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1、人際傳意技巧Yip sir (葉錦熙)1.香港電台委託香港大學行為健康研究中心進行調查2.在2003 一月成功以問卷訪問755名市民,了解他們是否快樂。3.有2/3受訪者是18歲以下青少年或學童。1.感到很快樂及大多數時間快樂的受訪者2.分別佔12及42,即共54受訪者感到快樂。3.其餘36人表示快樂與不快樂時間一半半。活動1 : 究竟快樂是什麼?你如何界定快樂其實快樂是.1.生理與心理上之滿足2.生理上的反應(激素分泌endorphin secretion) 正面情緒的感覺、享受 實現值3.快樂指數(n) = 期望值快樂的本質1.相對性(同一事件,不同人會有不同的感覺)2.積少成多(正面生活

2、事件)3.短暫 vs 恒切4.不勞而獲 vs 勞動創作5.過程快樂 vs 目標快樂 (參與過程與成果達到皆有快樂, 目標分割法 可增大實現值) 快樂的本質6.價值快樂 (在自己崗位上盡力而為 / 為社會作出貢獻)7.期望快樂 (一種不知足的奮鬥精神, 在生活領域中尋覓更高的境界)8.友誼之樂 (健康情感支援網絡)9.事業之樂 (工作滿足感、成就感)10.審美之樂 (大自然、藝術、音樂.)11.清淡之樂 (知足常樂, 喜悅於所擁有的一切, 不苦惱於沒有的東西,半杯水哲學)至於什麼是他們(受訪者)的快樂催化劑1.選擇溫暖家庭者最多,約232.其次是依次序是金錢 (Money)3.有很多朋友 (Lo

3、ts of friends)4.夢中情人 (my dream lover)5.學業成績優異 活動2 快樂天秤 p.17令我快樂和不快樂的事物15分鐘 個別思考 小組分享 小組匯報兩位研究快樂的心理學家的快樂觀1. Michael Argyle2. 彿洛依德 Sigmund Freud Michael Argyle彿洛依德Love wellWork wellPlay well追求快樂時的困難及限制失敗的信念和預期面對失敗面對失敗The Story of the ButterflyA Butterflys LessonA Butterflys LessonOne day, a small open

4、ing appeared in a cocoon; a man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.Then, it seems to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could not go any further.So the man decided to help the

5、butterfly: he took a pair of scissors and opened the cocoon.The butterfly then emerged easily.But it had a withered body, it was tiny and shriveled wings.The man continued to watch because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would open, enlarge and expand, to be able to support the butterflys

6、 body, and become firm.Neither happened!In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a withered body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man, in his kindness and his goodwill did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required fo

7、r the butterfly to get through the tiny opening, were Gods way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings, so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If God allowed us to go through

8、our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Never been able to fly.I asked for Strength.and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.I asked for Wisdom.and God gave me problems to solve.I asked for prosperity.and God gave me a brain and bra

9、wn to work.I asked for Courage.and God gave me obstacles to overcome.I asked for Love.and God gave me troubled people to help.“I received nothing I wanted.But I received everything I needed.Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.何謂失敗?失敗之定義 (維基百科)1.成功的反面,即未

10、能達到既定的理想目標。2.終止運用個體的能力去表現其功。失敗的再思1.人並非天生懶惰,只是未找到真正喜歡的事物。2.人並非天生愚蠢,只是未掌握學習的技巧和運用自己的長處。超越失敗 p.191.找出失敗的源頭2.訂定三個收復失地的目標具體的行動目標有挑戰性及滿足感的只有付出,便能達得到的有時間性的3.坐言起行4.監察機制 (向人訴說,每週查看進度表)5.獎勵機制 (實物, 娛樂, 旅行)1.楊鐵樑楊鐵樑: 健康健康, 家庭家庭, 朋友朋友, 事業事業, 簡單生活簡單生活2.陳坤耀陳坤耀: 做一些自己喜快做的事做一些自己喜快做的事3.黃秋生黃秋生: 簡單生活簡單生活, 快樂快樂內內裡尋裡尋4.關心妍關心妍: 從事有意義的活動從事有意義的活動5.何志平何志平: 家庭家庭, 享受簡單的每一刻享受簡單的每一刻 “ 名人語錄 ”The end



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