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1、【知识与能力目标知识与能力目标】1.熟练掌握以下单词熟练掌握以下单词:exciting,lovely,expensive,cheap,slow,fast,robot, guide,gift,everything,dark,interested, hear,2.熟练掌握以下短语熟练掌握以下短语: buy sth. for sb ,be interested in, it is difficult to do sth, not at all.3.能正确使用能正确使用be动词和实义动词的一般过去时描述过去动词和实义动词的一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。发生的事情。Teaching and learni

2、ng goals: 【学习策略学习策略】1.通过略读(skimming)的方式,猜测文章大意。2.通过寻读 (scanning)的方式,找寻细节内容。【情感态度价值观情感态度价值观】 Understand people dont always see the same thing in the same way, so we should use positive attitude to treat our lives. 【文化知识文化知识】了解国内外学校组织的各种游览活动。写出下列动词的过去式。写出下列动词的过去式。1)go _ 2)is _3)can _ 4)take _5)do _ 6)

3、teach _7)see _ 8)buy _ 9)get _ 10)are _11)visit _ 12)learn _wentwascoulddidsawgotvisitedtooktaughtboughtwere learned把下列句子译成英语。把下列句子译成英语。1. I didnt like the trip at all. _2. The guide taught us how to make a model robot. _3. I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. _我一点也不喜

4、欢这次旅行。我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。导游教我们如何制作机器人模型。导游教我们如何制作机器人模型。我去了一家礼品店并给父母买了些可爱的礼物。我去了一家礼品店并给父母买了些可爱的礼物。4. Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that. _5. The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didnt take any. _6. There were also too many people and I couldnt really se

5、e or hear the guide. _所有的一切都与机器人有关,我对此不感兴趣。所有的一切都与机器人有关,我对此不感兴趣。这里也有太多的人,我真的不能看到这里也有太多的人,我真的不能看到也不能听到导游。也不能听到导游。房间真的很黑,而且很难拍照,所以我没照。房间真的很黑,而且很难拍照,所以我没照。Talk about Johns trip.A: What did John do last weekend? B: He went fishing.A: What do you think of it?B: I think it was interesting.A: What else did

6、 John do last weekend? B: . .Do the following words describe good things or bad things? Put a for good and an for bad. Leave a blank if they can mean both.2a_ interesting _ difficult _ lovely _ slow_ exciting _ boring _ cool _ hot_ lucky _ large _ expensive _ terrible_ delicious _ great _ cheap _ fa

7、stCThe general idea of the diary entries is about_A. a science museum B. the two students different school tripsC. the two students different feelings about the same school trip2b2bRead Helens and Jims diary entries and answer the questions.1. Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip?2. How do they fee

8、l about the trip?Yes, Helen and Jim went on the same trip.Helen thought the trip was great, but Jim didnt like the trip at all.2cComplete the chart. How do Helen and Jim describe these things?HelenJimthe tripthe trainthe museumthe gift shop and giftsexcitingfastreally interestinglovely, not expensiv

9、eterribleslowbig, boring, dark, too many peopleso expensiveListen to the tape and repeat in a low voice. June 15th Today I _ (go ) on a school trip. We _ ( visit ) the science museum and it was really_ ( interest ). We _ (get ) there so fast by train. We _ ( see ) some farms and villages along the w

10、ay. At the museum, I _( learn ) a lot about robots. I _ ( not know ) they _ ( can ) play chess with us. It _ ( be ) so cool! Then the guide _ ( teach ) us how_ ( make ) a model robot. I _ ( take ) a lot of great photos, too. After that, I went to the gift shop and _ ( buy ) some lovely gifts for my

11、parents. They _ ( not expensive ). All in all, it was an exciting day .wentvisitedinterestinggotsawlearneddidnt knowcouldwastaughtto maketookboughtwerent expensive June15th I think _ ( today ) school trip was terrible. We _ (take ) the train to the museum. It _ (is ) so hot on the slow train. The mu

12、seum was big and boring. Everything _ ( be ) about robots and Im not _ ( interest ) in that. The rooms _ ( are ) really dark and it was difficult _ ( take ) photos, so I didnt _ ( take ) any. There _ ( be ) also too many people and I _ ( not can ) really see or _ ( hear ) the guide. The things in th

13、e gift shop _ ( be ) so expensive. I _( not like ) the trip at all. todaystookwaswasinterestedwereto taketakewerecouldnt hearweredidnt likeI went onWe visited I learnedThe guide taughtI took We got thereI went to I didt knowWe saw and boughtIt wasand it was They werentAfter in all, it wasHelens diar

14、y.I think Todaysschooltrip.We took to The museumwasThe things in the gift shop wereIt wason the train.Everything wasThe roomsand itThere wereand I couldntI didntlikeso I didntIm not Jims tripInquiry into knowledge by translation一、一、Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that. _1)everyt

15、hing 是不定代词,做主语时,谓语动词是不定代词,做主语时,谓语动词用用_。 如:如:-How_ _ going? (一切(一切都好吗?)都好吗?)- Not bad.2)be interested in 意思是:意思是:_ 如:如:We _ _ in English.我们对英我们对英语感兴趣。语感兴趣。对对感兴趣感兴趣are interested单数单数 is everything所有的一切都与机器人有关,我对此不感兴趣。所有的一切都与机器人有关,我对此不感兴趣。【拓展延伸】interested和interesting二者均为形容词,二者均为形容词,_ 用于用于“be (become) _

16、 in”的结构中,用于的结构中,用于表达某人对某事或某物是感兴趣的,主语表达某人对某事或某物是感兴趣的,主语是是_。而。而_则指某事(物)则指某事(物)本身是有趣的,有意思的,主语是本身是有趣的,有意思的,主语是_或或修饰物,在句中既可作定语,也可作表语。修饰物,在句中既可作定语,也可作表语。 1) I think robots are _, but Jim _ _ in them. 2) The book is very _. Most of the teachers are _in it.interestedinterested人人interestinginterestinginteres

17、ting物物isinterestedinterested二、二、There were also too many people and I couldnt really see or hear the guide. _ too many意思是意思是_,用于修饰,用于修饰_同同义词为义词为_,用于修饰,用于修饰_。如:如:1)我口渴了,但是这个杯子里没有太多的水。我口渴了,但是这个杯子里没有太多的水。I am thirsty (口渴的口渴的), but there _ _ _ water in the glass.2) 博物馆里有太多的人,因此我没有能看见那个博物馆里有太多的人,因此我没有能看见

18、那个机器人。机器人。There _ _ _ people at the museum, so I couldnt see the robot.这里也有太多的人,我真的不能看到这里也有太多的人,我真的不能看到也不能听到导游。也不能听到导游。太多太多可数名词复数可数名词复数too much不可数名词不可数名词are too many isnttoomuch【拓展延伸】 too much和 much too too much意为意为_,其中的其中的too作副词,用来作副词,用来修饰形容词修饰形容词much;而;而much too是副词词组,是副词词组,much 只是用来加强只是用来加强too的语气,

19、常用来修饰的语气,常用来修饰形容词或副词,意为形容词或副词,意为_。如:如:1) I want to buy the watch, but its much too expensive. So I didnt buy it._2) Now _ people are wasting (浪费浪费) _ water. Its _ terrible.太多太多太太我想买这块表,但是太贵了,因此我没买。我想买这块表,但是太贵了,因此我没买。too muchtoo manymuch too一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.The _(令人激动的(令人激动的) news made everybody excite

20、d.2. Jill always spends money buying _ (昂贵的)昂贵的)clothes.3. I went to two _ (礼品)(礼品)shops on my school trip. 4. I watched some _ (机器人)机器人)working in the museum. 5. I _(听到听到) many interesting stories when I was young. excitingexpensivegiftrobotsheard二、翻译下列句子二、翻译下列句子。1. 总之,我对这个有趣的电影非常感兴趣。总之,我对这个有趣的电影非常

21、感兴趣。 _2. 昨天我根本没有去科学博物馆。昨天我根本没有去科学博物馆。 _3. 上周李老师教我们如何下棋。上周李老师教我们如何下棋。 _4.学英语对我来说很容易。学英语对我来说很容易。 _5.我没有买任何东西,因为每一样东西都很贵。我没有买任何东西,因为每一样东西都很贵。 _All in all, Im interested in this interesting movie. I didnt go to the science museum at all yesterday. Last week Mr. Li taught us how to play chess. It is easy

22、 for me to learn English.I didnt buy anything because everything was very expensive.Homework 1.Read the diary entries in 2b fluently and try to recite.2. Write a diary about your own weekend. (请你回忆一个美好的周末,把它写出来,请你回忆一个美好的周末,把它写出来,你是怎样度过的?上哪儿去了?和谁去的你是怎样度过的?上哪儿去了?和谁去的?做了些什么?天气怎么样?做了些什么?天气怎么样? 可参考下列可参考下列词汇:词汇:go out with friends, sleep late, watch TV, help mom and dad, rain )



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