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1、Practical Trade EnglishUnit oneprice|Sentence Patterns|1The International trade is done on the basis on a couple of contracts,among which the sales contract plays an important role in a deal by clearly stating the absolutely necessary trade terms as price,quantity,quality,packing ,payment,delivery,i

2、nsurance and claim|国际贸易涉及若干个合同,其中销售合同对交易的成功影响很大,其主要条款包括价格、数量、质量、付款方式、交货日期、保险、理赔等。Sentence patterns|2A price strategy is the process of evaluating and setting the price of a product,taking into account such factors as cost,competition and other elements of the marketing factors|价格战略是考虑成本、竞争及营销等因素后对产品

3、进行评估和定价。|3The most widely used Strategy for pricing products involves dividing the product by price range,that is,by whether the price should be high,low,or medium|最常用的产品定价战略是将产品价格分级,即分为高档、中档及低档|4A high price can be used when the product is unique or new or has a highquality image,a high price usual

4、ly leads to high profit margins,but it can also limit the market and may draw competition while in turn,usually serve to bring the price down| 当产品独特、新颖或优质时,可将价位定高,通常高价位带来高 利润,但有时高价会限制市场的扩大,导致竞争,反过来会把价 格拉下来。|5For exporters,low pricing is usually a shortterm strategy,the best way to get in and out of

5、a market quickly,though low prices work for the long term at home,basic and cheap products do not have much appeal when they are exports| 对出口商来说,低价只是短期战略,也是快速进出市场的最佳途径,实际上,低价策略在国内可称为长期战略,但作为出口商品价格低廉却不具有很大的吸引力。|6Rarely can exporters price their products exactly the same in domestic and foreign market

6、s,nor would they want to do so| 出口商在产品定价时,很少而且也不希望将国内外市场的价格规定为一个价格。|7We know your firm,through your advertising in an English newspaper “China Daily”,is leading exporters of textiles,if your price is acceptable without sacrificing the quality,we can close a deal| 我们是从中国日报的广告上了解到贵公司为纺织品的主导出口公司,如你们产品的

7、质量上乘并且价格可以接受,我们可以成交。|8We have studied your offer carefully and consulted our home of price and find your price is 5 percent higher than those offered by other suppliers。 |我们仔细研究了你们的报价并汇报了总部,认为你方价格比其他供货商要高出5。|9Chinese textiles enjoy popularity in Japan and European countries for their superior qualit

8、y and competitive price,would you please tell us the quantity you wish to order to enable us to make an offer?|中国的纺织品因其价格和质量优势在日本和欧洲受到欢迎,你能告诉我你们定货的数量,我方可据此做出报盘。|1 0As a large trading company,we have wellestablished distributions channels,enabling us to place a substantial order,would you please firs

9、t give us an indication of price| 作为一家大型贸易公司,我们建立了完善的分销渠道,所以可以大量定货,你们可以给出指示价格吗?|11For the purpose to establishing business relations with youwe may grant you a special discount of 1,this is the best we can do for you| 为了建立业务关系,我们可以考虑至多给予1的特殊折扣。|12The price we offer compare favorably with quotations

10、you can get elsewhere| 我方报价比较起来是较优惠的。|13I am afraid I cant agree with you hereI must point out that your price is higher than the quotations we have received from other sources.|我们无法接受你们的价格。必须指出:与其他供货人的报价相比,你们的价格要高一些。|1 4There is acute competition on the world market and we need to do some sales pro

11、motion for this new type| 考虑到国际市场竞争激烈,我们需要为新产品做促销宣传|15We are ready to give you a 2 percent discount for orders exceeding 1 0000 bottles,that will make our products more competitive| 只要定货超过10000瓶,可折扣2,产品在市场会更有竞争 力。|16Why dont we meet half way to bridge the gap on a fiftyfifty basis? |我们双方都做些让步,比如各让一半

12、,事情会好办些。|1 7You must take the quality into consideration,our products are of superior quality to those from other countries| 你应该考虑我们的质量,与其他国家同类的产品相比我们的产品质量要好一些。|18If your order is large enough,well be ready to reduce our price by 2 percent|如果你方订货量大,我们将给予2的价格优惠。|1 9If you think our price is unsatisfa

13、ctory,I have no other alternative,but to give up this deal| 如果你还不满意,就别无选择了,这笔交易也就只能放弃了。|20We can not come to terms at the price you quoted,it leaves us little margins to cover the advertising and promotion| 我们不能按这样的条件成交,扣除广告和促销费用,我们没有利润可赚。Professional terms|1prevailing price流行价|2on the high side价格偏高

14、|3on the low side价格偏低|4lower compared with the prices on the international market | 与国际市场价相比较低|5lower compared with the prices of the same kind of product | 与同类产品价相比较低|61arge percentage of commission| 比例很高的佣金|7meeting each other half way| 双方都做让步|8market share市场份额 |9price difference between markets市场

15、间的价格差异|10export price 出口价|11making a purchase decision|做出购买决定|12export pricing policy出口定价政策|13upper price limit最高限价|14a key element of marketing mix|营销组合的关键要素|15foreign exchange fluctuation| 外汇汇率波动|16cost and margins成本和利润|17parallel traders and international customers 贸易同行和国际客户|18market objectives市场

16、目标|19winning an important order| 赢得重要定单|20competence to deliver| 交货能力|21maximum price最高价|22minimum price最低价|23calculating costs核算成本|24determining a competitive price制定竞争价|25meeting the order完成定单|2 6overhead cost劳动成本|27receiving payment收款|28high borrowing高借债|29interest rate 利率|30bottom limit to your

17、quotation| 最低报价|31oneoff deals一次性交易|32affecting competitiveness影响竞争力|331osing tenders失去买方|34setting price定价|35achieving a level of market share | 获得市场份额|36marketshareproduct市场份额产品|37highprice policy高价位政策 |38highquality product优质产品|39adequate service优质服务|401oyalty of your customers顾客忠诚度|41uniform pri

18、ce统一价格|42meeting demand满足需求|43forecasting unit cost预测单位成本|44targeted market share level目标市场份额|451ower level of penetration较低的市场渗透|46earning profit赢利|47making a little concession做出让步Relevant Knowledge |In international trade, terms and conditions of quality, quantity, packing, price, delivery, insura

19、nce, terms of payment, inspection, claim and arbitration should be clearly and reasonably stated in the contract so as to clarify the duties and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer. These are the basic terms and conditions of the contract, among which the price term is the most important one. |在

20、国际货物买卖当中,为明确买卖双方的权利和义务,在买卖合同的签定时,应分别就商品的品质、数量、包装、价格、装运、保险、支付、检验、索赔和仲裁等交易条件作出明确合理的规定。这些条款是合同中的基本条款,其中价格条款是买卖合同中的核心条款。|How to fix the price terms of a contract?|The price term of a sales contract involves unit price and total price. Unit price includes the measuring unit, price, money of account and t

21、rade terms. For instance, a price term can be worded like this: USD1500 per metric ton CIF London including 3% commission . Total price is the total amount of a deal.|如何规定合同中的价格条款?| 国际货物买卖中合同中的价格条款一般包括单价和总价两项基本内容。商品的单价通常包括计量单位、单位价格金额、计价货币和贸易术语。如在价格条款中规定:“每公吨1500美元CIF伦敦,折扣3”。总价是一笔交易的货款总金额。|Trade term

22、s: trade terms (also referred to as price terms) are the short terms or abbreviations used to explain the price composition and the rights and obligations of the parties concerned. Up to now, international customary practices concerning trade terms are:|贸易术语:贸易术语又称价格术语,是用简短的概念或外文缩写来明确价格构成以及交易双方各自权利和

23、义务。到目前为止,有关贸易术语的国际惯例主要有:|(Warsaw Oxford Rules 1932), |Revised American Foreign Trade Definition 1941), |and (International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms) (Incoterms 2000). |In order to avoid discrepancies arising from the different interpretation of trade terms by different customary p

24、ractices, the parties concerned should specify the applicable customary practice in the contract. Among the above three international customary practices, (Incoterms 2000) is one with the largest content, widest range of application and biggest impact. |、|、|。|为避免不同惯例对贸易术语不同解释而引起的争议,交易双方应在合同中对适用何种惯例做

25、规定。|在上述三种国际惯例中是包括内容最多、使用范围最广和影响最大的一种。|将贸易术语分为E、F、C、D 4组|According to the (Incoterms 2000), trade terms are grouped in four different categories: starting with the only term whereby the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the sellers own premises (the term EXWORKS); followed by the secon

26、d group whereby the seller is called upon to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer (the terms FCA, FAS, and FOB);|continuing with the terms where the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events

27、 occurring after shipment and dispatch(CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP); and finally, the terms whereby the seller has to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the country of destination (DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU and DDP). A chart setting out this new classification is given hereafter:|第一组“E组”(EX WO

28、RKS)只有一个价格术语,是指卖方在自己的地点将货物交给买方;|第二组“F组”(FCA,FAS和FOB)是指卖方将货物交至买方指定的承运人;|第三组“c组”(CFR,CIF,CPT和CIP)是指卖方必须签订运输合同,但货物灭失或损坏的风险以及装船和启运后发生事件所产生的额外费用,卖方不承担责任;|第四组“D组”(DAF,DES,DEQ,DDU和DDP)是指卖方负责将货物运往目的地国家所需的全部费用和风险。新分类方法见下图。|Group E Departure EXW EX Works Group F FCA Free Carrier |Main carriage unpaid FAS Free

29、 Alongside Ship | FOB Free On Board |Group C CFR Cost and Freight | Main carriage paid CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight | CPT Carriage Paid TO| CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid TO Group D DAF Delivered At Frontier |Arrival DES Delivered Ex Ship | DEQ Delivered Ex Quay | DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid | DDP

30、 Delivered Duty Paid| E组启运 EXW 工厂交货 | FCA 货交承运人 | |F组(主要运费未付) | FAS 船边交货 | | FOB 船上交货 | | CFR 成本加运费 | | c组(主要运费已付) CIF 成本。保险费加运费 | | CPT 运费付至 | | CIP 运费,保险费付至 | | DAF 边境交货 | | DES 目的港船上交货 | | D组抵达 DEQ 目的港码头交货 | | DDU 未完税交货 | | DDP 完税后交货 | |Among the above trade terms, FOB, CFR and CIF are the most o

31、ften used terms in international trade:|FOB means that the Seller clear the goods for export and fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ships rail at the named port of shipment, the Buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from time when

32、the goods have passed over the ships rail. |在这些术语中,FOB、CFR和CIF是国际贸易中常用的三种。| FOB是指卖方办理出口结关手续,在指定的装运港将货物装船越过船舷后,履行其交货任务。买方必须承担货物越过船舷以后的一切费用以及货物灭失或损坏的一切风险|FOB term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport. The following are important issues to be considered when using FOB terms: |a. FOB is

33、 followed by port of shipment instead of *port of destination. For instance, A trading company in Shanghai exports its goods to London with the FOB term, then the trade term should be FOB Shanghai instead of FOB London |b. The Buyer should send the ship just in time. The Buyer shall be held responsi

34、ble for all the losses arising from the late or early dispatch of the ship; In order to avoid discrepancies concerning loading expenses, the following form of FOB can be used:|FOB只适用于海运或内河航运。在FOB条件下,应注意以下问题:|aFOB后面应接装运港而不是目的港,如:上海某外贸公司以FOB条件出口货物到伦敦时,价格术语应为FOB Shanghai 而不是FOB London| b买方应及时派船,如果由于买方不

35、能及时派船而引起损失,那么买方应对此负责。|c为避免因装货费用问题而引起的纠纷可采用FOB的下列形式:|FOB Liner Terms. The Seller is not responsible for the loading expenses.|FOB Under Tackle. The Seller is responsible for delivering the goods under the tackle of the Buyers named ship, and shall not bear the expenses for loading the goods into the

36、ship s hold and other expenses.|FOB Stowed (also referred to as FOBS). The Seller is responsible for the loading and stowing expenses.|FOB Trimmed (also called FOBT). The loading and trimming charges shall be borne by the Seller.|FOB Stowed and Trimmed (abbreviated as FOBST). Loading, stowing and tr

37、imming charges is to be borne by the Seller.|FOB Liner Terms:班轮条件,卖方不负担装船的有关费用。| FOB Under Tackle:吊钩下交货,卖方负责将货物交到买方指定船只的吊钩所及之处,不负担将货物吊装入舱及其他有关费用。| FOB Stowed(又称为FOBS):卖方装船并理舱。| FOB Trimmed(又称为FOBT):卖方负责装船并平舱。| FOB Stowed and Trimmed(缩写为FOBST):卖方负责平舱和理舱。|CFR(. named port of destination) means that th

38、e Seller must clear the goods for export and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on board the vesse

39、l, is to be borne by the Buyer from the time when the goods pass the ship s rail in the port of shipment. |Under CFR term, freight is normally borne by the Seller, but customary practices concerning the issues of discharging expenses at the port of destination differs from country to country, theref

40、ore it is advisable to adopt the following forms of CFR so as to avoid disputes arising from the different interpretation:|CFR(后接指定目的港)是指卖方办理出口结关手续并支付成本费和将货物运往指定目的港所需的运费,买方负责货物于转运港越过船舷以后的货物灭失的风险以及货物装船后发生时间所产生的任何额外费用。在CFR条件下,卖方负责正常的运费,但对于货物抵达目的地后的卸货费问题,各个国家有不同的习惯做法。为避免因不同解释而引起争议,可采用CFR的下列形式:|CFR Line

41、r Terms. The discharging fees is charged in the same way as in the liner transportation, the discharging charges at the port of destination is to be borne by the Seller or the shipping company.|CFR Landed. The Seller is responsible for landing the goods and paying the discharging fees.|CFR Ex Ship s

42、 Hold. The goods shall be delivered at the ships hold, and the discharging charges shall be borne by the Buyer.|CFR Liner Terms:CFR班轮条件,目的港的卸货费由卖方|或船方负担。|CFR Landed:CFR卸到岸上,卖方负责卸货费。|CFR Ex Ships Hold:CFR舱底交货,买方负责卸货费。| |CIF (.aimed port of destination) means that the Seller has the same obligations a

43、s under CFR but with the addition that he has to procure marine insurance against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. The Seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.|CIF(后接指定目的港)是指卖方除负有与CFR术语相同的义务外,还必须办理货物在运输途中应由买方承担的货物灭失或损坏风险的海运保险,卖方订立合同并支付保险费。|

44、How to determine the price for imports and exports?|In the course of business negotiation and contract conclusion, appropriate trade terms, reasonable price and favorable money of account should be chosen. Detailed method of pricing should be included in the clause of price, and price adjustment cla

45、uses should also be added in the price term if necessary. In addition, commissions and discounts could be used as a flexible way of motivating the initiatives of the supplier and expanding the sales.|如何确定进出口商品的价格?| 在对外磋商交易和签定合同时,应采用适当的贸易术语,合理确定商品的价格,选择有利的计价货币,价格条款中应列明具体的作价办法,必要时订立价格调整条款,还应灵活运用佣金和折扣,

46、以调动采购商的积极性和扩大销路。| |Pricing: the following methods of pricing can be used in international sales of goods:|Fixed pricing. The Seller delivers and the Buyer accepts the commodities at a fixed price agreed by both parities, neither party shall have the right to change the agreed price.|Flexible pricing

47、, |a. The pricing time and the pricing method are specified in the price terms, for instance: the price will be negotiated and decided by both parties 60 days before the shipment according to the international price level, “|b. Only the pricing time is fixed, for instance: to be priced on July 01,19

48、99 by both parties. |作价办法:在国际货物买卖中,可采取下列几种作价办法: |固定价格:买卖双方按约定价格交接货物和收付货款,任何一方无权要求对约定价格进行变更。|暂不固定价格:|a在价格条款中明确规定定价的时间和定价方法,如“在装船前60天,参照国际市场价格水平,协商议定正式价格”。|b只规定作价时间,如“由双方在1999年7月1日商定价格”。 价格部分固定,部分不固定:交易双方只约定近期交货部分的价格,远期交货部分的价格,则待以后商定。 |Partial fixed price and partial unfixed price. The parties concern

49、ed only fix the price for the commodities to be delivered recently, and leave the price of the commodities to be delivered in the long term open.|Floating pricing. At the time of pricing, the price adjustment is also stipulated, for instance: if the concluded price for other buyers is 5 % higher or

50、lower than the contract price, both parties will negotiate to adjust the contract price for the quantity of the contract.|价格部分固定,部分不固定:交易双方只约定近期交货部分的价格,远期交货部分的价格,则待以后商定。|滑动价格:在规定价格的同时,还规定价格调整条款。如“如卖方对其他客户的成交价高于或低于合同价5,对本合同的数量,双方协商调整价格。|Selection of Money of Account. In international trade, the money

51、 of account can be the currency of the export country, the currency of the import country, or the currency of a third country agreed by both parties, it can also be a unit of account agreed upon by both parties. As the change of the value of the selected currency may directly affect the financial in

52、terests of both parities, the parties concerned should choose the currency favorable to them during pricing. 计价货币的选择:在国际贸易当中,用来计价的货币,可以是出口国家的货币,也可以是进口国家的货币或双方同意的第三国货币,还可以是某一计账单位,由买卖双方协商确定。由于计价货物的币值变化会直接影响到进出口双方的经济利益,因此买卖双方在确定价格时应注意选择对自己有利的计价货币。|Theoretically, hard currency should be chosen for expor

53、ts and soft currency for imports. In practice, however, the selection of money of account shall depend on the business practices and intentions of both parties|If unfavorable currency has to be adopted for the conclusion of a deal,the following two remedies may be taken:to make corresponding adjustm

54、ent to the quotation according to the possible trend of the currency in the future and to get the price protected against the currency risks|从理论上来说,出口应选用硬币计价,进口则应选择软币。但在实际业务中,以什么货币作为计价货币,还应视双方的交易习惯、经营意图而定。如果为达成交易而不得不采用对我不利的货币,则可以采用|以下两种方法补救:一是根据该种货币今后可能的变动幅度,相应调整对外报价;二是争取订立保值条款,以避免计价货币汇率变动的风险。|Commi

55、ssion and DiscountCommission is the service fees charged by the agents or brokers for the transactions made for their principals,such as the commission paid by the exporter to its sales agent, and the commission paid by the importer to its purchasing agentDiscount is the price deduction allowed by t

56、he Seller to the BuyerDifferent methods are used for specifying commission and discount in the price terms|Usually the rate of commission Or discount is either clearly stated in the price,such as:US$1,200MT CIFC3New York,or expressed in specific amount,such as:US$4 discount per metric tonSometimes a

57、t the time of negotiation,both sides have reached agreement on the commission or discount which will not be stated in the contract,and the commission or discount will be paid according to the method agreed by the parties concerned| 佣金与折扣:佣金是代理人或经纪人为委托人进行交易而收取的报酬。比如出口商付给销售代理人、进口商付给购买代理人的酬金。折扣是卖方给予买方的

58、价格减让。在价格条款中,对于佣金或折扣可以有不同的规定办法。通常是在规定具体价格时,用文字明示佣金率或折扣率,如每公吨CIF纽约1200美元,佣金3;或用绝对数表示,如每公吨折扣4美元。但有时在洽谈交易时,双方对佣金或折扣的给予已达成协议并不在合同中表示出来,佣金或折扣由一方当事人按约定另付。Reading Materal|An international trade deal can involve up to four contracts and the importer must have a broad understanding of each of themThe four con

59、tracts are the contract of carriage,the export sales contract,the insurance contract, and the contract of finance|国际贸易一般涉及四个合同,这四个合同是运输合同,出口销售合同,保险合同和金融合同|There are three main areas of uncertainty as to which countrys law will be applicable to their contracts;the difficulty emerging from inadequate

60、and unreliable information;and the serious problem of the diversity、of interpretation of the various trade terms The latter point can involve costly litigation and loss of much goodwill when a dispute over the interpretation of such terms arises。|不同国家根据各自法律在运用这些合同时会有三个主要方面的不确定性困难产生于不充分不可靠的信息,严重的问题是对

61、不同贸易条款解释的多样性后面一点就是当这些贸易条款的不同解释往往导致耗资巨大的诉讼和良好意愿的丢失| The role of Incoterms 1990 is to give the businessperson a set of international rules for the interpretation of the more commonly used terms such as FOB,CIF and Ex Works in foreign trade contractsSuch a range of terms enables the businessperson to d

62、ecide which is the most suitable for their needs, knowing that the interpretation of such terms will not vary by individual country.|年国际贸易术语解释通则给了商人们在外贸合同中大量使用的诸如、和等这些贸易术语一套通用的解释规则。这一系列术语使得商人们能够决定哪个条款是他们最需要的最合适的,知道这些贸易术语不会随国家不同而解释不同。|It must be recognized, however, that it is not always possible to

63、give a precise interpretation. In such situations one must rely on the custom of the trade or port. Businesspersons are advised to use terms that are subject to varying interpretations as little as possible and to rely on the wellestablished and internationally accepted terms. To avoid any misunders

64、tandings or disputes the parties to the contract are well advised to keep trading customs of individual countries in mind when negotiating their export sales contract. |需要指出的是,通则不能对每一个术语都给予精确的解释在这种情况下就要贸易习惯了建议商人们应使用完善的国际通用的术语而尽可能少使用歧义较多的术语为避免误解和争议,贸易双方在议签合同的时候把各自国家的贸易惯例熟记在心|However, parties to the c

65、ontract may use Incoterms as the general basis of their contract, but may specify variations of them or additions to them relevant to the particular trade or circumstances. An example is the CIF plus war risk insurance. The seller would base his quotation accordingly. Special provisions in the indiv

66、idual contract between the parties will override anything in the Incoterm provisions.|同时,贸易双方在使用通则的时候应根据特殊的贸易场合增加额外的条款比如,外加战争险,卖方可以根据情况给出自己的报价交易双方所签合同里的特殊条款比通则具有优先权|A point to bear specially in mind is the need for caution in the variation, for example, of CFR, CIF or DDP; the addition of a word or

67、letter could change the contract and its interpretation. It is essential that any such variation be explicitly stated in the contract to ensure each party to the contract is aware of its obligations and acts accordingly.|有一点要特别记住的是要对不同的术语多加小心比如或,一个单词或字母的增加都会改变合同以及它的解释关键是任何不同的解释都要在合同里清楚的表达出来以确保双方知晓自己

68、的责任和行为|The buyer and seller parties to the contract must especially bear in mind that Incoterms only define their relationship in contract terms, and has no bearing directly or indirectly on the carriers obligations to them as found in the contract of carriage. However, the law of carriage will dete

69、rmine how the seller should fulfill his obligation to deliver the goods to the carrier on board the vessel as found in FOB, CFR and CIF. |买卖双方必须记住通则只是规定了合同条款里的双方关系,并没有象运输合同里那样直接或间接地规定承运方的责任然而在、和里的货运条款规定了卖方应把货物发到承运人的船舱里的责任和义务。|A further point to bear in mind by the seller and buyer is that there is n

70、o obligation for the seller to procure an insurance policy for the buyers benefit. However, in practice, many contracts request the buyer or seller to arrange insurance from the point of departure in the country of dispatch to the point of final destination chosen by the buyer.|买卖双方还需要特别记住是卖方没有责任和义务

71、为了买方的利益而购买保险。但在实际操作中,许多合同都要求卖方或买方购买出发货国家的起运点到买方规定的最终目的地的保险。|Incoterms 1990 can be divided into recommended usage by modes of transport as under all modes (i. e. combined transport), EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDP; conventional port/sea transport only FAS, FOB.CFR, CIF,DES,DEQ. Incoterms 1990 reflect t

72、he changes and development of international distribution during the past decade, especially the development of combined transportation and associated documentation together with electronic data interchange.|通则被运输模式分成了包括建议使用的包括各种运输的如:,;通常的港口海洋运输只有,通则反映了过去几十年来国际销售的发展和变化,尤其是随着电子数据交换技术的变化而引起的联合运输和相关文献的发

73、展。|Export Pricing|There is probably no greater area of complexity in carrying out international business than that introduced by the issues surrounding export pricing. Yet despite the myriad theories and anecdotes found in many exporting texts today, few tackle the pricing question from a marketing

74、point of view.|出口定价|在国际贸易中的所有实务中,在没有比出口定价更为复杂的事了,尽管在许多出口文本中有无数的理论和逸事奇闻,但从营销的角度很少能解决价格问题。|Price is the value that potential buyers will put on a product when making a purchasing decision. Most buyers have an upper price limit in mind. This is conditioned by prevailing prices in a market and influence

75、d by the attributes a product offers in relation to the buyers need and the offerings of the competition.|价格是价值,产生于潜在客户看中一种产品,做出购买决定。大多数买家在脑海里都有一个价格上限,条件是市场上国际流行价,受到买方的需求,卖方的报价以及产品的供给情况的影响。|Price is, therefore, a key element of the marketing mix and so it should be treated as such in marketing plans

76、. The problem for the internationally orientated business is that it is extremely difficult to achieve or sustain an export pricing policy where:|因此,价格是营销组合的关键要素,应象营销规划那样对待。对以出口贸易为导向的贸易来说问题是非常难以达成或保持一个出口定价政策,比如:|(1) Prices vary from market to market.|(2) Channels of distribution margins vary from ma

77、rket to market.|(3) Differing levels of tariffs, duty and VAT affect end prices (especially where these discriminate against imported products).|(4) Foreign exchange fluctuations interfere with costs and margins.|(5) Parallel traders and international customers are quick to spot markets where prices

78、 are lowest and are likely to buy in these and sell where market prices are highest.|()价格随市场不同而不同。|()市场不同销售渠道不同利润也不同。|()由于税率、关税和增殖税的不同而影响了最终价格。(尤其在那些对进口产品有贸易歧视的地方。)|()外汇汇率的波动干扰了成本和利润。|()贸易同行和国际客户会很快发现价格最低的市场,很有可能在那采购并在价格最高的市场出售。|To set an export pricing policy, therefore, you need to go back to basi

79、cs in terms of your marketing objectives. You need to treat pricing from the point of how it will influence your market building goals and how it will influence your profits.|因此,为了制定出口定价政策,你需要回到基本点考虑你的营销目标,你需要从如何影响你的市场建立目标和如何影响你的利润这些方面着手定价问题。|The traditional view of price setting involves determinin

80、g a minimum acceptable margin after costs. Yet such an approach ignores market forces and, what is more, assumes that a firms cost base is similar to those of the competitors. It is often assumed that where competitors pitch for lower prices, they are accepting lower margins. This is not always the

81、case, for very often firms which focus on the market price will be looking at ways in which to bring costs in line with what the market will pay for their products.|传统的定价策略包括决定去除成本后最低可接受的利润。然而这种方法忽略了市场力量,并且假定一个公司的成本基础和那些竞争者的相类似。通常认为竞争者定位于低价位,他们就接受低利润。事实上不总是这样,因为很多聚焦于市场价格的公司往往寻求一种方法使得消费者会花怎样的成本购买他们的产

82、品。|The issues then are:|(1)What prices can you obtain for your product?|(2) What factors will influence your ability to earn a profit from the prices you set?|那么问题是:|()对你的产品你想取得怎样的价格?|()根据你制定的价格又是什么因素影响了你的赢利能力?|To tackle these two possibly conflicting issues, you need to determine the maximum prices

83、 you can obtain for your products at a level of market share, which make your costs competitive. In simple terms: What is the minimum market share you need to achieve to become competitive in cost and price? And not what is the price you have to sell at to cover costs.|为了解决这两个可能矛盾的问题,你需要决定根据你的产品市场分额

84、,你能够取得的是最高价格,这会使得你的成本很有竞争力。简而言之:如果你在成本和价格方面很有竞争力那么你需要的最小的市场份额是什么?|而不是去除成本后你需要销售的价格?|To adopt this approach you need to have a good knowledge of your own costs and the way they behave in relation to volume changes. If you are to make a profit in the export market, then you need to understand your own costs and the expectations of your potential customers.|为了达到这样的目的,你需要了解你自己的成本和随着量的变化他们的表现方式。如果你想在出口市场上取得利润,你就需要了解自己的成本和对潜在客户的期望。



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