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1、采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Part C Story Retelling授课班级授课班级 高二(高二(5)班)班肇庆市第一中学肇庆市第一中学 张俊锋张俊锋Round 1 Listen& answerListen to some sentences and answer the following questions quickly.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物采用PP管及配件:根据给水

2、设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物I cant do it alone, I need someone such as you.What are the third and the seventh word in the sentence?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Helping others is a great way that really helps yourself.What is the last wo

3、rd in the sentence?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物I was so scared that I didnt know what to do at that time. How did the woman feel? 采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物There are 5 major parks in Central London alone. How many major

4、parks?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物I try to look forward,but my mind goes back.What is the sixth word in the sentence?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Discussion:How to take notes quickly?While discussing, the group leader shoul

5、d take down at least 3 methods of taking notes.(2 minutes for discussing!)采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 Please read aloud the methods of your group. 采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物1.Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable

6、with.2.Use abbreviations(缩写词).3.Use Chinese characters.How to take notes quickly?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物take sb to sp sb spin front of / and / as well as &agree / disagree finish money # $in the middle of reason / result 1. Use as many symbols as you feel

7、comfortable with.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Omit vowels (省略元音字母省略元音字母) ( year = _, report = _ )Shorten the word (Monday = _, January = _ )Use the first letters for names (New York = _, United Nations = _)Change spelling (although = _, before = _ )yrrptMonJan2.

8、Use abbreviations(缩写词).NYUNthoB4采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物3.Use Chinese characters.people 人人 father 父父 mother 母母grandfather 爷 grandmother 奶奶king 王王 dragon 龙 horse 马 Round 2 Listen & sayListen to some short passages and find out the main idea. (20 seconds for

9、discussing!)采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 To keep a healthy life, we should avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking, eating too much, taking drugs and so on. To keep a healthy life, we should avoid bad habits.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切

10、口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Burning fossil fuel like natural gases, coal, oil and gasoline raises the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuel raises the level of carbon dioxide. 采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物If it were possible to replace our brain yo

11、u wouldnt be the same person you are, so what would be the point of replacing it?What would be the point of replacing our brain?Round 3 Listen & practiceListen to a story once and then answer the questions.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Retellingdead (死的死的)boring

12、(枯燥的枯燥的)Heaven (天堂天堂)Hell (地狱地狱)visitor (访客访客)梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱不和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱不如之前看到的好。如之前看到的好。听力前约听力前约20秒准备时间:秒准备时间:挑出故事梗概中挑出故事梗概中重点信息重点信息根据关键词根据关键词预测预测听力过程中需关注的听力过程中需关注的故事内容故事内容。采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物dead:borin

13、g:Heaven:Hell:visitor:Who? When? Where? How? What happened?Why? Result?What happened?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Retellingdead (死的死的)boring (枯燥的枯燥的)Heaven (天堂天堂)Hell (地狱地狱)visitor (访客访客)梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱不和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱

14、不如之前看到的好。如之前看到的好。采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Questions:(2 minutes for discussing!)1. Who are they?2. What happened to them?3. What did they do before making a decision?4. What did they see in Heaven?5. How did they feel in Heaven?6. What did they see in Hell?7.

15、 What was their decision? 8. Whats the result in the end?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Questions & answers:1. Who are they? They are two dead men.2. What happened to them? They were given a chance to choose to stay in Heaven or Hell.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在

16、管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Questions & answers:3. What did they do before making a decision? They went to visit the two places before making a decision.4. What did they see in Heaven? They saw that people in Heaven were dressed in white and singing.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边

17、剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Questions & answers: 5. How did they feel in Heaven? They felt bored. 6. What did they see in Hell? They saw free drinks and people enjoying themselves there.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Questions & answers:7. What was their decision? T

18、hey both decided to stay in Hell.8. Whats the result in the end? They were asked to start working in a coal mine and were told that they were visitors last time but they werent this time. 采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Now listen to the story once again and try to

19、 get more detailed information.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Retellingdead (死的死的)boring (枯燥的枯燥的)Heaven (天堂天堂)Hell (地狱地狱)visitor (访客访客)梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂梗概提示:两个刚死去的人分别造访了天堂和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱不和地狱,最后决定留在地狱,却发现地狱不如之前看到的好。如之前看到的好。(1 minute to prepare for the retellin

20、g!)采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Now please retell the story to your partner in turn.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 Please retell the story to the whole class. 采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污

21、物Reference answer: Two dead men were given the chance to choose to stay in Heaven or Hell. They then went to visit the two places before making a decision. In Heaven, people were dressed in white and singing. They thought it was a boring place, so they went to Hell, where they saw free drinks and pe

22、ople enjoying themselves. Therefore, they both decided to stay in Hell. However, when they went back to Hell, they were asked to start working in a coal mine. They were told that they were visitors last time but they werent this time. So what they saw was very different.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Question:What have you learnt today?采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 Listen to a story then retell it to your partner.采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物



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