2022年最新改版人教版八年级上册物理知识点 2

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《2022年最新改版人教版八年级上册物理知识点 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年最新改版人教版八年级上册物理知识点 2(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Yuan. Fourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of

2、 thermometers, pressure vessels and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force p

3、eople 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation

4、 task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas

5、pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner a

6、nd notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to che ck and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leaka

7、ge oil ea ch evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage

8、 due to personal negligence, compensati on for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper com

9、missi oni ng equipment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and po

10、wder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site should have sufficient lighting and necess ary security measures, prohi biting the jumbled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be d

11、one before every heads of evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th

12、month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the mont

13、h each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts,

14、 the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preve ntative hea

15、lth checks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20

16、. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice Presi

17、dent signature, financial process, led by the payment pr ocessing fee. 2, maintenance . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director o

18、f the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan

19、. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50

20、 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Dire

21、ctor of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accesso

22、ries, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the第一章机械运动一、长度和时间的测量1、测量某个物理量时用来进行比较的标准量叫做单位。为方便交流,国际计量组织制定了一套国际统一的单位,叫国际单位制(简称SI)。2、长度的单

23、位:在国际单位制中,长度的基本单位是米(m),其他单位有:千米(km)、分米(dm)、 厘米 (cm)、 毫米 (mm)、 微米 (m )、 纳米 (nm)。 1km=1 000m;1dm=0.1m;1cm=0.01m;1mm=0.001m;1 m=0.000 001m ;1nm=0.000 000 001m 。测量长度的常用工具:刻度尺。刻度尺的使用方法:注意刻度标尺的零刻度线、最小分度值和量程;测量时刻度尺的刻度线要紧贴被测物体,位置要放正,不得歪斜,零刻度线应对准所测物体的一端;读数时视线要垂直于尺面,并且对正观测点,不能仰视或者俯视。3、国际单位制中,时间的基本单位是秒(s)。时间的单

24、位还有小时(h)、分 (min)。1h=60min 1min=60s。4、测量值和真实值之间的差异叫做误差,我们不能消灭误差,但应尽量减小误差。误差的产生与测量仪器、测量方法、测量的人有关。减少误差方法:多次测量求平均值、选用精密测量工具、改进测量方法。误差与错误区别:误差不是错误,错误不该发生能够避免,误差永远存在不能避免。二、运动的描述1、运动是宇宙中最普遍的现象,物理学里把物体位置变化叫做机械运动。2、在研究物体的运动时,选作标准的物体叫做参照物。参照物的选择:任何物体都可做参照物,应根据需要选择合适的参照物(不能选被研究的物体作参照物)。研究地面上物体的运动情况时,通常选地面为参照物。

25、选择不同的参照物来观察同一个物体结论可能不同。同一个物体是运动还是静止取决于所选的参照物,这就是运动和静止的相对性。三、运动的快慢1、物体运动的快慢用速度表示。在相同时间内,物体经过的路程越长,它的速度就越快;物体经过相同的路程,所花的时间越短,速度越快。在匀速直线运动中,速度等于运动物体在单位时间内通过的路程。在物理学中,为了比较物体运动的快慢,采用“相同时间比较路程”的方法,也就是将物体运动的路程除以所用时间。这样,在比较不同运动物体的快慢时,可以保证时间相同。计算公式: v=st其中: s 路程 米(m);t 时间 秒(s);v 速度 米/秒(m/s) 国际单位制中,速度的单位是米每秒,

26、符号为m/s 或 m s-1,交通运输中常用千米每小时做速度的单位,符号为km/h 或 km h-1,1m/s=3.6km/h。v=st,变形可得:s=vt,t=sv。2、快慢不变,沿着直线的运动叫匀速直线运动。匀速直线运动是最简单的机械运动。运动速度变化的运动叫变速运动,变速运动的快慢用平均速度来表示,粗略研究时,也可用速度的公式来计算,平均速度=总路程 /总时间。四、测量平均速度1、停表的使用:第一次按下时,表针开始转动(启动 );第二次按下时,表针停止转动 (停止 );第三次按下时,表针弹回零点(回表 )。读数:表中小圆圈的数字单位为 min,大圆圈的数字单位为s。2、测量原理:平均速度

27、计算公式v=st精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vesse

28、l every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessels and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every asse ssment task force. Each lacked

29、a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force people 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Dis

30、tribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs e

31、ach evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yua

32、n. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to che ck and repair a monitor 50 defec

33、ts. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil ea ch evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil

34、level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due to personal negligence, compensati on for the value of equipmnt 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce str

35、ict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissi oni ng equipment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul,

36、 the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site shoul d have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohi biting the jum bled mess of equipment and material

37、s, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done before every heads of evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration

38、of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day o

39、f delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation

40、 workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big

41、, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health che cks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to particip

42、ate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th

43、expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial process, led by the payment processing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are no

44、t material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials

45、(welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related pay. 6, approval to use high qualit

46、y steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the

47、 material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the ind

48、ustry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the第二章声现象一、声音的产生与传播1、一切

49、发声的物体都在振动。用手按住发音的音叉,发音也停止,该现象说明振动停止发声也停止。振动的物体叫声源。人说话,唱歌靠声带的振动发声,婉转的鸟鸣靠鸣膜的振动发声,清脆的蟋蟀叫声靠翅膀摩擦的振动发声,其振动频率一定在20-20000 次/秒之间。2、声音的传播需要介质,真空不能传声。在空气中,声音以看不见的声波来传播,声波到达人耳,引起鼓膜振动,人就听到声音。气体、液体、固体都能发声,空气能传播声音。3、声音在介质中的传播速度简称声速。一般情况下,v固v液v气声音在 15空气中的传播速度是340m/s 合 1224km/h ,在真空中的传播速度为0m/s。4、回声是由于声音在传播过程中遇到障碍物被反

50、射回来而形成的。如果回声到达人耳比原声晚 0.1s以上人耳能把回声跟原声区分开来,此时障碍物到听者的距离至少为17m。利用:利用回声可以测定海底深度、冰山距离、敌方潜水艇的远近测量中要先知道声音在海水中的传播速度,测量方法是: 测出发出声音到受到反射回来的声音讯号的时间t,查出声音在介质中的传播速度v,则发声点距物体S=vt/2。二、声音的特性1、乐音是物体做规则振动时发出的声音。2、音调:人感觉到的声音的高低。用硬纸片在梳子齿上快划和慢划时可以发现:划的快音调高,用同样大的力拨动粗细不同的橡皮筋时可以发现:橡皮筋振动快发声音调高。综合两个实验现象你得到的共同结论是:音调跟发声体振动频率有关系

51、,频率越高音调越高;频率越低音调越低。物体在1s 振动的次数叫频率,物体振动越快频率越高。频率单位次 /秒又记作Hz 。3、响度:人耳感受到的声音的大小。响度跟发生体的振幅和距发声距离的远近有关。物体在振动时,偏离原来位置的最大距离叫振幅。振幅越大响度越大。增大响度的主要方法是:减小声音的发散。(1)声音是由物体的振动产生的;(2)声音的大小跟发声体的振幅有关。4、音色:由物体本身决定。人们根据音色能够辨别乐器或区分人。5、区分乐音三要素:闻声知人 依据不同人的音色来判定;高声大叫 指响度;高音歌唱家 指音调。三、声的利用可以利用声来传播信息和传递能量。四、噪声的危害和控制1、当代社会的四大污

52、染:噪声污染、水污染、大气污染、固体废弃物污染。2、物理学角度看,噪声是指发声体做无规则的杂乱无章的振动发出的声音;环境保护的角度噪声是指妨碍人们正常休息、学习和工作的声音,以及对人们要听的声音起干扰作用的声音。3、人们用分贝 (dB)来划分声音等级;听觉下限0dB;为保护听力应控制噪声不超过90dB;为保证工作学习,应控制噪声不超过70dB;为保证休息和睡眠应控制噪声不超过50dB。4、减弱噪声的方法:在声源处减弱、在传播过程中减弱、在人耳处减弱。第三章物态变化一、温度1、定义:温度表示物体的冷热程度。2、单位:国际单位制中采用热力学温度。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名

53、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equi pment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task f

54、orce pe opl e. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessels and other e qui pment, each eval uation task force-man 10. Equipment lubrication lack an oil Cup asse ssment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical e qu

55、i pment line inspection task force people 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard checking task force people. Power box for each missing one handl e 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of

56、 direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Free signs every 10 Yuan asse ssment task force pe opl e, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs ea ch evaluation task force

57、 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painti ng, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, op

58、erators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs and ov erhaul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to check and re pair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment me

59、chanical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil each evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packi ng, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oilmirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessm

60、ent task force pe opl e. Equipment damage due to personal negligence, compensation for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking be cause of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensation for the value of equi pment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equi

61、 pment repairman maintenance, improper commissioning equi pment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the pr oduction te chnology section, unde cla red assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul

62、d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site should have sufficient lighti ng and necessary security measures, prohibiting the jumbled mess of equi pment and materials, repair a nd mainten

63、ance work after thefinished work should be done before every heads of evaluation t he net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintenance needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment

64、 charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yu

65、an. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20

66、Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equ

67、ipment file check) monthly preventative health checks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination,

68、 assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance pla n completion, equipment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1,

69、 without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial process, led by the payment pr ocessing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by

70、 the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible fo

71、r the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performnce -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead

72、 of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each exa

73、mination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny

74、 to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approve d the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the? -3-?常用单位是摄氏度()规定: 在一个标准大气压下冰水混合物的温度为0 度,沸

75、水的温度为100 度,它们之间分成100 等份,每一等份叫1 摄氏度某地气温 -3读做:零下 3 摄氏度或负3 摄氏度换算关系T=t + 273K 3、 测量 温度计(常用液体温度计)温度计构造:下有玻璃泡,里盛水银、煤油、酒精等液体;内有粗细均匀的细玻璃管,在外面的玻璃管上均匀地刻有刻度。温度计的原理:利用液体的热胀冷缩进行工作。分类及比较:分类实验用温度计寒暑表体温计用途测物体温度测室温测体温量程-20 110-30 5035 42分度值110.1所用液体水银煤油(红)酒精(红)水银特殊构造玻璃泡上方有缩口使用方法使用时不能甩,测物体时不能离开物体读数使用前甩可离开人体读数常用温度计的使用

76、方法:使用前:观察它的量程,判断是否适合待测物体的温度;并认清温度计的分度值,以便准确读数。使用时:温度计的玻璃泡全部浸入被测液体中,不要碰到容器底或容器壁;温度计玻璃泡浸入被测液体中稍候一会儿,待温度计的示数稳定后再读数;读数时玻璃泡要继续留在被测液体中,视线与温度计中液柱的上表面相平。二、熔化和凝固熔化:定义:物体从固态变成液态叫熔化。晶体物质:海波、冰、石英水晶、非晶体物质:松香、石蜡玻璃、沥青、蜂蜡食盐、明矾、奈、各种金属熔化图象:熔化特点:固液共存,吸热,温度不变熔化特点:吸热,先变软变稀,最后变为液态温度不断上升。熔点:晶体熔化时的温度。熔化的条件:( 1)达到熔点。(2)继续吸热

77、。凝固:定义:物质从液态变成固态叫凝固。凝固图象:凝固特点:固液共存,放热,温度不变凝固特点:放热,逐渐变稠、变黏、变硬、最后成固体,温度不断降低。凝固点:晶体熔化时的温度凝固的条件:达到凝固点。继续放热。同种物质的熔点凝固点相同。三、汽化和液化汽化:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th articl

78、e Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessels and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack

79、an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every asse ssment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force people 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one han

80、dle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessme

81、nt task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media tre

82、nds, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the ru

83、ns a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to che ck and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil ea ch evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes

84、clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due to personal negligence, compensati on for the value of equipmnt 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures

85、each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissi oni ng equipment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly

86、reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site shou

87、l d have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohi biting the jum bled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done before every heads of evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporar

88、y mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a d

89、ay. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic

90、 device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does

91、 not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health che cks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usu

92、ally do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and r

93、eport to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial process, led by the payment processing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a r

94、egular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely man

95、ner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, eq

96、ui pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (const

97、ituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Directo

98、r, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requis

99、itioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the定义:物质从液态变为气态叫汽化。蒸定义:液体在任何温度下都能发生的,并且只在液体表面发生的汽化现象叫蒸发。发影响因素:(1)液体的温度; (2)液体的表面积; (3)液体表面空气的流动。作用:蒸发吸热(吸外界或自身的热量),具有制冷作用。定义:在一定温度下,在液体内部和表面同时发生的剧烈的汽化现象。沸沸点:液体沸腾时的温度。腾沸腾条件:(1)达到沸点。(2)继续吸热沸点与气压的关系:一切液体的沸点都是

100、气压减小时降低,气压增大时升高液化:定义:物质从气态变为液态叫液化。方法: (1)降低温度;(2)压缩体积。好处:体积缩小便于运输。作用:液化放热四、升华和凝华升华:定义:物质从固态直接变成气态的过程,吸热,易升华的物质有:碘、冰、干冰、樟脑、钨。凝华:定义:物质从气态直接变成固态的过程,放热第四章光现象一、光的直线传播1、光源:定义:能够发光的物体叫光源。分类:自然光源,如太阳、萤火虫;人造光源,如篝火、蜡烛、油灯、电灯。月亮本身不会发光,它不是光源。2、规律:光在同一种均匀介质中是沿直线传播的。3、光线是由一小束光抽象而建立的理想物理模型,建立理想物理模型是研究物理的常用方法之一。早晨,看

101、到刚从地平线升起的太阳的位置比实际位置高,该现象说明:光在非均匀介质中不是沿直线传播的。地球地平线太阳太阳虚像4、应用及现象:激光准直。影子的形成:光在传播过程中,遇到不透明的物体,在物体的后面形成黑色区域即影子。日食月食的形成:当地球在中间时可形成月食。如图:在月球后1 的位置可看到日全食,在2 的位置看到日偏食,在3 的位置看到日环食。小孔成像:小孔成像实验早在墨经中就有记载小孔成像成倒立的实像,其像的形状与孔的形状无关。5、光速:光在真空中速度C=3 108m/s=3 105km/s;光在空气中速度约为3 108m/s。光在水中速度为真空中光速的3/4,在玻璃中速度为真空中速度的2/3

102、。1 2 3 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equi pment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vesse

103、l every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessels and other e qui pment, each eval uation task force-man 10. Equipment lubrication lack an oil Cup asse ssment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lack

104、ed a grounding of electrical e qui pment line inspection task force people 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard checking task force people. Power box for each missing one handl e 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. D

105、istribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Free signs every 10 Yuan asse ssment task force pe opl e, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no

106、signs ea ch evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painti ng, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility fo

107、r 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs and ov erhaul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to check and re pair a monitor

108、50 defects. Rotating equipment mechanical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil each evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packi ng, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oilmirror, oil level gauge not se

109、e oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Equipment damage due to personal negligence, compensation for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking be cause of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensation for the value of equi pment 30%. Due to operator error or does not en

110、force strict fuel system and equi pment repairman maintenance, improper commissioning equi pment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the pr oduction te chnology section, unde cla red assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. Af

111、ter overhaul, the equipment should be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site should have sufficient lighti ng and necessary security measures, prohibiting the jumbled mess of equi pment a

112、nd materials, repair a nd maintenance work after thefinished work should be done before every heads of evaluation t he net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintenance needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and r

113、estoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Divi

114、sion, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay

115、 evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section aft

116、er each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health checks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails t

117、o participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance pla n completion, equipment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r

118、ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial process, led by the payment pr ocessing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintena

119、nce are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of

120、materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performnce -related pay. 6, approval to use hi

121、gh quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not writ

122、e, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed b

123、y the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approve d the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the? -5-?二、光的

124、反射1、定义:光从一种介质射向另一种介质表面时,一部分光被反射回原来介质的现象叫光的反射。2、反射定律:三线同面,法线居中 ,两角相等 ,光路可逆 .即:反射光线与入射光线、法线在同一平面上, 反射光线和入射光线分居于法线的两侧,反射角等于入射角。光的反射过程中光路是可逆的。不发光物体把照在它上面的光反射进入我们的眼睛3、分类:(1)镜面反射:定义:射到物面上的平行光反射后仍然平行条件:反射面平滑。应用:迎着太阳看平静的水面,特别亮。黑板“ 反光 ” 等,都是因为发生了镜面反射(2)漫反射:定义:射到物面上的平行光反射后向着不同的方向,每条光线遵守光的反射定律。条件:反射面凹凸不平。应用:能从


126、的折射1、折射:光从一种介质斜射入另一种介质时,传播方向发生偏折,这种现象叫做光的折射。当发生折射现象时,一定也发生了反射现象。当光线垂直射向两种物质的界面时,传播方向不变。2、光的折射规律:在折射现象中,折射光线、入射光线和法线都在同一个平面内;光从空气斜射入水中或其他介质中时,折射光线向法线方向偏折(折射角入射角) ;光从水或其他介质中斜射入空气中时,折射光线向界面方向偏折(折射角入射角) 。在折射现象中,光路是可逆的。在光的折射现象中,入射角增大,折射角也随之增大。在光的折射现象中,介质的密度越小,光速越大,与法线形成的角越大。3、折射的现象:从岸上向水中看,水好像很浅,沿着看见鱼的方向

127、叉,却叉不到;从水中看岸上的东西,好像变高了。筷子在水中好像“折”了。海市蜃楼。彩虹。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of

128、 pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessels and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every a

129、sse ssment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force people 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yua

130、n assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves

131、, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the ev

132、aluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to c

133、he ck and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil ea ch evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil m

134、irror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due to personal negligence, compensati on for the value of equipmnt 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to ope

135、rator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissi oni ng equipment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Direc

136、tor 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site shoul d have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohi biting the jum

137、bled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done before every heads of evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly remove

138、d after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts,

139、 new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equi

140、pment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Productio

141、n technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health che cks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notificat

142、ion form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi

143、pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial process, led by the payment processing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no mainten

144、ance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the emp

145、loyer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related

146、pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong

147、specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment an

148、d spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problem

149、s in usi ng the从岸边看水中鱼N 的光路图(图1) : 图中的 N 点是鱼所在的真正位置,N点是我们看到的鱼, 从图中可以得知,我们看到的鱼比实际位置高。像点就是两条折射光线的反向延长线的交点。在完成折射的光路图时可画一条垂直于介质交界面的光线,便于绘制。五、光的色散1、光的色散:光的色散属于光的折射现象。1666 年,英国物理学家牛顿用玻璃三棱镜使太阳光发生了色散(图2) 。太阳光通过棱镜后,被分解成各种颜色的光,用一个白屏来承接,在白屏上就形成一条颜色依次是红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫的彩带。牛顿的实验说明白光是由各种色光混合而成的。2、色光的三原色:红、绿、蓝。红、绿、蓝三种

150、色光,按不同比例混合,可以产生各种颜色的光。(图 3)光的色散色光的三原色颜料的三原色图 2 图 3 3、物体的颜色:透明物体的颜色由通过它的色光来决定。如图4,如果在白屏前放置一块红色玻璃,则白屏上其他颜色的光消失,只留下红色。这表明,其他色光都被红色玻璃吸收了,只有红光能够透过。不透明物体的颜色是由它反射的色光决定的。如图4,如果把一张绿纸贴在白屏上,则在绿纸上看不到彩色光带,只有被绿光照射的地方是亮的(反射绿光) ,其他地方是暗的(不反射光)。如果一个物体能反射所有色光,则该物体呈现白色。如果一个物体能吸收所有色光,则该物体呈现黑色。如果一个物体能透过所有色光,则该物体是无色透明的。第五

151、章透镜及其应用一、透镜1、名词薄透镜:透镜的厚度远小于球面的半径。主光轴:通过两个球面球心的直线。光心:(O)即薄透镜的中心。性质:通过光心的光线传播方向不改变。焦点( F) :凸透镜能使跟主光轴平行的光线会聚在主光轴上的一点,这个点叫焦点。焦距( f) :焦点到凸透镜光心的距离。区别:凸透镜:中间厚,两边薄;凹透镜:中间薄,两边厚2、典型光路红紫N 水空气O 水空气O N 图 1入射角折射角折射角入射角透明物体的颜色不透明物体的颜色红太阳光绿图 4 太阳光红玻璃白屏绿纸精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页Yuan.

152、 Fourth section equi pment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Pipe header lack of t

153、hermometers, pressure vessels and other e qui pment, each eval uation task force-man 10. Equipment lubrication lack an oil Cup asse ssment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical e qui pment line inspection task force p

154、eople 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard checking task force people. Power box for each missing one handl e 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation

155、task force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Free signs every 10 Yuan asse ssment task force pe opl e, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs ea ch evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind,

156、 gas pipeline, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painti ng, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely ma

157、nner and notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs and ov erhaul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to check and re pair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mechanical, thermal, electrical, oil l

158、eakage oil each evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packi ng, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oilmirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Equipment d

159、amage due to personal negligence, compensation for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking be cause of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensation for the value of equi pment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equi pment repairman maintenance, improp

160、er commissioning equi pment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the pr oduction te chnology section, unde cla red assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment should be no grease, no corrosion, foulin

161、g and powder accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site should have sufficient lighti ng and necessary security measures, prohibiting the jumbled mess of equi pment and materials, repair a nd maintenance work after thefinished work sho

162、uld be done before every heads of evaluation t he net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintenance needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in

163、the 7th month production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of

164、the month each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance pr

165、oje cts, the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventat

166、ive health checks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examina

167、tion 20. Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance pla n completion, equipment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice

168、 President signature, financial process, led by the payment pr ocessing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Dir

169、ector of the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of

170、50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performnce -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessm

171、ent 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials an

172、d Director of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, a

173、ccessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approve d the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the? -7-?3、填表:名称又名眼镜实物形状光学符号性质凸透镜会聚透镜老化镜对光线有会聚作用凹透镜发散透镜近视镜对光线有发散作用二、生活中的透镜照相机投影仪放大

174、镜原理凸透镜成像u 2ffu2fuf像的性质倒立、缩小的实像倒立、放大的实像正立、放大的虚像光路图透镜不动时的调整像偏小:物体靠近相机,暗箱拉长像偏大:物体远离相机,暗箱缩短像偏小:物体靠近镜头,投影仪远离屏幕像偏大:物体远离镜头,投影仪靠近屏幕像偏小:物体稍微远离透镜,适当调整眼睛位置像偏大:物体稍微靠近透镜,适当调整眼睛位置物体不动时的调整像偏小:相机靠近物体,暗箱拉长像偏大:相机远离物体,暗箱缩短像偏小:镜头靠近物体(位置降低) ,投影仪远离屏幕像偏大:镜头远离物体(位置提高) ,投影仪靠近屏幕像偏小:透镜稍远离物体,适当调整眼睛位置像偏大:透镜稍靠近物体,适当调整眼睛位置其他内容镜头相

175、当于一个凸透镜。像越小, 像中包含的内容越多。镜头相当于一个凸透镜。投影片要上下左右颠倒放置。平面镜的作用: 改变光的传播方向, 使得射向天花板的光能够在屏幕上成像。实像和虚像(见下图) :照相机和投影仪所成的像,是光通过凸透镜射出后会聚在那里所成的,如果把感光胶片放在那里,真的能记录下所成的像。这种像叫做实像。物体和实像分别位于凸透镜的两侧。凸透镜成实像情景:光屏能承接到所形成的像,物和实像在凸透镜两侧。F F F F 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth section equipment

176、 management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of thermometers, pressure vessel

177、s and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every asse ssment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force people 10. Connecting coupling

178、 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task force 10. Damaged alumi

179、num signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeline, pressure vessel, no

180、t according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and notify maintenance personn

181、el, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to che ck and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil ea ch evaluation task

182、force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due to personal negligence,

183、compensati on for the value of equipmnt 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissi oni ng equipment parts a

184、nd damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and debris-f

185、ree, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site shoul d have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohi biting the jum bled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done before every heads of eva

186、luation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month production technology s

187、ection for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each month equipment rate t

188、ables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the main parts of equipment

189、replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health che cks a nd technology or

190、ganization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biote ch company, 30th tota

191、ls monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President signature, financial pro

192、cess, led by the payment processing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the task force on assessmen

193、t of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, materials and equipment

194、for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a time, instead of 20, 45

195、th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director of the task force (or Di

196、rector) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, le

197、d by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the凸透镜成虚像情景:光屏不能承接所形成的像,物和虚像在凸透镜同侧。三、凸透镜成像的规律1、实验:实验时点燃蜡烛,使烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的中心大致在同一高度,目的是:使烛焰的像成在光屏中央。若在实验时,无论怎样移动光屏,在光屏都得不到像

198、,可能得原因有: 蜡烛在焦点以内;烛焰在焦点上烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的中心不在同一高度;蜡烛到凸透镜的距离稍大于焦距,成像在很远的地方,光具座的光屏无法移到该位置。2、实验结论: (凸透镜成像规律)F 分虚实, 2f 大小,实倒虚正,具体见下表:物距像的性质像距应用倒、正放、缩虚、实u2f 倒立缩小实像fv2f 照相机fu2f 幻灯机uu 放大镜3、对规律的进一步认识:(1)uf 是成实像和虚象,正立像和倒立像,像物同侧和异侧的分界点。(2)u2f 是像放大和缩小的分界点(3)当像距大于物距时成放大的实像(或虚像),当像距小于物距时成倒立缩小的实像。(4)成实像时:(5)成虚像时:当物体从远处向焦

199、点靠近时,像逐渐变大,远离凸透镜当 u 2f,物体比像移动得快当 fu2f,物体比像移动得慢四、眼睛和眼镜1、成像原理:从物体发出的光线经过晶状体等一个综合的凸透镜在视网膜上行成倒立,缩小的实像,分布在视网膜上的视神经细胞受到光的刺激,把这个信号传输给大脑,人就可以看到这个物体了。2、近视原因:晶体太厚,折光能力强,或眼球在前后方向上太长(用凹透镜矫正)远视原因:晶体太薄,折光能力弱,或眼球在前后方向上太短(用凸透镜矫正)明视距离: 25cm 近点: 10cm 五、显微镜和望远镜1、显微镜:显微镜镜筒的两端各有一组透镜,每组透镜的作用都相当于一个凸透镜,靠近眼睛的凸透镜叫做目镜,靠近被观察物体

200、的凸透镜叫做物镜。来自被观察物体的光经过物镜后成一个放大的实像,道理就像投影仪的镜头成像一样;目镜的作用则像一个普通的放大镜,把这个像再放大一次。经过这两次放大作用,我们就可以看到肉眼看不见的小物体了。2、望远镜:有一种望远镜也是由两组凸透镜组成的。靠近眼睛的凸透镜叫做目镜,靠近被观察物体的凸透镜叫做物镜。我们能不能看清一个物体,它对我们的眼睛所成“ 视角 ” 的物距减小(增大)像距增大(减小)像变大(变小)物距减小(增大)像距减小(增大)像变小(变大)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页Yuan. Fourth s

201、ection equi pment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Pipe header lack of thermomete

202、rs, pressure vessels and other e qui pment, each eval uation task force-man 10. Equipment lubrication lack an oil Cup asse ssment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical e qui pment line inspection task force people 10.

203、 Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard checking task force people. Power box for each missing one handl e 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task forc

204、e 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Free signs every 10 Yuan asse ssment task force pe opl e, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs ea ch evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipe

205、line, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painti ng, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and

206、notify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs and ov erhaul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to check and re pair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mechanical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oi

207、l each evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packi ng, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oilmirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force pe opl e. Equipment damage due

208、 to personal negligence, compensation for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking be cause of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensation for the value of equi pment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equi pment repairman maintenance, improper commis

209、sioning equi pment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the pr oduction te chnology section, unde cla red assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment should be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and pow

210、der accumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site should have sufficient lighti ng and necessary security measures, prohibiting the jumbled mess of equi pment and materials, repair a nd maintenance work after thefinished work should be do

211、ne before every heads of evaluation t he net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintenance needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th m

212、onth production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month

213、 each month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts,

214、the main parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative healt

215、h checks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20.

216、Biote ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance pla n completion, equipment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice Presiden

217、t signature, financial process, led by the payment pr ocessing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of

218、the task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan.

219、5, materials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performnce -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at

220、 a time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Directo

221、r of the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessorie

222、s, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approve d the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the? -9-?大小十分重要。望远镜的物镜所成的像虽然比原来的物体小,但它离我们的眼睛很近,再加上目镜的放大作用,视角就可以变得很大。第六章质量与密度一、质量1、物体是由物质组成的

223、。物体所含物质的多少叫质量,用m 表示。物体的质量不随物体的形态、状态、位置、温度而改变,所以质量是物体本身的一种属性。质量的单位:千克(kg),常用单位:吨(t)、克( g)、毫克( mg)。 1t=1000kg 1kg=1000g 1g=1000mg 2、天平是实验室测质量的常用工具。当天平平衡后,被测物体的质量等于砝码的质量加上游码所对的刻度值。3、天平的使用: 注意事项: 被测物体的质量不能超过天平的称量(天平所能称的最大质量);向盘中加减砝码时要用镊子,不能用手接触砝码,不能把砝码弄湿、弄脏;潮湿的物体和化学药品不能直接放在天平的盘中。托盘天平的结构:底座、游码、标尺、平衡螺母、横梁

224、、托盘、分度盘、指针。使用步骤:放置 天平应水平放置。调节 天平使用前要使横梁平衡。首先把游码放在标尺的“0”刻度处, 然后调节横梁两端的平衡螺母(移向高端),使横梁平衡。称量 称量时应把被测物体放天平的左盘,把砝码放右盘(先大后小)。游码能够分辨更小的质量,在标尺上向右移动游码,就等于在右盘中增加一个更小的砝码。二、密度1、物质的质量与体积的关系:体积相同的不同物质组成的物体的质量一般不同,同种物质组成的物体的质量与它的体积成正比。2、一种物质的质量与体积的比值是一定的,物质不同,其比值一般不同,这反映了不同物质的不同特性,物理学中用密度表示这种特性。单位体积的某种物质的质量叫做这种物质的密

225、度。密度的公式: =m/V 密度 千克每立方米(kg/m3)m 质量 千克( kg)V 体积 立方米( m3)密度的常用单位g/cm3,g/cm3单位大, 1g/cm3=1.0 103kg/m3。水的密度为1.0 103kg/m3,读作 1.0 103千克每立方米,它表示物理意义是:1 立方米的水的质量为1.0 103千克。3、密度的应用:鉴别物质: =m/V 。测量不易直接测量的体积:V=m/ 。测量不易直接测量的质量:m= V 。三、测量物质的密度1、量筒的使用:液体物质的体积可以用量筒测出。量筒(量杯)的使用方法:观察量筒标度的单位。1L=1dm3 1mL=1cm3观察量筒的最大测量值(

226、量程)和分度值(最小刻度)。读数时,视线与量筒中凹液面的底部相平(或与量筒中凸液面的顶部相平)。2、测量液体和固体的密度:只要测量出物质的质量和体积,通过 =m/V就能够算出物质的密度。质量可以用天平测出,液体和形状不规则的固体的体积可以用量筒或量杯来测量。四、密度与社会生活1、密度与温度:温度能改变物质的密度,一般物体都是在温度升高时体积膨胀(即:热胀冷缩,水在4以下是热缩冷胀),密度变小。2、密度与物质鉴别:不同物质的密度一般不同,通过测量物质的密度可以鉴别物质。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页Yuan. F

227、ourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of thermo

228、meters, pressure vessels and ot her equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equi pment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every asse ssment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equi pment line inspecti on task force people

229、10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard che cking task force peopl e. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task

230、force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeli

231、ne, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper l ost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records i n a timely manner and not

232、ify maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs a nd overha ul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to che ck and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mecha nical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil

233、 ea ch evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogge d bearings int o the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due t

234、o personal negligence, compensati on for the value of equipmnt 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensati on for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissi o

235、ni ng equipment parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equi pment should be pr omptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment shoul d be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder ac

236、cumulation and debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. T he construction site shoul d have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohi biting the jum bled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done be

237、fore every heads of evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintena nce needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open cha nnel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge20 Yuan. Related workshop in the 7th month

238、production technology section for maintenance scheduling, delayed assessment w orkshop Director of 50 Yuan a day. Units of the 25th of the month should be material spare parts, machining parts, new plans bi otech Division, day of delay deducted 10 Yuan. Related workshop at the 27th of the month each

239、 month equipment rate tables, maintenance plan, along with the repair records, record che ck report, automatic device inputs, relay (thermal), protection of investment and the operation of equipment, each day of delay evaluation workshop Director 20 Yuan. Large and minor maintenance proje cts, the m

240、ain parts of equipment replacement (includi ng the usual repla cement) must be incl ude d in file, repair does not fill within a week after delayed one day assessme nt task force 10. (Production technology section after each big, minor repairs to equipment file check) monthly preventative health che

241、 cks a nd technology organization, w orkshop Director, regular health checks and technol ogy professionals usually do not make their own arrangements, also included in the assessment (notification form issued). Fails to participate in the examination, assessment of 50 Yuan, late examination 20. Biot

242、e ch company, 30th totals monthly maintenance plan completion, e qui pment, equi pment inspection, test, and report to the Department of busi ness administration. Fifth section re ceiving equi pment and materials use r ule 50th expendable materials: 1, without planni ng or competent Vice President s

243、ignature, financial process, led by the payment processing fee. 2, maintena nce . Material fee. 3, without a regular testing in biotech, identified in accordance with the scheme, and no maintenance projects or maintenance are not material loss paid by the material the material cost, Director of the

244、task force on assessment of 100 Yuan. 4, repair work after the unused material into submission in a timely manner should be properly preserved, found in the field or on the flight, from the employer to pay the cost of materials (welders responsible for the electrode), and evaluation of 50 Yuan. 5, m

245、aterials and equipment for private use and fraud, found accountable, paid for by the responsible materials, equi pment, and Director of the task force on assessment of 50% performance -related pay. 6, approval to use high quality steel products instead of ordinary steel, offender assessment 50 at a

246、time, instead of 20, 45th for ordinary steel steam-pressure part and shaft each time che ck of 100 Yuan (constituted separately). 7, the material does not write specifications, models or wrong specification, do not write, at the material time, each examination 20. 8, plan no materials and Director o

247、f the task force (or Director) 20 signatures each assessment. 9, attend monthly analysis of materials (Director, material part) late check 20 Yuan, lack of assessment 50 Yuan. 51st equipment and spare parts: 1, needed by the industry and trade compa ny to repurchase workshop materials, accessories, equi pment, shop no, led by the workshop Director and approved the scheme awarded i n full. Workshop 2, requisitioning equi pment and accessorie s to strict quality control, and quality problems in usi ng the精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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