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1、Unit3 Living with peopleVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA Dorm life has some major negatives. The other students keep me up allnight. And my roommate doesnt give me any space.B My new roommate doesnt drive me crazy. She never leaves her foodor clothes all over the place. She never takes my things witho

2、ut asking.C My dads rules are way too strict. He wont let me use the phone formore than 10 minutes. And I have to be back by a 9 p.m. curfew. I knowits because hes concerned about me.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Sally never cleans anything.2. The dormitorys rules are too strict.3. His m

3、other listens in on his phone conversations.4. Her brother takes her things without asking.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. She doesnt take her old food out of the refrigerator. She leaves herstuff all over the apartment.2. She has to be back by 10pm. She cant invite friends to the room.3. His mom liste

4、ns to the room. His moon is too nosy.4. Her brother borrows her CDs. Her brother messes up her room.Script1. A: Whoa, ours place is a mess!B: Yeah, well, its Sallys stuff. She never cleans anything and leaves herclothes all over the place-blobs of toothpaste on the sink, and old smellyfood in the fr

5、idge. She doesnt care that shes living with other people.A: Yeah, shes a total slob!2. A: Hi, little sister. hows your first week away at school?B: Well, I have to say that dormitory living has some major negatives.A: What? Like having to share the bathroom with a lot of people?B: Actually, thats no

6、t so bad. Its just that some of the rules are so strict.Like, we have to be back in the building by a 10 p.m. curfew.A: Yeah, that sure sounds like dorm life!B: And we cant have friends in our rooms!2. A: Ahhhh! My mom is so annoying. She doesnt give me any space.B: What do you mean?A: I mean, I fee

7、l like shes spying on me all the time .whenever I try to callsomeone on the phone, she hangs around listening to what I say.B: Shes probably just curious.A: Its more than just curious. Even if I take the phone into my ownbedroom, shell suddenly come in, without knocking, and pretend to belooking for

8、 something, just to check up on me . I wish I could move out!B: What a bummer.4. A: Harry, have you been listening to my CDs again?!B: Alice! Whats the big deal?A: The big deal is that it is so disrespectful to take things without asking.Plus, you mess up my room!B: Hey, you take my sweaters without

9、 asking all the time!A: Yeah, well.thats different.B: I dont think so.Real world listening1. PredictAnswerThey dont respect her privacy.2. Get the main ideaAnswerThings that bother Kara:Mrs. Johnson visits Kara too often.Mrs. Johnson watches her while she eats.Mrs. Johnson wants to know where she is

10、 going.Mr. Johnson tries to hug and kiss her all the time.ScriptKara: Steve, remember the older couple that I rent my apartment from?Steve:Yeah?Kara: Well, the woman has been coming up to see how Im doing. At firstI was really appreciative, you know, its nice to feel that people areconcerned when yo

11、u live alone.Steve: Yeah, it is nice.Kara: Now, though, she comes every day. sometimes more than once!She always brings me homemade soup.Steve: Homemade soup! That is so great! I wish someone cooked for me.Kara: Sure, having some home-cooked food is a treat, but she sits andwatches me to make sure I

12、 eat it! Last time, I had just eaten dinner whenshe came over and insisted that I finish a whole bowl. She wouldnt leaveuntil I did!Steve: Oh, cmon, you could have it much worse.Kara: And, every time I go out she leans out the door to ask where I amgoing. Its like Im 17 again!Steve: Would you rather

13、 have loud neighbors who kept you up all night?Kara: Well, its not only her. Its the old man, too. He is such a flirt, andIve always thought it was cute. Ya know, an old man ,80 years old , stillflirting.Steve: Uh huh.Kara: So, today when I got home, he came up to me, gave me a hug.Steve: Yeah, so w

14、hat.?Kara: And then, he kissed me on the cheek.!Steve: Oh no! Well, maybe you remind him of his granddaughter.Kara: Well, yeah, but dont you think its kind of weird for him to kiss me?Unit 4 High fashion, low budgetVocabulary TaskAnswers/scriptA Im trying to watch my spending. But this sweater may n

15、ever be thischeap again! Oh, well, thats what credit cards are for.B If only I could afford this killer dress. I guess Ill have to wait until its onsale. In the meantime, Ill try to save up enough money.C This style is really in this year. Its the latest thing. I know Im justpaying for the designers

16、 name. But its so me. Ive just got to have one.Listening Task1) Fist ListeningAnswers1. A $179 pair of Air Jordan gym shoes.2. A $500 pair of designer pants.3. A $20 vintage dress.4. A purse that/s on sale.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. Theyre the latest thing. Hell be his team/s best player if he has

17、 them.2. He doesn/t want to look like hes wearing cheap clothes. The pants willnever go out of style.3. Its a killer dress and she wants Mike to notice her.4. The style is in this year and its on sale.Script1. A: Oh, wow, look at these. They/re the latest Air Jordans.B: Youd really wear those? They

18、look. so big.A: And theyre only $179.B: $179?! For a pair of gym shoes?A: These are the latest thing. I just got to have them. Ill be the bestplayer on the team in these. Oh, Mom, please!B: Okay, Jason, but this is the last time.2. A: Five hundred dollars for a pair of pants? Youre crazy to spend th

19、atmuch on clothes.B: Come on, man. These are the best. You just dont understand.A: I understand that I can get a nice-looking pair of pants for around 50bucks. Youre paying $450 for the designers name.B: Maybe, but at least I never look like Im wearing cheap clothes, unlikesome people I know. Beside

20、s, these pants will never go out of style.A: Okay, fine, suit yourself. It/s your money.3. A: Hey, Ellen, look at this vintage dress! It7s perfect for Mike/s party,don/t you think? And its really back in style now.B: Yeah. And its just your color.A: I know. It/s such a bargain, too . only $20, You c

21、ant beat that! Mmm,but I dont know, Ive got so many dresses in mfy closet already.B: Yeah, but this one is so YOU! Its a killer dress! Youve justgot to get it.A: Ooh, you/re tight. Km going to go for it. I sure hope he notices me in it.4. A: look, honey, a sale on those purses I was telling you abou

22、t! Ivenever seen them so cheap!B: But do you really need a new purse?A: Well, not really, but this style is really in this year. I want to get onewhile theyre on sale.B: But I thought we were trying to save up so we could go somewherespecial on our vacation.A: Oh, I just cant pass this up I really w

23、anted one, and they may neverbe this cheap again.B: Oh, I give up.Real World Listening4- PredictAnswersSusie likes to shop and spend money on expensive clothing while Rachelis on a student budget and wears mostly jeans and t-shirts.2. Get the main ideaAnswers1. Susie came to visit to go shopping.2.

24、A handbag from Prada, a black leather dress, a couple of skirts fromDonna Karan and jeans.3. Susie wants to buy something for Rachel, but Rachel doesnt want herto.4. Susie wants Rachel to cook dinner every night.ScriptRachel: So, Susie, how was the plane ride from London?Susie: Oh, I dont know.all I

25、 could think about was getting here andgoing shopping.Rachel: Hmmm.Susie: Rachel, what/s wrong?Rachel: Susie, I thought you came to see me! Isnt that more importantthan shopping?Susie: Oh cmon, Rachel. Shopping is so bonding!Rachel: All right, 1 1 1 take you to the stores. What are you looking fly?S

26、usie: Well, I want a handbag from Prada, and maybe one of their blackleather dresses.Rachel: Oh no.Susie: .a couple of skirts from Donna Karan, you know, the ones that arereally fitted, a pair of jeans.Rachel: Whoa! How much money do you have, anyway?Susie: Oh, Rachel, you know I save up to come to

27、New York every year togo shopping. Now that youre studying here, I want to go with you. Sowhat are you going to get?Rachel: Are you kidding, Susie? Ive got two words for you: studentbudget/ I cant afford to buy any clothing!Susie: Well, you/re just a jeans and T-shirt person, aren/t you? I am goingt

28、o enjoy myself no matter how much it costs. Im on holiday. Look,Rachel, Ill buy you something, a new blouse , or skirt, whatever youwant.Rachel: Well, I don/t want anyone to buy me something I cant affordmyself.Susie: Oh, don/t worry about that. And, there is no need to thank me. It/sthe least I can

29、 do since you/ll be cooking dinner every night while Imhere.Rachel: Dinner? What are you talking about?Unit 5 So many kinds of EnglishVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA Sometimes I have trouble understanding native speakers. That/sbecause native speakers use a lot of slang. I wish I could speak Englishm

30、ore fluently.B I want a teacher who is a native speaker of English. And I thinkeveryone should learn standard American English. It would makecommunication easier if we all spoke the same way.C English is the language of international communication. People whospeak English come from all over the plac

31、e. Everyone who speaks Englishhas accent of some kind. Sometimes you have to get used to howsomeone else speaks.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Professor Lees English is hard to understand.2. The people in a chat room used a lot of slang on purpose and he feltstupid.3. Communicating in Eng

32、lish with people from all over.4. Their English teacher is Chinese.2) Second listeningAnswers1. Don/t worry about it, though.2. you cant let them bother you.3. Wow, that/s cool.4. Til bet he can show us how he did it.Script1. A: So, how did you like Professor Lees class?B: Not too much. Her English

33、is so hard to understand. She has a strongaccent, you know.A: Everyone has an accent, including you! Hers is just different fromyours, thats all.B: It sure is.A: Don/t worry about it, though. Youll get used to how she speaks prettysoon.B: In a few weeks, maybe, but in the meantime.A: In the meantime

34、, pay attention to what she writes on the board. Sheuses the board a lot because she knows that some people have troubleunderstanding her. Thats one of the ways she/s such a great teacher.2. A: Hey, Fong. Whats the matter?B: I was just on my computer, in a chat room with three Americans. Theyused a

35、lot of slang on purpose, and I didn/t understand, so I asked themwhat they meant. Then they started ignoring me, and after a while, Istarted to feel stupid.A: Oh, you shouldnt. Your English is really good.B: But why did they have to be so mean? It seems like they were usingtheir English ability to h

36、ave fun with each other, but they didn/t reallywant to include me.A: Well, some people are like that, that/s all. You cant let them botheryou .One nice thing about chat rooms is that you can leave and go toanother one .or turn off your computer.3. A: How was your trip to India?B: It was incredible!

37、There were so many new, amazing sights and sounds.And smells! And I was able to speak English everywhere!A: Indian people speak English? Everybody?B: A lot of them did. Indian English is a little different from my English,but I could understand it. I also used English with other travellers, whocame

38、from all over the place.A: And, uh, no problems communicating ?B: Well, of course, there were some misunderstandings. Like thegrammar of Indian English is a little different. And sometimes I couldntunderstand someone/s accent. But the amazing thing was here we were,all these different people, with a

39、ll these we were, all these differentpeople, with all these different accents, and we could communicate.A: Wow, thats cool.4. A: I cant believe it! Our English teacher is Chinese.B: Yeah, well, so are you! Whats wrong with that?A: But hes not a native speaker. I want a teacher who is American orBrit

40、ish, so that I can learn standard English.B: But, uh, Mr. Chen can speak English fluently, and he knows things thatnative speakers don/t know.A: Yeah? Like what?B: Like how to learn English. Ill bet he can show us how he did it, andthat will make it easier for us, too.A: Hmm. Maybe you/re right.Real

41、 World Listening1. PredictAnswerDepartment manager2. Get the main ideaAnswers1. She is talking to her husband.2. She got a job in customer service.3. She worked in travel management for five years and has her degree inBusiness Management.4. Because she is not a native speaker.5. Shell try the job an

42、d see if she gets promoted.ScriptRichard: Hello?Irma: Hi, its me.Richard: Oh, hi! How was the job interview?Irma: Well, he hired me.Richard: You got the job? The management job? Oh,Irma: No, I didnt say I got the management job. He hired me for a job incustomer service, selling hired me for a job in

43、 customer service, sellingtours to Asia.Richard: Just customer service? But what about the managementposition? You were perfect for that job. You can supervise people. Youunderstand the business.Irma: I know. I showed him my resume. I told him that I worked in travelmanagement for five years back ho

44、me, and that I even got a degree inBusiness Management here in the U.S.Richard: Oh, I cant believe that. You/re perfectly qualified for thatmanagement position.Irma: That/s what I thought. Its not fair! Why did I bother going tocollege here?Richard: Wait, wait a minute. Did he know that you were app

45、lying for themanagement position.Irma: Of course. And you know what he said?Richard: What?Irma: He said that everyone really expects the manager to be someonefrom the local community. But the person they hired is from New York.And she/s a woman, too, so its not because I am a woman. So thatmeans the

46、 problem is my English.Richard: But your English is fantastic!Irma: But Im not a native speaker, and I guess that/s what they want forthe management job.Richard: Well, you know, you spend a little time at the customer servicejob and then you can work your way up to the management position.Unit 6 Cho

47、osing a MateVocabulary TaskAnswer/ScriptA I know he is the one. Hes ready for a lifetime commitment. He issomeone I can really trust.B I had doubts at first about the relationship. He was divorced oncealready but wanted to try again. Then I discovered that we like the samethings.C She swept me away

48、with her personality. She has a great sense ofhumor. Shes easy to talk to and fun to be with. And she/s my type.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Hes a 32 year-old white male. Hes divorced. He likes bodybuilding,rock music and dancing.2. She/s a 34-year-old, African American, single professi

49、onal. She/s alsoinvolved with Greenpeace.3. Hes a sensitive 28 year-old guy with a great job and good income. Helikes bodybuilding, movies and surfing.4. She/s a single Chinese-American woman in her mid-twenties. She likeslong walks on the beach, candle-light dinners and intelligentconversation.2) S

50、econd ListeningAnswers1. He is looking for an attractive woman who likes the same things hedoes and someone he can trust.2. She is looking for an African American, single professional man whoalready has his own life, but wants to share quality time. He has to behonest.3. He is looking for a man who

51、is fun to be with and knows how to cook.She doesnt have to be rich.4. She is looking for a man who comes from a good family and who loveslong walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and intelligentconversation. He also should like to read and have a good sense ofhumor.Script1. Hi! Im Michael. Km a

52、32 year-old white male, Im divorced, and I wantto try again with the right lady. Like bodybuilding, rock music, dancing,and I like to party. Im looking for an attractive woman who likes thesame things I do. And shes gotta be someone I can trust.2. Im Anita, and Im a 34-year-old, African American, si

53、ngle professionalwith a major corporation. Km also very involved with the environmentalorganization Greenpeace. Im looking for an African American, singleprofessional man who already has his own life, but wants to sharequality time. He has to be honest, above all else.3. Hi! My name is Jack. Im a se

54、nsitive 28-year-old guy. Im ready forsomeone who wants a lifetime commitment. Im into bodybuilding,movies and surfing! I have a great job with a good income, so you donthave to be rich, just fun to be with. And you have to be able to cook.4. My name is Cora, and Im a single Chinese American woman. K

55、m in mymid-twenties. If you love long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners,and intelligent conversation, Id like to meet you. I want a man whocomes from a good family, likes to read, and has a good sense of humor.Real World Listening1. PredictAnswersHes handsome. Hes so funny.Get the main ideaAns

56、wersHes handsome.He looks like a Greek statue.His clothes are fashionable.Hes sweet and funny.Hes easy to be with.ScriptAmy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here some-where. Oh, here itis.Erika: wow! Hes so handsome! He looks like a Greek statue.Amy: Yeah, he is very attractive. But I didn/t

57、think so when I first methim.Erika: You didnt?Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him? He has reallyhairy hands.Erika: What?Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy. Plus, his clothes were waymore fashionable than I usually like. He just wasn/t my type. And on topof all that, he was

58、shorter than me.Erika: So how come you went out with him?Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and funny and I was so comfortablejust hanging out with him. And the first time we went out he just sweptme away with his personality.Erika: Really, how?Amy: He was just really easy to talk to.Erika: But sti

59、ll, if all those things bothered you, about his hands and all.Amy: well, you know, none of that was important once I got to know himmore. His personality and the way we got along just made it clear to methat he is the one.”Erika: So, when/s the big day?Unit7 One Big Happy FamilyVocabulary TaskAnswer

60、s/ScriptA My husband got transferred across the country. My son is feeling kindof bummed out.B I never get to say what goes on in my own house. I got stuck withtaking care of the twin brats while Mom works late. It/s like a zoo aroundhere.C My husband cant get around by himself anymore. His weight i

61、scausing him trouble with his legs. My son and daughter-in-law had tomove back home to help out. We have no one else we can turn to.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswersJeanne-FredLily-Simon Gloria-Lyle.SharonKristy Shawna Marty Eddie2) Second ListeningAnswers1. Fred Its nice having Gloria here to

62、 help with Jeanne.2. Lyle Gloria and I have been together for 12 years. She is always tryingto help out her family.3. Lily Gloria is so sweet to us. She/s going to take care of Kristy andShawna until we get settled in Florida.4. Eddie Gloria is my step-mom. I don/t know how she can handletaking care

63、 of all these people. It seems like everyone depends on her.Script1. Hi, Im Fred. About four years ago, Jeanne and I retired. We werelooking forward to taking care of our yard. But just when we got the yardlooking really nice, Jeanne/s legs started causing her trouble. At first, Itried to take care

64、of her and the yard all by myself, but it was just toomuch. So we asked our daughter Gloria to come back home to live withus, together with her family. Now its like a zoo around here, but its nicehaving Gloria here to help with Jeanne.2. Hi, Im Lyle. Gloria and I have been together for 12 years now.

65、 we havea son who is 11 years old his name is Marty. Eddie lives with us, too.Hes my son from my first marriage, to Sharon. About two years agoGlorias parents asked us to come live at their house. Fred was havingtrouble talking care of Jeanne, and Gloria, She/s always trying to help outher family, s

66、o she offered to help. Jeanne/s always been over-weight, butfinally, I guess, it got to the point where she couldn/t get around byherself anymore. I don/t mind helping out Gloria/s mom, but sometimes Imiss the privacy of our own home.3. Hi, Im Lily. Im married to Simon, Gloria/s brother. We have 2-y

67、ear-oldtwin daughters named Kristy and Shawna. Simonthats myhusbandis in the Air Force, and he just got transferred across thecountry, so we have to move again. Hell be working as soon as he gets toFlorida, so I have to go and find us an apartment, and find myself a job,too. Theres no way I can do t

68、hat and watch Kristy and Shawna at thesame time .So Simon asked Gloria to take care of them until I can get ussettled. I hate to do that, but we have no one else to turn to. Glorias sosweet to us, and she said, “Sure, its no problem/4. Hi, Im Eddie. Lyle is my dad. He used to be married to my Mom,Sh

69、aron, but they got divorced when I was little. Ive been living with mydad ever since. When he and Gloria got married, I felt okay about it.Gloria is my step-mom, and I like her a lot. Then they had Marty, mystepbrother. Marty is a cool kid. But now we have to live with Gloriasparents, and pretty soo

70、n, her two nieces are coming, too. I don/t knowhow Gloria can handle taking care of all these people. It seems likeeveryone depends on her. So I try to help out as much as I can.Real world Listening1 . PredictAnswersThey are being moved out of their room.Their grandmother is sick.They don/t have eno

71、ugh time with their parents.2 .Get the main ideaAnswersT - Kristy and Shawna are moving in with Gloria/s family.T-Sim on got transferred to Florida.T - Lily, Simon/s wife, doesn/t have time to take care of her children.T - Marty and Eddie have to sleep in the living room.T - Gloria wants to solve ev

72、eryone/s problems.F - Gloria asked Marty what he wants.F - Grandma is feeling a lot better now.T - Eddie is going to spend more time with Marty.ScriptEddie: Hey, whats up with you, Marty? You look kind of bummed out.Marty: You havent heard?Eddie: Heard what?Marty: Kristy and Shawna are moving in wit

73、h us.Eddie: Yeah, I heard. Simon got transferred to Florida, right?Marty: Yeah, so he and Lily got to go there first and do a whole bunch ofstuff. That means that we get stuck with the twin brats.Eddie: Ah, come on, Marty. They aren/t brats.Marty: Yeah, but you know what its going to mean? Mom and D

74、adarent going to have any time for us anymore. And its going to get evenmore crowded here. Just one big happy family!Eddie: Yeah, there/s a lot of us now, that/s for sure. I hear were going tohave to sleep in the living room so that Kristy and Shawna can have ourroom.Marty: I wish we were back in ou

75、r old housejust us, Mom and Dad.Eddie: Yeah, sometimes I do, too.Marty: And I wish Mom and Dad wouldn/t try to solve everybodysproblems.Eddie: I don/t think that will change. You know your mom wants to takecare of everybody. She doesn/t want to say no if anybody needs he.Marty: But nobody ever asks

76、me what I want!Eddie: Kids never get to say what goes on in their house. Thats the wayit is.Marty: Yeah, you/re right. But now everything in this house is going to beKristy and Shawna, Kristy and shawna. Or else Grandma.Eddie: Hey, dont get mad at your grandma. She/s in a lot of pain, youknow.Marty:

77、 I know. Km not really mad at her. Km mad at Mon and Dad. Theyused to always have time to help me with my homework, or play gameswith me, but theyre always too busy. And now its going to get evenworse.Eddie: Hey, maybe I can help you with your homework. Bring it here.Marty: Really? You mean it? Im r

78、eally stuck on this math.Eddie: Sure. While things are kind of tough around here, Ill help you outas much as I can.Unit 8 In a New CultureVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA I really like the way it is here, how safe it is. I cant get over howfriendly and helpful people are. I would like to live out my l

79、ife here.B I/ve gotten used to it here. I used to try to figure out why they dothings a certain way.C Sometimes foreigners are too inflexible. They shouldn/t try to convertus to their way of doing things. They should just relax and go with theflow. Otherwise, theyre not going to last long.Listening

80、Task1) First ActivityAnswersHike2 .dislike3 .dislike4.like2) Second ListeningAnswers1. She feels very safe. She can leave her backpack unattended.2. People talk about their cars a lot.3. People compliment him when he speaks the language. People cantbelieve that he can use chopsticks.4. People go out

81、 of their way to help you.Script1. One of the things I really like about living in Costa Rica is that its sosafe. I mean, I can go walk around the streets with 50,000 pesetas in mywallet and I dont even worry about it. In American cities, I used to worryabout waling around with 20 dollars in my wall

82、et. And another thing isthat sometimes I go into a restaurant and I can leave my backpack sittingat a table and I go up to order and I come back knowing that mybackpack is going to be safe and no one/s even touched it.2. People in the States are so connected to their cars. They are soconcerned wheth

83、er their cars look good, and they talk about their cars alot. I think that cars isolate people. Public transportation brings peopletogether.and its better for the environment. Americans live in their cars.This is one thing about living here that I just cant get used to.3. People in Tokyo overreact w

84、hen I can use chopsticks or speak thelanguage. Tve been living here for three yearsof course I can eat withchopsticks and say some things in their language. They act as if I weresome kind of genius who had broken a secret code, or as if I had justdone them a really big favor. I don/t congratulate th

85、em when they speakEnglish to me. I dont get what the big is.4. Ill never get over how helpful people are in Tel Aviv. The other day Iwas shopping for a certain book, right? The bookstore I usually go todidn/t have it, so the clerk called a couple of his competitors until hefound a store to hold a co

86、py for me. A代er that, he photo-copied a mapand highlighted where the store was, and marked the easiest route forme to get there. They would never do that in the U.S.Real World Listening1 .PredictAnswersStore clerks, social rules2 . Get the main ideaAnswersS - I dont like all of the packaging.T - Tha

87、t/s the way it is here.X - They are too flexible here.T-You have to just relax and go with the flow.T - Youre not going to last long.S - The whole system is a waste of my time.X-The clerks are really rude here.T - I like the traditions.ScriptSteve: I cant believe these people. I cant believe what th

88、ey do.Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about?Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. Im so sick of the clerkwrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, thenputting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping thatbag shut. I cant take it anymore. Its

89、 crazy and its bad for theenvironment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Don/t you know that/s theway it is?Steve: I just want them to stick em in a napkin for me , so I can eat whileIm walking to class.Trish: There you go again. Dont you know its rude to eat while youwalk?Steve: Km so tired

90、 of this place. I dont have time to sit down and eat.People here are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so you/re gonna convert everybody here to yourway of doing things?Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever youwant.Trish: Why dont y

91、ou just relax and go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. Theclerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerkswere really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if

92、you wantanything. Dont you think its better this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It/s nice to relax and enjoy the moment whileyour packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the careand attention that people give you, and the manners. To me, its awonderf

93、ul place to live.Steve: I think youre nuts.Trish: You/re not gonna last long, mate.Unit9 High-tech GadgetsVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA The solar car of the future is here today. This car is right on the cuttingedge of technology. Be the first in your neighborhood to have one.B Introducing a revolu

94、tionary new product the personal cash machine.Its incredibly convenient and will make your life so easy. Come visit ourwebsite and order yours today.C The homework machine is a college students dream. It does al thework for you automatically. This new model is extremely use friendly.And its not too

95、expensive to upgrade.Listening Task1) Fist ListeningAnswers1. The car drives itself, automatically.2. The closet cleans, dries and irons clothing in 30 minutes.3. It allows you to tape three shows/movies at the same time.4. The phone automatically dials numbers, picks up your voice from 50feet away,

96、 and can talk to you when you are lonely.2) Second listeningAnswers1. You can study or read while your car drives. It does all the work foryou.2. You dont have to go to the Laundromat. It will make your life easy.3. You can record a movie while watching a video. You never have to missyour shows agai

97、n.4. You don/t have to dial the phone. The phone will talk to you.Script1. How would you like to study for a test or read the newspaper whileyou drive? Well, now you can, thanks to Auto-Auto, the worlds firstautomatic car. Just type in the address, fasten your seat belt, andAuto-Auto does all the wo

98、rk for you. It will wake you up when you/realmost there. Auto-Auto be the first in your neighborhood to haveone.2. Are you tired of going to the Laundromat every weekend to wash yourclothes? Well, what would you say if I told you that youll never need towash your clothes again? That/s right. Closet

99、Wash is a closet that willdry-clean all your clothes for you. It s a college student/s dream! At theend of each day, just hang your dirty clothes back up in the Closet Wash,or toss your underwear on the closet floor, and in just 30 minutes,everything is clean, dry, and neatly ironed. Closet Washit/l

100、l make yourlife so easy!3. Introducing a revolutionary new product the Tripier. Its three videoplays in 1. With the Tripier you can watch a movie on video whilerecording something else. Are there of your favorite programs on at thesame time? With the Tripier you/ll never have to miss them again youc

101、an record all of them at once. The Tripier its the video player you/rebeen waiting for!4. The cell phone of the future is here today. Its CellMate, and itsincredibly convenient. You con the name of one of your friends and it willautomatically dial their number for you. Because of its zoom miketechno

102、logy, CellMate can even pick up your voice from another room up to 50 feet away! It has a remote earphone, so you can hear messageswithout bothering others, when you/re in a class or at a restaurant. Andif youre feeling lonely?CellMate will even talk to you. Come visit ourwebsite www. cellmate, com

103、and order yours today!Real World Listening1.PredictAnswersAny answer is possible. Some possibilities:do word-processingsending and answer e-mailvoice recognitionplay moviesplay musickeep your personal schedule1. PredictAnswersThey are being moved out of their room.Their grandmother is sick.They dont

104、 have enough time with their parents.2.Get the main ideaAnswers1. when Bob says, s that another new computer?: he really means, Icant believe you are already buying another new computer? You justbought one a short time ago.2. when Andy says, “Speaking of computer, nows yours?” he reallymeans, I hope

105、 that seeing this computer makes you want to buy my oldcomputer.3. when Andy says, “Are you sure it meets all your needs?” he reallymeans, Wouldn/t you rather have a newer and faster computer that cando more things? Or wouldnt you like to buy my old computer?4. When Bob says, “I doubt Ill need a new

106、 one anytime soon/ he reallymeans, The computer you sold me a few months ago is fine. It meets allof my needs. Km not the type who needs to buy a new computer everyyear.5. When Andy says, “Theres always a new model coming out. he reallymeans, The new models always have features and programs that the

107、 oldones didnt have, so they are always much better, or The computer Iwant to sell you now can do many more thugs than the computer I soldyou a few months ago.6. When Andy says, Youll get left behind/ he really means, If everyoneelse has the latest technology and you are still using your old compute

108、r,pretty soon you won/t understand how to use new computers, becausethe technology will have changed too much. Also, if you dont keep upwith what is popular ,the popular crowd won/t be interested in you anymore.ScriptAndy: Hey, Bob. How are ya? Come and see what Ive got.Bob: Is that another new comp

109、uter?Andy: Yeah. Look how fast it is.Bob: Wow! I cant believe it. And I thought your other computer wasfast!Andy: It is fast, but this ones like lightning.Bob: And the pictures so clear.Andy: Mmm. Isn/t it? The color is pretty impressive, too, don/t you think?Bob: Yeah. You always have the latest, d

110、on/t you?Andy: You bet. This machine is right on the cutting edge of technology.You wouldnt believe how much it can do. Apart from e-mail and freeInternet service, I can watch TV on it while surfing. With this newdesktop program, I can watch TV, e-mail, streamline videos, and scanartwork. And its no

111、t that expensive to upgrade, either. Uh, speaking ofcomputers, hows yours? Still like it?Bob: Yeah, it/s fine. Thanks!Andy: I know I gave you a good deal. It was only a year old. Still, are yousure it meets all your needs? Maybe you should think about upgrading.Bob: you know me - the only things tat

112、 I need a computer for are e-mailand word processing.Andy: Yeah, but does it give you room to expand? If you want to be ableto do more two years from now, will your computer be able to handle it?Bob: Well I dont know. But I kind of doubt that Ill need a new oneanytime soon.Andy: Yeah, but with compu

113、ters, there/s always a new model coming outthat can do so much more. If you don/t keep up with technology, youllget left behind.Bob: well, whats wrong with that?Unit 10 Bad HabitsVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA Whenever hes stressed out, he has a few cigarettes. He likes to smoketwo or three packs a

114、day to relax. Hes really got to kick the habit.B He needs professional help. Hes been gambling way too much. Hesbeen addicted for a few years now.C She acts too nervous around me .she just cant stop biting herfingernails. And she/s always playing with the ends of her hair. The moreshe does it, the m

115、ore childish she looks.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. The girl bites her fingernails. Her mother thinks it makes her lookchildish and nervous. Her mother bugs her about it.2. He lost $200 in a card game and he has one week to come up with themoney. He wants to try to win his money back in

116、 another card game.3. Ben has become dependent on alcohol, has a short temper, and liesaround in a depression.4. Jill puts her hair in her mouth and pulls it through her fingers. Shelooks nervous.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. You/ve gotta stop.2. Youd better kick the habit.3. He needs professional he

117、lp.4. Dont let that bother you.Script1. A: Stop biting your fingernails!B: Shhh! Mom, please!A: Well, it makes you look childish, and too nervous. You/ve gotta stop.B: I cant help it, I am nervous! But Id probably be a lot less nervous ifyou would stop bugging me about my fingernails.A: Well, if you

118、/d stop biting your fingernails all the time, Id stop buggingyou.B: Yeah, well, the more you bug me, the more I bite em.2. A: Hey, Jason, do you think.could I borrow $100?B: Are you crazy? What do you need that much money for?A: I lost two hundred in a card game last week, and all I had was ahundred

119、. The guy I lost to told me I had a week to come up with themoney. And tonight/s the night. I dont know what he/ll do to me if Idon/t have the money.B: Okay, I guess I can loan you the money. Kd hate to see anything badhappen. Let/s go to the cash machine.A: Thanks, bud. You know, if you loan me an

120、extra fifty or so, I can get ina game, and then Ill win it back.B: Not a chance. You/re lucky Im loaning you the hundred. And I/ll tellyou somethingthis is the last time Im gonna do it. You/ve beengambling way too much. You/d better kick the habit.3. A: Could I ask you for some advice?B: Sure? Whats

121、 the matter?A: Well, its Ben.I think that hes become completely dependent onalcohol.B: Really? Your husband Ben? He doesn/t seem the type.A: Well, he is. It/s bad enough he does it when hes out, but recently hesbeen drinking at home , and hes got a very had temper and sometimeshe just lies around in

122、 a depression. I love him, but I dont really want himaround our daughter.B: It sounds o me like he needs professional help. Would he go see acounselor?A: Im not sure.4. A: So, how was your date with Jill?B: It was okay, I guess.A: What went wrong? Youre been wanting to go out with her formonths.B: I

123、 know. But she really bugged me. The whole time we were at dinner,she kept playing with the ends of her hair, you know, sticking it in hermouth or pulling it through her fingers. She just couldn/t stop playingwith it.A: Thats not so bad. She was probably just nervous, thats all. So, what isshe like?

124、B: She/s really funny. And I like talking with herwhen she doesnt haveher hair in her mouth. I was starting to feel like she couldn/t relax aroundme.A: Don/t let that bother you. Maybe she won/t do it as much when youget to know her.Real World Listening1. PredictAnswersSmoking, drinking alcohol, dri

125、nking coffee2. Get the main ideaAnswers1. Youre going to have a baby! Are you kidding me? I need a cigarette.2. You need to stop smoking. But I cant stop smoking.3. You cant drink while you/re pregnant. Okay, then, What else is there?4. Coffee. Do I have to give up everything I enjoy?5. Its importan

126、t to get regular exercise. Youre kidding!ScriptDoctor: Hi, Julie. How are you?Julie: Her, Dr. Cassidy. Tm actually fine. It/s just that I/ve been a little tiredthe last few days, and my stomach is kinda upset.Doctor: Well, that doesn/t surprise me. I have some news that you mightfind exciting. You/r

127、e pregnant.Julie: No way!Doctor: Yes, you/re going to have a baby.Julie: Are you kidding me? Ah, I need a cigarette.Doctor: That/s the last thing you need. You need to stop smoking, andimmediately.Julie: But I cant stop smoking.Doctor: For your baby/s health, Julie, Km afraid you have to.Julie: But

128、smoking is the only way I can relax! It helps me when Imstressed out.Doctor: Now, there are a number of things that are extremely importantfor pregnant mothers, and not smoking is only one of them. Another isto stop drinking alcohol. Do you drink?Julie: Well, I have a glass of wine with dinner, but

129、Im not an alcoholic.And I thought a little bit was supposed to be good for you anyway.Doctor: If you drink while you/re pregnant, your child could have birthdefects. I cannot emphasize enough, Julie, the importance of quitting.Julie: Okay, then. What else is there?Doctor: Well, coffee.Julie: Do I ha

130、ve to give up everything I enjoy? I need coffee to wake meup in the morning.Doctor: Km afraid, Julie, you/ll have to stop drinking that, too. Caffeineaffects the babys heart rate. And, its also important to get regularexercise.Julie: You/re kidding! I have to quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol andc

131、offee, and on top of all that, I have to start exercising? Boy, it is amazingthat anybody ever gets pregnant.Doctor: I really hope youll take this seriously, Julie.Unitll Getting There is Half the FunVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA I paid for first-class tickets in advance. But I ended up in second-c

132、lasswith no air conditioning. I really felt I had been cheated.B Just after the plane took off, we had engine trouble. The pilot had toperform an emergency landing. But we made it down safely in the end.C When we were driving across the country my friend kept getting lost.One time we got stranded in

133、 a little town in the middle of nowhere. Itwas the last straw for me. I got tired of stopping and asking for directionsall the time.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. They got lost.2. One of them pushed a cow.3. She reserved a sleeping berth.4. Her friends made fun of her.2) Second ListeningA

134、nswers1. getting lost2. misunderstanding a custom3. not getting what you paid for4. feeling embarrassedScript1. My best friend and I were driving from New York to Seattle, and wegot lost in Nebraska, way out in the middle of nowhere. We saw a farmerfixing his fence, so we stopped and asked him how t

135、o get to the highwayto Denver.“You dont wanna go to Denver/ he said. I know/ I answered. Actually, were going to Seattle./7“You don/t wanna go there, either/ the farmer said. Seattle, and finallythe farmer gave us directionslike, you know, “Go past the old appletree and take the left fork“ and stuff

136、 like that. And we really didntunderstand what he was saying. But we thanked him, and as we weregetting back in the car, he shouted, “But you dont wanna go there/2. My friend and I were in India, staying at a guesthouse in Varanasi,which is a holy city on the Ganges River. The only way to get from o

137、urguesthouse to the main road was a bunch of narrow little pathways.There were a few cows standing in the middle of the path, and you had tturn sideways and slip past them, but my friend pushed a cow out of theway , and immediately this Indian man came running out into the roadand started yelling at

138、 us. Then we realized that these were sacred cows,and we werent supposed to touch them.3. Did I tell you about the worst train ride I ever had? I had reserved asleeping berth on an overnight train from Rome going to Amsterdam.When I got on , there Rome going to Amsterdam. When I got on , therewas a

139、guy sitting in my seat. I said, “Excuse me, but this is my seat. Hesaid something in Italian, which I don/t understand, and then he lookedaway. He didn/t move , I went and got the conductor and showed him myticket, and you know what he did? He said, So, find another seatsomewhere else. I couldn/t be

140、lieve it! But what could I do? I ended upsitting the whole way in a second-class car with no air conditioning.4. The first time I ever flew abroad, I was with 3 friend from college, andwe were al standing in line, and I went up to the counter first and theagent said, “Are you traveling alone? Youre

141、not traveling with yourparents? I was shocked because I never thought I looked like I was 10years old or something. But then my friends started laughing andshouting out, “Yeah, were her parents, were her parents/ I was soembarrassed! But after I showed my passport, it was all okay.Real World Listeni

142、ngPredictAnswersThe travel agent squirted ketchup all over Randy because he becameangry and yelled at her.Get the main ideaAnswers1. Tim and Randy go t the travel agency.2. A van pulls up.3. Tim and Randy dont get on the van.4. Randy gets angry at the travel agent.5. Randy demands a taxi ride.6. The

143、 woman squirts ketchup on Randy.7. Tim and Randy get on the van.8. They arrive at the bus terminal.9. Randy regrets his behavior.ScriptSue: Randy, whats going on in this picture? It looks like you have bloodall over your shirt.Randy: No, thats not blood. It/s ketchup.Sue: Ketchup? What happened?Rand

144、y: This happened when Tim and I were traveling around Asia. Wewere in Bangkok.Sue: Yeah.Randy: .and we had reservations to catch an overnight bus to ChiangMai.Sue: Yeah.Randy: And we were waiting at a king of restaurant that was sort of atravel agency.and we went early, but the bus didnt come, and I

145、 wasgetting kind of worried.Sue: Yeah.but whats that got to do with ketchup?Randy: So, I was beginning to wonder if wed been cheated, becausewed already paid for our tickets in advance.Sue: Right.Randy: Then, finally, a van pulled up , and we thought, no , this is not thebus.but then everyone else w

146、ho was waiting pushed right past us andjumped in , and, bam!just like that, the van drove away. And then thissweet little Thai woman, who was the tickets, came up to us.Sue: Yeah, and .Randy: .and she said, “Why you no get on? And Tim was like, Thatwasnt the bus, was it?” Only one, why you not get o

147、n?” And I didntknow she was talking about.Sue: So what happened?Randy: Well, the travel agent jus shrugged and turned and went insideher shop. Neither of us could believe it. I started to get really angry , likewed been cheated, and now its dark and were stranded in this littlerestaurant.Sue: Oh, no

148、.Randy: I followed her inside, I started arguing. I told her, “We paid for thebus. You didn/t tell us to look for a van. Now you have to get us a taxi toChiang Mai. Now/7 And I started pointing at the clock. I think that wasthe last straw for the woman, because she started shouting. Z/You no go.You

149、no go Chiang Mai!” She grabbed a ketchup bottle off the table youknow, one of those plastic squirt ketchup bottles, and she squirtedketchup at me!Sue: No! She didnt!Randy: Yeah! She did. And then she threw the bottle at me. And Timsnapped the picture. Just then the same van pulled up and the womansa

150、id, “Now you go.Sue: So you got on the van.Randy: Yeah, we ended up at the bus terminal, where this big,air-conditioned tour bus was waiting to go to Chiang Mai. And all thepeople who had pushed ahead of us earlier were there, waiting to leave.I felt SO stupid for getting angry at the woman and maki

151、ng such a fool ofmyself.Sue: You must have felt terrible.Randy: Yeah, I wished there was some way I could go back and apologizeto her. I realized that I have to be more patient, especially when Im inanother country.Unit 12 Real MoneyVocabulary TaskAnswer/ScriptA I have a lot of debts, especially cre

152、dit-card debt. And my tuitionpayments are killing me. I need to find a get-rich-quick scheme.B I thought that buying and selling stocks was too risky. I thought thatreal estate was one of the safest investments you could make. So Ibought a condo, but if sold it now, Id lose a bundle.C Im thinking ab

153、out setting up an Internet business. I want t becomefinancially independent. In fact my goal is to make more money than Illever need. The bottom line is that I want a worry-free future.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Investing in the stock market. /Buying stocks online.2. Making a CD.3. Bu

154、ying a condo.4. Setting up a website. /Selling candy on the web.2) Second listeningScript1. A: Oh, are you investing in the stock market?B: Yeah, nowadays, its so easy to buy and sell stocks on the Internet.A: Oh, yeah? Ive never tried it.B: Well, all you need is a little money to get started.A: It

155、sounds too risky to me.B: Oh, this is exciting! You don/t need a broker or anything. One click andyou can buy or sell any stock you want.2. A: So you guys are making your own CD?B: Yeah, we got some money from our student credit cards, rented astudio, and now were mixing it.A: How are you going to p

156、romote your CD?B: We got a radio guy that heard us and said hed play our stuff if wegave him a decent recording.that/s why were doing it.A: Well, it sounds like a good idea. But its so hard to make it big. I hopeyou/re one of the lucky ones.B: Oh, yeah, I got a feeling. This could be our big break.3

157、. A: Were thinking of buying a condo.B: Oh, really? Well, take my advicedont do it.A: What? Everyone says that real estate is one of the safest investmentsyou can make.B: Well, that/s what I thought, too. I bought my house lOyears ago, whenthe prices were high. Since then, land prices have fallen a

158、lot. If I sold myhouse now, Id lose a bundle.A: Really! That/s gotta be depressing. But, wait a minute, if prices are lowright now, doesn/t that mean its good time for me to buy?B: Hmm, actually, you/ve got a point there.4. A: I got something really nest in the mail today. It/s about classes tohelp

159、you set up your own Internet business. Doesnt that sound fun?B: Oh, gosh, Patti, I don/t know. It sounds like a get-rich-quick scheme tome. Just how much are these classes?A: $500 for five classes. But they guarantee that youll have yourbusiness set up on a website before youre done.B: Don/t you thi

160、nk thats a lot of money? What kind of business wouldyou start, any way?A: Well, you know how everyone loves my homemade candy? Im goingto start selling it on the web. Im going to call it .B: Well, good luck. You know, it just might turn out to be a “sweet”investment.Real World Listening1 .PredictAns

161、werreal estate investments.2 .Get the main ideaAnswer for this section1. She made 4 million dollars.2. Hes selling a 3-video set.3. Buying (real estate) low and selling high.4. Three payments of $19,59 each, plus shipping and handling.5. Just call 1-800-289-7325 and use any major credit card.ScriptE

162、d: Are you worried about having enough money? Are you worriedabout paying your bills? Well, worry no more!Customer-1: I used to watch every penny. But now Im worth four milliondollars, and its all thanks to Steven Crowe!Customer-2:1 used to get headaches from worrying about money. I had alot of cred

163、it-card debt, and my mortgage payments were killing me. ThenI got Steven Crowe/s videos, and learned how to make real money.Ed: Real money/ Thats the name of this 3-video set by Steven Crowe.Let Steven show you how to become financially independent buying andselling real estate.Steven Crowe: Hi! Im

164、Steven Crowe. I used to worry about money, too. Ifelt like a victim of the system. But then I found a way to make thesystem workfor me.Ed: Whats the trick, Steven?Steven Crowe: There/s no trick, Ed. Its simple, once you understand howreal estate really works. All you need to know is how to buy low a

165、nd sellhigh. And that/s exactly what my videos teach you to do.Ed: And you can get really rich?Steven Crowe: Just ask some people who have “Real Money/Customer-1: After I got the “Real Money“ videos, I bought my first house,following Stevens simple rules. Six months later I sold it and bought twomor

166、e houses. A year after that, I had enough money to quit my job. NowI have more money than Ill ever need, and its such a great feeling.Steven Crowe: I want you to have that feeling, too. And you can.Ed: Call now to order Real Money/ 1-800-289-7325. Thats1-800-BUY-REAL. Only three payments of $19.95 e

167、ach, plus shipping andhandling. All major credit cards welcome. Get it today, for a worry-freetomorrow! Results may vary.Unit 13 Never enough free time!Vocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA My personal time is very important to me. But Im always too lazy todo anything active. Give me my morning coffee and

168、my new paper, andIm happy.B Theres nothing like hanging out with good friends. Even if I have tolisten to them complain about their problems. Only sometimes, its adrag.C I have a long list of projects I/ve got t get done. It seems like Im alwaysway too busy with work. Km usually tired before the day

169、 even starts. Butevery day I have to wake up and do it all over again.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Drink coffee and read the newspaper.2. Play volleyball.3. Go jogging, /work out.4. Go to parties2) Second ListeningAnswers1 . All I want is my morning coffee and my newspaper.2 . 1 couldn/

170、t imagine having kids right now.3. You wanna go out for a veer after work?4. Ive got to go meet my study group.Script1. B: Martian? Youre going to clean the bathroom this morning, arentyou?A: Susan, I just poured my coffee.B: Cmon.weve got a long list of projects to get done this weekend.A: Ahhh. Al

171、l I want is my morning coffee and my newspaper! I cantbegin the day without them!2.A: hey, Bob, some people from work are getting together this weekendto play volleyball. If you have some free time, maybe.B: Free time? To play volleyball? Hah! Obviously, you don/t have a baby.Id love to play volleyb

172、all with you guys, but I need to stay home and takecare of my kid. That/s what I do every weekend.A: I couldn/t imagine having kids right now. I really value my free time.3. A: Hey, David. Want to go out for a beer after work?B: I wish I could, but I cantsorry, Mike. I always go jogging after work,a

173、nd after that Im usually too jogging after work, and after that Imusually too tired to do anything else.A: Hey, you know, I like to work out, too. You want to work out together?B: Um.A: Well, you know, I could take you to my gym as a guest. And then wecould go for a drink afterwards, if you want.B:

174、Sounds great! But I doubt Ill have time for a beer, Ive got a lot of stuffto do at home.4. A: Hey, hey, hey! Its another Friday night! Time to party!B: Not meIve goota go meet my study group. Monday/s a big test.A: Studying on a Friday night? Man, don/t you have any fun?B: It doesnt seem like it. La

175、tely Im always way too busy with homework.Real World Listening1.PredictAnswersread (the newspaper or a book); listen to tapes or CDs2.Get the main ideaAnswersT - Carrie is tired.? - Carrie is often late for work.F - Carries commute is less than an hour.F - Carrie likes her commute.T - Carrie loves l

176、iving in the county.T - Carrie is looking for things to do on her commute.ScriptLori: Oh, good, you/re here. Another bad commute today?Carrie: Yeah, sorry, Km late. The stupid train was late again, and I missedmy connection, and.gosh, Im tired already, and the day hasn/t evenstarted.Lori: How long i

177、s your commute?Carrie: Almost an hour and a half, on a good day. Three hours of my lifeevery day, five days a week, you know. Ive got to wake up at six in themorning just to make it in to work by nine or so. I feel like a techno-self.Lori: that is long. I can walk here in 15 minutes. But you know, a

178、t leastyour commute is green. You can look at the trees and small towns.itmust be nice.Carrie: For the first 20 minutes yeah. But as soon as the train gets closerto the city, it is all concrete and steel. That/s when it starts to get reallycrowded. Today so many people were in the train that I felt

179、like a sardinein a big sardine can.Lori: Well, you could always move closer to the office.Carrie: But I love living in the country. The air is so fresh and clean, and Ican have a bigger place and its safe and all that. I just wish I had moretime to enjoy it. Sometimes it seems like my whole life is

180、get upearly/take the train/work all day/take the train home/go to bed, andthen wale up and do it all over again.Lori: Well, cant you find a way to make the trip more worthwhile?Carrie: Well, I read the newspaper and sometimes I bring a book, but Idont really enjoy it.Lori: How about audiotapes or CD

181、s? There/re novels or language learningtapes, relaxation tapes, relaxation tapes , all kinds of stuff on tape andCD.Carrie: Yeah, good idea, maybe 1 1 1 look into it. Anything will be betterthan complaining about this commute all the time.Lori: Yeah, thats for sure!Unit 14 Disaster!Vocabulary TaskAn

182、swer/ScriptA Health authorities have reported an epidemic. The disease is spreadingrapidly throughout the region. Residents are being provided with cleandrinking water.B Hurricane Lydia has devastated South Carolina. The resulting floodshave left hundreds of people homeless. The president has declar

183、ed astate of emergency.C A volcano erupted in the Philippines. The military has been searchingfor survivors in the rubble. Sadly, countless people are missing. Becauseof aftershocks, all remaining survivors are being evacuated.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Floods in Bangladesh and parts

184、of Eastern India.2. A viral epidemic in Thailand.3. Forest fire in the Canadian province of British Columbia.4. An earthquake in Ecuador.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. The Red Cross is currently entering the area to provide clean drinkingwater, in order to prevent the spread of disease.2. Parents are

185、being instructed to keep their children at home until theepidemic is under control.3. Both the United States and Canadian governments are supplyinghelicopters to help with emergency evacuations.4. The president is ordering the military into the area to help with rescueefforts.Script1. Heavy summer m

186、onsoons have caused floods and landslides that aredevastating Bangladesh and parts of Eastern India. The floods andlandslides have killed over 600 people and have left 7 million homeless.Experts estimate that there has been $700 million of damage. The RedCross is currently entering the area to provi

187、de clean drinking water, inorder to prevent the spread of disease.2. In Thailand, health authorities have reported that 47 children havedied of a viral epidemic, and 134 others have been hospitalized. Thepotent virus, which has symptoms much like the flu, has struck schools inthe southern part of th

188、e nation. Parents are being instructed to keeptheir children at home until the epidemic is under control.3. The Canadian government has declared a state of emergency in thewestern province of British Columbia, where forest fires have beenraging for two weeks. The fires were caused by lightning storm

189、s. Over5,000 square kilometers have been destroyed by the fires, and 10,000people have had to evacuate their homes. Both the United States andCanadian governments are supplying helicopters to help with emergencyevacuations.4. A powerful earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale,has sh

190、aken the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Rescue teams have just begunsearching in the rubble of collapsed buildings. At this point, 700 peoplehave been repotted dead, and countless others are missing. Thepresident is ordering the military into the area to help with rescueefforts.Real World Listening1 .

191、PredictAnswerThere was an earthquake and her building was destroyed.2 .Get the main ideaAnswer1. Margaret climbed out of bed and under the table. Julia just pulled thecovers her head like it was a bad dream.2. The door was jammed shut.3. The whole first floor was goneit was totally flattened.4. The

192、building crushed Mr. Sanchez. He lived in the first-floor apartment,and the second floor flattened the first floor.ScriptAnna: Margaret, whats the scariest thing that ever happened to you?Margaret: The scariest thing? Surviving the San Jose earthquake.Anna: You were in the San Jose earthquake? Tell

193、me what happened.Margaret: Well, I was living in an apartment downtown with my friendJulia. And we were still sleep on a Tuesday morning, and a little after sixoclock, there was this horrible sound and the floor was just bouncingand rolling like waves, all at the same time.Anna: Oh my gosh! What did

194、 you do?Margaret: well, it took a second or two to figure out what was goingonthat it was an earthquake. Then I climbed out of bed and under thetable, and I shouted at Julia to come, but she just pulled the covers overher head like it was a bad dream or something.Anna: Whoa!Margaret: It lasted 24 se

195、conds, and then it stopped. And Julia and I couldhear people talking outside, so we tried to go out the front door, but itwas jammed shut. And then the first aftershock hit.Anna: That must have been horrifying!Margaret: Well, I remember that someone shouted, “Get out of there,quickly!” And we shoute

196、d back, “We cant! The door wont open. Sothey said, “Well, come out the window/ But I called out, its too highup, because we were living on the second floor. Not any more/ theperson shouted back. So, we looked out the window and , sure enough,we were down on the ground!Anna: Your second floor apartme

197、nt was on the ground?Margaret: We couldn/t believe it. We opened the window and crawledout, and somebody helped us over all this rubble. Once we were downsafely, we turned around and looked back at our apartment building. Thewhole first floor was goneit was just totally flattened. And then Julialook

198、ed at me and said, “Margaret. Mr. Sanchez!” He was this elderly manwho lived on the first floor.Anna: Oh, no. How horrible!Margaret: Yeah. Julia and I both just burst into tears. He never had achance.Unit 15 Who needs advice?Vocabulary taskAnswers/ScriptA My boss made me work overtime every day this

199、 week. But Im afraid oftelling him what I think about it. I guess I dont know how to stand up formyself.B I just cant seem to lose weight. And I/ve been having chest painsrecently. I guess I need to see my doctor about an exercise plan.C How can I get my parents to try and understand me? Theyre alwa

200、ysyelling at me about everything. I dont get along with them anymore.Maybe I need to move out of the house.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswer1. His boss yells at him. /He has chest paints.2. Her parents are driving her crazy, /they are always asking her who sheis going out with.3. She cant stick

201、 to her dies. /She doesn/t exercise regularly.4. His car makes strange noises.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. Go to a doctor. /Stand up for yourself.2. Grow up. /Follow their rules or move out of the house.3. Talk to your doctor about an exercise plan and stick t it.4. Call a mechanic.Script1. A: Andre

202、a Price on Who Needs Advice. Whats your problem?B: This is Larry, from Chicago.A: Okay, Larry. Whats your problem?B: I have to work overtime every day this week. My boss is always yellingat me.A: Your boss is yelling at you? How do you deal with that?B: The stress is so bad that I/ve had chest pains

203、 the last three days.A: First things first your health. Go see a doctor right away. Second, standup for yourself. You don/t have put up with the yelling from your boss.2. A: Next caller. Andrea Price on who needs Advice.B: Hi, Im Jackie, from Toronto.A: Jackie, whats your problem?B: My parents are d

204、riving me crazy! Im in college and my parents makeme come home before midnight. Plus.A: Just a second, Jackie. Slow down. You/re in college, youre living athome, your parents want you home at midnight. Whats wrong withthat?B: Well, its not only that. They always want to know who Im going outwith, an

205、d if I/ve done my homework. How can I get them to leave mealone?A: Jackie, grow up already. If you live at home, you should follow theirrules, or move out of the house. Clear enough?3. A: Andrea Price on Who Needs Advice.B: this is Beatrice from Atlanta.A: Okay, Beatrice from Atlanta.B: I need some

206、advice about dieting. Every time I go on a diet, I lose afew pounds, but it only lasts a little while.A: Um-hmm. Go on.B: Once I start eating normally again, I always gain the weight back.A: Do you exercise regularly?B: No.A: Theres your problem you cant lose weight without exercise. Talk toyour doc

207、tor about an exercise plan, and stick to it.4. A: Andrea Price on Who Needs Advice.B: This is Pete, from Denver.A: Whats your Problem?B: Could I ask you something?A: That/s what Im here for.B: Well, my car has been making funny noises lately. Likethisfffftfffftfffftffftbut only sounds srt of like, v

208、vvtttz,vvvttt,vvvttt.A: Look, Pete.B: I really dont know what to do.A: Look, Pate, I give advice about people, not cars. You need to call amechanic.Real world Listening1. PredictAnswerWhether she should marry him or not2. Get the main ideaAnswerSunhee/s problem: Sunhee wants to get married. /Sunhee/

209、s parents wanther to marry a Korean.Carla/s advice: Follow your heart. /Have a child.ScriptDr. Monroe: This is Dr. Ellen Monroe on Love Talk. This is the part of theshow where we listen to our callers/ advice. Tonight we have Sunhee, awoman with a love problem. Sunhee, tell us about your problem.Sun

210、hee: Km from a Korean family, and Im in love with a man from Indiathat I met here in the U.S.Dr. Monroe: Okay, and.Sunhee: Hes asked me to marry him, and I said yes.Dr. Monroe: So what is the problem?Sunhee: It/s my parents. They/re very traditional, so Im afraid of tellingthem that Im engaged. Km w

211、orried that they wont let me marry him.Dr. Monroe: Hmm.Sunhee: I cant go against my parents will, but this is the man I want tomarry.Dr. Monroe: Hmm. That/s Sunhees problem, folks. Now, whats youradvice to her?Sunhee: Hello. Whats your advice for our worried friend?Carla: Hello. Im Carla, from Canad

212、a, and I married a Chinese man fiveyears ago. When I first told my parents I wanted to marry a foreignerwith different religious beliefs, they were very angry. You see, they/revery traditional. Theyve always expected me to marry someoneCanadian, from the same religious background.Dr. Monroe: Then wh

213、at happened?Carla: For four years, they hardly talked to me, and they never came tovisit us. it was like they disowned me.Dr. Monroe: Four years, you say. After four years something changed?Carla: Yes. When our little girl was born, I sent my parents a picture ofher, and wrote, /zYour granddaughter

214、would like to see you. A week laterthey called, and a month after that they came to see us - well, theycame to see my daughter, any-way. Now theyre trying - they still arentcomfortable with my husband, but theyre trying to understand him.Dr. Monroe: So, whats your advice?Carla: Don/t give in to trad

215、ition. Marry the person you love. But haveyour first child soon - dont wait four years like I did. That/s too long tobe divided from your parents.Dr. Monroe: Sounds like good advice to me.Unit 16 Fixing up the placeVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA I want a room that is soothing and relaxing ,not steri

216、le. I want a nicethick braided rug and some lava lamps. I think Id like to get anoverstuffed rattan chair.B I want a room that is useful for hanging out and studying. I want to beable to work on my computer in a comfortable chair. I want lots ofbookshelves to hold all my books and papers.C I dont li

217、ke my room the way it is. Right now, its full of a bunch of junk.I ought to get rid of the junk and fix it up. Then I could rearrange thefurniture and make it more attractive.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Buying a computer.2. Painting the walls.3. Rearranging the furniture.4. Adding plan

218、ts to the room.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. She agrees with it.2. He doesn/t care.3. She agrees with it4. She may be against it.Script1. A: You know, I was thinking. We really need to get a home computer.And probably a computer desk tooB: Yeah? Do you think we really need that?A: Yeah, I need to be

219、able to work on a computer at home. We shouldvegotten one a long time ago.B: But where would we put it?A: In the bedroom maybe?B: Our bedroom is already too crowded, though. And I dont want you tokeep me awake while you/re studying.A: I know! How about if I buy a loptop computer and use it at the di

220、ningtale?B: That makes more sense. Our apartment is too small for lots offurniture.5. A: Hey, Im thinking of painting our room. What do you think?B: Sure. Whatever.A: Here/s my idea. We paint the two end walls wine red and the sidewalls tan.B: Sounds cool to me, kinda like a checkerboard. But isn/t

221、it going to betoo dark?A: I dont know. If it is, we can always repaint it something lighter.B: Well, whos gonna pay for it?A: I thought we could share the cost. If you think its a good idea.B: Yeah. I guess so.3. A: Hey, Jenny.B:Yeah?A: I was thinking. Kd really like to rearrange the furniture in ou

222、r livingroom.B: Oh, yeah, how?A: Move the TV into the corner. Where it is now, in the middle of theroom, it looks like its the most important thing in our lives.B: Yeah, you/re tight. And if we move the chairs closer together, peoplecan talk.A: Exactly.B: Ooh, hey, I like that!4. A: Suzy, this room

223、is just too sterile. You know what would make it lookmore cozy?B: Whats that?A: A bunch of plants. Theres nothing alive in this room.B: Speak for yourself. Tm alive.A: You know what I mean. I would just like to have some green in theroom. Its soothing and relaxing.B: Well, suit yourself - go get som

224、e plants. But don/t expect me to waterthem.2. Second Listening1.PredictAnswersSarah suggested some chairs and some plants. Richard suggestedpsychedelic posters, a lava lamp and a black light.2.Get the main ideaAnswersR A room is just a room.X I just want it to show our personalities.S I want to get

225、a few things to make it feel like its our home.X I really like your idea!R How about a couple of psychedelic posters?S We dont have any time for parties.X I was thinking of a rattan chair and some hanging plants.R At least we can agree on that.ScriptSarah: You know, Richard, I really think we ought

226、to fix up our apartmenta little.Richard: What for? Whats wrong with it the way it is?Sarah: Are you kidding? Its so empty.Richard: Come on. A room is just a room. Why do we have to fill it upwith a bunch of junk? Besides, it costs money.Sarah: Well, it doesnt have to be that expensive. I know this r

227、eally neatlittle thrift store around the corner. We can go there and get a few simplethings, just make it feel like a home.Richard: A few things? Oh, man, this is going to cost money.Sarah: it doesnt have to cost a lot.Richard: Why cant we just leave it the way it is? I like it. I feelcomfortable he

228、re. You start putting a lot of nice things around and itsgoing to be a museum.Sarah: But, Richard, were not the only ones that are going to be here.We want to have friends over, you know, have people over to study.Theyve got to have places to sit.Richard: Hey, thats a good idea. We could get a coupl

229、e of psychedelicposters and a lava lamp. Get a black light. Crank up the stereo. We couldhave cool parties here.Sarah: Parties, Richard? Richard, we are not going to have any time toparty. We are going to be way too busy studying. Thats what were incollege for!Richard: College is about having partie

230、s about having friends over. I don/twant something that looks like my parents house.Sarah: Look. It doesn/t have to look like your parents/ house. We justneed a few simple things like chairs. Maybe some plants you know, itlljust make it nice and homey.Richard: Homey? Okay, Im not looking for homey.

231、Km a college student.Sarah: At this rate, were never going to find anything that we both like.Richard: Yeah, well, at least we can agree on that.Unit 17 Losing someoneVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA Its hard to deal with the loss of someone you love. It leaves a big holethat no one else can fill up.

232、Somehow, we learn how to make it through.B Even though my father passed away a long time ago, I still miss him. Hewas bit by a car and killed instantly. It was really tough on me.C The doctors said it could be any day now. They tried everything, butthere is nothing more they con do.Listening Task1)

233、First ListeningAnswers1. You she/s father passed away a long time ago.2. Lizs daughter was in an accident.3. Tims grandfather died in his sleep.4. Lucy/s condition is getting worse.2) Second Listening1. Im so sorry. I didn/t know. Im very sorry to hear it.2. Poor Liz! She must be devastated!3. Im so

234、 sorry. This is so sad.4. That must be tough on you.Script1. A: Yoshi, what does your father do?B: My father, um.actually, my father is dead.A: Oh, my gosh! Km so sorry! I didnt know.B: Thats that/s okay. It happened a long time ago.A: Well, Im very sorry to hear it. Well, what did your father do?B:

235、 He was a dentist.2. A: Did you hear about Lizs daughter?B: Lizs daughter? Well, no. What happened?B: Oh, it was awful. Last nigh she was in an accident. She was hit by a carand killed instantly.A: Oh, no! Poor liz - she must be devastated.B: Yeah, she is. I don/t know how she can stand it.A: Do you

236、 think theres anything we can so?B: I dont know, but let/s do something to try and help her out.3. A: Hello?B: Hi, Tim. Its Mom.A: Uh - oh. Whats wrong?B: Im afraid I/ve got some bad news. Its about Grandpa.A: What happened? Is he.?B: Yeah, during the night last night. He fell asleep in his bed and

237、justnever woke up.A: Oh, Mom, Im so sorry. This is so sad.Ill be there as soon as I can.4. A: Hows your friend Lucy doing?B: Not so good. I just saw her last night. The doctors say it could be anyday now.A: Nothing more they can do?B: N。 ,they/ve tried everything.A: Oh, that must be tough on you. I

238、know you two are so close.B: Yeah, Im really going to miss her.Real World Listening1 .PredictAnswersHer last few days, how lonely he is2 .Get the main ideaAnswers1. (b) Cancer. She had it for about a year.2. (a) When they/re gone, theres a big hole that no one can fill up.3. (a) We had a lot of good

239、 times, Maggie and me.ScriptWhitney: Welcome to Life/s Concerns. Im your host, Whitney Opal.Today our program is about dealing with loss. One of the hardest thingsin together. Mr. Clayton Hayes is here today to share his story. Thank youfor joining us, Mr. Hayes.Clayton: Call me Clayton, please.Whit

240、ney: Okay, Clayton. Td like to ask you a few questions about howyou/re managing. Is that okay?Clayton: Yes, thats fine. I can talk about it.Whitney: All right, well, your wife passed away two years ago - is thatcorrect?Clayton: Yep. Maggie was 79, just about to turn 80 when she passedaway. I never r

241、eally expected her to go. She was still too young.Whitney: Im sorry. Do you mind telling us how she died?Clayton: Cancer. She had it for about a year, but it seemed longer thanthat to me. And she was in so much pain at the end. Oh.Whitney: Im really sorry. That must have been very difficult for you.

242、Clayton: Yeah. At the end, there, you could tell she just wanted it to beover. She tried to keep up a cheerful face for me , but you cant hidethings from someone you/ve been married to for 56 years, you know.Whitney: l,m sure that/s true. You get to know someone pretty well in 56years, dont you?Clay

243、ton: Oh, you bet you do. You share so many years of your life withsomeone, and when they/re gone, oh, there/s a big hole that no one canfill up. You just feel lonely. Very, very lonely.Whitney: I imagine you have some wonderful memories, as well.Clayton: Oh, yeah. We had a lot of good times, Maggie

244、and me. Oh, boy,the stories I could tell!Whitney: Well, Clayton, you sure do have a lot of memories from yourtime with Maggie to celebrate!Clayton: Yeah, I sure do.Whitney: I think its important to remember that when we lose someoneclose to us, we don/t lose those memories. The person is still us in

245、 thatway.Unit 18 How can I help you?Vocabulary TaskAnswer/ScriptA Ill be your waiter this evening. Could I please see some ID? I cantserve you alcohol without proof that youre old enough.B Could you take a look at my car? It needs work. Km not interested inbuying a new car at this time. Km hoping yo

246、ull be able to fix my old one.C I really dont like being treated rudely like that. I thought it waspossible to exchange this or get a refund. I would like to remain asatisfied customer. I think I need to speak to the manager.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Buying a six- pack of beer.2. Get

247、ting a car repaired.3. Ordering wine at a restaurant.4. Buying a car.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. No. He didnt have ID proving hes over 21.2. Yes. He can bring his car in today, but it may not get fixed today.3. Yes. They each ordered the wine of their choice.4. No. She cant get a new car.Script1. A

248、; Hi! Can I help you?B: Just this, please.A: Sure. A six-pack of beer. May I see some ID?B: ID? Are you kidding? Do I look like Im under 21?A: Im sorry. We have to card everybody. We cant sell alcohol to anyonewithout proof that they/re old enough to buy it.B: Never mind, then.2. A: Service departme

249、nt.B: Hi! My car/s having trouble, and Im wondering if I can bring it in.A: Whats the problem?B: Well, its been overheating a lot recently, and them yesterday the airconditioner stopped working.A: Uh oh. It sounds like you/ll need to leave it for a couple of days. Couldyou bring it in tomorrow?B: I

250、really need to get it fixed right away. Can I bring it in today?A: Yeah, sure. But I cant guarantee that well get to it today.3.A: Good evening. My name is Bruce and Ill be your waiter this evening.Would you care for something to drink before dinner?B: Maybe a glass of wine.A: Red wine or white wine

251、?C: Red for me.A: Okay, we have a Merlot and a Cabernet.B: Which do you recommend?A: The Merlot is very nice.C: Well, Tm going to trust you. A glass of the Merlot, please.B: And Ill have a glass of Cabernet.4. A: So, uh, what can I show you in a new car?B: Well, Im just looking today, really.A: Well

252、, what kind of car are you looking for?B: Well, Id like an SUV four -door, of coursewith power brakes andpower steering. Oh, and automatic door locks.A: Fantastic. We lave lots of those kinds of cars, right over here.B: Oh, great.A: How much money were you thinking of spending?B: Well, no more than

253、$8,000.A: Oof! Well, let/s see. How about our used vehicles over on the nextblock?B: You mean I cant get a new car?A: Are you kidding?Real World Listening1. PredictAnswersEther answer is possible. In each case, one statement or question is morepolite.The Customer: (more polite) is it possible to exc

254、hange this shirt?The Clerk: (more polite) Let me see how we can help you.The Manager: (more polite) Im very sorry about any problems theremay have been.2. Get the main ideaAnswers1. He wants to exchange the shirt.2. It was stained when he bought it.3. The clerk thinks the customer stained the shirt.

255、4. He wants his money back.5. He exchanges the shirt.ScriptCustomer: Excuse me, maam.Clerk: Yeah? How can I help you?Customer: Id like to exchange this shirt. It has a flaw. its stained rightover here.Clerk: Let me see it .Yep, there/s a stain all right. How/d that happen?Customer: It was there when

256、 I bought it.Clerk: Mmm, dont think so.Customer: Uhh, its true.Clerk: Um, we check every item. I don/t think so.Customer: Are you saying Im a liar?Clerk: No, but were careful. I mean, its our job.Customer: Okay, look, just let me speak to the manager.Clerk: Okay, Im sorry. What was it that you wante

257、d again? To exchangeit?Customer: I want to speak to the manager.Clerk: Fine. Whatever. Dee! A customer wants to talk to you.Manager: How can I be of assistance?Customer: Well, I came in planning to exchange a shirt-and it has a stain,see.Manager: Yes.Customer: But I was treated so rudely by this per

258、son, I just want mymoney back. Tm not shopping here anymore.Manager: Well, Im very sorry about any problems there may have been.Can you tell me what happened?Customer: She accused me of staining this shirt.Clerk: Hey, I was just trying to make sure.Manager: Um, why dont you go to my office and wait

259、for me. Look, Imvery sorry. I take responsibility for her behavior. But, wed really like tokeep you as a customer and I/d be glad to exchange this item for you, orgive you a full refund, whichever you/d like.Customer: Mmm, I don/t know. I dont like being treated like that. I don/tthink she cares.Man

260、ager: Rest assured, she will be taught how to treat a valuedcustomer.Customer: Well, okay, I guess Ill just exchange it. I like the shirt, after all.Manager: Oh, wonderful. Well, thanks for understanding. Now, may I seeyour receipt, please?Unit 19 Putting food on the tableVocabulary TaskAnswers/Scri

261、ptA I need to pick up something for dinner on the way home. Td like to beable to throw together something quick and easy. The easiest would beto just open up a package and toss it in the microwave.B Whats for dinner? Instant noodles again? Im so sick of that junk. Iguess have to order out for pizza.

262、C Im hoping to get a care package from Mom soon. Its hard to findsomething to eat every single day. There/s never enough ingredients inthe fridge to make anything. I wish someone would cook me a decent,well-balanced meal.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. Frozen meals.2. Fried rice.3. Deliver

263、y pizza.4. Barbecued chicken, salad and rice.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. She is going to buy frozen meals on the way home.2. She is going to cook dinner tonight.3. No one, they are ordering pizza.4. They both are, she is cooking rice and making salad and he is cooking or preparing chicken.Script1.

264、A: Hi, honey. Km on my way home now. Want me to pick up somethingfor dinner?B: Yeah.A: Frozen meals? What are they called?B: Uh, Stir-master, or something Like that. Some kind of stir-fry dinners.They/re already cooked. All you do is open up the package and toss it inthe microwave.A: Perfect! Want m

265、e to pick some up on the way home?B: Yeah. Could you?A: Sure. Ill be home in a few minutes.2. A: Hey there! Whats for dinner uh, fried rice again?B: You have no idea, do you, how much time and creativity it takes toplan a decent dinner. First you have to get an idea - for some thing thatis balanced,

266、 tastes good, and isnt the same old thing. Then you have tofigure out what ingredients you already have and what you need to buy.Then you have to go get the stuff, bring it home, cook it. I have to do thisevery single day!B: Okay, okay, I get your point. But what can I do? You know what anawful cook

267、 I am.A: Well, if you really want to help, you could look through thesecookbooks and cooking magazines to get an idea for dinner tomorrow.Then you could go to dinner?3. A: Hey, there you are. Im hungry - what should we do for dinner?B: I don/t know and I don/t care. I know Im not gonna cook today.A:

268、 Whats up?B: I had a really rough day. The computer crashed and destroyed a reportthat my boss needed, so I had to retype it. I worked straight throughlunch and am so tired. I cant deal with cooking let/s just order a pizza tobe delivered.B: Sounds good - Ill give em a call. Mmm, let/s see, DiMaggio

269、s Pizza*oh, here it is.4. A: I/ve got a big report due tomorrow, so could you do the cookingtonight?B: Nah, I really dont feel like it. Lets just get some take-out.A: But weve already got salad ingredients, and I/ve started the rice. Justthrow something together quick and easy.B: Whats your idea of

270、quick and easy?A: Well, you could barbecue some chicken legs.B: Do we have any?A: Oops, I guess not. Would you mind getting some from the store?B: Oh, okay. HI go get some chicken. I guess I can handle that.A: Id appreciate it, Im really under pressure right now.Real World Listening1. PredictAnswerA

271、 cookbook2. Get the main ideaAnswer1. He got a cookbook.2. They usually eat instant ramen or fast-food burgers.3. They have lots of soda, half a submarine sandwich and cheese in theirrefrigerator. They have a box of cereal, some instant ramen sand a jar ofpeanut butter in their cabinets.4. They are

272、going to buy chips, salsa, a can of chili, and shredded cheese.5. They are going to eat hamburgers or pizza.ScriptRob: Hey, Tony! Whats up?Tony: Hey, Rob. Check this out. I got a package from my Mom.Rob: Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope.Tony: Nah, its a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. Its perfect for us,don/

273、t you think?Rob: Yeah, I guess. But I wish she would/ve sent you cookies instead.Tony: Think about it, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-foodburgers. Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have awell-balanced meal. Are you in?Rob: Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Lets have a look. How ab

274、out this?Super Nachos. Now that/s my kind of food.Tony: All right! Lets get started. What do we need?Rob: What we really need is for you to find a girlfriend who can cook.Tony: Yeah, right. And then youll find one, too, and they can take turnscooking for us. So what are the ingredients?Rob: Hmm.chip

275、s, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese. That soundseasy enough.Tony: Well, weve got half a bag of nacho chips. Think thats enough?Rob: Itll have to be. Lets see whats in the fridge. Weve got lots ofsoda.half a submarine sandwich.cheese! Weve got that.oh, its kindof moldy, though.Tony: Kind of?

276、Its green! Do we have and chill?Rob: Sorry, man, I think I ate it the other night.Tony: That wasn/t yours. Anyway, I had a coupla cans. There must be atleast one left.Rob: Let/s see.box of cereal.some instant ramen.and a jar of peanutbutter. That/s it.Tony: Oh, rats. It looks like we cant have nacho

277、s tonight after all.Rob: I guess not. Well, whats it gonna be? Instant ramen for the thirdnight in a row?With peanut butter?Tony: Im so sick of that junk! Let/s go to the supermarket and get whatwe need to make Super Nachos.Rob: Yeah, and on the way, let/s stop for hamburgers or a pizza.Tony: Yeah,

278、cool.Unit 20 Breaking newsVocabulary TaskAnswer/ScriptA An incredible breakthrough in medicine has just been revealed.Scientists have learned how to eradicate genetic heart disease in humans.For the first time in history, successful experiments were performed onhuman patients.B We just learned that

279、the military has accidentally destroyed a vitalstrategic site. We attempted to question military personnel!, but theycould not be reached for comment. We will have an update when we getmore details.C Those two countries are at it again. They are flexing their muscles,trying to intimidate each other.

280、 The region has been under dispute foryears. The U.N. is planning to send a peacekeeping force to try andintervene.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. The World Series will be played in Japan.2. Some people have been killed in a school.3. Neither statement is true.4. Two nations are fighting o

281、ver ownership of a region.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. Four teams will play; it will be held in the Tokyo Dome.2. Six students and two teachers were killed; a 17-year-old boy shotthem.3. The drug was developed at the University of Hawaii; it cures everykind of cancer; 300 hundred patients have teste

282、d it.4. India and Pakistan are testing nuclear missiles; fighting has escalatedin Kashmir; India/s prime minister could not be reached for comment.Script1. For the first time in history, the World Series is finally inviting theworld! The series has always been an American tradition, a contestbetween

283、 the top baseball teams of the National and American Leagues,But next year/s series, played in the Tokyo Dome in Japan, will featurefour teams the top teams in North America, Asia, and the Caribbean,plus a wild card team from one of those three regions.2. We have just learned that at least six stude

284、nts and two teachers werekilled in a shooting at a high school in eastern Arizona today. Policeindicated that a 17-year-old boy opened fire with an automatic weaponin the gymnasium during P.E. class. The boy, whose name has not beenreleased by authorities, is in custody and is being questioned. Well

285、 havean update on this tragedy as son as we get more details.3. What might be the most incredible breakthrough in medicine in recentyears has been reported at the University of Hawaii. Researchers at theuniversity have developed a drug that appears to cure almost every kindof cancer. To date , over

286、300 cancer patients who have been given thedrug have shown no trace of cancer anywhere in their bodies for thepast two years.4. Today India tested two nuclear missiles in response to Pakistansmissile testing yesterday. In the meantime, fighting has escalated inKashmir, a region that has been under d

287、ispute for years. When askedabout India/s tests, Pakistan/s Prime Minister said, “Kashmir is a vitalstrategic site. Pakistan is not going to back down/ Indias prime ministercould not be reached for comment.Real World Listening1 .PredictAnswerBorder conflicts2 .Get the main ideaAnswer1. David seems t

288、o be he doesn/t like it when other countries dotesting of nuclear missiles. Nehal is not worried because India andPakistan have been threatening each other her whole life.2. David does, but Nehal thinks the U.N. has enough problems of its own.ScriptDavid: Whats this I hear in the news about India an

289、d Pakistan?Nehal: They/re at it again.David: What do you meanthey/re at it again?Nehal: They just cannot get along together.David: This news story says theyre testing missiles. Isnt that serious?Nehal: Well, its more like flexing their muscles than actually doingsomething serious. They/re just tryin

290、g to intimidate each other.David: Its kind of scary, though, isnt it?Nehal: Im used to it by now. They/ve been threatening each other mywhole life.David: But why?Nehal: Theyve been fighting about Kashmir. They disagree about whocontrols Kashmir.David: Yeah? What is it that/s so important about Kashm

291、ir any way? Imean, why? Why do India and Pakistan care so much about Kashmir?Nehal: Actually, they dont care about Kashmir.David: Huh? What do you mean?Nehal: No. All India and Pakistan care about is fighting with each other.Each one wants to have more power than the other.David: So why do they keep

292、 talking about Kashmir?Nehal: lt/s just an excuse.David: still, I don/t like it when they start playing with nuclear weapons.Maybe the U.N. should get involved.Nehal: Ah, yes. Their usual role as the great peace keeper.David: Dont you think the U.N. could resolve this problem?Nehal: I don/t think so. The U.N. doesn/t need to get involved in othercountries/ business. It has enough problems of its own.



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