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1、18 DISCIPLINES TO PROBLEM SOLVING解决问题的8项纪律8-D 20052This course was developed by a team of Tenneco Automotive employees who have worked on problem solving efforts for the past fifteen to twenty years. This course is a summary of the problem solving process that was formerly known as PEP (People Elimi

2、nating Problems) within the ride control business unit and QUIP (Quality Improvement Process) within the exhaust business unit. Ford Motor Company is acknowledged as the developer of the “8-D” process. ) 该课程由一个由天纳克员工组成的,在过去的15-20年内致力于解决各种问题的团队开发的,是对解决问题程序的总结。这一程序以前在减震系统业务中被称为PEP(消除问题团队), 在排气系统业务中被称为

3、QUIP(质量改进程序)。福特公司被公认为是8-D程序的开发者。Thanks to Kay Shreve (Monroe, MI), Michael Brown (Paragould, AR) and Eunice Spradlin (Cozad, NE) for their work on this project. 感谢 Kay Shreve (Monroe, MI), Michael Brown (Paragould, AR) 和 Eunice Spradlin (Cozad, NE) 对此项目所作的工作。3D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe t

4、he Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队8 - Disciplines of Problem Solving

5、 解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律48 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠

6、正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队5D-1 Form The Team建立团队建立团队Size 规模规模5 to 7 Core Members 5-7位核心成员Support Needed 所需支持所需支持What level of the organization 组织结构中的哪一层次Change 改变改变According to needs 根据需要Roles 角色角色Define roles/responsibilities 确定角色/责任- WHERE 何处何处Seen

7、 on Object 实物表示Seen Geographically 地理表示(Supplier/Customer/Etc) (供应商/客户/等)6D-1 Form The Team建立团队建立团队 CAUTIONS注意 ! ! ! Ensure cross-functional team members 确保有多个功能部门的团队成员Include process owners (those who do the work) 要包括过程当事人 (实际作这项工作的人员)Include champion and leader as road-block removers 要包括团队负责人和团队组长

8、作为路障排除人78 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Pr

9、event Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队8D-2 Describe the Issue 描述问题描述问题Define the issue in terms of what is wrong with what 用“什么出现了什么问题”的方式来进行描述WHAT 什么什么Object was the issue seen on 出现问题的事物What defect was seen 出现的问题WHERE 何处何处Seen on Object 在什么东西上Seen Geographically 在哪些地区(Su

10、pplier, Customer, Etc.) (哪些供应商,客户,等)9D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题WHEN 何时何时First seen 何时首次发现When else seen 何时重复发现When seen in the process 何时在工序/程序中发现HOW BIG 多大多大How many objects have the defect 有多少有缺陷的事物How many defects per object 每件事物上有多少缺陷What is the trend 趋势如何10D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题TOOL

11、S TO USE 可用工具可用工具Process flow diagram 工序流程图Check sheets to collect data 用检查表来收集数据Any data that is reporting the issue 反映问题的任何数据Customer complaints 客户抱怨Current SPC/Data collection sheets 现有的SPC/数据收集表PFMEA 过程FMEAScrap/rework reports 废品/返工报表11D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题12D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述

12、问题13D-2 Describe the Issue14D-2 Describe the Issue15D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题 CAUTIONS注意 ! ! ! State issue in quantifiable terms 用可量化的术语来描述问题Use data to support problem statement 用数据来支持问题描述Describe symptom / effect of the issue 描述问题的症状/影响Avoid jumping to conclusion of cause 避免跳至总结原因168 - Discip

13、lines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防

14、问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队17D-3 Containment Actions 临时控制措施临时控制措施Determine if Containment is Needed 确定是否需要临时控制措施IF YES 如果是如果是Define action(s)确定措施Assign responsibility明确责任Implement实施Document记录存档Monitor监督Establish exit criteria 确定完成标准18D-3 Containment Actions 临时控制措施临时控制措施IF NO 如果不是

15、如果不是Document reasons why containment action(s) are not required 记录不需要临时控制措施的原因19D-3 Containment Action(s) 临时控制措施 CAUTIONS注意 ! ! ! Ensure customer protection 确保保护客户的利益Determine and document criteria for begin / exit containment actions 确定并纪录控制措施开始/完成的标准Communicate to key process owners 和主要过程当事人作好沟通20

16、8 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Re

17、currence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队21D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因Brainstorm for Potential Causes 集思广益查找潜在原因Free Wheeling 言所预言Use Flip Charts用白板纸Round Robin轮流发言Sticky Notes便签纸22D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause 查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因Brainstorming rules 集思广益的规则Avoid

18、Criticism 避免批评Welcome Exaggeration 欢迎夸张Wilder / Better 越夸张/越好Solicit Quantity 讲求数量As Many As Possible越多越好Encourage Building on Other Ideas 鼓励在别的想法上扩展Stimulate Participation 刺激参与One idear per person per turn 每人每次发言讲一条建议Round robin 轮流依次发言Record All Ideas 记录所有的建议Discussion Comes Later 事后再进行讨论 23D-4 Fin

19、d and Verify Root Cause 查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因Consider 考虑考虑What was happening 发生了什么事What was “normal” 正常应是怎样What changed 什么发生了变化What started 什么开始了What stopped什么停止了VERIFY 确定确定Can the problem be turned “on” and “off” 问题是否可“停”,可“显”?24D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因Tools To Use 可用工具可用工具Five

20、 Whys 五个为什么Fishbone / Cause & Effect 鱼骨法/因果法Data Analysis数据分析Scatter Diagram散布图Design of Experiment Tools 试验工具设计25D-4 Root Cause 根本原因 CAUTIONS 注意! ! ! Dont jump to conclusions 不要跳至结论Do not stop the 8-D process because Containment Actions have reduced the pain 不要因为临时控制措施缓解了疼痛而停止8D程序Dont react only to

21、 the symptoms - go to the cause 不要仅针对症状进行反应, 要针对原因268 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verific

22、ation of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队27D-5 Select Best Solution 选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案EVALUATE based on 根据以下几点来进行评估Effect on the problem 对问题的影响Practicality 实用性Cost 成本Acceptance 可接受性Time to implement / utilize 实施/运用的时间28D-5 Select Best

23、 Solution 选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 实实施计划施计划What is required 需要什么Who is responsible for what 谁负责什么Establish target dates 确定目标日期Involve affected parties 相关部门参与Obtain management support 取得管理层的支持Document Changes 对变化进行记录Anticipate unwanted effects 准备接受非预期的效果29D-5 Select Best Solution 选择最佳解决方案选

24、择最佳解决方案TOOLS TO USE 可用可用工具工具Evaluation Grid 评估网格Benchmarking Review 对照标准的检查Poka Yoke Review 防错检查Cost Benefit Analysis 成本收益分析30D-5 Selecting Best Solution 选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案CAUTIONS 注意! ! ! Ensure solution can efficiently be implemented 确保解决方案可以被有效实施Obtain buy-in from key stake holders 取得主要工序负责人的赞同Iden

25、tify all costs / impact(s) of proposed solution 确定建议的方案的所有成本/影响318 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决

26、方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队32D-6 Verification of Corrective Actions 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证ON-GOING CONTROLS 持续监控持续监控Quantifiable & Measurable 可量化&可测量Clearly meets objectives / goals 明显达到目的/目标33D-6 Verification of C

27、orrective Actions 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证REVIEW CONTAINMENT 检检查临时控制措施查临时控制措施Can it be removed 是不是可以停止Containment cannot be removed until verification data proves that the stated objective / goal has been met 在验证数据证实确定的目的/目标被实现以前不能停止临时控制措施34D-6 Verification of Corrective Actions 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证VERIFICATION METHODS

28、 验验证方法证方法Increase frequency of testing of “X” test from 6 pcs per month to 3 pcs per day for next 3 months 在今后三个月内将进行X试验的测试频率从每月6次提高到每天3次.100% sort for defect “X” for the next five shipments 对今后五批发货进行100% X 缺陷的检查35D-6 Verification of Corrective Actions 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证VERIFICATION METHODS 验验证方法证方法Collec

29、t data for specific defect for the next 3 weeks; calculate the CpK (CpK must be equal to or greater than 1.67) 在今后三周内收集特定缺陷的数据,计算CpK值 (CpK必须大于等于1.67)Test for characteristic “X”; zero defects allowed 测试特性X, 必须为零缺陷36D-6 Verification of Corrective Actions 纠正措施验证纠正措施验证VERIFICATION METHODS 验验证方法证方法Track

30、overtime in area “Y” for the next 3 months; overtime should not exceed “A” hours per month 在今后三个月内跟踪Y区的加班情况。每月加班时间应不超过A小时。37D-6 Verification of Corrective Actions 纠正措施验证CAUTIONS注意 ! ! ! Ensure containment is not ended too soon 确保不要太早停止临时控制措施Avoid short term impact 避免短期影响388 - Disciplines of Problem

31、Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8

32、 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队39D-7 Prevent Recurrence 预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生Identify what allowed the problem to occur by searching: 检查以下几个方面,确定曾导致问题发生的因素Systems 体系Practices 习惯作法Procedures 程序文件Review other areas where this problem could occur 检查其他可能发生同样问题的区域40D-7 Prevent Recurrence 预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生TOOLS

33、TO USE 可用工具可用工具Brainstorming 集思广益Action Planning 行动规划Process Flow Diagrams 工序流程图pFMEAs 过程FMEA41D-7 Prevent Recurrence 预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生Method to Prevent Recurrence 预防问题重复发生的方法预防问题重复发生的方法Identify the opportunity 查找问题发生的机会Define the scope 确定范围Analyze the current process 分析现有程序Envision the future proces

34、s 设想未来的程序Pilot and verify the proposed change 试验并验证设想的变化42D-7 Prevent Recurrence 预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生Method to Prevent Recurrence - contd 预防问题重复发生的方法预防问题重复发生的方法(续续)Implement the change 实施改变Change all pertinent records 修改所有相关的纪录Obtain customer approval prior to change if required 需要的话,在改变前要取得客户的认可Continu

35、ally Improve 持续改进43D-7 Prevent Recurrence预预防问题重复发生CAUTIONS 注意! ! ! Ensure quality system requirements (TS16949) are adhered to 确保符合质量体系(TS-16949)的要求Ensure customer approval is obtained, as required 需要的话,要确保得到客户的认可Ensure provision for all impacted areas 确保实施到所有受影响区域448 - Disciplines of Problem Solvin

36、g解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congr

37、atulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队45D-8 Congratulate Team 祝贺团队祝贺团队Recognize the collective efforts of the team 承认团队的集体努力Show appreciation for individual contributors 对个人的贡献表示感谢Promote participation 促进参与Provide a tactful announcement of “the end” 技巧性地宣布“完成”46D-8 Congratulate Team 祝贺团队CAUTIONS 注意! ! ! Remember

38、those who supported the team efforts 别忘了那些对团队工作给予支持的人员Seek creative ways to congratulate the team 采取有创意的方式来祝贺团队478 - Disciplines of Problem Solving解决问题的解决问题的8项纪律项纪律D-1 Form the Team 建立团队建立团队D-2 Describe the Issue描述问题描述问题D-3 Containment Activities临时控制措施临时控制措施D-4 Find and Verify Root Cause查找并确定根本原因查找并确定根本原因D-5 Select the Best Solution选择最佳解决方案选择最佳解决方案D-6 Verification of Corrective Action纠正措施验证纠正措施验证D-7 Prevent Recurrence预防问题重复发生预防问题重复发生D-8 Congratulate the Team祝贺团队祝贺团队4849



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