高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇狂背 话题25课件 新人教版版.ppt

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《高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇狂背 话题25课件 新人教版版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 第二部分 模块复习 话题语汇狂背 话题25课件 新人教版版.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题 25话题语汇狂背相关单词相关单词1. aid vt.& n.帮助,救助,支援帮助,救助,支援2. injury n.伤害;损害伤害;损害3. treatment n.对待;治疗对待;治疗4. hospital n.医院医院5. fever n.& vi.发热;发烧发热;发烧6. cough vi.& n.咳嗽咳嗽7. choke vt.使窒息;哽住使窒息;哽住8. ambulance n.救护车救护车9. cold n.& adj.感冒;冷的感冒;冷的10. temperature n.体温;温度体温;温度11. uncomfortable adj.不舒服的不舒服的12. headach

2、e n.头痛头痛13. operation n.手术手术14. disease n.疾病疾病15. flu n.流感流感16. breathe vi.呼吸呼吸17. medical adj.医疗的医疗的18. symptom n.症状,征兆症状,征兆19. poison n.毒药毒药; 毒害毒害; vt.毒害毒害; 放毒放毒相关短语相关短语 1. fall ill 生病生病2. keep healthy 保持健康保持健康3. take the medicine 吃药吃药4. catch a cold 感冒感冒5. pay attention to 注意注意6. have an operatio

3、n 动手术动手术7. protect.from 保护保护免于免于8. do regular exercise 经常锻炼经常锻炼9. mildly swollen 轻微的红肿轻微的红肿10. medical care 医疗护理医疗护理11. stop the bleeding 止血止血12. suffer from 患上;遭遇患上;遭遇13. come to oneself 苏醒苏醒14. first aid 急救急救15. balanced diet 平衡的饮食平衡的饮食16.in hospital 住住 院院17.a mouth-to-mouth way 人工呼吸人工呼吸18.take ca

4、re 注意;当心注意;当心19.mental and physical health 身心健康身心健康20.get injured 受伤受伤相关句子相关句子1. Dopamine plays a crucial role in our mental and physical health. 多巴胺对我多巴胺对我们的身心健康发挥着至关重要的作用。们的身心健康发挥着至关重要的作用。2. He is scheduled to have an operation this afternoon.预定今天下午为他施行预定今天下午为他施行手术。手术。3. Free medical care for wome

5、n is provided in Tibet and other regions. 国家对西藏等地国家对西藏等地区的妇女普遍实行免费医疗。区的妇女普遍实行免费医疗。4. Mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing is surely the quickest way to get oxygen into her lungs and save her life. 人工呼吸无疑是人工呼吸无疑是使氧气进入她的肺部并挽救她性命的最快速使氧气进入她的肺部并挽救她性命的最快速的办法。的办法。5. She was advised to take the medicine every fo

6、ur hours.有人劝说她应该每四有人劝说她应该每四小时服一回药。小时服一回药。6. The nurse applied some ointment to the cut to stop the bleeding. 护士在伤口护士在伤口上搽了些药膏来止血。上搽了些药膏来止血。7. Bird flu can also cause sudden death.禽流感还会导致突然死亡。禽流感还会导致突然死亡。8. A balanced diet will give you lots of energy!平衡的饮食将使你充满!平衡的饮食将使你充满能量!能量!9.Youll catch a cold i

7、f you dont put on your coat.如果你不穿上外套如果你不穿上外套, 你会你会感冒的。感冒的。10.Why she felt ill suddenly is a mystery.为什么她突然生病是个谜。为什么她突然生病是个谜。语篇模块语篇模块 On the afternoon of last Saturday, my friend and I were practising drawing by the lake in Zhongshan Park when suddenly we heard a girl calling for help in the lake. We

8、 hurried to jump into the lake without any hesitation and pulled her out of the lake. We made her breathe by using mouth-to-mouth way before she came to herself. Then she was sent to hospital and we telephoned the girls parents. Her parents were very thankful to us and the doctors thought highly of

9、our first aid, which made us realize that knowing first aid is very important for everyone.汉语大意:汉语大意:在上周六的下午,我和我的朋在上周六的下午,我和我的朋友正在中山公园的湖边写生,这时候我们友正在中山公园的湖边写生,这时候我们突然听到有个女孩在湖中呼救。我们毫不突然听到有个女孩在湖中呼救。我们毫不犹豫地跳入湖中把她拉出了湖面。我们用犹豫地跳入湖中把她拉出了湖面。我们用人工呼吸使她苏醒过来。然后她被送到了人工呼吸使她苏醒过来。然后她被送到了医院,我们打电话给了她父母亲。他们很医院,我们打电话给了她父母亲。他们很感激,医生们高度赞扬了我们的急救方法,感激,医生们高度赞扬了我们的急救方法,这使我们意识到急救对每个人是很重要的。这使我们意识到急救对每个人是很重要的。



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