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1、Lesson 1 A Private Conversation1 . 文法:简单陈述句的句子成分( 故事六大要素) . 一般过去时. Go to the theater. Get angry. Turn round.- - 教学内容A 词汇。1) Private ( 弓 | 申 privacy public )Watsons: your private store.Zhao Benshan bought a private plane.Please respect others privacy.2) Conversation ( 近义词talk dialogue ) 三者用法上的区别。不要再说

2、了(Stop talking. Save it. Our conversation is over.)3) Theatre. Go to the theatre/cinema. Peking Opera.4) Seat, n & verb.请坐 (sit down, please. Have/take a seat, be seated.)常用语: 这个座有人吗(is this seattaken?).二 .Play, n 戏 & 玩耍。习语: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ( 只学习不玩耍 聪明孩子也变傻) 。教学重点2 . 词, 匚

3、:private seat attention bear business5)6) Attention o Pay attention to . pay little/much attention to.Please pay attention to my lecture.We shouldnt pay much attention to our appearance.He paid little attention to his physical condition.He never paid any attention to his physical condition.7) Bear (

4、 bore, borne)忍受& 熊( 注意发音上的区别) 。我受够了, 我再也受不了了 ( I have had it enough. Icant have/bear/stand/endure it anymore. I am fed up with it .)8) Business.事情& 生意。 Mind your own business. It is none of your business. Lets get down to business.Do business. On business. Business.B.文法。1) last week 过去时间的标志词。 扩展:thi

5、s week, next week. Last night. Tonight.I am going to Beijing on business this week.It has rained for 5 days this week.2) went to the theatre went 是 go 的过去式。 Go to + 一个地方例: go to the library go to school go to the school go home go there3) were sitting4) talk loudly looked at the man and the woman an

6、grily. I said angrily. The young man said rudely. 副词修饰动词。5) get angry get 变得 its getting darker outside. In winter, the days get shorter.6) in the end at the end of . in the end, the price and the princess lived together happily forever. At the end ofthe class, I will sing you a song.7 ) 简单陈述句今天早上 我

7、爸爸 为我做了一个汽车模型 在家里 很认真地( 我爸爸今天早上在家里很认真地为我做了一个汽车模型My father made a car model for me carefully at home this morning.)汉语语序:什么人+ 什么时间+ 什么地点+ 怎么样做+ 为什么做+ 做什么英语语序:什么人+ 做什么+ 为什么做+ 怎么做+ 什么地点+ 什么时间找出文章的六要素 last week me, a young man and a young woman the theater they quarreled10、布置作业:摘要写作,39页的选择题,背课文和单词。r三、生词解

8、读 NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSdetective n .侦探detective story 侦探小说airport n .机场airfield n .飞机起落的场地port 港口; airport 航空港field 田 野 ; airfield停机坪at the airporton the airfieldexpect v .期待,等待except除. . 之外expect / ik*spekt/ v .期待, 等待I think so.I expect so.我希望如此 口语expect sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事expect sth.及物动词:I ex

9、pect your letter.I expect you to write back.wait for sth./wait for sb.不及物动词expect:心理上的等待wait for:动作上的等待I wait for my mother.I expect my mother to come back.valuable ad j.贵重的precious ad j.珍贵的value n. valuable adj.有价值的sth.is valuable/sth.is preciousprecious带有感情色彩的precious photo珍贵的照片price价格;priceless a

10、dj.-less表否定;没有价格的,无价的valueless a d j.没有价值,不足道的worth 值:worthless ad j.无价值的parcel n .包裹diamond n .钻石precious stone 宝石crystal 水晶; jade 玉diamond rin g钻石戒指steal v .偷steal,stole,stolensteal sth .偷 ( 某物)rob sb .抢( 某人)My wallet was stolen.I was robbed,rob the bankmain ad j.主要的main building; main streetmain

11、sentence; main idea不与人连用guard n .警戒,守卫life guard 救生员/body guard 保镖stone n .石子sand n .沙子四、精讲课文Detectives were waiting at the airport all ( the) morning.这里detectives第一次出现,且只是强调侦探这类人,所以可以不用冠词。过去进行时( 强调过去某段时间一直在做某事) ,标志性时间状语all the time/day/morningwait for sb./sth. at somewhere; at+小地点,in+大地点2 They were

12、 expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.expect sth.( 心理上的期待) = wait for sth.( 动作上的期待) 。expect sb. to do sth.注意 expect VS except。 valuable 贵重的 VS precious 珍贵的a parcel of. 一包 diamond ( jade, crystal)戴梦得珠宝3 A few hours earlier; someone had told the police that thieves would try to st

13、eal the diamonds.立足点是侦探们等在机场的时间。主句用的过去完成时,从句用的过去将来时。someone不定代词。try to do sth .试图做某事。a few hours ago 现在之前,以现在的时间为基点往前推,用于一般过去时。a few hours earlier比之前更早,以过去的时间为基点往前推,用于过去完成时。When the plane arrived ( 分句 2) , some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building whileothers were waiting on the a

14、irfield ( 分句 1).主句是过去进行时,分句1 是过去进行时,分句2 是一般过去时。w hile后常接进行时( 持续性动词) 。w hen后常接一般时( 瞬时性动词) ,也可接进行时( 持续性动词) 。5 While two detectives were keeping guard at the door; two others opened the parcel.例句: My father is reading newspapers while my mother is cooking.My father was reading newspapers when the telep

15、hone rang.注意:这两个动作同时发生(at the same time) , 但主句动作是想要强调的动作。while还有另外一种用法,表示转折:例句:He is hard-working while his brother is lazy, ( while = whereas)6 Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.这里的off有离开,之意,而且一般是方向向下。彳 列 句 :He kicked the snow off his shoes. She took the pa

16、inting off the wall.the Customs House = the Customs 海关。( 不要漏掉 s) VS 戏装,服装 costumecarry. ( from.) to/into.把某物从某地带往某地7、To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是。固定表达方式。扩展:to ones disappointmentprecious = very valuable 非常珍贵的。be full of = be filled with 装

17、满了stone 可数,sand 不可数。a grain of sand 一粒沙子,a pile of sand 一堆沙子。五、总结与练习1、文化背景:这个小故事中,侦探保住了钻石么?没有。看来小偷们很狡猾( cunning)o你认为这个故事背后到底有什么呢?请随便说。也许是瞒天过海、偷梁换柱、暗度陈仓,也许根本就是个骗局(hoax) ,是有人想跟侦探们开个玩笑(play a joke) 。2、复合句中一般时VS进行时,及连词when、while, a s的用法:两个动作同时发生,被强调的动作放在主句中,另一个放在从句中。(2)when +瞬时性动词( 一般时)/持续性动词( 进行时)while

18、 +持续性动词( 进行时)a s +瞬时性动词( 进行时)11、布置作业:摘要写作,43页的选择题,背课文和单词。r【 前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。10,Lesson 8 - The best and the worst一、教学重点1、词汇:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。2、词汇:跟every相关的复合不定代词。二、教学步骤【 第一节课】1、引入 话 题 ( 详见右框) 。2,引入话题:2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。3,Do you have a garden? How is Joes garden?Have you seen Who else has a fine gar

19、den?gardens? Do you like What prize does the writer always win?gardens? Today, we will4、生词解读,纠正发音。5,learn a story about a5、精讲课文,板书和笔记( 详见下文) 。20,garden competition.6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。2今天我们来讲一个关7 ,找出课文中的比较级和最高级。5,于园艺比赛的小故事。8、详细讲解形容词和副词的比较级和最高级( 详见下文) 。10Lets listen to the audio9、跟every相关的复合不定代词。5,and try

20、to understand10、总结本课重点,让学生标注( 详见上文) 。1,the main idea of the三、生词解读New words and expressions 生词和短语competition Lkompitjjbn n.比赛, 竞赛 (contest)eg. She came first in the beauty competition.她在选美比赛中得了第一名。boxing competition 拳击赛chess competition 棋类赛competition between ( two parties )双方之间的比赛competition with sb

21、 for sth 与竞争,角逐eg. The competition between Joe and Bill for the best garden prize.= Joe competed with Bill for the best garden1 prize.在乔和比尔之间角遂, 最佳花园” 奖的比赛competition between bidders for the valuable paiting 竞争者争夺一幅昂贵油画的竞争compete v. kompi:tcompete against/ with sb 跟. . . 竞争/ 比赛eg. Several companies

22、are competing against each other for the contract.几家公司为取得这项合同互相竞争lions contract单方面的契约. . . 源 自 伊索寓言competitor kometito n .竞争者,比赛者,对手eg. This firm provides better service than its competitors.这家公司相比对手来说提供更好的服务。competitive kametitiv adj.竞争的, 竞争性的competitive spirit竞争心,竞争意识competent kompitont adj.有能力的co

23、mpetence kompitons n. 能力eg. She is competent for (doing) the task.她能胜任这项工作。or: She is competent to do the task.neat adj,整齐的,整洁的,有序的a neat room 一间整洁的房间a neat garden 一个整齐有序的花园a neat road 一条整洁的小路a neat writing书写工整clean adj.干净的,无杂质的clean hands干净的双手clean a ir清洁的空气a clean room 一间干净的房间tidy整洁的,整齐的,用法类似于neat

24、neat adj. ( 口语) 纯的,不掺水的,没有杂质的( 美语用straight来表达)a neat whisky 纯威士忌eg. Thafs neat! ( Thats great!) 太棒了 !path ( footpath ) 市镇中间,住宅之间或田野中穿越田地,沿路有标志的人行道lane1 )乡间小径a narrow country lane 乡村小路2)各自的跑道( 田径场上),保龄球球道3) overtaking lane ( 高速公路上的)超车道road路,道路,公路country road乡村小路by road = by car or by bus表示“ 坐车” 这种交通方

25、式eg. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。track1) ( 走得多而形成的)路;跑道;轨道track events径赛项目a single track 单轨a double track 双轨2) ( 车辆、人、动物等行走时留下的)踪迹,足迹,痕迹tire tracks轮胎的轨迹keep track of sb/sth与某人/ 某事保持联系on the right track 做得对track and field 田径赛be on the track of a person 追赶,追踪某人street街,街 道 ( 美国指东西走向的街道)eg. His addre

26、ss is 155 Smith Street.他的地址是史密斯大街 155 号。avenue faevinju:大 街 ( 美国指南北走向街道);林荫大道( Br.)The Fifth avenue 第五大道wooden adj.木头的wood1)木,木 材 ( 不可数名词)eg. Tables are usually made of wood,桌子通常是由木头制成的。2) woods森 林 ( 不如forest大)go for a walk in the woods 在森林中散步3) 柴禾 firewood; chop woodeg. Cannot see the wood for the

27、trees.只见树木,不见森林。knock on the wood ( touch wood)西方人的一种迷信,说完好运后,敲木头,以免好运溜走。wooden a d j.木头的1)木制的a wooden bridge over a p o o l在水池上的一个小木桥2)举止行为僵硬而笨拙的a wooden smile 一个僵硬的微笑a wooden performance 笨拙的表演wooden spoon最后一名,末等奖eg. I get the wooden spoon in the Nicest Garden Competition1 every year.每年我在 最佳花园赛” 中都

28、得最后一名,末等奖。bom with a silver spoon in ones mouth 生于富贵之家w oody木材的,木质的,像木头的pool1)水池,水坑,水塘swimming pool 游泳池pond池 塘 ( 尤指供牲口饮水或作为花园之装饰)a fish pond养鱼池lake 湖2)合伙投资eg. We bought a computer by the pool.我们合伙买了 一台电脑。四、精讲课文Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.beautiful-more beautiful-the most be

29、autiful;【 多音节词】the + 形容词的最高级】2 Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time.nice-nicerthe nicest;【 单音节词】【 the + 形容词的最高级】nearly = almost 几乎。 everybody 看作三单。 each = every 每一个。 everytime 每次。enter for 报名参力口。 例句:He entered for marathon last year. Shell ente

30、r for a beauty contest.3、Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes ( garden) .Iargelargerthe largest;【 单音节词】【 形容词的比较级+ than4、 Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting,hard-harder-hardest;【 单音节词】【 副词的比较级+ thanmany-more-themost;【 不规则变化】【 形容词的比较

31、级】interesting-more interesting-the most interesting; 多音节词】【 形容词的比较级】grow 种植,培 育 ( 及物动词) 。例:grow plants, grow ricegrow 生长,成长( 不及物动词) 。例:The flowers grow well. He has grown up.5、He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.neat = tidy VS clean ; path VS road ; wooden VS golden ; po

32、ol VS Liverpoolover 在. . . 上面,横跨. (above and across from one side to the other)彳 列 句 :He jumped over the river. The bird flew over the field.6 I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work.这里的hard是个形容词。work是不可数名词。hard work n. VS work hard v. VS hard-working adj.7、Every year I enter for the garden

33、competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden inthe town!win + 比赛/ 奖品: win the game, win a prize (for.)beat/defeat + 对手:I beat you. The Rocket defeated the Lakers.bad-worse-theworst;【 不规则变化】【 形容词的最高级】little小的, 微不足道的。例句:a little present五、总结与练习1、文化背景:在英美许多国家,花园是居住品质的重要部分,前 花 园

34、(frontgarden),后 花 园(backgarden)。很多西方人都很喜欢园艺(the art of gardening),在花园里喝下午茶(afternoon te a ),或者开个派对 (have a garden party)02、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级: 概念:比较级用于两者作比较;最高级用于三者或三者以上作比较( 通常有范围of/in)。 变化规则:( 1 ) 规则变化:形容词和副词的变化规则相似,只是形容词最高级前一般加the而副词不用。一般情况+er/est: hard-harder-hardest, nice-nicer-nicest以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节

35、,双写该辅音字母+er/est: big-bigger-biggest以辅音字母+y 结尾的,y-i+er/est: lazy-lazier-laziest, heavy-heavier-heaviest多音节及某些双音节词,+more/most:difficult-more difficult-most difficult, tired-more tired-most tired(2 ) 不规则变化:( 好坏、多少、远老)good/well-better-best, bad/ill/badly-worse-worst, many/much-more-most, few/little-less

36、-leastfar-farther/further-farthest/furthest, old-older/elder-oldest/eldest 固定句型:( 1 ) 形容词 原级:He is as tall as me.He is not as/so tall as me.比较级:He is taller than me.He is the taller of the two boys.Our country is getting stronger and stronger.The more, the better.The more difficult the problem is, t

37、he more careful we should be.最高级:He is the tallest of the three boys. = He is taller than the other two boys.He is one of the tallest boys in our class.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.( 2 ) 副词原级:Tom runs as fast as Jack.Tom doesnt run as/so fast as Jack.They ran away as fast as

38、 possible.比较级:Tom runs faster than Jack.Tom runs faster and faster.The harder you work, the better you will learn.最高级:Tom runs fastest in the team.He talks (the) least and does (the) most in his class.X更多例句:He has read more books than I do.This is a much nicer hotel than that one.Of all the school subjects I like English the best.This is the funniest joke Ive ever heard.This restaurant is less expensive than that one.3、复合不定代词总表:-one-body-thing口 泳;ome-;omeone;omebodysomethingany-anyoneanybodyanythingjvery-jveryoneiverybodyjverythingno-no one /nobodynothingnone【 前 10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。10



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