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1、深圳牛津深圳牛津深圳牛津深圳牛津 八年级八年级八年级八年级 第第第第4 4期期期期同步课堂同步课堂同步课堂同步课堂Chapter 2 School newspapersChapter 2 School newspapers学案学案学案学案( (三三三三) )ListeningListening,Speaking & WritingSpeaking & Writing边学边做边学边做Task I目标展示。说出下面词组和句子的汉语意思。目标展示。说出下面词组和句子的汉语意思。词组词组 take part in, once a week, be pleased with, keep healthy句

2、子句子 1. Congratulations! 2. Well done! 3. You deserved to win! 4. Thats wonderful news. 5. Oh, Im sorry! 6. What a shame! 7. What a pity! 8. Thats terrible!9. Long time no see.10. Whats new with you?Task II词汇讲解。阅读下面有关词汇讲解词汇讲解。阅读下面有关词汇讲解, 并领会并领会其知识要点。其知识要点。1. deserve (P24)要点要点 deserve作动词作动词, 意为意为“应受应受

3、, 应得应得”。 解析解析 deserve指某人因行为、品行、才干指某人因行为、品行、才干而而“应受应受, 应得应得”, 其宾语常常是奖赏、批其宾语常常是奖赏、批评、惩罚等词,也可指某物因具有某些特点评、惩罚等词,也可指某物因具有某些特点而而“值得值得”, 其宾语常是关注、研究、其宾语常是关注、研究、考虑等词。考虑等词。deserve通常不用于进行时。通常不用于进行时。拓展拓展 有关有关deserve的用法常见有以下两的用法常见有以下两种种:a. deserve + n. / pron. 例如:例如:The question deserves consideration. 这个这个问题值得考虑

4、。问题值得考虑。b. deserve + to do. 例如:例如:He deserved to be punished. 他应受惩罚。他应受惩罚。2. pleased (P26 )要点要点 pleased作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“高高兴的、满意的兴的、满意的”。举例举例 She was very pleased with her exam results. 翻译:翻译:_她对考试成绩非常满意。她对考试成绩非常满意。拓展拓展 有关有关pleased的用法常见有以下三的用法常见有以下三种种:a. be pleased that-clause 例如:例如:Im really pleased t

5、hat youre feeling better. 我真高兴,你已经好些了。我真高兴,你已经好些了。b. be pleased with sth. 例如:例如:The boss should be pleased with you. 上司上司应该对你满意了。应该对你满意了。c. be pleased to do sth. 例如:例如:Arent you pleased to see me? 见到我你不见到我你不高兴吗?高兴吗?要点学习。要点学习。阅读下面的讲解,并领会其知识要点。阅读下面的讲解,并领会其知识要点。1. After that, we took part in some activ

6、ities. (P20)要点要点 take part in此处表示此处表示“参加参加(活活动、会议等动、会议等)”。举例举例 How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? 翻译翻译:_ Task III有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?2. Congratulations! (P24)要点要点 Congratulations!此处用以向人此处用以向人祝贺,意为祝贺,意为“祝贺,恭喜祝贺,恭喜”。拓展拓展 Congratulations on . 表示表示“对对表示祝贺表示祝贺”。例如:。例如:Congrat

7、ulations on your success! 祝贺祝贺你获得了成功!你获得了成功!边做边学边做边学Task I英汉短语互译。英汉短语互译。1. 跳高跳高 _2. 摔倒摔倒 _3. 出版出版 _4. 对对满意满意 _5. well done _6. be interested in _7. at the end _8. take part in _high jumpfall downcome outbe pleased with做得好做得好对对感兴趣感兴趣最后最后参加参加Task II根据句意和汉语提示写单词,使句子完根据句意和汉语提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。整、通顺。1. The so

8、ldiers are _ (行进行进) along the road.2. We elected him chairman of the education _ (委员会委员会).marchingcommittee3. How many students are _ (缺席缺席的的) to-day? 4. I have bought a _ (罐罐) of strawberry jam. 5. I dont think I _ (应得应得) a zero on this test. absentjardeserveTask III根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填

9、空。1. Can you tell me how to keep _ (health)?2. Simon is interested in _ (collect) coins. 3. Open your books and read the dialogue in _ (pair). 4. He _ (fall) downstairs and broke his leg. 5. She deserved _ (win) the first prize. healthycollectingpairsfellto winTask IV阅读短文,从下面各题所给的阅读短文,从下面各题所给的A、B、C、

10、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。四个选项中选出最佳答案。 The Water World Swimming Pool is open every day from eight oclock in the morning until half past seven in the evening. It costs two dollars sixty to enter the pool. There is a special cheap price for students with a student card. The price is one dollar forty. But you must

11、bring your student card with you. On Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies. So mothers can en-joy themselves in the water with their babies. Please leave your older children at home on Wednesday morning. The new Water World Caf will be open up on June 22nd. From the caf you c

12、an watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim. Please call 2105369 for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the Water World Swimming Pool.1. How long is the Water World Swimming Pool open every day?A. Eleven hours. B. Seven hours. C. Eleven and a half hours. D. Seven and a half

13、 hours. 2. What is the price for students with a student card to enter the pool?A. Two dollars. B. One dollar forty. C. Two dollars sixty. D. One dollar.3. A ten-year-old boy cant go to the Water World Swimming Pool_ .A. on Saturday B. on Sunday C. on Wednesday afternoon D. on Wednesday morning4. Fr

14、om the caf you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim _.A. on May 21st B. on May 22ndC. on June 23rd D. on June 21st5. This passage is a(n) _.A. advertisement B. note C. story D. sloganChapter 2 School newspapers 学案学案(四四)More practice Revision边学边做边学边做下面是本章出现的重点词汇和短语,你下面是本章出现的重点词汇和短语,

15、你都掌握了吗?一起来巩固一下吧。都掌握了吗?一起来巩固一下吧。重点词汇重点词汇1. _(当地的当地的) 2. _(学期学期)3. _(出版出版) 4._(举行举行)5. suggest ( ) 6. experience ( )7. secretary ( )localtermpublishhold建议建议; 提议提议经验经验; 经历经历秘书秘书8._(免费的免费的) 9._(考虑考虑) 10._(简要地简要地) 11. _(结束结束) 12._(行进行进) 13. _(排列成排列成) 14. praise( ) 15. _ (应受应受) 16. _ (遗憾的事遗憾的事) 17. absent

16、( ) 18. match ( ) 19._ (设计设计) 20. committee ( ) 21. _ (高兴的高兴的) 22. jar ( )freeconsiderbrieflyconcludemarchform表扬表扬deserveshame不在场的不在场的; 缺勤的缺勤的比赛比赛;竞赛竞赛design委员会委员会pleased罐子罐子重点词组重点词组1. _ (召开会议召开会议) 2. _ (选举选举为为)3. vote for ( ) 4. _ (管理,负责管理,负责) 5. _ (做记录做记录) 6. _(要求,请求要求,请求)7. be responsible for . (

17、 ) 8. _ (付款付款) 9. _ (做一份清单做一份清单) hold a meetingelect sb. to be投票选举投票选举take charge oftake notesask for对对负责负责pay formake a list of10._ (对对免费免费) 11. _ (考虑考虑) 12. agree to( ) 13. _ (应该应该) 14. _ (关于关于做出决定做出决定)15. _ (结束会议结束会议) 16. _ (在一周以后在一周以后)17. _ (商量商量) 18. _ (对对满意满意)19. a bit longer( ) 20. the others

18、( )be free tothink about同意做同意做ought tomake a decision aboutconclude a meetingin one weeks timetalk overbe pleased with有点长有点长其他人其他人重点句子重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子下面是本章出现的重点句子, 你都掌握了你都掌握了吗?请根据需要对下面的句子进行填空补吗?请根据需要对下面的句子进行填空补缺吧。缺吧。1. We _ a meeting after school.2. Tony _ Joyce. He said, “We should choose Joyce bec

19、ause she has_ .”3. We elected Joyce _ _ the chief editor.4. Then Joyce _ _ _ the meeting.5. We _ _ elect a secretary next.heldsuggestedexperienceto betook charge ofought to6. She asked _ suggestions.7. Then _ _ voted for me.8. I started _ notes.9. Talk it_ among yourselves. We will decide at the nex

20、t meeting.10. Then we _ _ _ _ some other things to discuss.forthe otherstakingovermade a list of11. Should it be _ _ readers, or should they _ _ it?12. We _the last question _ .13. We should think about this _ _ longer.14. We will _ _ _ about the name at the next meeting.15. We agreed to _ the meeti

21、ng then. 16. We arranged to have the next meeting in one_ time.free topay forconsideredbrieflya bitmake a decisionconcludeweeks下列句子的同义句你都掌握了吗?下列句子的同义句你都掌握了吗?17. The students neednt pay for their school newspaper.= Their school newspaper is _ _ the students.18. In order to catch up with others, Tom m

22、ade a decision to study hard. = In order to catch up with others, Tom_ _ study hard.19. How exciting the computer game is!= _20. What a useful book it is!= _free todecided toWhat an exciting computer game it is!How useful the book is!边做边学边做边学Task I词汇过关练。词汇过关练。英汉短语互译。英汉短语互译。1. because of _ 2. on fire

23、 _3. take charge of _ 4. 举行会议举行会议 _5. be responsible for _6. according to _ 7. 记笔记记笔记 _ 8. 主编主编 _ 9. 要求要求 _ 10. 数百万数百万 _因为因为着火着火负责;管理负责;管理hold a meeting对对负责负责根据根据take noteschief editorask formillions of用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。完整、通顺。11. Yesterday we _ (hold) a meeting to discuss i

24、t. 12. I think you may be _ (interest) in our new product.13. We had a _ (discuss) on language and communication. 14. I would suggest _ (go) to see him your-self.15. That hotel _ (probable) costs 20 dollars a night.heldinteresteddiscussiongoingprobablyTask II句型过关练。句型过关练。用已经学过的英语知识解释下列句子。用已经学过的英语知识解释

25、下列句子。1. He visited his friend to discuss his problem. _2. Please describe your likes and dislikes in a few words. _ He visited his friend to talk over his problem. Please describe your likes and dislikes briefly.3. She could not decide on the dresses._4. The meeting will conclude tomorrow morning. _

26、 5. Would you consider working in Shanghai?_ 6. Can I borrow your bicycle? _ She could not make a decision about the dresses.The meeting will finish tomorrow morning.Would you think about working in Shanghai?Can you lend me your bicycle?7. Tom was in charge of the meeting._8. Were leaving in one wee

27、ks time. _9. What an interesting film it is! _ 10. Why dont we watch it together? _ Tom took charge of the meeting.Were leaving in one week. How interesting the film is! Why not watch it together?根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。11. 我们都同意选我们都同意选Tony当班长。当班长。We all agreed _ _ Tony _ _ our monitor.12. 我想征求一下你对这个计

28、划的建议。我想征求一下你对这个计划的建议。Id like to _ _ your sug-gestions about the plan. 13. 你应该尽快给她打电话。你应该尽快给她打电话。You ought _ ring her as _ _ _. to electto beask fortosoon aspossible14. 我们对那幢房子的第一次检查感到我们对那幢房子的第一次检查感到满意。满意。We were _ _ our first survey of the house.15. 饮料对大家免费,你不必付钱。饮料对大家免费,你不必付钱。The drink is _ _ every

29、one; you dont need to _ _ it.pleased withfree topay for Task III语法过关练。语法过关练。从下面各题所给的从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中四个选项中选出最佳答案。选出最佳答案。1. How was the youth club last night, Mark? It was great fun. You _ come.A. must B. can C. should D. mayC2. I dont care what my teachers think. But I think you _.A. could B. wou

30、ld C. should D. might 3. _ beautiful day it is! Lets go and have a picnic in the park.Good idea!A. HowB. How a C. What D. What aCD4. _ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.Im glad you like it.A. What a B. What C. How a D. How5. With the help of ORBIS doctors, the

31、 boy can see again. _ he is!A. What lucky B. What a luckC. How luck D. How lucky AD根据要求改写句子。根据要求改写句子。6. You should read this. (改为否定句改为否定句)You _ this.7. He ought to eat more meat. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ he _ more meat?No, he _.shouldnt readOughtto eatought not to8. Students should meet at th

32、e school entrance at 2:00 pm. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ students meet at the school entrance?9. They are very kind. (改为感叹句改为感叹句)_they are!10. It is a wonderful film. (改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ it is!When shouldHow kind What a wonderful film写作训练写作训练目标要求目标要求交通是和我们生活息息相关的话题。本期交通是和我们生活息息相关的话题。本期写作目标是写一篇有关写作目标是写一篇有关“交通交通”的英语

33、短的英语短文。文。例文展示例文展示 Over the past years, great changes have taken place in transportation. In the past, the roads were narrow and there werent so many cars and buses on the roads. People used to walk or ride bicycles to go to work. Now people can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work. The b

34、us service in many cities is really good. People can take buses to go almost everywhere. Besides, special seats are offered on buses. It doesnt take too long to wait for a bus and the tickets are cheap.I like taking a bus because I think its convenient and also good for the environment. 例文赏析例文赏析文章布局

35、:文章布局:此篇文章描述了中国一些城市交通状况此篇文章描述了中国一些城市交通状况的变化。作者从道路、人们的出行方式的变化。作者从道路、人们的出行方式以及公交车服务等方面进行了对比描写,以及公交车服务等方面进行了对比描写,最后还表达了自己的看法。整篇文章对最后还表达了自己的看法。整篇文章对比描述比较成功,语句通顺,时态运用比描述比较成功,语句通顺,时态运用准确。准确。亮点表达:亮点表达: 例文在叙述一些城市的公交服务情例文在叙述一些城市的公交服务情况时,用到了况时,用到了besides这个词。这个词。besides有有介词和副词两种词性,文中的介词和副词两种词性,文中的besides作作副词,意

36、为副词,意为“此外此外”。如:。如:I dont really want to go to the party. Besides, I have much work to do. besides作介词表示作介词表示“除除之外(还)之外(还)”。如:。如:Mike has many hobbies besides playing basketball. 写作导引写作导引1. 在描述交通状况的变化时,往往会采在描述交通状况的变化时,往往会采用对比的描写手法。恰当使用相关词语用对比的描写手法。恰当使用相关词语如如great changes, take place, in the past, used

37、 to, now等,可以使文章显得条理清等,可以使文章显得条理清楚,有逻辑性。楚,有逻辑性。2. 在描述交通状况时,要准确地选择形在描述交通状况时,要准确地选择形容词。如:容词。如:roads narrow, wide, safe;traffic heavy, busy等。等。实战演练实战演练在倡导低碳生活方式的今天,越来越多在倡导低碳生活方式的今天,越来越多的人选择骑自行车出行。请谈谈你喜爱的人选择骑自行车出行。请谈谈你喜爱的出行方式并写出理由。的出行方式并写出理由。One possible version: China is called the “Kingdom of Bicycles”

38、. My favorite way of traveling is by bike. Now more and more people travel by car. Its making the air pollution worse and worse. I think traveling by bike is good for the environment. It helps reduce the pollution. Riding a bike is also a good way to exercise and it can help us keep healthy. Besides

39、, traveling by bike is convenient and cheap. We will seldom be influenced by heavy traffic, and it wont cost much. In a word, I think it is a good choice to go to school or work by bike. Do you agree with me?Just for fun大家知道大家知道anagram (变位词;字谜游戏变位词;字谜游戏)吗?它是指某些词或短语通过变换字母吗?它是指某些词或短语通过变换字母顺序,就可以变成另外的词或短语。例顺序,就可以变成另外的词或短语。例如,如,the eyes 通过变换字母顺序可以成为通过变换字母顺序可以成为 they see。同学们,开动脑筋,猜猜下面的词或短同学们,开动脑筋,猜猜下面的词或短语的语的anagram是什么吧。是什么吧。1. T.S. Eliot _2. Elvis _ 3. eleven plus two _4. listen _ 特别鸣谢:特别鸣谢:辛勤工作在一线上的全体老师!辛勤工作在一线上的全体老师!祝同学们学习进步!祝同学们学习进步! 英语周报英语周报 2011年年7月月



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