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1、.Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us学习目标一、词汇:air, place, Tree Planting Day, keep the air clean, keep us cool, plant trees, makethe place beautiful二、句型:1、be good for.2、enjoy+动词 ing3、用英语表示具体日期It is on三、语法:一般将来时中 will 的用法;情态动词 can 的用法;英语日期表达法。导学:试读试写试说试练试读试写选择正确的汉语意思。 1、air A.大陆 B.天空 C.空气 2、place A.玩耍

2、 B.地方 C.方向 3、look after A.照顾 B.寻找 C.看一看 4、Tree Planting Day A.元旦 B.劳动节 C.植树节试说试练1、运用 Will 表达将要发生的事情。I will water the young trees every day.2、运用 Its on.表达具体日期。 When is your birthday? Its on .3、运用 enjoy 表达喜爱 I enjoy swimming.议学:试悟试练试悟试练1、be good for 与 be good at 的用法区别be good for 意思是对.有好处。如:Exercise is

3、 good for our heath.be good at 意思是擅长. 如:I am good at running.即学即用Doing exercise is good _ you.A. for B. to C. on D. at2、enjoy 后接动词 ing,意思是喜欢做某事。 如:I enjoy listening to music.enjoy 后面可以接反身代词oneself,构成固定搭配 enjoy oneself,意思是过得愉快,玩得高兴,相当于 have a good time。 如:Did you enjoy yourself at the party?即学即用Did y

4、ou enjoy _ today?A. your B. yours C. yourself D. youth3、Tree Planting Day in China is on 12 March.在中国,植树节是在 3 月 12 日。.解析:12 March 3 月 12 日,为英语中对具体月、日的表达。在英语中月份开头的第一个字母必须大写。日期在前,月份在后。日期用序数词表示,书写时,序数词前的 the 和词尾-st, -nd, -rd, -th可省略,但读时要念出来。例如:4 月 21 日写作:21st April 读作:the twenty-first of April英 April t

5、wenty-first美即学即用Teachers Day is on _ September.ththA. 10 B. 15 C. 11 D. 15审学:练练改改一、英汉互译1、look after_ 2、植树_3、keep the air clean_ 4、植树节_二、连词成句1、good for Planting trees us is _2、fruit like plant I to trees _3、make Trees beautiful can the place _4、become Soon big trees they will _三、选出你听到的单词。 1. A. new B

6、. jog C. young D. beautiful 2. A. healthy B. cool C. old D. air 3. A. should B. can C. with D. need 4. A. take B. keep C. trees D. make 5. A. what B. why C. became D. where四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The weather is _ .2. The Earth is getting _ and hotter.3. _ trees is fun.4. We want more _ .五、选择句子正确的汉语意思。 1. W

7、hy do people cut down trees?A.人们为什么砍伐树木? B. 人们为什么种植树木? 2. Farmers also need more land to grow rice and vegetables.A. 农民也需要更多的土地种稻谷和蔬菜。B. 农民也需要给稻谷和蔬菜施肥。th 3. Trees Planting Day in China is on 12 March.A. 植树节在中国是 3 月 12 日。B. 植树节在中国是 12 月 3 日。 4. Trees help to make the air cool and fresh.A. 树木帮助我们净化空气,让空气新鲜。B. 树木帮助我们让空气凉爽、新鲜。.th.六、作业:熟读课文,背单词并默写,完成练习。七、教学反思:.



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