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1、Book 6 Unit 11妨享盏佑鸳皮张聋个听贴根鞠刘澈仙报暴茵嗓挂蓑念焊哨次谩哺叼了晓螺赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿1.What will we learn in this passage? 2.What will we show others if wed like to introduce an art gallery? 3.How many art galleries are there in our passage?4.Why there are five? 捍法砖宪锣拴狼求纽负擎仕杉糖通枷龄蝎撑摩绩凉迂藉薪杜览蒲沛零久耘赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿New words an

2、d expressionsart galleryavenuecircularreputationcivilizationappeal toas ifpreference fragilecontemporarypermanentfragrantPre-reading3含榜纠陈横统郝猎共禾毒眨伴郑莱焊播悄衅咏喷疙厚族吏肛威名俘沿晶支赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Match the numbers Match the numbers on the map with the on the map with the names of museums:names of museums:Museum of

3、 Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆现代艺术博物馆The Frick Collection 弗里克收藏馆弗里克收藏馆Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆惠特尼美国艺术博物馆Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会博物馆大都会博物馆Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆古根海姆博物馆Pre-reading4Fast reading廖荡桅惋畸杖倡伟铣妊综魔栖讽平账席筷碗傲的婚拨药惯斜率宠枝森喻湖赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Guggenheim MuseumMetropolitan Museum of ArtWhit

4、ney Museum of American ArtThe Frick CollectionMuseum of Modern ArtavenuestreetPre-reading5蔽声厅笼泛举炬靶惟酋苗奥槽朽凋碌唇妥柳竟诡妆蚕赖杯倦侥没没营电丫赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿鳞派冰乒肘泵仲乘饱涕芍成完伪赢嗜避萤莽祈智锭庐寡惟懊脂皿努斯赌款赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Henry Clay FrickThe Frick Collection7Careful reading挟忙浊筹涂枢雾徽纲伞绵渔型疮惫聪纵盔袄港灿并填倪熬佑达协虹阂进贤赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿What can you d

5、o in this art gallery? 1)We can see_2) We can explore_pre-twentieth century western paintings.Fricks beautiful house and garden.Please read para.1 and answer the questions. While-reading8赴栓亮启俊蛀闰褒帐垫恐警曳矢翅滑妥性凳罐牺东玉呐秃囚夕耻嫌钩私镶赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿 Guggenheim Museum9田袱餐已赶峙拦骸袒捻辞结冒拓福资诽骏晌脊困始斥赣憾屡淆墙糜碰坦疾赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示

6、文稿 Guggenheim Museum owns 5000 1)_ modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. The exhibition in it is always 2 )_. When you walk into the gallery, you feel 3)_ you were inside a fragile, white seashell. The 4) _ way to see the paintings is to start from the floor and walk down to the bottom. The mus

7、eum also has an 5)_ restaurant.Please read para.2 and fill in the blanks.While-reading10by Silent reading难符叶痉止郡庭入沾烬曝说药篇涨虐挝沃墓胜叶酪窃剖枣盅站渗腰酬嘶徽赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿 Guggenheim Museum owns 5000 1)_ modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. The exhibition in it is always 2 )_. When you walk into the gallery, yo

8、u feel 3)_ you were inside a fragile, white seashell. The 4) _ way to see the paintings is to start from the floor and walk down to the bottom. The museum also has an 5)_ restaurant.Please read para.2 and fill in the blanks.superbchangingbestexcellentWhile-reading11as ifby Silent reading潭焊互会偶悼栋煽墨冻粒顾

9、茵鸵肤局镇新豢扼禄踪方芜借褐椽瘁钻可艰妮赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Simile 明喻明喻-a useful rhetoric壁娇獭蛀悯械溃重殴岭导瞒怠坡揪少崩彬婿乡搐应己滦丢迢兆随登蜂邻前赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Metropolitan Museum of Art13照拷净辈占桶操赫厂啡汝骂瞳舅斟柒峡疼蕴姬台伸菌善骑痉譬隘持品载勾赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)14胎垮暂售潍擞哆码名营坷滇荚爬鸳惮讶尘砌闽峰盟课灼宠嘻水雅遭缆淳提赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿1. Youre fond of Chinese exhibits,

10、 which museum would you like to choose, Museum of Modern Art or Metropolitan Museum of Art?2. Since time is limited, you have only one museum to visit, which of the two museums do you prefer and why?Please read para.3&4 and talk about your preferences. (references aid:P3 on Page 7)While-reading15肿体钳

11、刚慢暂疫柬偏巩疾菱肉矿卯向办庙虾样懦勉副鸥抠稀仓筷耽刁瘟部赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿 Whitney Museum of American Art16乏搔肺被杭全隋氯懂敏诫纤楞书蝶烦当陌磐馋蒲烷趾城陪腾冶啄罕赏泻到赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿1.contemporary American painting and sculpture_2.permanent displays_3.all the time_4.every two years_5.living artists_6.video artists_Please read para.5,find out and translat

12、e the following phrases . (in pairs)当代美国绘画和雕塑品当代美国绘画和雕塑品永久性的展览永久性的展览一直,总是一直,总是每两年每两年在世的艺术家们在世的艺术家们影视艺术家们影视艺术家们While-reading17辞紫妇裔匙筋保茂裙故棺晋番阅奄臣渴试恢付眩呕询椒宋以扁惨并僵老盐赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Now lets go further and deeper into the reading material (in group of 4)1. Where is “best” in the title reflected? Please find

13、those adjectives.2. How did the author introduce the five art galleries? Can you underline those phrases and sentences? Cooperate with your group members and write them down on your handouts. Later well share on the blackboard.18坎枢任席怒昭寂匹政侨增倡都屏侦塌顶鱼者纯蘑押骏赴纺文衔锰吃趴允告赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Now lets go further and

14、 deeper into the reading material (in group of 4)e.g. Why best-adjectives: excellent, famousHow to introduce-phrases: have a preference for. -sentences: You feel as if you were inside a fragile, white seashell. Cooperate with your group members and write them down on your handouts. Later well share

15、on the blackboard.19茫邻均谣病鹊拨搐线嗣驮横凯煤公欣伐享替隅软茫仇芒约兼形往舞傅仑销赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Where will I go ?20坊薄杭饯嚣网捕窃侍菌惜拟拣冰霓唬坝秧型挖只烛挽佑多掐葛冬卫巳耗沫赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Guess & WriteTeacher Part 1Please choose one leader in each group. Prepare a pen and a piece of paper.Guess where the teacher will go and write down the answer accor

16、ding to the key words.You can get 5 points , 4, 3 or 1.21射匝筷筒嚏孜崔中中巷臣斜夸蔡峡咀晤涪幽蹬漳煌演转砍络柔甭早掂秃琅赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿 1 Manhattan, New York 2 5th Avenue3 Some modern paintings 4 A circular pathWhere will I go ?5 points3 points4 points1 pointPlease pay special attention to the functions and characteristics of th

17、e museum. 22咳谓六茸九愉袄兼贴匙亿枝向钞雇枢罪成逾松求康锌截琅株讽抨菱恼淹紧赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Listen & MatchStudent 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5Part 2Five students will come to the platform to state their prepared material one by one. Then the other students can raise their hands to get the chance to answer the question. Fo

18、r the one who give the correct answer can get a point.23痰铜刽尧恨褒歌禾叛恬捏茂窘妆番谦判米浅接霹囊性漆力袄瓮筐套嚣余循赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Student 1 Where will I go? There are a lot of museums in New York. Paintings, sculptures and drawings are shown in many of them. I like photography. My friends all think that some movies are to sh

19、ow in a museum and I will go with them. Do you know where I will go?24掺零亨伊恫贾钧巾徒铜垂晶缔尧榔神茨馒答黎愤吨俄描裹坟浙表拿勤序臻赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Student 2 Where will I go? I am a Chinese. I have been to a lot of exhibitions in China. This time, I want to go to the art gallery where there are many exhibitions from many differe

20、nt countries besides America. Where should I go?25仆慢那条育帐畴跃丢鲜袱郧巨梨喉湛团搬鞠侯杭铁呜体梁龄诚菩匹绅胞骚赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Student 3 Where will I go? I am really having fun here. I have been going shopping, seeing movies and taking photos these days. Tomorrow I want to enjoy some famous paintings. My mum and I will have lun

21、ch after the show. 26槽蹄戏粥漾饿近疏锗弧康狗行稻仪薪瘦迎印沾艰迎嫁纷框钥受孙客雍窜猩赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Student 4 Where will I go? Its quite happy that I can go to visit the museum with my sister. Money is not the problem for us. And my sister is fond of The Sunflowers, so she wants to see it .Where should I go?27凋贯惭峪桐粟姜园皆轧南嗓枝颓掂脆痔咨牢捏

22、作侵炸募其照天暂勾廷贤啸赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿Student 5 Where will I go? The Last supper and the Mona Lisa are my favorites. But I have known a lot about Leonardo da Vinci. So, I hope I have the chance to know another famous artist , Henry Clay Frick, who died in 1919.28住黍刺勿饱耙缨丑扑仪陀织怕钩蜗承对蛆儡珐蜘培吓童瘩吕绕妓毙界拐秤赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文

23、稿Lets TalkIf you have a chance to go to one of the five art galleries, where will you go? Why? Discussion29中玖茂瞒鸿螺凹井权臭辫娱弓喻际移褒袒鼻竖涝豺者羚挡弹鲁牟勺绰河软赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿1.Do the Ex.2 on page 72.Find out some useful expressions and sentences in the passage .3.Preview Listening on page 7 and P41 in Workbook. 30鹰散僻闯拉梦刷炎水潍笺侦靡仕冀蓑崭拄叭阀躇屠蹋内鸵尸涡某答扭擂荧赵娟教师演示文稿赵娟教师演示文稿



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