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1、WHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS61ST31: Biguan 髀(髀)關(关,関)On the anterior aspect of the thigh, in the depression among three muscles: the proxi-mal portion of the rectus femoris muscle, the sartorius muscle and the tensor fasciae latae muscle.Note 1: With the hip and the knee in slight flexio

2、n, and the thigh slightly abducted when resistance is placed against the an-teromedial aspect of the thigh, a triangular depression appears. the proximal portion of the rectus femoris muscle is found in the depression between the sartorius muscle medially and the tensor fascia latae muscle laterally

3、. St31 is located at the deepest point in the depression inferior to the apex of this triangle.Note 2: ST31 is located at the intersection of the line connecting the lateral end of the base of the patella with the anterior superi-or iliac spine, and the horizontal line of the inferior border of the

4、pubic symphysis.ST31pubicsymphysisrectus femorismusclesartorius musclelateral end of thebase of the patellatensor fasciaelatae muscleanterior superioriliac spineStomach Meridian62ST32: Futu 伏兎(兔)On the anterolateral aspect of the thigh, on the line connecting the lateral end of the base of the patel

5、la with the anterior superi-or iliac spine, 6 B-cun superior to the base of the patella.ST33: Yinshi 陰(阴)市On the anterolateral aspect of the thigh, lat-eral to the rectus femoris tendon, 3 B-cun superior to the base of the patella. Note: ST33 is at the midpoint of the line connecting St32 with the l

6、ateral end of the base of the patella.ST32ST33anterior superioriliac spinepatellarectus femoristendonbase of thepatellaWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS63ST34: Liangqiu 梁丘On the anterolateral aspect of the thigh, between the vastus lateralis muscle and the lateral border of the rectus femoris

7、 tendon, 2 B-cun superior to the base of the patella.Note: Putting the thigh muscle under ten-sion, the rectus femoris tendon and the vastus lateralis muscle are more distinct. St34 is located between the muscle and the tendon, 1 B-cun directly inferior to St33.ST35: Dubi 犢(犊)鼻On the anterior aspect

8、 of the knee, in the depression lateral to the patellar ligament.Note: When the knee is flexed, ST35 is lo-cated in the depression lateral and inferior to the patella. ST34ST35vastus lateralismusclerectus femoris tendonbase of the patellapatellapatellapatellar ligamentStomach Meridian64ST36: Zusanli

9、 足三里On the anterior aspect of the leg, on the line connecting ST35 with ST41, 3 B-cun inferior to ST35. Note: ST36 is located on the tibialis ante-rior muscle.ST37: Shangjuxu 上巨虛(虚)On the anterior aspect of the leg, on the line connecting ST35 with ST41, 6 B-cun inferior to ST35. Note: ST37 is locat

10、ed on the tibialis ante-rior muscle. ST36ST37tibialisanterior muscletibialisanterior muscleWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS65ST38: Tiaokou 條(条)口On the anterior aspect of the leg, on the line connecting ST35 with ST41, 8 B-cun inferior to ST35. Note: ST38 is located on the tibialis ante-rior

11、muscle, at the same level as St40.ST39: Xiajuxu 下巨虛(虚)On the anterior aspect of the leg, on the line connecting ST35 with ST41, 9 B-cun inferior to ST35. Note: ST39 is located on the tibialis ante-rior muscle, at the same level as GB35 and gB36.ST38ST39tibialisanterior muscletibialisanterior muscleS

12、tomach Meridian66ST40: Fenglong 豐(丰,豊)隆(隆)On the anterolateral aspect of the leg, lat-eral border of the tibialis anterior muscle, 8 B-cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. Note: ST40 is one fingerbreadth (middle finger) lateral to ST38. ST41: Jiexi 解谿(溪)On the anterior aspect of

13、the ankle, in the depression at the centre of the front surface of the ankle joint, between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and extensor digi-torum longus. Note: ST41 is located between two tendons on the dorsum of the foot which are more distinct when the ankle is in dorsiflexion, and is at

14、 the midpoint of the line connect-ing the prominences of the lateral malleo-lus and the medial malleolus. ST40ST41tibialisanterior muscleone fingerbreadth(middle finger)lateral malleoluslateral malleolusmedial malleolusextensor hallucis longus tendonextensor digitorum longustendonWHO Standard aCUPUn

15、CtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS67ST42: Chongyang 衝(冲)陽(阳)On the dorsum of the foot, at the joint of the base of the second metatarsal bone and the intermediate cuneiform bone, over the dorsalis pedis artery. ST43: Xiangu 陷(陥)谷On the dorsum of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal bones, in the dep

16、ression proximal to the second metatar-sophalangeal joint.ST42ST43intermediate cuneiform bonedorsalis pedis arterysecond metatarsalbonethirdmetatarsalbonesecondmetatarsalbonesecondmetatarso-phalangealjointStomach Meridian68ST44: Neiting 内庭On the dorsum of the foot, between the second and third toes,

17、 posterior to the web margin, at the border between the red and white flesh.ST45: Lidui 厲(厉)兌(兑)On the second toe, lateral to the distal phalanx, 0.1 f-cun proximal-lateral to the lateral corner of the second toenail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the lateral border and the horizontal

18、line of the base of the second toenail. ST44ST45border betweenred and white fleshWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS69SPLEEn MErIdIan足太陰(阴)脾經(经,経) Spleen Meridian70SP1: Yinbai 隱(隐,隠)白On the great toe, medial to the distal pha-lanx, 0.1 f-cun proximal-medial to the me-dial corner of the toenail,

19、 at the intersection of the vertical line of the medial border and horizontal line of the base of the toenail.SP2: Dadu 大(都)On the great toe, in the depression distal to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh. SP1SP2border betweenred and white fleshfirst m

20、etatarsophalangealjointWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS71SP3: Taibai 太白On the medial aspect of the foot, in the de-pression proximal to the first metatarsopha-langeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.SP4: Gongsun 公孫(孙)On the medial aspect of the foot, antero-inferior to t

21、he base of the first metatarsal bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.Note: A depression can be felt when mov-ing proximally from SP3. SP4 is located in the depression distal to the base of the first metatarsal bone.SP3SP4border betweenred and white fleshfirst metatarsophalangealjointb

22、order betweenred and white fleshbase of thefirst metatarsalboneSpleen Meridian72SP5: Shangqiu 商丘On the medial aspect of the foot, antero-inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bone and the prominence of the medial malleolus.Note 1: SP5 is l

23、ocated at the intersection of two imaginary lines: the vertical line of the anterior border of the medial malleolus and the horizontal line of the inferior border of the medial malleolus.Note 2: SP5 is located posterior to LR4 and anterior to KI6. SP6: Sanyinjiao 三陰(阴)交On the tibial aspect of the le

24、g, posterior to the medial border of the tibia, 3 B-cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus. Note: 1 B-cun superior to KI8.SP5SP6medial malleolusnavicular bonemedial malleolustibiaWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS73SP7: Lougu 漏谷On the tibial aspect of the leg, posterior to the

25、medial border of the tibia, 6 B-cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus. Note: 3 B-cun superior to SP6. SP8: Diji 地機(机)On the tibial aspect of the leg, posterior to the medial border of the tibia, 3 B-cun inferior to SP9.Note: SP8 is located at the junction of the upper one third and

26、lower two thirds of the line connecting the apex of the patella with the prominence of the medial malleolus. SP7SP8medial malleolustibiatibiaapex of thepatellamedial malleolusSpleen Meridian74SP9: Yinlingquan 陰(阴)陵泉On the tibial aspect of the leg, in the de-pression between the inferior border of th

27、e medial condyle of the tibia and the medial border of the tibia.Note: A depression can be felt inferior to the knee joint when moving proximally along the medial border of the tibia. SP9 is located in a depression at the angle formed by the inferior border of the medial con-dyle of the tibia and th

28、e posterior border of the tibia.SP10: Xuehai 血海(海)On the anteromedial aspect of the thigh, on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle, 2 B-cun superior to the medial end of the base of the patella. SP9SP10tibiamedial condyleof the tibiavastus medialismusclemedial end of thebase of the patellaWHO Sta

29、ndard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS75SP11: Jimen 箕門(门)On the medial aspect of the thigh, at the junction of the upper one third and lower two thirds of the line connecting the medial end of the base of the patella with SP12, between the sartorius muscle and the ad-ductor longus muscle, over the femora

30、l artery.SP12: Chongmen 衝(冲)門(门)In the groin region, at the inguinal crease, lateral to the femoral artery. Note: At the same level as CV2, medial and inferior to SP13. SP11SP12medial end of thebase of the patellafemoralarteryadductorlongusmusclesartoriusmuscleinguinalcreasefemoralarterySpleen Merid

31、ian76SP13: Fushe 府舍(舎)On the lower abdomen, 4.3 B-cun inferior to the centre of the umbilicus, 4 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.SP14: Fujie 腹結(结)On the lower abdomen, 1.3 B-cun inferior to the centre of the umbilicus, 4 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.SP13SP14WHO Standard aCUPUn

32、CtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS77SP15: Daheng 大橫On the upper abdomen, 4 B-cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus.Note: At the same level and lateral to ST25, KI16 and CV8. SP16: Fuai 腹哀On the upper abdomen, 3 B-cun superior to the centre of the umbilicus, 4 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line. Note:

33、 3 B-cun superior to SP15, at the same level as CV11.SP15SP16Spleen Meridian78SP17: Shidou 食竇(窦)In the anterior thoracic region, in the fifth intercostal space, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line. Note: SP17, ST18 and KI22 are located along the curve of the fifth intercostal space. SP18: Ti

34、anxi 天谿(溪)In the anterior thoracic region, in the fourth intercostal space, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line. Note: SP18, ST17 and KI23 are located along the curve of the fourth intercostal space.SP17SP18WHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS79SP19: Xiongxiang 胸鄉(乡,郷)In the anterior tho

35、racic region, in the third intercostal space, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.Note: SP19, ST6 and KI24 are located along the curve of the third intercostal space.SP20: Zhourong 周榮(荣,栄)In the anterior thoracic region, in the sec-ond intercostal space, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior media

36、n line.Note: SP20, ST15 and KI25 are located along the curve of the second intercostal space.SP19SP20Spleen Meridian80SP21: Dabao 大包(包)In the lateral thoracic region, in the sixth intercostal space, on the midaxillary line.Note: With the subject lying on the side and the arm abducted, SP21 is locate

37、d at the intersection of the midaxillary line and the sixth intercostal space. SP21midaxillarylineWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS81HEart MErIdIan手少陰(阴)心經(经,経) Heart Meridian82HT1: Jiquan 極(极)泉In the axilla, in the centre of the axillary fossa, over the axillary artery.HT2: Qingling 靑(青)靈(灵,

38、霊)On the medial aspect of the arm, just me-dial to the biceps brachii muscle, 3 B-cun superior to the cubital crease. Note: With the elbow flexed and the arm abducted, Ht2 is located at the junction of the upper two thirds and lower one third of the line connecting Ht1 with Ht3.HT1HT2axillaryfossaax

39、illary arterycubital creasebiceps brachii muscleWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS83HT3: Shaohai 少海(海)On the anteromedial aspect of the elbow, just anterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus, at the same level as the cubital crease.Note: With the elbow is flexed, HT3 is lo-cated at the m

40、idpoint of the line connecting the medial end of the cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.HT4: Lingdao 靈(灵,霊)道(道)On the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, just radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 1.5 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.Note 1: 1.5 B-cun proximal to H

41、T7, at the same level as the superior border of the head of the ulna.Note 2: 1.5 B-cun proximal to the radial side of the superior border of the pisiform bone.HT3HT4cubital creaseepicondyle of the humerusulnaflexor carpi ulnaris tendonpalmar wrist creasepisiformboneHeart Meridian84HT5: Tongli 通(通)里O

42、n the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 1 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.Note 1: 1 B-cun proximal to HT7. HT 4 is located at the level with the root of the head of the ulna, HT 5, the body of the head of the ulna and Ht 6, the base of the head

43、of the ulna. Note 2: 1 B-cun proximal to the radial side of the proximal border of the pisiform bone.HT6: Yinxi 陰(阴)郄On the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 0.5 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.Note 1: 0.5 B-cun proximal to HT7, at the same leve

44、l as the distal border of the head of the ulna.Note 2: 0.5 B-cun proximal to the radial side of the proximal border of the pisiform bone.HT5HT6ulnaflexor carpi ulnaris tendonpalmar wristcreasepisiformboneulnaflexor carpi ulnaris tendonpalmar wristcreasepisiformboneWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCa

45、tIOnS85HT7: Shenmen 神(神)門(门)On the anteromedial aspect of the wrist, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, on the palmar wrist crease. Note: In the depression radial to the proxi-mal border of the pisiform bone, on the palmar wrist crease. HT8: Shaofu 少府On the palm of the hand, in the depressio

46、n between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, proximal to the fifth metacarpopha-langeal joint. Note: Between the fourth and fifth metacar-pal bones, where the tip of the little finger rests when a fist is made, at the same level as PC8.HT7HT8ulnaflexor carpi ulnaris tendonpalmar wristcreasepisif

47、ormbonemetacarpalbonefifth metacarpo-phalangeal jointHeart Meridian86HT9: Shaochong 少衝(冲)On the little finger, radial to the distal phalanx, 0.1 f-cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the little fingernail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial border of the nail and horizon

48、tal line of the base of the little fingernail. HT9WHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS87SMaLL IntEStInE MErIdIan手太陽(阳)小腸(肠)經(经,経) Small Intestine Meridian88SI1: Shaoze 少澤(泽,沢)On the little finger, ulnar to the distal phalanx, 0.1 f-cun proximal-medial to the ulnar corner of the little fingernail

49、, at the intersection of the vertical line of ulnar border of the nail and horizontal line of the base of the little fingernail.SI2: Qiangu 前谷On the little finger, in the depression distal to the ulnar side of the fifth metacarpopha-langeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.Note:

50、When the hand is slightly flexed, the point is located at the ulnar end of the palmar metacarpophalangeal crease of the little finger. SI1SI2palmarmetacarpophalangealcreasefifthmetacarpophalangealjointborder betweenred and white fleshWHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS89SI3: Houxi 後(后)谿(溪)On th

51、e dorsum of the hand, in the depres-sion proximal to the ulnar side of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.Note: When the hand is slightly flexed, the point is located at the ulnar end of the dis-tal transverse skin crease of the palm, at the border bet

52、ween the red and white flesh.SI4: Wangu 腕骨(骨)On the posteromedial aspect of the wrist, in the depression between the base of the fifth metacarpal bone and the triquetrum bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.Note: With one finger placed on SI3, push and slide proximally along the fifth

53、 meta-carpal bone to the bony projection, SI4 is located in the depression between these two bones. SI3SI4fifth metacarpophalangeal jointborder betweenred and white fleshdistal transverse skincrease of the palmborder betweenred and white fleshfifth metacarpalbonetriquetrum boneSmall Intestine Meridi

54、an90SI5: Yanggu 陽(阳)谷On the posteromedial aspect of the wrist, in the depression between the triquetrum bone and the ulnar styloid process.SI6: Yanglao 養(养)老On the posteromedial aspect of the fore-arm, in the depression radial to the head of the ulnar bone, 1 B-cun proximal to the dorsal wrist creas

55、e. Note: With the palm facing downwards, press the highest point of the head of ulnar bone with a finger, and then turn the palm towards the chest; SI6 is located at the cleft between the bones where the finger slides. SI5SI6triquetrum boneulnar styloidprocessdorsal wristcreasehead of the ulnar bone



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