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1、新概念英语第三册第6课分析解析Summary writing for L5 Though the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he didnt send them at once. Meanwhile, the editor was getting inpatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. When the last fa

2、x as unanswered, the article was published in its original form. The journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall.Editors of newspapers and magazines often _ _ _ to provide their readers with _ facts and

3、 _. Last year a _ had been _ by a well-known magazine to write an article on the presidents _ in a new African republic. When the _ arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to _it. The article began: Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the presidents palace. T

4、he editor at once sent the _ a fax instructing him to _ _ the exact number of steps and the _ of the wall. The journalist immediately _ _to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that

5、 if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been _to send a fax _ _ he informed the _ that he had been arrested while

6、counting the 1, 084 steps _ _ the fifteen-foot wall which _the presidents palace.New words for L6:smashand-grab 1) smash v. 粉碎,击溃,碰撞粉碎,击溃,碰撞Eg. (1) He got drunk and began to smash things. (2)The car smashed into a wall.crash.v.n.碰撞,坠毁碰撞,坠毁Eg. (1)The bus crashed into a tree. (2)The computer crashed (

7、stopped working) 电脑死机了 (3)Stock market crashed . 股市崩盘。destroy.v. 破坏,摧毁,毁灭破坏,摧毁,毁灭Eg. All his hope were destroyed 2)grab.u.抢,夺,急抓抢,夺,急抓 grab sth .from sb./sth. grab at sth. 设法抓住设法抓住Eg. (1) He grabbed at the opportunity of going abroad. grab off 抢走,事先得到抢走,事先得到eg. The people who got to the show first g

8、rabbed off the best seats.Snatch .v. 抢夺抢夺 (seize sth. quickly, sometimes rudely)Eg. She snatched the letter from me.snatch up 夺取grasp .v. 紧紧抓住紧紧抓住 理解,领会理解,领会 (seize sth. firmly with hands)Eg. (1)He grasped my hands warmly.(2)She never could grasp how to do it. clutch .v. 抓住(抓住(-at)(frightened)Eg. A

9、drowning man will clutch at straws. 病急乱投医 seize .v.抓住(抓住(eagerly ; 侵袭,占据(心理)侵袭,占据(心理) seize power ;夺取政权;夺取政权be seized with panic 惊惶失措惊惶失措 l arcade .n. 有拱廊的街道(两旁没有商店)有拱廊的街道(两旁没有商店)l Piccadilly .n. 皮卡迪利大街皮卡迪利大街l jewellery .n. 珠宝(总称)珠宝(总称) jewel .n. 宝石 jewel box/case ruby 红宝石;sapphire 蓝宝石;jade 翡翠 agate

10、 玛瑙 precious stone 宝石l necklace .n.项链项链 lace .n. 花边,饰带花边,饰带 shoelace 鞋带6. ring n. 戒指戒指 a wedding ring; an engagement ring; an earring ; ring-finger 无名指; box ring 拳击赛场 third-ring road 三环路 background n.背景;花色的底子(本文);家庭出身背景;花色的底子(本文);家庭出身social /political background background music / knowledge / inform

11、ationbe / remain / keep in the background 处在幕后处在幕后Eg. (1)Her dress has pink flowers on a white background. American literature and American cultural background. 美国文学和文化背景(2)Abraham Lincoln came from an impoverished (贫寒的)background.velvet .n.天鹅绒,丝绒天鹅绒,丝绒 an iron hand in a velvet glove 外柔内刚,口蜜腹剑 a vel

12、vet paw 笑面虎head light .n.(汽车等汽车等)前灯前灯blare .v.发嘟嘟声,吼叫发嘟嘟声,吼叫well-staffed. adj .人手充足的;人手充足的; under-staffed 人手不够的人手不够的staff .n. 全体工作人员(集体名词)(单全体工作人员(集体名词)(单/复)复)Eg. The staff is/are working efficiently. keep / have the staff in ones own hand 拥有财产,大权在握拥有财产,大权在握on the staff (being a member of)Eg. Its go

13、od to have you on the staff 和你一起共事真好。crew (车,船,飞机上的)全体工作人员(车,船,飞机上的)全体工作人员(总称总称)cast (all the actors in a film or a play) 全体演职人员全体演职人员faculty (all the teachers in a university) 全体教师全体教师(大学) raid .n.抢劫(抢劫(a short attack to cause damage) a night raid 夜间袭击; an air raid 空袭make a raid on the bank 抢劫银行,“对

14、对抢劫抢劫”Eg. The police raided the gambling-house. 查抄赌场attack .n. v.攻击,袭击攻击,袭击 make a violent attack on 对进行猛烈攻击assault .n.v. 袭击,攻击,殴打,强暴袭击,攻击,殴打,强暴assail .v. 攻击,猛击(书面语)攻击,猛击(书面语)Eg. (1)They made an assault on / upon the enemys position(2)He was assailed with worries .他为烦恼所困扰(3) A mugger(抢劫者)assailed hi

15、m on the dark street. scramble v.n.爬行,争夺,匆忙做某事爬行,争夺,匆忙做某事Eg. (1) I scrambled up the rock for a better look at the sea.(2) The European powers scrambled for trading posts in the areas that had been opened up. 欧洲列强在贸易对外开放地区纷纷抢占一席之地。 scramble to do ; scramble for sth. 争先恐后,争夺争先恐后,争夺 scramble for power

16、and wealth 争权夺利 scramble ones brains 想不明白Eg. It scrambled my brains to hear that he was put into prison. scrambled eggs 炒蛋 fantastic .adj. 极大的,奇特的,古怪的,幻想的极大的,奇特的,古怪的,幻想的at a fantastic speed 以极快的速度fantastic sums of money 一大笔钱a fantastic view of the city from the mountain top incredible. adj. 难以置信的,好极

17、了的难以置信的,好极了的Eg. For such a tiny woman she had an incredible appetite.marvelous .adj. 好极了的,精彩的,奇异的好极了的,精彩的,奇异的Eg. It was a marvelous performanceashtray .n. 烟灰缸烟灰缸(托盘) saucer 浅碟 ;flying saucer飞碟 岁月无痕,沉淀时光 Q: How did Mr. Taylor try to stop the thieves?1. empty .adj.Eg. (1)Im empty (hungry). empty mind

18、内心空虚(2) The arcade was empty / busy. 表示“空无一人”:The street is deserted at midnight.Is this seat taken / saved ?Its an open seat. Go ahead.2. admire .v. 欣赏欣赏(Look at sth. with pleasure or satisfaction); 赞赏,钦佩赞赏,钦佩(have a high regard for)Eg. (1) Come and admire the view !(2) I gave her an admiring look.

19、(3) I admire your conduct. 3. window display .橱窗展示橱窗展示 go window shoppingwindow-dressing (商店的)橱窗布置 show: fashion show ; talk show; baby show the Spring Festival Entertainment Show 春节联欢晚会exhibition : 大型展览大型展览(formal) expo .n. 博览会博览会 make an exhibition of oneself “出丑,表现不得体出丑,表现不得体”( to behave in a ver

20、y silly or embarrassing way)Eg. The handsome gentleman stripped on (绊倒)the carpet and made quite an exhibition of himself. 4. gaze at :凝视凝视( to look at sth. for a long time because sth. is very beautiful or interesting without consciousness)Eg. He sat there gazing at the fire. gape at :目瞪口呆地注视目瞪口呆地注

21、视 (to look at sth .with your mouth open especially when you are scared or surprised)Eg. People stood gaping at WTC(World Trade Centre) as the building began to crumble in a fraction of a second “瞬间,眨眼间”glare at :怒目而视怒目而视 ( to look at sb. very angrily)stare at : 盯着盯着( to look at sth. directly for a l

22、ong time)eg (1) He entered the classroom and all the students stared at him(2) I stared at her in amazement 惊奇地glance at 一瞥;扫视(有意识地)一瞥;扫视(有意识地)catch a glimpse of / catch sight of 一眼瞥见;突然看见(无意识地或者被动地)一眼瞥见;突然看见(无意识地或者被动地) 5. The silence was broken when a large car,with its head lights on and its horn

23、blaring,roared down the street.1)brokenEg.(1)The marriage is broken. (2)The peace was broken. (3)The deadlock is broken.僵局被打破break the ice 破冰;创造新局面破冰;创造新局面 break the silenceEg. The atmosphere of the party was at first very stiff,but the host broke the ice with an amusing story.2)roar v.(动物)咆哮;(引擎)轰隆

24、声;喧哗动物)咆哮;(引擎)轰隆声;喧哗roar down / along / past / awayeg (1)Cars roared past(us). (2)The automobile roared away.3)blare v. n 鸣叫鸣叫; (喇叭喇叭)发出的嘟嘟声发出的嘟嘟声Eg. car horns blared. 4)with (without)独立主格结构独立主格结构:常作伴随或原因状语。常作伴随或原因状语。 with后面的名词与其后面的后面的名词与其后面的adj、adv、介短、介短在逻辑上是主谓关系。在逻辑上是主谓关系。(1) with +n. +adv.通常表一种伴随

25、,指某种情况持续进行通常表一种伴随,指某种情况持续进行eg.(1)With so many visitors about, we go stuck on the road.(2)Tom hurried out of the room, with the TV still on.(2) with +n. +doingeg. (1) I cant concentrate on my work with so many people coming and going. (2) She entered the hall with everybody staring at her.(3) with +n

26、. +done.eg. (1) With my daughter taken good core of by my mother, I went on holiday. (2) With the work finished, they went home. (4) with +n. +介短介短eg. (1) He stood at the gate with his hands in his pockets. (2) She was reading a newspaper with her back against the window.(5) with +n. +adj.eg. (1) Wi

27、th the window open, I was greeted with perfume of jasmine. “茉莉花的香味迎面扑来” (2) The girl looked at him with full of admiration.(6) with +n. +to doeg. With so much work to do(表原因),he stayed up all night.(7) with +n. +名词名词eg. The old lady lived single, with Peter her only relative. 6 6、 come to(表趋向表趋向) a

28、stop /pause暂停暂停/ halt 停止停止 grind(磨碎;嘎吱地擦)to a stop 嘎吱一声停下来嘎吱一声停下来 come to a close 接近尾声接近尾声eg. The ceremony(典礼;仪式) came to a close. 大会闭幕了。 come to an end 接近尾声接近尾声eg. The war came to an end. come to a decision /conclusion 作出决定作出决定 / 得出结论得出结论;come to an agreement 达成协议达成协议; come to fame 成名成名 come to a s

29、uccess 获得成功获得成功; come to silence安静下来安静下来 come to a climax 达到高潮达到高潮 7 7、 stay at the wheel (轮子;方向盘) 留在车里 spin (v.像陀螺一样旋转) ones wheels. 虚度光阴eg. The playboy always has nothing to do and just spins his wheels. put ones shoulders to the wheel 助某人一臂之力;鼎力相助eg. The former president Bush put his shoulders to

30、 his sons wheel.8 8、 begin /start:begin /start:+doing: 有时表示有意识的行为有时表示有意识的行为 +to do : 不可表示有意识的行为;动词为静态动词时(表状态不可表示有意识的行为;动词为静态动词时(表状态)试比较试比较 动词动词+doing 与与 动词动词+to do:+doing 表重复性、习惯性动作;表重复性、习惯性动作; +to do 表示一次性动作;表示一次性动作;eg. (1) I dont like reading books in bed. (2) I didnt like to disturb you this morn

31、ing.有时有时doing的逻辑主语可能泛指人们,而的逻辑主语可能泛指人们,而to do的逻辑主语通常的逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。是句子的主语。eg. (1) I scorn telling lies. (2) I scorn to tell lies.在在need, want, require, demand, deserve 等动词后面,等动词后面,+doing:主动表示被动的意识;或者:主动表示被动的意识;或者+to be done.eg . Your room needs cleaning / to be cleaned. 9、表示、表示“忙于忙于”的短语:的短语: be busy (

32、in) doing sth. “忙于做,埋头于忙于做,埋头于” be busy at (with ,about, over ) sth. “忙于,埋头于忙于,埋头于” * be taken up with sth. 忙于;全力以赴从事忙于;全力以赴从事eg. (1) Hes taken up with his new job. (2) He seems to be very much taken up with that pretty French girl .他似乎对那个漂亮的法国姑娘很感兴趣。* be up to 胜任,从事于胜任,从事于 eg. What tricks has she b

33、een up to (playing) ?她在玩什么把戏?* be up to ones ears / eyes / neck in sth. 忙得不可开交忙得不可开交 eg. Ive been up to my neck in paperwork all week.be tied up with sth. (tie sb. up)忙于,脱不了身忙于,脱不了身 eg As far as I can say this work will tie me up for the next fortnight (两周,十四天).* be wrapped with sth. eg He was too b

34、usy being wrapped with his career to take care of his family. 10. help oneself to sth. (1) take sth. that you want “ 自用,自取所需,随意吃自用,自取所需,随意吃 / 用用”Eg. (1) He helped himself to a bottle of beer. (2) Tom helped himself to some candy without asking.(2) to steal sth. 擅自取用,占为己有;偷,抢擅自取用,占为己有;偷,抢Eg. The thie

35、f caught on the spot when he was helping himself to the money from the safe in the shop.at a fantastic speed / atatremendousspeed atahigh speed / at a full speedwithgreatspeed11. get away with sth. 携携而潜逃而潜逃Eg. The criminal got away with public fund.(公款) run away with sb. 私奔私奔Eg. She ran away with he

36、r fancy man (情夫). walk off with sth. 顺手牵羊顺手牵羊 stow away 偷渡偷渡Eg. Many early immigrants in America stowed away from South America.12. Thousands of pounds worth of diamondsten Yuan worth of applesidioms 关于色彩的关于色彩的:white lies 善意的谎言;善意的谎言; black magic 巫术巫术;blue blood 贵族血统贵族血统;look blue 忧郁忧郁;blue jokes 黄色

37、笑话黄色笑话;yellow pages 电话薄电话薄;feel in the pink 兴高采烈兴高采烈 green hand 新手新手Special difficulties 难点难点前缀构词法前缀构词法前缀构词法前缀构词法:1 dis加在形容词前- agreeable(使人愉快的) disagreeable(不愉快的)- content(满意的 vt.使满足) discontent(不满的 vt.令人不满 n.不满)- graceful(优美的) disgraceful(使失体面的, 耻辱的)- honest(诚实的, 正直的) dishonest(不诚实的)- satisfactory(

38、满意的) dissatisfactory(不满意的)加在名词前- agreement(同意) disagreement(意见不同)- honesty(诚实, 正直) dishonesty(不诚实, 不老实)- ability(能力, 才干) disability(无力, 无能)- grace(优美, 雅致) disgrace(耻辱)- comfort(舒适 vt.安慰) discomfort(不舒适 vt.使不舒适)可以加在动词前- agree(同意) disagree(不同意)- appear(出现) disappear(消失, 不见)- believe(相信, 信任) disbelieve

39、(不信, 怀疑)在名词前加dis得到动词, 表示除去、解除。- courage(n.勇气, 精神) discourage(vt.使气馁)- root(n.根, 根部) disroot / unroot(vt.连根拔除)- mask(n.面具, 掩饰 v.戴面具, 掩饰) unmask / dismask(vt.揭露, 暴露)- burden(n.担子, 负担 v.负担) disburden(v.解除负担)2il - 加在以加在以i开头的形容词之前开头的形容词之前- legal(法律的, 法定的) illegal(违法的)- logical(合乎逻辑的) illogical(不合逻辑的)- li

40、terate(有文化的 n.学者) illiterate(没受教育的 n.文盲)3im - 加在以加在以b, m, p开头的形容词之前开头的形容词之前- possible(可能的) impossible(不可能的)- mortal(必死的, 人类的) immortal(不朽的)- moral(道德的) immoral(不道德的)- balanced(平衡的) imbalanced(不平衡的)- balance (n.平衡) imbalance(n.不平衡) 4ir - 加在以加在以r开头的形容词之前开头的形容词之前- regular(规则的) irregular(不规则的)- rational

41、(理性的) irrational(无理性的)- resistible(可抵抗的) irresistible(不可抵抗的)5in -主要用于其它字母开头的词之前主要用于其它字母开头的词之前- human(adj.人性的) inhuman(adj.野蛮的)- correct(adj.正确的) incorrect(adj.不正确的)- justice(n.正义, 公平) injustice(n.不正义, 不公平)- sincere(adj.真诚的) insincere(adj.虚假的, 不真诚的) 6un -只能用于形容词和动词之前只能用于形容词和动词之前“不不”- happy(adj.快乐的) u

42、nhappy(adj.不幸的, 不快乐的)- friendly(adj.友好的) unfriendly(adj.不友好的)- lucky(adj.幸运的) unlucky(adj.不幸的)“无无”- conditional(adj.有条件的) unconditional(adj.无条件的)- limited(adj.有限的) unlimited(adj.无限的)“非非”- official(adj.官方的, 正式的) unofficial(adj.非官方的, 非正式的)- just(adj.正义的, 公正的) unjust(adj.不公平的)“未未”(主要用于过去分词之前)(主要用于过去分词之

43、前)- undecided(adj.未定的) unfinished(adj.未完成的)- unexpected(adj.未预料到) unhurt(adj.没有受伤的) 用于动词之前表示做相反的动作用于动词之前表示做相反的动作- lock(v.锁, 锁上) unlock(vt.开.锁)- tie(vt.系, 打结) untie(vi.松开, 解开)- cover(vt.覆盖) uncover(vt.揭开, 揭露)- pack(vt.包装) unpack(v.打开包裹)- dress(v.穿衣) undress(vt.使脱衣服)- load(v.装载) unload(v.卸货)Exercise:1

44、 polite(adj.有礼貌的) impolite(adj.无礼的, 粗鲁的)2 agree disagree3 legible(adj.清晰的, 易读的) illegible(adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的)4 accurate(adj.正确的, 精确的) inaccurate(adj.错误的, 不准确的)5 locked unlocked6 regular irregularMultiple choice questions 多项选择多项选择1.B正确ononeswaytodo- Heisonthe/hiswaytobecomealawyer.2.A正确warnsomebodyoutof

45、onesway 警告某人别挡住去路inonesway 挡住某人的去路 - You are in my way. 挡住了我的去路。3.C正确4. C正确形容词和名词共同修饰名词时, 形容词在前, 名词在后。(adj + n +被修的名词)- anoldvillageschool - an empty beer glass5.B正确 做句子结构题时要和原文加以对比6. A正确 madeof 可以看出原材料7. A正确 begandoingsomething = begantodosomething8.D正确9. A正确accelerate v.加速, 促进- Thedriveraccelerate

46、dtopasstheothercar.speed v.加快(加快动作和工作的进程, 常和up连用)- Wedbetterspeedup, ifwewanttogetthereintime.- Thecarspedalongtheroad.Reverse vt.倒车, 颠倒, 倒转- Thecarreversedthroughthegate.10. A正确Overdressed v.(使)穿得太讲究 - Ifellratheroverdressedinthissmartsuit. Overlooked vt.俯瞰, 远眺11. B正确forthetimebeing = temporarily(a

47、dv.临时); meanwhile = atthesametime; Asithappened 随着这类事情的发生forawhile= foramoment12. C正确 fly flew flown (fly 是不及物动词, 不能用于被动语态。)- goflying - sendsthflying (send sth doing) (direction n.方向)- Agustofwindsentthepaperflyinginalldirections 一阵风刮得纸片到处乱飞。hurl vt.用力投掷 Thanks for watching!Thanks for watching! 汇报结束谢谢大家!请各位批评指正



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