2022-2023学年第一学期九年级英语期末复习专题 阅读理解真题汇编Ⅲ

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《2022-2023学年第一学期九年级英语期末复习专题 阅读理解真题汇编Ⅲ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022-2023学年第一学期九年级英语期末复习专题 阅读理解真题汇编Ⅲ(70页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读理解真题汇编( 3 9篇)I I I学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读单选We all have our favourite music, films or books but which are the most popular ever?The most popular album ( 音乐专辑)Thriller by Michael JacksonAt the time Jackson started writing his best-selling album Thriller, he hoped that his albumwould sell 50 million copies.

2、 He was wrong - it sold over ten million more than that.Even today around 130,000 copies are sold in the USA every year.The most popular classical music_ BeethovensFifth SymphonyBeethovens Fifth SymphonyWhen Beethoven was alive, his Fifth Symphony wasnt his most popular piece of music.But now most p

3、eople know the da da da dah introduction. In the 20th century, the firstfour notes ( 音符) were used by other musicians to make different types of music likehiphop and rock and roll.The most popular novel3CkurLt DiJmsA Tale of Two CitiesMany people think the best-selling book of all time is one of the

4、 Harry Potter books. Itstrue that all the Harry Potter books together have sold about 450 million copies. But themost popular single novel is much older.A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens in 1859 and has sold 250 millioncopies.The most popularThe Shawshank RedemptionThe Shawshank Re

5、demption, directed by Frank Darabont in 1994, didnt make muchmoney at the cinema. It only became popular later on video, DVD and TV. It was based ona book by Stephen King. The writer sold the story for only a dollar.1. The best word for the blank is.A. painting B. film C. poem D. sculpture2. Which o

6、f the following is true?A. Thriller turned out to be more popular than Michael Jackson expected.B. The Fifth Symphony was used in many other music forms by Beethoven.C. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more copies than all the Harry Potter books.D. The Shawshank Redemption made much money as soon as it

7、 came out.3. Which section of a magazine is the passage probably from?A. Sports Time. B. Science Study. C. Culture World. D. Nature Watch.It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. While waiting for my drink, Irealized there were other people in the place, but I sensed loneliness. I

8、saw their bodies, but Icouldnt feel their souls ( 灵魂)because their souls belonged to the Net.I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin,small man sitting in front of it. I am Steve,9, he finally answered after I asked him a coupleof times what his nam

9、e was. I can9t talk with you. Tm busy,“ he said. He was chatting onlineand, at the same time playing a computer game a war game. I was surprised.Why didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried again to speak to that computer geek ( 痴迷者) , but not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, b

10、ut no reaction. I wasunhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor and he shouted, 44Leave me alone., I took afew steps back, wondering if all those people were having a nice conversation with theirmachines, not with people, especially Steve. I wouldnt predict the future of human beings ifthey pref

11、erred sharing their lives with machines instead of with people. I was worried anddeep in my thought. I didnt even realize that the coffee was bad, just as Steve didnt noticethere was a person next to him.4. What does the underlined word “monitor” mean in Chinese?A . 主机 B . 鼠标 C . 检测器 D . 显示器5. Why d

12、idnt Steve want to talk to the writer? Which of the following is WRONG?A. Because he was chatting online. B. Because he was busy at that time.C. Because he thought the writer was ugly. D. Because he was playing a computergame.6. According to the passage, which word can best describe Steve?A. Indiffe

13、rently. B. Generous. C. Patient. D. Polite.We all know there is a problem with plastic pollution. Five trillion plastic bags are used everyyear. One million plastic drinking bottles are bought every minute. What if we could useplastic waste to build roads? This is what Toby McCartney has already don

14、e.In 2019, McCartneys UK-based company, MacRebur, built the worlds first plastic road inElgin town, Scotland. The plastic waste was made into grains ( 颗粒) and then mixed withbitumen ( 沥青) . The road looks just like any other road. But it has improved strength and ismore stretchy ( 有弹性的) thanks to th

15、e plastic.“Our technology can not only help solve the problem of plastic waste but also produce roadsthat deal better with changes in the weather, reducing cracks ( 裂缝) and potholes ( 路面的坑洼) / McCartney told the BBC.McCartneys idea came from a trip to India. I saw people in India would put plastic w

16、asteinto potholes and burn it. The plastic would melt ( 熔化) down and form a seal in the hole,said McCartney.“I knew that there must be some similarities between the plastic and bitumen, which bothcome from oil. Thafs how I started to think about mixing them J he said.“Were just a small part of endin

17、g the plastic problems, but its nice to be part of it,“McCartney said. UI just dont want my daughters to live in a world where there are moreplastics in our oceans than fish.7. Paragraph 1 is written to show that plastic pollution is.A. faster than expected B. better than other pollutionC. a serious

18、 problem D. mostly unknown8. Compared ( 比较) with normal roads, the plastic road.a. is not easy to breakb. is afraid of hot weatherc. is more stretchyd. costs more moneyA. ab B. ac C. be D. bd9. What does McCartney mean in the last paragraph?A. Plastic pollution will soon be solved with his help.B. C

19、hildren should also join to reduce plastic pollution.C. Plastic pollution is becoming more and more serious.D. He is willing to offer help in reducing plastic pollution.Dorothy and her friends were nervous to get out of the forest as soon as they could, so theyhurried along the yellow brick road. It

20、 was not long before they came to a wider river.“What can we do now? Dorothy cried. There isnt a tree tall enough to fall across thisriver.”“Theres no problem,the Scarecrow said. 4tThe Tin Woodman will build a raft ( 木筏)And this is what the Tin Woodman did. And while he was busy making the raft, Dor

21、othyfound some wild fruit and nuts, which she ate hungrily. Then, because it was taking the TinWoodman a long time to finish the raft, Dorothy lay down and went to sleep.The night passed without any problems, and the next morning the small raft was ready.Dorothy sat in the middle with Toto. The lion

22、 stood at one end and nearly made the boat sink( 沉没) because he was so big and heavy. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood at theother end. They both had long poles ( 杆子) that they used to push the raft through the water.At first all went well, but then the river became deep, but the poles couldn

23、t not touch thebottom. The Tin Woodman said, “If we cannot stay near the land and the yellow brick road,the Wicked Witch of the West will use her magic and hurt us.”“And then we wont meet the Wizard, and I wont get any wisdom,the Scarecrow said.“And I wont get a heart, the Tin Woodman said.“And I wo

24、nt get any courage,“ the Lion said.“And P H never get home to Kansas,“ Dorothy said. We must do something.The Scarecrow was able to push the raft to the river bank. Dorothy, Toto, the Lion and the TinWoodman got off. Before the Scarecrow could get off, however, the boat moved away fromthe river bank

25、 and caiTied the Scarecrow down the rivei*.Dorothy said, “P erhaps well meet the raft further down the river. The most important thingnow is to get back to the yellow brick road and continue on our way to the City of Emeralds.”The Lion and the Tin Woodman agreed, and they set off along the river ban

26、k. It was not longbefore they saw the Scarecrow. He was holding onto the pole in the middle of the river. Therewas no sign of the raft.10. What probably happened to Dorothy and her friends before this passage?A. They met the Wizard. B . They met danger in a forest.C. Their dream came true. D. The Wi

27、cked Witch helped them.11. What can we learn from this passage?A. The Tin Woodman wanted to get some wisdom.B. The Lion helped to push the raft to the river bank.C. Dorothy didnt want the Scarecrow to go on with them.D. It was dangerous for Dorothy and her friends to stay far away from the land.12.

28、Which is the correct order of the following things?Dorothy and her friends got off the raft.The Tin Woodman began to build a raft.Dorothy found some wild fruit and nuts to eat.The Scarecrow was carried down the river with the raft.A. B . C. D . 13 . What kind of novel can you infer ( 推断)from the sto

29、ry?A. Romantic fictions. B. Science fictions. C . Growing-up novels. D. Travel novels.Lefs Explore Nature! Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy yoursummer vacation and learn something fun and useful?Here comes your chance! Youth Explorer has prepared you with three-day summerprogr

30、ams full of interesting activities. You will see lots of animals like giraffes, snakes,tigers, lions, etc. You will also talk with staff members of the Fun Zoo to learn about thingslike animal care, animal food, endangered animals and a lot more!Age group: Kids aged 9 to 15P rograms: There are 2 pro

31、grams for you to choose from.P rogram ADates: July 13 to July 15Times: 10:00 a.m.-4 :00 p.m.P rogram BDates: August 4 to August 6Times: 10:00 a.m.-4 :00 p.m.P rice: $23 0 for members; $25 0 for non-membersHow to apply(申请) :Simply come toour center ( Room 16 03 , Rainbow Building) to fill in an appli

32、cation form.Come and join us now! Dont miss this chance!14 . P rogram B starts on.A. July 13 B. July 15 C. August 4D. August 615 . Neither of Davids two children is a member of Youth Explorer. How much should hepay to let them join P rogram A together?A. $23 0. B. $4 6 0. C . $4 80. D. $5 00.16 . In

33、 which part of the newspaper can we find the material?A. Sports. B. Health. C . Culture. D. Holiday.Jazzy new signs in subway stations have been catching the eyes of commuters( 通勤者)inWashington, D. C. Instead of rushing to get on a train, people stop to read poems written bykids.The lighted posters,

34、 called “Metro Muse”, appeared at 10 train stops in the busy city. Ondisplay: 12 thoughtful compositions to celebrate kids creativity and to promote reading.Writer Laurie Stroblas began the District Lines Poetry Project in 1994, hoping to give busriders something better to look at than ads or graffi

35、ti. She had been leading poetry workshopsin public schools, so she asked her students to lend a hand.“The response( 反应)was unbelievable,says Stroblas. Later, she decided to transfer herideas to the buses and picked new poems with the advice of 150 students. Organizationsdonated enough money to keep

36、Metro Muse in subway stations all winter. In spring, a newcrop of poems sprouted( 萌芽)on city buses.What were the poems about? Snow falling, the arrival of a new year, love, fear, and peace.Cindy Rosales, a sixth grade student at Oyster Elementary School, was inspired( 激励)by herfavorite type of music

37、: Kindness is the jazz,“ she wrote. Bring the big jazz in. The bigwhole jazz/5 Like most poets, the kids had mixed feelings about letting the public read theirprivate thoughts. would feel glad that someone read my poem, one girl said. But I wouldfeel sad if they missed their train.17. Where are the

38、poems posted?Reth liked to study ants. He could sit for hours watching thin lines of tiny ants march backA. In the classroom. EC. Subway stations and trains. E18. What are some of the topics of the poems?A. Love, fear, and peace. EC. School tests, and fighting. E19. The District Lines Poetry Project

39、 was_A. started in 1995 EC. ordered to begin by the President E20. Which is the best title of the article?A. The Poetry Pizza EC. Here comes the bus ERL On the school grounds.) . Subway stations and buses.h Death, anger, and war.) . Hope, fear, and rain.k set up by Laurie Stroblas) . first for the p

40、arents and now for the kidsThe Metro Muse) . Kids First一Poetry Secondand forth. He kept a notebook, pencil, and magnifying glass with him so he could watch theants closely and keep notes.The magnifying glass was a great tool. With it, Reth could see theants antennae wave as they marched along. He di

41、d not keep the glass on the ants for too long,though. It focused the sunlight and could burn the ants. Reth took a quick look through theglass. Then he scribbled notes. He wrote down what the ants looked like and what they did.When Reth had enough notes, he went home and looked in his encyclopedia.

42、It told about allkinds of ants, from army ants to fire ants. He compared his notes with the descriptions of antsin the text. Since Reth lived in a suburb, he mostly saw common garden ants. Sometimes hesaw carpenter ants. He hoped to travel to the jungle one day so he could see giant Amazonants, farm

43、er ants, and army ants.One afternoon Reth found a boy named Henry near the anthill. Henry was poking( 戳)at theants with a long stick.Why are you doing that?” Reth asked.“I like to watch them scurry( 急赶)around,“ Henry replied.“If you disturb the ants, Reth said, they wont be able to get the food they

44、 need to theirnest.”“So what?” Henry asked.Reth explained to Henry that ants collected food for their young and the queen, who wereunable to leave the nest. He also let Henry look through his magnifying glass. Then he letHenry read his notes.“Ants are like little people!, Henry exclaimed. Reth took

45、Henry to his house and showed himthe encyclopedia.“These army ants sound really cool, Henry said. He and Reth talked about going to thejungle to see different kinds of ants. From that day on, Reth and Henry watched the antstogether, and Henry had a new respect for the hard-working insects.21. Which

46、word best describes Reth?A. Rude. B. Shy. C. Curious. D. Fearful.22. Where does most of this story take place?A. Near Reths home. B. At Henrys house. C. In the jungle. D. Near theAmazon.23. Which is the main idea of the story?A. Two boys enjoy watching ants march around.B. Two boys plan to go to the

47、 jungle to study ants.C. A boy watches farmer ants and army ants through a magnifying glass.D. One boy enjoys studying ants and helps a friend understand them better.24. How did Henry change from the beginning to the end of the story?A. He had seen ants in the encyclopedia, and then he finally saw t

48、hem in his yard.B. He didnt like ants at first, but he learned about them and became more interested.C. He thought ants were interesting at first, and then he thought they were like silly people.D. He loved watching ants at first, but then he became bored and decided to do somethingelse.The Chacalta

49、ya ski area sits upon a small mountain glacier( 冰河) in Bolivia. Although thearea is less than a kilometer long, it once hosted international ski competitions. In the past tenyears, however, the snow has melted( 融化) very quickly. As Chacaltaya glacier melts, darkrocks are uncovered. These rocks absor

50、b more heat, causing the snow to melt faster. Thecycle seems unstoppable in the long run. Today, the snow is almost gone, and so areChacaltayas days as a popular ski resort.A Global( 全球的) ProblemIn recent years, scientists all around the world have come to a terrifying( 可怕的)conclusion.Global warming

51、 is a real problem, and one largely caused by human activity. Butas experts discuss how to solve the problem, ice in mountains such as Chacaltaya, and nearthe North and South Poles, is melting faster than even the most pessimistic( 悲观fiJ) environmentalists once feared. Ten years ago, scientists warn

52、ed that the Arctic Ocean( 北冰i羊 ) could lose all its ice in about a hundred years. Now, they think it could happen muchsooner. As climate scientist Mark Scrreze puts it, “Reality is exceeding expectations.”Glacier RunThe ice sheet of Greenland is also melting more quickly than scientists predicted. I

53、ts largestoutlet glacier, Jakobshavn Isbra, is moving toward the sea faster than we thought. In fact, theglacier is moving twice as fast as it was in 1995. Rising air and sea temperatures are twowell-known causes. Researchers have also discovered other unexpected processes that causethem to melt fas

54、ter. For instance, water from melting ice runs down cracks( 裂缝) in the glacierand gets between the ice and the rock below. This makes it easier for the glacier to go into thewarmer sea water.Some researchers believe that Greenlands melting if it continues, could add at least a meterto global sea lev

55、els by 2100. If the ice sheet of Antarctica, now largely unaffected( 未受影响的) , begins to melt, the next few centuries could see at least a two-meter rise in sea levels,forcing ten of millions of people out of their homes.Drying OutWhile the melting of glaciers may flood some areas of the Earth, globa

56、l warming is makingthe water disappear from other places. Many scientists think the glaciers of the Himalayasand the Andes could disappear in this century. As a result millions of people in India,Bangladesh. Bolivia and Peru who depend on water from mountain glaciers like Chacaltayacould find themse

57、lves in critical situation. An increasing number of heat waves and droughtsworldwide also suggests global warming is having an influence on humans right now. andthat it could change the face of the world in the future.How can we avoid these terrible consequences( 后果) ? “We have to have a serious and

58、immediate change in attitude( 态度) , “says Laurie David, a producer of the movie Aninconvenient truth, which helped to raise awareness( 意识) of the problem. Many believe thatan attitude of hope makes a good beginning. As most would agree, an informed public isclearly in a better position to help addre

59、ss this critical issue.25. What is the main idea of this reading article?A. Rising temperatures can cause global warming.B. Global warming is causing problems on Earth.C. Scientists are trying to slow the melting of glaciers.D. Global warming is melting ski areas all around the world.26. What does t

60、he underlined sentence Reality is exceeding expectations, mean?A. The Arctic ice melting faster than predicted. B. People having no water to drink in Peru.C. The sun getting hotter than scientists thought.D. Experts solving the global warmingproblem.27. What do some researchers believe will happen b

61、y the year 2100?A. Global sea levels will rise by at least a meter.B. There will be no more ice in the Arctic Ocean.C. The ice sheet of Antarctica will have completely melted.D. There will be fewer heat waves and droughts all over the world.28. Which of the following would Laurie David probably agre

62、e with?A. Global warming is a problem that will fix itself over time.B. The average person cant do much to affect global wanning.C. To stop global warming ,people need to change how they think.D. Global warming will only be a problem many years in the future.Think back to a time in your life when yo

63、u tried something new.When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to seeall the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past, somewalked past and a few wheeled past.I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I

64、 could do it too! The next year Idecided to run for the race, but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles, I was thinking,must be crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking? And at one moment, I said tomys

65、elf “I am never doing this again!”That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged( 慢跑) , I walked, I jogged and walked.At times, I didnt know if I could finish.Near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very fast, and I felt a little embarrassed( 尴尬的)that I was more than 50 years younger t

66、han he and I couldnt even keep up with him. But thenI realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life dowe compare( 比较) ourselves to others when we really shouldnt? I decided that I would notgive up on running races, and that one day I would be one of those 70-y

67、ear-old men who werestill running.As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didnt regret( 后悔) having such anexperience.29. What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?A. He helped old runners.C. He passed out water to the runners.30. Why did the writer join the race?A. He j

68、ust wanted to experience.C. He had practiced running very hard.B. He cheered up the runners.D. He took back the cups from the runners.B. He was crazy about running.D. He wanted very much to win a prize.31. When did a 70-year-old runner run past the writer?A. At the first of the race.B. When he ran f

69、or 5 miles.C. When he ran for about 15 km. D. Near the end of the race.32. How did the writers feeling change after running about 5 miles? He regretted. He encouraged himself. He felt a little embarrassed.A . . B . - C . - D . 33. What is the best title( 标题)of the passage?A. To be No. 1 B. Lefs comp

70、areC - A volunteering job D. Running your own raceLearning How to Learn $ 22Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures will help them understand iteasily and quickly.Basic Study Guidebook $ 36Read this book and learn:What the three barriers ( 障碍)to study are and what to

71、do about them.What to do if you are tired of a subject.Children read it to improve the ability to study.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $ 35Read this book and learn:How to look up words in a dictionary.What the different marks in a dictionary mean.How to use a dictionary to pronoun

72、ce words correctly.Buy this book and help children unlock their education. Whats more, youll just pay 60% for it beforeDecember 20.34. Which book can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject?A. Study Skills for lifeB. Learning How to LearnC. Basic Study Guidebook D. How to Use a Dictionary

73、Picture Bookfor Children35. Many pictures in the book Learning how to learn can.A. make children read slowly B. make children understand the bookeasilyC. make the book boring D. make the children draw beautifully36. According to the ads, the three books are for.A. the old B. parents C. children D. m

74、en37. If you buy the three books on December 2, you will just pay_ for them.A. $93 B. $71 C. $80 D. $7938. The purpose ( 目的)of the three ads is to.A. sell these books to children B. help children use a dictionary topronounce correctlyC. help children learn English D. help children learn about nature

75、When youre going to a new school or going to a party, meeting people and making friendscan be challenging. However, it doesnt have to be so hard. Try a few of these simplesuggestions, and youll be on your way quickly.Listen and Ask QuestionsOther people like to know theyre heard and that their ideas

76、 are valued. By being a goodlistener, you let others know that you value what they have to say and who they are.You can let others know youre paying attention by looking at their eyes from time to timewhile theyre speaking, then asking a question or two about what theyre saying. If theconversation g

77、oes well, ask the person for his or her phone number or email, then make plansto hang out.Give a ComplimentIf you notice something you like about someone, give a compliment. Sharing it with him orher is a great way to start a conversation.When giving a compliment, be honest and true. Even if you com

78、pliment something verysmall, like the colour of the persons shoes, he or she will be very glad to hear it. You mighteven receive a compliment in return.Keep Yourself from TechnologyYou may not notice whos interested in you if you keep checking your email and textmessages. Put away your phone from ti

79、me to time and take a look around. Who seems funnyor interesting? Which person in the room have you never talked to? Who pays attention toyour ideas? Remember these people and spend a little time getting to know these people faceto face.Join a Club or TeamHaving an interest in common with another pe

80、rson gives both of you something to talk about.Clubs, teams and other groups also work toward common goals, which teaches you how tosolve problems and helps you make friends with others.39. How many pieces of advice are mentioned( 提及) in the passage?A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six40. What should you

81、 do when you are listening to other people?A. Just listen to the things I like. B. Look at their eyes from time to time.C. Ask no questions. D. Know their ideas are valued.41. What does the underlined word Compliment“ mean in Chinese?A . 埋怨 B . 评论 C . 赞美 D . 关注42. According to the part Keep Yourself

82、 from Technology, which person should youremember in a party?A. The person who pays no attention to my ideas.B. The person who I have never talked to.C. The person who is not interested in me.D. The person who is always serious.43. Which of the following is the best title ( 标题) for the passage?A. Ho

83、w to make friends B. Where to meet peopleC. When to join a group D. How to join a clubColors from milk In this experiment, a glass ofwater acts like the Earths atmosphere - the air that surrounds ( 围绕)us and the sky over our heads.Fill glass halfway withwater in a darkenedroom, shine flashlighton gl

84、ass from top, sidesand all angles ( 角度) .Does the light change whenneedit goes through the glass? Clear drinking glass Milk, any kind Small spoon Flashlight 导 电 筒 )Add 1/4 teaspoon of milk to water and sf/r ( 搅拌) .MILKWhat doyou see?Shine light on glass from allangles again. 一 Look at the side of th

85、e glass opposite the light, and it looks pink or orange. | Blue light has scattered from the beam( 光线)of light, leaving those colors.When sunlight shines through the atmosphere at sunset and sunrise, it looksreddish ( 葆红的) .The light looks blue when you look |at the side of the glass.Thafs because t

86、he tiny particles( 分子)of milk scatter( 使分散)thelight, making it look blue.Tiny bits of dust and air pollutionin the atmosphere scatter sunlight and make the sky look blue.SOURCE: TNS4 4 . Which of the following is not needed in this experiment?A. Cup.B. Flashlight.C . Spoon.D. Milk.4 5 . The right or

87、der of the experiment is. Add some milk to water and stir. Fill glass halfway with water in the dark.( ) Shine light on glass from all angles again. Shine light on glass from all angles.A . B . C . D . 4 6 . Which statement of the experiment is NOT true?A. The experiment must be done in a darkened p

88、lace.B. Any kind of milk can be used in this experiment.C. The light looks blue when you look at the side of the glass opposite the light.D. The milk in the experiment is like the dust and air pollution in the atmosphere.We all want to live the life we dream of. However, at times, some negative ( 消极

89、的)ideasmay stop us. Hope the following suggestions can help to ignore ( 忽略)those ideas and goahead.Do What We Can ControlOne thing we can control is doing what we can- eating healthily, exercising, reading andgetting enough sleep. Doing the right things can help us achieve the most happiness. Also,

90、itcan make us move on in the right direction. However, we should also accept that there aremany things we cant control.Take Calculated ( 预料到的) RisksSuccess doesnt come without risks. We all have to take risks in life, but try to make surethose risks are calculated. For example, you are working at a

91、job that you hate, and you aredreaming of giving it up and starting your own business. The thought is a . Butone day, you cant stand your job any more, so you leave it even though you havent reallyhad a plan. This is such a big risk that it will probably make you never want to take a riskagain. So j

92、ust start with a small risk.Dont Be Afraid of FailureThomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history. However, he failed many times.Did you know Edison created an electric pen? A ghost machine? Probably not. Well, thatsbecause they were complete failures. But those failures put him one ste

93、p closer to success.Think of failures as milestones ( 里程碑) towards success.47. Which word is the most suitable for ?A. risk B. start C. decision D. sign48. This passage is mainly about .A. how to ignore negative ideas B. how to avoid risksC. how to control ourselves D. how to face failure49. What ca

94、n you learn from the passage?A. We should control everything in our life to achieve happiness.B. Risks cant be avoided, so take small risks instead of big ones.C. Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor in history, failed many times in his life.D. Follow the suggestions, and you are sure to live the li

95、fe you dream of.50. This passage is most probably from a/ an.A. science fictionB. advertisementC. announcementD. magazine国The Hound ofthe BaskervillesO yAnhui GoMnDoylcThat morning, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and Dr. Mortimer in London. But who?We went to Sir Henrys hotel. Holmes asked Dr.

96、 Mortimer if anyone with a black beard ( 胡须)lived in or near Baskerville Hall.“Yes, said Dr. Mortimer, “Barrymore.”“We must send a telegram( 电报)to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskervillesaid Holmes.Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.“OK, said Holmes. But you mustnt go

97、alone. Watson can go with you.”Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday.Holmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charless death, thestrange letter, the missing boot and the black-bearded man. He sat in his room all afternoon,smoking and thinking.Just befor

98、e dinner, a telegram arrived. It said, Barrymore is at Baskerville“That becomes a dead end, Watson. We will have to look fbr another way to go fbrward.Just then the doorbell rang. It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard. Igot a message that you are asking fbr me, he said. Ive ne

99、ver had a complaint. I came hereto ask you what you had against me!“No, no J said Holmes. Instead, Til give you money if you tell me about the man in your cabthis morning. He watched this house at 10:00 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen.The driver looked surprised and then answered, The

100、man said he was a detective and that Ishouldnt tell anyone about him.”“Its serious, my friend, and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answe匚 ”His name,“ saidthe driver, 4was Sherlock Holmes.”Id never seen Holmes more surprised. Then he laughed. He scored against me that time,Watson.”The driver t

101、old us everything he knew. Holmes gave him the money and sent him away. Thisis a dangerous enemy, Watson.”51. The underlined phrase “dead end, in the passage me ans .A. Holmes wanted to give up solving the caseB. the road in front of Baskerville Hall was closedC. the cab driver didnt find his way an

102、d turned roundD. they didnt know who the man with a black beard was52. Which of the following about the cab driver is true?A. He was as dangerous as the black-bearded man.B. He received a complaint from the black-bearded man.C. He didnt know why Holmes asked for him at the beginning.D. He didnt tell

103、 Holmes anything about the black-bearded man.53. Who did he reffer to in the sentence “He scored against me thatA. the cab driver B. the man in the cab C. Sir Henry D. Watson54. The right order of the sentences is.a. Holmes received the telegram.b. The cab driver came to see Holmes.c. Watson was ask

104、ed to go with Sir Henry.d. Holmes was surprised and then laughed.e. Watson and Sir Henry took the 10:30 train.A. c-a-b-d-e B. c-e-a-b-d C. a-b-c-d-e D. a-c-e-b-dOn Nov 8, Wang Yaping, a female taikonaut of Shenzhou XIII mission, became Chinas firstand the worlds 16th female space walker. The expecte

105、d six-month journey in space has leftmany curious about the differences between male and female astronauts, especially in termsof performing extravehicular ( 舱夕卜的)activities ( EVAs) . Despite ( 即使)physical challenges,female astronauts have unique ( 独无二的)advantages.Understanding between astronauts is

106、 very important for carrying out EVAs, which is based onexcellent communication skills. Women are superior ( 更好的)in communication andlanguage expression, and this helps female astronauts do extravehicular activities, accordingto Yang Yuguang, vice chair of Space Transportation Committee of the Inter

107、nationalAstronautical Federation.Men and women are different in body size, which also gives women unique advantages fbrspacewalks. 4Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as women will be able to controltheir weight better and perfbnn a wider variety of tasks,“ Pang told China Daily.Women in

108、general weigh less, eat less food, consume less oxygen ( 氧气) , and thereforerequired less fuel ( 燃料) to get into space. A taikonaut must weigh between 55 kilograms and70 kilograms to fit in the cabin of spacecraft and consume less fuel, according to CGIN.A different body shape requires a different s

109、pacesuit. A tailor-made spacesuit was preparedfor Wangs extravehicular activities, which was lighter than the males. Designers optimizedthe pattern of this spacesuit in the lower limb ( 下肢) area to make it more suitable forastronauts with slimmer figures.According to Pang, many studies have found th

110、at female astronauts are more suitable forspace missions, and have advantages over male astronauts in qualities such as attention todetail and thinking comprehensively ( 全面地) .Men tend to excel in shorter-term, goal-oriented ( 目标导向的) situations while women arebetter in longer-term habitation-type (

111、居住类) circumstances, according to NationalGeographic.Womens participation in EVAs is an integral ( 不可缺少的) part of space missions, and weare witnessing history thanks to Wangs bravery, according to Yang.55. What do we know about Wangs extravehicular activities?A. She is the first ever female space wal

112、ker.B. The mission was planned to show gender equality.C. She perfbnned some tasks that her male partners couldnt do.D. The spacesuit she wore was specially designed.56. What does the underlined word “optimize“ mean in this passage?A. make something better B. make something worseC. make something co

113、lourful D. make something colourless57. Which of the following is an advantage females have over male astronauts?A. Females have better communication skills.B. Females deal with goal-oriented situations better than males.C. Female bodies are stronger and more flexible.D. Females can adapt to space m

114、ore quickly.58. Whats the main idea of the article?A. The challenges female astronauts face during a spacewalk.B. The importance of females doing extravehicular activities.C. The advantages of females doing extravehicular activities.D. The preparations for the females to carry out space mission.Look

115、ing forward to watching a film? Come to Ticket Help!Sheep without a Shepherd118 minutes/Criminal/China 348 thousand want to see 1.38 million have seenWWW*#88% recommendFirst run: 18:00 Dec. 17,2021Top 1 in a week. Total income: 470 million9 . 3 132 thousandreviewsSnacks fbr sale.HengdianCinema(VIPCa

116、rds)BonaCinema (No VIPCards)WandaCinema(VIPCards)Price:34 Specialoffei*:every Friday 50%Price:28 Specialoffer: children under10 for freePrice:38 Specialoffer: everyTuesday 50%11:35, 14:1516:35, 18:5520:05,21:3511:05, 12:5515:40, 17:0510:50, 13:3020:35, 22:3015:10, 17:2019:30, 22:10Services:One hour

117、freeparking, 5 yuan perServices:Parking: 8yuan forServices:the first hour, 3Future Cinema(VIP Cards)Price: 38Special offer: weekda9:30, 11:4014:30, 16:0018:30, 23:00Tips:Free parking.Free ticket changing.Free parking.half hour after that.yuan per half hourafter that.59. How long will it take you to

118、watch the film Sheep without a Shepherd?A. 132 minutes.B. 470 minutes. C. 348 minutes. D. 118 minutes.60. John wants to watch the film at 17:05, which cinema can he go to?A. Wanda Cinema. B. Hengdian Cinema. C. Bona Cinema. D. Future Cinema.61. If Julia wants to see a film at Future Cinema, what can

119、t she enjoy?A. Snacks for sale. B. Free parking.C. 50% ticket price on weekdays. D. Free ticket changing.62. We know from the passage that the film Sheep without a S h e p h e r d .A. will be on show in a week B. is spoken highly ofC. is a documentary on animals D. costs 470 million yuan to makeDuri

120、ng the last few years of his life, my dad lived just up the road from me in a tiny house.He had been alone for over 20 years after losing his wife. His mother had recently passedaway too. He was disabled and retired ( 退休) , so he spent a lot of time alone.Several times a week, though, I would take a

121、 walk up to his house. We would sit in the livingroom, drink tea and talk. It wasnt anything big. We talked about sports, cars, gardening,weather, and enjoyed a laugh over old memories. It wasnt anything too deep. It was just asimple sharing, a connection between a father and a son, an hour spent ju

122、st enjoying eachothers company. Those afternoons remain some of my happiest time spent with my dad. Itallowed us to gently heal ( 治愈) any old wounds we had given each other when I wasgrowing up. It allowed us to silently give each other time and love. It allowed us to growcloser together before he l

123、eft this world.I know that when my own time in this world is done, I will get to spend another aftemoonwith my dad. We will sit, talk, catch up, and quietly enjoy each others company. We willshare all the love we didnt get to share. And we will remember that afternoon forever.If there is one thing t

124、hat I learned from those afternoons, it is this: It is never too late to spendtime with those you love. It is never too late to tell them that you love them. It is never toolate to heal a relationship and mend a hurting heart. Begin today! Spend an afternoon withthose you love and those afternoons w

125、ill become a lifetime.63. What do we know about the authors family from Paragraph 1?A. The author lived far from his dad.B. His dad couldnt talk in voice freely.C. His grandma passed away not long ago.D. His grandma lived with his dad for 20 years.64. When he was visiting his dad, he did lots of thi

126、ngs with him E XCE P T .A. drinking tea in the living room B. laughing happily during the talkC. talking about life and memories D. taking his dad to walk up to his house65. The purpose of Paragraph 3 is written to.A. imagine a beautiful future for his dadB. advise people to spend afternoons nicelyC

127、. show the authors expectations for his childrenD. show that the writer values the time spent with his dad66. What does the author want to tell us?A. There is no need to heal a relationship.B. Spend more time with the ones we love.C. It is never too late to learn to be a parent.D. Dont wait fbr othe

128、rs to mend your hurting heart.Life has a way of shaping us. Life can make you doubt or question your purpose. These arethoughts that I have had in my head fbr many years. Poetry prepares me for my purpose. Mypurpose is poetry.In my journey towards purpose, poetry is my safety net. I started writing

129、at the age of 5. By13,1 had written quite a lot of poems. Poetry was my escape from bullying by my peers ( 同龄人)and teachers when studying in an American country school. They bullied me because ofthe way I looked. This bullying gave me low self-respect. Poetry was my way to be seen, beheard and be kn

130、own.For each important moment in my life, I write poetry. In hard times, I write poetry. I connectwith poetry on a deep level. It helps me out of pain. However, writing poetry cant supportme. So I turned to teaching instead.While living in China, my job is an English teacher. I help teach two classe

131、s. The twoChinese teachers I work with tell me how to teach the students English. The teachers decidewhat I need to do in the classroom. With challenging situations like this, I keep on writingpoetry. I write down my feelings. I draw pictures of the real world. I accept a new me. I learnto think abo

132、ut things with confidence. My relationship with poetry grows over time. Poetrystays in the depths of my soul ( 灵魂) .There is nothing stopping you. The only person standing in your way is you. You have thepower. Keep going. Keep believing. Remember that your hard work is not in vain. Go for it!Your p

133、urpose is waiting for you!67. The author said poetry was her safety net b e c a u s e .A. it helped her out of pain B. it was a way for her to make friendsC. it gave her a sense of achievement D. it made her popular among her peers68. What made the author change herself and think with confidence?A -

134、 The respect from her partner. B. The love from her students.C. The non-stop poetry writing. D. The career of being a teacher.69. The phrase 6n vain” means in the last paragraph.A. necessary B. important C. successful D. useless70. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the author?A. The auth

135、or began writing poetry when she was 5.B. The author used to be bullied by her peers and teachers in America.C. The author moved to China to make more money to publish her poetry.D. The author worked as an English teacher, but she continued writing poetry.71. The best title for this passage can be.A

136、. Work to discover your purpose B. Be brave to face the bullyC. Failure is the mother of success D. Dig up to the depths of your soulOn Nov. 16, seven astronauts on the International Space Station ( ISS) woke up to an alarm ( 警报) . A Russian missile ( 导弹) test had just bombed a satellite into more t

137、han 1,500 pieces ofspace debris ( 残骸) . Some got very close to the ISS.NASA says space debris like this can travel at more than 28,000 km/h. Thafs much fasterthan a bullet ( 子弹) ( about 3,500 km/h) . Even a pea-sized piece of debris could “wipe out” aspace station or kill an astronaut if he or she i

138、s doing a spacewalk, says Live Science.Since the 1950s, humans have sent thousands of rockets and satellites into space. Many arestill there, and we now face an ever-increasing problem of space rubbish. In 2006, forexample, National Geographic reported that a tiny piece of space rubbish hit the ISS,

139、 taking asmall piece of glass out of a window. In June of this year, a piece of debris ran into one of thestations robotic anns, which are just like the arms of a robot, and left a hole.Scientists are trying different ways to deal with the problem. One way is to use a huge net. In2018, the UKs Surve

140、y Space Center caught some space rubbish with a net in an experiment.It first found the debris, and then collected it with a net and a harpoon ( 鱼叉) .Another way is to use robotic arms. Clear Space 1, the European Space Agencys task toclean space rubbish, is going to be sent into space in 2025. It w

141、ill use robotic arms to catchdebris. This plans to throw the debris into Earths atmosphere ( 大气层) , where it will burn upas it falls because of strong friction ( 摩擦) .72. The bomb of the Russian missile mainly causes according to the article.A. plants B. soil C. food D. space debris73. According to

142、NASA, space debris moves as fast as a bullet.A. eight times B. nine times C. seven times D. six times74. What happens to a space station if it gets “wiped out”?A. It gets cleaned. B. It gets rebuilt. C. It gets broken. D. It gets old.75. The best ways to deal with space debris is according to the ar

143、ticle.a. throwing it away into the planetb. throwing it into the sun to burn upc. collecting it with nets and harpoonsd. throwing it into Earths atmosphere to bum upA. adB. cdC. abD. bd76. What can we infer from Paragraph 3-4?A. There is nothing we can do to deal with space debris.B. The astronauts

144、are quite safe in space even there is space debris.C. More and more tasks are failing because we dont want to cause space rubbish.D. Thousands of old rockets and satellites are turning into space rubbish fbr years.Winter holiday is coming! Lets go to visit China Grand Canal Museum.Here is a brochure

145、( 宣传册) of it. Lets have a look.WELCOME TO CHINA GRAND CANAL MUSEUM General introductionThe museum is in the tourist city of Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province. It was open to the publicin June, 2021.The museum which looks like a ship, covers an area of 79,000 square meters. Its displayincludes ancient boo

146、ks, metalwork, paintings and so on. At the museum, visitors can enjoytwo long-term exhibitions( 长期展览) , The Grand Canal-Chinas World Heritage and Born ofTransportation-Impression of Streets Along the Grand Canal. There are also nine themedexhibitions, including Boats on the Canal and Canals and Citi

147、es in the World, which show theChinese wisdom in governance of the country, cultural communication and river technology. Open timeTuesday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.( You need to enter it before 4 p.m.)* Closed on Monday except national holidays. TicketsYou can order the free tickets online with your ID a

148、nd take your ID with you before visitingthe museum. TipsDuring the Covid-19 outbreak, remember to wear masks, show your health code and checkyour temperature actively. Wish you enjoy yourself!77. How many parts does the brochure include?A. 4. B. 5. C. 9. D. 19.78. If Miss Wang wants to enjoy the lon

149、g-term exhibition, she can enj oy.A. Boats on the CanalB. The Grand Canal-Chinas WorldHeritageC. River Technology D. Canals Culture and Cities in the World79. If you want to visit it during the holiday, when is suitable?A. At 6 p.m. on Tuesday. B. At 7 a.m. on Wednesday.C. At 8 p.m. on Thursday. D.

150、At 10 a.m. on Friday.Ned wanted to escape( 逃跑) from the Nautilus while we were in the Mediterranean.However, he had no chance. The submarine mostly stayed deep under the water. Conseil and Isaw very few fish or sea animals because the Nautilus went too fast.Ned came to my room. Tonight! he said.“Ton

151、ight?” I was not ready for this.“Tonight J he repeated.“We are a few miles off the Spanish coast. It will be dark, and the wind is blowing in the rightdirection. Dr. Aronnax, you agreed to escape with me. Remember your promise!?, I saidnothing.“At nine o,clock, continued Ned, “I will go with Conseil

152、. You will wait in the library fbr oursignal. Everything is ready!”“The sea is quite rough( 汹涌的) J I said.“Yes, but if we dont go tonight, we will have no chance!?, I was sad, but I knew that he wasright. I was also afraid. What would Captain Nemo do if he discovered our plan, or if wefailed? Now, I

153、 did not want to see him. He might notice that I was nervous. I stayed in myroom as the hours slowly passed.At seven oclock, I had dinner in my room. Only two hours to go! I was so nervous that I feltsick. And I went to see the museum one last time before leaving here.It was eight oclock, I dressed

154、in my waterproof clothes and boots and went to the darklibrary. I waited fbr Neds signal6言 号) . As I waited, the Nautilus stopped and I felt a bump asthe submarine came to rest on the ocean floor.Ned Land told me the next day, “We were unlucky. Perhaps we can try again tonight.But the Nautilus was g

155、oing away from the land. Escape was impossible.-Taken from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea80. Conseil and Dr. Aronnax could not see any fish or sea animals b e c a u s e .A. the Nautilus moved so fastB. there were nothing under the seaC. it was dark and deep outside D. they were busy talking with each

156、other81. How did Dr. Aronnax feel after talking with Ned about escape?A. He felt excited and sick. B. He felt nervous and hopeful.C. He felt hopeful and sick. D. He felt afraid and nervous.82. Which is the correct order of the following events?a. Dr. Aronnax wanted to see the museum one last time be

157、fore their escape.b. Ned Land came to tell Dr. Aronnax the plan of escape tonight.c. The Nautilus stopped when Dr. Aronnax waited for Neds signal.d. Dr. Aronnax couldnt calm down and stayed in his room as time passed.A. b-a-c-d B. b-d-a-c C. c-b-d-a D. d-b-a-c83. The best title for the passage could

158、 be.A. A Visit to the Museum B. A Plan to EscapeC. A Promise to Stay Here D. A Journey to LandHave you ever wished you could change something about your body? If so, youre not alone.Many people use apps like Meitu Xiuxiu to improve photos before posting them on socialmedia. Some teenagers are even h

159、aving plastic surgery ( 整容)at an early age. Zeng, a senior2 student from Chengdu, had a double eyelid surgery done this summer. She and many of herclassmales believe bigger eyes look more beautiful.As teenagers9 bodies grow and change, . They are very woiTied about it. This canbe harmful to their he

160、alth. According to Huxiu News, over 60 percent of girls refuse to takepart in some daily activities such as going to school, because they feel bad about their looks.As much as 31 percent of teenagers do not want to speak up in class because they worry thatothers will notice their looks.One of the ma

161、in causes is advertising, TV shows and social media. Pictures of “perfect facesand bodies are everywhere. They suggest that having large eyes, pale skin and skinny bodiesis the only way to be beautiful. Magazines give tips about how to lose weight “in days”.Advertisements suggest that you should whi

162、ten your skin using certain products. And TVshows often make fun of overweight characters. Seeing these can make people believe thatthey should change their bodies.So what should we do? According to Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Media School, UWe need tohelp young people in many ways. These ways can i

163、nclude educating students about bodyconfidence in school, as well as encouraging parents to talk to their kids about his topic. Afterall, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Etcoff said.84. The writer gave the example of Zeng in Paragraph 2 to tell us that.A. everyone should do something to be mor

164、e beautifulB. we should think twice about having plastic surgeryC. some teenagers cares too much about their appearancesD. there is a new way to change something about our bodies85. Which of the sentence can be put in ”?A. they are more likely to have a lot of teenage problemsB. they are not willing

165、 to tell their parents about their worriesC. They are often green with envy that others have perfect facesD. they pay attention to even the smallest weakness in their looks86. The word “these in Paragraph 4 refers to. pictures of “perfect“ faces and bodies tips about losing weight quickly() ads of p

166、roducts that make skin whiter ads of all kinds of plastic surgery people being laughed at because of being fatA . B . C . D . 87. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. There may be courses about body confidence in school.B. Etcoff will have a talk on being confident and beautiful.C. More teen

167、agers will take action to change their bodies.D. Its hard for parents to talk to their kids about the topic.Have you heard that humans only use 10 percent of their brain power, and that if you couldunlock the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more? A 2020 study showed thatabout 65 percen

168、t of Americans believe the idea. But it is wrong!Scientists have shown that humans use their brain throughout each day and every part of thebrain is necessary for our daily functioning( 功能) , whether ifs about colors or problemsolving. Research has not find a brain area that is completely inactive,

169、even during simpleactivities. Many brain imaging studies show how different parts of the brain work togetherwhen a person is doing a task.However, some brain images seem to support the 10 percent idea, because they often showsmall bright spots on a gray brain. This may suggest that only the bright s

170、pots have brainactivity, but that isnt the case. Those bright spots represent brain areas that are more activewhen someones doing a task compared to when theyre not. The gray spots are still active,just to a lower level.A more direct counter to the 10 percent idea lies in people who have suffered br

171、ain damage.These people can no longer do as a result of that damage, or can still do just as well. If the 10percent idea were true, damage to 90 percent of the brain wouldnt affect daily life. Yetstudies show that damaging even a very small part of the brain may make people disabled oreven dead.The

172、main power of the 10 percent wrong idea is that you could do so much more if only youcould unlock the rest of your brain. It5s unclear how the myth spread in the first place, but ithas been popular on self-improvement books, which tell you that you can do better.88. How did the writer introduce the

173、topic of the passage?A. By giving examples. B. By listing data( 数据) .C. By raising a question. D. By telling a story.89. What can we learn about our brain?A. Very few areas of our brains are inactive.B. Tiny brain damage does not affect daily life.C. Now few Americans believe the wrong idea.D. Gray

174、and bright spots represent brain activities.90. The underlined word counter means .A. support B. disagreement C. doubt D. lie91. The last paragraph mainly tells us.A. where the wrong idea started B. how the wrong idea spread at firstC. why the wrong idea became popular D. which book introduces the w

175、rong ideaEvery living thing needs to reproduce. Reproducing means creating more members of yourgroup. In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds ( 种子) to other areas.Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.The simplest way is gravity. Many seeds are inside of fruit.

176、 When a piece of fruit gets tooheavy, it falls from a tree to the ground. Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop itin another area. That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way.Other plants use wind to spread their seeds. Dandelions ( 蒲公英) are a good example of this.

177、Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new places.Maple ( 枫树) seeds also use wind. Their seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that looklike wings. When the seed falls from the tree, its wings“ help it fly farther from the tree.Some animals help plants

178、spread their seeds. The animals eat the seeds. While the seed is inthe animaFs body, it stays whole. When the seed leaves the animal, its in a new place.Ants also help spread seeds. Some seeds have a special smell that attracts ants. The antsbring the seeds back to their home, which of course is und

179、erground. They only eat part of theseed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing.92. What does the underlined word “gravity“ mean in the second paragraph?A. The action that makes animals drop seeds.B. The help that moves seeds even farther away.C. The need

180、 that comes from animals and plants.D. The force that causes fruit to fall to the ground.93. What do ants do to help spread seeds?a. They only eat part of the seed. b. They help seeds fall from the tree.c. They carry seeds to the underground home. d. They pick up the fruit and move it faraway.e. The

181、y leave the rest of the seed underground.A. b, d, e B. a, b, d94. Whats the best title for the text?C. a, c, e D. b, c, dA. How Plants Spread Seeds?B. Why Animals Pick Up Seeds?C. How Wind Helps Seeds spread?D. Why Seeds Have a Special Trip?Sally didnt know what was wrong with her grandma. She was a

182、lways forgetting things, likewhere she put the sugar and what time to have dinner.“She might have Alzheimer5s disease ( 阿尔茨海默症) her mother said. t4We might have toput her in a nursing home ( 养老院) so that she can get proper care.,Oh, thats terrible! Shell miss her own house!” Sally said.“Maybe, but w

183、e can see her at weekends,her mother answered. 4tWe can bring her presents.“Like ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!” Sally said.The first time they visited Grandma, Sally wanted to cry. Grandma sat all by herself in thecorner of the room.Sally hugged Grandma. U 6Look, she said, “we broug

184、ht you strawberry ice cream!” Grandmatook it and began to eat without saying a word.“She doesnt seem to know us., Sally was upset. 4You have to give her her mothersaid. But the next time it was the same. Grandma ate the ice cream, but didnt say anything.“Grandma, do you know who I am?” Sally asked.“

185、Youre the girl who brings me the ice cream,Grandma said.“Yes, but Im Sally, your granddaughter. Dont you remember me?”“Sure. Youre the girl who brings me ice cream. All of a sudden, Sally realized that Grandmawould never remember her.“Oh, how I love you, Grandmashe said. Just then she saw a tear rol

186、l down Grandmascheek ( 脸颊) . “Love,“ she said. I remember love.“You see, dear, thats all she wants,“ her mother said. Love.”TH bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she doesnt remember me.”Sally said.After all, remembering love is more important than just being able to remember

187、 a name.95. What was the matter with Sallys grandma?A. She doesnt want to have dinner. B. She ate too much ice cream.C. She always forgot things. D. She put more sugar while cooking.96. Why did Sally want to cry the first time the family visited Grandma?A. Because Grandma didnt like her present.B. B

188、ecause she thought Grandma was quite lonely.C. Because she saw a tear roll down Grandmas cheek.D. Because Grandma was badly treated in the nursing home.97. According to the passage, we can infer that.A. Grandma will be taken home to get better careB. Grandma doesnt love strawberry ice cream any more

189、C. Sally and her family visited Grandma three times a weekD. Sally doesnt mind whether Grandma can remember her name or notMemory collects and stores information that we need for different tasks. It also plays animportant role in helping us recognize ( 识 另U ) and remember important people and specia

190、lthings.Some diseases destroy the brains memory function ( 功能) . Yet even without these terriblediseases, some people, like busy entrepreneurs ( 企业家) , can risk losing stored memories andthe ability to form and keep new ones. Besides, our unhealthy lifestyles, for example, littlesleep, can hurt memo

191、ry function.Luckily, science gives us hope with ways to improve our memory.Use games and apps to train your brain.A 2017 study found that a lot of video games can improve memory-related areas in the brain.If you arent a fan of video games, consider brain-training and memory apps to play withwhen you

192、 have a break. You can also try crossword, find-a-word and picture search apps.Board games ( 棋类游戏) also help.Exercise regularly. While mental exercise helps improve your memory skills, physicalexercise is also important. Several research studies show that regular physical exercise isgood for memory.

193、Reduce stress levels. Research has found that some people with dementia ( 痴呆) actuallydidnt have it at all. Instead, stress had hurt their memory. By using stress reduction methodsthey were able to get and even improve memory function again.Eat your vegetables and fruit. A study showed that men may

194、improve their memory byeating more vegetables and fruit. The study included about 28, 000 men in their early 50swho answered questions every four years. The study showed the men who ate morevegetables and fruit each day didnt have poor thinking skills as often as those who ate lesseach day.98. What

195、is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A. Busy people usually have memory loss. B. Diseases destroy peoples memory.C. There are some causes of memory problems. D. We should have healthy lifestyles.99. The underlined word “mental“ means in Chinese.A . 脑力的 B . 适当的 C . 丰富的 D . 剧烈的100. Which of the following i

196、s TRUE according to the passage?A. Loss of sleep can lead to poor memory.B. Playing video games is bad for our memory.C. In fact, poor memory is caused by stress.D. Memory loss can be avoided by eating healthily.101. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Results of a study on memory B. Why memory

197、is important to usC. How to lead a healthy lifestyle D. Ways to improve memoryA Student ProfileName: Kristin LaceyHometown: Merced, California, USASchool & College: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences ( GRS) at MITMajor: English literatureFavorite book: Pachinko by Min Jin LeeFavorite class: Britis

198、h Literature with Professor Anna HenchmanFavorite place to study on campus: Athan?s in Washington Square or Cafenation inBrighton CenterFavorite restaurant in Boston: Sweet ChecksExtra-curricular ( 课外的)activities: President of the Graduate Student Association;Leading the Graduate Student Fiction ( 小

199、说) Group; Volunteering at Gifford Homeless CatCenter in Brighton.Study experience: I studied for four years and earned my undergraduate degree ( 本科学位)in English in 2021 at California State University, Fresno. I was the first in my family to attendgraduate school and college.When I graduate, I hope t

200、o teach literature at a local college and help the other first-generation college students to get higher education. It?s important to give a helping hand tothose who need it.Advice to other first-generation college students:I know that being first-generation graduate means always pushing against you

201、r backgroundand stepping out of your comfort zone. And it is important to take as many lectures aspossible and be open-minded to good advice from your teachers, while know the line betweenhelpful and bad recommendations. Be outgoing with your friends and build your supportnetwork by asking for help

202、when you need it and giving help in return.102. When did Kristin Lacey graduate from senior high school?A. In 2015. B. In 2017. C. In 2019. D. In 2021.103. Of Kristin Laceys extra-curricular activities, which is helpful to her major?A. The Gifford Homeless Cat Center. B. The British Literature Club.

203、C. The Graduate Student Association. D. The Graduate Student Fiction Group.104. What does Kristin Lacey want to do after her graduation?A. Teach literature at a local college.B. Work at a homeless animal center.C. Build a support network for those in need.D. Study British literature at a graduate sc

204、hool.John James Audubon was born on April 26, 1785 in Haiti. John spent much of his childhoodin France where he spent many hours outdoors painting the world around him. In 1803 hemoved to the United States, and found the animals in his new home were among the mostbeautiful in the world. He enjoyed w

205、atching the birds.John spent much of his early adulthood trying and failing at many businesses in the UnitedStates. Instead of taking care of business, John was usually exploring in the wilderness.At first, John spent his time hunting for food and sport, but he became more interested in thebirds he

206、found. He began studying them, trying to learn the differences between the types andnoticing their behaviours. He often sketched( 素描) and painted the birds he was watching.He was so sad that he couldnt earn enough money to support his family, so he tried toimprove his painting skills and began to se

207、ll his pictures. He discovered that he could earnsome money doing something he really enjoyed.John wanted to have his collection of bird paintings published. He found no one in Americawho was willing to publish his works, so in 1826, John left for London, England. He and hispaintings were well-recei

208、ved because it helped people in London see what wildlife farawayAmerica looked like.It wasnt long before he was able to publish his masterpiece, Birds of America. Some peoplecalled his work the Double Elephant Folio because it was very large. The pages were overthree feet tall and over two feet wide

209、.The public loved Johns books and he had finally earned lots of money. He was famous asone of the greatest artists and naturalists of his time.John James Audubon died on January 27, 185 1. Even today, over 16 0 years after his death,his paintings are still praised for their beauty and scientific val

210、ue.105 . What is John James Audubon most famous for?A. P ainting pictures of birds. B . Exploring in the wilderness.C. Taking photographs of birds. D. Recording birds behaviours.106 . Why were Audubon books called “Double Elephant Folio?A. The books included paintings of birds.B . The pages of the b

211、ooks were very large.C. The books included pictures of elephants.D. The pages of the books shaped like elephants.107. Which is the correct order of the events in Audubons life? failing at businesses moving to the USA publishing his masterpiece leaving for England improving his painting skillsA. - B

212、. .-.- C. - D . -108. What is the writers purpose of writing this passage?A . To each readers about birds.B . To share Audubons paintings.C . To teach readers how to earn money.D. To introduce an artist and naturalist.Uncle Tom lived in a small log cabin near his masters house with his wife, Aunt Ch

213、loe, andtheir children. One day, Aunt Chloe was baking a cake on the fire. Two young boys, Moseand P ete, were playing with their baby sister, P olly. Uncle Tom was sitting at the table. Hewas a large strong man with a kind face and an air of dignity( 尊严) .He was very busy. Hewas trying to write the

214、 alphabet on a small blackboard. Mr Shelbys son, young MasterGeorge, was teaching him. However, while this was happening in Toms cabin, somethingvery different was happening in his masters house.When they were getting ready to go to bed. Eliza, a young slave from the house, came to theirdoor.“Uncle

215、Tom and Aunt Chloe”, she said, Master sold Uncle Tom!“Sold Tom?” said Aunt Chloe. But why did he do that?”“Master is in debt, he has to find the money, or he will have to sell the farm and all of us andleave. So he sold Uncle Tom to pay off his debt.“Tom, why dont you run away? The trader will sell

216、you to a plantation, where they killslaves with hard work and no food! Theres still time. Come on, get up, and Ill get yourthings ready.Tom looked at her with sad eyes and said No, Im not running away. You heard what Elizasaid! Master needs money to keep the farm and the people. Tm strong. Til be OK

217、. I can go sohe wont have to sell everything. These things happen, Chloe, and Master tried to be good.Hell take care of you and the children.Then he looked at his sleeping children and he covered his face and started to cry.109. How many children did Tom have?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.110. How

218、did Tom feel when he heard the news that he was sold?A. Surprised. B. Angry. C. Afraid. D. Sad.111. Why did Mr Shelby want to sell Tom?A. Because all the other slaves didnt like Tom.B. Because Tom was so lazy that he could do nothing.C. Because Mr Shelby was in debt and he needed money.D. Because To

219、m asked Mr Shelbys son to teach him the alphabet.112. Which of the following best described Tom?A. Loyal. B. Modest. C. Strict. D. Curious.The British have long been known for their love of tea, but people in London also drink a lotof coffee. In fact, the average Londoner reportedly drinks 2.3 cups

220、of coffee every day.And now, waste coffee grounds ( 咖啡渣) will be used to help power part of the citystransportation system.A technology company announced on Monday that some buses will be using a bio-fuel ( 生物燃料) that contains coffee oil.The company, bio-bean, and its partner, Argent Energy, say the

221、y have made enough coffee oilto power one of Londons famous double-decker buses for a year.The government agency Transport for London has been turning to bio-fuel to cut productionof carbon emissions( 二氧化碳排放) . Carbon emissions are the gas produced by the burningof carbon, and the gas is released in

222、to the sky.Londons mayor, Sadiq Khan, said last month that his city has a “health problem causeddirectly by poor-quality air”. The government has taken steps to prevent people from drivingcars that do not meet European Union emissions requirements.Bio-bean said Londoners produce over 200,000 tons of

223、 waste coffee grounds a year. Thecompany said it collects waste grounds from chain coffee shops and factories. The groundsare dried and processed to remove coffee oil.“Its a great example of what can be done when we start to re-imagine waste as an untappedwealth.said one of bio-bean founders Arthur

224、Kay. The coffee fuel technology has beenreceiving support from the oil company Royal Dutch Shell plc.113. The main reason why some buses use bio-fuels is.A. to lower carbon emissions B. to encourage people to go to work bybusC. to show the Londoners prefer coffee to tea D. to improve the speed of th

225、e bus inLondon114. Where do the waste coffee grounds come from?A. The citys transportation system. B. The European Union.C. Royal Dutch Shell plc. D. Chain coffee shops and factories.115. What does the underlined word “untapped“ mean in the last paragraph?A . 未开发的. B . 未忘记的. C . 未认可的. D . 未放弃的.116.

226、What may be the best title for the text?A. The Use of Coffee B. A New Way of Using Coffee GroundsC. Coffee Culture in London D. Bio-fiiel to Help Power Londons BusesWelcome To Nanjing Presidential PalaceOpening Hours: 8:30-18:00Ticket Price:Adult: age 18+40Child for age 6-18 and the elderly over 60

227、enjoy half price.Free for children under 140 cm, or below 6 years old.Free for the elderly over 70.I11记Me JE1Online booking:1. The ticket is only valid( 有效的) for the day.2. Your passport or ID information is required, and one person can book only3. One adult could book at most two child tickets.one

228、ticket per day.Important Notice:During die COVID-19 Epidemic Control Period:1. The real-time local “Health Code will be checked before entering.2. Body temperature over 37.3 or coughing and short of breath, visitors are not allowed to enter.3. Wear masks during the visit and keep distance with other

229、s.For more information, you can visit: http:/www.njztf. cn117. How much will a young couple with a 4-year-old child pay at least to visit the HumbleAdministrator Garden?A. 40. B. 60. C. 80.D. 100.118. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. One adult could only book one child tick

230、et.B. Passport or ID information is needed when booking tickets online.C. A man with a high fever can enter the Humble Administrator Garden with a mask.D. Visitors can book tickets on the website http:.119. Where is the passage probably taken from?A. A story book. B. A travel guide. C. A science fic

231、tion. D. A news report.When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I looked to the eastthe sky wasbecoming grey. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path. Therewas nothing to see, but I knew it was there.After about a mile, a stranger appeared beside the pa

232、th. Am I going the right way? I asked.He knew where I was going. 第二段的最后一句 Children read it to improve the ability to study. 第三段的最后一行 Buy this book and help children unlock their education.可知三本书都提到 了 Children, 所以这些书都是学生用书, 故选C。37 .细节计算题。三本书的价格分别是$22、$36 $35,根据第三段最后一句Whats more,you1 II just pay 60% fo

233、r it before December 20.可知在12月 20号之前购买只需付原价的你60%, 那么第三本书的实际价格是35x60%=21$,所以三本书的总价是22+36+21=79, 故选Do38 . 推理判断题。这段广告分别介绍了内容及价格, 目的就是为了让学生买, 在这广告的目的就是为了让消费者购买, 故选A。39 . B 40. B 41. C 42. B 43. A【 导语】本文介绍当你去一所新学校或参加一个聚会时, 认识人和交朋友是很有挑战性的,本文就此提出了相应的建议。39 . 细节理解题。根据“Listen and Ask Questions” Give a Complim

234、ent” Keep Yourself fromTechnology”和“Join a Club or Team”可 知 , 文章给出四个建议, 故选B。40 . 细节理解题。根据“You can let others know youre paying attention by looking at their eyesfrom time to time while theyre speaking”可 知 , 你可以在他们说话的时候时不时地看着他们的眼 睛 , 故选B。41 . 词义猜测题。根据“If you notice something you like about someone, g

235、ive a compliment.可知 , 注意到某人身上有你喜欢的地方, 那就赞美他。所以Compliment表示“ 赞美” , 故选C。42 . 细节理解题。根据“Which person in the room have you never talked to? Who pays attentionto your ideas? Remember these people and spend a little time getting to know these people face toface.”可 知 , 应该记住从没和他们说过话的人, 故选B。43 . 最佳标题题。通读全文可知,

236、 本文就如何在新学校或参加一个聚会时如何交朋友而提出了相应的建议, 故选A。44 . A 45. C 46. C【 导语】本文是一篇说 明 文 , 主要介绍了一个实验, 说明天空出现不同颜色的原因。44 . 推理判断题。根据文中“Youll need: Clear drinking glass; Milk, any kind; Small spoon;Flashlight”可推理出, 这个实验不需要杯子。故选A。45 . 细节理解题。通读全文, 实验的正确顺序是:根据实验步骤一:Fill glass halfway withwater in the darkened room.在黑暗中把玻璃杯

237、装满一半的水;Shine flashlight on grass fromtop, sides and all angles.从各个角度照亮杯子;根据实验步骤二:Add 1/4 teaspoon of milkto water and stir.在水中加入一些牛奶然后搅拌;Shine light on glass from all angles again.再次从各个角度照亮杯子。故实验的正确顺序是:。故选C。46 . 推理判断题。根据文中“Look at the side of the glass opposite the light, and it looks pink ororange

238、可推理出, 当你在光线的对面看杯子的一边时, 光线看起来是蓝色的是错误的。故选 C。47 . B 48. A 49. B 50. D【 导语】本文主要讲了帮助人们忽视消极想法然后继续前进的一些建议。47 . 词义猜测题。根据上文“you are working at a job that you hate, and you are dreaming ofgiving it up and starting your own business.”你正在做一份你讨厌的工作, 你梦想着放弃这份工 作 , 开始自己的事业。结合“The thought is a . ” 以及 选 项 , 可知思想应该是一

239、个 开 始 , 故选 B。48 . 主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 本文主要讲了帮助人们忽视消极想法然后继续前进的一些 建 议 , 结合选项, 可知A 选项“ 如何忽略消极的想法” 符合题意, 故选A。49 . 推理判断题。根据Take Calculated ( 预料到的) Risks中的信息“This is such a big riskthat it will probably make you never want to take a risk again. So just start with a small risk.“这是一个很大的风险, 它可能会让你再也不想冒险了。 所以从一个小风险

240、开始。可推知风险是无法避免的, 所以要承担小风险, 而不是大风险, 故选B。50 . 推理判断题。通读全文可知, 本文主要讲了帮助人们忽视消极想法然后继续前进的一些 建 议 , 属于科普类的文章, 由此可推知这篇文章最有可能来自一本杂志, 故选D。51 . D 52. C 53. B 54. A【 导语】本 文 是 巴斯克维尔猎犬节选的一段, 主要讲述了福尔摩斯为找寻一个黑胡子男士的故事。51 . 词义猜测题 o 根据“That becomes a dead end, Watson. We will have to look for another wayto go forward”以及上文可

241、知, 他们在寻找那个黑胡子男士, 但是现在他们走进了死胡同, 需要另寻出路, 故此处划线部分意为“ 不知道那个黑胡子男士是谁 。故选D。52 . 细节理解题。根据I got a message that you are asking for me, he said. Tve never had acomplaint. I came here to ask you what you had against me!, ”可知马车驾驶员不知道福尔摩斯找他来是为了询问有关那个黑胡子男士的事情, 还以为是福尔摩斯对他有什么不满。故选Co53 . 推理判断题。根据“His name/ said the d

242、river, 4was Sherlock Holmes.以及Td neverseen Holmes more surprised. Then he laughed. He scored against me that time, Watson.可知驾驶员告诉福尔摩斯他车上坐的那个人叫福尔摩斯, 真正的福尔摩斯说那个人比他占得先机,由此可推断此处“he”指的是“ 之前坐在马车上的人” 。故选Bo54 . 细节理解题。根据Sir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville Hall.But you mustnt goalone. Watson can go

243、with you.Just before dinner, a telegram arrived.Just then the doorbellrang. It was the cab driver.Td never seen Holmes more surprised. Then he laughed”以及SirHenry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on Saturday”可知 Waston 被要求和 Henry 同 行 , 之后福尔摩斯收到海报, 马车司机来见福尔摩斯, 听到马车司机的话后, 福尔摩斯很惊讶并笑了起 来 , 这些都是当天发生的事情

244、, 而 Waston和 Henry坐火车是周六十点, 放在最后。故故事发展顺序是c-a-b-d-e。故选A。55 . D 56. A 57. A 58. C【 导语】本文通过中国女性宇航员王亚平进行太空舱外活动, 介绍女性宇航员进行太空活动的优势。55 . 推理判断题。根据A tailor-made spacesuit was prepared for Wangs extravehicularactivities, which was lighter than the males Designers optimized the pattern of this spacesuit inthe l

245、ower limb ( 下肢) area to make it more suitable for astronauts with slimmer figures.“可知 , 王亚平穿的太空服是专门为她设计的, 故选D。56 . 词义猜测题。根据“to make it more suitable fbr astronauts with slimmer figures.”可 知 , 使太空服更适合身材苗条的宇航员, 因此是优化了太空服。故选A。57 . 推理判断题。 根据Understanding between astronauts is very important for carrying

246、 outEVAs, which is based on excellent communication skills. Women are superior ( 更好的) incommunication and language expression, and this helps female astronauts do extravehicularactivities,“可 知 , 女性宇航员有更好的沟通和语言表达能力, 这是女性宇航员比男性宇航员优越的地方, 故选A。58 . 主旨大意题。根据“The expected six-month journey in space has lef

247、t many curious aboutthe differences between male and female astronauts, especially in terms of performingextravehicular ( 舱外的) activities ( EVAs) . Despite ( 即使) physical challenges, female astronautshave unique ( 独一无二的) advantages.”可 知 , 本文主要介绍了女性宇航员进行太空舱外活动的 优 势 做 选 C。59 . D 60. C 61. A 62. B【 分析】

248、本文是一篇应用文, 主要介绍了电影 误杀的基本信息, 及其在各大影院放映的时间、票价等信息。59 . 细节理解题。根据“118理nutes/Criminal/China”可 知 , 电 影 误杀时 长 118分钟。故选 D。60 . 细节理解题。根据“Bona Cinema”这一列的时间表可知, 该影片有17:05的 场 次 , 因此约翰应去博纳影院。故选C。61 . 推理判断题。根据文章提供的各大影院信息可知, 万达影城卖零食, 而未来影院没有,因此茱莉亚在未来影院不能享受到出售的零食。故选A。62 . 推理判断题。根据图片信息以及“Top 1 in a week. Total income

249、: 470 million”可 知 , 误杀评分9.3分 , 且一周内排名第一, 由此推测它受到高度评价。故选B。63 . C 64. D 65. D 66. B【 分析】本文作者通过描述与父亲共度的午后时光, 告诉我们要花更多时间和我们爱的人在一起。63 . 细节理解题。根据“His mother had recently passed away too.”可 知 , 父亲的妈妈 也就是作者的奶奶, 不久前去世了。故选C。64 . 推理判断题。根据We would sit in the living room, drink tea and talk.We talked aboutsports

250、, cars, gardening, weather, and enjoyed a laugh over old memories.“可 知 , 作者与父亲会一起喝茶、谈话、大 笑 , 没有D 项“ 把父亲带到自己的房子里, 故选D。65 . 推理判断题。根据第三段内容及最后一句And we will remember that afternoon forever.可 知 , 作者描述了与父亲共度的时光, 并表示会永远记住那些下午, 这表明作者珍惜与父亲相处的时间。故选D。66 . 主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 本文最后一段点明主旨, 根据“Spend an afternoon withthos

251、e you love and those afternoons will become a lifetime.”可 知 , 作者告诉我们要花更多时间和我们爱的人在一起。故选B。67 . A 68. C 69. D 70. C 71. A【 分析】本文讲述了自己的目标是诗歌, 她一直努力去达到她的目标。67 . 推理判断题。根据In hard times, I write poetry. I connect with poetry on a deep level. Ithelps me out of pain.”可 知 , 作者说诗歌是她的安全网, 因为它帮助她摆脱痛苦。故选A。68 . 推理判

252、断题。根据With challenging situations like this, I keep on writing poetry. I writedown my feelings. I draw pictures of the real world. I accept a new me. I learn to think aboutthings with confidence.可 知 , 不间断的诗歌写作, 让作者改变了自己, 充满自信地思考。故选 C。69 . 词句猜测题。根据“Keep going. Keep believing.”和“Go for it!”可 知 , 要一直努力,

253、 一直相信 自 己 , 因此努力学习不是无用的, 故选D。70 . 推理判断题。根据However, writing poetry cant support me. So I turned to teachinginstead.”和“While living in China, my job is an English teacher. I help teach two classes.“可 知 ,这位作者搬到中国是教英语, 而不是为了赚更多的钱来出版她的诗歌。故选C。71 . 标题归纳题。根据Poetry prepares me fbr my purpose. My purpose is p

254、oetry.和Keepgoing. Keep believing. Remember that your hard work is not in vain. Go for it! Your purpose iswaiting fbr you!”可 知 , 本文讲述要一直努力工作, 来找到自己的目标。故选A。72 . D 73. A 74. C 75. B 76. D【 分析】本文介绍了太空垃圾的危害以及科学家为解决这一问题尝试的办法。72 . 细节理解题。根据“A Russian missile ( 导弹) test had just bombed a satellite into more

255、than1,500 pieces of space debris ( 残骸) . ” 可 知 , 这枚俄罗斯导弹炸毁了一颗卫星, 导致产生了太空残骸。故选D。73 . 推理判断题。根据NASA says space debris like this can travel at more than 28,000 km/h.Thafs much faster than a bullet ( 子弹) ( about 3,500 km/h) .”可 知 , 太空残骸飞行的速度是子弹的 8 倍 ( 28,000:3,500=8) 。故选 A。74 . 词义猜测题。根据Even a pea-sized p

256、iece of debris could wipe out a space station or killan astronaut ifhe or she is doing a spacewalk”可 知 , 太空残骸会摧毁空间站或者杀死太空行走的宇航员, 因此“wipe out”表示“ 摧毁” , 选项中“It gets broken.”表示“ 被破坏” , 与其近义。故选Co75 . 细节理解题。根据最后两段“It first found the debris, and then collected it with a net and aharpoon ( 鱼叉) 以及“This plan

257、s to throw the debris into Earths atmosphere ( 大气层) , where itwill burn up as it falls because of strong friction ( 摩擦)可 知 , 处理太空垃圾的两个办法是:用网和鱼叉收集太空残骸, 以及把太空残骸扔进地球大气层燃烧掉;c 和 d 正确。故选B。76 . 推理判断题。根据Since the 1950s, humans have sent thousands of rockets and satellitesinto space. Many are still there, an

258、d we now face an ever-increasing problem of space rubbish.“可知 , 人类已经发送了很多火箭和卫星, 现在它们仍然在太空中, 太空中的垃圾越来越多, 由此推测这些火箭和卫星多年来都在变成太空垃圾。故选Do77 . A 78. B 79. D【 分析】这是一篇应用文。介绍了参观中国大运河博物馆的具体的事项安排。77 . 细节理解题。根据四个小黑点的内容, 可知是四方面的内容介绍:总体介绍、开放时间、票价以及建议。故选A。78 . 细节理解题。根据总体介绍部分第三句“ At the museum, visitors can enjoy tw

259、o long-termexhibitions, The Grand Canal-China World Heritage and Born of Transportation-Impression ofStreets Along the Grand Canal.”可 知 , 游客可以享受两个长期展览, 大运河- - - - 中国的世界遗产以及另外一个。故选B。79 . 细节理解题。根据开放时间一部分介绍“Tuesday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.( You need to enterit before 4 p.m.) Closed on Monday except nation

260、al holidays.“可 知 , 周二到周日, 早上 9 点到下午 5 点 , 下午四点前进入有效。除了一些节假日以外, 都是周一闭馆。At 10 a.m. on Friday.选项D:周五早上10点 , 时间合适。故选D。80 . A 81. D 82. B 83. B【 分析】本文是摘自小说 海底两万里的逃生片段。80 . 细节理解题。根据“Conseil and 1 saw very few fish or sea animals because the Nautiluswent too fas仍可知, 鹦鹉螺号走得太快了, 故选A。81 . 细节理解题。根据I was sad, b

261、ut I knew that he was right. I was also afraid.He mightnotice that I was nervous”可 知 , 听完了逃跑计划Aronnax感到又害怕又紧张, 故选D。82 . 细节理解题。根据“Ned came to my room. Tonight!” he said.,H4I stayed in my room as thehours slowly passed“And I went to see the museum one last time before leaving hereT waitedfor Neds sign

262、al( 信号) . As I waited, the Nautilus stopped and I lelt a bump as the submarine cameto rest on the ocean floor”可 知 , 正确的排序是:Ned来告诉Aronnax今晚的逃跑计划一Aronnax不能平静下来, 一直待在他的房间里一Aronnax想在他们逃走之前再看一次博物馆当 Aronnax等待Ned的信号时, 鹦鹉螺号停了下来, 故选B。83 . 最佳标题。通读全文可知, 本文是摘自小说 海底两万里的逃生片段, 所以最适合本文的标题是“ 逃生的一个计划” , 故选Bo84 . C 85

263、. D 86. B 87. A【 分析】本文主要讲述了很多人对自己的长相不满意, 所以有些青少年针对自己的小缺陷进行整容, 也有很多女生不参加日常活动, 因为感觉自己长得不够漂亮。作者提出, “ 漂亮”来自不同的方面, 每个人都有自己的优点, 我们要有足够的自信。84 . 推理判断题。根据第二段内容及She and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes lookmore beautiful.”可 知 , 本段举例说明有些青少年太在意自己的外表。故选C。85 . 推理判断题。根据They are very worried about it. Thi

264、s can be harmful to their health.”以及“over 60 percent of girls refuse to take part in some daily activities such as going to school,because they feel bad about their looks.”可 推 知 , 这里表示随着青少年成长和改变, 他们特别注意自己外表。故选D。86 . 细节理解题。根据“Pictures of 4perfecf faces and bodies are everywhere. They suggest thathavi

265、ng large eyes, pale skin and skinny bodies is the only way to be beautiful. Magazines give tipsabout how to lose weight 4in days. Advertisements suggest that you should whiten your skinusing certain products. And TV shows often make fun of overweight characters. Seeing these canmake people believe t

266、hat they should change their bodies.可 知 , 完美 面孑L和身体的照片随处可见。他们认为, 拥有大眼睛、苍白的皮肤和瘦削的身体是美丽的唯一途径。杂志提供如何“ 在几天内” 减肥的建议。广告建议你使用某些产品来美白皮肤。电视节目经常取笑超重的角色。这些都是让人们认为他们应该改变他们的身体。故选B。87 . 推理判断题。根据These ways can include educating students about body confidence inschool, as well as encouraging parents to talk to thei

267、r kids about his topic.“可 知 , 专家建议学校要教育学生对身体的信心并以及鼓励家长与孩子谈论他的话题。由此推出学校会有关于身体自信的课程。故选A。88 . C 89. D 90. B 91. C【 分析】本文主要介绍了大脑的使用率是多少, 并纠正一些有关大脑使用率的错误说法。8 8 .推理判断题。根据第段“that if you could unlock the rest of your brainpower, you coulddo so much more”可 知 , 作者通过提出问题的方式引出本文主题, 故选C。89 . 细节理解题。根据Those bright

268、 spots represent brain areas that are more active whensomeones doing a task compared to when theyre not. The gray spots are still active, just to abwerleveL”可 知 , 灰色和亮斑点都代表大脑活动, 故选D。90 . 词义猜测题。根据A more direct counter to the 10 percent idea lies in people who havesuffered brain damage可 知 , 与“10%”理论相对

269、的一个更直接的观点是, 那些遭受脑损伤的人 , 所以counter与 disagreement同 义 , 故选B。91 . 主旨大意题。根据“but it has been popular on self-improvement books, which tell you thatyou can do better.”可 知 , 最后一段主要介绍了为什么这种错误的想法会流行起来, 故选C。92 . D 93. C 94. A【 分析】本文是说明文, 短文介绍了植物种子传播的方式。9 2 .词句猜测题。根据下文“When a piece of fruit gets too heavy, it f

270、alls from a tree to theground” ,当水果变得太重的时候它从树上掉下来, 可知是重力发挥了作用.gravity表示“ 重力 , 是导致水果掉落到地上的力。“The force that causes fruit to fall to the ground”符合题意,故选D。93 . 细节理解题。根据文中“The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course isunderground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of th

271、e seed underground”可知 ,蚂蚁把种子带到地下的家, 只吃其中一部分, 把其余的留在地下, 然后种子就可以开始生长了。“a,c,e”陈述正确, 故选C。94 . 最佳标题题。通读整篇短文, 结合“Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this”可知 , 本文主要讲了种子传播的方式;“How Plants Spread Seeds”符合文意, 故选A。95 . C 96. B 97. D【 分析】本文讲述了 Sally的奶奶得了阿尔茨海默症Sally每次去看望奶奶都会带一个冰淇淋给她, 但是奶奶不记得Sally是 谁 , 最

272、后Sally明白记住爱比记住一个人的名字更重要。95 . 细节理解题。根据文中的句子“She was always forgeting things”可 知 , 她总是忘事。故选 C。96 . 推理判断题。根据文中的句子“Grandma sat all by herself in the comer of the room”可知 , Sally感到伤心是因为奶奶一个人坐在房间的角落里, 她觉得奶奶很孤单。故选B。97 . 推理判断题。根据文中的句子“After all, remembering love is more important than justbeing able to reme

273、mber a name”可 知 , 记住爱比记住一个名字更重要, 所以她不会介意奶奶是否能记住她的名字。故选D。98 . C 99. A 100. A 101. D【 分析】本文是说明文, 短文就如何提高记忆力给出了几点建议。98 . 主旨大意题。根据“Yet even without these terrible diseases, some people, like busyentrepreneurs, can risk losing stored memories and the ability to form and keep new ones. Besides,our unhealt

274、hy lifestyles, for example, little sleep, can hurt memory function” , 可知本段解释导致记忆问题的原因, 故选C。9 9 . 词句猜测题。根据下文“exercise helps improve your memory skills” ,可知说的是脑力锻炼 , 故选Ao100 . 推理判断题。根据Some diseases destroy the brains memory function.Besides, ourunhealthy lifestyles, for example, little sleep, can hurt

275、 memory ftinction” ,可知睡眠不足会导致记忆力下降;“Loss of sleep can lead to poor memory”说法正确, 故选 A。101 . 细节理解题。通读全文, 结合“Luckily, science gives us hope with ways to improve ourmemory” ,可知短文就如何提高记忆力给出了几点建议;Ways to improve memory”符合文意 , 故选Do102 . B 103. D 104. A【 分析】文章中是Kristin Lacey的一份学生档案。102 . 推理判断题。根据I studied f

276、or four years and earned my undergraduate degree in Englishin 2021 at California State University, Fresno.”可知 2021 年取得本科学位, 这花费了 四 年 , 高中毕业应是在2017年。故选B。103 . 推理判断题。根据“Major: English literature”可知Kristin Lacey助攻英国文学, 课外活动中“The Graduate Student Fiction Group.”与小说相关, 对她的专业有帮助。故选D。104 . 细节理解题。根据“When I

277、graduate, I hope to teach literature at a local college and helpthe other first-generation college students to get higher education.“可知 Kristin Lacey 毕业后想要去一所当地的大学教文学课。故选A。105 . A 106. B 107. A 108. D【 分析】这篇短文主要讲述了 John James Audubon的人生经历, 它是一个艺术家, 同时也是一个博物学家。105 . 细节理解题。根据文中“He and his paintings we

278、re well-received because it helped peoplein London see what wildlife faraway America looked like.“可 知 , 他是以他的鸟的绘画而出名。故选Ao106 . 细节理解题。根据文中“Some people called his work the Double Elephant Folio”because it was very large. The pages were over three feet tall and over two feet wide.”可 知 , 因为书的页数很大。故选B。10

279、7 . 细节理解题。根据文中“In 1803 he moved to the United States”可 知 , 1803年 , 他搬到美国; 根据文中“John spent much of his early adulthood trying and failing at many businesses inthe United States.”可 知 , 经历的生意的失败;根据文中“He was so sad that he couldnt earnenough money to support his family, so he tried to improve his painti

280、ng skills and began to sell hispictures.”可 知 , 他努力提高自己的绘画技能;根据文中“so in 1826, John left for London”可知 , 在 1826 年去了英国;根据文中“It wasn?t long before he was able to publish hismasterpiece, Birds of America.”可 知 , 他出版他的杰作。选项A 是正确的, 故选A。108 . 主旨大意题。通读整篇短文可知, 这篇短文主要介绍了著名的艺术家和博物学家一John James Audubon, 故选 Do109

281、. C 110. D 111. C 112. A【 分析】本文节选于 汤姆叔叔的小屋 , 讲述汤姆叔叔得知主人欠债要将他卖掉的消息,但他没有选择逃跑。109 . 细节理解题。根据“Two young boys, Mose and Pete, were playing with their baby sister,Polly.”可 知 , 汤姆叔叔有三个孩子, 摩 斯 , 皮特和波莉。故选C。110 . 细节理解题。根据“Tom looked at her with sad eyes”可 知 , 听到要被卖的消息后, 汤姆叔叔感到伤心。故选D。111 . 细节理解题。根据“Master is i

282、n debt, he has to find the money”可 知 , 主人谢尔比先生欠债 , 需要钱。故选C。112 . 推理判断题。根据全文大意可知, 汤姆叔叔得知主人欠债要将他卖掉的消息, 但他没有选择逃跑, 推断他是忠心耿耿的, 选项A“ 忠诚的” 符合推断。故选A。113 . A 114. D 115. A 116. B【 分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了长期以来, 英国人以爱喝茶而闻名, 不过伦敦人也喜欢喝咖啡。废弃的咖啡渣将为伦敦的部分交通系统提供燃料。113 . 细节理解题。根据第五段中“The government agency Transport for Lond

283、on has beenturning to bio-fuel to cut production of carbon emissions( 二氧化碳排放) 可 知 , 伦敦公共汽车使用生物燃料是为了减少碳排放。故选A。114 . 细节理解题。根据第七段中“The company said it collects waste grounds from chaincoffee shops and factories”可 知 , 咖啡渣主要来自于连锁咖啡店和工厂, 故选D。115 . 词意猜测题。根据全文内容特别是第二段中的“waste grounds ( 咖啡渣) will be used toh

284、elp fuel part of the citys transportation system”可知咖啡渣将被用来为城市交通系统提供燃料。由此可知, 这种资源应为“ 未开发的,故选A。116 . 主旨大意题。根据全文内容特别是第二段中的“waste grounds ( 咖啡渣) will be used tohelp fuel part of the citys transportation system”可 知 , 文章主要讲述了废弃的咖啡渣将为伦敦的部分交通系统提供燃料。由此可知, 本文最佳标题是 使用咖啡渣的新方法 。故选B。117. C 118. B 119. B【 分析】本文是一篇

285、应用文, 向我们介绍南京总统府的相关信息。117 .细节理解题。根据Adult: age 18+ 40和Free fbr children under 140 cm, or below 6years old.”可 知 , 一对夫妇带着4岁的孩子去南京总统府, 需要付80元。故 选C.118 .推理判断题。根据Your passport or ID information is required, and one person can bookonly one ticket per day.”可 知 , 您需要提供护照或身份证信息, 并且每人每天只能预订一张票。故 选B。119 . 推 理 判

286、断 题 。本文向我们介绍南京总统府的相关信息, 所以推测本文来自旅游指南,故 选B。120 . D 121. D 122. B【 分析】本文讲了作者去看大峡谷路路上的所见所闻、大峡谷的奇伟壮观以及作者的自问的感想。作者认为大峡谷是自然界最伟大的奇迹。120 .推理判断题。结合所在语境“There was nothing to see, but I knew it was there.“可知 it 指代作者此行的目的地;根据第 3 段中“I was looking across one of the wonders of the naturalworldthe Grand Canyon.”及最后

287、一段中“I remained by the canyon for about half an hour”可推断作者此行的目的地是大峡谷。因 此it指 代the Grand Canyon。故 选D。121 .细节理解题。根据第 1 段中“walked along a dark path”及第 2 段中“but it was still toodark to see anything”可知什么都看不见是因为太黑了。故 选D。122 .主旨大意题。本文介绍作者参观大峡谷时的所见所想, 可推出作者写本文的目的是表达自己自然世界的感受。故 选B。123 . A 124. D 125. C 126. C【

288、 分析】我们正处于“ 抛弃型社会” 中 , 我们现在不仅仅抛弃一次性使用的塑料和纸张, 而且我们也在抛弃表情包, 网络语言等电子产品, 如果我们想过一种有思想的生活, 我们就应该减少抛弃。1 2 3 .推理判断题。“But the idea of single-use is about more than just plastic and paper.”表示“ 但一次性使用的概念不仅仅是塑料和纸张” , 下文应紧跟一次性这种概念对我们生活的影响 , 处前面提到了塑料和纸, 处后面说一次性无处不在, 已成为生活方式, 所以这句话放在处最合适, 故选A。124 . 推理判断题。根据While yo

289、u read single-use content ( 内容) online, you also produce it.”可 知 , 此处说我们自己在线阅读时, 也在产生一次性的东西, 所以后面提到的朋友圈是为了支持这个观点, 故选D。125 . 细节理解题。根据“Maybe we need to slow down and enjoy a more thoughtful way oflife.”可 知 , 作者认为要放慢节奏, 三思而后行, 不要过一次性的生活, 要过一种更好的生活 , 故选C。126 . 推理判断题。根据最后一段“A single-use way of life may g

290、ive you quick pleasure.可知 , 作者在本段阐述了一次性生活所带来的负面的东西, 接下来应该建议如何避免这种一次性的生活方式, 故选C。127 . C 128. D 129. A 130. B 131. D【 分析】文章介绍了 H6位 ne Schweiger的 书 魔法池塘讲述的故事, 并告诉我们孩子们能从顽皮中学习。127 . 细节理解题。根据Author Helene Schweiger tells a story of finding magic in her bookThe Magic Pond.及第二、三段内容可知Schweiger是 魔法池塘这本书的作者 ,

291、 Danielka Jirik和精灵是书中的角色。故选C。128 . 细节理解题。根据“AH of a sudden, Jirik is turned into a frog!”可知某种未知的力量把Jirik变成了一只青蛙。故选D。129 . 细节理解题。根据“Danielka and Jirik accept the magic they see without any doubt.Openness to new ideas help Jirik change back to his human fbrm.“可知好奇心和开放的心态帮助了这对双胞胎。故选A。130 . 词义猜测题。根据“The

292、 twins argue and joke just like any pair of twins would. Ifs clearthat Danielka and Jirik share a close bond.“可知 Danielka 和 Jirik 会像其他双胞胎一样争吵和开 玩 笑 , 这说明两人关系好。share a close bond意为“ 有密切的关系” 。故选B。131 . 观点态度题。根据H84ne Schweiger reminds us that for all the trouble that children canget into, ifs a part of

293、 their development as they learn to understand the world around them.“可知作者会赞同“ 孩子们可以从他们陷入的麻烦中学习。” 这一观点。故选D。132 . Reasons 133. ages 134. lost 135. beyond 136. imagine【 导语】本文是一篇记 叙 文 , 主要讲述法国作家安东尼德圣埃克苏佩里的作品 小王子的故事。1 3 2 . 通读全文, 尤其根据文中“The ending exists in the imagination of every reader and thepilot.

294、After all, it is a book with something for every one.”可 知 , 短文讲述了 小王子为什么是一本适合所有人的书的原因。故填Reasons。1 3 3 . 根据文中“This timeless tale touches upon childhood and growing up.”可 知 , 小王子仍是一部历代经典小说;all ages 所有时代” 。故填ages。13 4 . 根据文中“The pilot in this story loses that part of himself. After a stay in the desert

295、 with thelittle prince, he finds his inner child again.”可 知 , 在沙漠中与小王子呆/一段时间后, 他找到了自己失去的部分。故填lost。135. 根据文中“When the pilot shows his picture about the snake eating the elephant, adults onlysee it as a hat. Adults cant see whats inside the snake.”可 知 , 成年人把飞行员的照片误认为帽子 , 因为他们看不到表面以外的东西。故填beyond。136. 根

296、据文中“Has he returned to his planet and his rose? The ending exists in the imaginationof every reader and the pilot.”可 知 , 它允许读者和飞行员想象他们的书的结局;allow sb. todo sth.“ 允许某人干某事” , 固定用法。故填imagine。137. tea 138. served 139. same 140. areas 141. less 142. over 143. price 144. possible 145. added 146. depends【 导

297、语】本文主要介绍了有关茶的一些信息。137. 根据“But how much do you know about it? Lets test your knowledge to see if youre a realtea master.”以及本文内容可知本文主要介绍了有关茶的一些信息。故填tea。138. 根据“Whether you like it boiling hot, poured over ice, or served with milk and tapiocapearls,”可知茶可以和冰、牛奶、木薯珍珠一起供应或只是煮热, serve“ 供 应 , 服务” , 此处用过去分词和

298、前面的be动词构成被动语态。故填servedo139. 根据“Although there are thousands of different types of teas, they all come from oneplant一Camellia sinensis”可知茶来自同一种 植 物 , same“同样的 。故填same。140. 根据“The differences come from where the plants are grown and how their leaves aretreated after harvest”可知茶的不同之处来自它们生长的区域不同,area44区

299、域” , 此处用名词复数。故填areas 141 . 根据Its true that the British have the reputation ( 名声) of being great tea lovers, but theydont drink as much tea as the people of Turkey”可知英国人没有土耳其人喝茶喝得多, 修饰不可数名词用less“ 更 少 故 填 less。142 . 根据“A single Turkish citizen uses more than three kilograms of tea leaves per year”可知个土

300、耳其人每年喝三公斤多茶叶, more than=over。故填over。143 . 根据“but it was so costly that only noble people could afford it”可知因为茶叶的价格高,所以普通人喝不起, its后加名词price“ 价格” 。故填price。144 . 根据“It wasnt until the first tea shop opened in 1717 that common people got chances todrink tea”可 知 直 到 1717年第一家茶店开业, 老百姓才有机会喝茶,make it possib

301、le to forsb. to do sth.“使做某事对某人来说成为可能” 。故填possibleo145 . 根据Adding milk first helped cool the tea and prevented the cups from breaking.”可知添加牛奶有助于冷却茶并防止杯子破裂声 dd“ 添加” , 此处用过去分词和前面的be动词构成被动语态。故填added o146 . 根据“The perfect cup of tea is the one that tastes best to you”可知一杯完美的茶是最适合你 的 茶 , 可见一杯茶是否是完美的取决于自己

302、depend on“ 取决于 , 句子用一般现在时, 主语是从句, 谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填depends。147 . Ways#Methods#Strategies 148. keep 149. help 150. expected 151. unnecessary【 导语】本文是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了如何克服演讲恐惧的方法。147 . 根据“Luckily, this fear can be overcome ( 克服) with two simple methods: practice andusing positive ( 正面的) energy from the audienc

303、e.”可 知 , 本文主要介绍了如何克服演讲恐惧的方 法 , 故填 Ways/Methods/Strategies.148 . 根据“After the task of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practise, practise,practise.”可 知 , 当演讲稿写完之后, 演讲者需坚持练习, 故填keep.149 . 根据“Video is particularly helpful as it can be watched many times”可 知 , 录像对于演讲者是有帮助的, 故填help.150 . 根据“

304、Speakers need to remember that the audience want them to succeed.”可 知 , 观众是期望演讲者能够成功的, 故填expected,151. 根 据“So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.”可 知 , 经过适当的练习及和观众 共 鸣 , 演讲者没有必要害怕, 故填unnecessary.152. Because of its lots of/much sunshine./Because it has lots of/much sunshine. 153. Clot

305、hand quilts. 154. Easy. 155. Round and tall. 156. To the factories nearby.【 分析】文章介绍了新疆的棉花的特点以及棉花收获的情况。152. 根据“Cotton needs lots of heat and sunshine to grow. Xinjiang is a good place to grow it. Ithas lots of sunshine”可 知 , 新疆是种植棉花的好地方, 因为这里阳光充足, 故填Because of itslots of7much sunshine./Because it has

306、 lots oPmuch sunshine.153. 根据“The most famous cotton in Xinjiang is long-stapled cotton ( 长绒棉) Its good formaking cloth and quilts ( 被子) . ” 可 知 , 新疆最著名的棉花是长绒棉, 它很适合做布料和被子,故填 Cloth and quilts.1 5 4 . 根据“But now harvesting the cotton is not a hard job for cotton farmers.”可 知 , 现在收获棉花对棉农来说并不难, 故填Easy.

307、155. 根据The big guy “lays eggs next. Look, it has left some round and tall cotton eggs!可知 , 棉花蛋 又高又圆, 故填Round and tall.15 6 . 根据“after the harvest season, the fresh cotton is sent to the factories nearby.”可 知 , 收获季节 过 后 , 新鲜的棉花被送到附近的工厂, 故填To the factories nearby.157. They ran to the robber/They ran o

308、ver to the robber. 158. An underground station/Herushed into an underground station. 159. Because they had the similar build/Because theylooked like the robber. 160. The third one/The one who was running/The one who was runningaround. 161. He is clever/careful/wise.【 分析】本文是记叙文, 短文讲述了约翰警官抓强盗的故事, 表现了他

309、的聪明和细心。157. 根据“They saw a robber attacking an old woman on the road. Lee and John ran over to therobber at once”可 知 , 约翰和李看到一个强盗袭击一个老妇 人 后 , 他们立刻向强盗跑去, 故填They ran to the robber/They ran over to the robber o158. 根据“Lee and John followed him for a long distance until the robber rushed into anundergrou

310、nd station” , 可知强盗冲进了地铁站, 故填 An underground station/He rushed into anunderground station o159 . 根据“AH of them had the similar build as the robber. John looked at them carefully, one byone”可 知 , 约翰仔细地看着他们是因为他们的身材都一样( 看上去像强盗) , 故填Becausethey had the similar build/Because they looked like the robbero16

311、0 . 根据“The third one was running around to warm himself up, as it was cold in the station”可知 , 跑步会不断地大声喘气, 符合约翰的判断“The robber wanted to cover up the fact that hewas out of breath by doing this” ,所以第三个正在跑步的是强盗, 故填 The third one/The onewho was running/The one who was running around o161 . 根据短文内容, 结合约翰的判断“The robber wanted to cover up the fact that he was out ofbreath by doing this” ,可知他很聪明( 细心或智慧) , 故填 He is clever/careful/wise



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