。着选择答案,看完下文再选。 Fires 14 people every year. From time to time, its reported on television that a fire has broken out in a factory or

20、company where a number of people lost their lives. 14. A. help B. benefit C. kill D. frightenC Not everyone 9 the experience. Sarah James once worked as a guide and was responsible for forty American children in Europe. During the trip, one child lost his passport; four children were lost in Madrid

21、for a whole day; 9. A. has B. remembers C. forgets D. enjoysD 常考搭配常考搭配 deal with sth 处理事情处理事情 be recognized as 被评为被评为 regard /treat/see/look onas be concerned about 担心,关心担心,关心 spend(in) doing sth 花费时间花费时间 give sb some advice 给某人建议给某人建议 be pleased with 对对满意满意 offer sb sth 为某人提供为某人提供 provide sb with s

22、th be familiar with 熟悉熟悉 change ones life 改变生活改变生活 fall on (节日)在某月某日(节日)在某月某日 make great contributions to做贡献做贡献 at price 以以价格价格 flood into/crowd into 涌入涌入 have a good knowledge of 对对了解透彻了解透彻 economic losses 经济损失经济损失 on some occasions 在一些场合在一些场合 play with玩耍玩耍 take away 带走带走 fillwith 把把装满装满 take the p

23、lace of 代替代替 It takes/took/will take sb +时间时间 +to do sth 某人花费某人花费时间做时间做 prevent/stop/keepfrom doing 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 make a mistake/make mistakes do something wrong 犯错犯错 save a broken relationship 挽救破裂友谊挽救破裂友谊 Its never too late to do不迟不迟 to a large extent 在很大程度上在很大程度上 run out of 用尽用尽 make no sense 没有

24、意义没有意义 stick to 坚持坚持 be responsible to 负责负责 in practice 实际上实际上 be different from 与与不同不同 depend on 依靠依靠 build up ones 建立,树立建立,树立 be in low spirits 情绪低落情绪低落 be keen on 喜欢喜欢 keep the balance between 保持平衡保持平衡 in advance 提前提前 under great pressure压力很大压力很大 take a break/take breaks 休息休息 have effects/impact

25、on 对对有影响有影响 leave sb aimpression 给给印象印象 be to blame 谁该负责任谁该负责任 in addition 另外另外 in particular 尤其尤其 when it comes to 当提到当提到 act as better examples 做好榜样做好榜样 set an example 树立榜样树立榜样 give an example 举例举例 take sb for example 拿谁做例子拿谁做例子 be likely to do sth 有可能做某事有可能做某事 make great progress 有很大进步有很大进步 be co

26、nnected with 与与有联系有联系 for the sake of 为了为了目的目的 have something/nothing to do with no exception / without exception 毫无例外毫无例外 on average 平均平均 used to do sth 以前常做某事以前常做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事习惯做某事 bring back 令令回想起回想起 by means of 通过通过方式、途径方式、途径 keep an appointment 赴约赴约 have/make an appointment 约会约会

27、 book a ticket 订票订票 make a call 打电话打电话 express ones thanks 表达谢意表达谢意 I will appreciate it if you 日常英语:日常英语: 生火生火 make a fire 做饭做饭 do some cooking 沏茶沏茶 日常英语:日常英语: 我来付款我来付款 It is on me. 别烦我别烦我 leave me alone 请坐请坐 take a seat / be seated 应该是应该是 be supposed to 我饱了我饱了 I am full. 算上我算上我 Count me on 他和我同岁他和我同岁 He is my age日常英语:日常英语: 我做到了我做到了 I just made it 我全力支持你我全力支持你 Im on your side 真便宜真便宜 What a good deal 别让我失望别让我失望 Dont let me downTHANK YOU!



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