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1、Welcome To my class! Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B (3a-self check)Made by Miss liu 12¥1215¥2518¥111011¥9On Sale!Revision Come and buy your clothes ! We sell all our clothes very prices. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12!Do you need trous

2、ers? , we have black trousers for only $22.And shorts are only$16!, we have skirts purple for only$20.How much are our jackets? Only$30!And black shoes only $28.Socks are only $2 for three pairs! Mr. Cools Clothes Store now!at our great salegoodFor boysinWe haveCome toforatforFor girls导学导学steps1.交流补

3、充关于服饰的单词。交流补充关于服饰的单词。2.小组讨论写作短语、句型。小组讨论写作短语、句型。3.小组读短语和句型并且记忆。小组读短语和句型并且记忆。4.根据提示完成写作,小组进行评比。根据提示完成写作,小组进行评比。How to write an ad about clothes store? the names of the clothesT恤衫恤衫 短裤短裤 毛衣毛衣 裤子裤子 裙子裙子 鞋子鞋子衬衫衬衫 短袜短袜 T-shirtsweaterskirtshirtshortstrousersshoessocks1.我们的大甩卖我们的大甩卖2.3.来买来买 5.很实惠(低)的价格很实惠(低

4、)的价格 7.所有颜色的毛衣所有颜色的毛衣 2.对女孩子对女孩子/男孩子来说男孩子来说 4.紫色的裙子紫色的裙子 6.只有只有12美元美元 8.来看来看/到来到来 9.在酷先生服装店在酷先生服装店 1.at our great sale2.for girls/ e and buy 4. skirts in purple=purple skirts5. at very good(low) prices 6.for only $127. sweaters in all e to9.at Mr Cools Clothes Store1.欢迎来到我的服装店,所有衣服特价。欢迎来到我的服装店,所有衣服特

5、价。3.3.请到我的服装店,我们所有衣服都是以最优惠请到我的服装店,我们所有衣服都是以最优惠的价格出售。的价格出售。6.6.请你亲自来看一看,欢迎光临!请你亲自来看一看,欢迎光临!8.8.不要错过这次机会哦!不要错过这次机会哦! 5.快来酷先生服装店看一看。快来酷先生服装店看一看。2.你喜欢你喜欢/ /你需要你需要吗?吗?4.4.我们有绿色的毛衣只需我们有绿色的毛衣只需1212美元。美元。7.7.我们的裤子多少钱呢?我们的裤子多少钱呢?9.9.我们的袜子以最低的价格出售。我们的袜子以最低的价格出售。1.Welcome to my clothes store, all clothes are o

6、n sale.3.Please come to my clothes store, we sell all our clothes at very good prices.5.Come and see for yourself at Mr Cools Clothes store.6.Please have a look for yourself, welcome to my store.8.Dont miss this chance!2.Do you like/need ?4.We have green sweaters ( sweaters in green) for only $12.7.

7、How much are our trousers?9.We sell socks at very low prices.彼得的服装店彼得的服装店(Peters Clothes store)开张了,开张了,开业第一天所有商品优惠,请帮彼得写一则广告。开业第一天所有商品优惠,请帮彼得写一则广告。*You can use following expressions and sentences. 1.Come and buyat our great sale 2.welcometo3. At very good prices 4.Do you like/need 5.We havefor 6. in

8、+颜色颜色 7. on sale 8.For boys/For girls 9.you can buy for 范文欣赏:范文欣赏: Welcome to Peters clothes store! All the clothes are on sale. Do you like sweaters? We have a lot of sweaters in all colors for only$12 For boys, you can buy some shirts for only$20.For girls, we have skirts for only $10 . We have shorts in black. They are $6.And we have many shoes at very good prices. Come and buy your clothes at my store, dont miss this chance!1.Review the whole unit.2.Write an ad: 假如你是服装店老板,请为自己的服装假如你是服装店老板,请为自己的服装写一则广告写一则广告(sectionB 3a)。



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