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1、Unit6 AccidentsLesson 41 After an Accident教学目标:1 . 掌握词汇:accident, refuse2. 认知词汇:acting , victim, pretend, warning, reporter3. 重点/ 难点:dont have to, have an accident 翻译词组:L假装是 2 . 告诉某人做某事3 . 出了一个意外_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 . 照顾_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 .

2、 使某人暖和 6. 别害怕7 . 到达这里_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 .听某人的劝告听课文,判断正、误1) Jenny, Danny and Brian are acting an accident.2) The victim is the person who is hurt.3) Jenny is good at acting, so she wants to be the victim.4) Danny will be the friend of Jenny, and Brian will pretend a reporter.5) At last

3、, Jenny becomes angry with Danny. 自学指南1. accident n .意外事件;事故a traffic accident 一个交通事故;a little accident 一个小意外;by accident 偶然; 无意11happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生一个小意外。I met him in the park.我偶然在公园遇见他。2.1 want to do something.我想演戏。d。 此处的意思可以解释为“ 演出二Mr. Smith Hamlet.史密斯先生要扮演哈姆雷特。3.1 don91 have to prete

4、nd. I am her friend.我没必要装。我就是她的朋友。(1) dont have to 意思是“ 没必要, 独 dont have to do sth , neednt do sth 和 it isunnecessary to do sth都表示“ 不必做某事”的意思。There is a lot of time left. We hurry.时间还很多,我们不必着急。( 2) pretend意 思 是 “ 假装” ,后接动词不定式或宾语从句。Why dont you Jennys friend?你假装詹妮的朋友不好吗?She when his mother came back.

5、当妈妈回来时,她假装在学习4. Are you badly hurt, Jenny?詹 妮 ,你伤很重吗?badly此处的意思是“ 非常;在很大程度上”常与表示匮乏、需要等词语连用或与表示不良情况的词语连用。例如:The school is badly in need of history teachers.这所学校急需历史老师。He wants to see her badly.他很想见到她。badly还可以作“ 不好;不适合或不能令人满意的方式”解。例如:They played football badly.他们球踢得很糟。5.1 told her to stop, but she ref

6、used!refuse v. ( not agree)拒绝,谢绝,推辞,不准,不肯refuse + 名词拒绝某物refuse to do sth .拒绝做某事He. 他拒绝了礼物。The children m e.这些小孩子不肯听我的话。巩固练习一、完成句子1. What should we do if you see( 事故发生) ?2. The victim is the person_( 受伤 的) .3. I want to( 演 出) .4. Why dont you( 假装当) Jennys friend?5. I told you( 停止) ! Why didnt you( 听从

7、我的劝告) ?6. Now you, ve( 出 意外 了) .7. Are you( 伤的严重) ? Don t( 害怕) .8. ( 不要忘 了 给 看 ) your classmates.9. These students have( 为拿来绷带) their play.二、选择填空1) She pretended me when I passed by.A. not seeing B. not to see C. having not seen D. to not see2) It is hard to keep the room on such a snowy day.A. clea

8、ning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean3) When the acc i de nt ?A. was; happened B. had; happened C. did; happen D. was happening4) Dont be when you meet difficulties in your study.A. scared B. to scare C. scaring D. scares5) Did he hurt himself when they played football.A. bad B. badly C. well D. good

9、三、连词组句1. week, traffic, happened, a, accident, Danny, to, last2. often, the, pretends, boy, be, to, ill3. hurt, when, she, fell, badly, the, bike, was, she, off?4. refuse, teenagers, go, to, to, should, the, bar, net.备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson42 Be Careful, Danny! 教学目标1 .掌握新词汇及短语: careful, ceiling, serious2 . 认知新词汇及短语: ladder, injure; fault; ambulance; fall on top of; Its my fault. 课前预习根据课文,选择填空1. Danny, Jenny and Brian are the art classroom for Christmas.A. decorating B. cleanin

11、g C. building D. sweeping2. Danny is to put the star onto the ceiling.A. tall enough B. too tall C. too short D. so short3. Danny climb before he falls down.A. up a ladder B. on Mrs Jones chairC. onto his desk D. onto Mr Jones chair4. runs into the room when hears the cry.A. Jenny B. Danny C. Brian

12、D. Mr Jones5. is hurt.A. Jenny B. Danny C. Brian D. Mr Jones6. Theres something wrong with Br i an s.A. head B. arm C. leg D. tall7. Jenny will.A. take Danny to hospital B. call an ambulanceC. make a telephone call to Brians mother D. put the star onto the ceiling翻译下列词组1 . 给你拿梯子 2 .够高3. 爬到他的椅子上去_ _

13、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4. 小心5. 跑进房间 6. 跳起来7. 那是我的错. . 8. 想接住丹尼9. 跌落在我上面 10.叫救护车11.送某人去医院 12. 躺在地板上 自学指南1 .Isn( t itbeautiftil?难道它不漂亮吗?这种问句被称为否定问句,这时或带有惊异情绪,或有责难的口吻,或表示种赞叹。eg. Its an interesting fi l m. t o go with us?这部电影很有趣。难道你不想跟我们去? ( 惊异)pictures lovely?这些画多好看啊!( 赞叹)think of anything exciting for u

14、s to do?难道你就不能想出点令人兴奋的事让我们干吗? ( 责难)2.Hes lying on the floo匚他正躺在地板上。lie (vi.)躺 , 平 放 . 过 去 式 la y ,过去分词lain,现在分词lying.说谎 过去式lie d ,过去分词lied, 现在分词lying.lie (n )谎言lay (vt. & v i.)放 , 置 过去式la id ,过去分词laid,现在分词laying1) He in the shade of the tree now.2) She on her bed, and had a good rest.3)Fm sorry I to

15、 you.4) Hes always telling a.5)it on the table.3. Its my fault, Mr Jones.琼斯先生,那是我的错。fault此 处 是 “ 过错;过失”的意思,用来表示承担某事的责任。4.injured (adj.)受伤的,受损害的,受委屈的 the injured受伤者The injured were taken to hospital by ambulance.|拓展| injure (vt.)伤害 She was injured badly in an accident during the work.她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤.当堂

16、反馈练习根据汉语提示完成句子1. I got a( 梯子) from the garden.2. The Spring Festival is coming. The children are ( 装饰) their house.3. Dont play with a knife, or you will be( 伤害)4. Air pollution is much( 严重) than before.5. He is a( 小心)boy. He always does e ve r yt hi ng ( 小心)6. He almost reaches the( 房顶)on the desk.

17、单选:1.1 found him in bed when I came into his room.A. lied B. lying C. lay D. laying2.1s the man hurt in the accident?A. bad B. serious C. seriously D. very3.He is to go to school.A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. too well4Tm trying a picture.A. drawing B. to draw C. drew D. not draw5 .

18、There is a bridge the river.A. on B. over C. above D. under6 . All right, and what about some melons and grapes?一Oh, y e a h . o f us likes them.A. Every one B. All C. No one D. Most7 .一 Why didnt you buy any fruit on your way back? Sorry, I to take some money with me.A. remembered B. afforded C. fo

19、rgot D. stopped8 .-Shall we leave now? Dont hurry. We still have time left.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few9 . Lets put the box the desk.A. at the end of B. at last C. at top D. on top of10 . -Havent you ever been to Beijing? -.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, 1 have D. No, I havent连词组句1. rem

20、ember, that, holiday, dont, had, you, we, in Beijing_?2. found, he, lying, a, on, book, the, floor.3. leg, not, a, little, his, is, it, hurts, serious, but.4. to, top, the, climbed, students, of, of, the, the, Class 1, hill5. enough, to, have, things, I, do.备注:Lesson 43 Brians Injury教学目标1 . 掌握词汇及短语:

21、patient, safety, rule, drop, rush, be mad at2 . 接触词汇及短语:injury, recover, bounce, witness, icy, learn a new safety rule, Theressomething wrong with., Its nothing serious.课前预习根据课文,判断正、误第篇材料1. Brian went to the hospital by bus.2. There was something wrong with Brians leg, so he couldnt walk.3. Brian wi

22、ll recover soon because he was not badly hurt.4. Brians mother didnt come to the hospital.第二篇材料5. There was a traffic accident on a cold morning on 15 Street and Park Road.6. Two girls were injured.7. The two girl walked in front of Mrs. Andrews.8. Mrs Andrews shouted to the girl, but it didnt work.

23、9. Mrs Andrews called the ambulance.10. It was the driver who stopped the traffic.11. The driver, Mr. Morton took Ann to hospital at once in his car.12. Ann broke her leg, but she will be well in a weak.翻译词组1 . 从小汽车里出来 2. 当然3 . 生某人的气 4. 这地方疼5 . 不严重_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. 听说了这次事故7 . 举过头顶 8

24、. 被车撞了9 在一个交通事故中 10.在去某地的路上11. 匆匆忙忙 12. 迟到13. 弄掉某物 14 . 弹 至 L .上面15. 事故的目击者 16. 阻止某人做某事7. 追赶 18. 拦住车辆19 . 一条腿骨折了 20 . 迅速把某人送到医院21. 急救_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _自学指南1. Im not mad at you.我没有生你的气。be mad at/with sb.; be mad about sth ” 因而发怒/ 气愤; 对力 怒与 be angry with sb.相同。be mad on/about sb./sth. “ 对某人/ 某事

25、物极感兴趣或着迷She was mad him for losing the car.她对他把汽车弄丢极为恼怒。Fm mad Yao M ing.我对姚明很着迷。2. Well, its nothing serious.好了,没有什么严重的。serious此句中的意思是“ 严重的” ;它还可以作“ 严肃的;庄重的;认真的;真诚的” 。My brother is a serious person.Are you really serious about him?_3. Never catch a falling dinosaur!永远不要去接一个正在跌落的恐龙。falling作定语。单个的v-i

26、ng作定语一般置于被修饰的名词之前;v-ing短语作定语一般位于被修饰的名词之后。除此之外v-ing还可以作表语、状语和补足语.eg. China is a developing country.= China is a country which isdevelopi ng._The film is very. 这部电影很令人兴奋。I saw him the street.我看到他在过马路。What are you going to do for the holiday?即将到来的假期里,你打算做什么?当堂反馈练习根据课文填空1 . They( 到达) the hospital, and(

27、从里 出 来 ) the car.2 .There( 有毛病) my arm.3 . Dont cry. I( 不生. 的气) you.4 . I( 跌到上) him. He( 受伤了) 。5 .Please try( 活动一下你的手指) 。6 .Can you your a r m( 举至U _t ) your head?7 . We l l , i f s ( 不严重) , y o u l l ( 痊愈) soon.8 I learned( 一条新的安全规则) today.9 .We were( 匆忙) .We dont want( 迟至U) practice.10 . Ann( 弄掉)

28、her basketball and it( 弹到_ t ) the street.IL I _ ( 大喊警告) , and I wa nt e d( stop) her from( 追) the ball.12. Doctors say she can( 回到) school about ( 一周之后)根据汉语,完成句子l .He is s l o wl y ( 恢复) from his illness.2 .He rushed out and carried the boy to( 安全地带)3 ._ ( 结冰的) roads are dangerous.4,The children we

29、r e( 弹) a ball at that time.5. The boy keeps his( 弄坏了 的) model rockets.6. The plate her hands.( 从掉了 下来)7. ( 落叶) are flying in the wind.8. Please dont be ( 生气) me.选择填空1. They will telephone us as soon as they get to Beijing.A. reach in B. arrive in C. arrive at D. reach at2. - Whats the matter? - My

30、bike is broken.A. There is something wrong with my bike. B. My b汰 e doesnt work.C. My bike is lost D. A and B3. You will recover soon.A. all right B. fine C. be well D. OK4 .1 didnt go to bed until I finish my homework.A. before B. after C. as soon as D. when5. Is it polite to be mad others? -Of cou

31、rse not.A. to B. at C. on D. for6. The box is too heavy for me onto the truck.A. lift B. to lift C. take D. to take7. The dog quickly took the baby to.A. safe B. safety C. safely D. a safe8. Ann, a girl was hurt in the accident.A. 13- year - old B. 13 - years- old C. 13 years old D. 13 year old9. 一

32、Its 6:30 now. Why are you? I want to catch the early bus at 6:45.A. hurry off B. hurry into C. in a hurry D. in such a hurry10. The heavy snow stopped them the village.A. from leave B. from left C. from leaving D. leave连词组句1. the, the, the, man, child, street, stopped, old, running, from, across2. m

33、ad, you, me, still, are, at3. doctor, my, my, lift, over, the, told, me, to, arm, head.4. there, leg, something, is, serious, my, with.备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson 44 Please Take Care! 学习目标:掌握词汇及短语:

34、height, careless, bell接触词汇及短语:zoom, waterside 翻译词组1 . 沿着水道急速下降 2. 爬到山腰3. 骑自行车比赛 4. 注意安全_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5. 乘救护车 6.-次快乐之行7.在绿灯亮时通过 8 . 骑自行车向左_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9. 从很高的地方跳 10.不要疏忽11.去骑自行车 12, 骑自行车时不要太快13. 伤了自己或别人 4. 小心骑15. 有人受伤吗? 16. 跟你的同伴谈论一下一次事故自学指南1. Be caref

35、ul when you jump from too high a height当你从太高处跳下时,要当心to。是副词,意思是“ 过分;过度;太 ” ,用于形容词和副词之前;当形容词修饰名词的单数形式时,冠 词 “ a” 放在形容词后面。He made too speech.他讲话讲得太长。2. So dont he careless when you go to ride your bike.所以,当你骑车时,一定当心。-less是个后缀,可与许多名词结合构成形容词,意思是“ 无;没有 。-lessly用以构成副词。lessness用以构成不可数名词。careless ad j.粗心的,疏忽的

36、,反义词carefula careless writer a careless report3.height n.高度,海拔 它的形容词形式是:highHe is six feet in height. =.What is the height of the building? =?当堂反馈练习根据汉语提示或所给单词,完成句子1. You must be careful when a car(匕驰)to you.2. Dont be a ( 粗心)driver or you will hurt others.3. Whats the ( 高度)of the tower.4. He failed

37、 the exam because of his ( 粗心).5. She left at the second( tum ) .单选1 . Do you know he is?-He says 1.75metres, but Im not sure.A. how many B. how old C. how far D. how tall2 . What you from joining us last night?A. made B. have C. stopped D. protected3. 一Im sorry I left my homework at home.-Thats all

38、 right. Dont forget it to school this afternoon.A. to take B. to bring C. take D. bring4. He had a lot of fun football yesterday.A. playing B. to play C. played D. for playing5. What do you want to say?A. else B. others C. the other D. other thing6. They will stay at home it rains.A. before B. after

39、 C. if D. as soon as7. On Christmas Eve, Father Christmas climbs the chimney into the house and putspresents into the stockings.A. up B. across C. into D. down8. He is two metres in.A. high B. tall C. height D. length连词组句1. expensive, it, a, a, desk, room, too, childs for, was2. the, is, in, room, 3

40、 metres, height_ 93. careless, exam, he, so, cant, the, is, that, he, pass备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson 45 How Safe Is Your Home教学目标:1.掌握词汇及短语:prevent, bathroom, fire, instead, soap, edge, be car

41、eful/take care, hurtoneself, on/at the edge of2. 接触词汇及短语:slip, soda, electrical, appliance, drown, prevent these accidents, fall off课前预习:根据课文回答问题1. How could people prevent accidents in their home?2. What are the two most dangerous rooms in the house? Why?3. What should we use to put out kitchen fir

42、e?4. What will happen if you put burning things near the stove?5. When can electricity hurt people?6. Where should we put the soap?7. When do people often fall?8. Why shouldnt parents leave young children alone in the bathtub?9. What other things should we pay attention to to prevent accidents in th

43、ekitchen?_10. What about the accident in the bathroom?翻译词组1 . 安全技巧_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3. 从椅子上掉下来5.用. 做某事_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7. 安全使用_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9. 点火_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11. 在的边缘上_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2. 伤了自己_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4. 保持地面干燥_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

44、 _ _6. 灭火_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8. 把存放在10.使地板干燥12. 踩到肥皂上滑倒13. 注意,小心 14. 从浴池中出来15 . 从现在起一分钟之后怎么样?16 . 把单独留下_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _自学指南1. Could people prevent these accidents?人们能够子负防这些事故吗?prevent 预防;阻止”常用于构成固定词组prevent sb. from doing sth意 为 “ 阻止某人做某事”在主动语态中from可以省,但在被动语态中不能省。What preve

45、nted you f r om( j oi n) us last night?2. Dont use water to put out kitchen fires. Use baking soda or salt instead.扑灭厨房的火不要用水,而要用发酵粉或盐。A) put o u t意思是“ 扑灭”辨析 instead (adv.)与 instead ofinstead是副词,作 “ 代替;而是”解,可用在句首或句末,放在句首时用逗号隔开instead o f 是一个短语,作 “ 代替;而不是”解,后接名词、代词、动词的ing形式或介词短语Theres no coffee. Woul

46、d you like a cup of tea?He never studies. , he plays all day and all night.They will hold a party in the garden in the sitting room.I have to finish my work going out.Its too hot to walk, and we Hl go s wi mmi n g .ril go you.3 .You dont want to start a fire.你不想引起火灾吧。翻译下列短语: catch fire着火; make a fir

47、ediscover a fire 发现火情; light /start a fi re;put out the fire; be on fire;set fire to sth.= set sth. on fire;4 . Keep soap in a so叩 dish, not on the edge of the balhlub.把香皂放在香皂盒里,不要放在浴盆边缘上。edge n .边,棱,边缘 on the edge o f 意思是“ 在. . .的边缘上”He sat . 他坐在椅子的边上。was blue.这盘子的边是蓝色的。5. Never use electrical appl

48、iances in the shower or bathtub.一定不要带电洗浴。electrical是形容词,意思是“ 电的;与电有关的;电器科学的工例如 electrical engineering 电机工程electric也是形容词,意思是“ 发电的;用于导电的;使用电力的” 。例如: an electric plug 电源插头electricity是名词,意思是“ 电”6. Never leave small children alone in a bathtub.决不让小孩子们独自在浴盆里( 洗澡) 。leave someone / something alone 把. . .单独留

49、下”= leave.by oneselfPlease dont leave me alone. =.反馈练习根据课文,完成句子l.I f a( 厨师) ( 粗心),what might happen in the kitchen?2 .What is_( 用电安全) ?3 .Why shouldnt parents young c h i l d r e n ( 单独留在) in the_( 浴缸) ?4 .Many serious accidents( 发生在人们家里5 .The kitchen and the bathroom are( 两个最危险的) rooms in thehouse.

50、6 .Many people chairs.( 从椅子上掉下来伤 了 自己)7 .the f l o o r ( 保. . . 干燥) .Then you won, t and( 滑倒) 。8 .Dont water( 用. . . 扑灭) kitchen f ir e s .b a k in g soda or s a l t ( 改用)9 .( 安全用刀) . Many peopl e( 切 了 自己) in the kitchen10 .Keep soap in a soap dish, not the bathtub.( 在. . . 边上)11 .Give suggestions a

51、bout( 怎样注意家庭安全)用括号内所给汉语或单词的适当形式填空1 .( care) driver is a danger.2 . Do you use( electric) for cooking?3. Many accidents happen in( people ) homes.4. They crossed the road in( safe).5. Lots of people hurt themselves by( fall) off chairs.6 . S h e ( 滑倒) on the wet floor and fell.7.1f you cant go, let h

52、im go( 代替)8.You cant prevent him f r om( 花费) his own money.单选l .What prevented you us last night?A. from join B. to join C. from joining D joined2.She always feels because she is all in a foreign country.A. alone; lonely B. not alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lone; alone3. The teacher told us in t

53、he sun.A. not read B. dont read C. not to read D. not reading4. Keep the w in d o w s .I ts cold outside.A. open B. closed C. opened D. to close5. Please the light before you go to bed.A. put up B. put away C. put out D. put off6. If you want to go, I will go you.A. instead of B. instead C. to inste

54、ad D.of instead7. People can use salt to fire.A. put on B. put down C. put out D. put off8. clothes in the sun before you put them away.A. Dry B. To dry C. Drying D. Dried9. the edge of the table, there was a bowl full of water.A. At B. On C. In D. OfflO.The grass fire. It was dangerous to the nearb

55、y cows.A. to catch B. was caught C. caught D. is caught11. My baby is too young. I can?t leave her.A. alone B. herself C. lonely D. by himself12. There are some Rules for you.A. Safe B. Safety C. Safely D. Safeness13. The tree can the wind the earth away.A. prevent; from blowing B. stopped; blowingC

56、. prevent; to blow D. stop; to blow连词组句1. careless, what, Rose, a, is, girl _2. careful, be, of, dog, the !3. prevented, the, the, going, heavy, from, rain, park, him, to4. leave, children, at, dont, alone, home, young5. too, a, Im, instead, tired, have, I, walk, will, rest, to备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

57、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson 46 Help People教学目标:1 . 掌握词汇:save2 . 接触词汇:beard, sailor, pole, sleigh, reindeer, chimney课前预习词组l.一起去 2. 和一样受欢迎3.来自 4. 很久以前5. 保全某人/ 某事( 免受伤害、损失等)6 在十七世纪 7. 把. . . . . . 念成9.一种特殊的交通方式_ _ _ _

58、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11 . 一个进入你家的特殊形式_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12 . 在北极 13. 坐着雪橇14. 在圣诞节前夜 15. 通过前门自学指南l.He has a long white beard.他留着长长的白胡子。一个名词有时有几个词修饰,这时常常涉及词序问题。一般这些修饰词按下列次序排列:限定词( 包括冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词等) 一序数词一基数词一描绘性形容词一表特征的形容词( 包括大小、形状、新旧、年龄等) 一表颜色的形容词一

59、表类属的形容 词 ( 包括专有形容词和表材料质地的形容词)一名词一件漂亮的丝绸裙子 a dress第一座美丽的中国白桥 the first Chinese bridge一只非常珍贵的埃及铜猫 a very valuable bronze Egyptian cat2. The stories say he saved sailors from storms, helped young children and gave gifts to the poor.故事讲的是他从风雪中营救水手,帮助小孩和送礼物给穷人。( 1) save sb./sth., from sth./doing sth.意思是“

60、 救;挽救;援救;保全某人/ 某事( 免受伤害、损失等)He saved a girl from drowning( 溺水) yesterday.定冠词the和某些形容词连用,表示一类人。用作句子主语,谓语动词用复数形式thepoor , the ri ch, the old, the young, the injured, the deaf, the blindThe ol d( are, is) living a happier life.The beautiful can never die._gift此处的意思是“ 礼物” ,近义词是present;此外还可以作“ 天赋:天才”解,常用

61、词组:have a gift fo r. 在. . .有天赋”My son. 我儿子有音乐天赋。3. Over the years, the stories about Santa Claus have grown.许多年来,关于圣诞老人的故事越来越多。over此处的意思是“ 贯 穿 ( 一段时间) ; 在 期间” , 相 当 于 during。Lefs discuss it. 让我们边吃饭边商议这事吧。当堂反馈根据课文完成句子l.Is Chr i st mas( 一样受欢迎) Spring Festival in China?2 . Does your fami l y( 交换礼物) at

62、Christmas?3 .You know Santa Cl a us , ( 是吗) ? Hes the man( 穿着红衣服) .4 .He has_ ,_( 长长的白白的胡子) .He( 穿着黑靴子)5The stories say he( 在暴风雨中救了水手) , helped youngchildren and( 给穷人礼物) 。6 .( 在十七世纪) , people from Holland the stories of Sinter Klaas( 把. . .带至U) North America.7 .People began“Sinter Klaas”( 把.说成) Sant

63、a Claus.8 .( 在这些年) , the stories about Santa Cl aus( 在传播) .根据括号中所给汉语完成句子1. Who has long and wh i t e ( 胡须) only at Christmas?2 .John( 交换) gifts with Mary.3 .Please read us a few( 故事) .4 . Do you know the man( 穿着) black boots?5 .Father Christmas climb down the( 烟筒) .6 . Tm not( 的确) interested in fish

64、ing.7 .This town is( 以.著名) its beautiful building.8 .There are many( 德国人) among the visitors.9 .The name was di f f i c ul t ( 发音)10 . My grandfather_ ( 被叫做) “Grandfather Giant” in our family.选择填空1. Come to school in your old clothes.A. be in B. be dressed in C. wear D. wearing2. -Please return the

65、library book on time. All right. I will.A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. give back3. -Where is your friend from? He is from Beijing.A. come from B. comes from C. go from D. goes from4. She is looking after her mother at home.A. looking over B. looking at C. taking care of D. looking like5. Children beli

66、eve that Father Christmas will visit them on the night before Christmas.A. on Christmas EveB. on Christmas DayC. before Christmas Eve D. after Christmas6. They have never been to New York, ?A. have they B. havent they C. dont they D. do they7. Can you tell me?A. who is he B. he is who C. whos this D

67、. who he is8. Some people enjoy fishing their hobbies.A. as B. because C. so that D. to9. Do you know the girl a yellow dress?A. wore B. wears C. in D. put on10. He had a special way his class lively and interesting.A. to make B. making C. make D. made连词组句:1. save, his, the, life, doctor2. special,

68、he, a, has, way, to, your, get into, computer3. called, came, the, America, child, Dick, from4. over, she, in bed, the, has, ill, week, been, past.备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson47 Never Catch a Di

69、nosaur教学目标1 . 掌握词汇及短语: warn, warn sb. (not) to do ( sth)2 . 接触词汇及短语: She didnt think it was safe.It took me three months to recover.课前预习词组1. 试 图 抓 住 一 个 跌 落 的 恐 龙 2 , 给写信3. . 警告做某事 4. 摔 在 身 上5 . 事 故 发 生 的 这 么 突 然 6. 阻止做某事7 . 观看.做. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 小心/9 .爬的越来越高 0. 够的着天空_ _ _ _ _ _

70、_ _ _ _ _11. 送. . . . . . 去医院 12. 有毛病13. 我三个月就康复了 14. 听某人关于安全的劝告15. 重重地摔在草 地上_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _自学指南l .He could have prevented the accident.他本可以防止那场事故的。表示过去有能力做到某事,而实际未做,用 “couldhave+动词的过去分词”eg. She better if she had been more careful.她要是再细心一点,本来是可以做得更好些的。2 .You had w

71、arned him to use the ladder. 你己经警告过他使用梯子。warn sb. to do s th , 警告某人做某事 。 警告某人不要做某事 用warn sb. not to do sth.=warn sb against doing sthHe warned me ( 开车) slowly.The government( 政府) warns us ( 不吃) the fish in this river.3 .ril wear it with this T-shirt from Danny.我要和丹尼给我的体恤配套穿。 with意思是 和( 某人/ 某物)在一起” 。

72、例如:the dolls away your other toys.把这些玩具娃娃和其他的玩具收在一起。Can I this tie my black shirt?我穿黑衬衫系这条领带好吗?当堂反馈根据汉语完成句子1.1 will never( 试图去接住一个跌落的丹尼) 。2 .Danny also( 给.写信) me about the accident.3 .He_( 本来可以阻止) the accident.4 .You had_ ( 警告) him( 使用) the ladder.5 .My mother tried( 阻止) me( 爬) it.6 . She ( 观看) me(

73、爬得越来越高) .7.There was( 有毛病) my leg.8.1 t( 花 费) me three months_ ( 恢复)9 .Now, I always( 听我妈妈的劝告) about safety.lO .The doctor said my leg( 摔折 T )用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. Mother tried to stop me ( c l i mb) the tree.2. We were war ned (use) a ladder.3.1 often make mistakes because I am too (care)4. Our country

74、 is becoming a n d ( r i c h )5. Dont forget your mothers warning a b o u t ( s a f e )选择填空l .My mother took me to the mal l ( one day, some day).2 .Can you stop h e r ( b u y i n g , to buy) that expensive coat?3 .(Not climb, Dont climb) the tree too high.4 . My pen i s ( b r e a k i n g , broken )

75、. May I use yours?5 .Did you see the a c c i d e n t ( to happen, happen)?6 .Jim warned Li Lei play with fire. ( dont to; not to, not, dont)7. 1(wish, hope) him to go there with me.8.She seems to feel a l i t t l e ( good, well, better) today than yesterday.9.1 saw their a c c i d e n t ( happen, to

76、 happen, happened)lO .My mo t h e r ( take, took, brought) me to the hospital.11 .They ran to( safe, safety, safely), away from the fire.12 .She s oon( cover, discover, recover) herself and stopped crying.13 .(Pick, Bring, Carry, Take) away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.14 .She a present

77、 me on my birthday. ( sent. to; sent.for)15.The heavy rain me going out last Sunday. (stopped, was stopped)连词组句1. warned, come, he, me, to, to, on, school, time2. abroad, prevented, going, parents, my, me, from3. takes , do my homework, it, me, hours, to, day, two, every4. ril, hat, shirt, the, the,

78、 wear, with .备注:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Lesson 48 Unit Review祈使句专练单项选择1.quick, or youH be late for school.A. Do B. Is C. Be D. To be2.Think h a r d , y o u l l have an idea.A. and B. when C. or D. if3.Open the

79、 door,?A. shall you B. will you C. do you D. dont you4.careless, or you UI make a mistake.A. Not be B. Not to be C. dont you D. will you5.Lets play f oot bal l , ?A. shall we B. cant you C. dont you D. will you6.-Dont make a noise. Mother is sleeping. -.A. I will B. I wont C. I can D. Its OK连词组句1. t

80、he, book, to, give, exercise, Mary.2. computer, play, not, games, do .3. the, look, please, at, blackboard.4. mad, the, at, be, boy, not, do_5. sister, will, look, your, you, after中考连接:1. -Dont be late again, Mike. A. No, I dont B. Dont worry C. Sorry, I wont D. I dont know2.The heavy rain more than

81、 4,000 students taking part in the collegeentrance exam on time.A. stopped; from B. prevented; from C. A, B and D D. kept; from3. He didnt help me., he laughed at me.A. Instead B. But C. So D. And4. The accident happened a cold winter night.A. in B. on C. at D. of5. Hangzhou is famous producing silk

82、 in China.A. from B. at C. in D. for6. Dont worry. We have time to do the job.A. enough B. few C. many D. little7. We should keep our eyes while doing eye exercises.A. close B. closed C. open D. opened8. The old woman l i ves, but she never feels.A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D

83、. alone; alone同步练习1. John had an( 事故). A car knocked him down.2. The mistake is not very ( 严重). Dont think about it anymore3. The Smiths are( 病人)of Dr. Quack.4. He ( 假装)that he was ill so that he could stay at home.5. The ( 边缘)of the plate is blue and I like the shape, too.6. I didnt have a pen, so

84、I used a penci l ( 代替).7. What ( 阻止)you from attending the meeting yesterday.8. He failed the exam because of his ( 粗心).用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The boy wants to be an( act) when he grows up.2. Because of her( warn) , I was careful.3. He wanted to know the( high) of the old bridge.4. Pul this bag in( safe) .

85、It is very valuable.5. We didnt know why he( sudden) shouted at us.6. If you re( care) , youll fail the exam.单选1.on the thin ice. Its dangerous.A. Dont B. Dont skating C. Skate D. Not skate2. Lets fly the kite on the blackboard ,?A. will you B. dont you C. shall we D. wont you3. He wasnt with the kn

86、ife. He cut himself.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully4. The accident happened a cold winter morning.A. in B. on C. at D.of5. Hangzhou is famous producing silk in China.A. from B. at C. in D. for6. What is the main cause of the accident? D r i v i n g .A. car

87、efully B. careful C. careless D. carelessly7.1 f you dont feel well, you may j ust .A. stopped reading B. stopped to read C. stop reading D. stop to read8 .We wont go to the mountains if it tomorrow.A. rained B. will rain C. rain D. rains9 .Would you like to go in my car?-, but I must finish my home

88、work first.A. Of course B. Thats all right C. Thats very kind of you D.Yes, I do10 .Read the story slowly you can understand it better.A since B. because C. although D. so that11 .I hear Jim is going to at the school meeting.-Do you know what he is going to?A. say; talk B. say; speak C. speak; say D

89、. talk; speak12 . - Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. A.I wont B.I dont C.I cant D.I havent13.On her way home Lucy saw a thief in a shop. She stopped 110 at once.A. steal; call B. to steal ; call C. stealing; to call D. stealing ; calling14.1 hardly knew anything about it you told me.A. since B. after C. until D. when15.The girl is the person who in the accident yesterday.A. hurts B. was hurt C. were hurt D. hurt备注_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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