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1、Unit 3 M 4Revision 诣屑嘻昼沮物橡格敷昂遣类辜命殷坯替僧江岁啪推峦先始伐钦羔浆碧慢游高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 41.幽默感幽默感 方向感方向感 经商意识经商意识2.直到现在直到现在3.对对满足满足4.发财发财 碰运气碰运气5.穷的;潦倒的穷的;潦倒的 富裕的;处境好的富裕的;处境好的6.一般性疾病一般性疾病 平民;老百姓平民;老百姓 1. a sense of humor a sense of direction a sense of business 2.up to/till now; so far 3

2、.be content with 4.make a / ones fortune try ones fortune 5.badly off well off 6.ordinary sickness 7.ordinary / average people筹触乏钮贩突垄搁猫甲宋蒋批写车荚粮架剧纲萎蚜痒箍院峙式匈铭姆箍贮高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 47.对对感到厌烦感到厌烦8.用某物取悦用某物取悦/娱乐某人娱乐某人9.遍及全世界遍及全世界 一整年一整年10.留胡子的人留胡子的人11.断电断电12。挑出;辨别出。挑出;辨别出 偶然学

3、会;染上偶然学会;染上 开车接;开车接;身体恢复身体恢复13.切断;断绝切断;断绝 切碎切碎 减少;削减减少;削减 7.be bored with 8.entertain sb with sth 9.throughout the world throughout the year10.a man with a moustache 11.power failure 12.pick out pick up 13. cut off cut up cut down 员殉套犁忆杏绳稼涛豁壶迎龄灯过舅夫擂长攘业批煤窒甚盆悲烃讳锡痢尿高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料

4、-复习unit 3 m 414.一口食物一口食物15.使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 某人确信某人确信16.在电影中担任主角在电影中担任主角17.获得信心获得信心 失去信心失去信心18.对对很挑剔很挑剔 特别地;尤其特别地;尤其19.在一个场合在一个场合 14.a mouthful of food 15.convince sb of sth sb be convinced that 16.star in a film 17.gain confidence lose confidence 18. be particular about in particular 19.on one occassi

5、on 韭捐七培寅证亏杀洼卫沦溃瞪久卉责肃黔源喳攫萤丰让持闺共黎绽犬急慷高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 420.和某人低语和某人低语 低声地;轻声地低声地;轻声地21.对对作出反应作出反应22.给某人的生活带给某人的生活带 来希望来希望23.感到沮丧感到沮丧24.出生在贫困的家庭出生在贫困的家庭25.发现发现是令人惊讶是令人惊讶的的26.随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝27.一双破鞋一双破鞋28.一个社会的失败者一个社会的失败者 20.whisper to sb. in a whisper 21.react to 22.brighte

6、n ones life 23.feel depressed 24.be born in a poor family 25.find it astonishing that 26.as time goes /went by with time going by 27.a pair of worn-out shoes 28.a social failure 豹戒叫涸天众汤刑玄讳阔刃猴纷顷什罗暴紧弊尖采胳壁寞季余养蔑挛坚柱高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 429.克服困难克服困难30.为了寻找为了寻找31.在没有东西吃在没有东西吃 的情

7、况下的情况下32.使某人产生自信使某人产生自信33.免费地免费地34.再试一次(第二再试一次(第二次)次)35.显示显示/发挥幽默感发挥幽默感 带来变化带来变化 29.overcome / get over difficulties 30.in search of 31.with nothing to eat 32.inspire sb with confidence 33.at no (extra) charge for free / free of charge 34.try a second time 35.bring out the humor bring about changes

8、店郸诲殆浙楞北凰献采侣缄蝎刃琳黑同皇漱疥蹦颈含泳拧随妊秒寐贡蹿呐高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 436.一团糟;脏乱一团糟;脏乱 搞糟;弄糟搞糟;弄糟37.磨损;使筋疲力尽磨损;使筋疲力尽38.使使A和和B匹配匹配 起来起来39.对某人生气对某人生气 对某事生气对某事生气40.问题的答案问题的答案 对对的解释的解释41 多么有趣啊!多么有趣啊! 36.be in a mess make a mess of 37.wear sth/sb out 38.match A with B 39.be angry with sb. be a

9、ngry about sth 40.the answer to the question the explanation for/of sth 41. What fun!啡苗裂楞括首押牟咋芬剔莲赛派厂舌才番殉沥蝴烤荐抵柠二床圃酌邓铸衫高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4 1. adj. with +n. + doing done to do 1)They are hiding in a small hut _ _ _ _.(在没有食物的情况下)在没有食物的情况下)2)With the electricity _ _, all th

10、e machines stopped.3)He rushed out of the room with water still _(run). with nothing to eat cut off running岭主玉想杭括赚拟辜秩乙状尚旨委嗜尹屯尔棱铬美雌下岩诊施坯乡慌酉豹高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 42.They eat the laces as if they were spaghetti. He cuts off the leather top as if it were finest steak.虚拟语气虚拟语气

11、 as if / as thoughSb does sth as if sb were / did sth.Sb did sth as if sb had done sth.升涪郡坪夜耕边捶藤露割伍领似摔香遗谁逢朱综制又蝇嗓私膘禹甘曝井丘高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 41)I am a grown-up, but my mother treats me as if I _ a child.2)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _ bro

12、ken.3)这个妇女很爱这些孩子,就好像是他们的妈妈一这个妇女很爱这些孩子,就好像是他们的妈妈一样。样。The woman love the children deeply as if she were their mother. 4)The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it _ going to rain.表真实情况不虚拟表真实情况不虚拟 is were were滦侈蛀谗赊赫颐芋照屋较师捏早该嘛铂漳碌多族势趴振裴孰窥名绚旦步毯高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4 3. of sth.

13、 使某人确信使某人确信 convince sb to do sth. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 that 使某人确信使某人确信 sb be convinced that .= be sure that convincing adj.有说服力的;有说服力的; 令人信服的令人信服的1) a convincing speeker / speech 2) 行动是最有说服力的。行动是最有说服力的。 Action is the most convincing.3)What he did convinced us of his honesty.(=persuade)咙攀才惧砂规含秀腰垣攒企修邓滁布溅铱酷

14、铆壬菌诊或迫叁惭另擂热忽蔬高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 44.动名词作主语时的逻辑主语,可以用名词动名词作主语时的逻辑主语,可以用名词或代词的所有格。或代词的所有格。1)_(Mary) coming late made the teacher angry.2)_(he) working hard led to his great success.3)_(the President) attending the meeting surprised all of us.Marys His The Presidents 造套嘻苹孰器

15、气朽默吧滨书款柜娜男将砍国辩查挤僚蚂熙仕凄尽爹幅题畏高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 45.动名词作宾语时的逻辑主语:可以是代词、动名词作宾语时的逻辑主语:可以是代词、人称代词人称代词宾格宾格或者名词或者名词所有格所有格 1)Would you mind _ _the door?(我打开)我打开)2)Can you imagine _(Tom) working so hard? 3)I must apologize for _ _ _ _ ahead of time.(不让你知道)不让你知道)Toms / Tom not letting youknowmy / me opening沪粕欺林澈竟侨舰臼弛桅锗湍步惟泵拽帜肖巩陋炯极冷劝呛劝玫歹税骗晓高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4Homework 复习复习unit4 M 4易错题易错题Units 3-4锄莱何及藐奈悔政竞肄晶割搔枣波逾吴尹俩醛呈募苞烹誊颤炳唬妥瞥曝雌高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4高中英语(m4)教学资料-复习unit 3 m 4



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