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1、Unit-1-EducationUnit-1-EducationA. Background InformationOutlineB. Text StructureC. Language Points Sentence Study Words and PhrasesD. Further Understanding E. Useful ExpressionsF. Synonyms and Antonyms G. Integrated Exercises H. Grammar TipsI. ExercisesBackground Information(Bill Gates) (Microsoft

2、in 1978 - Can you find Bill Gates?) William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software. Microsoft employs more than 61,000 people in 102 countries and regions.Background Information Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle. Gates began programming c

3、omputers at age 13. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC. In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975. Guided by a belief that the computer

4、 would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, he began developing software for personal computers. Gates foresight and his vision for personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry.(Gates and Melinda) Background Information Gates was

5、 married on Jan. 1, 1994, to Melinda French Gates. They have three children. Gates likes reading, and enjoys playing golf and bridge. Philanthropy is important to Gates. He and Melinda believe every life has equal value. In 2000, they created the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with more than $28.8

6、billion to support health and learning in the United States and around the world. (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)back Text Structure Part 1(Para.1): Part 1 is made up of the topic paragraph of the text. It puts forward the main idea of the text: one should get the best education one can.Part 2 (Pa

7、ras2-3): Part 2 illustrates the main idea with the examples of Bill Gates and his employees.Part 3 (Para.4):Part 3 points out the importance of high school education and college education.Part 4 (Para.5):Part 4 is a conclusion of the text. The conclusion is that education does count.backThey want to

8、 know what to study, or whether its OK to drop out of college since thats what I did.detailedreadingSentence Translation:他他们想想知知道道该学学什什么么,或或者者想想知知道道大大学学期期间辍学学是是否否不不要要紧,因因为我就是我就是这么做的。么做的。Structural Analysis:动词不不定定式式to know有有两两个个宾语,一一个个是是what to study,这是是“疑疑问代代词动词不不定定式式”作作宾语;另另一一个个是是whether its OK to

9、drop out of college since thats what I did,这是是whether引引导的的从从句句作作宾语,在在这个个从从句句中中,it作作形形式式主主语代代替替动词不不定定式式to drop out of college。这篇篇课文文中中还有有几几个个地地方方出出现it作作形形式式主主语的的情情况况,如如Its true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft.“疑疑问词+ +不不定定式式”结构构可可以以作作动词宾语,疑疑问词包包括括who, what, which, when, where, how。如:。

10、如:I dont know what to do.He cant decide whether to go or not.In my companys early years, we had a brightpart-time programmer who planned to drop out of high school to work.Sentence Translation:在在我我们公公司司刚开开始始的的几几年年,有有一一个个优秀秀的的兼兼职程程序序师,他他想想从从中学中学辍学来工作。学来工作。Structural Analysis:这句句话中中包包含含了了一一个个定定语从从句句wh

11、o planned to drop out of high school to work,修修饰先先行行词a bright part-time programmer。这篇篇课文中文中还有几个句子中也出有几个句子中也出现了定了定语从句:从句:High school and college offer you the best chance to learn many things and to do projects with others that teach you about team spirit.In high school there was a time when I was hi

12、ghly focused on writing software.For me, classroom is not the only place where you can learn.引引导定定语从从句句的的词如如who, that, when, where等等叫叫作作引引导词或或关关系系词,包括:,包括:that, which, who/whom, whose, when, where, why。But somebody handing you a book doesnt automatically start your learning.Sentence Translation:有个人有

13、个人递给你一本你一本书,这本身并不意味着你学本身并不意味着你学习过程的开始。程的开始。Structural Analysis:句句子子主主语是是somebody handing you a book。句句子子的的主主语可可以以由由一一个个-ing分分词来来充充当当,必必要要的的时候候,这个个-ing分分词还可可以以带上上自自己己的的逻辑主主语,这个个逻辑主主语可可以以是是名名词的的通通格格或或属属格格,也也可可以是代以是代词的的宾格或物主限定格或物主限定词。再看几个例句:。再看几个例句:Seeing is believing.John dropping out of college made

14、his parents disappointed.Your graduating from college with a diploma doesnt guarantee your success in career.backcount (the title)NB:a)count最基本的意思是最基本的意思是“数(数字)数(数字)”,可以作及,可以作及物动词,也可以作物动词,也可以作不不及及物动词。如物动词。如:b) count还有还有“认为,看作认为,看作”的意思,作及物动词。的意思,作及物动词。如如:c) count在课文中的意思是在课文中的意思是“有价值,有重要意义有价值,有重要意义”,作

15、不及物动词。如,作不及物动词。如:Please count the apples in the fridge. The baby cannot yet count. Einstein is counted one of the greatest scientists in the world. The general manager is a man that counts in a company. What really counts is not your present but your care.Phrasal Verb:count as: 可被认为可被认为count in: 把把包

16、括在内包括在内count on: 依赖依赖This university counts as the most renowned one in the country. There are twenty-nine students in our class, counting in the sitting-in students. You can count on me for help when you are in need.Comparison:count & matter这两个词都有这两个词都有“重要重要”的意思,是近义词,的意思,是近义词,count比比matter更强调重要性,更强

17、调重要性,matter常用于这样的句型中:常用于这样的句型中:it doesnt matter+从句。如:从句。如:It doesnt matter where you are educated.Your happiness matters to me. advice (Line 2)NB:advice作为名词时是不可数名词。它的动词形式是作为名词时是不可数名词。它的动词形式是advise。Collocations:take ones advicegive sb advicefollow ones advicea piece of advicePatterns:advise sb sthadv

18、ise doing sthadvise sb to do sthadvise that-clauseExamples:Doctors always advise doing a proper amount of physical exercise.The teacher advised him to read more books on that subject. Derivation:advisable adj. 明智的,合理的明智的,合理的advisory adj. 咨询的,顾问的咨询的,顾问的drop out of (Line 4)drop out作为不及物动词也可以单独使用,后面作为不

19、及物动词也可以单独使用,后面不跟不跟of词组,意思是词组,意思是“逃避现实逃避现实”。如:。如:NB:He was so disappointed with the reality of the society that he completely dropped out. Collocations:drop out of school 辍学,退学辍学,退学drop out of the course停止学习这门课程停止学习这门课程drop out of usage (语言、表达方式等)不再(语言、表达方式等)不再 使用使用Useful Expressions with “Drop”:drop

20、 back落后,退后落后,退后drop in顺便拜访顺便拜访drop a hint露口风;给暗示露口风;给暗示a number of (Line 6) a number of的意思是的意思是“大量的,许多的大量的,许多的”,和复数可数名词搭,和复数可数名词搭配。如:配。如:Grammar Notes:a number of studentsa number of booksa number of people但是,不可以说但是,不可以说a number of water,因为,因为a number of不修饰不可数名词。和不修饰不可数名词。和a number of意思意思相近的表达还有:相近的

21、表达还有:many aquite a fewa large amount ofa great deal ofa lot of / lots ofplenty of其中,其中,many a只能修饰单数可数名词,只能修饰单数可数名词,quite a few修饰复数可修饰复数可数名词,数名词,a large amount of和和a great deal of只能修饰不可数名只能修饰不可数名词,词,a lot of / lots of和和plenty of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。可数名词。Comparison:a number of & the number

22、 ofa number of是限定词,修饰可数名词,表示是限定词,修饰可数名词,表示“许多的许多的”,如,如果果a number of 修饰的名词词组作主语,谓语动词要用复数修饰的名词词组作主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。形式。the number of不是限定词,后面加上名词后整个名不是限定词,后面加上名词后整个名词词组的意思是词词组的意思是“的数目的数目”,中心词仍然是,中心词仍然是number,如,如果作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:果作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:A number of university students do part-time jobs to learn so

23、cialization skills. 很多大学生做兼职的工作来学习社交技巧。很多大学生做兼职的工作来学习社交技巧。The number of students in this university exceeds 5,000. 这所大学的学生人数超过了这所大学的学生人数超过了5 0005 000人。人。suggestion (Line 7)NB:suggestion作为名词时是不可数名词。它的动词形式是作为名词时是不可数名词。它的动词形式是suggest。Collocations:at /on sb.s suggestions 根据某人的建议 make /offer a suggestion

24、 提议,建议Examples:At /On her suggestion we went to Beijing by train.We will listen to anyone who makes/offers suggestions for the theme of the party. suggestId like to suggest something else.I suggest we (should) have a rest.success (Line 9)NB:a) success的动词形式是的动词形式是succeed。b) succeed的意思是的意思是“成功成功”。succ

25、eed还有一个还有一个意思是意思是“继续,接替继续,接替”。如:。如:As a rule, when the king dies, his son will succeed to the throne.Night succeeds day. Collocations:succeed in (在某方面)成功(在某方面)成功succeed to 继承(职位、头衔等)继承(职位、头衔等)Derivation:successful adj. 成功的成功的succession n. 继承,连续继承,连续successive adj. 继承的,连续的继承的,连续的advantage (Line 11)NB

26、:advantage的意思是的意思是“有利条件,好处,优点,优势有利条件,好处,优点,优势”。反义词。反义词为为“disadvantage”。Mary speaks good English. Her advantage is that her mother is an English.His bad health is a great disadvantage to him when he looks for work.Collocation: take advantage of 很好地使用;利用Example:take advantage of all educational opport

27、unities 利用一切教育机会lifetime (Line 16)NB:lifetime的意思是的意思是“一生,终生一生,终生”。In my fathers lifetime there have been many changes in the village.Phrase: chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机Example:Its the chance of a lifetime.You will regret it the rest of your life if you dont take it.这可是一个千载难逢的机会。你错过了会后悔一辈子。a lifetim

28、e guarantee 终身保障lifetime membership 终身会员资格discourage (Line 21)NB:discourage的意思是的意思是“使失去信心,不赞成,阻止使失去信心,不赞成,阻止”,作及物动词。如:,作及物动词。如:He was discouraged by his failure.The government discourages excessive spending.The girl is discouraged from marrying the man.Collocation: discouragefromExample:All his frie

29、nds discouraged him from taking such a risky step. Derivation:discouraged adj. 失去信心的失去信心的discouragement n. 气馁,挫折气馁,挫折discouraging adj. 令人气馁的令人气馁的spirit (Line 26)NB:spirit的意思是的意思是“精神精神”。Phrases: in good/high/great spirits 精神好,兴致好Example:She is in good/high/great spirits these days because her son is

30、returning from England.(1) a man of spirit 精神饱满的人(2) team spirit 团队精神(3) fighting spirit 斗志in low/ poor spirits 意志消沉,垂头丧气Phrases:Do you know what happened to him? He seems to be in low/ poor spirits.focus (Line 27)NB:focus一词的基本含义是物理上的一词的基本含义是物理上的“聚焦聚焦”。它常用。它常用的含义是的含义是“集中(注意力、兴趣等)集中(注意力、兴趣等)”。focus既可

31、既可作名词,也可作动词。作名词,也可作动词。Collocation:focus (sth) on / upon sthExamples:If you focus sunlight on a piece of paper with a magnifying glass, you will burn a hole in it. Students should focus their attention on study.Idiomatic Expressions:bring into focus 对好焦距对好焦距, ,使使变得清楚变得清楚out of focus 焦距没对好的,模糊的焦距没对好的,

32、模糊的try out (Line 32)NB:try out的意思是的意思是“尝试或试验(想法或办法)尝试或试验(想法或办法)”以便发以便发现这个想法或办法是否有用。如:现这个想法或办法是否有用。如:The government is trying out a new policy to help disabled people. Its best to try this idea out on a small number of students.In a supermarket, you can try out an electric appliance before you buy it

33、. Useful Expressions with “try”:try on 试穿(衣服等)试穿(衣服等)try out for 参加选拔参加选拔try ones hand at 试着做试着做in short (Line 33)NB:in short的意思是的意思是“简而言之,总之简而言之,总之” 如:如:In short, you should study hard for a better future.总而言之,你应该努力学习,奔一个好前程。Synonymsin brief/ to sum up/ all in all/ in conclusionrange (Line 33)NB:ra

34、nge一词既可作名词,也可以作动词。一词既可作名词,也可以作动词。Collocations:a wide range ofbeyond the range ofwithin the range ofPatterns:range betweenandrange fromtoExample:The temperature in this city ranges between 20 and 25 in summer. A supermarket sells various kinds of goods, ranging from bread to furniture. back Further U

35、nderstanding Questions:1.2.Can the fact that Bill Gates himself is a college dropout prove that education is not important?According to Bill Gates, in what way is high school and college education indispensable?KeyNo. Although Gates himself dropped out of college, it does not mean that education is

36、useless. As a matter of fact, Bill Gates had received good education at Harvard for three years before he left the university; moreover, he must have considered carefully when he left the university to start his career.KeyHigh school and college education is indispensable in two ways: first, it help

37、s one develop many interests; second, it offers one the chance to do things with other people and develop ones team spirit.backUseful Expressionsat/on ones suggestionto the best of ones abilitybe common knowledgein the knowledge thatat/on the point ofto the pointfree of chargegive sb a free handbrea

38、the againturn sth to ones own advantage根据某人的建议根据某人的建议使使有利于自己有利于自己尽(某人)最大努力尽(某人)最大努力是普通常识是普通常识在知道在知道的情况下的情况下正要,几乎要正要,几乎要切题的,中肯的切题的,中肯的免免费让某人自由地做事让某人自由地做事松口气松口气backSynonyms and Antonymssynonymsantonymscountmattersuccessfailureadvantagedisadvantagediscourageencourageeagerkeenlearnedscholarlywiseunwisef

39、reeliberate/ releasegaspgulprevengeretaliatebackVocabulary CheckwA. 1.guided 2.have3.attend4.sent5.guide6.send7.attend8.hadVocabulary CheckwBeducation 教育software 软件success 成功,胜利programmer程序师,编程员subject 科目,课程e-mail 电子邮件ability 能力,本领range 范围focus 使集中,使聚集team spirit 团队精神Vocabulary Check wC1.discourage2

40、.dropped out of3.highly4.took advantage of 5.consider6.tried out7.project 8.in shortGrammar Tips名词(noun)(1)Hundreds of students send me e-mail each year for advice about education.(2)Its true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft.(3)In short, its a real mistake not to take the chance to s

41、tudy a wide range of subjects and to learn to work with other people because education does count.Grammar Tips名词的分类:Noun专有名词:Microsoft (2), Jack, September, London普通名词A. 表示单个的人或事物的个体名词:student, year; college; mistake, subject.B. 集体名词:peopleC. 物质名词: paper, water, riceD.抽象名词: e-mail, advice, education

42、, chance, range, education. Grammar Tips可数名词复数形式的构成规则可数名词复数形式的构成规则 1.绝大多数名词的复数形式是在名词后加-s。如:deskdesks, mapmaps.3.以字母f或fe结尾的名词构成复数形式时,要把f或fe改为v,再加-es。如:lifelives, leafleaves。4.以辅音字母加-y结尾的名词构成复数形式时,要把y改为I,再加-es。如:babybabies, countrycountries.5.有些名词的复数形式变化不规则,需要单独记忆。常见的有:manmen, footfeet, mousemice.2.以字

43、母s, sh, ch, x结尾和以辅音加-o结尾的名词后加-es.如:busbuses, boxboxes, potatopotatoes.Grammar PracticeGive the plural form of the following nouns.1. babybabies 2. nursenurses 3. wishwishes 4. halfhalves5. wayways 6. foxfoxes7. childchildren 8. ChineseChinese9. knifeknives 10.sheepsheep backIntegrated ExercisesSente

44、nce TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1. 老师建议学生利用大学的优势学习各种课程。老师建议学生利用大学的优势学习各种课程。2. 最近,相当多的学生集中精力准备期末考试。最近,相当多的学生集中精力准备期末考试。3. 当你像一个饥饿的人渴望一顿美餐那样渴望学习时,你就能成为一当你像一个饥饿的人渴望一顿美餐那样渴望学习时,你就能成为一个优秀的学生了。个优秀的学生了。KeyKeyKeyThe teacher advised the students to take

45、advantage of college to learn a wide range of subjects.These days, quite a few students are focused on preparing for the final exam.When you want to study as eagerly as a hungry man wants to have a nice meal, you will make yourself a good student.Sentence TranslationDirections: Translate the followi

46、ng sentences from English into Chinese.4. What counts is how you feel about yourself.5. She wanted to discourage him from trying out his new idea.6. The monkey reached out a “hand” for the banana.Key重要的重要的是你对自己的评价。是你对自己的评价。KeyKey她想她想阻止阻止他他尝试尝试自己的新想法。自己的新想法。猴子猴子伸伸“手手”去摘香蕉。去摘香蕉。backText B1.Why did the

47、 student go to Socrates?He went to him because he wanted to have wisdom and knowledge.2. How did Socrates answer the young mans question?He said nothing in answer to the young man. Instead, he took him to the beach.Text B3. When did Socrates free the student?He freed him just before his life was tak

48、en away.4. What surprised the young man when he reached the beach?He was surprised that Socrates was already waiting for him on the beach.Text B5. In what way can people gain knowledge and wisdom according to Socrates?When they want wisdom and knowledge as badly as they want to breathe, then they wi

49、ll have them.Text BB.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FComprehension ExercisesB.1.A2.B3.C4.B5.C6.D7.A8.B9.A10.CExercises Text B (D)Translation1.你们要集中精力学习。(be focused on)You should be focused on study.2.对年轻人来说,教育很重要。(count)For young people, education does count.3.我们在这所职业学校里要学习许多课程。(vocational school, subject)We study m

50、any subjects in this vocational school.Exercises Text B (D)4.让我惊讶的是,老人这么大年纪还在学外语。(to ones surprise)To my surprise, the old man still studies English at such an old age.5.当我们渴望知识就如同我们渴望呼吸一样,就能变得有智慧、有学问。(as badly as)When we want knowledge as badly as we want to breathe, then we shall be wise and learned.结束结束



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