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1、unit5makinganapologyunit5makinganapologyStudy aims:1.Understand the text and remember the ways of apologies , responses and use them freely. 理解文章,记住道歉的方式和回应并能灵活运用。2.Master the important words,phrases and useful expressions in Para1-Para2. 掌握第一,二段中的重点单词,词组和用法。Lead-in1.-What would you say when you are

2、 late for class? -Self-work1.Review the text:1.Review the text:Para.1: Importance of making an apology: Making an apology helps to mend a damaged relationship and may even strengthen a friendship.Para.2: Ways to apologize:l“Excuse me”l“Im sorry”l“Pardon”l“I apologize”l“Please forgive me”lWhen you ha

3、ve missed your friendss party , you might say, “I was really busy that day and just couldnt make it. Please accept my sincere apology.”l When you have lost your temper with someone and realized you were wrong, you may say, “I apologize for my poorattitude. Will you forgive me?”Para.3: Respond to the

4、 apology l“Its all right”l“Never mind” lIf the situation was somewhat more serious and the person was really sincere , you might say, “I forgive you,” or “We all make mistakes.”Para.4: Apologize for the inconveninencelOn the building under repair: “We are expanding our store to serve you better. Ple

5、ase pardon out dust.”lIn the supermarket: “Im sorry it is not available today. Would you please come tomorrow?”Para.5: Ways to avoid a face-to-face situation: Making an apology on the phone Para.6: We dont lose face when we apologize.2.Useful expressions:lWays to apologize: “Excuse me” “Im sorry” “P

6、ardon” “I apologize” “Please forgive me”lRespond to the apology: “Its all right” “Never mind” “I forgive you,We all make mistakes.”Group-workMake up a dialogue according to the situation. 注释:tread 踩(trod-trodden) -Oh,Im sorry! I trod upon you . you. -No problem.Dont worry about itImportant words and

7、 expressions1.Then we need to apologize. 那么我们需要道歉。句中need 是及物动词,作“需要”解,后面常跟名词、代 词、不定式或动词-ing形式。注意need后接v-ing形式时,此时v-ing具有被动含义。Eg:They certainly need your help . 他们肯定需要你的帮助。Help should be given to those who need it. 应该帮助需要帮助的人。I dont think you need to help him .我认为你不必帮他。The vegetable garden needs wate

8、ring .菜园需要浇水。注意,最后一句的宾语watering含有被动的意思,相当于The vegetable garden needs to be watered.Need 用作情态动词,后跟动词原形。例如: Eg:You neednt hurry. Its still early. 你不必着急,天还早呢。 你不必对她如此礼貌。 You neednt be so polite to her. 2.We are already familiar with some expressions for apologizing.我们已经熟悉了一种道歉的说法. be familiar with 熟悉,通

9、晓 He is familiar with English . 他通晓英语。 English is familiar to him .英语为他所熟悉。 sb.be familiar with sth.be familiar to “.为.所熟悉” 所有的学生对这些故事都很熟悉。 All the students are familiar with these stories. 这是你熟悉的一门学科。 This is a subject which is familiar to you .3.When you have missed your friends party , you might

10、say, “I was really busy that day and just couldnt make it.” 当你没有参加朋友的聚会时, 你可以说“那天我真的很忙,没能参加聚会”。miss 后面的宾语是“事物”时,其意思是“未出席”“未赶上” “错过了”。例如:He missed the meeting yesterday. 他昨天没没出席会议。 你敢不上九点半的火车了。 You missed the 9.30 train .Miss 后面的宾语是“人”时,一般作“想念”解。如 我非常想念你。I miss you very much .4.When you have lost you

11、r temper with someone and realized you were wrong ,you may say,“I apologize for my poor attitude .Will you forgive me?” 当你向某人发了脾气并意识到错了的时候,你可以说,“我态度不好,向你道歉。你能原谅我吗?” Iose ones temper with 意思是“向发脾气” “生气”I shall lose my temper wth you if you dont try more . 如果你再不努力。我要发脾气了。他生气了,对我大叫大嚷。He lost his temper

12、 and shouted at me.他生气了,对我大叫大嚷。句中apologize是不及物动词,表示“道歉”的意思,可与for连用,表示“因而道歉”。例如:I have come to apologize to you. 我是来向你道歉的。Perhaps we ought both to apologize for it.也许我们俩都应该为此而道歉。 很抱歉这么晚了给你打电话 I must apologize for calling so late . 当堂检测1.英汉互译 1)熟悉,通晓 _ 2)发脾气 _ 3)be familiar to- 4)miss- 5)apologize for

13、-2.选出最佳答案选出最佳答案 1).She_the house and knows everything in it very well. A.is similar to B.is familiar with C.is angry with 2). I shall lose my temper with you if you say that again.What does the underlined part mean? It means_ A. Lose control of my body B.fail in controlling my angerHomework1.Recite the important words and expresions.(A,B,C)2.finish the Language Study( I.) .(A,B)结束!结束!



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