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1、新高三寒假作业第五讲 (module 5 )主讲主讲: : 晋晋晋晋 玫玫玫玫 镇江中学镇江中学镇江中学镇江中学 审稿:审稿:王明霞王明霞王明霞王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室镇江市教育局教研室镇江市教育局教研室镇江市教育局教研室樟锹脚顾卫菲裳喉殉傣库秩甸秃分锻哑窃鞋揩委赃滴冬惋肪淮识堪冈庶翰新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5一:单项选择瓷激涧离拷唇嘻偿瞎唬芽刹悸茶怔浩疑犬舵洱全驶疚光渐眩喷岁鞋厅稗沂新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module51. Some people argue using nature to meet our own

2、needs may spell disaster, unless we start to look around and understand how clean environment benefits us all. A. /; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a 本题考查冠词。nature做“自然 ”讲时,前面无冠词; environment 环境,可数名词。答案选A。滑牌船似石侗募暑倍峪酵挚邱童哦醚胡课惮监神遮价弘表导臆鬼洞泄吭沂新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module52. This restaurant has become p

3、opular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. A. division B. area C. circle D. range a wide range of: 范围广泛的范围广泛的 。根据句意,答案选D。 蔬灾圆琐缘枷帕苞曲翠巢受讨鉴鸡花淄辙提玉刀寇界活否噬廉疚昂伊诣瑞新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module53. The children were for the accident. After all they were so young. A. not to blame B. to n

4、ot blame C. not blamed D. to not be blamed本题考查blame 用法。 be to blame是固定搭配, “该受责备,应该负责”。根据句意,孩子们不应该受到责备,所以用 be not to blame 结构。答案选A。斩膜缆滚哺邱校见晃褪礼绅邓仕延茁扔酞狗鲤如静畔它瞩材鞍璃寝欲岁秤新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module54. So quickly the boy his homework that he was praised. A. does, finish B. did, finish C. had, finished

5、D. 不填不填, finished 该句考查倒装。so + adj/adv. 放在句首 要求部分倒装,且从was praised 看出本句用过去时。答案选B。旱购汲胎掺修盟晦吾螟纶剿齿呢剿讹暑湛呵书发辑诫骗靖发集厕译粪爽腾新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module55. their nationalities, we will make friends with anyone who is friendly. A . Regardless of B. Despite of C. Except for D. Thanks to该题考查词组。 regardless of 不

6、管、不顾;despite of 是错误词组,正确形式为despite/ in spite of 尽管 except for除了以外;thanks to 多亏,由于。根据句意,答案选A。妄总狞棵变嗡淮醇财供寒判位绿庚肠尖缆硝饶杨自磊具唆然于截廖愿涅单新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module56. The Russian women athlete was in the lead all the way in the womens 10-meter air rifle, only the final to Du Li. A . losing B. to lose C. l

7、ost D. lose该题考查不定式。 only to do sth 做结果状语表出乎意料的结果。答案选B。 A:losing 分词做结果状语表示顺其自然的结果。赦顿戌帽像故耳疮噪卫眷丰届跃桌姻所帚络淫可茫觉料胯煎鹅暑奶骸巡飞新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module57. The medical conference in Shanghai for seven days by the time it ends. A. had lasted B. has lasted C. would last D. will have lasted 该题考查时态。 根据句中by th

8、e time 短语看出本句应用完成时态,且从it ends得出应用将来完成时态。答案选D。拙蔚啄吮诊争集际厩盏碑腕涵服灭炒功堡刀命伯侠益拿殿扇裹狂囚镇糕拴新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module58. Have we water? Yes, . Wed better get some. A. run out of; we have run it out B. run out of; our water has run out C. run out of; our water has been run out D. run out; our water has run

9、out该题考查run out of 和run out 的区别。 run out of 为及物动词短语,后面要加宾语; run out 为不及物动词短语,无宾语,无被动。答案选B。搀帆推揉摔子沿彭撤疏俊萧短贾环盎齐党哗小叁实挎然振噶将搂尘栈长浪新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module59. The factory we are now working in is twice it was in 1980. A . that B. which C. what D. where该题考查倍数的表达方式: 倍数倍数+名词性从句名词性从句 (it was 后缺表语),所以选C。倍

10、数的其他表达方式为: 1)倍数+ asas 2)倍数+ 比较级+than ;3) 倍数+ the +n (height/length/size)+ of 衫苦疆奏毛养真摊渡登骆蕉弧乍枷都蔚沃裹鄂录稻金邹帽氯君铬庄揽各俐新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 10. will he come to our dinner ? He says that he will not come unless . A. invited B. inviting C. invites D. invite该题考查状语从句的省略。 根据句意“他说不会来,除非被邀请” 看出答案为A。连词u

11、nless后省略了he is 。 垛品藻板小兜辖贿荣帕抉份兔掇责麻愉乃征涪淹幕笔哩釉咋柳薪啮脑屏宣新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module511. The picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can _ my father. A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out 该题考查词组。find out 找出,查明;发现; pick out :(从周围的人、东西等中)辨认出;区别出 ; look out 小心,当心; speak out:大声说出; 根据

12、句意:从照片中认出我的父亲,答案选B。扁挨亮琵肋杜阶蒙癣热稗账建贷队灾堑封妥掩蕉锗支托行哩例聊卧搪怪洋新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module512. What do you think has made Tom feel down? _ his seat in the election, I think. A. As he lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing 该句考查动名词作主语。该句全句应该为Losing his seat in the election made Tom feel down. 答案选C。呜蝎离斯

13、丁畴凸墓劫缔达顿响詹椅捐昆悦痕矗斜郧榆尚彼败帘西脸假倚酷新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module513. Gun control is a subject _ which Americans have argued for a long time. A. about B. with C. of D. into本题考查定语从句。argue with sb about sth :为某事同某人争辩。答案为A。 赵朵之员焊直娶由胺黔辩针膀譬起嗽赢筷斯汤汉东保稽蝴键郊植让酞琼壬新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module514. Having a trip

14、 abroad is good for the old couple, but it remains whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. seen 本题考查remain 的用法。 remain to be done 有待于被有待于被根据句意:去国外旅行对这对老夫妻当然很好,但这还要看他们是否喜欢,答案为C。魄继涩丸母议阮吸曝奄陪肛烦犊欺翁叔栖宛疆冈篓帘请孺琵住羽枫核稚铬新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module515.Do you think their table tenni

15、s team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games? .Ours is much stronger than theirs. A. Of course B. It depends C. Dont mention it D. In no way 本题考查交际用语。 In no way:无论如何不,决不。答案选D。闷大涵瑰横傀涵盯饶添抽罗雁立企冯秸扦测奈秒徒甚钎乒炎唐袖运闭硕赌新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5二:完型填空便驴晋应唇冷柿酗绰留捶要惋渐安做旱罐宾久蛾远烬此霍演更诫崖窍蕊摈新高三寒假作业第

16、五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 本文夹叙夹议,讲述了作者幼年时期,当他正准备接受妈妈告诉他没有钱买圣诞礼物这个事实时,三位女士带着礼物来到他的家中,给他带来了礼物和温暖。后来作者有了自己的新房子,为了使自己住在新家后的第一个圣诞节过的有意义,他提出了给孤儿送温暖的计划,并得以成功。挂扔甘窃鹃蓑辨源茹浙诫锯蹿盗场稽焕绎缄乞埋箭烹免椎示伍律饿蕾级铝新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module516. A. sending B. receiving C. making D. exchanging receive gifts :收到礼物。答案选B。17. A

17、. found B. prepared C. got D. expected由语境得知,这里是小伙伴们会问“我”得到什么礼物。答案选C。玩烁岛籍喳掉厩耙阮疫膏趾时粮慧文箩谦焙跪南幕邢帽胰耗癣缨仙曲靴壹新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module518. A. doubt B. hope C. suggest D. accept由My mother told us that we would not receive Christmas gifts because there was not enough money. 可知这里是 “ 我”开始接受没有礼物的事实了。答案选D。

18、烽吝婿昧驱跺多帘屎狂九攀幸节嘶碧却偿诧菌睁向爷荧着徽省侦过壹求示新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module519. A. broke in .B. settled down C. turned up D. showed off 由语境可知,正当我接受没有圣诞节礼物这个事实时,三位女士带着礼物到了我家。 turn up :出现,到达; 答案选C。break in :打断;闯入 ; settle down : 解决;定居 ; show off : 炫耀蔗代瞧答允账沁寝鹊苫拔汹患楔枝茎何员铲咆际傻惩钢来拭耗妓椅始洽荫新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲mod

19、ule520. A. relief B. loss C. achievement D. justice根据上文,“What would I say when the other kids asked what Id got ?”和 three women turn up at our house with gifts for all of us. 得知此处作者有如释重负的感觉。 relief( 解脱,宽慰,轻松) 最符合作者此时的心理状态。 答案选A。秘梳努睁叶技卑冰磁戮壁躇误篡墅虾陕肖辊氖鉴滔逞髓廓两勿紧匿辙翱辊新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module521. A.

20、 blamed B. loved C. forgotten D. affected 该处与本文最后一段中的I wasnt forgotten. 相呼应。答案选C。隶枢峻痰遥艾迂曳嘎氛南碾摈乓竹窿隧玻隐可慷伶汛左意凛瘁岿膨墒虏孩新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module522. A. highly B. little C. poorly D. enough由不定式to bring me a gift 可知,这里是enough to do sth 结构,译为:有人非常关心我,给我带来了礼物。答案选D。恰璃棚看珠都查诸再使离隐莲摸晋执着讹西竣挤寺末娱灶尿凝褥邓扇脚摇新高三寒假

21、作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module523. A. present B. first C. recent D. previous由第二段Years later, when I stood in the kitchen of my new house, 可推测,作者现在可能成家立业了。因为这是“我”在新家里过的第一个特殊而又难忘的圣诞节。故答案选B。宣驾全猖皋毡骋昧广骋俩烃辛叹稽束踞耪隙鹅窝蜀比腾谆奋祭其壕押梨谭新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module524. A. curiously B. instantly C. regularly D. occ

22、asionally “我” 想让自己成家后的第一个圣诞节过的特殊且难忘,马上想起了三位女士带着礼物到达“我”家的情景。instantly (立即,马上),最能体现作者的内心世界。答案选B。注星昨掐苹析琉峙瑟浸希趣搭继眶浚猩尧燃搔统常寝磺臼染冷满胯话醛沁新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module525. A. strength B. independence C. importance D. safety本文第一段已经提到,正是三位女士的圣诞礼物,让“我”摆脱了尴尬的处境。因此“我”要创造使孩子们认为自己非常重要的感觉the same feeling of importa

23、nce 。答案选C。渔础柱温禄贺仲绿鹏贷酣醛主锐资赁乔叼偶辽使循买办碱慑宗理储宝荐尽新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module526. A. kept B. caught C. came D. put come up with“提出”; We gathered about 125 orphans at the Christmas party. 就是作者提出的计划。答案选C。keep up with“跟上”,指状态;catch up with “赶上“ 指动作; put up with “忍受“。奄籽论苑拎弧瓜泉灶票唁竖翱鸵号磋燥或姨结云唤酒欺励迪静冬榨女优抓新高三寒假作

24、业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module527. A. attended B. decorated C. covered D. filled 根据句意,我们包装了彩色的盒子,里面装满了玩具可知此处填filled ,过去分词做后置定语。答案为D。埔称风故皿菏谅琴为蠢观厘时诊粘涎蓝惋及赁题拔枣俗柳侩恨喧疵停衅募新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module528. A. fine B. special C. helpful D. normal 通过语境,得知We wanted all of them to know they were 28 中they的指代的是p

25、resents .并且作者想表达“我” 想让他们知道这些礼物具有的特殊意义,其意义胜过礼物本身。答案选。崇俺辱蛔释稍萨续寐俊玄归离贴燎呀蜂勘绦轴伸惦肮讲旗盘靶茅酶晤擦倒新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module529. A. reminded B. guaranteed C. convinced D. promisedremind 提醒,并且they couldnt open their presents 30 every child had come forward. 就是要提醒的内容。答案选A。30. A. after B. until C. when D. sin

26、cenot until 直到才。 我提醒他们直到大家都过来才能打开礼物。答案选B。煽觉跑更棱峻宜桶乱枯颐秽讣侍铜杉黍垛邮束侵簿迪攻馁疽中亢贬史骤购新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module531. A. chance B. gift C. moment D. reward根据语境,这里指”Open your presents“ 的时刻到了。答案选C。波健鸡孩姨步键佩槽脂为蒋麦蚀稳诸茧功抖退矫市联枝儿独鞋柠筒湃喀顾新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module532. A. lit B. took C. burned D. cheered由their

27、faces beamed (他们笑容满面)推测出,他们的笑声使整个房间充满了欢乐的气氛。light up 喜形于色,喜气洋洋 答案选A。take up 占据,从事; burn up 烧尽; cheer up 使欢呼,兴高采烈梅孜屯秋有吓令堂再差观俺夯见丝不吹按此结纠陆江镊冒碾叭蛤戈顾囤嫡新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module533. A. atmosphere B. sympathy C. calmness D. joy由上文their faces beamed and their bright smiles lit up the room 可知,答案选D. 译为:

28、整个房间充满了欢乐。 列憾邢固好脉朵耶闻靡泄汇爱卓阁喷孵绎壹待豫能旨绦元髓蹿尾钢膏闽浩新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module534. A. feeling B. chance C. decision D. sight由下文the kind of feeling I knew 可知,此处应填feeling。答案选A。35. A. by B. till C. for D. from “来自于” 用from。本句是作者的感慨: 这种愉快的感觉不是礼物带来的,而是很久以前当作者彷徨徘徊时三位女士带来的。答案选D。雁秃窑煌幌辱洼弯料联烽芍颠燃采谩鞋细粕审械蜜剥林邢埂卯抚帛党俐

29、狂新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5三:阅读理解际率窗系爪涂驾午腆铜娇秃铀嗅简涂汀怎泥经耻拾孩虏邱湘出渠坛妻将袁新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 本文是一篇记叙文。作者向我们叙述了二战之后以及现在美国城市中人们的变迁,从侧面反射出贫富差别给人们带来的影响。勉倾缨宇鼎刮媚犊瓷津军感尤饲菌欧奎捻戈续筋夺劈珠桐敏迂孜猫刑课麓新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module536. What does the author think of cities all over the world? A. They ar

30、e alive. B. They are hopeless. C. They are similar. D. They are different.事实细节题。由第一段第一句American cities are similar to other cities around the world得知选C。 百众严盯以稽弧漂袱伦肺呸藻非皇嘛雄绕憋汤蕉跌曳惜屈峙捻恃辰爽肩糖新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module537. American city residents wanted to live in the suburbs after World War because

31、 _. A. older American cities were dying. B. they were richer and needed more space. C. cities contained the worst parts of society D. they could hardly afford to live in the city.推理判断题。由第二段最后三句可知城市居民变得富有,他们有较多的孩子,需要较大的空间,因此他们想搬到乡下。答案选B。此颠堪磁籍果劫厢斋芯娄肌知煎蒂柏腻亚倡巳易衬氢吠蘑洞掌栅诞毯雅恒新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲modul

32、e538. According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities . A. are faced with housing problems B. are forced to move to the suburbs C. want to sell their buildings D. need more money for daily expenses推理判断题。由第四段第二句可知:无数的穷人必须离开他们的公寓,因为房子主人想卖掉房子而不愿出租。答案选A。B项与第四段第三句相矛盾; C项的主语应该是

33、the owners. 窜纶闻秋琅卖左拦震宫另诗想葫狼翘矫胡怪太览嫌咋钡趟浸董痪至旋缔痢新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module539. We can conclude from the text that . A. American cities are changing for the worse B. people have different views on American cities C. many people are now moving from American cities D. the population is decreasing in

34、 older American cities推理判断题。由最后一段可知不同的人对城市有不同的观点。答案选。项与本文第一段最后一句矛盾; C项主语应该是 many poor people .玄欺释奥但拴艾峰亭跟藏汲锄尊湾族与往纳聘笼谣敛火丢供廖盏嗣配矛热新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5四:单词拼写记强婉工袍变首膀踪程场癸瘤房粹淆桃茵怜伶孺竿玉棘夺输笆苯风羽述灶新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module540. I must a for not being able to meet you at the airport on time;

35、I was so busy.41. Dont let yourself be p into buying things you dont really want.42. She o his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.43. The company was e in 1860. It has a history of 146 years.44. The factory was shut down because it used to give out p gases. apologize persuaded overlo

36、oked established poisonous 跌范糠妇命浓透熙虱洼敏角已巩语谓臼匝爪柳峪人竹檬容猜奎崭顷矿拽赁新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module545. The fire caused the (毁坏)of our village.46. (有效的)measures should be taken to educate the pupils to obey school rules.47. He left England with the (目的)of traveling in Africa.48. Friendship is always a swee

37、t (责任), never an opportunity.49. She (发誓) that she hadnt told anyone , but her friend still didnt forgive her. destruction Effective intention responsibility swore 付碳椒淤穗握霍漫表欧掀云霓沾酥侦铭瑰挡趁退寿改肘侥冶挪禹骄厢坚袁新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5五:书面表达瓷媳砒啸泛毋俭妊侥隋傈忽哆浦款幌漂焊析贸寅右砚享存御戒赢敷绑糠拭新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲modul

38、e5Five steps in writing1.审清题意ReviewingReviewing2.2.列出要点列出要点Listing useful phrasesListing useful phrases3.3.造出句造出句子子Making sentencesMaking sentences4.4.连连句句成文成文Combining sentences into Combining sentences into paragraphs & forming an articleparagraphs & forming an article5.5.查查缺补漏缺补漏CheckingChecking

39、婆涧项歪垦啮决冉渊蚊云贱映闸肋料试娃衬沪懈束丽仲即晌撬帛材顿愉绘新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5目前的状目前的状况况1自然资源日趋减少自然资源日趋减少2环境问题依然严重环境问题依然严重3人的环保观念淡薄人的环保观念淡薄4贫富差距越来越大贫富差距越来越大已采取的已采取的措施措施1制定了相关的法律法规制定了相关的法律法规2投入了大量的资金改善环境投入了大量的资金改善环境3对民众进行教育对民众进行教育4加强了国际间的相互合作加强了国际间的相互合作你的看法你的看法 可持续发展已成为全球共识,可持续发展已成为全球共识,如何实行可持如何实行可持续发展续发展是摆在世人面前

40、的重大问题。请就下面表是摆在世人面前的重大问题。请就下面表格所提供的内容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。格所提供的内容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。饮怖射茵贪每图翻硕咏惕壕采李壳拨耪胃驾壁拧履苏常颠专雄扩绥旱迹陆新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet. 坠懂让紊有犹插菜渔螺章讹涵初于汹灰胖泡歌兹鳖焉菜姓宗

41、息累淳油获藕新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 The present situation is worrying. First, natural resources are becoming less than before. Second, as some people are not aware of the importance of the environmental protection, the problems with it remain extremely serious to some degree. The gap between th

42、e rich and the poor has the tendency to become wider and wider.宁逞勇盗热乓幸主瞒屎逻卷坐棘致篷菌对邮优汁惶菜他傣资谐婉珊捧薄扛新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 To our great joy, many countries have taken action. On one hand, they have made relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money to the environmental protecti

43、on. On the other hand, popularized educational as well as international cooperation is being carried out. 撕酚废苑拟市剂帮槽忱劝押戴露捂颅蚤抵阂壕设穿决艰讥肋未室瘤凉班藐新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5 As for myself, I should take the responsibility to devote myself to sustainable development, or our future and the lives of our

44、 children and our grandchildren will be in danger.俞厄旧保被祭况我幻唉鲸卑妇咱轧钧危敲伙柔欲烈悠落宁冗拙屿散胜钠搐新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5Thank you!靴篆瘫溜仿崖乡种千瞪唉只脑梳嘿蹭信深冶俐吼胚揉纳峡嘿蜗嘘充杀溺谱新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5StyleTensePersonKey pointsReviewingReviewingNarration 记叙文记叙文Exposition 说明说明文文ArgumentationPractical writingA

45、rgumentation并轨氟酚秀妻推琵估檀丙源弥卿膏订著仪十缆癌蓑忧类巡菊哀太搐节疚浆新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module51. Diversify(多样化)(多样化)your sentence structure2. Express yourself in a flexible(灵活的灵活的) way3. Avoid wordy (冗长的)(冗长的) sentences4. Avoid Chinglish mistakesMaking sentences铺遂努姜粤辐亥绩钓遥劫蝉告价徐仔沃际腾靛腋舌议薛透滤冉销筷请秀猾新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假

46、作业第五讲module5TipsTips1. 1.Conjunctions and transitional wordsConjunctions and transitional words连接(过渡)词连接(过渡)词 2. 2. AdvancedAdvanced sentence structures sentence structures besides, whats more, however, otherwise, so, therefore, on the whole, etc.Inversion, the Attributive Inversion, the Attributive clause, Noun clauseclause, Noun clause ,Emphatic structure ,etc.Emphatic structure ,etc. 竭躲万居檄定峙彼痈又接蕴蚊冰崩辕钟酱拳津峪送典住铜诱袖雾豌章星氖新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5SummarySummary1.1.要点完整要点完整2.2.语言无误语言无误3.3.行文连贯行文连贯4.4.表达清楚表达清楚涪慈差谚眨是沂鸡骏肤撩礁窝卖符毕练含戎征画呻猜纸矿祖岗嘴蓑视钧汽新高三寒假作业第五讲module5新高三寒假作业第五讲module5



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