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1、Lesson 31 & 3224/08/2024gardenpark自家花园自家花园公共地方公共地方构词法构词法构词法构词法garden gardening(garden gardening(garden gardening(garden gardening(园艺)园艺)园艺)园艺) bank bankingbank bankingbank bankingbank banking(银行业)(银行业)(银行业)(银行业) house housinghouse housinghouse housinghouse housing(住房)(住房)(住房)(住房)224/08/2024treegrass

2、leavesunder(树叶,果实树叶,果实)on the tree 长在树上长在树上(人,动物人,动物)in the tree 落在树上落在树上keep off the grass 勿践踏草地勿践踏草地 on the grass 在草地上在草地上324/08/2024catdogbird It rains cats and dogs. = It rains heavily.倾倾盆大雨。盆大雨。Youd better stay at home now, it is raining cats and dogs outside.你现在最好呆在你现在最好呆在家,外面倾盆大雨家,外面倾盆大雨.424/

3、08/2024letterbasketbonetoothteethmilktap524/08/2024meal 饭,一顿饭饭,一顿饭breakfastsupperlunchdinner 正餐正餐 吃吃吃吃餐餐餐餐have eathave eat624/08/2024climbacrosswalkm是鼻音,而是鼻音,而b是爆破音,爆破音失去是爆破音,爆破音失去爆破。爆破。 climb the hill 爬山爬山 climb the tree 爬树爬树vt. 跑,经营跑,经营,管理管理(跑生意,跑买卖)run after 追逐追逐run the business 经营生意经营生意。He runs

4、a school. 他经营着一所学校。runacross 表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过run across 跑着横穿过跑着横穿过swim across the river 横游过河横游过河walk across the street 横穿过街道横穿过街道和和through的区别的区别through表示在物体内部穿过表示在物体内部穿过walk through the forest 走着穿过森林走着穿过森林724/08/2024typeeatcookdrinkbrushwashclean824/08/20241 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

5、07 8 9 1011111212924/08/2024100 2000 103 4014100 2000 103 4014100,000 40,000 14,000 1,300 3,100100,000 40,000 14,000 1,300 3,1001024/08/2024Listening1.Where is Sally?2.Who is climbing the tree?3.Whats the dog doing?1124/08/2024 TextWheres Sally, Jack?Shes in the garden, Jean.Whats she doing?Shes sit

6、ting under the tree.Is Tim in the garden, too? Yes, he is.Hes climbing the tree. I beg your pardon?Whos climbing the tree? 将此句变成否定句。将此句变成否定句。针对针对he提问。提问。 Tim isnt in the garden, either. Who is climbing the tree?= Pardon?= Sorry? Say it again, please.1224/08/2024 TextTim is.What about the dog? The do

7、gs in the garden, too.Its running across the grass.Its running after a cat. What What about about 用法:用法:后边接人或物后边接人或物或动名词,或动名词,意思是意思是“那关于那关于呢?那呢?那如何呢?如何呢?” ” What about some milk?What about (drinking) a glass of beer?What about = How about Im from China. What/How about you?1324/08/2024Im Watching TV.

8、现现 在在 进进 行行 时时主语主语+be动词动词+动词现在分词动词现在分词BeV-ing1424/08/2024Tomplayfootball.isingLucy is reada book.ing1524/08/20241.含义:含义:2.构成:构成:现在进行时的含义与构成现在进行时的含义与构成He is reading a book.表示说话时表示说话时正在发生正在发生的动作的动作或现阶段或现阶段正在进行正在进行的行为的行为. be + doing (am/is/are+doing) 1624/08/20243. 与现在进行时连用的时间状语:与现在进行时连用的时间状语:at presen

9、t 目前目前;现在现在 at the moment 此刻此刻,现在现在right now 此刻此刻,现在现在;立刻立刻,马上马上 now 现在现在提示语提示语: Look ! Listen !1724/08/2024They watchTVareingLook!Li Ming and Jimplayareingnow.basketball.1824/08/20242.2.否定句:直接在否定句:直接在bebe后加后加not.not. 如:如:I am writI am writinging. . I am I am notnot writ writinging. .现在进行时的句式现在进行时的句

10、式1.1.肯定句肯定句: : 主语主语+be+doing+be+doing+其它其它. . 如如: I : I amam read readinging a book. a book.1924/08/20241.We _( work ) on a farm now.2.Listen! Someone _ (knock) 3. at the door.4.3. Lucy _( not read) at the moment.5.4.Where are they? They _ (run) 6. outside.are working is knockingisnt readingare runn

11、ing2024/08/20243.3.一般疑问句及回答一般疑问句及回答: :问句问句, ,直接把直接把bebe提前提前, ,肯定回答肯定回答: Yes,: Yes,主语主语+be. +be. 否定回答否定回答: No,: No,主语主语+be+not.+be+not.-Are you draw-Are you drawinging ? ?-Yes,I am./No, Im not.-Yes,I am./No, Im not.2124/08/2024动词变成现在分词的方法:动词变成现在分词的方法:1. 直接直接+ing: reading listening cleaning drinking w

12、rite-writing make-making give-giving havehaving come-coming3. 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写这个辅以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写这个辅音字母音字母+ing:getting letting running putting beginning2. 以不发音以不发音e结尾的动词,去结尾的动词,去e+ing:2224/08/20244. 以以ie结尾的动词,把结尾的动词,把ie变成变成y再加再加-ing lie - lying tie - tying die - dying2324/08/2024 练

13、习练习1.1.写出下列动词的写出下列动词的inging 形式形式. .1.help_ 1.help_ e_e_3.swim_ 3.swim_ 4.eat_4.eat_5.give_ 5.give_ 6.find_6.find_7.sit _ 7.sit _ 8.write8.write_helpinghelpingcomingcomingswimmingswimmingeattingeattinggivinggivingfindingfindingsittingsittingwritingwriting2424/08/2024What is he doing?He is typing.Is h

14、e typing?Yes, he is.Whats he doing?He is cleaning the window.Is he typing?No, he isnt.He is typing.He is cleaning the window.2524/08/2024Mr.Yang is cooking a meal.They are cleaning their teeth.Mr.Wang is putting on his coat.2624/08/2024he shutTim take offchildren cleandog eat2724/08/2024She is readi

15、ng under the tree.变否定句:变一般疑问句:回答:针对she提问:针对under the tree提问:针对is reading提问:She is not reading under the tree.Is she reading under the tree?Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.Who is reading under the tree?Where is she reading?What is she doing under the tree?2824/08/2024一用所给动词的适当形式填空一用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look! Th

16、e cat_(run)up the tree.2.The twins_ (have)breakfast.3.-_he _ (clean) the blackboard? -No,he isnt.4.Tom _ (play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.5.Listen! They_ (sing)in the classroom.is runningis runningare havingare havingIsIs cleaningcleaning is playingis playing are singingare si

17、nging2924/08/2024用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空6.Its 6 oclock in the morning. They_ ( have) their breakfast. 7.My father is over there. He _ (clean) his car.8. -Can I speak to Mr Smith ? -Im afraid not(恐怕不行恐怕不行). He_ (have) a meeting at the moment.9. Look! Some students _(run) there.10. What _the boys and

18、 girls _(do) there? are havingis cleaning is havingare runningaredoing3024/08/20241、我的妈妈正在做早饭。、我的妈妈正在做早饭。 My mother is making breakfast.、他正在弹吉他吗?、他正在弹吉他吗? Is he playing the guitar?、她不在拉小提琴。、她不在拉小提琴。 She isnt playing the violin.、她们在干什么?正在打篮球。、她们在干什么?正在打篮球。 What are they doing? They are playing basketball.、Lucy 和和Mary正在打排球。正在打排球。Lucy and Mary are playing volleyball.二把下面的汉语翻译成英语31



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