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1、一、细节理解事实细节题专题三第二节分类突破真题感悟名师点津内容索引随堂限时练真题感悟(2017江苏,江苏,A)CHRONOLOGICAThe Unbelievable Years that Defined HistoryDID YOU KNOW.*In 105 AD paper was invented in China?*When Columbus discovered the New World?*The British Museum opened in 1759?CHRONOLOGICA is a fascinating journey through time,from the fou

2、ndation of Rome to the creation of the Internet.Along the way are tales of kings and queens,hot air balloons.and monkeys in space.Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in worldhistory and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasnt always as good as it sounds,how the Hundred Years War didnt ac

3、tually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record. CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining tour into history,beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts.While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Al

4、exander the Great,this book also givesan account of the lives of lesserknown individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum.This plete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old,and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover wit

5、h something new!语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文中作者向读者推荐了一本有关历史的本文是一篇应用文。文中作者向读者推荐了一本有关历史的书并介绍了其相关信息。书并介绍了其相关信息。语篇解读56.What is CHRONOLOGICA according to the text?A.A biography. B.A travel guide.C.A history book. D.A science fiction.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。由由倒倒数数第第二二段段中中的的“While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories.this book als

6、o gives.”可可知知CHRONOLOGICA是是一一本本书书,再再根根据据文文章章开开头头所所说说的的这这是是一一次次穿穿越越时时间间的的迷迷人人旅旅行行(a fascinating journey through time)可判断这是一本历史书。故选可判断这是一本历史书。故选C项。项。答案解析57.How does the writer remend CHRONOLOGICA to readers?A.By giving details of its collection.B.By introducing some of its contents.C.By telling storie

7、s at the beginning.D.By paring it with other books.解解析析推推理理判判断断题题。通通读读文文章章可可知知,作作者者提提到到了了这这本本书书的的部部分分内内容容罗马的建立,因特网的缔造,罗马皇帝及百年战争等。故选罗马的建立,因特网的缔造,罗马皇帝及百年战争等。故选B项。项。答案解析名师点津一、题型解读一、题型解读事事实实细细节节题题常常以以应应用用文文的的形形式式出出现现在在考考题题中中,涉涉及及的的话话题题有有:广广告告类类,活活动动安安排排类类,书书籍籍电电影影介介绍绍类类,演演出出信信息息类类等等。设设问问方方式式以以5W1H(what,


9、位词词主主要要是是题题干干中中的的名名词词、动动词词和和数数词词等等,即即问问题题的的核核心心信信息息。例例如如上上面面【真真题题感感悟悟】中中的的第第56题题干中的定位词为题题干中的定位词为CHRONOLOGICA。第第二二步步:在在原原文文中中查查找找定定位位词词或或定定位位词词的的相相关关信信息息,找找出出相相关关的的句句子子。例例 如如 上上 面面 【 真真 题题 感感 悟悟 】 中中 的的 第第 56题题 , 我我 们们 在在 原原 文文 中中 找找 到到“CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining.While CHRONOLOGI

10、CA tells the stories.”等句子。等句子。第第三三步步:分分析析句句子子和和选选项项,得得出出正正确确答答案案。例例如如上上面面【真真题题感感悟悟】中中的第的第56题,分析句子和选项可知题,分析句子和选项可知C项正确。项正确。随堂限时练A(2018辽宁朝阳凌源高三上期末辽宁朝阳凌源高三上期末)Amazon Adventureby Sy MontgomeryJoin the awardwinning author Sy Montgomery and the photographer Keith Ellenbogen.Tiny fish,called piabas,can hel

11、p preserve the Amazon,its animals and the rich legacy of its people.Amazon Adventure is an eyeopeningand ultimately hopefulexploration of how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon,but our entire environment.Cosmic Commandosby Christopher EliopoulosJeremy and Justin are tw

12、ins, but they are different from each other.Jeremy is a risk taker; Justin prefers to read,focus,and get all his facts straight before jumping in.But they do1have one important thing in mon:They both love video games.Katana at Super Hero Highby Lisa YeeKatana isnt like most high school students.In a

13、ddition to training to be a super hero,Katana also follows the noble warrior traditions of the Samurai.Now a mysterious presence has given her the responsibility of guarding a hundred ancient Samurai swordsbut why her and for what purpose?With the help of Wonder Woman,Supergirl,Ms Martian,and some o

14、f her other super friends,she intends to find out.Lights,Camera,Middle School!by Jennifer LHolmFor Babymouse,middle school is like a monster movie.You can never be sure whos a friend and whos an enemy,and the halls are filled with mean girl zombies.They expect everyone to be just like them.But babym

15、ouse doesnt want to 8fit inshe wants to stand out!So she joints the film club to write and direct a sweeping cinematic epic(电影史诗电影史诗)语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇应用文,作者向我们介绍了四本书的作者和具体内容。本文是一篇应用文,作者向我们介绍了四本书的作者和具体内容。语篇解读1.What should people caring for the environment read?A.Amazon Adventure.B.Cosmic Commandos.C.Kata

16、na at Super Hero High.D.Lights,Camera,Middle School!解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据Amazon Adventure部部分分中中的的“exploration of how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon,but our entire environment”可可知知,关关心心环环境境的的人人应应该该读读亚亚马马逊逊探探秘。故选秘。故选A。答案解析2.What is Jeremy and Justins mon hobby?A.Advent

17、ure. B.Reading.C.Watching TV. D.Video games.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据Cosmic Commandos部部分分中中的的“But they do have one important thing in mon:They both love video games.”可可知知,杰里米和贾斯汀的共同爱好是电子游戏。故选杰里米和贾斯汀的共同爱好是电子游戏。故选D。答案解析3.As a high school student,how is Katana?A.2Modest. B.Curious.C.Particular. D.3Diligent.解

18、解析析推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据Katana at Super Hero High部部分分中中的的“Now a mysterious presence has given her the responsibility of guarding a hundred ancient Samurai swordsbut why her and for what purpose?.she intends to find out.”可可推推知知,作作为为高高中中生生,Katana好好奇奇心心很很重重。故选故选B。答案解析B(2018云南保山统测云南保山统测)Yellowstone Vacations

19、Calendar & EventsPlan Your Day at YellowstoneWhen you visit Yellowstone National Park,just stepping outside presents an entire world of things to do.But if youre looking for something more structured,we offer our own brand of fun and adventure.Check below for uping events and start planning your day

20、today stay here at Yellowstone.Super Party at Holiday Inn West Yellowstone February 4Will you be in West Yellowstone on Sunday,February 4?Well,great news!We have no intention of missing the biggest game of the year,and we will be celebrating in true “big game” fashion at the Holiday Inn West Yellows

21、tone.Join us as we broadcast the big game on our BIG screen in the conference space,and e and cheer for the team of your choice!A range of food and beverage specials will be available,including buckets of beer,Buffalo chicken dip,and of course wings.We hope to see you here on February 4,2018!KidsNSn

22、ow Weekend March 34Dont miss a special weekend in West Yellowstone filled with fun activities for kids (and families) both outdoors and inside.Join the fun at the West Yellowstone Ice Rink(溜溜冰冰场场).Warm up with hot beverages,toast some marshmallows,and sled on the sledding hill.Bring your own sled fo

23、r the Kids Sledding Hill.Or,try out West Yellowstones ice skating rink.A limited number of ice skates will be available 6 at no charge (e early for the best selection).Relax with music and conversation.Its oldfashioned family fun for everyone of every age.All Yellowstone visitors are wele!For full d

24、etails and schedule information,please visit the official KidsNSnow website.Yellowstone Snowmobile ToursCall 8004267669 today to make a 7reservation.Looking for something a little more hands on? Take one of our Yellowstone Snowmobile Tours and let our local guides take you through the impressive win

25、ter wonderland! Custom and daily tours available. Snowmobile and Tour:$219 which does not include tax of 3%,lunch,clothing,park entrance fees. Yellowstone National Park and Rendezvous Snowmobile Rentals require a 4valid drivers license to drive a snowmobile.For more information on rentals,please see

26、 our Snowmobile Rentals page and Frequently Asked Questions page.语篇解读语篇解读这是一篇应用文,主要介绍了黄石度假日历和项目。这是一篇应用文,主要介绍了黄石度假日历和项目。语篇解读4.Which activity requires booking in advance?A.The Super Party.B.KidsNSnow Weekend.C.The Snowmobile Tours.D.Sledding on the Kids Sledding Hill.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据Yellowstone Sno

27、wmobile Tours中中的的“Call 8004267669 today to make a reservation.”可可知知,此此项项活活动动需需要要提提前前预预约。故选约。故选C项。项。答案解析5.Whats the special about KidsNSnow Weekend?A.Its on the weekend.B.Various foods are offered.C.Its designed for children.D.Some ice skates are free.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据KidsNSnow Weekend March 34中中的的

28、“A limited number of ice skates will be available at no charge (e early for the best selection).”可知,有些溜冰鞋是免费的。故选可知,有些溜冰鞋是免费的。故选D项。项。答案解析6.What is needed to go on the Snowmobile Tours?A.A hot drink.B.A childrens sled.C.A valid drivers license.D.An information 5brochure.解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据Yellowstone

29、Snowmobile Tours中中的的最最后后一一个个要要点点“Yellowstone National Park and Rendezvous Snowmobile Rentals require a valid drivers license to drive a snowmobile.”可可知知,参参加加此此项项活动需要一个有效的驾驶执照。故选活动需要一个有效的驾驶执照。故选C项。项。答案解析素材提炼再拓展做完以上两篇阅读后,巧妙运用语境,解决障碍词和长难句做完以上两篇阅读后,巧妙运用语境,解决障碍词和长难句.障碍词汇突破障碍词汇突破(一一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思阅

30、读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思1.Tom and the man from a rural area have a lot in mon,so they bee good friends in no time. _2.He had always been modest and prudent and remained so after he had bee famous. _3.He is both wise and diligent,and makes use of every minute to work so he makes good in everything. _与与有共

31、同点有共同点谦虚的谦虚的勤奋的;刻苦的勤奋的;刻苦的4.This train ticket is valid for three days.In other words,three days later,it will be useless._5.The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our brochure.You should read it carefully before using it. _有效的有效的小册子小册子(二二)同义词语替换同义词语替换6.These books will be available

32、 at no charge and everyone can take them home to read._7.The restaurant located near the cinema is always full of customers.If you want to have dinner there,youd better call it and make a reservation. _free of charge/for freebook(三三)一词多义一词多义 8.fit in找时间做;适应;相处融洽;装进找时间做;适应;相处融洽;装进(1)She felt it hard

33、to fit in with those people._(2)We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in. _(3)We cant fit in any more chairs. _(4)Most people who e from other countries seem to fit in with the way of life here. _相处融洽相处融洽找时间做找时间做装进装进适应适应.长难句理解长难句理解1.Amazon Ad

34、venture is an eyeopeningand ultimately hopefulexploration of how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon,but our entire environment.句式分析句式分析本句话主干为简单句五种句型中的本句话主干为简单句五种句型中的 结结构构,主主干干可可以以缩缩写写成成:Amazon Adventure is an exploration.其其他他都都为为次次要要成成分分,eyeopening and ultimately hopef

35、ul是是 ,of how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon,but our entire environment是是 ,都都修修饰饰中中心心词词exploration。how humanitys practices are affecting and shaping not only the Amazon,but our entire environment是是介介词词of的的宾宾语语,为为宾宾语语从从句句,其其主主语语是是 ,谓语是,谓语是,宾语是,宾语是。主系表主系表前置定语前置定语后置定语后

36、置定语humanitys practicesare affecting and shapingnot only the Amazon,but our entire environment精美译文精美译文 亚亚马马逊逊探探秘秘是是一一次次使使人人大大开开眼眼界界的的和和充充满满希希望望的的探探索索,探探索索人人类类的的习习惯惯怎怎样样影影响响和和塑塑造造亚亚马马逊逊和和我我们们的的整个环境的。整个环境的。2.We have no intention of missing the biggest game of the year,and we will be celebrating in true

37、 “big game” fashion at the Holiday Inn West Yellowstone.句句式式分分析析本本句句是是并并列列句句,第第一一个个简简单单句句的的主主语语是是we,谓谓语语是是have,宾宾语语是是 no intention of missing the biggest game of the year;第第二二个个简简单单句的主语是句的主语是 ,谓语是,谓语是 ;in true “big game” fashion是是 状语;状语;at the Holiday Inn West Yellowstone是是 状语。状语。精美译文精美译文_wewill be celebrating方式方式地点地点 我们不打算错过当年的最大游戏并且将要在西黄石假日我们不打算错过当年的最大游戏并且将要在西黄石假日宾馆以真实的宾馆以真实的“大游戏大游戏”的时尚形式来庆祝。的时尚形式来庆祝。



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