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1、韩国金宥利身高178公分,体重仅有48公斤,属于皮包骨体型。韩国警方表示,金宥利父母双亡,生前与奶奶同住,周一她的遗体在家中被发现,死亡时大腿非常纤细,就像成年男子的脚踝一样瘦弱。金宥利的死亡消息传出时,一度以为她是想轻生而服药,但韩国警方昨日证实,她是因减肥导致长期失眠,靠服用镇定剂入眠,却因服药过量致身体不适而身亡。Dying to be thin2011年04月21日08:51中国新闻网 Looking goodWear suitable clothesEat in a balanced dietDoing exerciseFace-paintingReceive surgical tr

2、eatment Take pillslosing weightBrain-stormingWays of losing weightgoing on a dietexercising in the gymReceiving surgical treatmenttaking weight-loss pillsDying to be Dying to be ThinUnit 3toREADINGDYING TO BE DYING TO BE Thin The first meaning is that Amy wanted to be thin very much. The second mean

3、ing is that Amy was going to die because of the wrong ways she chose to lose weight.1.Where does Amy come from?2.What kind of pills did Amy take?3.What caused Amys liver to fail?CanadaWeight-loss pills called Fat-LessSkimming: Step 1: look through the three e-mails quickly and answer the following q

4、uestions.A harmful chemical contained in the weight-loss pills.Step 2 match the main idea of each e-mailC.Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer.A. Weight loss pills cause Amys liver to fail and she has to receive medical treatment.B.Zhou Ling is surprised at Amys problems and s

5、he thinks that health is the most important1.Dying to be thin 2. Recovering3.Re:Recoveringhappyregretfulhopefulmoods of Amymoods of AmyHappy (e-mail one)1.Looking good is important2.Be ashamed of her body3. Prepare to act in a new TV playTaking pills1.Have lost 7 kg and become slimmer2. Dont feel en

6、ergeticScanningliver failurebe in hospitalregretrealize the importance of healthfeel better nowexercisedont damage health eat lots of fruit and vegetablesregretfulhopefulE-mail twoReply to Amy (e-mail three)She felt happy at her recovery.We shouldnt be embarrassed about our weight. Nothing is more i

7、mportant than health.1.How did Zhou Ling feel when she heard about Amys problems?2.How did she feel when she heard Amy was recovering? 3.What did she learn from Amy?She was sorry to hear about it.Her mothers opinions She keeps telling Amy not to take the pills because they are dangerous. Health is t

8、he most important thing. Dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure. It isnt worth it. We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look. Nothing is more important than health. Consolidation Amy is an actress and wants to have a slim _. She feels _ of her body. She used to go to the _, but lat

9、er she didnt _ _ any more. Instead, she took some weight-loss pills. At first, these pills _ quite well. She became _. A month later, however, Amy had to stay in hospital because of liver _. She _ taking those pills. Later she received good medical _, and now is feeling better.gymworkoutfigureashame

10、dworkedslimmer and slimmerfailureregrettedtreatment The _ to stay slim is a problem, and some people who are not overweight at all are going on _ _. Health is the most important thing in our lives. Dont _ our health just for looking good. It is not _ it. We shouldnt be _ about our weight.pressurea d

11、ietdamageworthembarrassedConsolidation7 kgused to go to the gymnowtake weight-loss pillswhy?be ashamed ofMumdangerouspricelessliver failureresult Try to retell the story according to these pictures DiscussionWhat is true beauty?A persons beauty is not only judged by his appearance. If you are confident of yourself, you are beautiful. Both physical and mental health are important to make you attractive. RememberHealth is above wealth.Health is happiness. Health is priceless.Nothing is more important than health.Homework1.Write down the retelling.2.Finish Part C1 and Part E on page 44 & 45.



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