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1、Unit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child?1Teaching Objectives1. To grasp the theme of the text. 2. To get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 3. To be aware of style of the exposition and the methods the author used to achieve this effect. 2Pre-readingAr

2、e you the only child in your family? How do you feel as the only child or as one of the children in the family?How many of your classmates are the only child of their families? Do you think they are less capable of interacting with people of their own age than those who have been raised with sibling

3、s?3Ever since the adoption of the “One Couple, One Child” policy, China has succeeded in slowing down the rapid expansion of her population. But every coin has two sides, and so does Chinas population policy. Now, the government encourages every family to have two children. Carry out a debate on Its

4、 reasonable to have only one child in a family Its reasonable to have two children in a family Debate 4Tips more love and attention good education more opportunities less financial burden spoiled “little emperors”self-centered lack of independenceLonely5Overall Comprehension1. What is this expositiv

5、e text concerned with?This text is concerned with the pros and cons ofhavingonlyonechild.Inotherwords,thetextdealswiththetypicaladvantagesanddisadvantagesofnothavingasecondchild.Thetextdiscussestheminanobjectivetone.2. What is the writers answerto the question of whether or not to have a second chil

6、d?6Structural AnalysisPara.1It puts forward the issue of whether or not tohavea second child, andmentions parentsconcernwhetheranonlychildnecessarilymeansalonelychild.Para.2-3Twocommonargumentsagainsthavingonlyonechildinthefamilyarepresented.Para.4-5The author cites specific figures and facts toshow

7、thatdespitethedisadvantagesmanyparentsstillchoosetohaveonlyonechild,andhealsopointsoutsomecausesoftheirdecision.7Structural AnalysisPara.6Theauthorbrieflystatestheadvantagesofhavingasinglechild.Para.7Itconcludesthatthereisnosimpleanswertothequestionofwhetherornottohaveasecondchild,andthattheimportan

8、tthing,intheend,istomakethedecisionthatacouplebothfeelconfidentabout.8Structural Analysis Some words used at the beginning of a paragraph make it easier for the reader to understand the coherence of the whole text, such as Another at the beginning of Paragraph 3, Despite of Paragraph4, and Unfortuna

9、tely of Paragraph 7. Can you explain how they function?9Structural AnalysisTheword“Another”usedatthebeginningofParagraph3implies that at least one argument has been presentedearlier.“Despitethesearguments”preparesreadersforsomethingagainsttheirexpectations,i.e.manyparentsstillchoosetohave one child

10、although the disadvantages of doing sohavejustbeenclearlypresented.“Unfortunately” tells readers that there follows somethingdisappointing, i.e. the author fails to provide a definiteanswertothequestionsraisedatthebeginningofthetext.10Detailed Reading Para. 11. What is the dilemma that many couples

11、are faced with?2. What is the concern that weighs heavily on the minds of many couples?11Language Work 1. dilemma n. a situation in which it is difficult todecide what to do, because each choice has itsadvantagesanddisadvantagesEx. Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between career and

12、 family commitments.Collocation:be in a dilemmaEx.我不知道是接受还是不接受 这份工作。Im in a dilemma about this job offer.12Language Work 2. issuen.asubjectorproblemthatisoftendiscussedorarguedaboutEx. Unemployment is not the issue the real problem is the decline in public morality.Ex. I just got a raise, so moneys

13、no longer an issue.Collocation:raise the issueEx. We should raise the issue of discrimination with the council.Synonyms:subject, problem3.demanding adj.needingalotofability,effort,orskillEx. Climbing is physically demanding, while studying is mentally demanding.13Language Work4. keen adj.interestedi

14、nsth.oreagertodoitEx. John is a keen photographer.Collocations: be keen on sth. / be keen to do sth.Ex. Daniels very keen on tennis.Ex. Shes out of hospital and keen to get back to work.Synonyms: interested, eagerDerivation: keenness n.14Language Work5. the pros and cons:theadvantagesanddisadvantage

15、sEx. Before we make a decision, we must weigh up the pros and cons.Ex. After hours discussion, everybody at the meeting could see clearly the pros and cons of the proposal.15Language Work6. concernedadj.worriedaboutsomethingEx. Concerned parents approached the school about the problem.Collocations:b

16、e concerned aboutEx. Ross has never been particularly concerned about what other people think of him. be concerned forEx. Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men trapped in the mine. be concerned thatEx. Hes concerned that he wont get his money back.Derivations: concern n.& v. concerning pr

17、ep.16Detail Reading Para. 2-31. What does the writer think of the issue of whether or not to have a second child? 2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? 17Language Work1. concern n.afeelingofworryaboutsth.important;sth.thatworriesyouEx. His main concern is to be able to provide for his fam

18、ily.Collocation:concern about / over e.g. There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health. concern for sb. e.g. A government spokesman expressed concern for the lives of the hostages.18Language Work2. stigman.amarkofshameordisgrace;ashamefulfeelingorreputationEx. There is a strong

19、stigma attached to suicide.Ex. 离异和单亲家庭在过去是令人感到 羞耻的。 In the past divorce and single parenthood carried a stigma.3. at times: sometimesbutnotusuallyEx. At times I wonder if its worth all the effort.Comparison:at no time, at all times19Paraphrase:1. Many single-child parents feel a stigma associated wi

20、th their decision to have only one child. (Para.2) Many single-child families have a strong sense ofshameintheirdecisiontohaveonlyonechild.2. this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times, ? (Para.2)suchasituationwillprobablyresultinthechildhavingasenseoflonelinessfromtimetotime,?20Language Wor

21、k4. sibling n. (fml)abrotherorsisterEx. Most young smokers are influenced by their elder siblings smoking habits.5. negotiate v.discusssth.inordertoreachanagreement,esp.inbusinessorpoliticsEx. Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.Collocation:negotiate withEx. The gov

22、ernment refuses to negotiate with terrorists.Derivations:negotiation n. negotiable adj.21Language Work6. interact v. 1)(people)talktoeachotherandunderstandeachotherEx. He interacts well with other children in the class.2)(things)haveaneffectoneachotherandworktogetherEx. Social and economic factors a

23、re interacting to produce a recession.Derivations:interaction: n. interactive: adj.22Paraphrase:1. Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with siblings. (Para.3): Another reason some people usually hold againsthavingonlyone-childistha

24、tanonlychildismorelikelytobegiventoomuchloveandcarethanonethathasbrothersand/orsisters.2. respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships (Para.3): realize the importance of cooperation and mutualunderstandingbetweenthemselvesandotherpeopleinvarioussituations23Detailed Reading -Para.4-51. W

25、hat examples and statistics are given to show that more and more parents have decided to have only one child? 2. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5? 24Language Work1. decline: v.1)decreaseinquantityorimportance;2)becomegraduallyworseinqualityEx. Do you think standards of education have declined in

26、 recent years?Synonym:decrease Derivation: decline: n.2. cite: v. 1)mentionsomethingasanexample,esp.onethatsupportsorexplainsanideaorasituatione.g. Several factors have been cited as the cause of the student unrest.2)givetheexactwordsofsomethingthathasbeenwritten,esp.inordertosupportanopinionorprove

27、anideae.g. The writer cited many quotations.Synonym:quoteDerivation:citation: n.25Paraphrasewhile latest statistics cite less than one child (Para.4) whilelateststatisticsshowthattheaveragenumberofchildrenbornperfamilyhasdeclinedtolessthanonechild26Language Work3. overwhelming: adj.1)havingsuchagrea

28、teffectonyouthatyoufeelconfusedandatalosswhattodoEx. She felt an overwhelming desire to hug her child.Ex. The sheer size of the place seems overwhelming and confusing at first.2)(numbers,odds,etc.)verylargeEx. An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.Derivation:overwhelm: v.27La

29、nguage Work4. elect to do sth. : (fml)choosetodosomethingEx. You can elect to delete the message or save it.Ex. Purchasers can elect to pay in monthly installments. 5. prime: adj. main;mostimportantEx. Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.Ex. Our prime concern is providing jobs for all young s

30、chool leavers.Synonym:majorDerivations:prime: n. prime: v.28Language Work6. equivalent:adj.havingthesamevalue,purpose,etc.asapersonorthingofadifferentkindEx. We could give you an equivalent amount in company shares.Collocation:be equivalent toEx. This is a qualification which is equivalent to degree

31、.Comparison:equivalent, equal equal: being the same in size, value, amount, number, etc. as something else Ex. Jennifer cut the cake in to six equal pieces.Derivation:equivalence: n.29Detailed Reading -Para.6What advantages of having only one child are argued for by advocates of single-child familie

32、s?30Language Work1. advocate: n.someonewhopubliclysupportsomeoneelseorsomethingEx. She is a strong advocate of Democratic Party.Derivation:advocate: v.2. potential: n.thepossibilitythatsomethingwilldevelopinacertainway,orhaveaparticulareffectEx. The potential for abuse in such a system is enormous.S

33、ynonym:potentiality: (fml) possibility Derivations:potential: adj. potentiality: n.31Language Work3. arise: v.begintohappene.g. A crisis has arisen between the two countries.Collocation:arise fromEx. Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?Comparison:arise, rise(increaseinnu

34、mber,amountorvalue)4. jealousy: n. angerandunhappinessbecausesomeonehassomethingyouwishyouhade.g. Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy when she saw Paul with Suzanne.Derivation:jealous: adj.32Language Work5. self-esteem:n.thefeelingofbeingsatisfiedwithyourownabilities,andthatyoudeservetobelikedorresp

35、ectedEx. You ought to raise your self-esteem.Ex. Playing a sport can boot a girls self-esteem.Synonym:self-respectAntonym: self-doubt: thefeelingthatyouandyourabilitiesarenotgoodenough33Detailed Reading -Para.71. Does the writer give a definite answer to the question of whether or not to have a seco

36、nd child? Why? 2. What is the writers advice given to single-child parents? 34Language Work1. unique:adj.thesingleoneofitskindEx. Each persons fingerprints are unique.Comparison:unique, onlyunique:havingfeaturesorqualitiesthatmakeitdifferentfromanythingelseonly: beingtheonlyoneofsomethingavailablein

37、aparticularplaceataparticulartimeDerivation:uniqueness: n.2. spouse: n. (fml)ahusbandorwifeEx. The writers opinion is that you make a decision that both you and your spouse feel confident about.Ex. He never mentioned his spouse.35ParaphraseThe circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique,

38、(Para. 7)Theconditionsthataffectparentsdecisionsconcerningchild-birthvaryfromfamilytofamily,36Translation 1. The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease.2. Dont you think it a sort of stigma that you, already in your thirties, still have to depend on yo

39、ur old parents?3. Almost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financial issue.374. With regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it be held on the coming weekend.5. Whether to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to you.6. Just a single

40、 spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with gas.7. No matter what efforts the government has made, the price for housing has barely declined.388. In order to pass TOEFL, he has devoted almost every minute of his spare time to English studies.9.With his acting potential, the young man is li

41、kely to be a superstar in the field of entertainment.10. It is believed that sibling jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one.39About this time I found out the use of a key. One morning I locked my mother up in the pantry, where she was obliged to remain three hours. She kept knockin

42、g on the door, while I sat outside on the porch steps and laughed. This naughty behavior of mine convinced my parents that I must be taught as soon as possible. After my teacher came to me, I sought an early opportunity to lock her up in her room. I could not be induced to tell where the key was. My farther had to get a ladder and take the teacher out through the window. Months after, I produced the key.40



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