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1、How many days are there in a week ?There are 7 .Theyre Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and SaturdayHow many months are there in a year?There are 12.Theyre January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November and December.Whats the date ?May 1st.(The first of M

2、ay.)2Whats the date ?May 2nd.The second of May.Lets play Say out the datesJanuary 5ththe 5th of January学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书fifth。Lets play Say out the datesNovember 9ththe 9th of November学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书ninth。Lets play Say out

3、 the datesMarch 8ththe 8th of March 学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书eighth。Lets play Say out the datesFebruary 23rdthe 23rd of February 学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?)引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书third。日期的读法Lets conclude Lets play. Whats the date?学生抢答日期,并说出相对应的节日。A: Whats the date?

4、Lets talk B: Its March 21st.B: They are going to visit the museum.A: What are they going to do?通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达,学习museum。 They are going to visit the museum on March 21st.A: Whats the date?Lets talk B: Its B: They are going to .A: What are they going to do?通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达,学习短语have a sports meeting。

5、(小组问答)也可把句式变成:Are they going to have a sports meeting on April 2rd?再用一句话进行描述。 They are going to have a sports meeting on .Lets talk A: Whats ?B: Its .B: They are .A: What are they going to do?通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达,学习短语go to the school open day。(分角色问答)还可以变换问句: Are they going to the museum?再用一句话进行描述。 They

6、are going to . on.A:.?Lets talk B: .B: .A: ?通过对话形式巩固日期、计划的表达。学生自主构架对话。并用一句话描述图。 They are . on .first 1stsecond 2ndthird 3rdfourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10theleventh 11thtwelfth 12ththirteenth 13thfourteenth 14thfifteenth 15thsixteenth 16thseventeenth 17theighteenth

7、 18thnineteenth 19thtwentieth 20thtwenty-first 21sttwenty-second 22ndtwenty-third 23rdtwenty-fourth 24thtwenty-fifth 25thtwenty-sixth 26thtwenty-seventh 27thtwenty-eighth 28thtwenty-ninth 29ththirtieth 30thLets conclude Do you know how to change them?基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词基数词基数词序数词序数词序数词序数词学习third, fift

8、h, eighth,ninth。引导学生观察并归纳规律。总结规律并板书。基变序,有规律,基变序,有规律,第一二三,特殊记,第一二三,特殊记,th th 从四起,从四起, 第八去第八去t, t, 第九去第九去e, e, 词尾词尾veve用用 f f 代替,代替, ty ty 变成变成tie, tie, 再加再加th th 别忘记,别忘记,若要变成几十几,若要变成几十几,只变各位就可以。只变各位就可以。Lets conclude. Lets practise. 引导学生先看图说出节日,再听听力写出日期。22nd18thsecond21stTape scripts1.On April the twe

9、nty-second, the class is going to clean up the park. 2. On May the eighteenth, the class is going to tell about the history and changes of museums.3.Every second Wednesday in March, everyone is going to do something to tell people not to smoke. 4.On December the twenty-first, the students are going to have a basketball match.Lets read, write and say.1.朗读句子2.在课本相应的图下写出相应的动词词组(going to 后面部分)Lets match. 学生读句子,把节日和活动连线。Lets practise. 引导学生看图说话,再写出句子,并投影校对。由Mums birthday引出下一张PPT内容。April 17thOctober 8th1.背U3课文。 2. 写一写你下个星期的计划(3-4句)。o广州市小英教研会广州市小英中心组Homework:



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