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1、 Sing the song. Language notes: 他经常独自一人,但他从不感到寂寞。他经常独自一人,但他从不感到寂寞。1. Sometimes I am glad to be alone. alone adj. adv. “独自一人,单独独自一人,单独” 不含感情色不含感情色彩彩 lonely adj. “孤单的,寂寞的孤单的,寂寞的” 有浓厚的伤感色彩有浓厚的伤感色彩 He is always _, but he never feels _.alonelonely2. A moment just for me.3. For my favourite activity.4. I

2、like my model train.model train model plane model ship A task: Write something about yourself.When you are alone, what do you like to do? Think about it! model plane model ship model train model rocket Have you ever made scientific models? What are they?Think about the picture: 3. How tall is the ro

3、cket? 1. What can you see in the picture?2. Who is the boy? 4. What does he also have?Paul. 5. What will happen when a rocket launch? Read quickly and try to catch the main idea of the passage. Read carefully and answer the questions: 1. How many rockets does Paul have? 2. How many rockets has Paul

4、built? 3. How did he build it? 4. What is it made of? 5. What does he do with his rocket? 6. What happened two weeks ago? 7. Where did he launch it? 8. Where did it land? 9. Who tried to find it? 10. Could they find it? himself build built - builtlaunchglue wood fieldRead carefully and answer the qu

5、estions: 1. How long has Paul been launching rockets? 2. What does he think of his hobby? 3. What did he join this year? 4. How many members does it have? 5. Are they all young members? 6. What do they do every month? 7. How do they compete? 8. How many times does he launch most of his rockets? 9. W

6、hat are the results? 10. What does he do with his broken rockets?club adult prize best-built either peteLearning notes:2. What do I do with my rockets? do with sb./sth. “处理处理,处置处置,对付对付,对待对待(某人某人/某某事事)” What do you do with him? What will you do with my books? 1. I built one of my rockets myself. myse

7、lf反身代词反身代词,“我自己我自己”单数单数复数复数第一人称第一人称myselfourselves第二人称第二人称yourselfyourselves第三人称第三人称himself, herself, itselfthemselves1. but it landed in some trees. land v. “着陆着陆,登陆登陆” land n. “陆地陆地” When will the plane land? They were very glad to be on land.2. I tried to find it for three days. try to do sth. 意思

8、是意思是“尽力做某事尽力做某事”We must try to learn English well.You must try to follow Ms. Lv.Learning notes:3. hate to do sth. hate doing sth. 1. Ive been launching rockets for two years.现在完成进行时现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去延续到现在表示动作从过去延续到现在,一直在一直在进行中。结构为进行中。结构为: have/has been+现在分词现在分词(V-ing)He has been collecting stamps for t

9、wo years.2. This year, I joined a rocket club. join “参加参加,加入加入(一个党一个党,团或组织团或组织,从而成为一员从而成为一员)” take part in 多指多指“参加参加(活动或体育项目活动或体育项目)” Li Lei has joined the League(团团)/Party(党党)/(army(军队军队).What sport did you take part in?Learning notes:3. give prizes for sth. “为为给予奖品给予奖品”1. Then I either lose or bre

10、ak them. eitheror “要么要么要么要么”,表示两着中选一个表示两着中选一个.它可它可以以连接两个连接两个并列并列成分成分(主语主语,谓语谓语,宾语宾语,短语等短语等)。在连接并。在连接并列主语时列主语时,谓语动词依谓语动词依就近原则就近原则。You can eat either apples or oranges.He is either in the classroom or in the library. They either eat or drink in the office. Either you or I _(be) right. Either he or you

11、 _(be) right.Learning notes:amare2. have a collection of 汉译英:汉译英: 1) 我自己洗自己的衣服我自己洗自己的衣服。 2) 你怎么处置了我的自行车你怎么处置了我的自行车? 3) 我们必须尽力学好英语。我们必须尽力学好英语。 4) 你什么时候加入了火箭俱乐部?你什么时候加入了火箭俱乐部? 5) 不是你对,就是我对。不是你对,就是我对。 What did you do with my bike? I wash my clothes myself. We must try to learn English well.Either you or I am right. When did you join the rocket club? A task: Make your own songs.



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