Unit 2Section Ⅲ Learning about Language &Using Language

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《Unit 2Section Ⅲ Learning about Language &Using Language》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2Section Ⅲ Learning about Language &Using Language(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、语语篇篇理理解解课课时时跟跟踪踪检检测测Unit 2Unit 2Section Section 语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回.Choose the best answer according to the poem.1What do the first four lines mean?AI can help you in summer.BIf its cold in winter, I can giv

2、e you warmth.CIf you can hold on winter, you can leave.DOn winter mornings theres a lot of new snow.返回返回2In the poem, “I ve saved the summer”Here “summer” means _.Aa part of the speaker s lifeBthe speaker s great hopeCthe speaker s strong loveDone of the four seasons返回返回3After reading the poem, who

3、can you guess wrote the poem? AA lover. BA son. CA parent. DA teacher.返回返回4The writer is expressing his/her feelings to his/her _.Achild BloverCfriend Dteacher返回返回5The poem is mainly about _.Aa man s determination to save the summerBa person s confidence to win the timeCa person s deep love and desi

4、re for his/her loverDa parent s deep love for his/her child答案:答案:15BCCAD返回返回.Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)1Many of the phrases imply that the speaker is young.( )2The speaker has experienced their own journey through life. ( )3The poem

5、sends the message that no matter when you need warmth and love, the parents will give you. ( )4The poem doesnt have a rhythmic pattern. ( )FTTF返回返回返回返回返回返回A词义配配对1appropriate Aa piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points to the north2exchange Ba business which pays

6、 for a show, sports event, ect.usually in return for advertising 3sponsor Cto give and receive something in return for something else返回返回4compass Dsuitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances5load Esomething that is being carried by a person, vehicle, etc.答案:答案:1D2C3B4A5E返回返回B根据构

7、根据构词法法(ian, ness, ly, th, ist)写出写出单词6library n n.7dark adj. n.8warm adj. adv. n.9piano n n.10violin n n.librariandarknesswarmlywarmthpianistviolinist返回返回返回返回1appropriate adj.适当的;正当的适当的;正当的 教材教材P13原句原句Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending. 把每个句子的开把每个句子的开头与恰当的与恰当的结尾搭配起来。尾搭配起

8、来。 They have agreed that their writing should be appropriate. 他他们已同意他已同意他们的文章的文章应该写得恰如其分。写得恰如其分。返回返回be appropriate to/for 适于;合乎适于;合乎It is appropriate that sb.(should) do .某人做某人做是恰当的是恰当的It is appropriate for sb.to do sth. 适合某人做某事适合某人做某事appropriately adv. 适当地适当地返回返回The cartoon Tom and Jerry is appropr

9、iate not only for children but also for adults.动画片画片猫和老鼠猫和老鼠不不仅适合儿童看,而且适合成年人看。适合儿童看,而且适合成年人看。 we start out early? Is it appropriate for us to start out early?我我们尽早出尽早出发合适合适吗?Is it appropriate that返回返回2exchange 教材教材P13原句原句If there had not been an exchange programme, he would not have found a sponsor

10、to help him study abroad. 如果以前没有交如果以前没有交换学生的学生的项目,他不会找到目,他不会找到资助人助人赞助助 他出国。他出国。形象形象记忆记忆返回返回(1)n.交交换;交流;互;交流;互换To reach an agreement, we had an exchange of thoughts.为了达成一致意了达成一致意见,我,我们交交换了想法。了想法。Id like my dictionary in exchange for your book.我愿意用我的字典我愿意用我的字典换你你这本本书。返回返回(2)vt.& vi.调换;交;交换;交流;交流I woul

11、dn t exchange my apple with him for anything.无无论他拿什么他拿什么东西,我都不西,我都不换我的苹果。我的苹果。I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.我与我与经理握手,相互交理握手,相互交谈了几句。了几句。返回返回in exchange 交交换;调换exchange A B 以以A交交换B;把;把A兑换成成Bexchange sth. sb. 与某人交流与某人交流/交交换某物某物forforwith返回返回3load 教材教材P16原句原句Slowly the old man

12、 carries his load. 慢慢地老人慢慢地老人负重前行。重前行。形形象象记记忆忆返回返回(1)n.负担;担;负荷物荷物(尤指沉重的尤指沉重的)Heavy debts are really a heavy load to Greece and Italy. 沉重的沉重的债务对希腊和意大利来希腊和意大利来说是一是一项沉重的沉重的负担。担。a load of loads of 许多多(后接可数后接可数/不可数名不可数名词)take a load off ones mind 消除某人的精神消除某人的精神负担担返回返回The woman came down the hill with her

13、 loads of firewood.这个女人背着一大捆柴火下了山。个女人背着一大捆柴火下了山。The good news that my mother had recovered took a load my mind.妈妈康复的好消息使我如康复的好消息使我如释重重负。off返回返回(2)v.装装载;加重;把;加重;把弹药装入装入(枪炮炮)load sth./sb.with sth.用用装装载/使使负担担load sth.into/onto sb./sth. 把把装入装入(到到)/使使负担担load up 装装载货物物返回返回How long will it take to load the

14、 coal onto the truck?装装这车煤需要多煤需要多长时间?The ship is now lying off, ready .船船现在停泊在附近,准在停泊在附近,准备装装载货物。物。to load up返回返回返回返回点此进入返回返回返回返回返回返回1according 根据;按照根据;按照2have 玩得高玩得高兴3 chance 碰巧;意外地碰巧;意外地4hold 别挂断;挂断;继续;坚持;保持持;保持5 the bottom of 在在的底部的底部6 oneself 独自地;独立地独自地;独立地7try 测试;试验8let 发出;放走出;放走tofunbyonatbyou

15、tout返回返回返回返回1try out测试;试验;尝试教材教材P15原句原句I think I ll try out his way too some time.我想我也将用他的方法我想我也将用他的方法试验一段一段时间。The government of the USA is trying out a new method to solve the economy crisis.美国政府正在美国政府正在尝试新的方法解决新的方法解决经济危机。危机。Try out the new medicine for a year and we ll see how well it works.这种新种新药

16、试用一年,我用一年,我们就会知道它的效用有多大。就会知道它的效用有多大。返回返回try on试穿穿try out for 参加参加选拔拔try for 试图获得;力争得;力争赢得得have a try 试一一试Having trained for half a year, John tried out the swimming team.训练半年后,半年后,约翰参加了游泳翰参加了游泳队的的选拔。拔。Let me have a try; I might be able to open it.让我我试一一试,或,或许我能打开它。我能打开它。for返回返回2let out发出;放走;泄露出;放走;泄

17、露教材教材P16原句原句Slowly the blackbird lets out a cry.慢慢地,那只黑慢慢地,那只黑鹂发出叫声。出叫声。She let out a scream when seeing the spider.看到蜘蛛看到蜘蛛时她她发出尖叫。出尖叫。The boss told us not to let out the plan to the press.老板叫我老板叫我们不要把不要把这个个计划泄露划泄露给新新闻界。界。返回返回let in让进来来let alone 不打不打扰;更不用;更不用说let down 把把放下来;使放下来;使失望失望I don t have a

18、 MP3, let alone an iPhone 4.我我连个个MP3都没有,更不用都没有,更不用说拥有一部有一部iPhone 4了。了。Our men s football team again because they couldn t get the ticket to the 2014 World Cup.我我们的男足又的男足又让我失望了,因我失望了,因为他他们没能取得没能取得2014年世界年世界杯的入杯的入场券。券。let me down返回返回点此进入返回返回返回返回返回返回1句型展示句型展示In fact, my family love reading so much that

19、 we keep buying books.事事实上,我的家人如此喜上,我的家人如此喜欢读书以至于我以至于我们总是是买书。典例背典例背诵Yao Ming is so tall that he can almost reach the ceiling.姚明的个子很高,几乎能姚明的个子很高,几乎能够着天花板。着天花板。返回返回2句型展示句型展示Do you think the speaker in the poem is more likely to be a girlfriend/boyfriend or a parent?你你认为诗中的中的发言者更有可能是一个女朋友、男朋友,言者更有可能是一个

20、女朋友、男朋友,还是一位父是一位父亲或母或母亲?典例背典例背诵Who do you think is likely to win the selection?你你认为谁会会赢得得这次次选举?返回返回3句型展示句型展示Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, remember I ll have some to give you.尽管未来尽管未来对你来你来说也也许是是艰难的,但无的,但无论你什么你什么时候需要候需要温暖与温暖与爱,记住我都会住我都会给你。你。典例背典例背诵Whe

21、never you want to come here, you can if you like.无无论你什么你什么时候想来,你都可以来。候想来,你都可以来。返回返回返回返回1Do you think the speaker in the poem is_more_likely_to_be a girlfriend/boyfriend or a parent?你你认为诗中的中的发言者更有可能是一个女朋友、男朋友,言者更有可能是一个女朋友、男朋友,还是一位父是一位父亲或母或母亲?sb./sth.be likely to do .“某人某人/某物可能会做某物可能会做”,该句型又可改句型又可改为It

22、 is likely that .Who is likely to go travelling with us?谁有可能和我有可能和我们一起去旅行?一起去旅行?Liu Xiang is likely to win the race. It is likely that Liu Xiang will win the race.刘翔很可能刘翔很可能赢得比得比赛。返回返回likely, possible, probable词条词条意义意义常用结构常用结构likely表示有充分根据表示有充分根据的预测的预测常用结构:常用结构:sb./sth.is likely to do sth.;It is lik

23、ely that .很有可能很有可能possible表示客观上潜在表示客观上潜在的可能性的可能性常用结构:常用结构:It is possible for sb.to do sth.某人可能做某事;某人可能做某事; It is possible that .可能可能返回返回词条词条意义意义常用结构常用结构probable表示有几分根据的猜表示有几分根据的猜测,比测,比possible的可的可能性大些能性大些常用结构:常用结构:It is probable that .可能可能possible和和probable作表作表语时,其主,其主语通常是物或通常是物或it,而,而likely的主的主语既可以

24、是人,也可以是既可以是人,也可以是it 自填助自填助记It s but not that he ll come here next month.他下月有可能来他下月有可能来这里,但不是很肯定。里,但不是很肯定。possiblelikely/probable返回返回2Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, remember Ill have some to give you.尽管未来尽管未来对你来你来说可能很困可能很困难,但要,但要记住,无住,无论什么什么时候你需要温暖和候你

25、需要温暖和爱,我都会,我都会给你。你。返回返回1)句子句子结构分析:构分析:返回返回2)句中句中whenever 引引导让步状步状语从句,表示从句,表示“无无论何何时;不管什么不管什么时候候”,可,可换为no matter when。Whenever ( No matter when) he wants to dance, he will go there.无无论何何时他想跳舞,他都会去那里。他想跳舞,他都会去那里。He is always glad to answer me, whenever I ask him a question.每逢我每逢我问他他问题,他,他总是是乐意回答我。意回答我

26、。返回返回(1)what/who/which/when/where/however引引导让步状步状语从句,从句,意意为“无无论什么什么/谁/哪个哪个/何何时/何地何地/怎怎样都都”,相当,相当于于no matter what/who/which/when/where/how。We are determined to fulfil the task, whatever/no matter what happens.不管出什么事,我不管出什么事,我们决心完成任决心完成任务。 you borrow, you must return it in a week.你无你无论借哪本借哪本书,都必,都必须一周

27、内一周内归还。Whichever/No matter which book返回返回(2)what/who/whichever除引除引导让步状步状语从句外,从句外,还可以可以引引导主主语从句或从句或宾语从句,它从句,它们既在从句中作成分又在既在从句中作成分又在主句中作成分,相当于主句中作成分,相当于anything that,anybody who等,等,此此时不能与不能与no matter what/who/which互互换。You are right, whatever ( no matter what) opinions may be held by others.你做得你做得对,别人怎么看不必理会。人怎么看不必理会。 wants the book may have it.谁想要想要这本本书都可以拿。都可以拿。Whoever返回返回点此进入返回返回点此进入



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