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1、第十四讲第十四讲 八年级八年级(下下) Units 78复习目标导航考点完全攻略同步训练1.task(近义词近义词) n. work/job2waitressn. 男服务生男服务生 waiterv.等候等候 wait3annoyadj. 生气的;恼怒的生气的;恼怒的 annoyedadj. 使生气的;使恼怒的使生气的;使恼怒的 annoying4polite(反义词反义词)adj. impoliteadv. 有有礼貌地;客气地礼貌地;客气地 politely5behaviorv.举止;表现举止;表现 behave12clearlyadj.清楚的清楚的 clear13winnerv. 赢;获胜赢

2、;获胜 win14suggestn. 建议;提议建议;提议 suggestion重重点点短短语记忆1.not at all 1.not at all 一点也不一点也不2 2turn down turn down 把把调低;关小调低;关小3 3right away right away 立刻;马上立刻;马上4 4wait in line wait in line 排队等候排队等候5 5cut in line cut in line 插队插队6 6at first at first 首先首先7 7keep.down keep.down 控制;抑制控制;抑制8 8take care take car

3、e 当心;小心当心;小心重重点点短短语记忆9 9break the rule break the rule 违反规则违反规则1010put out put out 扑灭、熄灭扑灭、熄灭( (火火) );关灯;关灯1111pick.up pick.up 捡起捡起1212fall asleep fall asleep 入睡入睡1313give away give away 赠送;分发赠送;分发1414make progress make progress 取得进步;取得进展取得进步;取得进展1515hear of hear of 听说听说1616take an interest in take a

4、n interest in 对对感兴趣感兴趣1717make friends with make friends with 与与交友交友 重重点点句句型型整整理理1.Would you mind moving your car?1.Would you mind moving your car?2 2Would you mind not playing baseball here?Would you mind not playing baseball here?3 3Could you please wash the dishes?Could you please wash the dishes

5、?4 4Why dont you get her a scarf?Why dont you get her a scarf?5 5What should I get my sister?What should I get my sister?6 6What about a watchWhat about a watch?1.but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. (Unit 7)allow意为意为“允许允许”,具体用法如下:,具体用法如下:allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事允许某人干某

6、事allow doing sth. 允许做某事允许做某事be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事被允许做某事allow sb. sth. allow sth. to sb. 给某人给某人某物;让某人得到某物某物;让某人得到某物My parents wont allow me to stay out late.我的父母不允许我在外面待很晚。我的父母不允许我在外面待很晚。We dont allow smoking here.我们不允许在此吸烟。我们不允许在此吸烟。The students are allowed to design their own uniforms.学生们被允许

7、设计他们自己的校服。学生们被允许设计他们自己的校服。2.it is better to keep your voice down in public places. (Unit 7)(1)Its better to do sth.相当于相当于had better do sth.意为意为“最好干某事最好干某事”。本句。本句也可表达为:也可表达为:youd better keep your voice down in public places。(2)keep.down意为意为“控制;抑制控制;抑制”,与,与keep连用的短语还有:连用的短语还有:keep off意为意为“(使使)离开;离开;(使

8、使)不接近不接近”;keep out意为意为“不让不让进入进入”;keep on意为意为“继续继续(做做某事某事)”等。如:等。如:Keep your dog off the grass.别让你的狗进入草地。别让你的狗进入草地。Keep that dog out of my study.别让别让那条狗进入我的书房。那条狗进入我的书房。It was raining hard,but they kept on working.雨下得很大,雨下得很大,但他们仍继续但他们仍继续工作。工作。【辨析辨析】 voice,sound,noise与与shout四者都可以表示四者都可以表示“声音声音”,区别如下:

9、,区别如下:voice指人的嗓音或说话、唱歌时发出的指人的嗓音或说话、唱歌时发出的声音,也可指鸟鸣声。声音,也可指鸟鸣声。I didnt recognize her voice on the telephone.sound泛指人们听到的大自然的任何泛指人们听到的大自然的任何“声声音音”。可以指人和动物的声音,也可以指物体。可以指人和动物的声音,也可以指物体碰撞发出的声音等。碰撞发出的声音等。Sound travels slower than light.noise指人们不愿听到的、不悦耳的指人们不愿听到的、不悦耳的“噪音噪音”,如嘈杂声、喧哗声、吵闹声等。,如嘈杂声、喧哗声、吵闹声等。Ther

10、e is so much noise in this restaurant,I can hardly hear you talking.这个餐厅太吵了,我几乎听不到你说话。这个餐厅太吵了,我几乎听不到你说话。shout指人或动物的叫喊,也可指予以警指人或动物的叫喊,也可指予以警告或引起注意而发出的叫喊。告或引起注意而发出的叫喊。Suddenly,the patient raised a shout of pain.突然,病人发出痛苦的叫声。突然,病人发出痛苦的叫声。3Later,the same gift may be given away to someone else. 以后,这份礼物或许

11、会被赠送给别人。以后,这份礼物或许会被赠送给别人。(Unit 8)这是一个含有情态动词这是一个含有情态动词may的被动语态的句的被动语态的句子,其中子,其中give away是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“赠赠送;分发送;分发”。如:。如:Mr. Brown often gives away money to the poor.布朗先生经常把钱分给穷人。布朗先生经常把钱分给穷人。【拓展拓展】 give构成的短语:构成的短语:give up 放弃;中止放弃;中止give in让步;让步;屈服屈服give out 分发;发出分发;发出(气体、光、热等气体、光、热等)give back 归还归还M

12、y father has given up drinking.我父我父亲已经戒酒了。亲已经戒酒了。The sun gives out light and heat.太太阳发出光和热。阳发出光和热。4In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.在美国,一些人要求家人和朋友把钱捐给慈在美国,一些人要求家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。善机构而不是给他们买礼物。(Unit 8)rather than是一个并列连词,用法比较

13、复杂,是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下:现归纳如下:rather than与与would连用时,构成连用时,构成“would rather.than.”句式,意为句式,意为“宁愿宁愿而不愿而不愿”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。如:如:I would rather stay at home than go I would rather stay at home than go to the park.to the park.我宁愿待在家里,也不愿去公园。我宁愿待在家里,也不愿去公园。rather than不与不与would连用时,表示客连用时

14、,表示客观事实,意为观事实,意为“是是而不是而不是;与其;与其不如不如”。它连接的并列成分可以是。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语短语)、动名词、动名词、分句、不定式等。如:分句、不定式等。如:He is an explorer rather than a sailor.与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。者。rather than后可跟带后可跟带to或不带或不带to的不定式。的不定式。rather than连接两个名词或代词作主连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与语时,谓语动词应与rather tha

15、n前面的前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。如:名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。如:You rather than I are going to the zoo. 是你而不是我要去动物园。是你而不是我要去动物园。5Instead,making a meal is enough. 相反,做顿饭已经足够了。相反,做顿饭已经足够了。 (Unit 8)instead adv. 意为意为“代替;取而代代替;取而代之的是之的是”,在句中充当状语,常用在,在句中充当状语,常用在句末。如:句末。如:He didnt travel to Dalian,but went to Hangzhou instead.

16、他没有去大连旅行,反而去了杭州。他没有去大连旅行,反而去了杭州。【辨析辨析】 instead与与instead ofinstead意为意为“代替代替”,是副词。在句中作,是副词。在句中作状语,通常位于句尾。位于句首时常用逗号状语,通常位于句尾。位于句首时常用逗号与后面隔开,在顺接句子中作与后面隔开,在顺接句子中作“代替代替”讲,而讲,而在转折句子中作在转折句子中作“然而然而”讲。讲。instead of是介词短语,其后要接名词、是介词短语,其后要接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。用代词、动名词作宾语。用instead of时,时,of后面的事情是不去做的。后面的事情是不去做的。He is too t

17、ired to go;let me go instead. 他太累了,去不了,让我去吧。他太累了,去不了,让我去吧。We went there on foot instead of taking a bus.我们没乘公交车,而是步行去了那儿。我们没乘公交车,而是步行去了那儿。有时二者可以进行转换。如:有时二者可以进行转换。如:She went swimming instead of playing tennis.She didnt play tennis. She went swimming instead.她去游泳了,而没有打网球。她去游泳了,而没有打网球。6This kind of con

18、test encourages people in China to speak English.这这种比赛鼓励中国人讲英语。种比赛鼓励中国人讲英语。(Unit 8)encourage sb. to do sth.意为意为“鼓励某鼓励某人干某事人干某事”。如:。如:Peter,my English teacher,never fails to encourage us to study hard.我的英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好我的英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好学习。学习。【拓展拓展】 courage n勇气;胆量;勇气;胆量;encouraged adj.受鼓舞的;受鼓舞的;encoura

19、ging adj.鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的encourage sb. in sth.在某方面鼓励在某方面鼓励某人某人My parents always encourage me in my study.八年级下八年级下(78单元单元)(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)基础知识过关基础知识过关一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(8(8分分) )1 1It is p_ to say It is p_ to say “PleasePlease” when you ask for when you ask for something.something

20、.2 2Whats the difference between the AWhats the difference between the A_ elephants and elephants and African elephants?African elephants?3 3I can not I can not a a_youyou to do that. to do that.4 4Be cBe c_ that you dont drop it. that you dont drop it.5 5This letter is This letter is p_p_, ,_and_an

21、d I dont want anyone else to I dont want anyone else to read it.read it.politeAsianallowcarefulpersonal6 6Is there anything sIs there anything s_ in the papers today? in the papers today?7 7We rWe r_ much help from our teacher. much help from our teacher.8 8I cant decide which one to cI cant decide

22、which one to c_. .二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子(14(14分分) )1 1她请求邻居把收音机关小点声。她请求邻居把收音机关小点声。She asked her neighbor to She asked her neighbor to _ _ the radio. the radio.2 2孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。The children The children _ _ many sea shells at the seashore. many sea shells at the seashore.3 3起初我不知道怎样做,但渐

23、渐地我就习惯了。起初我不知道怎样做,但渐渐地我就习惯了。specialreceivedchooseturn down picked up_ _ _ I didnt know how to do it. By and by I have got I didnt know how to do it. By and by I have got used to it.used to it.4 4我们得谨慎,免得让人听见。我们得谨慎,免得让人听见。We must We must _ _ to let nobody hear about this. to let nobody hear about thi

24、s.5 5我从来没听过这样的事。我从来没听过这样的事。I never I never _ such a thing. such a thing.6 6这位老教师把他的全部藏书捐送给了学校。这位老教师把他的全部藏书捐送给了学校。The old teacher The old teacher _ all his books to the school. all his books to the school.7 7他太累,在汽车里睡着了。他太累,在汽车里睡着了。He was so tired that he He was so tired that he _ in the car. in the

25、car.At first take careheard of gave awayfell asleep三、句型转换三、句型转换(10(10分分) )1 1Could you pick up the paperCould you pick up the paper?( (改为同义句改为同义句) )_ up the paper? up the paper?2 2Would you mind wearing that old hatWould you mind wearing that old hat?( (改为否定句改为否定句) )Would you mind Would you mind _ t

26、hat old hat? that old hat?3 3Why dont you get her a scarfWhy dont you get her a scarf?( (改为同义句改为同义句) )_ get her a scarf? get her a scarf?4 4I should get my mother I should get my mother somesome_ _flowersflowers on Mothers Day.( on Mothers Day.(就画就画线部分提问线部分提问) )_ you you _ your mother on Mothers Day

27、? your mother on Mothers Day?Would you mind pickingnot wearingWhy notWhat shouldget5 5Betty was so angry that she couldnt say a word.(Betty was so angry that she couldnt say a word.(改为同义改为同义句句) )Betty was Betty was _ angry angry _ say a word. say a word.综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )1 1Would yo

28、u mind my smoking here?Would you mind my smoking here?_ Its not allowed here._ Its not allowed here.A AOf course not. BOf course not. BBetter not.Better not.C CYes, please. DYes, please. DNo, not at all.No, not at all.【解析解析】考查交际用语。由答语考查交际用语。由答语“这儿不允许。这儿不允许。”可知,可知,tooto回答是否定的。故用回答是否定的。故用Better not.Be

29、tter not.意思是意思是“最好不要。最好不要。”【答案答案】B B2 2(2011(2011清远清远)I want to watch the basketball match.)I want to watch the basketball match. Would you Would you please _ the TV?please _ the TV?A Aturn on Bturn on Bturn offturn offC Cturn down Dturn down Dturn upturn up【解析解析】考查动词词组辨析。句意为考查动词词组辨析。句意为“我想看篮球赛,请打开电

30、视,好我想看篮球赛,请打开电视,好吗?吗?”“”“打开打开”为为turn onturn on。【答案答案】A A3 3Would you please bring your CDs bought in Hong Kong to Would you please bring your CDs bought in Hong Kong to me tomorrow? Id like to have a look.me tomorrow? Id like to have a look._. I will introduce something to you._. I will introduce so

31、mething to you.A ANot at all BNot at all BNo problemNo problemC CNo way DNo way DNever mindNever mind【解析解析】考查交际用语。由答语考查交际用语。由答语“我将向你作一些介绍。我将向你作一些介绍。”可知,答可知,答语是肯定的,故用语是肯定的,故用No problem.No problem.意为意为“没问题。没问题。”【答案答案】B B4 4This box is _ heavy for me to carry. Can you This box is _ heavy for me to carr

32、y. Can you help me?help me?Certainly. Certainly. A Aso Bso Bmuch much C Cvery Dvery Dtootoo【解析解析】考查考查too.to.too.to.的用法。的用法。too.to.too.to.表示表示“太太而不能而不能”。句意为。句意为“这箱子太重了我搬不动,你能帮我吗?这箱子太重了我搬不动,你能帮我吗?”“”“当然可以。当然可以。”【答案答案】D D5 5Jenny, please _ your young sister carefully.Jenny, please _ your young sister c

33、arefully.OK, Mum.OK, Mum.A Atake after take after B Btake care of take care of C Ctake fromtake from【解析解析】考查固定短语。考查固定短语。take care oftake care of意为意为“照看,照顾照看,照顾”。句意为。句意为“杰尼,请小心照看你的妹妹。杰尼,请小心照看你的妹妹。”“”“好的,妈妈。好的,妈妈。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B6 6(2011(2011贵阳贵阳) )“For your coming vacationFor your coming vacation,w

34、hy _ why _ coming to Guiyangcoming to Guiyang?”“”“Good ideaGood idea!”A Anot consider not consider B Bdont considerdont considerC Cto considerto consider【解析解析】这里考查的是这里考查的是why not dowhy not do结构,结构,B B和和C C选项的结构都是错的。选项的结构都是错的。【答案答案】A A7 7(2011(2011广安广安) )Do you mind my opening the window?Do you mind

35、my opening the window?_.Please do it now._.Please do it now.A AOf course not Of course not B BYesYes,I do I do C CCertainlyCertainly【解析解析】考查情境交际。根据句意考查情境交际。根据句意“我打开窗户你介意吗?我打开窗户你介意吗?”“当然当然不介意。打开就行不介意。打开就行”。A A是委婉的回答。是委婉的回答。【答案答案】A A8 8(2011(2011安顺安顺) )Dinner is ready.Dinner is ready. Help yourself!He

36、lp yourself!WowWow!It _ delicious.It _ delicious. Could you please tell me how Could you please tell me how to cook it?to cook it?A Atastes Btastes Blooks Clooks Csounds Dsounds Dfeelsfeels【解析解析】考查词义辨析。根据句意考查词义辨析。根据句意“你能告诉我怎样做的吗?你能告诉我怎样做的吗?”说明说明它应该尝起来非常美味。它应该尝起来非常美味。【答案答案】A A9 9_ listening and speak

37、ing more, we have many other _ listening and speaking more, we have many other ways to improve our English.ways to improve our English.A ABesides BBesides BExcept CExcept CBut DBut DForFor【解析解析】考查词义辨析。考查词义辨析。besidesbesides“除了除了之外,还有之外,还有”;exceptexcept“除了除了”,butbut“但是但是”;forfor“为了为了”。故选。故选A A。【答案答案】A

38、 A1010(2011(2011哈尔滨哈尔滨)English people cant give up hamburgers or )English people cant give up hamburgers or fried chicken because theyre delicious.fried chicken because theyre delicious. HoweverHowever,the French are the French are changing.changing. They arent interested in _ food like before.They

39、arent interested in _ food like before.A Afast Bfast Bhealthy Chealthy Cnaturalnatural【解析解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为考查形容词辨析。句意为“英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,因英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,因为它们非常美味。而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前那样对快餐感兴趣了。为它们非常美味。而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前那样对快餐感兴趣了。”故选故选A A。【答案答案】A A二、完形填空二、完形填空(30(30分分) )(2011(2011宁波宁波)When I was about 12 years old)When

40、I was about 12 years old,I really wanted a I really wanted a new bikenew bike!I _I _1 1_ my parents my birthday wish_ my parents my birthday wish,but I knew there but I knew there was little hope because my family could _was little hope because my family could _2 2_ have that money._ have that money

41、.On my birthday my parents told me they had my _On my birthday my parents told me they had my _3 3_ outside _ outside in the backyard.in the backyard. At once I _At once I _4 4_ out to the yard._ out to the yard.lovelove,it doesnt matter what it is in fact.it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What m

42、atters is the What matters is the love that is in it.love that is in it. I like to remember this _I like to remember this _1414_ because giving _ because giving a gift is not about money.a gift is not about money. Its about how much love you can feel Its about how much love you can feel from it.from

43、 it. Do rememberDo remember,a gift that _a gift that _1515_ two dollars isnt any _ two dollars isnt any less valuable(less valuable(有价值的有价值的)than one that costs one hundred dollars)than one that costs one hundred dollars,or even more.or even more.1 1A.A. talked Btalked Bspoke Cspoke Csaid Dsaid Dtol

44、dtold【解析解析】本题考查易混动词辨析。本题考查易混动词辨析。talktalk,speakspeak,saysay和和telltell这四个动词中这四个动词中只有只有telltell能跟双宾语。此处句意为能跟双宾语。此处句意为“我告诉了我父母我的生日愿望我告诉了我父母我的生日愿望”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D2 2A.A. hardly Bhardly Bquickly Cquickly Cslowly Dslowly Deasilyeasily【解析解析】本题考查副词的用法。句意为本题考查副词的用法。句意为“但是我知道几乎没有希但是我知道几乎没有希望,因为家里几乎没有买自行车的

45、钱。望,因为家里几乎没有买自行车的钱。”hardlyhardly“几乎不几乎不”,符合句意,符合句意,故选故选A A。【答案答案】A A3 3A.A. guitar Bguitar Bgift Cgift Ccake Dcake Dcardcard【解析解析】句意为句意为“在我生日那天,我的父母告诉我他们给我买了礼物,在我生日那天,我的父母告诉我他们给我买了礼物,放在外面的后院里。放在外面的后院里。”giftgift“礼物礼物”符合题意。符合题意。【答案答案】B B4 4A.A. rushed Brushed Brode Crode Cclimbed Dclimbed Dcamecame【解析

46、解析】因为父母赠给礼物,因为父母赠给礼物,“我我”的心情很激动,所以急切地冲向的心情很激动,所以急切地冲向后院,故选后院,故选A A。【答案答案】A A5 5A.A. and Band Bor Cor Cbut Dbut Dbecausebecause【解析解析】那儿尽管有辆自行车,但却不是那儿尽管有辆自行车,但却不是“我我”理想中的自行车,表理想中的自行车,表转折关系用转折关系用butbut。故选。故选C C。【答案答案】C C6 6A.A. exciting Bexciting Binteresting interesting C Crelaxing Drelaxing Ddisappoi

47、ntingdisappointing【解析解析】那辆又旧又破的自行车不是那辆又旧又破的自行车不是“我我”理想中的自行车,所以理想中的自行车,所以disappointingdisappointing“令人失望的令人失望的”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选D D。【答案答案】D D 7 7A.A. liked Bliked Bhated Chated Churt Dhurt Dthankedthanked【解析解析】联系上下文可知,那辆自行车尽管又旧又破,却满载着父母联系上下文可知,那辆自行车尽管又旧又破,却满载着父母的爱,的爱,“我我”却感到失望,这伤害了却感到失望,这伤害了“我我”父母的感情。故选

48、父母的感情。故选C C。【答案答案】C C8 8A.A. on Bon Bin Cin Cat Dat Dforfor【解析解析】本题考查介词的用法。本题考查介词的用法。on ones faceon ones face是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“在某人脸上在某人脸上”。故选。故选A A。【答案答案】A A 9 9A.A. got in Bgot in Bgot on Cgot on Cgot off Dgot off Dgot upgot up【解析解析】本题考查由本题考查由getget构成的动词短语的用法。构成的动词短语的用法。get inget in“收获,进收获,进入入”;get

49、onget on“上车上车”;get offget off“下车下车”;get upget up“起床,起来起床,起来”。由句。由句意意“我上了那辆旧自行车并骑着它我上了那辆旧自行车并骑着它”可知选可知选B B。【答案答案】B B1010A.A. surprised Bsurprised Bexcited Cexcited Chappy Dhappy Dbadbad【解析解析】本题考查表达人的感受的形容词的用法。因为本题考查表达人的感受的形容词的用法。因为“我我”的失望的失望让父母也感到失望,所以让父母也感到失望,所以“我我”骑在自行车上心情不好,故选骑在自行车上心情不好,故选D D。【答案答

50、案】D D1111A.A. look ahead Blook ahead Blook backlook back C Ccome up Dcome up Dcome downcome down【解析解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。本题考查动词短语辨析。look aheadlook ahead“向前看向前看”;look look backback“向后看向后看”;come upcome up“过来过来”;come downcome down“下来下来”。句意为。句意为“所以所以我带着微笑尽可能快地骑车,头也不回我带着微笑尽可能快地骑车,头也不回”look backlook back符合句意。符合句意

51、。【答案答案】B B1212A.A. anything Banything Bnothingnothing C Csomething Dsomething Deverythingeverything【解析解析】本题考查不定代词的用法。本题考查不定代词的用法。anythinganything“任何东西任何东西/ /事情事情”;nothingnothing“没有东西没有东西/ /事情事情”;somethingsomething“某种东西某种东西/ /事情事情”;everythingeverything“一切东西一切东西/ /事情事情”。由句意。由句意“随着时间的推移,我开始明白我随着时间的推移,我

52、开始明白我父母给了我比一辆生锈的旧自行车更多的东西父母给了我比一辆生锈的旧自行车更多的东西”知选知选C C。【答案答案】C C1313A.A. love Blove Bmoneymoney C Cfriendship Dfriendship Dknowledgeknowledge【解析解析】根据下文根据下文“When you give something out of loveWhen you give something out of love,it it doesnt matter what it is in fact.doesnt matter what it is in fact. W

53、hat matters is the love that What matters is the love that is in it.is in it.”以及以及“Its about how much love you can feel from it.Its about how much love you can feel from it.”可知他们给可知他们给“我我”上了一堂关于爱的生活课,故选上了一堂关于爱的生活课,故选A A。【答案答案】A A1414A.A. idea Bidea Bnews Cnews Cadvice Dadvice Dstorystory【解析解析】本题考查名词

54、词义辨析。根据短文内容可知这是发生在作者本题考查名词词义辨析。根据短文内容可知这是发生在作者生活中的一件事,而不是生活中的一件事,而不是“想法想法”“”“新闻新闻”或或“建议建议”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D1515A.A. spends Bspends Bcosts Ccosts Cpays Dpays Doffersoffers【解析解析】本题考查易混动词辨析。本题考查易混动词辨析。spendspend,costcost,paypay这三个词都有这三个词都有“花费花费”的意思,但只有的意思,但只有costcost的主语是物,有的主语是物,有“价值价值,值,值钱钱”的意的意思,根据

55、句意思,根据句意“一件价值两美元的礼物一件价值两美元的礼物”可知选可知选B B。offeroffer“提供提供”,不符合题意。,不符合题意。【答案答案】B B三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(8(8分分) )(2011(2011温州温州)DIY)DIY,which means Do It Yourselfwhich means Do It Yourself,is quite is quite popular in UK.popular in UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things.Lots of stores and supermarke

56、ts sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.TV programs show people how to DIY.English people like DIY.English people like DIY. There is a saying in UKThere is a saying in UK“An An Englishmans home is his castleEnglishmans home is his castle”Huge numbers of people spend Huge numbers of pe

57、ople spend their holidays making their homes beautifultheir holidays making their homes beautiful “castlescastles”If If there is anything that needs fixing around their housesthere is anything that needs fixing around their houses,such as such as painting the walls or putting in a new showerpainting

58、 the walls or putting in a new shower,they will do the they will do the jobs themselves.jobs themselves. They share DIY experiences with their friends.They share DIY experiences with their friends. More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY.More and more people have discovered the joy of DI

59、Y. Sometimes Sometimes people also DIY for saving money.people also DIY for saving money. With the economic downturn at With the economic downturn at presentpresent,many people can not afford to buy a bigger house.many people can not afford to buy a bigger house. They They are looking at how they ca

60、n make their houses better without are looking at how they can make their houses better without spending a lot of money.spending a lot of money.It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.It is not surprising that DIY is so popular. DIY can be difficult. DIY can be difficult. There is a huge market

61、for DIY There is a huge market for DIY furniture which people need to put together themselves with a furniture which people need to put together themselves with a few basic tools.few basic tools. HoweverHowever,people often find it not easy to people often find it not easy to build a piece of furnit

62、ure because they cant understand the build a piece of furniture because they cant understand the instructions.instructions. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clearSometimes the instructions are simple and clear,but the furniture itself is difficult to build.but the furniture itself is diffic

63、ult to build. One thing is One thing is for surefor sure,though most DIY projects are started with the best though most DIY projects are started with the best intentionsintentions,many of them may not get finished.many of them may not get finished. DIY can also be DIY can also be dangerous.dangerous

64、. For exampleFor example,anything electrical should be doneanything electrical should be doneby a professional worker.by a professional worker. UnluckilyUnluckily,many people dont care many people dont care about this warning and put themselves in danger.about this warning and put themselves in dang

65、er. It is reported It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UKDIY in UK,including 41,000 who fell off ladders.including 41,000 who fell off ladders. Therefore Therefore,DIY can bring us fun a

66、nd help us save moneyDIY can bring us fun and help us save money,but but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if weit is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bitebite offoff moremore thanthan wewe cancan chew.chew. Maybe factories should make products Maybe factories should mak

67、e products that are easier and safer for us to DIY.that are easier and safer for us to DIY.1 1How do many English people spend their holidays according How do many English people spend their holidays according to the passage?to the passage?A AMaking their homes beautiful.Making their homes beautiful

68、.B BVisiting their friends.Visiting their friends.C CTravelling all over the world.Travelling all over the world.D DMaking a lot of money.Making a lot of money.【解析解析】由第二段的第三句由第二段的第三句“Huge numbers of people spend their Huge numbers of people spend their holidays making their homes beautiful holidays

69、making their homes beautiful castlescastles”可知许多英国可知许多英国人利用假期时间使他们的房子变美,故选人利用假期时间使他们的房子变美,故选A A。【答案答案】A A2 2Why do English people like DIY?Why do English people like DIY?A AMany stores sell DIY things.Many stores sell DIY things.B BDIY can bring them fun.DIY can bring them fun.C CTV programs teach t

70、hem to DIY.TV programs teach them to DIY.D DAll DIY projects are easy.All DIY projects are easy.【解析解析】根据第二段中根据第二段中“More and more people have discovered More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY.the joy of DIY.”可以判断英国人喜欢可以判断英国人喜欢DIYDIY的原因是的原因是DIYDIY能给他们带来乐趣。能给他们带来乐趣。故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B3 3What

71、 can we learn from the passage?What can we learn from the passage?A ADIY is a waste of money.DIY is a waste of money.B BIt is always difficult to DIY.It is always difficult to DIY.C CWe should be careful while doing DIY.We should be careful while doing DIY.D DIts very safe for us to DIY.Its very saf

72、e for us to DIY.【解析解析】根据第三段的内容根据第三段的内容“DIY can also be dangerous.DIY can also be dangerous.”和和“It It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UKwhile doing DIY in UK,including 41,000 who fell of

73、f ladders.including 41,000 who fell off ladders.”说说明明DIYDIY有时很危险,我们应当小心。故选有时很危险,我们应当小心。故选C C。【答案答案】C C4 4In the passageIn the passage,“we bite off more than we can chewwe bite off more than we can chew” probably means _.probably means _.A Awe can eat everything we likewe can eat everything we likeB

74、Bwe should do something difficultwe should do something difficultC Cwe do something that is too difficultwe do something that is too difficultD Dwe eat too much food that is not safewe eat too much food that is not safe【解析解析】由最后一段中的句子由最后一段中的句子“.but it is not always as easy .but it is not always as e

75、asy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew.as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer for us to DIY.for us to DIY.”说明说明DIYDIY不总是和想的一样容易

76、,不总是和想的一样容易,我们做的事情有时太难了,故选我们做的事情有时太难了,故选C C。【答案答案】C C四、书面表达四、书面表达(20(20分分) )根据中英文提示词语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑,词数根据中英文提示词语,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑,词数100100左右的文章,所左右的文章,所给英文提示词语必须都用上。给英文提示词语必须都用上。中文提示:保护我们的环境是十分重要的,它有利于我们的身体健康,我中文提示:保护我们的环境是十分重要的,它有利于我们的身体健康,我们仅有一个地球,我们就生存在这个地球上,所以保护环境是我们义不容们仅有一个地球,我们就生存在这个地球上,所以保护环境是我们义不容辞的

77、责任。那么,我们应该做些什么呢?我们该怎么办呢?辞的责任。那么,我们应该做些什么呢?我们该怎么办呢?提示词:提示词:take good care of, important, only one earth, good for, take good care of, important, only one earth, good for, our duty, pick up, rubbish, throw, dustbin, collect, our duty, pick up, rubbish, throw, dustbin, collect, battery, plastic bags, s

78、pit, public placesbattery, plastic bags, spit, public places_Taking good care of our environment is very important Taking good care of our environment is very important because its good for our health. Were living on the earth and because its good for our health. Were living on the earth and we have

79、 only one earth.we have only one earth.What can we do for it? I think we should begin with the What can we do for it? I think we should begin with the following things. We should pick up the rubbish and throw it into following things. We should pick up the rubbish and throw it into a dustbin, and we

80、 should collect waste things like batteries, a dustbin, and we should collect waste things like batteries, plastic bags and so on. We should plant trees and flowers. And we plastic bags and so on. We should plant trees and flowers. And we shouldnt spit in public places or litter waste things anywher

81、e.shouldnt spit in public places or litter waste things anywhere._Its our duty to keep our environment clean. If everyone Its our duty to keep our environment clean. If everyone does such useful things, our environment will become much better.does such useful things, our environment will become much better.



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