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1、HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 1 of 28 HEINZ MUSTANG FOSHAN, CHINA MUSTANG CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identif

2、ier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 2 of 28 DOCUMENT HISTORY Version Issue Description Author P 2014.07.10 Initial Release. WH Liang HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 3 of 28 Review/Approval Rock

3、well Automation Job Title or Role Name Signature Date Prepared By Project Engineer Reviewed By Technical Leader Approved By Project Manager P&G Job Title or Role Name Signature Date Reviewed By Packing department Reviewed By Engineering Reviewed By Project Reviewed By Quality HEINZ MUSTANG Document

4、Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 4 of 28 REFERENCES This document has been developed with reference to the following: Doc. Number Title HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identi

5、fier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 5 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 介绍介绍 . 6 2 HMI OVERVIEW HMI 总览总览 . 6 3 LOGIN / LOGOFF 登录登录/注销注销 . 7 3.1 USER LOGIN PROCEDURE 登录步骤 . 7 3.2 USER LOGOFF PROCEDURE 注销步骤 . 7 4 SCADA OVERVIEW 画面总览画面总览 . 8 4.1 ACCESS THE SCADA SCREENS 访问监视画面 . 8 4.2 ACCE

6、SS THE MOTOR FACEPLATE 访问设备画面(变频器为例) . 9 4.3 UNDERSTAND MOTOR CONTROL FACEPLATE 设备画面的细节 . 11 4.4 CONTROL PRODUCTION BATCH 控制生产 . 16 4.5 INTERPRET GRAPHICAL ICONS 画面按钮的含义 . 19 5 RECIPE CONTROL 配方控制配方控制 . 19 5.1 ACCESS THE RECIPE 访问配方 . 20 5.2 LOAD RECIPE 加载配方 . 20 5.3 EDIT RECIPE 编辑当前配方 . 21 5.4 EDIT

7、 OTHER RECIPES 编辑其它配方 . 23 5.5 SAVE RECIPE 保存配方 . 24 5.6 RENAME LINE RECIPE 重命名配方 . 24 6 ALARMS 报警报警 . 24 6.1 ACCESS THE ALARMS PAGE 访问报警画面 . 25 6.2 UNDERSTAND THE ALARMS PAGE 报警的细节 . 25 6.3 ACKNOWLEDGE AN ALARM 确认报警 . 26 7 NETWORK STATUS 网络状态网络状态 . 26 7.1 ACCESS THE NETWORK STATUS PAGE 访问网络状态画面 . 2

8、6 7.2 INTERPRET GRAPHICAL INDICATIONS 画面指示的含义 . 27 8 TOWER STACK LIGHTS (NON-HMI) 报警灯(非画面)报警灯(非画面) . 27 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 6 of 28 1 INTRODUCTION 介绍 The purpose of this document is to ill

9、ustrate the functionality of FTView SE&ME Making Line HMI for Heinz Mustang Project, Foshan, China. This document is intended for Making Line HMI operators and Making Line HMI developers. 本文档描述亨氏佛山 Mustang 项目 FTView SE 和 ME 生产线 HMI。本文档目标对象为生产线操作员和界面研发人员。 2 HMI OVERVIEW HMI 总览 The layout of CEREAL Ma

10、king HMI is divided into three areas (Navigation Banner, Display Screen and Alarms Banner). Navigation banner allows user to change between the pages on display screen. Alarms banner displays all the current active alarms in a table format, it also has some other task buttons. Screen display shows c

11、urrent selected page. CEREAL 生产 HMI 的格局由3部分组成:导航栏,显示画面,报警条。导航栏使用户在不同的画面之间切换。报警条显示最近活动的报警信息,排列成表格状,同时拥有一些任务按钮。显示画面显示当前选择的生产画面。 HMI user can acknowledge alarms via the alarms banner. HMI 用户能够在报警条上确认报警。 Figure: CEREAL Making HMI Layout Navigation Banner 导航栏 Display Screen 生产显示画面 Alarms Banner 报警条 HEINZ

12、 MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 7 of 28 3 LOGIN / LOGOFF 登录登录/注销注销 As a security measure, HMI user is required to login during runtime in order to control or modify setpoints and parameters on the Mustang

13、Making HMI. 基于安全理由,HMI 用户需要先登录以控制或者修改 HMI 上的参数。 3.1 User Login Procedure 登录登录步骤步骤 1. Click on the “Login” button on the Alarms Banner. 点击 Login 按钮。 2. Once the “Login” button is pressed, a “FactoryTalk View SE Client Login” popup window will appear on the display screen. 当按钮被按下,此弹出窗口出现。 Figure: User

14、 Logon Popup Window 3. Click on the “User name” area to enter account username. 点击 User name,并输入用户名。 4. Click on the “Password” area to enter the password for the corresponding user account. 点击 Passowrd,并输入对应密码。 Press the “OK” button on the Keyboard or “Enter” key on the physical keyboard to confirm

15、 the account. 点击 OK 按钮,或者键盘上的回车,确认登录。 3.2 User Logoff Procedure 注销注销步骤步骤 1. Click on the “Logout” button on the Alarms Banner. 点击 Logout 按钮。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 8 of 28 2. Once the “Logout

16、” button is pressed, the system will log out immediately and the screen will cease to display. 当按钮被按下,系统就会注销当前用户登录,并且不再显示画面。 Figure: User Logging Off 4 SCADA OVERVIEW 画面总览 The SCADA shows the current operating status for the making areas. On the SCADA, HMI user can: Control / monitor every area of M

17、ustang making; Control / monitor every in-site equipment status; Monitor status of making area and other areas network connectivity; Control / manage the Mustang making recipes; Monitor alarm status. 监控画面显示当前生产区域的运行状态。在画面上,用户可以: 控制/监视 CEREAL 生产的每一个区域; 控制/监视每一个现场设备的状态; 监视生产区域和其它区域的网络状态; 控制/管理生产配方; 监视

18、报警状态. 4.1 Access the SCADA Screens 访问访问监视画面监视画面 1. Click on the area buttons on the Navigation Banner. When a specific screen is selected and being displayed, corresponding button will turn into green color and not available for click. 点击在导航栏上的区域按钮。当一个区域被显示,对应的区域按钮将会变绿,并且变成无法按下的状态。 This is indicatin

19、g Line 1 Making Tank is being displayed. 这样表示 Line 1 Making Tank 正在显示。 2. Once an area is selected, it will appear on the display screen. 当点击了一个区域,这个区域就会显示出来。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 9 of 28 F

20、igure: Line 1 Making screen 3. Basic information about this display will reside on the upper-right area of the screen, including system time, current user and current display. All in-site equipment is arranged in the manner of actual layout. 当前画面的基本信息在画面的右上角,显示包括当前系统时间,当前用户和当前区域。在画面里,现场设备根据实际的布局显示。

21、4. On the navigation bar, Production Report button is set for operator to control production report. It has a small top display screen. 特别地,在导航栏,Production Report 按钮可以让操作员控制生产报告的生成。点击将会出现一个小的覆盖画面。 4.2 Access the Motor Faceplate 访问访问设备画面(设备画面(变频器变频器为例)为例) HMI user can monitor / control each in-site e

22、quipment from HMI display via a standalone screen display. Here take a VFD-controlled motor for example, to illustrate the usage of faceplate. HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 10 of 28 HMI 用户可以监控现场素有设备

23、,通过一个小的显示在 HMI 显示上的画面。以 VFD 变频器控制电机为例,描述这种画面的用法。 1. Click on the motor icon shown on the display. 在画面上点击电机显示的地方。 2. Once the motor icon is pressed, its corresponding control faceplate will appear on the display screen. 当按下按钮,对应的设备画面会弹出来。 Figure: Motor Control Faceplate Configuration Tabs 配置标签页 Close

24、 Faceplate 关闭 Current VFD Operating Status 运行状态 Manual / Auto Mode Status / Selection Buttons 切换自动/手动模式 Start / Stop Buttons (In Manual Mode) 启动/停止(在手动模式下) Current Permissives / Interlocks Status 运行许可和联锁 Motor Speed Feedback / Setpoint 反馈值/设定值 Run Ready 允许运行指示 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Mak

25、ing HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 11 of 28 Operator can use other tabs to configure equipment data and statistics. 操作员可以利用其它标签页来配置设备的数据。 Tab 2 is for Maintenance. Tab 3 is for basic configuration, including device label and feedback. 第2个标签页是

26、维护用途,第3个标签页是基础配置,包括设备标签和反馈设定等,如下。 4.3 Understand Motor Control Faceplate 设备设备画面的细节画面的细节 The following selection describes the functions available on Motor Control faceplate. 以下描述设备画面里的常用功能。 4.3.1 Motor Safety Interlocks Indicator 联锁指示 The Motor Safety Interlocks provides a visual indication for the

27、selected motor safety interlock status. 设备的安全联锁有一个指示器,来指示联锁的状态。 Visual Indications indicates drives permissives and interlocks are whether met or not. Permissives and interlocks not met will prevent drive (or any other type of equipment) from start, or force running equipment to stop immediately. HE

28、INZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 12 of 28 视觉指示器指示此设备的运行许可和联锁是否允许启动。不满足许可和联锁条件将阻止设备启动,或者使正在运行的设备停机。 4.3.2 Motor Alarms 报警 The Motor Alarms button has two functionalities: 1. It provides a visual indicatio

29、n for the selected motor alarms status; 2. It can open motor alarms faceplate for the corresponding motor. 报警按钮有两个用途: 1. 显示此设备的报警状态; 2. 可以通过它打开设备报警配置画面. Visit Alarms configuration by click tab. 点击此标签页来配置报警。 Figure: Motor Alarms Faceplate Alarm Fault Condition Drive Fault If the selected motor VFD is

30、 faulted or the selected motor is in alarm, then motor alarm for drive fault will go to fault. IO Fault Interlock Trip Failed to Start HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 13 of 28 Failed to Stop To reset

31、/ acknowledge motor alarms 要重置或者确认报警 HMI user can trigger the “” button on the Motor Safety Interlocks faceplate to acknowledge and reset all alarms. HMI 用户点击此按钮去确认报警,同时重置报警。 4.3.3 Motor Control Button 控制按钮 The Motor Control area button commands the corresponding motor. 设备画面的控制区域的按钮操作对应的设备。 4.3.4 Mo

32、tor Status 设备状态 HMI user can monitor the current motor status via the faceplate. HMI 用户可以通过设备画面监视目前设备的运行状态。 4.3.5 Operator and Auto Mode 手动和自动模式 HMI user can switch the selected motor to either operator or automatic mode by following the procedures below. Motor must be either in OPERATOR mode or AUT

33、O mode. HMI用户可以在手动(HMI 操作)和自动(PLC 程序既定操作)之间切换。设备不是在手动模式就是在自动模式。 Operator Mode Selection Procedure 切换到手动模式 1. When the equipment is in Automatic mode, click on the switch to Operator mode button. 当设备处在自动模式,点击此按钮。 2. Once you see display changes, the equipment is now running in operator mode.

34、画面显示将发生改变,此时设备转成手动运行。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 14 of 28 Automatic Mode Selection Procedure 切换到自动模式 1. When the equipment is running in Operator mode, click on the switch to Program mode

35、 button. 当设备运行在手动模式,点击此按钮。 2. Once you see display changes, the equipment is now running in automatic mode. 画面显示将发生改变,此时设备转成自动运行。 Operator Mode Operation 手动模式下的操作 In OPERATOR mode, HMI user is able to perform a number of functions on the motor control faceplate. 在手动模式,HMI 操作员可以进行以下操作。 Adjust

36、 Motor Speed Setpoint 设定目标值 1. In manual (operator) mode, input commanded frequency by clicking on the area. 在手动模式下,点击目标值输入区域。 2. Input keyboard will pop up. Input a speed setpoint and click OK. 输入键盘将会显示。输入想要的值,然后点击OK。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document

37、 Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 15 of 28 Lock Selected Motor in Operator Mode (Optional) 锁定设备在手动模式(可选) HMI user is able to lock the selected motor in operator mode. Doing so, the PLC will not be able to switch this motor into automatic mode. HMI 操作员可以锁定设备在手动运行模式,阻止 PLC 程序继续自动运行操作。

38、 1. When the equipment is in Operator mode, click Lock Operator Mode button. 当设备运行在手动模式,点击此按钮。 Start / Stop Motor 启动/停止设备 1. Finally press down START buttonand equipment will start to run. To stop or close down the equipment, usually press down the other one button. (当设定好目标值后),按下启动按钮,设备将开始运行。如果要停止设备

39、,按下旁边的停止按钮。 2. Check motor running status. HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 16 of 28 检查现在设备运行状态。 4.4 Control Production Batch 控制控制生产生产 The production batch control area is located at the upper-right co

40、rner of the display. HMI user can monitor the line status, line step and step parameter. Furthermore, HMI user can control the line and start / stop the line operation. 控制生产区域位于画面的右上方,HMI 用户可以监视生产状态,当前生产步,编辑生产步骤的参数。当然,可以控制生产区域的起停。 Figure: Batch Control Panel Run-time sequence window 生产配方流程窗口 Unit co

41、nfig 区域配置 Master sequence Edit 主生产配方流程编辑 Recipe run control 配方运行控制 Equipment phase Edit 设备模块控制 Current Unit 当前区域 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 17 of 28 4.4.1 Making Batch Start Criteria 启动生产 To star

42、t making line via the Production Batch Control Panel, all the criteria list in the table below have to be met. 为了顺利启动生产,这些项目必须符合条件。 Criteria Condition 1 All equipment must be in PLC Automatic mode. 所有设备在 PLC 自动模式运行。 2 All making line emergency stop buttons are healthy. 所有急停按钮状态正常。 E-Stop button on P

43、LC Panel and in-site panels 3 Making Line equipment Interlock status is healthy. 现场设备的联锁正常。 Equipment is healthy. 4 Making Line Permissives status is healthy. 现场设备的运行许可正常。 Equipment permissives are met. 4.4.2 Making Batch Start Procedure 启动生产的流程 1. Click on button to open control for current selecte

44、d recipe. 点击此按钮,打开配方运行控制画面。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 18 of 28 以上是配方运行控制画面的样子。 2. This button will start a new sequence, which is called batch. 此按钮按下将会启动一个新的运行批次。 This button pops up different r

45、ecipes operator chooses to run. 此按钮按下,可以从配方列表选择加载一个配方到主配方(即将运行的批次的配方)。 This button leads operator with proper rights to recipe modification screen. 有适当权限的操作员按下此按钮,将打开配方编辑界面,可以编辑主配方。 3. Operator just needs to press on the start sequence button , to start a new production batch. 操作员只需要点击启动按钮,就可以启动一个新的

46、配方生产批次。 4. If operator needs to confirm conditions (which is pre-configured in recipe batch), buttonwill flash. User needs to click on it, type in confirmation and click OK on the confirm display. 生产过程中需要操作员确认某些状态时,此按钮会着色并闪烁,生产进入等待。操作员必须点击此按钮,在弹出显示中输入确认,然后点击OK。 4.4.3 Making Batch Stop Procedure 终止生产

47、的流程 1. Operator just needs to press on the button to stop a running batch. 操作员只需要点击停止按钮,就可以停止一个正在运行的批次。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 19 of 28 4.5 Interpret Graphical Icons 画面画面按钮的含义按钮的含义 The follow

48、ing table describes the meanings of all graphical icons used on the display. 以下描述了几何按钮的含义。 (分别是:) 启动 停止 重置(到空闲) 中断 暂停 重启 请求下次断点暂停 自动暂停 从暂停恢复 取消断点暂停 跳到上一个暂停点 跳到下一个暂停点 5 RECIPE CONTROL 配方控制 The Recipe-related displays shows the recipe currently in-use for the making line control and the recipes availa

49、ble. On the Recipe-related display, HMI user can: Change the making batch recipe; Modify parameters in existing recipes; Rename a recipe; Save / Copy one recipes parameters to another recipe. 这些与配方控制有关的画面显示当前运行所用的主配方,和其它备用配方(里的生产流程)。在这些画面里,操作员可以: 更换生产配方; 更该已有配方里的参数; 重命名配方; 保存/覆盖已有的配方. HEINZ MUSTANG

50、Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 20 of 28 5.1 Access the Recipe 访问访问配方配方 1. Click on button to open control for current selected recipe. 点击此按钮,打开配方运行控制画面。 2. Actually a master recipe “Prod MT1& HT1” is chosen, you c

51、an see from the header. 实际上一个主配方已经被选择了,你能看到标题是 Prod MT1 & HT1。 5.2 Load Recipe 加载加载配方配方 HMI user is free to choose a different recipe for another days production. HMI 用户可以随意切换要生产的配方。 1. Click on button to open control for current selected recipe. 点击此按钮,打开配方运行控制画面。 2. Click on the button, a list of r

52、ecipes will pop up, click on one of them to load the recipe as a master recipe (which will run as later operator press the start button). 点击此按钮,将会弹出画面,上面列出所有配方,点击其中一个配方的按钮,就能把它加载到准备好运行的主配方里。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No

53、 HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 21 of 28 5.3 Edit Recipe 编辑编辑当前当前配方配方 HMI user with proper privilege can edit master recipe or running recipe parameters and batch. 拥有适当权限的操作员可以编辑当前主配方或者其它配方的参数,以及生产流程。 1. Click on button to open control for current selected recipe. 点击此按钮,打开配方运行控制画面。 2. Click on the button , a

54、nd runtime recipe batch will display. This is how the batch looks like. 点击此按钮,当前运行配方的流程将会显示。以下是流程显示的样子。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 22 of 28 3. On the left lists used equipment phase. Clicking on

55、them will pop out equipment phase control screen, which functions like equipment faceplate. 左边列出了所用的所有设备控制阶段模块。点击它们将打开设备阶段控制画面,功能用法跟设备画面类似。 4. Click to enter into editing screen. In this screen every equipment module of every sequence step will open to operator. 在画面顶部点击此按钮来打开配方编辑画面。 5. Operator chos

56、en equipment will be green indicated, click to open editing. 流程里的每一步所用的设备阶段模块将会变绿显示,点击定位到对应标签页就可以编辑里面所用的参数。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 23 of 28 5.4 Edit other Recipes 编辑编辑其它配方其它配方 1. The editing

57、is the same as chapter 5.3, but HMI user should click on the button in the control area on the display screen. 编辑其它配方跟章节5.3的一样,操作员是在主显示画面的控制区域里点击此按钮。 2. Choose a recipe from the list. 从列表点击选择一个配方来编辑。 HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Typ

58、e Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 24 of 28 5.5 Save Recipe 保存保存配方配方 After editing HMI user can save this recipe to one of old recipes. If not, changes will be overwritten by loaded recipe the next time user loads another recipe. 编辑完的配方可以保存至一个旧的配方位置中。如果不保存,则当前主配方里做的更该会在下次加载别的配方时被覆盖。 In the runtime reci

59、pe batch display chapter 5.3.2 mentioned, click button to save new parameters into the system. System will ask which old recipe to overwrite. 在章节5.3.2里显示的当前运行配方流程画面,点击顶部的此按钮,系统将询问要覆盖哪个旧配方,并将新参数覆盖到选择的配方位置中。 5.6 Rename Line Recipe 重命名重命名配方配方 In chanpter 5.3.4 HMI user open recipe editing screen, on wh

60、ich user can change a different name for the recipe. Change to desired recipe name and press Enter on the keyboard, then save the recipe according to chapter 5.5. 在章节5.3 HMI 操作员打开了配方编辑画面,在这个画面的顶部,可以编辑这个配方的名字。记得根据章节5.5,保存这个更改后的配方。 6 ALARMS 报警 The Alarms page shows all the current and historical alarm

61、s for packing line conveyors and vacuum pumps, OEM machines, and relevant making area devices. HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 25 of 28 6.1 Access the Alarms Page 访问访问报警画面报警画面 1. Click on the “ALARMS”

62、 button on the Alarms Banner. 2. Once the “ALARMS” button is properly selected, Alarms page will appear on the display screen. Figure: Alarms Page 6.2 Understand the Alarms Page 报警的报警的细节细节 Alarms on Alarms page are display in a table format. The table has 8 columns; 1. Time Shows the time stamp for

63、an alarm event occurred. 2. Name Shows the HMI alarm tagname. 3. Group There are 4 alarm groups (Line, System, Packing and Making). Alarm group can be used to filter the alarm table. System Alarms are alarms that relate to the InTouch HMI internal system. Line Alarms are alarms that relate to the pa

64、cking line devices. Packing Alarms are alarms that relate to BMS packing line devices. Making Alarms are alarms that relate to BMS making devices. 4. Alarm Comment Shows the description for the alarm event. 5. State There are 4 alarm states (UNACK, ACK, ACK_RTN, UNACK_RTN). UNACK (Un-acknowledge Ala

65、rm) Show in Red color fonts. ACK (Acknowledged Alarm) Show in Green color fonts. ACK_RTN (Acknowledged Alarm that has returned to normal state) Show in Blue color fonts. UNACK_RTN (Un-acknowledge Alarms that has returned to normal state) Show in Blue color fonts. 6. Value Shows the current state of

66、the event. HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 26 of 28 7. Limit Shows the failure state of the event. 8. Operator Shows the HMI user who acknowledges the alarm event. 6.3 Acknowledge an Alarm 确认确认报警报警 HM

67、I user can acknowledge an alarm using one of the following methods; 1. Use the “ACK. ALL ALARMS” button on the Navigation banner; 2. Use the “ACK. ALARMS” button on the motor faceplate; 3. Use the “ACK SELECTED” function on the alarm table. 6.3.1 ACK. ALL ALARMS button 确认所有报警 1. 6.3.2 ACK. ALL butto

68、n on faceplate 确认设备画面里的报警 Please refer to section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 for details on acknowledges all (ACK. ALL) button on faceplate. 6.3.3 ACK SELECTED Function 确认个别报警 HMI user can acknowledge individual alarm using the alarm table on the Alarms page. 1. Figure 1: Alarms Table 2. 3. 7 NETWORK STATUS 网络

69、状态 The Network Status page shows the current communication status for each packing line network devices. 7.1 Access the Network Status Page 访问访问网络状态画面网络状态画面 1. Figure: Network Status Page HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HE

70、INZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 27 of 28 7.2 Interpret Graphical Indications 画面画面指示的含义指示的含义 8 TOWER STACK LIGHTS (NON-HMI) 报警灯(非画面) The following selection describes the light indications for the Packing Line control tower stack light. = Flashing Indication Definition All conditions listed in section 4.4.1 are

71、healthy. All conditions listed in section 4.4.1 are healthy. Packing line is in EXECUTE mode. One of the conditions listed in section 4.4.1 has failed. To switch off the siren, press the “ACK.ALL ALARM” button on the navigation banner. HEINZ MUSTANG Document Title CEREAL Making HMI Operating Manual Filename/Document Identifier Ver Type Page No HEINZ-MST-OM-001 P OM 28 of 28 Indication Definition Packing line is in Manual mode. Packing line is in EXECUTE mode. Local stop is activated.



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