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11、宾语间接宾语+直接宾语,例如:直接宾语,例如: v Lend me your dictionary, please.vto: write, tell, pass, give, send, promise, show, hand, read, bring, throw等,例如:等,例如:v He sent the novel to William yesterday.vfor: leave, buy, build, choose, cook, draw, find, get, order, post, save等,例如:等,例如:v She bought a gift for her mothe

12、r.v2复合宾语宾语复合宾语宾语+宾补,例如:宾补,例如:v They elected him their monitor.v以下动词只能接不定式做宾语以下动词只能接不定式做宾语vask,agree,care,choose,demand,dare,decide,expect,fail,help,hope,learn,manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,want,wish,desire等,如:等,如:vHerefusedtolendmehisbike.v以下动词只能接动名词做宾语以下动词只能接动名词做宾语vadmit,avoid,ad






18、ars.v3.Heisproudtohavepassedthenationalcollegeentranceexamination.副词及副词性词组介词短语不定式短语4.Heisintheroommakingamodelplane.5.Waitaminute.6.Onceyoubegin,youmustcontinue.分词短语名词状语从句9种状语种类如下: 1.Howaboutmeetingagainat six?2.Lastnightshedidntgotothedancepartybecause of the rain.3.Ishallgothereif it doesnt rain.4

19、.MrSmithliveson the third floor.5.Sheputtheeggsintothebasketwith great care.时间状语原因状语条件状语地点状语方式状语vShecameinwith a dictionary in her hand.6.In order to catch up with the others,Imustworkharder.7.Hewassotiredthat he fell asleep immediately.8.Sheworksveryhardthough she is old.9.Iamtallerthan he is.伴随状语目

20、的状语结果状语让步状语比较状语 九同位语九同位语Appositive对前对前面的名词或代词做进一步的解释,面的名词或代词做进一步的解释,通常由名词、数词、代词或从句担通常由名词、数词、代词或从句担任,如:任,如:ThisisMr.Zhou,ourheadmaster.Thisisgoodnewsthathehasfoundhisson.十插入语十插入语Parenthesis对一对一句话做一些附加的解释,通常有句话做一些附加的解释,通常有tobehonest,Ithink(suppose,believe)等,如:等,如:Tobefrank,Idontquiteagreewithyou.句子成分详

21、解表句子成分详解表句子成分句子成分意意义充当充当词类例句例句主主语表示句子表示句子说的是什么人或什么的是什么人或什么事事名,代,数,不定名,代,数,不定式,式,动名名词,短,短语或或句子句子We study in Shenzhen Middle School.谓语说明主明主语做什么,是什么或怎做什么,是什么或怎么么样动词或或动词词组She is dancing under the tree.宾语表示表示动作行作行为的的对象象同主同主语Both of us like English.表表语与与联系系动词连用,一起构成用,一起构成谓语,说明主明主语的性的性质或特征或特征同主同主语Her fathe

22、r is a chemist.His words sound reasonable.定定语用来修用来修饰名名词或代或代词形,代,数,名形,代,数,名, 副,介副,介词短短语或句子或句子We have eight lessons every day.状状语修修饰动词,形容,形容词,副,副词,表,表示示动作作发生的生的时间,地点,原,地点,原因,目的,方式,因,目的,方式,结果等果等副副词,介,介词短短语或句或句子子He works very hard.They held a party in Hollywood.宾语补足足语逻辑上与上与宾语是主是主谓关系关系形容形容词,名,名词,介,介词短短语等

23、等She always keeps the house clean.主语谓语是基础,宾表定状补辅助。宾主来自名代数,动词作谓不可无!主语谓语是基础,宾表定状补辅助。宾主来自名代数,动词作谓不可无!练习练习一一.指出以下句子划线局部是什么句子成分:指出以下句子划线局部是什么句子成分:1.Thestudentsgotontheschoolbus.2.Hehandedmethenewspaper.3.Ishallansweryourquestionafterclass.4.WhatabeautifulChinesepainting!5.Theywenthuntingtogetherearlyinth


25、vice.v13.HefounditimportanttomasterEnglish.AttributePredicativeO. AdverbialPredicateS.PredicateS.PredicativePredicateO.AdverbialFO.RO.v14.Doyouhaveanythingelsetosay?v15.Tobehonest,yourpronunciationisnotsogood.v16.Wouldyoupleasetellmeyouraddress?v17.Hesatthere,readinganewspaper.v18.Itisourdutytokeepo






31、nglishfor3years.38.Ilikepopularmusic.39.Sheknowswhattodonext.40.Itexcitedallofusthatthepresidentwouldvisitourschool.二、用符号划出以下短文各句中的主语、谓语、宾语:vI hope you are very well. Im fine, but tired. Right now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my Dad on the farm. August is the hottest month here. It is th

32、e time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark. Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors. We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. We have a lot of machines on the farm. vAlthough the farm

33、is large, my Dad has only two men working for him. But he employs more men for the harvest. My brother takes care of the vegetable garden. It doesnt often rain in the summer here. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. Every evening we pump water from a well. It then runs along channels

34、 to different parts of the garden.三、用符号划出以下短文各句中的定语、状语、补语: vMost Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time. These parties often make us very happy. We cook meat on an open fire outside. Its great! Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion. Some of my friends drink beer. I don

35、t, because I have to drive home after the party. In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States. There are five different time areas in the States. In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time. How many different time areas do you have in China? Well, I must stop a

36、nd get some sleep. Please give my best regards to your parents. 四、选择填空:v()1._willleaveforBeijing.vA.NowtherethemanvB.ThemanherenowvC.ThemanwhoisherenowvD.Themanisherenowv()2.Theweather_.vA.wetandcoldB.iswetandcoldvC.notwetandcoldD.werewetandcoldv()3.Theappletasted_.vA.sweetsB.sweetlyvC.nicelyD.sweet


38、shwell.vA.its B.itvC.thatD.thatisv()9.Thedog_mad.vA.looksB.islookedvC.isbeinglookedD.waslookedv()10.Iwillneverforgettheday_Ijoinedthearmy.vA.thatB.whenvC.inwhichD.where句子的类型句子的类型 1 1主语主语+ +谓语谓语 2 2主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语简单句简单句 3 3主语主语+连系动词连系动词+表语表语 4 4主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +双宾语双宾语( (直接宾语和间直接宾语和间 接宾语接宾语) ) 5 5主语主语+ +谓

39、语谓语+ +复合宾语复合宾语( (宾语和宾语宾语和宾语 补足语补足语) )并列句并列句复合句复合句并列复合句并列复合句1 简单句简单句:只有一个主语只有一个主语(或并列主语或并列主语)和一个谓语和一个谓语(或或并列谓语并列谓语)的句子叫做简单句的句子叫做简单句:He learns German.Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.We sang and danced yesterday evening.My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back

40、 home at seven in the evening.1.主语主语+谓语谓语2.主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语3.主语主语+系动词系动词+表语表语4.主语主语+谓语谓语+直接宾语直接宾语+间接宾语间接宾语5.主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语简单句的五种根本构造简单句的五种根本构造1.1.主语主语+ +谓语谓语Danny came back. It is raining.Some of them failed.1你你应当努力学当努力学习。 Youshouldstudyhard.2 那天早上我那天早上我们谈了很多。了很多。Thatmorningwetalkedagreatde

41、al. 2 2 主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +宾语宾语Ibeatyou .主语主语 谓语谓语宾语宾语SVOv观察下面一个例句,你能找到句中的观察下面一个例句,你能找到句中的“主主语语、“谓语谓语、“宾语吗宾语吗?v因此这是个典型的因此这是个典型的“主谓宾句型。主谓宾句型。3.3.主语主语+ +系系动词动词+ +表语表语She was at home then.He became famous. He got angry.They all keep silent.1我的兄弟都是大学生。我的兄弟都是大学生。Mybrothersareallcollegestudents.2布朗夫人看起来很安康。布朗夫

42、人看起来很安康。MrsBrownlooksveryhealthy. More examples:1). The weather is very cold.2). She felt happy.3). Please keep silent!4). My father is an English teacher.5). The Lijiang River looks especially beautiful in the early morning.6). The surface of the table feels smooth.7). Leaves will turn yellow in au

43、tumn.8). The soup tasted delicious.9). That sounds reasonable.4.4.主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +直接宾语直接宾语+ +间接宾语间接宾语Mary told us the reason.Danny sent me a film ticket.John gave her some suggestions 1.他把他把车票票给列列车员看。看。 He showed the ticket to the conductor. 2. 我父我父亲已已经给我我买了一了一辆新自行新自行车。My father has bought me a new bi

44、ke.5.5.主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语宾语补足语Mom asked him to turn off the radio. I observe a girl go by every day. She heard a baby crying downstairs.He let us use his computer. 1他请我们参加做游戏。他请我们参加做游戏。Heaskedustojoininthegame.2我要你把真相告诉我。我要你把真相告诉我。Iwantyoutotellmethetruth.Exercisev1.Ourschoolisnotfarfrommyho

45、me.v2.Itisagreatpleasuretotalkwithyouv3.Allofusconsideredhimhonest.v4.Mygrandfatherboughtmeapairofsportsshoes.v5.Hebrokeapieceofglass.v6.Hemadeitclearthathewouldleavethecityv7.Treesturngreenwhenspringcomes.v8.HedidntcomeThatiswhyhedidntknow 主语主语系动词系动词表语表语主主谓谓宾宾+宾补宾补主主谓谓宾宾+宾宾主主谓谓宾宾主主谓谓宾宾+宾补宾补主系主系表表主谓

46、主谓2 并列句并列句 : 并列句由等立连词或分号并列句由等立连词或分号;把两个或两把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。个以上的简单句连在一起构成。We help them and they help us.2) It is late, so we must hurry.3) The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 4) -Would you like to come to dinner tonight? - Id like to , but Im too busy.5) We must get up early tomorrow, or wel

47、l miss the first bus to the Great Wall.分句由并列连词分句由并列连词and, then, but, or, or else,so, for, while, when;bothand, eitheror,neithernor, not only,but also, as well as 等来连接。等来连接。He is a basketball fan, and his wife is a volleyball fan.Hurry up, or youll be late.He works hard while his brother is a lazy bo

48、ne.He was enjoying his KFC when a friend came.3复合句复合句: 含有一个或一个以上从句的含有一个或一个以上从句的句子叫复合句。句子叫复合句。1) Whats the name of the film that you saw yesterday?2) He said that he would go to the zoo with his mother.3) They took a lot of pictures when they were on the Great Wall?As is known to everybody, the moon

49、travels round the earth once every month.5) Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.6) All that is needed is a supply of oil.7) The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.8) As the day went on, the weather got worse.4并列复合句:并列复合句即并列连词并列复合句:并列复合句即并列连词连接

50、的带从句的并列句。连接的带从句的并列句。English is widely used in the world, but China has the largest number of people who speak Chinese.判断以下句子判断以下句子1.Regularphysicalactivityhelpslowerbloodpressure.2.Wewatchedthetrainuntilitdisappearedinthedistance.3.Trafficaccidentsusuallyhappenwhenpeoplearenotcarefulenough.4.Organizationshopetoimprovethepublicsenvironmentalawareness.5.Icouldseepeoplemovingtoandfrointhesquare.6.Whatyousaidsoundsallright.7.Isupposeweoughttowaittillshearrives.知识回忆知识回忆Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview祝您成功!



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