工作期望 Job Expectation

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《工作期望 Job Expectation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《工作期望 Job Expectation(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、工作期望 Job Expectation申请职位Job Title:岗位类别Category:工作性质Type of Job:最低薪金Min. Salary:可工作日起Date Available:Per Month长期工作 Permanent短期工作 Temporary任意 Any每月近期照片Recent Photo个人资料 General Information中文姓名Chinese Name:出生日期Date of Birth:家庭住址Address:身高HeightCmWeight厘米Zip Cord:体重Kg公斤Marital Status:English Name:婚姻状况Sex:

2、邮政编码性别英文姓名家庭状况 Family Status家庭成员Family Member:父亲Father:母亲Mother:配偶Spouse:子女Children:姓名Name:职业/职位Occupation/Position联系电话Telephone教育程度 Education学校名称Name of School目前就读从From至 To期间 Duration专业Specialty学位Degree是否毕业Graduated?(Y/N)Present Studies大学University大专College高中High School其它Others语言水平 Language会话 Spoke

3、n良好Good英语English日语Japanese韩国语Korean一般Fair略懂Poor良好Good阅读 Reading一般Fair略懂Poor良好Good书写 Written一般Fair略懂Poor技巧与技能 Skills & Abilities 微机打字 Word Typing 电脑操作 Computer Operation 驾驶执照 Driving License 紧急抢救 First Aid 档案管理 Filing 收 款 机 Cashier Register工作经历 Employment Record以前公司名称Name of Previous Company期间 Period

4、从 Form至 To职位Position最后薪水Last Salary离职原因Reason For Leaving证明人 Reference姓名Name职业Occupation地址Address联系电话Telephone兴趣与爱好 Interests & Hobbies请列举阁下之兴趣与爱好Please list your hobbies & interests:其它资料 Other Information在相关处以“V”表示Mark with a “V” in the right collum曾否因行为或工作不佳而被辞退Have you ever been dismissed because

5、 your conduct orunsatisfactory performance?曾否因违反法律行为而被判刑或劳动教养Have you ever been convict4d of a crime?曾否患有严重疾病、受伤或接受手术治疗Have you ever suffered any serious injuries, illness oroperation?是否愿意接受公司对仪容仪表方面的要求Are you willing to obey the rules concerned you appearance?是Yes否No如有,请说明详情State the nature, if any

6、宣言宣言 DECLARATION:DECLARATION:本人在该申请书中所填写的一切均属实且准确。如有隐瞒或虚报,自愿接受立即解雇之处分。本人授权调查上述资本人在该申请书中所填写的一切均属实且准确。如有隐瞒或虚报,自愿接受立即解雇之处分。本人授权调查上述资料的真实性。料的真实性。All the information provided by me in this application form are true and correct. Any false statementAll the information provided by me in this application for

7、m are true and correct. Any false statementoror dishonestdishonest answeranswer toto anyany questionsquestions is is sufficientsufficient forfor immediateimmediate termination.termination. I I alsoalso authorizeauthorizeinvestigation of the above information for the purpose of verification.investigation of the above information for the purpose of verification.申请人签名Applicants Signature:Date:日期联系方式 Contact Information家庭电话Home Phone:电子邮件E-mail:Work Phone:工作电话紧急情况下的联系人 Person to Be Notified in Case of Emergency关系姓名地址联系电话RelationshipNameAddressTelephone



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