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1、The Simple Past Tense一般过去时复习一般过去时复习1、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 He was at home yesterday. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning. I visited my aunt last weekend.2、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 My father often went to work by bus last year. When I was a child, I often listened to music. 常用时间常与一般过去时态连用的时间有常与一般过去时态连用的时间

2、有:yesterday, the other day, just now last night (week, month, year)two days ago, a week ago, three years agoIn+一段时间 (如:in 199,in twenty years time)肯定句肯定句肯定句否定句否定句否定句疑问句疑问句疑问句主语主语 + + bebe动词的过去式(动词的过去式(was, werewas, were)+ +其他其他. .主语主语 + + bebe动词的过去式(动词的过去式(was, were)+ + not + +其他其他. .Be Be 动词的过去式(动词

3、的过去式(was, were)+ +主语主语 + +其他其他? ?HeHewasbusyyesterday.busyyesterday.HeHewas notnotbusyyesterday.busyyesterday.Washebusyyesterday?hebusyyesterday?be 动词的过去时动词的过去时:一一 用用be动词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1.I _ at school just now. 2.He _ at home last week.3.We _ students two years ago. 4.There _ an apple tree in front o

4、f my house before .5.There _ some milk in the fridge last Sunday. waswerewaswaswas肯定肯定肯定肯定肯定肯定否定否定否定否定否定否定疑问疑问疑问疑问疑问疑问主语主语主语主语 + + + + 行为动词的过去式行为动词的过去式行为动词的过去式行为动词的过去式+ + + +其他其他其他其他. .主语主语主语主语 + + + +didnt didnt + V+ V+ V+ V原型原型原型原型+ +其他其他. . . .Did Did Did Did + +主语主语主语主语+ +V V原型原型原型原型 + + + +其他其他

5、其他其他? ? ? ?He He walked to school yesterday.yesterday.He He didnt walk walk to school to school yesterdayyesterday. .Did he he walk walk to school to school yesterday?yesterday?行为行为 动词的过去时动词的过去时:回答回答肯定:主语肯定:主语肯定:主语肯定:主语+did+did否定:主语否定:主语否定:主语否定:主语+didnt+didnt肯定回答:肯定回答:肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, he did.Yes, he d

6、id.否定回答:否定回答:否定回答:否定回答:No, he didnt.No, he didnt.1.一般动词词尾加一般动词词尾加edwalklisten look动词过去式的小结(规则变化)2.以不发音字母以不发音字母“e”为为结尾的动词后加结尾的动词后加- dlivenoticedecide walkedlistenedlookedlivednoticeddecided3.以辅音字母加以辅音字母加-y结尾的动词,变结尾的动词,变y为为i,再加再加-ed.hurrycarrycrytrytried4.以重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写后面辅以重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写后面辅音字母,再加音字母,

7、再加-ed.stopstephurriedcarriedcriedstoppedstepped动词过去式中动词过去式中ed 发音发音:规则规则动词原形动词原形过去式过去式以以清辅音清辅音结尾的动结尾的动词加词加-ed 后后,ed读作读作/ t / knock pick push like stopknockedpickedpushed liked stopped 以以浊辅音浊辅音和和元音元音结结尾的动词加尾的动词加-ed后后,ed读作读作/ d /answer enter hurry liveanswered entered hurried lived以字母以字母t, d结尾的结尾的动词加动词

8、加-ed后后,ed读读作作/ id /count decidecounted decided写出下列动词的过去式getislivesentdriverunaskpushsayhurrytryuseworkstopjumpmeetreadseetravelcarrygotwaslivedsentdroveranaskedpushedsaidhurriedtriedusedworkedstoppedjumpedmetreadsawtravelledcarriedExercise Bar:hurt-_ study-_stay-_ shop-_are-_ see-_eat-_ have-_do-_ i

9、nvite-_fly-_ arrive-_plan-_ take-_fall-_ break-_buy-_ fell -_ play- _ sleep- _hurtstayedwereatedidflewplannedfellstudiedshoppedsawhadinvitedarrivedtookbrokeboughtfeltplayedslept112021/8/6一、按要求转换句型:1.Iwasatschoolyesterday.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:划线提问:1.Iwasatschoolyesterday.否定句:Iwasntatschoolyesterday.一般








17、答:No,theydidnt.划线提问:Whendidtheycometovisitme?用动词适当形式填空用动词适当形式填空:you _ (remember) to buy the eggs? 2. Uncle Wang _ (come) into the room and _ (find) something to eat.3. Who _(invent) the computer?4. Lily _ (study) in the classroom for 2 hours and then _ (leave).5. In the morning Li Lei _ 20 yuan, but

18、 he _ _20 yuan in the evening. How much money _ he _? ( have) Didremembercamefoundinventedstudiedlefthaddidnthavedidhave 1. A: I _ thirteen years old last year. (be) B: I _ _thirteen years old last year. (变否定句变否定句) C:_ _thirteen years old last year? (变一般疑问句变一般疑问句) D:Yes, _ _./ No, _ _. (做肯做肯/否定回答否定回

19、答) 2. A: He _ to Beijing two days ago. (go) B: He _ _to Beijing two days ago. (变否定句变否定句) C: _ he _ to Beijing two days ago? (变一般疑问句变一般疑问句) D: Yes, _ _./ No, _ _.(做肯做肯/否定回答否定回答)waswas notWere youI wasI wasntwentdidnt goDidgohe didhe didnt332021/8/6巩固练习:巩固练习:1. My father _(arrive) home yesterday.2. He

20、 fell at the bus stop. He _(hurt) my arm.3. I _ (have) a great trip in Beijing last week.4. “Where _ (be) you just now?” “I _ in the library.” 5. He (live) in Beijing in 1998. 6. We _(步行步行)to school yesterday morning.7. He _ (买买)a gift for you two months ago. 8. Danny _(弄断弄断) his tail at the Palace

21、Museum last week.9. _ Danny_(过得愉快过得愉快)in Beijing? Yes, he did.10. They _ when it began to rain.(他们停止踢足球他们停止踢足球)arrivedhurthadwerewaswalkedlivedboughtbrokeDidhave funstopped playing football342021/8/6Homework: 写作写作A Trip提示:提示:1.Where did you go? 2.How did you go there?3.Who did you go with? 4.What did you do there? 5.How did you feel?352021/8/6部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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