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1、如何學英文及唸好英文教科書2 如何培養對英文的興趣如何學英文如何唸英文教科書如何看一般的英文文件或論文讀書的正確態度如何成為明星工程師大 綱3如何培養對英文的興趣閱讀自己有興趣的題材 如喜歡音樂的人看有關音樂的英文書刊, 如喜歡汽車的人看介紹汽車的英文書刊, 一方面增加專門知識,一方面提高英文能力, 一舉兩得.如沒有特別的興趣,則不妨閱讀 英文偵探小說.4如何培養對英文的興趣v看英文笑話或漫畫Everyday thousands of Iraqis queue up at the passport office in the capital, hoping to get away from P

2、resident Saddam Husseins dictatorship and growing economic pain. One day Saddam went for a drive. Seeing the long line outside the passport office, he tells his chauffeur, Stop the car; I want to talk to these people. By the time he alights from his limo, the passport seekers have vanished. What hap

3、pened? Where are they? Saddam demands. A bodyguard explains: Mr. President, when they heard you were applying for a passport to leave the country, they decided to stay after all. 5如何培養對英文的興趣v看英文笑話或漫畫6如何培養對英文的興趣v欣賞時事中一些雋永或幽默的句子或漫畫 Read my ears. George W. Bush, son of former U.S. president George Bush

4、, pleading not to raise taxes should he be elected governor of Texas. 因布希曾經承諾不加稅(Read my lips.),但後來跳票。7如何培養對英文的興趣v欣賞時事中一些雋永或幽默的句子或漫畫 “No one should contemplate force here.”Bill Cliton, U.S. President, on mounting tension across the Taiwan Strait“Our most serious problem, security, would be solved.”P

5、aul Chou, Taiwanese pro-statehood advocate, proposing that the U.S. make Taiwan its 51st state8如何培養對英文的興趣何處去找閱讀資料1. The Taiwan News, The China Post (有雙語學生郵報), Time for Students 。2. Newsweek的Periscope( 一頁), Cyberscope(一頁).3. Time的Verbatim(三分之一頁), Personal Time: Your Technology(一頁).4. 其他9如何學英文You cann

6、ot learn to swim without entering water.You cannot learn English without entering “a world of English”.10如何學英文心態:1.想學的意願(人人可以有)2.肯用全部的精力去學(有些人辦不到)4.有恆心(有的人不多)方法:多聽,多讀,多寫,多說,多想,多記11如何學英文多聽 (聽正常速度的英語)ICRT自由中國之聲的英語廣播各種英語廣播教學節目電影(盡量不要看字幕)1%5%10% 慢慢會進步12如何學英文多讀1.凡是用英文寫的,你看的下去的,都可以閱讀.除非影響到對文章的瞭解,否則不要停下來查生

7、字2.養成每天閱讀的習慣3.可一邊看一邊朗誦4.先澈底把音標發音複習一遍,一定要完全沒有問題5.讀久了,聽力和寫作能力會跟著進步13如何學英文多寫1.寫英文日記(或週記)2.交外國筆友3.用英文寫作業14如何學英文多說1.抓住機會開口說:敢開口是成功的第一步 Broken English is better than no English.2.錄自己朗誦的文章,事後邊聽邊記住缺點, 將唸的不順的地方加強.15如何學英文多想1.培養用英文思考的能力和習慣 隨時把看到的,聽到的,接觸到的在腦海裡用 英文表達出來 (達到能用英文作夢的境界)2.使用英英字典可獲得單字更正確的認識.如dish和plat

8、e 英漢字典都解釋為碟,盤,看不出兩者分 別.看英英字典就清楚了,dish是a large flat vessel from which food is put onto peoples plates16如何學英文多想2. 使用英英字典提升活用能力,如join是參加或加入或聯合 查英英字典才能知其正確的用法(如參加 考試不能用join an exam,兩河交會可用join, River A joins river B at .增加active vocabulary (用來解釋單字的字通常都是常用的字)可提升用英文思考的能力17如何學英文多記1. 記字的用法:用例句或聯想法來記, 如dinosa

9、ur (Jurassic Park), genocide (Schindlers List), gorge (Taroko Gorge is beautiful.) 不管你學到任何一個單字,一定要先用這 個字造幾句和生活有關的句子.換句話說學 英文沒有 背單字這個過程,而是學習用單 字來表達意思. 18如何唸英文教科書1.把握住關鍵字辭(Keywords)和重點2.讀Summary和Review Questions3.自己整理重點4.讀習題,雖然不一定會做,至少要 看懂問題5.試著自己舉例6.秉著一邊學英文,一邊學專業知識的心態7.放棄中譯本8.課前預習,上課專心聽講,不懂馬上 發問,課後複習

10、(趁上課印象還在時)19如何看一般的英文文件或論文1.把握住文章重點 (先看摘要和介紹)是在敘述一個觀念/為何有此觀念和其重要性/影響力和應用是在描述一種現象/現象的由來/觀察力的培養/現象的解釋是在解決一個問題/問題的定義/解決方法為何,輸入輸出是什麼2.試著自己舉例或用自己的話來敘述同樣的事20讀書的正確態度1.讀書是為自己而讀2.讀書是一件快樂的事3.不必對自己苛求完美4.不斷自我超越5.邏輯性的思考6.懷疑和批判的精神7.樂觀和自嘲的態度8.活到老學到老9.掌握最基本的東西10.瞭解變與不變11.欣賞生命中的美好,同情生命中的不幸21如何成為一個明星工程師The stars were

11、not standouts because of what they had in their head but because of how they used what they had.Stars are made, not born.22如何成為一個明星工程師Nine work strategies:1. Blazing trails (閃亮的特質)2. Knowing who knows (知道誰是專家)3. Proactive self-management (積極的自我管理)4. Getting the big picture (抓住大環境的重點)5. The right kin

12、d of followership (懂得如何跟隨)6. Teamwork as joint ownership of a project (團隊精神)7. Small-l leadership (不自大)8. Street smarts (懂得辦公室政治學)9. Show and tell (懂得表現和表達)23如何成為一個明星工程師1. Blazing trails (閃亮的特質)Seeking out responsibility above and beyond job description, while completing your core assignmentundertak

13、ing extra efforts for the benefit of co-workers or the larger groupstepping willingly into gaps between job descriptions where important work often pops upsticking tenaciously to an idea or project and following it through to successful implementation24如何成為一個明星工程師2. Knowing who knows (知道誰是專家)The inf

14、ormation overload of todays society means that few people know all they need to know to get their jobs done. They know maybe 50-80 percent, and until they can make up the deficit, they are stuck.What helps the stars get unstuck is effective networking.25如何成為一個明星工程師3. Proactive self-management (積極的自我

15、管理)Average performers believe self-management means managing time and projects better.Star producers know that much more than time or project management is at stake.Proactively create opportunities, direct work choices, perform extra well on the job, and carve out a career path.26如何成為一個明星工程師4. Getti

16、ng the big picture (抓住大環境的重點)Average performers suffer from tunnel vision. They see the world form their viewpoint only and keep pushing the same points over and over again.Stars, in contrast, step outside their own viewpoint and adopt a variety of perspectives: “How do my customers think about this

17、? What do my competitors think? How about my colleagues? What about top management or the shareholders?”27如何成為一個明星工程師5. The right kind of followership (懂得如何跟隨)Average performers believe that followership means showing managers and co-workers that they know how to toe the line, take orders without qu

18、estion, and not threaten the leader.Star followers support the leader by alerting him or her to trouble spots, by serving as a thoughtful sounding board, or by challenging the leaders decisions.28如何成為一個明星工程師6. Teamwork as joint ownership of a project (團隊精神)Average performers think teamwork means wor

19、king cooperatively with others on a project or problem and doing your part on the team.Star producers take it to a higher level. They are helping everyone feel part of the team, dealing with conflict, and assisting others in solving problems.29如何成為一個明星工程師7. Small-l leadership (不自大)The big secret fro

20、m our star performers is their refusal to assume they know everything about other people.Make a habit of asking first, even when they think they already know.30如何成為一個明星工程師8. Street smarts (懂得辦公室政治學)Any large organization has legitimate competing interests. Organizational savvy enables them to steer

21、their way amid these clashes, to promote cooperation, address conflicts, and get things done. It can involve expertise in managing individual or group dynamics, understanding when to avoid conflicts and when to meet them head on, and knowing how to make allies out of potential enemies.31如何成為一個明星工程師9

22、. Show and tell (懂得表現和表達)Average performers think Show-and-Tell means getting noticed by upper management through slick presentations, long-winded memos, and public displays of affection for their own work. They focus primarily on their image and message, not the audience.Select either the right message for the a particular audience or the right audience for the particular message.32結語忙著讀書的人無暇煩惱,就好像煩惱的人找不出時間讀書。用欣賞英文的角度來唸英文,記英文句子而非背英文單字。每個人都可以成為工作場所的明星,只要有正確的心態。



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