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1、Unit-3under-the-seaUnit-3under-the-sea1._ v. shout loudly.2._ vt. frighten sb.3._ vt.遗弃;放弃遗弃;放弃4._ vt.目击;证明目击;证明5._ vt.逃避;逃跑,逃走逃避;逃跑,逃走yellscareabandonwitnessflee6._vt.拖拉;拖累拖拉;拖累7._ adj.年度的;每年的年度的;每年的8._ adj. 知道的知道的9._ vt. try to persuade10._ n. 奇闻;轶事奇闻;轶事dragannual awareurgeanecdote11.beauty n. _12

2、.depth n. _13.accommodation n._ 14.pause vi. & n. _15.reflect vi. & vt. _美;美景美;美景深度;深处深度;深处住所;住宿住所;住宿暂停;中止暂停;中止思考;映射;反射思考;映射;反射16.shallow adj. _17.narrow adj. _18.tasty adj. _19.neat adj. _20.sharp adj. _锐利的;敏捷的锐利的;敏捷的浅的;肤浅的浅的;肤浅的狭窄的;狭隘的;有限的狭窄的;狭隘的;有限的好吃的;可口的好吃的;可口的整齐的;均匀的整齐的;均匀的1.accommodation n. 住

3、所住所 住宿住宿 膳宿膳宿_v. 留宿留宿 提供住宿提供住宿 _n.调解者调解者 调解人调解人 _adj. 乐于助人的乐于助人的_搭配搭配给某人给某人提供方便提供方便 accommodate sb.(with) sth.accommodateaccommodatoraccommodating The boss has _ (给了报社给了报社很多方便很多方便),giving them numerous interviews. accommodated the newspaper office a great deal With the development of tourism,more an

4、d more travelers are looking for better_ surroundings in private homes.accommodation You are really _ (accommodate) because you always help those in need.accommodating 2.depth n. 深度深度_adj. 深的深的 深奥的深奥的_adv. 深深地深深地 _v. 加深加深deependeepdeeply Nowadays,young people prefer to find a job that doesnt require

5、 any great _ (deep) of knowledge. She is often so _ in books that he forgets to eat.depthdeep _adj.急迫的急迫的_n.敦促;催促,急迫性敦促;催促,急迫性_搭配搭配催促催促/力劝某人做某事力劝某人做某事_ 句型句型催促催促/力力劝某人做某事劝某人做某事3.urge vt.催促;极力主张;驱策催促;极力主张;驱策urge that sb.(should) do sth.urgenturgencyurge sb.to do sth. Since I had a big family to suppor

6、t,my wife _ (力劝我去力劝我去申请那份工作申请那份工作) as soon as possible. urged me to apply for the job/urged that I should apply for the job The report urged that all children _ (give) the chance to receive education.(should)be given I dont think you have realized the _ (urge) of the matter because you look quite in

7、nocent.urgency 4.abandon vt.遗弃,放弃,抛弃遗弃,放弃,抛弃 _ adj. 被抛弃的被抛弃的,自暴自弃的自暴自弃的 _ n. 放弃放弃 抛弃抛弃_ 同义同义 v. 抛弃抛弃 离弃离弃 遗弃遗弃abandonedabandonmentdesert_ 搭配搭配沉湎于沉湎于/陷入某事陷入某事 We had to _ (放放弃我们的土地弃我们的土地) because we feared further attacks.abandon oneself to sth.abandon our lands A man _ (抛妻弃子抛妻弃子) when becoming rich

8、will feel guilty about what he has done. He abandoned _ to despair.himself who abandons his wife and children5.aware adj. 意识到的;知道的意识到的;知道的_n. 知道,晓得知道,晓得 _adj.不知道的,不注意的不知道的,不注意的 _ 搭配搭配知道知道,意识到,意识到be/become aware of . awarenessunaware It is high time that we should be aware _ the importance of self-pr

9、otection. As is known to us all,health officials all over the world have tried to make people raise _raised about AIDS.awareness of1.在此期间,与此同时在此期间,与此同时 _2.分类,整理分类,整理 _3.在在前前 _4.亲眼看到亲眼看到 _5.大声叫喊大声叫喊 _in the meantime = meanwhilesort outahead of .witness . with ones own eyesyell out6.逃离到某个地方项逃离到某个地方项 _

10、7.一群一群 _8.hear of _9.be aware of _10.in the distance _11.be terrified of _flee out to somewherea pack of听说听说意识到,明白意识到,明白在远处在远处害怕害怕12.hold up _13.be scared to death _14.help sb.out _15.reflect on _16.upside down _上下翻转上下翻转 倒挂倒挂高高举起高高举起被吓得半死被吓得半死帮助某人摆脱困境或危难帮助某人摆脱困境或危难思考思考1.去年国庆节,我在火车站亲眼目睹了感人去年国庆节,我在火车站

11、亲眼目睹了感人场面。场面。(witness sth.with ones own eyes)2.当时,一名妇女正在整理她的行李。当时,一名妇女正在整理她的行李。(sort out)1.On National Day last year,at the railway station,I witnessed a moving scene with my own eyes.2.At that time,a woman was sorting out her luggage.3.突然,一个高个子男人跑到她前面。突然,一个高个子男人跑到她前面。(ahead of)4.这个男人扯下妇女的手提包,快速地逃离这

12、个男人扯下妇女的手提包,快速地逃离到了另一个地方。到了另一个地方。(flee out to)3.Suddenly,a tall man ran ahead of her.4.The man tore off her handbag and fled out to another place.5.妇女吓得半死。妇女吓得半死。(be scared to death)6.过了很长时间她才意识到发生了什么。过了很长时间她才意识到发生了什么。(it took sb.some time to do sth.,be aware of)5.The woman was scared to death.6.It

13、took the woman a long time to be aware of what happened.7.妇女周围的人因为害怕受连累,没有过去妇女周围的人因为害怕受连累,没有过去帮忙。帮忙。(be terrified of)7.The people around the woman were terrified of getting into trouble and they didnt give a hand.8.这时,在远处我看到一个矮个子男子正与这时,在远处我看到一个矮个子男子正与抢包男人在搏斗;周围的人一起帮忙抓住了抢包男人在搏斗;周围的人一起帮忙抓住了抢包男人。抢包男人。(

14、in the distance,see sb.doing sth.)8.In the distance,I saw a short man fighting with the man and the other people helped to catch the tall man together.9.由此,我懂得了,在别人危难之时援救非常由此,我懂得了,在别人危难之时援救非常重要。重要。(it is +adj.+ to do sth.,help sb.out)9.At that time I realized that it was very important to help other

15、s out when they were in need.参考范文参考范文(One possible version): I witnessed a moving scene with my own eyes at the railway station on National Day last year.At that time,a woman was sorting out her luggage when a tall man suddenly ran ahead of her and tore off her handbag,fleeing out to another place.

16、The woman was scared to death so it took her a long time to be aware of what happened.Unfortunately,the people around her didnt give her a hand because they were terrified of getting into trouble. To my comfort,in the distance I saw a short man fighting with the tall man who was finally caught with

17、the help of the other people,which made me realize that it is very important to help others out when they are in need. I was 16 when I began working at the whaling station.I was told the story 1 _ every year the killers helped whalers catch huge whales.After I worked there,I witnessed it with 2 _ ow

18、n eyes many times.One afternoon,as I was sorting out my accommodation,I heard a loud noise coming 3_ the bay. thatmy fromThen I experienced how the killers,especially Old Tom,helped the whalers lead the way to catch a whale.To begin with,I saw 4 _ whale being attacked by Old Tom and six other killer

19、s,who were stopping the whale fleeing out to the sea. aThen the whalers aimed the harpoon 5_ the whale,then let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Later,the whales body 6 _ _ (drag) swiftly by the killers down into the 7 _ (deep) of the sea after it died.atdragged wasdepths 8_ the killers were fier

20、ce hunters,they never harmed or attacked people. On the contrary,they protected people. For example,one day,the sea was rough and 9 _ was difficult to handle the boat.The waves were carrying James further away from us.James was terrified of 10 _(abandon) by us. Just then a shark appeared and it was

21、Old Tom that saved James.being abandoned Although it1._ (fire) by her boss was a shame to her.2.I still remember _ (take) to my hometown when I was young.being taken Being fired3.While shopping,women always cant help _ (persuade) into buying something that they dont really need.4.The managers sugges

22、tion is worth _ (consider).being persuaded considering 5.The boy didnt pass the final exam and he was worried about _ (punish) by his father,so he came back home late.6.The building _ (build) is our new office building.being punished being built 7.This is one of the experiences_ (make) now in our sc

23、hool laboratory.8._ (convince) guilty,the man was arrested by the police.being made Having been convinced 9.Yesterday,I saw a woman _ (rob) of wallet by a man.10.Mary was very unhappy for _ _(not invite) to the party. not having been invited being robbed1. witness vt.当场见到当场见到(某事发生某事发生),目击,目击 n. 目击者;

24、证人目击者;证人(=eyewitness)谚语:谚语:There is a witness everywhere.若要若要人不知,除非己莫为。人不知,除非己莫为。witness to(doing)sth.作证,证实作证,证实a witness to sth.是是的目击证人的目击证人/见证人见证人运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 许多人看到这场车祸。许多人看到这场车祸。Many people _. 他作证曾看到被告杀了那男孩。他作证曾看到被告杀了那男孩。He witnessed to_ (have) seen the accused kill the boy. w

25、itnessed the car accident having 他所做的证实了他的能力。他所做的证实了他的能力。What he has done witnesses_ his ability. 他是这次事故的目击者。他是这次事故的目击者。He was a witness_ the accident. toto2. flee vt. 逃离逃离 vi.逃跑;迅速离开逃跑;迅速离开(from)flee to +某地逃到某地逃到去,逃往去,逃往flee(from)+某地某地 从从逃出来,逃离逃出来,逃离运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他与家人争吵后离家去了伦敦。他与

26、家人争吵后离家去了伦敦。He _ after an argument with his family. 他杀死仇敌后逃离祖国。他杀死仇敌后逃离祖国。He killed his enemy and _. fled (from) the country fled to London 3. conservation n.保存;保护保存;保护派生:派生:conserve vt.保存;保护保存;保护 conservative adj. 保守的保守的翻译:面对水危机,我们应当重视节约翻译:面对水危机,我们应当重视节约用水。用水。In face of the water crisis,we should p

27、ay much attention to_ . conserving water/water conservation4. target n.目标;靶;受批评的对象目标;靶;受批评的对象 vt.把把作为攻击目标作为攻击目标/批评对象批评对象set(sb.)a target for(给某人给某人)设定设定的目标的目标The darkest hour is nearest the dawn. 黎明黎明前的黑暗。前的黑暗。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我国已制定了一个降低二氧化碳排放的我国已制定了一个降低二氧化碳排放的目标。目标。Our country _ red

28、ucing the emission of carbon dioxide. 他的建议成了批评的目标。他的建议成了批评的目标。His proposal became _ criticism.the target ofhas set a target for 这是一本以单身汉为读者群的新杂志。这是一本以单身汉为读者群的新杂志。This is a new magazine_ single men. targeting/that targets5. reflect vt. 反射,反映反射,反映;vi.思考思考(on)reflect on/upon sth.考虑;反思考虑;反思(think carefu

29、lly about)运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 她忧愁的面容反映出她内心的思想。她忧愁的面容反映出她内心的思想。Her sad looks_ passing through her mind.reflects the thought 他考虑这个问题几个月了。他考虑这个问题几个月了。He _ this issue for several months. has reflected on6. scare vt. 恐吓恐吓 害怕害怕;vi. 受惊吓受惊吓(be)scared to death 吓死吓死be scared of 害怕害怕be scared to d

30、o 害怕做害怕做scare . away/off 把把吓走吓走运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他们设法把熊吓走了。他们设法把熊吓走了。They managed to _. 人们害怕深夜乘坐公共汽车。人们害怕深夜乘坐公共汽车。People _ the buses late at night.scare the bear awayare scared to take/are scared of taking 一提到惊悚电影,我就害怕得要死。一提到惊悚电影,我就害怕得要死。At the mere mention of thrillers,I_. am scared

31、to death1. help(sb.)out 帮助帮助(某人某人)摆脱困境或危难摆脱困境或危难help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事help oneself to sth.随便吃点什么随便吃点什么cant help doing sth.情不自禁情不自禁/忍不住做某事忍不住做某事cant help(to)do sth.无法帮忙做某事无法帮忙做某事cant help but do sth.不得不不得不运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。形式填空。 His parents helped him_ when he lost his

32、 job. Let me help you_ the heavy bags. He couldnt help _ (look) up when a pretty lady went by. out withlooking Im too busy.I couldnt help _ (look) up useful information. Kate caught a bad cold;so she couldnt help but _ (ask) for leave. ask (to)look2. upside down adv倒置地,颠倒地倒置地,颠倒地 upside-down adj.乱七八

33、糟的,颠倒的乱七八糟的,颠倒的运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 你把那图片给弄颠倒了。你把那图片给弄颠倒了。You have got that picture_ .upside down 办公室在装修,因此所有东西都乱七八办公室在装修,因此所有东西都乱七八糟。糟。The office is being decorated, so everything is_ . upside-down1.原句:原句:We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing it

34、self out of the water and then crashing down again.我们及时赶到岸边,看我们及时赶到岸边,看到在我们对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,到在我们对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水里。然后又坠落到水里。(L14,P20)句型:句型:see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在干某事。看见某人正在干某事。说明:说明:感官动词感官动词see,watch,notice,discover,observe,hear,smell等可跟动词等可跟动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,动词形式作宾语补足语,动词ing与宾语构与宾语构成主动关系,强调动作正在进行

35、。成主动关系,强调动作正在进行。仿写:根据中文意思,完成英语句子。仿写:根据中文意思,完成英语句子。 In the distance,I could see a pack of wolves _ (attack) a tiger. Can you_ (听见有人正在弹钢琴听见有人正在弹钢琴) next door?attackinghear someone playing the piano When I came back home,I _ _ (闻到有东西正闻到有东西正在燃烧的味道在燃烧的味道) in the kitchen. smelled something burning2.原句:原句:

36、Being badly wounded,the whale soon died.鲸因为受了重伤,没过多久就死了。鲸因为受了重伤,没过多久就死了。(L17,P20)句型:句型:being +done,sb./sth.(作原因、时间作原因、时间等状语等状语)仿写仿写 :根据中文意思,完成英语句子。:根据中文意思,完成英语句子。 当被问到谁偷了钱时,这个年轻人沉默了。当被问到谁偷了钱时,这个年轻人沉默了。 _ who stole the money,the young man kept silent.Being asked 由于正受到很好的照顾,这些树长由于正受到很好的照顾,这些树长得越来越壮。得越

37、来越壮。_,the trees are growing better and better.Being taken good care of 约翰被关在监狱许多年后,最近获释。约翰被关在监狱许多年后,最近获释。 _ in prison for many years,John had recently been set free.Having been kept3.原句:原句:The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.那天风高浪那天风高浪大,很难操作船只。大,很难操作船只。(L39,P21)句型:句型:I

38、t + be + adj.(for/of sb.)+ to do sth.做做某事是某事是的的说明:说明:在此句型中,如前面形容词在此句型中,如前面形容词(adj.)指代指代事物、事情特征,如:事物、事情特征,如:important,easy,difficult,strange,necessary,important等,等,则后用则后用for;如果为说明人的性格、特征的形;如果为说明人的性格、特征的形容词,如容词,如kind,polite,foolish,warmhearted,cruel等,则用等,则用of。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。 掌握一门外语很有必要。掌握

39、一门外语很有必要。_ to master a foreign language. 通过阅读使一个人变得更聪明是可能的。通过阅读使一个人变得更聪明是可能的。 _to become smarter through reading. It is necessary It is possible for a person 作为一名教师,赢得学生的尊重很作为一名教师,赢得学生的尊重很重要。重要。As a teacher,_.it is very important to earnhis students respect4.原句:原句:It took over half an hour to get th

40、e boat back to James. 用了半个多小时才把船用了半个多小时才把船划回到詹姆斯身边。划回到詹姆斯身边。(L48,P21)句型:句型:It takes/took/will take(sb.)some time to do sth.花费花费/将要花费某人多少时间将要花费某人多少时间/金钱金钱做某事做某事 仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。 由于下雨,我们花了六个小时才到达由于下雨,我们花了六个小时才到达目的地。目的地。 _ to reach our destination because of the rain. It took us six hours 科

41、学家们将要花费约一年的时间完成这科学家们将要花费约一年的时间完成这个项目。个项目。_ to complete the project. 李明每天花费半个小时骑自行车上学。李明每天花费半个小时骑自行车上学。_ by bike every day. It takes Li Ming half an hour to go to schoolIt will take the scientists about one year课本原句:课本原句:It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helpe

42、d the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.那个时期,虎鲸那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为当时被称为“杀手杀手”)帮助捕帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徒时捕捉须鲸。鲸人在每年须鲸迁徒时捕捉须鲸。(P19)结构分析:结构分析:这是一个含有三个从句的复合句。这是一个含有三个从句的复合句。when引导的是一个引导的是一个_从句;在从句中,从句;在从句中,or “ killers” 是对是对whales进一步解释;进一步解释;as they were then called是一个是一个_从句,修饰从句,修饰_;t

43、hat were on their annual migration 是一个是一个_ 从句,修饰从句,修饰whales。定语定语定语定语定语定语killers一、完形填空一、完形填空本文主要阐述潜水员本文主要阐述潜水员Andy对一条鱼进行训对一条鱼进行训练,结果不仅获得了乐趣,而且获得了可观练,结果不仅获得了乐趣,而且获得了可观的经济效益。的经济效益。1.C。formal 正式的;正式的;normal 正常的;正常的;ordinary 普通的,一般的;普通的,一般的;unusual不寻常不寻常的。的。2.A。介绍事情的来龙去脉,故用介绍事情的来龙去脉,故用start。3.B。从下一句的从下一句

44、的“used technique”可知是可知是“训练训练”这条鱼。这条鱼。4.B。从空格后表示列举说明的内容从空格后表示列举说明的内容like dogs and tigers,可知是动物。,可知是动物。5.D。从下文的结局可知这条鱼带来了好处,从下文的结局可知这条鱼带来了好处,故选褒义词,表示有趣的(事物)。故选褒义词,表示有趣的(事物)。6.A。 “kits(成套用具成套用具)” 应该是买来的。最后一段应该是买来的。最后一段提到提到Andy训练这条鱼成功后自己制造训练这条鱼成功后自己制造kits卖给别卖给别人,是对此处人,是对此处“买买”这种行为的呼应。这种行为的呼应。7.C。fall实物从

45、高处落下;实物从高处落下;drop水滴滴落;水滴滴落;sink to 沉到某处;沉到某处;lag落后。落后。8.D。根据语境,根据语境,Dodo每次努力靠近球网就得到每次努力靠近球网就得到“报酬,酬劳报酬,酬劳”。干扰项。干扰项B.payment意为:付款,报意为:付款,报答。答。9.A。由本句的由本句的liked the treat及及repeat可知是可知是“额额外的外的”款待。款待。10.B。此句的此句的“learned to:学会了:学会了”暗示了句暗示了句子开头缺表示结果的副词。子开头缺表示结果的副词。11.D。固定句型:固定句型:it take(s) sb.some time to

46、 do sth.:花费某人多少时间做某事。:花费某人多少时间做某事。12.C。look up查询;查询;pick up捡起,顺便搭载;捡起,顺便搭载;stand up站起来。站起来。set up建立(网站,公司,机构建立(网站,公司,机构等)符合题意。等)符合题意。13.D。此处意为此处意为“这么多人问到关于训练鱼的问这么多人问到关于训练鱼的问题题”。A和和B选项与介词选项与介词to搭配;搭配;D项项join为为“连接连接”之意,不符合题意。之意,不符合题意。14.D。由由“Fish School”及及“sells”可以推测可以推测Andy开开了一间带有商业性质的了一间带有商业性质的“养鱼培训

47、学校养鱼培训学校”,最符合,最符合词义的是词义的是business:公司,企业。:公司,企业。15.A。此处指此处指“从训练鱼中赚钱从训练鱼中赚钱”,并没有提及是,并没有提及是“美元美元”还是还是“英镑英镑”。二、语法填空二、语法填空本文讲述了发送和收集信件的由来和变化。本文讲述了发送和收集信件的由来和变化。31.astonishing。修饰形容词修饰形容词cheap应用其副应用其副词形式。词形式。32.on。表表“出差出差”用用on a business trip。33.her。作宾语,应填宾格代词,表示作宾语,应填宾格代词,表示“她她将会在几天后收到信将会在几天后收到信”。34.a。一块面

48、包,要用一块面包,要用 a loaf of bread。35.arrival。定冠词后面要用名词,表示定冠词后面要用名词,表示“信信的到来的到来”。36.who/that。引导定语从句并在从句中作主引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是语,先行词是receiver收信人,故填收信人,故填who或或that。37.From。表示表示“从什么时候起从什么时候起”用用from.on。38.carrying。因因messengers和和carry是主动关系,是主动关系,故填故填carrying。39.that。这个是强调句。这个是强调句。40.was established。由句子结构可知,此空是填由

49、句子结构可知,此空是填谓语动词,再细看,谓语动词,再细看,the official organization与与establish是承受关系,根据前后时态提示,此空是承受关系,根据前后时态提示,此空要用一般过去时的被动语态。要用一般过去时的被动语态。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解臭氧层一直保护着南极洲,但随着气温变暧,臭臭氧层一直保护着南极洲,但随着气温变暧,臭氧层将会关闭,冰块融化,南极洲渐渐消失,海氧层将会关闭,冰块融化,南极洲渐渐消失,海平面上升。专家呼吁要阻止全球变暧。平面上升。专家呼吁要阻止全球变暧。41.C。词义题。词义题。由表示转折的由表示转折的but,以及,以及cool与与warm,

50、ice loss与与increase in ice可知,本句是与前可知,本句是与前句内容句内容“相反相反”的情况。的情况。42.B。细节题。细节题。由第二段最后一句可知。其实由由第二段最后一句可知。其实由第一段第一句就可排除选项第一段第一句就可排除选项A和和C。43.B。细节题。细节题。由第四段第一句及第三句由第四段第一句及第三句(But once warm ocean waters.)可知。可知。44.C。细节题。细节题。由第五段第二句由第五段第二句(Antarctica .contains 70% of the worlds fresh water)可可知。知。45.B。主旨题。主旨题。由

51、第一段第一句由第一段第一句(The hole in the Earths ozone layer .protected Antarctica from the worst effects of global warming)后的后的But可知,可知,本文主题是说本文主题是说Antarctica正在受到危险,另外,正在受到危险,另外,第二段第一句第二段第一句(In the past decades the western Antarctic has seen rapid ice loss.),第四段第一,第四段第一句句(The biggest threat to the continent.),第五段,第五段最后一句最后一句(if it melts completely.)也都说明也都说明Antarctica melting away。



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