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1、word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 六上期末练习卷 Class Name Score 听力部分(30%) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。 (10%) ( ) 1. A. sings B. signs C. songs ( ) 2. A. smoke B. smell C. small ( ) 3. A. down B. danger C. dancer ( ) 4. A. listen B. litter C. little ( ) 5. A. dinner B. dumplings C. dance ( ) 6. A. work B. walk C. wall ( )

2、7. A. messy B. metro C. more ( ) 8. A. a juice shop B. snack bar C. bookshop ( ) 9. A. put it on B. pick them up C. put them in ( )10.A. red packets B. read letters C. red lanterns 二、根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案,听两遍。 (6%) ( ) 1. A. Its on the wall. B. It means No parking. C. No, it doesnt. ( ) 2. A. No, I cant

3、. B. Sorry, you cant. C. No, it isnt. ( ) 3. A. We had a big dinner. B. Yes, I did. C. I buy some fireworks. ( ) 4. A. Yes, we are. B. Sometimes it is. C. No, its clean. ( ) 5. A. Plant some trees. B. Move away the factories. C. Drive a lot. ( ) 6. A. Smoke from cars. B. My dirty clothes. C. I shoul

4、d sweep the floor. 三、根据你所听到的短文,用 T / F 判断正误。 (6%) ( ) 1. It was windy on Sunday morning. ( ) 2. Jack and his father went to park by bus. ( ) 3. The sign on the grass means No littering. ( ) 4. Jacks kite was in Jacks bag at first. ( ) 5. Now the kite is at Jack s home. ( ) 6. Jack could not fly his

5、kite today. 四、根据你所听到的内容,把短文填写完整。 (8%) A: Lets a poster about protecting the . B: Good . Our mother Earth is sick. We help her. A: Let me a circle first. Its the Earth. Its , because theres a lot of on it. B: Let me draw some fish, because makes the dirty. word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 A: Let me draw two and

6、a . Look, the Earth is crying. B: Lets “ Who can me?”on it. A: OK. Our poster is . It looks . 笔试部分(70%) 一、选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的单词。(4%) ( ) 1. A. same B. make C. packet D. place ( ) 2. A. sing B. sign C. city D. litter ( ) 3. A. hold B. smoke C. cold D. done ( ) 4. A. hard B. glass C. parking D. quarter (

7、 ) 5. A. mean B. tree C. idea D. please ( ) 6. A. bird B. shirt C. horse D. word ( ) 7. A. pear B. near C. hear D. dear ( ) 8. A. zoo B. good C. look D. wood 二、英汉互译(18%) 1.在购物中心 a 2.小心 3.请勿饮食 No 4.在餐馆吸烟 in the 5.带手机进教室 the phone the 6.下星期 . 7.保持它干净 8.来自工厂的废气 9.看舞狮 a 10.把香蕉皮扔进垃圾桶 the the 11. Look, th

8、e man is throwing a bottle out of the window. 12. The sign means theres a museum nearby. 13. We saw many butterflies around the flowers. 三、选择题。 (10%) ( ) 1. Sorry, sir. You cant in front of our shop. A. parking B. litter C. come ( ) 2. a sign. What does it ? A. This is, means B. Theres, means C. Her

9、es, mean ( ) 3. Dont books on the floor. They the room messy. A. put, makes B. throw, make C. pick, make ( ) 4. Walk . The ground is . A. carefully, wet B. careful, clean C. careful, messy ( ) 5. What are you going to do on New Years Eve? A. I can watch cartoons. B. Were going to watch fireworks. C.

10、 I made some Tangyuan. word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 ( ) 6. What the city messy? There are so cars in the street. A. make, much B. makes, many C. makes, much ( ) 7. is the most important holiday in the UK. A. New Year B. Halloween C. Christmas ( ) 8. In the UK, people call the metro . A. train B. underground

11、 C. subway ( ) 9. The twins are about their plans the winter holiday. A. taking, to B. talk, about C. talking, for ( ) 10. Where you go last night? I called you, but you at home. A. did, werent B. were, were C. did, were 四、匹配题。 (8%) ( ) 1. What day was it yesterday? A. Of course. ( ) 2. Billy, you s

12、houldnt do that. B. It was sunny and hot. ( ) 3. How was the weather yesterday? C. Its my birthday today. ( ) 4. Who is he going to visit? D. Yes, I can smell it. ( ) 5. Is someone smoking? E. His Maths teacher. ( ) 6. How did you come this morning? F. It was Sunday. ( ) 7. Why are you so happy? G.

13、Im sorry. ( ) 8. Do you like living in the city? H. I took a bus. 五、连词成句。 (10%) 1. evening, they, what, going, tomorrow, are, to, do (?) 2. I, home, Tina, walking, are, school, after, and, (.) 3. forest, the, on, outing, children, are, the, in, an (.) 4. to, what, we, keep, school, clean, can, do, o

14、ur, (?) 5. why, we, drink, I, know, shouldnt, juice, here, (.) 六、根据上下文和首字母填空。 (5%) David is p computer games in his bedroom. His mother comes in and says, “D play computer games. Look at your room. How m it is! The word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 clothes m the bed messy. The t make the floor messy. C your room

15、s right now!” “OK,”David says,“Let me p away my clothes f , and then p up the toys. Finally, I can s the floor.”“Good! Start now!” 七、阅读理解,用 T/F 判断正误(5%) Mr. Smith is taking a walk in the park. Suddenly(突然), he sees a ten-yuan note on the grass. He looks around. Theres no one nearby. He quickly walks

16、 to the note and picks it up. Then a park keeper comes up to him. The park keeper points to a sign and says to Mr Smith, “Cant you see the sign over there? It says Please keep off the grass. Fine¥10Now you should give me ten yuan.” ( ) 1. Mr Smith is talking a walk in the street. ( ) 2. Theres a ten

17、-yuan note on the grass. ( ) 3. Mr Smith doesnt see the park keeper at first. ( ) 4. The sign on the grass means we shouldnt walk on the grass. ( ) 5. Mr Smith gives the policeman ten yuan at last. 八、根据实际情况回答问题。 (4%) 1Is your classroom clean ? 2What public sign can you see in the library? 3. What ar

18、e you going to do on Chinese New Years Day? 4. What can we do to keep the air clean ? 九、A 方与 B 方正在进行一场辩论赛,请根据提示写句子 。(6%) A: Our city is clean and beautiful. There are . 有很多的商店和电影院。 People go to . 人们乘坐地铁去上班。 Some students . 有些学生走路去学校。 B: Our city is dirty and messy. There . 街上有垃圾。 makes . 汽车的尾气使空气变脏。

19、 People . 人们坎了太多的树木。 期末卷听力材料 word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 听力部分(30%) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。 (8%) 1. There are lots of signs here. 2. Dont smoke in the office, please. 3. Danger! You shouldnt do that. 4. The little bird is named Jill. 5. Bobby is eating some nice dumplings. 6. Do you want more noodles? 7. Y

20、ou cant shout in the bookshop. 8. Look, Ive got three red packets. 二、根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案,听两遍。 (6%) 1. Does the sign on the wall mean No parking ? 2. Excuse me, can I park here? 3. What did you do last New Years Eve? 4. Is our school clean and beautiful? 5. What should we not do to keep the air clean?

21、6. What makes your rooms so messy and dirty? 三、根据你所听到的短文,用 T / F 判断正误。 (6%) It was sunny and windy on Sunday morning. Jack and his father went to the park to fly a kite. J: Dad, can we stop our car here. Theres green grass over there. I want to fly my kite. F: No, Jack. Theres a sign on the grass. I

22、t means No parking. J: Oh, I see. Jacks father parked his car in the parking lot. Jack looked for something in his bag. J: Oh, no. Dad, I cant find my kite. It was in my bag just now. F: Dont worry. Jack. Look, its in my bag now. J: Great! Lets go! 四、根据你所听到的内容,把短文填写完整。 (10%) A: Lets make a poster ab

23、out protecting the Earth . B: Good idea . Our mother Earth is sick. We should help her. A: Let me draw a circle first. Its the Earth. Its black , because theres a word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载 lot of smoke on it. B: Let me draw some dead fish, because rubbish makes the river dirty. A: Let me draw two eyes and a mouth . Look, the Earth is crying. B: Lets write “ Who can save me?”on it. A: OK. Our poster is ready . It looks great .



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