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1、Unit-8-Is-there-a-Unit-8-Is-there-a-post-office-near-here-post-office-near-here-全单元课件全单元课件post officepolice stationhotelrestaurantbankhospitalstreetpay phoneparkA: Is there a_ near here?post officeB: Yes, there is. No, there isnt. There is a _near here. post officepolice stationhotelpolice stationho

2、telPracticeA: Is there a _near here?B: Yes, there is. No, there isnt.There are some _ near here.No, there arent.B: Yes, there are.A: Are there any _near here?banksbanksparksparksIs there a bank near here?Yes, there is. Its on Long Street.Pairwork: Ask and answer.1.post office_2.police station _ 3.ho

3、tel _4.restaurant_5.bank _6.hospital _7.street _8.pay phone _9.park _1a f a e i c b h g d1b1.post office_2.police station _ 3.hotel _4.restaurant_5.bank _6.hospital _7.street _8.pay phone _9.park _Listen and circleListen again and fill in the blanks.1.A: Is there a restaurant _ Bridge Street? B: Yes

4、, _ _.2.A: Is there a post office _ here? B: Um, yes, there is. Theres one_Long Street. 3.A: Is there a _on Center Street? B:No, there_.isnthospitalontherenearisonThere is a hospital on the Bridge Street.There is a hospital near the police station.There is a hospital near the police station on the B

5、ridge Street.Progress: Look and say.There is . on . Street near the . There be 句型句型:1. There is / are . 某人/某物+ 某地. 意为某地有某物。 be后面紧跟的名词若是单数或是不可数名词,be用is形式;若是复数形式,be用are形式。E.g.: There is a supermarket on Green Street. There is lots of water in this lake. (lots of = a lot of ) There are many books in th

6、e school library.2.当there be 后面有两个以上的名词时,be的形式由离它最近的那个名词的数的形式决定,即符合就近原则。E.g.: There are two pens and a pencil in the pencil-case. There is a pen and two pens in the pencil-case.3. There be 句型的否定形式为:There is not/There are not; 一般疑问句的形式是:Is /Are there. ?意为”某地有某物吗“?E.g.: There are not seven books on th

7、e bookcase. Is there any ink in the bottle? There be 句型:句型:“某地有某物某地有某物”1. There be +人人/物物 + 地点状地点状语2. 一般疑一般疑问句:句:be 动词直接提前。直接提前。 否定句:否定句:be动词后加后加not。3. be 动词由后面由后面名名词的的单复数复数决定,若是决定,若是 多个名多个名词,则由由最近最近一个名一个名词决定。(决定。(就就近原近原则)4. have/ has指指 “某人有某物某人有某物”,它表示,它表示“所有、所有、拥有有”关系。关系。there have的句型不能用。的句型不能用。5.

8、 some 用于肯定句,用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑用于否定句和疑问句。句。Exercises用用be 动词的正确形式填空。动词的正确形式填空。1.There _ a pen near the ruler.2. There _ two books on the table3. There _ a pen and two books on the table.4. There _ two books and a pen on the table.areisisare1. 某地有某物。There is + a/an + n. + in the .1 有2 某物3 在某地 (介词短语)There

9、 are + (some) + n.-s + in the .1.在桌子上有一些橙汁。在桌子上有一些橙汁。2.在书橱里有一些书和一本字典。在书橱里有一些书和一本字典。3.在地上有一个篮球和一些钥匙。在地上有一个篮球和一些钥匙。4.在客厅里有一些水果。在客厅里有一些水果。5.在街上有一些水果店。在街上有一些水果店。6.厨房有一些面包。厨房有一些面包。There is some orange juice on the table. some books and a dictionaryThere are in the bookcase. a basketball and some keysTher

10、e is on the floor. some fruitThere is in the living room. fruit storesThere are on the street. some breadThere is in the chicken.2. 某地没有某物。There isnt + a/an + n. + in the .1 没有2 某物 3 在某地 (介词短语)There arent + (any) + n.-s + in the .1.在桌子上上没有一些手表.2.在书包里没有(一些)字典.3.餐馆附近没有一个邮局.4.学校没有多少老师.5.在第六条大街上没有银行.6.学

11、校附近没有医院学校附近没有医院.There arent any watches on the desk.There arent any dictionaries in the schoolbag.There isnt a post office near the restaurant.There arent any teachers in the school.There isnt a bank on Sixth Street.There isnt a hospital near the school.3. 某地有某物吗?Is there + a/an + n. + in the ?1 有2

12、某物 3 在某地吗 (介词短语)Are there + (any) + n.-s + in the ?1.在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗?2.在第五条大街上有一家超市吗?3.在你家附近有宾馆吗?4.在宾馆旁边有银行吗?5.在邮局附近有餐馆吗?6.在你家有兄弟姐妹?吗?Is there a pay phone next to the library?Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue?Is there a hotel near your home?Is there a bank near the hotel?Is there a restaurant ne

13、ar the post office?Are there any brothers and sisters in your family?用用have/has, there be填空:填空: 1. I_ a good father and a good mother. 2. _some books on the desk. 3. He_ a basketball. 4. _a bank on Long Street. 6. They_ a nice garden. 7. What do you _? 8. _ a reading-room in the building? 9. What do

14、es Mike_? Is there There arehavehavehavehashaveThere isExercise:按要求改写句子1.Theres a post office near here. There _ a post office near here.(否定句) _ _ a post office near here?(一般疑问句) Yes,_ _.(肯定回答)2.Theres a pen in his backpack. (同义句) He _ a pen in the backpack.3.There are 34 students in our class.(对划线部

15、分提问) _ _ students _ _ in your class?4.There are a lot of apples in the tree. (对划线部分提问) _ _ in the tree?isntIstherethereishasHowmanyarethereWhatareHomework1. 这附近有一个银行。2有一个公用电话在中心大街上。3. 有一个超市在第五大道上。 4. 学校附近有一个医院。5. 超市附近有一个银行吗?6. 超市附近有银行吗?7. 有两个邮局在中心大街上。8. 大桥街上的警局附近有一个餐馆。9.中心街的公园附近有一个酒店。Unit 8Is there

16、a post office near here?Section A 2a-2dIs there . near here?Yes, there is. Its on . Street.on the boxunder the boxin the box-Where is the soccer ball?-Its the box.-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next

17、 to-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.across fromLong streetbigsmall-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _between the big box and the small box. Streetsupermarketpay phonenext toon the streetpostofficelibraryFifth AveBridge Streetacross fromnearacr

18、oss fromnext tobetweenandin front ofbehind在在附近附近在在对面对面贴近,紧挨着贴近,紧挨着在在和和之间之间在在前面前面在在之后之后Where is the pay phone?Its across from the library.across fromWhere is the pay phone?Its next to the library.next tobetweenandWhere is the pay phone?Its between the post office and the library.Where is the pay phon

19、e?Its on the Green Street.on Where is the pay phone?Its in front of the library.in front ofWhere is the pay phone?Its behind the library.behind across from / next to /between and on / in front of / behindA:Where is the-?B: Its462351 1.The pay phone is across from the library.2.The pay phone is next

20、to the library.3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4.The pay phone is on Green Street.5.The pay phone is in front of the library.6.The pay phone is behind the library.1.The police station is _2. the restaurant and hospital.2. The park is _the bank.3. The hospital is _Bridge St

21、reet.4. The pay phone is _ the post office.5. The restaurant is _ the post office.6. The hotel is _the police station.betweenacross fromonnext toListen and fillin front ofbehind2b1.Excuse me. Is there a library around here? Yes. Its between the restaurant and the supermarket.2. Wheres the park? The

22、park? Oh, its across from the bank.3. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket around here? Yes, its on Fifth Avenue.4. Wheres the pay phone? Its next to the post office.5. Excuse me. Is there a restaurant around me? Yes. Its in front of the post office.6. Wheres the hotel? The hotel ? Its behind the libra

23、ry. across from next to between and on in front of behindA:Where is the-?B: ItsLook at the map in 1a on page 43Read the conversation in 2d answer the questions. 1. Where does Tony want to go? _ 2. Who is new in town? _ 3. Where is the bank? _ _ 4. Is there a park near the bank? _He wants to go to th

24、e bank.TonyIts on the Center Street across from the park.Yes, there is.2d Role- play the conversation.Tony: Hi, excuse me.Linda: Yes. How can I help you?Tony: Well, Im new in town. Is there a bank near here?Linda: Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Its across from the park. Tony: Wheres Center Str

25、eet?Linda: Its not far from here. I can walk with you.Tony: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much.Linda: No problem.我如何才能帮助你?我如何才能帮助你?新来的,初到的新来的,初到的远离远离我可以陪你走过去。我可以陪你走过去。1.在教室的前边没有教师.2.在教室的前边没有树(tree).3.在小汽车的前边有一位司机.4.在小汽车的前边有一位学生.5.我站在你们的前边.6.我站在教室的前边.There isnt a teacher in the front of the classroom.Th

26、ere arent any trees in front of the classroom.There is a driver in the front of the car.There is a student in front of the car.Im standing in front of you.I am standing in the front of the classroom.in front of 和和in the front of的区别的区别 Excuse me. Wheres the?Is there a near here/in the neighborhood?Ca

27、n you tell me how to get to the?Can you tell me the way to the?How can I get to the?Ask for directions(问路)Give directions(指路)Its on your right/left.Go straight (along).Go down/up/alongStreet.Turn right/left (at 2nd crossing)点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频in front ofacross frombehindnext tobetween.and.Look at the p

28、icture. Theres a school in the picture. Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital.Can you see the post office? Its_ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park. on behind next to between across from in fron

29、t ofWhere is the police station?Its between the restaurant and the hospital on Bridge Street.Where is the hospital?Its next to the police station on the Bridge Street.Pairwork: Look and sayB: Its .A: Where is the .?Is there a pay phone on North Street?Yes, theres one next to the police station.Are t

30、here any restaurants near here?Yes, theres one in front of the police station on North Road. No, there isnt. Theres one on New street.Is there a bank near the pay phone?Is there .?Yes, there is. Its .Pairwork: Practice the conversation like thisNo, there isnt. Its.1.Wheres the bank?2._3.2. Is there

31、a restaurant on North Street?4._5.3. Wheres the pay phone?6._7.4. Wheres the post office?8._9.5. Is there a hospital near the pay phone?10._3a.Answer the questions.Its between the hospital and the post office on New Street.Yes, theres one across from the police station.Its next to the police station

32、 on North Street .Its next to the bank on New Street.No, there isnt. Theres one on New Street.The bank is next to the hospital and across from the park._3b. Look at the map and write the sentences.1.The bank is between the hospital and the post office on New Street.2. The park is between Center Street and New Street.3. There is a restaurant on North Street.-Is it on Bridge Street? - Yes, it is.- Yes, it is. - Yes, it is.-Is it next to the police station?-Is it the restaurant?结束结束



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