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1、Unit 2 Growing painsGrammar and usage 成分成分所指所指关系词关系词主语主语指人指人指物指物宾语宾语指人指人指物指物定语定语指人指人指物指物that/whothat/which(that/who/whom)(that/which)whose/ofwhomwhose/ofwhich A“ModelWorker(劳劳动模范动模范)shouldbehard-workingandbrave.Heshouldalsobeaperson_isabletostandhardship.XiaoShenyangisjustapersonmakingpeoplelaugh.He

2、shouldnotbeconsideredaModelWorker.who/thatDoyouthinkXiaoShengyangshouldbeconsidereda“ModelWorker”?ThePeoplesRepublicofChina(中华人民共中华人民共和国和国),_wasfoundedin1949,celebratesthe60thanniversaryofitsfoundingonOctober1st,2009.whichIn real life, Beyonc has been working hard to prove herself. After a huge succ

3、ess with the girl group Destinys Child,shehadherfirstalbumDangerouslyInLove_earnedherfiveGrammyAwardsin2004.that1.Themostimportantthing_weshouldpayattentiontoisthefirstthing_Ihavesaid.2.Thisistheverydictionary_Iamlookingfor.3.Thereisnothing_canpreventhimfromdoingthat.4.Those_breaktherulewillbepunish

4、ed.thatthatthatFillintheblankswiththeproperrelativewordsthatwho5. Dont get too close to the house _ roof(屋顶) is under repair.6. I am looking for a box in _ I can put all my things.7.Heisthe(only)oneofthestudentswho_passedtheexam.8.Idontliketheway_youtalktoyourmother.whose(that/inwhich)haswhichtheone

5、(that/which)which9. The song is _I like best.10. Do you like the song _ we listened to before class?(that/which)11. Do you like the song to _ we listened before class?The man to who/whom you spoke is our headmaster.The city in that/which she lives is far away.Are these two sentences right?注意注意: 介词介词

6、+which(指物(指物),不可省不可省介词介词+whom (指人(指人),不可省不可省介词后不用介词后不用who、thattoinThecitywhichshelives_isfaraway.Themanwhomyouspoke_isourheadmaster.A. The farm _which we worked ten years ago is beautiful.B. This is the tree _which we used to play games.onunderpreposition+which(指物指物) preposition+whom (指人)指人)How to c

7、hoose the right prepositions 1.介词的确定方法介词的确定方法Themoney_whichyouweretobuydogfoodisgone.Hewillneverforgettheday_whichhefailedintheexam.根据先行词来确定根据先行词来确定onwithWethoughtyouwereaperson_whomwecouldexpectgooddecisions.TheWestLake,_whichHangzhouisfamous,isabeautifulplace.根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词确定根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词确定fo


9、heroom_welivedinlastyear. (that/which)inwhichThisistheroom_welivedlastyear.Is this the watch that you are looking for?The old man whom I am looking after is better . 在固定短语中介词不能提前在固定短语中介词不能提前下面两句中的介词能提前吗下面两句中的介词能提前吗?固定搭配的动词短语中的介词一般不能固定搭配的动词短语中的介词一般不能提前提前.常见的这类动词短语有常见的这类动词短语有:lookfor/after/forwardto,c


11、使用5.Theman_Ispokeonthephonelastnightisverygoodatwriting.6.Glasses,_Icantseeclearly,arereallyimportantforme.7.Chinaisabeautifulcountry,_weareproud.8.Doyouremembertheday_youjoinedourclub?towhomwithoutwhichofwhichonwhichThis is the teacher whose daughter is a famous doctor.=This is the teacher_ is a fa

12、mous doctor.1.名词名词+介词介词+关系代词关系代词thedaughterofwhomRecently I bought an ancient Chinese vase(花瓶), _ was very reasonable(合理的). A. which price B. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whose We have three foreign teachers, _are from Canada. (其中的两个)2.数词数词+介词介词+关系代词关系代词(含基数词,序数词,分数含基数词,序数词,分数和百分数)

13、和百分数) twoofwhomThe factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of whichB. which of C. of them D. of that 3.代词代词+介词介词+关系代词关系代词(代词有(代词有all,both,none,neither,either,some,any等)等) Theoldwomanhastwosons,_areteachers.(两个都是)(两个都是)bothofwhomLast week, two persons came

14、 to see the house, _wanted to buy it.A. both of theyB. neither of whom C. both of them D. all of whom4.形容词最高级形容词最高级+介词介词+关系代词关系代词Chinahasthousandsofislands,_isTaiwanIsland.(其中最大的)(其中最大的)the largest of which There are two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of

15、them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 5.介词介词+关系代词关系代词+名词名词He spent four years in college, _ he studied medicine.(在那段时间内)during which timeIn the office, I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., _ time many people have gone home. A. whose B. that C. on which D. by which When did y

16、ou come here?When did you come here?When did you come here?When did you come here?We came here on Oct.12 , 2005.It was the day _ we were sent into the space.when (on which)Where do you work and live?Where do you work and live?Where do you work and live?Where do you work and live?hispace capsuleWe wo

17、rk and live in a space capsule(太空太空舱舱).It is a place _ an astronaut works and lives.where(in which) What are you doing now?Im having my blood pressure(血压) taken.Im taking pictures.Can you tell me the reason_ you are taking pictures?why /for whichWecelebratethe60thanniversary(周年纪念日周年纪念日)ofthefounding

18、ofthePRConOctober1st,2009.Iwillneverforgettheday_wecelebratethe60thanniversaryofthefoundingofthePRC.when/onwhichHong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.Theday_HongKongreturnedtoChinawillneverbeforgotten.when(onwhich)IoftengoshoppinginTimesSupermarket.Timessupermarketistheplace_Ioftengoshopping

19、.where(inwhich)Canyoutellmethereason_youaresolate?why/forwhichWhethertousearelativepronounorarelativeadverb?要确定使用关系代词还是关系副词完全取决要确定使用关系代词还是关系副词完全取决于于从句中的谓语动词从句中的谓语动词: :(1)(1)及物动词后面无宾语及物动词后面无宾语, ,用关系代词用关系代词. .常见的及物动词有常见的及物动词有visit, spend, expect, visit, spend, expect, explain, etc,explain, etc,;(2)(2)

20、不及物动词后无介词时不及物动词后无介词时, ,用关系副词用关系副词. .常见常见的不及物动词有的不及物动词有work, live, come, work, live, come, go,etcgo,etc. .Thisisthefactory_Iworkedbefore.Thisisthefactory_Ivisitedbefore.Thisisthefactory_Iworkedin.Thisisthefactoryin_Iworked.where/inwhich(which/that)(which/that)whichIwillneverforgetthedays_weworkedtoge


22、地点theplace/room/situation/case/point/activitywhere=in/at/onwhich原因原因thereasonwhy=forwhichComplete the following sentences using which/that, why,where , when or preposition+which(whom).1. Hangzhou is the place _ I went last summer.2. He read the book _ his sister had told him about.3. The reason _ Pe

23、ter is so happy is that he passed the exam.where/to whichwhich/thatwhy/for which4. I remember the day _ my father died. I was only ten years old at that time.5. Please give me the reason _ you were late this time.6. I will go back to the place _ I grew up and live there forever.when/on whichwhy/for

24、whichwhere/in/at which1.Chinaisabeautifulcountry,_weareproud.2.Doyouremembertheday_youjoinedourclub?3.Thisisthehouse_Ilivedtwoyearsago.4.Inthedarkstreet,therewasntasingleperson_shecouldturnforhelp.5.Inthedarkstreet,therewasntasingleperson_shecouldaskforhelp.ofonwhichinwhichtowhomfromwhomwhichIII.Fil




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