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1、Application of crosshole seismic wave CT in Karst Exploration跨孔跨孔地震地震CT在岩溶探测中应用在岩溶探测中应用Zhaowei赵 伟1Content Content 主要内容主要内容一一I Introductionntroduction( (引言引言) )二二The basic working principle of cross-hole The basic working principle of cross-hole seismic CT methodseismic CT method( (跨孔地震跨孔地震CTCT法基本工作原

2、理法基本工作原理) )三三Equipment introductionEquipment introduction( (仪器设备介绍仪器设备介绍) )四四Application example analysisApplication example analysis( (应用实例分析应用实例分析) )2 一一Introduction In the carbonate rock area, karst environmental geological problems have become increasingly prominent, highlights the growing impor

3、tance of geological exploration of karst. The complexity of the resulting in karst geologic disasters of easy transportation construction process, such as ground collapse, water gushing, and mud and other geological disasters, casualties and significant loss of state property, the construction sched

4、ule of project. Therefore, we must strengthen geological karst region detection. The routine geophysical method is investigated in detail the distribution law of the karst underground space, earthquake CT in Karst detection effect is good3 一引一引 言言 在碳酸盐岩地区,岩溶环境地质问题日益突出,岩溶地质在碳酸盐岩地区,岩溶环境地质问题日益突出,岩溶地质勘探

5、工作重要性日渐凸显。岩溶发育的复杂性导致交通建设过勘探工作重要性日渐凸显。岩溶发育的复杂性导致交通建设过程中极易产生突发的地质灾害,如地面塌陷、隧道突水、突泥程中极易产生突发的地质灾害,如地面塌陷、隧道突水、突泥等地质灾害,造成人员伤亡和重大的国家财产损失,影响工程等地质灾害,造成人员伤亡和重大的国家财产损失,影响工程施工进度。因此,必须加强岩溶地区的地质探测。常规施工进度。因此,必须加强岩溶地区的地质探测。常规 物探方物探方法很详细查清地下的岩溶的空间分布规律,地震法很详细查清地下的岩溶的空间分布规律,地震CT在岩溶的探在岩溶的探测方面效果较好。测方面效果较好。4FundamentalFun

6、damental:According to the degree of fragmentation and distribution of seismic traveltime length or size of CT image attenuation which reflect the distribution of boundary and reliable rock all kinds of rock and soil.根据走时长短或衰减大小构成的地震CT图像可靠反映各类岩土体的分布界线及岩体的破碎程度和分布。SuperioritySuperiority:Opened up a new

7、 way of rock mass partitioning and velocity imagingOpened up a new way of rock mass partitioning and velocity imaging-Higher than the conventional wave test resolution; on the karst fracture zone survey more efficient; more details can be used to evaluate the stability of the rock mass; can accurate

8、ly determine spatial positions of geological anomaly。开辟了岩体分区和波速成像的新途径开辟了岩体分区和波速成像的新途径-比常规波速测试分辨率更高;对岩溶破碎带的勘测更高效;可对岩体稳定性进行更全面更细节的评价;可准确确定地质异常的空间位置。二、二、 Seismic CT principle地震地震CT原理原理5松散土层(松散土层(Loose soilLoose soil)完整基岩(完整基岩(Complete bedrockComplete bedrock)震源控制器电火花震源地震仪检波器链跨孔地震跨孔地震CTCT工作示意图工作示意图接收孔激发

9、孔Schematic diagram of cross hole seismic CTThe source controller seismograph HydrophoneStimulate holereceiving holesparker6Seismic CT imaging system mainly includes the following parts(地震CT成像系统主要包含以下几个部分) 1、data acquisition equipment(数据采集设备) 2、Transmitting equipment hole(孔内发射设备) 3、Hole receiving equ

10、ipment(孔内接收设备) 4、Processing software(处理软件)三、三、 Equipment introduction仪器设备介绍仪器设备介绍7 设备及安装设备及安装震源控制器及电火花震源震源控制器及电火花震源地震仪及水听器链地震仪及水听器链HydrophoneEquipment and installation8Terraloc MK6seismograph野野外工作照外工作照Field photograph9 储能器储能器impulse generator 发电机发电机 electric generator 101、广州白云区黄岐二中四、四、 Application example analysisApplication example analysisvelocityconventional signsoverburdenComplete bedrockweak soilkarst112、广州夏茅123、广州白云区133、广州白云区14Thank you15



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