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1、必修必修5必修必修5话题话题1.How to organize a scientific research(如何如何组织组织科学科学研究研究)2Contributions of scientists(科学家的科学家的贡贡献献)功能功能1.Talking about scientific jobs(谈论谈论科学工作科学工作)2.Describing people(描述人物描述人物)语语法法The Past Participle (1) as the Attribute and Predicative过过去分去分词词(1)作定作定语语和表和表语语重点重点单词单词characteristic,con

2、clusion,conclude,analyse,defeat,attend,expose,cure,challenge,absorb,suspect,blame,pollute,handle,link,announce,instruct,construct,construction,contribute,spin,reject,cautious必修必修5重点重点短短语语put forward,draw a conclusion,expose.to,link.to.,apart from,(be) strict with.,make sense,look into,lead to,at tim

3、es,be against,be to blame,with certainty重点重点句型句型1.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.2He placed a fixed sun at the center of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.3Only if you put the sun there did the

4、movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.必修必修5.写出下列必考单词1.特征,特性n. _2.病毒n. _3.建设,结构,建筑物n. _4.熟练的,经验丰富的;专家,行家adj.n._5.询问n. _6.热情的,热心的adj. _7.积极的,肯定的,确实的adj. _8.小心的,谨慎的adj. _9.图表n. _10.医生,内科医生n. _characteristicvirusconstructionexpertenquiryenthusiasticpositivecautiouschartphysician必修必修5.写出下列

5、单词的变化形式1.结论,结束(n.) _ ;结论,结束,推断(v.) _3.贡献,奉献,捐助(vt.vi.)_;贡献,奉献(n.)_ 4.科学的(adj.)_;科学(n.) _;科学家(n.)_5.贵重的,有价值的(adj.)_;价值(n.) _;无价值的(adj.)_valueless conclusionconcludecontributecontributionscientificsciencescientistvaluablevalue必修必修55.建设,修建vt. _ n. _6. 调查 vt. _ n. _ 7.宣布 vt. _ n._8. 宇宙 n. _ adj. _必修必修5.

6、翻译下列必背短语1.提出(建议等) _2.得出结论 _3.有意义,有道理 _4.并且,另外 _5.对严格要求 _6.除了之外 _7.减慢 _8.对好奇 _9.调查 _10.在的控制之下 _put forwarddraw a conclusionmake sense in additionbe strict/severe withapart fromslow downbe curious aboutlook intounder the control of必修必修511.通向,导致 _12.因某事责备某人 _13.专心 _14.对某事热心 _lead toblame sb.for sth.be

7、absorbed inbe enthusiastic for/about sth. 必修必修51conclude vt.& vi. 断断定定,推推断断;使使结结束束,终终止止;达达成,成,归归纳纳拓展拓展(1)conclude sth.(from sth.)conclude that.推断出推断出,断定,断定conclude sth.with/by doing sth.以以结束结束to conclude (作插入语作插入语)最后最后(一句话一句话) 必修必修5(2)conclusion n结束;结论结束;结论in conclusion最后,总之最后,总之arrive at/come to/dr

8、aw/reach a conclusion得得出出结结论论come to the conclusion that.所得结论是所得结论是必修必修51). After waiting for half an hour, I concluded that he wouldnt come at all.2).Hable reached the conclusion that the universe was expanding.必修必修5即学即练根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)The doctor _(断定)that the patient,s disease was cancer.(2)_(最后

9、),I wish you all good health and a long life.(3)We could _(得出结论)that he didnt tell us the truth.(4)What do you _?(从这些事实中你得出结论)(5)They_ from the facts.(得出了不同的结论)came to the conclusionTo conclude/In conclusiondraw a conclusion conclude from these factsdrew different conclusions必修必修5答案:(1)came to the c

10、onclusion (2)To conclude/In conclusion (3)draw a conclusion (4)conclude from these facts (5)drew different conclusions必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】_,Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying in your beautiful country.ATo conclude BTo includeCIn the conclusion DAs conclusion【解析解析】to conclude用于结束发言,表示用于结束发言,表示“最后

11、最后”。【答案答案】A必修必修5We cant _ whether a child is clever or stupid from his (her) points in an examination.Aconduct Bnotice Cunderstand Dconclude【解解析析】conclude.from “从从中中推推断断出出”,其其他他选选项项与与题题意意不不符符。句句意意为为:我我们们不不能能从从一一个个孩孩子子的的一一次次考考试试分分数中推断出他数中推断出他(她她)是聪明还是迟钝。是聪明还是迟钝。【答案答案】D必修必修52defeat vt. 打打败败;战战胜胜;使使受受挫

12、挫 n. 失失败败(同同 failure);输;输 defeat,beat与与win辨析辨析这三个词都有这三个词都有“赢赢”的意思,但其用法不尽相同。的意思,但其用法不尽相同。(1)defeat 和和 beat 其其宾宾语语必必须须是是“人人或或一一个个团团体体”,如如 a team,a class,a school,an army 等等。 defeat 还还侧侧重指重指“在战场上打败敌人在战场上打败敌人”,beat 常用于游戏或比赛中常用于游戏或比赛中 (2)win表表示示在在竞竞争争中中取取得得了了胜胜利利,常常带带的的宾宾语语有有game,war,prize,fame,battle 等。

13、等。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】用用 defeat,beat,win 完成句子完成句子He _ all his opponents in the election.We _ their team by 10 points._ in the match made them sad.We wouldnt have _ the battle without your help.Mary _ first prize for swimming.【答案答案】defeated/beatdefeated/beat Being defeated wonwon必修必修53attend vt.&vi.照照料料,护

14、护理理(病病人人);出出席席,参加参加归纳拓展归纳拓展attend school/a lecture/church 上上学学/听讲座听讲座/去教堂去教堂attend (at) a wedding/meeting 出出席婚礼席婚礼/参加会议参加会议attend (on/upon) sb.伺候某人;照顾某人伺候某人;照顾某人attend to处理,注意,专心于;照料处理,注意,专心于;照料必修必修51).Attend to your work and stop talking.专心工作,不要再说话专心工作,不要再说话了。了。2).Everyone in the office was expecte

15、d to attend the meeting.办公室每一个人都必须出席会议。办公室每一个人都必须出席会议。3).The doctor attended (on/upon) the sick.医医生照看病人。生照看病人。4). Could you attend to this matter immediately?你能不能立刻处理这件事?你能不能立刻处理这件事?必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Would you like to _ us in celebrating Johns return from Africa tonight?Id like to,but I have to _ a mee

16、ting.Ajoin;attend Battend;joinCtake part in;attend Djoin;join in【解解析析】join sb. in doing“加加入入某某人人做做”;attend meeting“参参加加会会议议”。句句意意为为:你你今今晚晚想想和和我我们们一一起起庆庆祝祝约约翰翰从从非非洲洲回回来来吗吗?我我很很想想,但但是是我我得参加一个会议。得参加一个会议。【答案答案】A必修必修54expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光暴露;揭露;使曝光归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)expose sth./sb./oneself (to sth.) 显显露露或或暴暴露露某某事事

17、物物/某某人人/自自己己(2) be exposed to暴露于暴露于(3)exposure n暴露,显露;揭露,揭发暴露,显露;揭露,揭发必修必修51).Travelling abroad exposes children to different languages and cultures.国国外旅游使孩子们接触到不同的语言和文化。外旅游使孩子们接触到不同的语言和文化。2).This medicine cant be exposed to sunlight.这种药物不可以暴露在阳光下。这种药物不可以暴露在阳光下。3).The film has been exposed.这胶卷已经曝光了。

18、这胶卷已经曝光了。必修必修5即学即练B.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)As a journalist in the war, he was _.(置身于丧生的危险之中)(2)The baby was left _(被弃于)the wind and rain.(3)The soldiers in the open field _(暴露于) the enemy,s fire.(4)My job as a journalist _.(就是揭露事实)exposed to the danger of losing his life exposed toare exposed tois to exp

19、ose the truth 必修必修5答案:(1)exposed to the danger of losing his life(2)exposed to (3)are exposed to (4)is to expose the truth 必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】What made your skin look so terrible?_ to the sunlight for a long time.ABecause it was exposed BAfter being exposedCBeing exposed DExposed【解解析析】考考查查v.ing形形式式作作主主语

20、语。从从语语境境可可以以看看出出,答答语语是是用用来来代代替替what来来充充当当主主语语的的,因因此答案为此答案为C。【答案答案】C必修必修55cure n. C治愈;治愈;疗法疗法 vt. 治愈治愈(疾病疾病);治疗;纠;治疗;纠正;正; a cure for.的的一种治疗一种治疗法;法;cure sb.of sth.治愈治愈(主语是主语是医医生或某生或某种药种药); 矫正某人的不良行为矫正某人的不良行为必修必修51)The doctor found a new cure for this disease.医生找到了这种病的新疗法。医生找到了这种病的新疗法。2)The medicine s

21、hould cure you of your cold.这药应该能治好你的感冒。这药应该能治好你的感冒。3)Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.父母想办法纠正孩子们的坏习惯。父母想办法纠正孩子们的坏习惯。必修必修5同类辨析同类辨析cure 与与 treat(1)cure 指指“治治愈愈疾疾病病,消消除除痛痛苦苦,戒戒除除恶恶习习等等”,强调结果。常与强调结果。常与of连用。连用。(2)treat 只只指指“治治病病,医医治治”,强强调调治治疗疗的的动动作作或或医医治治的的过过程程,不不涉涉及及治治疗疗的的效效果果如如何何。常常与与f

22、or连用。连用。The doctors are trying their best to treat her with a new drug for her strange disease.医生们正尽力用一种新药为她治疗奇怪的病。医生们正尽力用一种新药为她治疗奇怪的病。必修必修5即学即练(1)That will _him of his bad habits.(2)There are only two doctors to _more than 50 patients.(3)He has now fully _from his disease.(4)At present, people _.(尚

23、未找到爱滋病的疗法)cure treat recoveredhave not found a cure for AIDS必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Although this medicine can cure you_your illness, it has a bad effect_you.Afor;in Bfor;on Cof;on Dof;at【解解析析】考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。cure sb. of sth.“治治愈愈某某人人某某病病”;have a bad effect on“对对产产生不良影生不良影响响”。【答案答案】C必修必修5诱导展望诱导展望与与 cure sb.of s

24、th.结结构构类类似似的的动动词词短短语语还还有有: remind sb.of sth.使使某某人人想想起起某某事事;提提醒醒某某人人某某事事 rob sb.of sth.抢了某人抢了某人某物某物inform sb.of sth.通知某人通知某人某事某事warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事accuse sb.of sth.指控指控/控告某人控告某人某事某事convince sb of sthsuspect sb. of (doing) sth.认为某人有认为某人有(做做)之嫌疑之嫌疑必修必修56suspect vt.怀疑怀疑n嫌疑犯嫌疑犯adj.可疑的可疑的(1)suspec

25、t sb.of(doing)sth.认为某认为某人有嫌人有嫌疑疑suspect sb.to be.怀疑某人是怀疑某人是suspect that怀疑怀疑(2)a suspect of.(罪的罪的)嫌疑犯嫌疑犯必修必修51)They suspect him of murder.They suspect him to be a murderer.They suspect that he committed a murder.他们认为他有杀人嫌疑。他们认为他有杀人嫌疑。2)I suspected him of deliberately forgetting his purse.我怀疑他故意忘了他的钱包

26、。我怀疑他故意忘了他的钱包。3)The policeman is questioning suspect.那个警察正在审讯一名嫌疑犯。那个警察正在审讯一名嫌疑犯。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】The man_of shooting 6 school children was caught by Beijing police,the Xin Hua News Agency reported on Friday.Abeing suspected BsuspectingCsuspected Dto be suspected【解解析析】 suspect vt.“怀怀疑疑”;suspect sb. of

27、.“认认为为某某人人有有之之嫌嫌疑疑”。suspect与与所所修修饰饰的的the man之之间间为为动动宾宾关关系系,故故用用过过去去分分词词形形式式。【答案答案】C必修必修57blame vt.责备;谴责;把责备;谴责;把归咎于归咎于 n过失;责备过失;责备归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)be to blame 对某事应负责任、应受责备对某事应负责任、应受责备(不用不用被动语被动语态态)blame sb.for (doing) sth.因因责怪责怪/责备某人责备某人blame.upon/on.把把归咎归咎于于(2) take the blame for sth.对某事对某事负责负责Put the bl

28、ame on sb.for sth.将某事归咎于某人将某事归咎于某人必修必修51)Which driver was to blame for the accident?这起事故该由哪位司机负责?这起事故该由哪位司机负责?2)He blamed his brother for breaking the window.他他责备他兄弟打破了窗玻璃。责备他兄弟打破了窗玻璃。3)She blamed the failure of their marriage on him. 她她把婚姻的失败归咎于把婚姻的失败归咎于他。他。4)We were ready to take the blame for wha

29、t had happened.我们愿对所发生的事情负责。我们愿对所发生的事情负责。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】The water was left running all night long.Yes.It seemed that John _.He was the last one to leave the lab.Awas to be blamed Bwas to blameChad been blamed Dshould be blamed【解解析析】当当表表达达“对对(坏坏事事,错错事事)负负有有责责任任”时时,其其结结构构为为be to blame (for sth.),且且此此短

30、短语语不不用用于于被动语态。被动语态。【答案答案】B必修必修5Not I but Tom _ the car accident.Awas to blame for B. were to blame forCwas blamed for D. were blamed for【解解析析】考考查查 not.but.连连接接主主语语时时,主主谓谓搭搭配配要要符符合合就就近近原原则则,be to blame 结结构构不用被动语态。综上,可知答案为不用被动语态。综上,可知答案为A。【答案答案】A必修必修58announce vt. 宣布;宣告,发表宣布;宣告,发表;通;通知知(1)announce sth

31、.(to sb)向某人宣布、通告某事向某人宣布、通告某事announce that.通知,宣称通知,宣称It is announced that.据宣布据宣布(2)announcement n. 通告,宣告,通知;声明通告,宣告,通知;声明make an announcement发布通知,声明发布通知,声明(3)announcer n. 播音员播音员必修必修51.They announced their engagement to the family.他们向家里宣布他们已经订婚了。他们向家里宣布他们已经订婚了。2. We are pleased to announce that all fi

32、ve candidates were successful.我我们高兴地宣布,五位候选人全都当选。们高兴地宣布,五位候选人全都当选。3. It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.据据宣称将有新的限速规定出台。宣称将有新的限速规定出台。4. Keep silent,I have an announcement to make.请安静,我有个通告要宣布。请安静,我有个通告要宣布。必修必修5同类同类辨析辨析 announce 与与 declare(1)announce 指指首首次次正正式式地地“公公开开;发发表

33、表;宣布宣布”,尤,尤指新闻之类的消息。指新闻之类的消息。(2)declare 指指正正式式地地、明明确确地地向向公公众众“宣宣布布;宣宣告告;声声明明”立立场场或或态态度度等等,用用于于宣宣战战、议和、判决等。议和、判决等。(3)announce不不接接双双宾宾语语,不不可可说说announce sb.sth.,而,而declare后可跟复合宾语。后可跟复合宾语。He was declared innocent.他被宣布无罪。他被宣布无罪。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Everyone was silent as he _ the winner of the competition.Asai

34、d BknewCannounced Dtold【解解析析】句句意意为为:当当他他宣宣布布比比赛赛获获胜胜者者名名字字的的时时候候,全全场场鸦鸦雀雀无无声声。此此处处announce表表“宣布宣布”之之意。意。【答案答案】C必修必修59contribute vt.贡献出;捐款;投稿贡献出;捐款;投稿 vi.捐款;投稿;促成捐款;投稿;促成归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)contribute.to.把把贡献给贡献给contribute to (to/towards为介词为介词)为为作贡作贡献;献;把把(时间时间)投入;给投入;给投投稿;有助于;是稿;有助于;是的的原因之一原因之一(2)contributor

35、 n投稿者;捐助者投稿者;捐助者contribution n贡献;捐献物;捐助;稿件贡献;捐献物;捐助;稿件make a contribution to/towards (to/towards为为介介词词) 为为作出贡献作出贡献必修必修51. The writer personally contributed $5,000 to the earthquake fund. (=donate)那位作家个人捐赠了那位作家个人捐赠了5 000美元给地震基金会。美元给地震基金会。2.Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to lung canc

36、er.( =lead to/ result in)吸烟吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。是导致肺癌的主要因素。3.He often contributes to this newspaper.他经常向这家报社投稿。他经常向这家报社投稿。4.He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project.他对项目的全面成功作了非常积极的贡献。他对项目的全面成功作了非常积极的贡献。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Everyone is encouraged to _ food or clothing for those w

37、ho suffered a great deal in the big earthquake.Aconstruct BcontributeCsupply Ddistribute【解解析析】contribute food or clothing “捐捐献献食食物物或或衣衣服服”。distribute 意意为为“分分配配,分分发发”;supply意意为为 “提提 供供 , 供供 应应 ”, 常常 用用 supply sth.to sb.结结 构构 。construct 意意为为“建建造造”,三三者者均均与与题题意意不不符符,故故被被排排除。除。【答案答案】B必修必修5It is said that

38、 driving after drinking_thousands of traffic accidents every year.Aresults from Bcontributes toCdevotes to Dlies in【解解析析】contribute to“有有助助于于,导导致致”,符符合合题题意意。result from“起起因因于于,由由造造成成”;devote to“献献身身于于,致致力力于于”,常常用用于于devote oneself to sth.;lie in“在在于于,位位于于”。均均与与题题意意不不符符,故故答答案案为为B项。项。【答案答案】B必修必修5重点短语与句

39、型重点短语与句型1put forward(1)提出提出(建议等建议等)(2)推荐某人或自己任职;提名推荐某人或自己任职;提名(3)将将提前;把提前;把(钟表指针钟表指针)顺拨顺拨归纳拓展归纳拓展put away 放好;积蓄放好;积蓄put back放回;拨回放回;拨回put down 写下来;记入名单;结束;抑制写下来;记入名单;结束;抑制put off 耽误;延期;推迟耽误;延期;推迟必修必修5put an end to.结束结束put on 穿上;增加;演出穿上;增加;演出put out 熄灭;熄灭;扑灭扑灭put through 做成;达到成功的终做成;达到成功的终点;点; 接接通电话通

40、电话put up 建立;建造;张贴,公布;留某人过夜建立;建造;张贴,公布;留某人过夜put up with 忍受忍受必修必修51) The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.委委员会提出了一项建议来减少时间限制。员会提出了一项建议来减少时间限制。2) May I put your name forward as chairman of the committee?我我能否提名你当委员会主席?能否提名你当委员会主席?3) Weve put forward the date of our wedding by on

41、e week.我们将婚礼日期提前了一周。我们将婚礼日期提前了一周。4) Put your watch forward.Its five minutes slow.把你的表拨快点,你的表慢了五分钟。把你的表拨快点,你的表慢了五分钟。Ex. Fill in the blanks.Ex. Fill in the blanks.1. 1.The manager _ a good idea to solve the The manager _ a good idea to solve the problem.problem.2.2.Tom, could you please _ toys and boo

42、ks ? Tom, could you please _ toys and books ? 3.3. They are everywhere. They are everywhere.4.4.3. The big fire was _ an hour later. 3. The big fire was _ an hour later. 5.5.4. The match has _ because of the rain. 4. The match has _ because of the rain. 6.6.5. Time was up for the test. So all the st

43、udents 5. Time was up for the test. So all the students _ their pens and turned in their papers._ their pens and turned in their papers.7.7.6. The man _ his best hat and went to the 6. The man _ his best hat and went to the station.station.put forwardput forwardput awayput awayput output outbeen put

44、 offbeen put offput downput downput onput on必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】He is feeling down because the suggestion that he _ at the meeting yesterday has been turned down.Alooked into Bcame upCbrought up Dput forward【答案答案】D必修必修5You can take anything from the shelf,but please _ them _ when youve finished with them

45、.Aput;on Bput;downCput;back Dput;off【解解析析】考考查查 put 短短语语。put. back “把把放放回回原原处处”;put on “穿穿上上;增增加加”;put down “写写下下来来;列列入入名名单单”;put off“延延期期,推推迟迟”。句句意意为为:你你可可以以从从架架子子上上拿拿任任何何东东西西,但但当当你你用用完完之之后后请请把把它它们们放放回回原原处处。【答案答案】C必修必修52apart from除除之外之外(还有还有);此外;此外(相相当于当于besides);除;除之外之外(别无别无)(相当于相当于except/except fo

46、r)同类辨析同类辨析besides,except,except for,apart from,other than与与but(1)besides“除了除了之外之外(还有还有)”,必修必修5同类辨析同类辨析(2)except“除了除了没没有有”,不包括。,不包括。(3)except for意为意为“除除之外之外”,用,用于补于补充句充句子的主要意思。前后名词性质不同。子的主要意思。前后名词性质不同。(4)apart from具有多重意义,既可表示具有多重意义,既可表示besides,也可表示也可表示except或或except for。(5)other than的含义与的含义与except和和b

47、ut相同,都表示相同,都表示从总体中除去一部分。从总体中除去一部分。必修必修5(6)but常同常同everyone,anyone,everything,anything等不定代词,等不定代词,nobody,none,nowhere等否定词连等否定词连用,用,There will be five of us for dinner,besides John.除约翰外,我们中还有五个人要一起吃饭。除约翰外,我们中还有五个人要一起吃饭。诱导展望诱导展望besides还可用作副词,表还可用作副词,表“除此之外除此之外”,相当于相当于in addition。必修必修5Besides,I want you

48、to promise me one thing.另外,我要你答应我一件事。另外,我要你答应我一件事。Your compositions are well written except Toms.除了汤姆的作文外,你们的作文都写得很好。除了汤姆的作文外,你们的作文都写得很好。Your composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.除除了几处拼写错误外,你的作文写得很了几处拼写错误外,你的作文写得很好。好。I think you have a real artistic gift apart from this def

49、ect.除了这个缺陷外,我觉得你确实有艺术天赋。除了这个缺陷外,我觉得你确实有艺术天赋。必修必修5What do you like doing apart from (besides) swimming?除了游泳你还喜欢做什么?除了游泳你还喜欢做什么?Everyone was there but him.除除了他之外,所有人都在那儿。了他之外,所有人都在那儿。I can do nothing but stay here. ( only)我什么都不能做,只得呆在这儿。我什么都不能做,只得呆在这儿。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】I was surprised to see wild flowers

50、 in Alaska.Many people think there is nothing there_ice and snow.Abeside Brather thanCapart from Dregardless of【解解析析】答答句句句句意意为为:许许多多人人认认为为那那里里除除了了冰冰雪雪之之外外什什么么也也没没有有。apart from“除除之之外外(别别无无)”,相当于,相当于except 。【答案答案】C必修必修5What do you think of the newlydesigned mobile phone?It_well_its high price.Asells;e

51、xcept for Bsells;butCis sold;except for Dis sold;besides【解解析析】sell well意意为为“畅畅销销”;根根据据句句意意可可知知,除除了了价价格格高高之之外外,这这款款手手机机销销路路很很好好,因因为为其其后后面面接接的的内内容容与与前前面面提提到到的的事事物物不不是是同同类类的的,故故选选择择except for,表示对事物总体上的肯定,局部的否定。,表示对事物总体上的肯定,局部的否定。【答案答案】A必修必修53. be strict with sb.(in sth.)(在某方面在某方面)对某人严格要对某人严格要求求运用:用适当的词

52、填空。运用:用适当的词填空。 Our English teacher is very strict _ us and she demands that we should be strict _ our homework. My mother is strict _ her work and is also strict_me. with withinin必修必修54make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通有意义;有道理;讲得通归纳拓展归纳拓展make sense of理解理解,明白,明白= understandmake no sense没有道理;没有道理;没有意义没有意义in a sens

53、e在某在某一方面;一方面;= in a wayin no sense决不是决不是,绝非,绝非 = in no case(引倒装引倒装There is no sense in doing sth. 做做某事没有道理某事没有道理/没有必要没有必要a sense of humor/direction幽默感幽默感/方向感方向感必修必修51) Can you make sense of what he said?你能听懂他说的话吗?你能听懂他说的话吗?2) In a sense,learning the law is like learning a new language.在在一定意义上,学习法律就像

54、学习一门新的语言。一定意义上,学习法律就像学习一门新的语言。3) Theres no sense in talking to him any more.Youre wasting your breath.没必要再跟他说了。你这是在白费口舌。没必要再跟他说了。你这是在白费口舌。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】The explanation in the report doesnt _,because the numbers are wrong.Amake sense Bmake a differenceCmake clear Dmake way【解解析析】考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。make sen

55、se“有有意意义义”;make a difference“有有作作用用,有有影影响响”;make clear“清清楚楚说说明明”;make way(for sb./sth.) “给给让让路路”。根根据据语语境境应应是是因因数数据据不不正正确确,所所以以解解释释没没有有意意义,故选义,故选A项。项。 【答案答案】A必修必修5The boy tried to read his fathers letter,but he couldnt _ of it.Athink Bmake senseCunderstand Dmake out【解解析析】make sense of “理理解解,明明白白”,是是固

56、固定定短短语语。think of “想想想想”,understand 不不与与 of 连连用用。make out “辨辨认认出出,理理解解,明明白白”,后后面直接跟宾语。面直接跟宾语。【答案答案】B必修必修51.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. (P2)every time在此句中引导一个时间状语从句,意为“每次的时候”。Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.each time, next time, eac

57、h day等表示时间的短语亦可引导时间状语从句。Each time I walk in the park I can see the old man beg sitting beside the path.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子1) 每次碰到学习上的困难,我都是独自解决。 必修必修5【答案】 Next time you come to Beijing, be sure to let me know in advance.2)下次你到北京来,务必要提前告诉我。【答案】 Every time I meet with difficulties in study, I solve it by my

58、self.必修必修53.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.(P2)但当他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的老百姓,他就感到很振奋。归纳总结inspire sb.with courage 鼓起某人的勇气inspire sb.with sth.激发某人的某种感情 inspire sth.into sb.把某种思想灌输给某人必修必修5即学即练A.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)We _(受鼓舞)by the inspiring news.(2)The good n

59、ews_.(鼓起我们的希望)(3)Magnificent views over the countryside have often _ .(激发人们写诗) 答案:A.(1)are inspired (2)inspired us with hope (3)inspired people to write poems 必修必修55.He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found.(P 2)他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。归纳总结control n.&v.指挥,管理,控制out of control 失去控制;

60、无法管理in the control (of)由控制着under control(被)控制着beyond control无法控制lose control of 失去控制 必修必修5即学即练选用上述短语完成下列小片段。 All their money was(1)_ Black, but he was not content. He wanted(2)_(控制妻子),which made her angry. So she declared to divorce her husband. It was then that Black realized everything went(3)_.答案

61、:(1)in the control of (2)to control his wife (3)out of control 必修必修56.The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.(P2)第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。阅读下列句子,注意suggest的搭配及意思。温馨提示:温馨提示:suggest 后接从句。表示“建议某人做某事”,从句用虚拟语气,即 should+动词原形,也可以省去should,单用动词原形。suggest表“意味着

62、;暗示;使人想起”时,后面的从句用陈述语气。 必修必修5即学即练A.完成下列小片段。 Tom(1)_(建议他们应该和母亲住一起),but her wife,s long face(2)_.(表明她不赞成这个想法)She also(3)_(反对他的建议)that they should employ a nurse to look after the old lady. 答案:A.(1)suggested that they should live together with their mother(2)suggested that she didn,t like the idea (3)re

63、jected the suggestion 必修必修5归纳总结be absorbed by被吞并;为所吸收 absorb.into吸引到 absorb one,s attention吸引某人注意absorb one,s time占用某人的时间 be absorbed in sth.专心于某事必修必修5答案:(1)absorbed in reading the novel (2)absorbed by/into the body (3)absorbs/draws the students, attention即学即练B.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)Mary was so _(专心看小说)

64、that she didn,t realize the food had got burnt.(2)Aspirin is quickly _.(被身体吸收)(3)His interesting teaching method_.(吸引学生的注意)必修必修54Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只只有有当当你你把把太太阳阳放放在在中中心心位位置置上上,天天空空中中其其他他行行星星的的运运动才能说得清楚。动才能说得清楚。only 修修饰饰副副词词、介介词

65、词短短语语或或状状语语从从句句且且位位于于句句首首,为为了了加加强强语语气气,句句子子用用不不完完全全倒倒装装,即即把把助助动动词词、情情态态动动词词或或系系动词动词 be 放在主语之前。放在主语之前。Only then did I realize the mistakes I had made.只有在那时我才意识到我所犯的错误。只有在那时我才意识到我所犯的错误。Only in this way can we solve the problem.只有通过这种方式,我们才能解决这个问题。只有通过这种方式,我们才能解决这个问题。必修必修5Only when the war was over in

66、1945 was he able to get back home.只有在只有在1945年战争结束他才回到家。年战争结束他才回到家。诱导展望诱导展望(1)only 修饰状语从句时,主句倒装,从句不倒装。修饰状语从句时,主句倒装,从句不倒装。(2)only 加主语放在句首时,句子不倒装。加主语放在句首时,句子不倒装。Only the boy himself knows what he is going to be.只有这男孩本人知道他的前途。只有这男孩本人知道他的前途。(3)not only.but also.连连接接两两个个分分句句时时,not only 放放于于句句首,第一个分句用部分倒装。

67、首,第一个分句用部分倒装。Not only did he come but also gave me some advice.他不仅来了而且给了我一些建议。他不仅来了而且给了我一些建议。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Only after you have reached eighteen _ the army.Ayou can join Byou can join inCcan you join Dcan you join in【解解析析】only修修饰饰状状语语从从句句置置于于句句首首,句句子子要要用用部部分分倒装,排除倒装,排除A项和项和B项;又因为项;又因为 join in 后接活动,故

68、选后接活动,故选C。【答案答案】C必修必修51. 重点单词拼写 1) How disappointed they were when their team was d by ours. 【答案】defeated2) Two policemen as well as an expert were sent to h the complex case. 【答案】handle3) I advise you to have your leg e since it still hurts. 【答案】examined4) It is important for us to develop the habi

69、t of a sentence structures. 【答案】analysing必修必修56) He got rather angry because the secret plan had been e to the newspaper. 【答案】exposed7) The c of the building will take at least one year. 【答案】construction8) He got in touch with me I he arrived in this city.【答案】immediately5) Have you heard that Martin

70、 got s injuries in the traffic accident? 【答案】severe必修必修510) Ten people are busy (抽) water from the river to the fields. 【答案】conclusion【答案】pumping 9) What do you think of the final c they came to from the experiments? 必修必修52.重点词词形变换 1)The laboratory animals have been with the bacteria, which is highl

71、y . Any of you should avoid being exposed to . (infect)【答案】infected, infectious, infection2) He was interested in when young. After he grew up to be a , he liked to do experiments to test his ideas. (science)【答案】science, scientist, scientific3) The teacher from the evidence that she was wrong. And h

72、is proved to be right. (conclude)【答案】concluded, conclusion必修必修54) He infected a bacteria last month, and five days later. His is a great loss to our career. (die)【答案】deadly, died, death5) He to Beijing in 1988 and the proved to be important to the further development of his career. (move)【答案】moved,

73、movement6) The information you collected is very and it is of gre to our work; while the information Tom offered is and isnt worthy of consideration. (value)【答案】valuable, value, valueless7) As experimented , both of you must try to the causes of the strike, and present a detailed of the situation. (

74、analyse)必修必修58) The old man often us how to behave well in public and his made a deep impression on us. (instruct )【答案】 instructed, instruction9) Many factories have been in our city since last year, and a power station is under in the south. (construct)【答案】 constructed, construction10) He didnt kno

75、w much about the subject, but he was very , and his made everyone else interested. (enthusiastic)【答案】 enthusiastic, enthusiasm 【答案】 analysts, analyse, analysis 返回单元菜单必修必修5过去分词作定语和表语过去分词作定语和表语过过去去分分词词是是动动词词的的一一种种非非限限定定形形式式,兼兼有有动动词词、副副词词和和形形容容词词的的特特征征,可可以以在在句句中中作作定定语语、表表语语、宾宾语语补补足足语语或或状状语。语。一、作定语一、作定语

76、1单单个个过过去去分分词词及及由由过过去去分分词词构构成成的的复复合合形形容容词词作作定定语语一一般般放放在在所所修修饰饰的的词词的的前前面面;过过去去分分词词短短语语作作定定语语一一般般放放在在所所修修饰饰的的词词的的后后面面,相相当当于于一一个个(从从句句谓谓语语为为被被动动或或完完成成时时的的)定定语语从从句句。被被修修饰饰的的词词是是分分词词所所表表示示的的动动作作的的承承受受者者;在在逻逻辑上它们是动宾关系。辑上它们是动宾关系。必修必修5China is not a developed country.中国还不是发达国家。中国还不是发达国家。Last Monday our class

77、 went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wildlife.(organized triptrip which was organized)上上星星期期一一,我我们们班班进进行行了了一一次次有有组组织织的的旅旅行行,到到森森林林里里去研究野生动植物。去研究野生动植物。2过去分词、动词不定式的被动式和动词过去分词、动词不定式的被动式和动词ing形式的被形式的被动形式都可作定语,但表示的时间概念不同。过去分词表示动形式都可作定语,但表示的时间概念不同。过去分词表示已经完成的行为,可以和表示过去的时间状语连用;动词已经完成的行为,可以和表

78、示过去的时间状语连用;动词ing形式的被动式表示正在进行的被动行为,可以和形式的被动式表示正在进行的被动行为,可以和 now 连用;连用;动词不定式的被动式往往表示即将进行的行为,可以和表示动词不定式的被动式往往表示即将进行的行为,可以和表示将来的时间状语连用。将来的时间状语连用。 必修必修5The problem discussed at yesterdays meeting is very important.昨天会上讨论的问题很重要。昨天会上讨论的问题很重要。The problem being discussed now is very important.正在讨论的问题很重要。正在讨论

79、的问题很重要。The problem to be discussed at tomorrows meeting is very important.明天会上即将讨论的问题很重要。明天会上即将讨论的问题很重要。3并并非非所所有有的的定定语语从从句句都都可可以以改改为为过过去去分分词词短短语语或或动动词词的的ing 形式。形式。Do you know anything about that accident which happened yesterday?关于昨天发生的事故你知道些什么吗?关于昨天发生的事故你知道些什么吗?必修必修5注注意意:上上句句不不能能改改成成.about the acci

80、dent happened yesterday,因因为为 happen 是是不不及及物物动动词词,happened在在此此句句中中只只有有完完成成意意义义,而而无无被被动动意意义义。同同时时也也不不能能改改成成.about the accident happening yesterday,因因为为happening表表示示主主动动、进进行行的的意意思思,此此句句只只有有主主动动意意义义,而而无无正正在在发发生生之之意意,状状语语 yesterday 表示发生过的完成的动作。表示发生过的完成的动作。4过过去去分分词词作作定定语语与与所所修修饰饰词词之之间间存存在在两两种种意意义义关关系系:一一是

81、是及及物物动动词词表表被被动动意意义义(或或已已完完成成的的被被动动动动作作);二二是是不不及及物物动词表示完成意义。动词表示完成意义。必修必修5(1)表示被动和完成表示被动和完成the broken glass打碎了的杯子打碎了的杯子(2)只表示完成不表示被动只表示完成不表示被动fallen leaves落叶落叶二、作表语二、作表语1过过去去分分词词作作表表语语时时,与与系系动动词词构构成成系系表表结结构构,强强调调逻逻辑辑主主语语所所处处的的状状态态,而而被被动动语语态态强强调调动动作作由由谁谁完完成成,怎怎样样完完成。成。The cup is broken.杯子破了。杯子破了。(系表结构

82、系表结构)The cup was broken by him.杯杯子子被被他他打打破破了了。(被被动动语语态态)必修必修5必修必修5The children were very excited at the news that we were going to take them to the zoo.孩子们听到我们要带他们去动物园的消息都兴奋不已。孩子们听到我们要带他们去动物园的消息都兴奋不已。The story was so exciting that the children couldnt fall asleep all night.这个故事太令人兴奋了,孩子们听后整夜都不能入睡。这个

83、故事太令人兴奋了,孩子们听后整夜都不能入睡。注注意意:ed结结尾尾的的形形容容词词有有时时也也可可用用来来修修饰饰look,expression,eyes,voice等等词词,这这些些词词本本身身就就是是人人的的情情感感的的体体现。现。Alice read the letter with a puzzled expression on her face.艾丽丝脸上带着一种迷惑的表情读了这封信。艾丽丝脸上带着一种迷惑的表情读了这封信。必修必修5【链接训练链接训练】Different opinions about where to build the chemical works arise at

84、 the meeting _ now.Aheld Bbeing heldCto be held Dholding【解解析析】 由由提提示示词词 now 可可知知会会议议正正在在进进行行,而而 meeting 与与 hold 之之间间为为被被动动关关系系,故故应应使使用用现现在在分分词词的的被被动动形式。形式。【答案答案】B必修必修5After the heavy rain,many cars got _ in the mud.Acatch Bcatching Ccaught Dbeing caught【解解析析】“get过过去去分分词词形形式式”是是近近年年来来常常出出现现的的考考点。点。ge

85、t 相当于相当于 be,强调结果。,强调结果。【答案答案】C必修必修5The Town Hall _ in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.Ato be completed Bhaving been completedCcompleted Dbeing completed【解解析析】句句意意为为:建建立立于于19世世纪纪初初的的市市政政厅厅是是当当时时最最与与众众不不同同的的建建筑筑。据据句句意意知知The Town Hall后后需需加加后后置置定定语语,根据根据in the 1800s可知已完成,故选可知已

86、完成,故选C。【答案答案】C必修必修5Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award,a title _ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.Abeing given Bis givenCgiven Dwas given【解解析析】考考查查过过去去分分词词短短语语作作后后置置定定语语。A项项表表示示被被动动动动作作正正在在进进行行,不不合合句句意意。由由句句式式结结构构可可知知,后后半半部部分分title作作句句中中宾宾语语的的同同位位语语,

87、不不是是一一个个句句子子,不不能能用用谓谓语语动动词词形形式式,B项项不不合合句句意意。C项项符符合合句句式式结结构构,given短短语语修修饰饰title,相相当当于于which was given。由由句句子子的的结结构构可可知知,后后半半部部分分应应为为短短语语,不是句子,故不能用谓语动词形式。不是句子,故不能用谓语动词形式。D项不合句意。项不合句意。【答案答案】C必修必修5It is _ to travel by air than by water.Aa lot more excited Bmuch excitingCa lot more exciting Dmuch more excited【解解析析】exciting意意为为“令令人人兴兴奋奋的的”,主主语语多多为为物物。excited意意为为“感感到到兴兴奋奋的的”,主主语语多多为为人人,据据此此,本本题题应应用用exciting。另另外外,由由于于是是两两者者间间进进行行比比较较,所所以以exciting应应用用比比较级形式,并用较级形式,并用a lot来修饰。来修饰。【答案答案】C



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