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1、Unit One Language PointsnJohn Snow was a well-known _in London in the _ century. He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _ it. In 1854 when a cholera _ out, he began to gather information. He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty

2、water from the _ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _ of all water supply be _ and new methods of _ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was _.doctor19thcausedefeatbrokemarkedpumpsourceexamineddealingdefeated复习总动员复习总动员Warming upknow ab

3、out 了解有关了解有关.的情况的情况know of 听说过听说过有些事我想了解一下有些事我想了解一下. There is something I want to know about .我听说过那件事我听说过那件事, 但不很清楚但不很清楚.I know of it , but I didnt know it well.1.知识袋袋库知识袋袋库2. characteristic adj. 独特的,特有的独特的,特有的 n特征,特性特征,特性 eg. genetic characteristics 遗传特征遗传特征ncharacter n性格;特征;人物,角色;性格;特征;人物,角色;nchar

4、acterize v是是的特征;描述的特征;描述的特征的特征ncharacterless adj.无特色的;平凡的无特色的;平凡的 区别区别future 和和characteristicnKindness is one of his _.nMy car doesnt have special _. characteristicsfutures3. put forward: bring up, come up with eg: nHe put forward some useful advice at the meeting. nWe put forward Tom as monitor. 推荐

5、推荐nThe meeting has been put forward to 2:00 pm. 提前提前提出提出nAn interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been _. Aput forwardBput down C. put up D. put aside 【解析】【解析】 有人提出一个有趣的建议有人提出一个有趣的建议 【答案】【答案】 A考题练练看考题练练看nput aside _nput away _nput off _nput on _nput down _nput out _nput

6、 up _nput up with _ 储蓄储蓄备用备用把把收拾起来收拾起来 推迟推迟 穿上,戴上;上演,演出穿上,戴上;上演,演出 举起;粘贴;建立,建设举起;粘贴;建立,建设 忍受忍受 放下放下扑灭扑灭(火火)思维泡泡堂思维泡泡堂nConsidering your salary,you should be able to _ at least twenty dollars a week. Aput forward Bput up Cput out Dput asiden【解析】句意为“就你的工资而言,每周你应至少存20美元”。put forward提出;put up张贴;put out扑灭

7、;put aside储存。n【答案】D考题练练看考题练练看Pre-reading4. conclude vt/vicome to a close_eg: The meeting concluded at 8:00 pm. She concluded her speech with a poem. She concluded her speech by reading a poem. 归纳总结:归纳总结:(使使)结束结束, 终止终止decide sth as a result of what you see or hear _eg. What can you conclude from thes

8、e facts? After waiting for half an hour,I concluded that he wouldnt come at all. 等了半个小等了半个小时时后,我断定他不会来了。后,我断定他不会来了。推断出推断出, ,得出结论得出结论归纳总结归纳总结: nn. conclusion 结论,结束结论,结束 * arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion _eg: It was difficult to draw a conclusion because the situation was complex.* in conclu

9、sion _ =in a word, to sum up eg: In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.得出结论得出结论 总之总之 思维袋袋库思维袋袋库nAnn seems to be upset. Whats up?nShe _ from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores. AincludesBconcludes Csuggests Dcontains 【解析】下句意为:

10、她根据电话中的声音判定母亲对她的考试成绩不满意。 【答案】B考题练练看考题练练看Reading5. defeat vt. to win against sb in the a war, competition,sports game _ to be difficult for sb _n. failure to win _eg: The army defeated the enemy in the end.Tom suffered defeat in the English examination.The problem has defeated me and I cant solve it.

11、打败,打败, 战胜战胜 失败,挫折失败,挫折 难倒,使困惑难倒,使困惑 辨析:辨析:defeat/ beat/ winnHe can easily _ me at golf.nHe didnt _ the election.nHe was _ in the election. defeat 战胜,击败。含义广泛,指在战争、战胜,击败。含义广泛,指在战争、辩论、争斗、竞选或比赛中击败对方,获得辩论、争斗、竞选或比赛中击败对方,获得胜利。胜利。宾语是对手宾语是对手。 beat 表示表示“战胜,击败和难倒战胜,击败和难倒”时可与时可与defeat 互换互换;另外还可以表示另外还可以表示“击打,击打,

12、(心脏心脏)跳动跳动”等等含义。含义。 win 后只接后只接事或物事或物(比赛、辩论、战斗、奖(比赛、辩论、战斗、奖品、钱)品、钱) 不能是对手。不能是对手。 defeated/beatenbeat/defeatwinnLin Dan _ her competitor and got the first place in the game. Awon Bdefeat Cbeat Dhit 【解析】“击败对手”可用beat或defeat,但由got可知,空白处应用过去时,若选B,则应为defeated。 【答案】C考题练练看考题练练看6. attend v be present at; take

13、 care of _ attend to sb/sth: to deal with sb/sth; to take care of sb/sth _eg: nHe attended the meeting yesterday.nI have some urgent business to attend to.出席出席,参加参加;照顾照顾,护理护理处理处理,应付应付; 照顾照顾,护理护理nThe coach asked his staff to _ the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training pl

14、ans. Aadapt to Battend to Crefer to Dappeal to 【解析】【解析】 adapt to意为“适应”,attend to 意为“注意,关心,料理”,refer to 意为“涉及”,appeal to 意为“向呼吁,求助于”。整句话意为“教练要求他的队员去照应一下那一大群等着他公布训练计划的新闻记者们”。考题练练看考题练练看【答案【答案 】 B区别区别attend/join/join in/take part innWould you like to _ us in the basket game? A. attend B. join C. join in

15、 D. take part in考题练练看考题练练看【答案】【答案】 Bnattend正式用语,参加严肃的活动,如会议,听课,演讲会议,听课,演讲。njoin加入某一组织组织,成为其中成员。njoin(sb.)in sth./doing和某人某人一起进行一项具体的活动,多指正在进行的正在进行的活动活动。ntake part in参加活动,是一般用语。思维袋袋库思维袋袋库7. expose vt. show sth hidden; tell the truth _ 曝光曝光; 暴露暴露; 揭露揭露expose sth/sb to sth _ 暴露;显露暴露;显露 expose sb as _ 揭

16、露某人揭露某人eg: Dont expose yourself to the sun for too long. Youll get sunburned.n_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed【解析】【解析】 动名词的被动式做主语。动名词的被动式做主语。【答案】【答案】 C考题练练看考题练练看Sentence 1. Neither its cause, nor its cure

17、was understood.人人们们既不知道其起因,又不知道它的治既不知道其起因,又不知道它的治疗疗方法方法。nneither.nor.既不既不,也不,也不 ,连连接句接句中两个相同成分中两个相同成分,表全部否定。表全部否定。nNeither my father nor I was there. 我父我父亲亲和我都不在那里。和我都不在那里。nneithernor, eitheror, not onlybut also 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数与离它最近的那个主语的数保持一致。符合主谓一致中的就近原则就近原则。nNeither he nor I am a student.nEither

18、 Mary or her brothers are to blame for the fault.nNot only the teacher but also his students like playing football.思维袋袋库思维袋袋库(2009年湖南卷年湖南卷)nEither you or your one of your students _ to attend the meeting. A. are B. is C. have D. be【答案】【答案】 B考题练练看考题练练看8. When I left hospital I was completed cured. Is

19、 there a certain cure for cancer yet? cure :_vt.治愈,治疗;治愈,治疗;n.疗法,治疗药疗法,治疗药 cure sb. of 治好治好(病、恶习等病、恶习等)a cure for 治疗治疗的方法的方法n辨析:辨析:treat与与cure Has the doctor _ her illness? No,he _ her but didnt _ her. Acured; treated; treat Bcured; cured; treat Ctreated the old woman for; treated; cure Dcured the o

20、ld woman of; treated; curen解析:cure “治愈治愈” 强调结果。强调结果。 cure sb of sth treat “治疗治疗” 强调过程。强调过程。 treat sb for sthn答案:D思维袋袋库思维袋袋库Sentence 2. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. nevery time 在这里是连词,引导时间在这里是连词,引导时间状语从句,意为状语从句,意为“每次,每当每次,每当” ne.g. Every time I hear tha

21、t song, I feel happy. 每次听到那首歌,我都感到非常开心。每次听到那首歌,我都感到非常开心。n(2009年云南玉溪模年云南玉溪模拟拟)_you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to others. AAt times BSome time CEvery time DThe time【解析】句意为:每次你与别人交谈或写信息,你都向别人展示你的技能。every time是名词词组用做连词,引导时间状语从句。【答案】C考题练练看考题练练看n注意注意: immediately, the moment/t

22、he minute, directly, instantly 等与等与 every time一样,都可以用作连词引导时间状语从一样,都可以用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为句,意为 “一一.就就”。如:。如:nI will give the letter to him immediately/ the moment /directly/instantly I see him.n另外另外the first time (第一次第一次),next time( 下下次次),last time (上次上次) 都可以引导时间状语都可以引导时间状语从句。从句。思维袋袋库思维袋袋库(2009年陕西卷)nThis

23、is the first time we _ a film in the cinema together as a family. Asee Bhad seen Csaw Dhave seen【解析】“This/It is the序数词time +that 从句”为固定句型, 如果前面用is,从句动词用现在完成时;如果用was,则用过去完成时。 。【答案】D考题练练看考题练练看9. challenge n/vt 挑战挑战eg: (1)opportunity and challenge 机遇与挑战机遇与挑战扩展:扩展:face a challenge 面临挑战面临挑战 meet a challe

24、nge 接受挑战接受挑战 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的具有挑战性的10. suggest v. 建议;暗示,表明 suggest+doing sth/ sth. / that-clausen 他建议我们参观长城。他建议我们参观长城。1.He suggested visiting the Great Wall.2.He suggested that we (should) visit the Great Wall. suggest (暗示,表明暗示,表明)+从句不用虚拟语从句不用虚拟语气。气。nThe smile on her face suggested that she a

25、greed with me. 11. absorb vt. 吸收(液体、气体);吸引,使 、专心nThe cream is easily absorbed into the skin.这种乳霜容易被皮肤吸收。这种乳霜容易被皮肤吸收。nI was so absorbed in this book that I didnt hear you come in.归纳总结:归纳总结:nIt is very quiet in the classroom. The students are all _reading books. Aabsorbed Babsorbed in Cabsorbing in Da

26、bsorb 【解析】【解析】本题意为:教室里很安静,学生们在本题意为:教室里很安静,学生们在全心全意读书。全心全意读书。be absorbed in doing sth.专专心做某事。心做某事。 【答案】【答案】B考题练练看考题练练看nThe writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room. Aabandoned Bfocused Cabsorbed Dcentered 【解析】【解析】 be absorbed in 全神贯在全神贯在; focus sb on sth 使使专注于专注于 【答案】【答案】

27、C考题练练看考题练练看12. suspect v. 认为、怀疑认为、怀疑eg: I suspected the truth of her statement.* suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做怀疑某人做某事某事* suspect sbsth to be 怀疑怀疑是是eg: He had suspected her of telling a lie to me. 13. blame vt consider or say that sb is responsible for sth _eg: Please dont blame me.nblame sb for sthd

28、oing sth _nblame sth on sb _nbe to blame_责备、谴责责备、谴责 责备某人做某事责备某人做某事 把某事归咎于某人把某事归咎于某人 (某人某人/某物某物)该受指责该受指责 n 过失、责备过失、责备Its not fair that you should get the blame.nDont always _ your own failure _ others. Sometimes you yourself _. Ablame;on;are to be blamed Bblame;for;are to blame Cblame;on;are to blame

29、 Dblame;for;are to be blamed 【解析】【解析】句意为:不要总把失败归咎于他人。句意为:不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时该责怪你自己。有时该责怪你自己。blame sth.on sb.把把归咎于某人;归咎于某人;be to blame该受责备,要用主该受责备,要用主动式表被动意义。动式表被动意义。 【答案】【答案】C考题练练看考题练练看nThe mother who lost her son insisted that the careless driver _ for the traffic accident _ yesterday. Awas to blame; ha

30、ppening Bbe to blame; happening Cbe blamed; was happened Dwas to blame; had happened【解析】 本题意为:失去儿子的母亲本题意为:失去儿子的母亲坚持认为坚持认为粗心的司机应该为昨天发生的交通事故负责。粗心的司机应该为昨天发生的交通事故负责。【答案】 A考题练练看考题练练看n(2006年安徽卷年安徽卷)Mr Green stood up in defence of (为为辩护辩护)the 16yearold boy,saying that he was not the one _. Ablamed Bblaming

31、 Cto blame Dto be blamed【解析】【解析】he was not the one to blame意为意为“他不是那个应该受责备的人他不是那个应该受责备的人”。【答案】【答案】C考题练练看考题练练看n(2006年福建卷年福建卷)_for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits. ABlaming BBlamed CTo blame DTo be blamed【解析】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:Alice因为电脑网络故障被责备,情绪很低落

32、。因为电脑网络故障被责备,情绪很低落。非谓语形式用做原因状语,主语是这个动作的非谓语形式用做原因状语,主语是这个动作的承受者,故用过去分词承受者,故用过去分词blamed。D项项to be blamed有将要的意味。有将要的意味。【答案】B考题练练看考题练练看Sentence 3It seemed that the water was to blame.看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮水了。看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮水了。nbe+动词不定式,可以表示该做或不该做的动词不定式,可以表示该做或不该做的事情,相当于事情,相当于must, should, ought to 等。等。nYou are not to

33、 be late again.14. look into调查,研究; nThe police are now looking into the matter.警方正在调查这件事。警方正在调查这件事。nlook back 回顾,回首回顾,回首nlook down upon 蔑视蔑视nlook over检查,查看检查,查看nlook on 旁观旁观nlook through匆匆浏览匆匆浏览nlook up 查阅,查找查阅,查找15. Handle vt deal with, operate _ n. part of a tool, cup, bucket door etc, by which it

34、 may be held, carried or controlled_eg: nDo you know how to handle the computer?处理处理 操作操作把手把手16. link vt&n connect or put together two or more pieces连接;联系连接;联系 nlink to (常用被动常用被动,表状态表状态)= connect with _nlink up (with) _eg: Blood in his shirt linked him to the crime. A new freeway(高速公路高速公路) will be b

35、uilt to link up our city with Wuhan.把把与与连接连接/联系起来联系起来 连接,结合连接,结合 17. announce vt make sth known publicly 宣布宣布 通告通告eg: nYao Ming announced in his hometown that he has retired from NBA.归纳总结:归纳总结: announce sth.宣布某事宣布某事 announcethat-clause辨析:announce与declarenThe result of this examination will be _ tomo

36、rrow. Apublished Bdeclared Cannounced Dopened【解析】【解析】 announce强调正式地强调正式地“公开、发表、宣布公开、发表、宣布”, 侧重预告人们所关心或感兴趣的事情;侧重预告人们所关心或感兴趣的事情; declare指正式而明确地向公众指正式而明确地向公众“宣布,宣告,宣布,宣告, 声明声明”,侧重当众发表,多用于宣判、会议、,侧重当众发表,多用于宣判、会议、宣宣 战等。战等。C思维袋袋库思维袋袋库【答案】18. instruct v teach;order,direct 教,教,教授;指示,命令,吩咐教授;指示,命令,吩咐ninstruct

37、 sb in sth 教授某人教授某人ninstruct sb to do sth 命令命令/吩咐某人去做某事吩咐某人去做某事eg: nHe instructs a class in history.nIve been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives.nMr Smith decided to hire a teacher to _ his son in English. Ateach Bintroduce Cinstruct Ddirect【答案】:【答案】:C考题练练看考题练练看Learning about languag

38、e19. contribute vt.& vi.捐款;捐款;贡贡献;献;捐助捐助ncontributeto _eg: He contributed his life to helping the poor. He contributed his article to China Daily.ncontribute to _eg: Various factors contributed to his failure.捐助、捐献捐助、捐献; 投稿投稿导致,促成;有助于导致,促成;有助于 Practice: Many people _ money _ the poor boy, which _ hi

39、s returning to school. A writer wrote a story about this and _ it _ a newspaper. contributedtocontributed tocontributedto考题练练看考题练练看nTo be honest,my carelessness _ a lot to my failure. Acontributed Bdonated Cprovided Doffered 【解析】句意为:说实话,我的失败主句意为:说实话,我的失败主要是因为我的粗心大意。要是因为我的粗心大意。contribute to导致。导致。dona

40、te捐献;捐献;provide提供;提供;offer(主动主动)提供。提供。 【答案】A考题练练看考题练练看nn. contribution 贡贡献献nmake great contributions to 对对有有贡贡献献思维袋袋库思维袋袋库20. apart from 除除之外(既有相加又有之外(既有相加又有相减的含义)相减的含义)eg: nApart from my parents, I have no one to believe in. (相减相减)nApart from the cost, we need to think about how much time the job w

41、ill take.、(相加相加)辨析辨析besides except apart fromexcept forn1. besides: “除了除了之外(还有)之外(还有)”(相加相加) There will be five of us for dinner, besides John.n2. except: “除除之外之外”; (相减相减) whenthatif I cycle to work, except when I rains.n3. except for 强调整体很好,就一点不好,强调强调整体很好,就一点不好,强调 前后名词性质不同前后名词性质不同。 His composition

42、is good except for a spelling mistake.思维袋袋库思维袋袋库nLi Long is a good student _ his laziness. A. except B. besides C. except for D. but【解析】【解析】 李红是个好学生,就是有点懒。李红是个好学生,就是有点懒。属于整体很好,就一点不好。属于整体很好,就一点不好。【答案】【答案】 C考题练练看考题练练看Using LanguageReading and Writing21. strict adj. 严厉的;严格的;严谨的严厉的;严格的;严谨的 Mr. Liu is a

43、strict teacher.nbe strict with sb 对某人要求严格对某人要求严格nbe strict aboutin doing 对某事、做对某事、做某事要求严格某事要求严格eg: nThe Whites are very _ their children.nThe hospital is quite _visiting hours.strict withstrict about22. make sense 有意义、讲得通有意义、讲得通; 是明智作是明智作法。法。 (不及物动词短语不及物动词短语)eg: Your story doesnt make sense to me.nI

44、t makes sense for sb to do sth. 对某对某人来说做某事是明智的人来说做某事是明智的eg: It makes sense to save money while you can.nmake sense of 理解、明白理解、明白eg: Can you make sense of this poem?nIt doesnt make _ to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. Asense Bopinion Cuse Ddifference 注意:注意: make no d

45、ifference没有影响,没什么不同没有影响,没什么不同 make (full) use of (充分充分)利用利用 A 考题练练看考题练练看23. cautious adj. 谨慎的,小心的nbe cautious about sth/doing sth 对(做)某事非常小心谨慎对(做)某事非常小心谨慎eg. He is cautious about telling the truth.n区别区别 cautious 和和 carefulncautious 指因为担心某事危险或不明智而缓慢指因为担心某事危险或不明智而缓慢行事或小心谨慎;行事或小心谨慎;ncareful 并非担心害怕,但为确保

46、万无一失而做并非担心害怕,但为确保万无一失而做事小心。事小心。nBe careful! nShe looked around cautiously and then walked away.24. reject vt. refuse to accept or consider sth _eg: to reject an offer/a suggestion/a decision She rejected his offer of marriage. refuse to accept sb for a job _eg: I have been rejected by all the univer

47、sity not use or publish _eg. Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. 质量差的文章都被我们质检人质量差的文章都被我们质检人员拒绝了。员拒绝了。拒绝接受,不予考虑拒绝接受,不予考虑拒收,不录用拒收,不录用(因质量差因质量差)不用,不出版不用,不出版辨析:辨析:reject与与refuse的区别的区别nrefuse一般用词,指拒绝别人的请求、帮一般用词,指拒绝别人的请求、帮助、邀请等,其后可跟不定式。助、邀请等,其后可跟不定式。nreject正式用词,指拒绝申请,请求,建正式用词,指拒绝申请,请求,

48、建议,提议;不录用,不采纳;其后不能跟议,提议;不录用,不采纳;其后不能跟不定式。不定式。eg. He refused to discuss this matter. I politely refused their invitation. The proposal was firmly rejected.思维袋袋库思维袋袋库4. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 只有你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中只有你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动

49、才能说得清楚。其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。n only if 只有;只要只有;只要, ,引导条件状语从句。引导条件状语从句。 Only if you work hard can you get high scores.n当以当以only引导的短语或状语从句放于句首时,引导的短语或状语从句放于句首时,为了加强语气,句子需要倒装。为了加强语气,句子需要倒装。 Only when the war was over was he able to get back to work. Only in this way can I solve the problem.n 但是但是only 放句首修饰主语时不倒装。放句首修饰主语时不倒装。 Only you can help me finish the work.思维袋袋库思维袋袋库



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