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1、1 (每日一练)(文末附答案)九年义务初中英语宾语从句知识点总结归纳 单选题 1、Excuse me, could you tell me _? Walk along this street to the end. You can see it on your right hand. Ahow I could get to No. 3 Middle School Bwhich is the way to the Childrens Park Cwhere is the post office 2、 Jenny, do you know _? Sure. He comes from South

2、Africa. Awhy Alex leaves schoolBwhere Alex is from Cwhen Alex watches TVDwhat Alex is doing 3、I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, I will call you. Awill come, comesBcomes, will come Ccomes, comesDwill come, will come 4、Yuan Longping is my favorite scientist. Can you tell me _? Of course. He is fr

3、om Hunan. Awhere he comes fromBwhere does he come fromCwhere did he come from 5、Do you trust him? 2 No. I never believe _ he says. AwhatBhowCwhichDthat 6、Excuse me, could you tell me _? There, in the bank. Awhere can I change the moneyBhow can I get to the bank Cwhere I can change the moneyDhow I ca

4、n get to the bank 7、Tibetan boy Dingzhen is really famous recently. I wonder _. Because he makes his hometown Litang be in the public eye. Awhy he becomes so popularBwhy does he become so popular Chow he livesDwhere does he live 8、Could you tell us _ we should go to Beijing, by train or by plane? By

5、 train. And I think wed better check the tickets on the Internet first. AwhyBhowCwhereDwhen 9、I dont know if her aunt _. I think she _ if it doesnt rain tomorrow. Awill come, comesBcomes, will comeCwill come, will come 10、The farmers saw _ in the sky and didnt know _ would happen to them. Astrange s

6、omething; whenBsomething strange; whatCanything strange; what 11、Fathers Day is coming. Im thinking about _. Awhat present I gave himBwhere we had a big meal Chow I will give him a surpriseDit I planned a party for him 12、Do you know _ tomorrow morning? 3 Well, it will start at 9:30. Awhen will the

7、movie startBwhen the movie will start Cwhy will the movie startDwhy the movie will start 13、He told me there _ much garbage outside. AisBwasCareDwere 14、Chinas women soccer team beat Team South Korea on April 13th. I wonder _. They never gave up and fought to the last minute in the game. Ahow they w

8、on the gameBwhy they played the game Cwhere they played the gameDwhen they played the game 15、I want to know _. Awhat his name isBwhat is his nameCwhy do you comeDwhy does he come 4 九年义务初中英语宾语从句_00D 参考答案 1、答案:B 解析: 句意:劳驾,您能告诉我去儿童公园的路怎么走吗?沿着这条街走到底。你可以看到它在你的右手边。 考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除 C;主句“could you

9、tell me”是委婉语气,时态是一般现在时,从句陈述客观事实,也用一般现在时,排除 A。故选 B。 2、答案:B 解析: 句意:珍妮,你知道亚历克斯是哪里人吗? 当然。他来自南非。 考查宾语从句的连接词。why Alex leaves school 亚历克斯为什么离开学校;where Alex is from 亚历克斯来自哪里;when Alex watches TV 亚历克斯看电视的时候;what Alex is doing 亚历克斯在做什么。根据“Sure. He comes from South Africa.”可知,上面问的是地点,宾语从句的引导词为“where”。故选 B。 3、答

10、案:A 解析: 句意:我不知道他明天是否来。如果他来,我会打电话给你。 考查时态。第一空位于宾语从句中,根据时间状语“tomorrow”可知,用一般将来时;在时间或条件状语从句中,可以用一般现在时代替将来时。第二空考查主句是一般将来时,if 条件句应用一般现在时态表将来。故选 A。 4、答案:A 解析: 句意:袁隆平是我最喜欢的科学家。你能告诉我他来自哪里吗?当然。他来自湖南。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,B 和 C 是疑问句语序,排除,故选 A。 5 5、答案:A 解析: 句意:你相信他吗?不。我不相信他说的话。 考查宾语从句的连接词。what 什么;how 如何;which 哪

11、一个;that 无实义。分析句子可知,句子是宾语从句,且从句中缺少 say 的宾语,是表达说的内容,用 what 引导宾语从句。故选 A。 6、答案:C 解析: 句意:打扰一下,你能告诉我在哪里可以换钱吗?那里,在银行里。 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除选项 A、B;结合“There, in the bank.”可知,询问地点,故选 C。 7、答案:A 解析: 句意:藏族男孩丁真最近很出名。我想知道他为什么如此受欢迎。因为他让家乡理塘成为公众的焦点。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序:连接词+主语+谓语。据此排除 BD 选项。再根据“Because”可知此处

12、是在问原因,故选 A。 8、答案:B 解析: 句意:你能告诉我们应该怎样去北京吗,乘火车还是乘飞机?乘火车。并且我认为我们最好先在网上查一下火车票。 考查引导宾语从句的连词。why 为什么;how 怎样;where 在哪里;when 当时。结合答语“By train.”可知,是在对交通方式进行回答,应该使用“how”进行提问。故选 B。 6 9、答案:C 解析: 句意:我不知道她的阿姨是否会来。我想如果明天不下雨,她会来的。 考查状语从句及宾语从句的时态。comes“来”,一般现在时,第三人称单数形式;will come“将会来”,一般将来时。if“是否”引导的宾语从句,遵循“主现从需”原则;

13、if“如果”引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,第一个空所在的句子是 if“是否”引导的宾语从句,根据“I dont know if her aunt”可知,主句使用了一般现在时,从句结合语境,应用一般将来时;第二个空所在的句子是 if“如果”引导的条件状语从句,根据“tomorrow”可知,主句使用一般将来时,故选 C。 10、答案:B 解析: 句意:农夫看到天空中有奇怪的东西,不知道他们会发生什么事。 考查复合不定代词和特殊疑问词。strange 奇怪的;something 某些东西;anything 某些东西,用于否定句和疑问句;when 何时;what 什么。根据“复合不定代词和形

14、容词的位置”可知,形容词位于复合不定代词之后,且此句是肯定句,因此“something strange”符合句意;再者根据“would happen to them”可知,缺少主语,应该是不知道他们会发生什么事,因此“what”符合句意。故选 B。 11、答案:C 解析: 句意:父亲节就要到了。我正在考虑我将如何给他一个惊喜。 考查宾语从句。由“ is coming”“就要到了”可知,需用一般将来时。选项 A,B,D 均为一般过去时,可排除。故选 C。 12、答案:B 解析: 7 句意:你知道这个电影明早几点开始吗?嗯,在九点半开始。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,即“疑问词+主语+

15、谓语”,排除 A 和 C,由答句的“ it will start at 9:30”可知,应该问的是时间,排除 D,故选 B。 13、答案:B 解析: 句意:他告诉我外面有许多垃圾。 考查 there be 句型中的 be 动词。根据“He told me theremuch garbage outside”可知此句是宾语从句,主过从必过,there be 句型用一般过去时。“garbage”垃圾,是不可数名词,与之相应的谓语动词需用单数形式。故选 B。 14、答案:A 解析: 句意:中国女足在 4 月 13 日击败了韩国队。我想知道她们是怎么赢得比赛的。 她们在比赛中永不放弃,一直战斗到最后一

16、刻。 考查宾语从句。how they won the game 她们如何赢得比赛;why they played the game 她们为什么参加这场比赛;where they played the game 她们在哪里参加的比赛;when they played the game 她们什么时候参加的比赛。根据“They never gave up and fought to the last minute in the game.”可知,此处是说她们从不放弃一直战斗到最后一刻,由此可知上文是问她们是“怎么”赢得比赛的,应使用 how 引导宾语从句。故选 A。 15、答案:A 解析: 句意:我想知道他叫什么名字。 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构,本句是宾语从句,需用陈述句语序,BCD 三项均使用了疑问语序。故选 A。



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