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1、When Mr. Ruan entered the classroom, one student was using his cell phone.After Mr. Ruan had left the classroom, one student took out his cell phone immediately.One student took out his cell phone as soon as Mr. Ruan left the classroom.时间状语时间状语从句从句 常由常由从属连词从属连词when, while, as, since, till, before, a

2、fter, by the time 等引导。等引导。Grammar 1 Adverbial clause of time时间状语从句时间状语从句_ Mr. Ruan saw him, he was using his cell phone._ other students were reading, he was using his cell phone._ Mr. Ruan walked in the classroom, he looked around to make sure no students were using cell phones.I found one student

3、using his cell phone _ I took the photo.I like to listen to musci _ I do homework.Choose from “when, while, as” to complete the sentences.WhenWhenWhileAswhenasWhen Mr. Ruan saw him, he was using his cell phone.When/ While other students were reading, he was using his cell phone.I found one student u

4、sing his cell phone when I took the photo.1. _ he was born in Austria, his father was a 1. _ he was born in Austria, his father was a peasant at that time.peasant at that time.2. _ he was very young, Mozart had a lot of 2. _ he was very young, Mozart had a lot of musical talent.musical talent.3. _ h

5、e was still a teenager, he was a big star.3. _ he was still a teenager, he was a big star.WhenWhenWhen /While/WhileConclusion: Conclusion: whenwhen和和和和whilewhile引导的从句强调引导的从句强调引导的从句强调引导的从句强调“ “在在在在过程中过程中过程中过程中” ”,表示时间,表示时间,表示时间,表示时间 段,谓语动词通常为延续性动词或表状态的段,谓语动词通常为延续性动词或表状态的段,谓语动词通常为延续性动词或表状态的段,谓语动词通常为延续

6、性动词或表状态的bebe动词。动词。动词。动词。whenwhen还可表示时间点,谓语动词可以是非延续性动词。还可表示时间点,谓语动词可以是非延续性动词。还可表示时间点,谓语动词可以是非延续性动词。还可表示时间点,谓语动词可以是非延续性动词。As Mr. Liang walked in the classroom, he looked around to make sure no students were using cell phones.I like to listen to music as I do homework.Conclusion : asConclusion : as引导的从

7、句动作与主句动作同时发生,表引导的从句动作与主句动作同时发生,表引导的从句动作与主句动作同时发生,表引导的从句动作与主句动作同时发生,表示示示示“ “一边一边一边一边一边一边一边一边” ”; ; Yiyi喜欢一边走路一边唱歌。喜欢一边走路一边唱歌。父亲边和我跳舞边和我聊天。父亲边和我跳舞边和我聊天。Yiyi likes singing songs as she walks. Dad chatted with me as he danced with me. As time goes by, I have come to realize how deep my dad loves me.As h

8、e grew older, he began to go deaf. ” ”随着随着随着随着“ “ 强调两个动作同时变化。强调两个动作同时变化。强调两个动作同时变化。强调两个动作同时变化。6Mozartbe 4learn to play an instrumentbe a teenagertour Europe giving concertsBeethovenyoungshow musical talentgrow olderfind it more difficult to make good musicMake sentences with when, while, or as accor

9、ding to the given information.GRAMMAR 2GRAMMAR 2The past perfect tenseThe past perfect tenseGrammar 2 Part 1Recall the sentences from the listening passage about Recall the sentences from the listening passage about the Beatles. the Beatles. After they _(become) stars in their own After they _(becom

10、e) stars in their own country, the Beatles toured the United, the Beatles toured the United States.Before they visited India, they _ Before they visited India, they _ (record) had recorded seven albums.(record) had recorded seven albums.had becomehad becomehad recordedhad recordedAnsw

11、ers to Part 1:Answers to Part 1:A.Becoming stars in their own country.Becoming stars in their own country.B.Recording seven albums.Recording seven albums.C.The past perfect tense.The past perfect tense.Grammar 2 Part 2Discuss the questions in Part 2 in four. Then report Discuss the questions in Part

12、 2 in four. Then report your answers to all.your answers to all.Answer to Part 2:Answer to Part 2:A.1. (a) means that their music had already changed 1. (a) means that their music had already changed by then. (b) means that it changed then. by then. (b) means that it changed then. 2. (a) means that

13、they had already sold more 2. (a) means that they had already sold more albums by then; (b)means that they sold more albums by then; (b)means that they sold more albums then.albums then.B. Yes. In (a), the event happened before that time; in B. Yes. In (a), the event happened before that time; in (b

14、), the event happened at that time. (b), the event happened at that time. After they had become famous, they toured the U.S.the Beatlesin 1962 become famousin 1964 tour the U.S.They had become famous before they toured the U.S.They had become famous before 1964.They had toured the U.S. by the end of

15、 1964.conclusionconclusion:过去完成时表示过去过去完成时表示过去过去完成时表示过去过去完成时表示过去某一时间某一时间某一时间某一时间或或或或动作之前动作之前动作之前动作之前已经发生的或完已经发生的或完已经发生的或完已经发生的或完成的动作。它表示成的动作。它表示成的动作。它表示成的动作。它表示“ “过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去” ”。过去完成时常与过去完成时常与过去完成时常与过去完成时常与by, before, by, before, 等介词短语或由等介词短语或由等介词短语或由等介词短语或由after, before, after, before, when

16、, by the timewhen, by the time等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。阮老到教室后,他把手机放兜里了。阮老到教室后,他把手机放兜里了。He had begun to use his cell phone before Mr. Ruan came. 阮老来之前他就已经开始用手机。阮老来之前他就已经开始用手机。After Mr. Ruan had arrived at the classroom, he put his cell phone into his pocket. 阮老走后,他又把手机从兜里拿出

17、来了。阮老走后,他又把手机从兜里拿出来了。After Mr. Ruan _the classroom, he _ his cell phone out of his pocket. 阮老知道后,和他严肃地谈了一次。阮老知道后,和他严肃地谈了一次。After Mr. Ruan _ that, he _ a serious talk with him.had lefttookhad knownhadduring the late 1960schange music totallyin 1970 break up区别:一般过去时态与过去完成时态区别:一般过去时态与过去完成时态During the l

18、ate 1960s, they _ music totally.By the late 1960s, they _ music totally.In 1970, they _ up.By the early 1970s, they _ up.During the late 1960s, they had changed music totally.They had broken up.changedhad changedbrokehad broken T/FFconclusion: conclusion: 过去完成一定有过去完成一定有过去完成一定有过去完成一定有参照物参照物参照物参照物,表示动

19、作发生在,表示动作发生在,表示动作发生在,表示动作发生在“ “过去的过去的过去的过去的过去过去过去过去” ”;一般过去只表示动作发生在过去的某一个时间。一般过去只表示动作发生在过去的某一个时间。一般过去只表示动作发生在过去的某一个时间。一般过去只表示动作发生在过去的某一个时间。Grammar 2 Part 3Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. partner. Answers to Part 3:Answers

20、 to Part 3:1. joined, had played joined, had played2.toured, had becometoured, had become3.recorded, had recordedrecorded, had recorded4.had recorded, split uphad recorded, split up5.had split up, performedhad split up, performedGrammar 2 Part 4Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your Do i

21、t on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. partner. Answers to Part 4:Answers to Part 4:1.arrived, had leftarrived, had left2.arrived, had begunarrived, had begun3.happened, had lefthappened, had left4.made, had recordedmade, had recordedTaylor Swift Lin Youjia林宥嘉林宥嘉before 18get a NO.1

22、hitlast monthreceive the award of Woman of the Year; become the youngest artist to get the awardby the end of last monthwin 4 grammy awards; write 10 songs for her next albumat collegeget to school after lunch; blamed (责备责备)by Dad; do betterin 2008win Taiwans TV singing contest; become famous; give

23、3 concerts Taylor Swift is a popular singer and song writer. She _ a No. 1 hit before 18. _ she received the award of Woman of the Year last month, she _ the youngest artist to get the award. By the end of last month, she _ 4 grammy awards and _ 10 songs for her next album.before 18get a NO.1 hitlas

24、t monthreceive the award of Woman of the Year; become the youngest artist to get the awardby the end of last monthwin 4 grammy awards; write 10 songs for her next albumhad gotWhenbecamehad wonhad written Lin Youjia is a magician of music. _ he was at college, he _ to school after lunch. After he _ b

25、y his dad, he _ better. Before he _ famous, he _ Taiwans TV singing contest. And after he _ famous, he _ 3 collegeget to school after lunch; blamed (责备责备)by Dad; do betterin 2008win Taiwans TV singing contest; become famous; give 3 concertsWhen/Whilegothad been blameddidbecamehad wonhad becomegave Assignment1. 学习高中实用英语语法过去完成时部分及完成反馈训练7 on Page171;2.七中课时学案Period 4 Module 3.



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