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1、会计学1大学英语四级信件写作万能大学英语四级信件写作万能(wnnng)模模板板第一页,共14页。课堂课堂(ktng)(ktng)话题话题- -必考点必考点第1页/共13页第二页,共14页。课堂课堂(ktng)(ktng)目录目录第2页/共13页第三页,共14页。1-1 书信书信(shxn)格式格式Dear Sir / Madam,Dear Sir / Madam,(收信人称呼)(收信人称呼) xxxxxxxxx ( xxxxxxxxx (正文正文(zhngwn)(zhngwn)第一自然段第一自然段) ) xxxxxxxxx ( xxxxxxxxx (正文正文(zhngwn)(zhngwn)第二

2、自然段第二自然段) ) xxxxxxxxx ( xxxxxxxxx (正文正文(zhngwn)(zhngwn)第三自然段第三自然段) )(写信人署名)(写信人署名) Yours, Yours,Wang LinWang Lin格式格式:1:三部分:三部分(b fen):称呼:称呼+正文正文+署署名;名;2:三段论:正文分三段;:三段论:正文分三段;3:字数:字数:100-150字,正文非顶格。字,正文非顶格。第3页/共13页第四页,共14页。1-2 书信书信(shxn)正文正文第4页/共13页第五页,共14页。1-2-1 1st Para 1 1)第第第第一一一一自自自自然然然然段段段段写写写写

3、法法法法:确确确确定定定定主主主主题题题题( (z zh h t t ) ),解解解解释释释释写写写写信信信信的的的的原原原原因因因因。2)模版:)模版: I write this email/letter to do sth主题主题(zht)To do sth:1:投诉信:投诉信complain to sb about sth =make a complaint2:求职信:求职信apply (for) sth =make an application 3:道歉信:道歉信 apologize to sb for+ sth/doing sth/从句从句 =make an apology4: 推荐

4、信推荐信 recommend/advise sb to do sth =suggest doing sth 5: 祝贺信祝贺信 congratulate sb for sth =make a congratulation 6: 邀请信邀请信 Invite sb to do sth/invite sb to sp 第5页/共13页第六页,共14页。1-2-2 2nd Para第第第第二二二二自自自自然然然然段段段段写写写写法法法法( ( ( (x x x xi i i i f f f f) ) ) ):内内内内容容容容扩扩扩扩展展展展注意注意(zh y)要点:要点:1):按照考):按照考试规定的

5、几点要求定的几点要求扩展;展;2):全面性,均衡性全面性,均衡性3):使用(shyng)长的上下文逻辑词上下文逻辑词上下文逻辑词:1:关于:关于 With regard to this problem,2:首先:首先 In the first place, First and foremost,3:同时:同时 At the same time, On the other hand, 4: 最后最后 Last but not the least, At last, In the end, 5: 例如例如 For example, Take sth as an example, 6: 结果结果 A

6、s a result, 7: 相似地相似地 In the same way, 相反地相反地 On the contrary, In the opposite way,8: 总结总结 In a word, From all the above we can conclude+句句子子第6页/共13页第七页,共14页。1-2-3 3rd Para第三自然段写法:客套话(第三自然段写法:客套话(+ +再次再次(zi c)(zi c)重复主题)重复主题) 2)客套)客套话 I really appreciate your assistance in this matter, and if you ha

7、ve any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. In addition, my email is . I am looking forward to your reply.第7页/共13页第八页,共14页。 1-3 书信书信(shxn)模板模板Dear Sir / Madam,Dear Sir / Madam, I write this email/letter I write this email/letter toto do sth do sth xxxxxxxxx ( xxxxxxxxx (按考规扩展按考规扩展(kuzhn)(k

8、uzhn)内容内容) ) I really appreciate your assistance in this matter, and I really appreciate your assistance in this matter, and if you have any questions, please dont hesitate if you have any questions, please dont hesitate toto contact contact me. In addition, my email is . I amme. In addition, my ema

9、il is . I amlooking forward looking forward toto your reply. your reply. Yours, Yours,Wang LinWang Lin第8页/共13页第九页,共14页。1-4 其他其他(qt)应用文应用文Note Sep. 20th,2014Dear Jane, I have a big favor to ask you. I am late for my appointment with Professor Jones, and need to go directly to his office. But I have t

10、wo books that are due back at the library this evening. As I will not be able to get to the library before it closes, I was wondering if you would possibly have the time to return the books for me. I realize this is a big favor to ask you, as you are also very busy. In return for help, I would like

11、to buy you lunch tomorrow. Thanks in advance. Lily1-4-1 便条便条(bintio)(Note)第9页/共13页第十页,共14页。1-4 其他其他(qt)应用文应用文Notice There is going to be a lecture of _(题目(tm) in the meeting room (地点)of the English Department from _ to _ on _(时间). The lecture will be given by _, who is from the Department of English

12、 Literature, University of Pennsylvania. He will present _(内容), which you surely enjoy very much. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this lecture. English Department1-4-2 通知通知(tngzh)(Notice)第10页/共13页第十一页,共14页。1-4 其他其他(qt)应用文应用文MemoTo:XXFrom: XXDate: XXSubject: Negotiation between Le

13、novo and IBM Today, Lenovo and IBM had a negotiation in Diaoyutai State Guest-house. The participants in the negotiation are the managers of Sales Department, Human Resource Department, and Marketing Department of the two companies. They talked about the potential of cooperation of the two companies

14、 in the field of high-tech computer products and the possibility of establishing a branch company of IBM in China. On the first problem, the two sides achieved an agreement. However, on the second problem, the two sides did not reach any agreement. Therefore, on Dec. 20, 2004, the two sides will hol

15、d a second round of negotiation on this issue.1-4-3 备忘录(备忘录(Memo)Write a memo of the negotiation, the memo should include:1: time and place of the negotiation2: participants of the negotiation3: contents of the negotiation including the agreement reached and the difference still remain4: the time for the next negotiation 第11页/共13页第十二页,共14页。1-5 模拟题实训模拟题实训假如你是李华。你的朋友假如你是李华。你的朋友(png you)Bob 打算来中国旅游。希望得到你的建议。请给他发一封邮件。打算来中国旅游。希望得到你的建议。请给他发一封邮件。第12页/共13页第十三页,共14页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。1-4-1 便条(Note)。1-4-2 通知(Notice)。1-4-3 备忘录(Memo)。请给他发一封(y fn)邮件第十四页,共14页。



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