高中英语 Module 1 British and American English Section 2 Introduction & Reading-Language points课件 外研版必修5

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1、Section Introduction & ReadingLanguage points 课前 自主预习.重点单词1obvious Aquickly2queue Ba small control for an electrical device3confusing Cclear4compare Dto consider the similarities and differences between people or things5variety Estand in line6differ Fvary7remark Gnot easy to understand8steadily Hgra

2、dually9switch Icomment10rapidly Jkind答案:1.C2.E3.G4.D5.J6.F7.I8.H9.B10.A.重点短语1_有相同的特点2_有影响,使不相同3_四处走动(旅行),(消息)传开4_排队5_把A和B相比较6_不同于,与有区别7_与相似8_毕竟,终究9_做某事有困难10_轻按一下11_导致,引起;通向have.in commonmake a differenceget aroundqueue upstand in linecompare A with Bdiffer frombe similar toafter allhave difficulty (

3、in) doing sth.at the flick of.lead to.重点句型1句型展示:Americans use a flashlight,while for the British,its a torch.美国人用flashlight表示手电筒,而英国人用torch。名师指津:while常用来引导时间状语从句,而此处被用做并列连词,表示对比。句式仿写:He is doing his homework _ _.他在做作业而他弟弟在看电视。while his brother iswatching TV2句型展示:After all,there is probably as much v

4、ariation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.毕竟,两个国家各自内部的语言差异可能和两国之间的语言差异一样多。名 师 指 津 : 本 句 使 用 了 倍 数 表 达 法 。 (倍 数 )as much/many.as.和一样多。句式仿写:There is nearly _in that one.这个城市的污染与那个城市的污染几乎一样多。as much pollution in this city as3句型展示:Since the 1980s,with satellite TV and the Intern

5、et,it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch.自从20世纪80年代以来,随着卫星电视和因特网的使用,只要轻轻打开开关,就可能听到英式英语和美式英语。名师指津:it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to listen to British and American English at the flick of a switch。句式仿写:It _ so advanced a book.这么小的孩子读如此高深的书是不可能的。is impossible for s

6、uch a little kid to read4句型展示:This nonstop communication,the experts think,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国人和美国人相互理解起来更加容易。名师指津:it作形式宾语,动词不定式为真正宾语。句式仿写:I think it_我认为有必要学好英语。necessary to learn English well.课内 研析探究have sth.in common (with

7、 sb./sth.)和某人或某物有相同/共同之处(教材P1)We have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course,language.现在,我们同美国在各个方面都有共同点,当然,语言除外。 (1)have a lot/much/a great deal in common with.与有很多共同之处have nothing/little in common with.与没有/很少有共同之处(2)in common with sb./sth.和一样I find that the new couple h

8、ave a lot in common and get on well.我发现那对新人彼此有很多共同点,很合得来。Although they are twin sisters, they have little in common in their taste with each other.尽管是孪生姐妹,她们的品味很少彼此相同。In common with other boys,I like playing football.和其他男孩子一样,我喜欢踢足球。make a difference有关系;有重要性;产生影响(教材P1)It doesnt make much of a differ

9、ence whether a teacher speaks British or American English.教师讲英式英语还是美式英语并没有多大关系。(1)make no difference (to sb./sth.)对某人/物没有作用或影响,对某人/物不重要make some difference (to sb./sth.)对某人/物有些作用或影响(2)tell the difference 分辨,区分,区别 It isnt what you have done but what you will do that makes a difference.重要的不是你做了什么而是你将要

10、做什么。(牛津P553)Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not.你能否得到这个工作与年龄无关。Believe it or not,it makes no difference to me what you say.信不信由你,你说什么对我没关系。obvious adj.显然的;明显的;显而易见的。(教材P2)The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary.第一个最明显的地方是词汇。(1)It is obvious (to sb.) th

11、at从句,对某人来说,是显然的。(2)obviously adv.明显地,显然地,常用于句首,用来修饰全句。I know you dont like her but try not to make it so obvious.我明白你不喜欢她,但是尽量别表露得那么明显。It is obvious that China can make a difference in the world today and tomorrow.很明显,在当今世界和以后的世界,中国将发挥它的影响力。Obviously he cant tell the difference between them.显然他无法区别二

12、者的不同。get around观光;四处走动(旅行);传播,流传(教材P2)As a tourist,you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York,or maybe you will prefer to get around the town by taxi (British) or cab (American)作为一个旅游者,你需要利用伦敦或纽约的地铁,或者你愿意做出租车来游览城市。Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news gets

13、 around quickly.(谚语)好事不出门,坏事传千里。Dont get around in the forest,or youll get lost.在森林里不要四处走动,否则你会迷路的。get away from摆脱;逃离get over克服;从(疾病、震惊等)中恢复常态get through用完;完成;接通(电话)get on/along (with)进展;相处get down to (doing) sth.开始(做);开始认真对待We are certain that he will get over his illness.我们相信他一定会战胜病魔的。I rang you s

14、everal times but wasnt able to get through.我几次打电话给你但都没打通。confusing adj.令人困惑的;难以理解的(教材P2)Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning,which can be confusing.有时候同一个单词的含义有微小的差别,这可能会使人混淆。(1)confuse vt.使迷惑;使难于理解confuse A with/and B把A和B相混淆(2)confused adj.感到迷惑的,感到难懂的be confused by sth.被搞糊涂了get/

15、become confused困惑,不知所措(3)confusion n困惑,混乱;混淆in confusion困惑地;困窘地The confusing problem made most students puzzled.这个令人困惑的问题把多数学生难住了。What he said was so confusing that I didnt know what to do.他的话如此令人费解以至于我不知做什么。Dont confuse her with her sister.They are much alike.别把她和她姐姐混淆了,她们非常相像。compare vt.& vi.比较,比照

16、,比得上(教材P2)Prepositions,too,can be different:compare on the team,on the weekend (American) with in the team,at the weekend (British)介词的用法也有所不同:比较一下on the team,on the weekend (美式)和in the team,at the weekend(英式)。compare.with.和比较;比起来compare.to把比作compared to/with和相比(通常作状语)Dont compare your weak points wi

17、th others strong points.不要拿你自己的缺点与别人的优点比。Teachers are often compared to a candle.老师们经常被比作蜡烛。Comparing the youth to the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.毛泽东主席通过把年轻人比作八、九点钟的太阳,表达了对年轻人寄予的殷切希望。Compared with her elder sister, she does well in English.和她

18、姐姐相比,她的英语学得很好。variety n种类;多样性(教材P2)The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.另外两个不同之处是拼写和发音。One of the advantages is that we can find a variety of topics,such as science,culture and history.其中优势之一是我们能够找到各种主题,如:科学,文化,历史等。We have various summer camps for your

19、 holidays.You can choose one based on your own interests.我们有各种各样的暑期夏令营,你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一种。Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons.由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了。differ vi.不同;有区别(教材P2)The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.两种英语另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。 (1)differ

20、 from sb./sth.与某人或某物有区别、相异differ in.在某方面不同differ with/from sb.about/on sth.不同意,持异议(2)different adj.不同的,有区别的be different in在某方面不同be different from不同于,与有区别(3)difference n区别,差别We differ with your opinion on that point.在那个问题上我们和你的意见不一致。Things in the world differ from each other in a thousand ways.Things

21、 in the world are different from each other in a thousand ways.世界上的事物是千差万别的。They differ widely in their opinions.他们意见分歧很大。have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难(教材P2)A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.一个伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人讲话可能比理解一个纽约人更难

22、。 (1)have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有些/很多困难have some/much difficulty with sth.做某事有一些/很多困难(2)with difficulty困(艰)难地without difficulty轻而易举地When I came to America,I had a lot of difficulty making myself understood.我刚到美国时,想让人听懂我的话很难。Not knowing his telephone number, she had some difficulty in

23、getting in touch with Bill.不知道比尔的电话号码,她很难与他取得联系。As you know,I have some difficulty with my English.正如你所知道的一样,我在英语学习方面有困难。 lead to导致;通向;引起(to为介词)(教材P3)But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English,so that some people now believe that British English will di

24、sappear.但这也导致了大量美语单词和句式结构进入英式英语,以至于现在有一些人认为英式英语将要消失。lead to sb.doing sth.使得某人做某事lead sb.to do sth.使得某人去做某事lead sb.to sp.带领某人去某个地方It was hard work that led to his success.正是努力的工作使他迈向成功。As far as I know,it was careless driving that led to this accident.据我所知,粗心驾驶导致了这次事故。My dream leads me to work hard.M

25、y dream leads to me working hard.我的梦想让我努力工作。I still remember the day when my father led me to school.我仍然记得我父亲带我去学校的那一天。The new evidence led to the thief being caught by the police.新的证据导致小偷被警察抓住了。.单句语法填空1 Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_(compare) with his old one.答案:compared2The teacher did

26、nt explain the problem clearly,so many students were_(confuse)答案:confused3 As far as I know, he differs from his brother_looks.答案:in4You cant imagine what difficulty we had_(walk) home in the snowstorm.答案:walking5Does it make any_(different) whether we have a meeting today or tomorrow?答案:difference6

27、The news that many drinks contain chemical materials causing cancer shocked the public,leading_great concern about food safety.答案:to7The news that the famous actress,Liu Xiaoqing,got married secretly in America got_quickly.答案:around8Lets go to give the stranger a hand._(obvious) hes got into some tr

28、ouble.答案:Obviously.完成句子1The noise outside the window_to us students.窗外的噪声对我们学生没有影响。答案:makes no difference2 Generally speaking, the music of one country _her culture.一般地说,一个国家的音乐和她的文化有许多共同之处。答案:has a lot in common with3 Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they_size and shape.在各种各样的树上都可看到树叶,但是

29、它们大小不同,形状各异。答案:differ greatly in 4With the boy leading the way,they_my house.由小男孩带路,他们毫不费力就找到了我家。答案:had no difficulty (in) finding5Hard work_and failure often lies in laziness.辛勤工作通向成功,失败常在于懒惰。答案:leads to successAmericans use a flashlight,while for the British,its a torch.美国人用flashlight表示手电筒,而英国人用to

30、rch。while常用来引导时间状语从句,而此处被用做并列连词,表示对比。He is doing his homework while his brother is watching TV.他在做作业而他弟弟在看电视。Some people waste food while others havent enough.有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。(1)虽然;尽管(2)当时候(3)只要While he loves his students,he is very strict with them.虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。While she was listening to th

31、e radio,she fell asleep.她听着收音机睡着了。You dont have to worry while we are here.只要我们在这儿,你就别着急。It doesnt make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English.教师讲英国英语还是美国英语并没有多大关系。It为形式主语,whether a teacher speaks British or American English为真正的主语。It doesnt matter whether you win o

32、r not and the most important thing is to take part.输赢不重要,重在参与。Its clear that learning English well is very important to us.显然,学好英语对我们来说很重要。This nonstop communication,the experts think,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国人和美国人相互理解起来更容易。make i

33、t adj.(for sb.) to do.是固定句型,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语,it后面的形容词作宾语补足语。The teacher made it a rule to begin her class with greetings.老师把上课前互相问候作为一种习惯。The teacher made it a rule to begin her class with greetings.老师把上课前互相问候作为一种习惯。The heavy snow made it more difficult for me to go to school.这场大雪让我上学更难了。He

34、made it clear that he didnt agree with what I said.他明确表示不同意我所说的。.句型转换1We had difficulty in arriving at school on time because of the rain.The rain_ _ _for us_ _at school on time.答案:made it difficult;to arrive2Please make a correction at the place where there is a mistake.Please make a correction_the

35、re is a mistake.答案:where3I write a diary every night,and it is a rule._ _ _ _ _ _a diary every night.答案:It is a rule to write4Although I like the color of the hat,I do not like its shape._I like the color of the hat,I do not like its shape.答案:While.完成句子1_(尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助),I dont think its a good idea

36、 to spend too much time on it.答案:while the Internet is of great help2Are you ready for Spain?Yes,I want the girls to experience that_(趁着年轻)答案:while they are young3I find_(有必要学好英语)答案:it necessary to learn English well4He feels_(帮助他人是他的职责) when they are in trouble.答案:it his duty to help others5_(不重要) whether you join in the discussion.答案:It doesnt matter谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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