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1、CDCSCDCS考试全攻略考试全攻略CDCS考试概况考试形式考试范围复习计划巧安排应试技巧主主 要要 内内 容容1 1、什么是、什么是CDCSCDCS Certified Documentary Credit Specialist(CDCS)是一个证明跟单信用证人员理论能力以及实际业务操作能力的专业认证考试,它是在业内专家磋商基础上发展起来的,并保证此认证能够真实地对参考人员的业务能力进行考察。它由国际商会(ICC)授权,英国注册银行家协会(CIB)和国际金融服务协会(IFSA)合作共同推出。其签发的证书代表了跟单信用证人员的业务水平,受全世界承认。CDCS 考试概况CDCS简介2 2、为什么

2、要参加、为什么要参加CDCSCDCS考试考试 CDCS考试可以扩大从业人员的实际业务知识,是专业人员在此领域继续发展不可或缺的一部分。由于CDCS得认证为世界所承认,因此它代表了跟单信用证方面的国际水准,能够通过此考试的人拥有“跟单信用证专家资格证书”。CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS简介3 3、考生资格、考生资格 实际上,此考试对有意参考的人员没有特殊要求,但是考试中心要求参考人员必须具有至少三年在信用证领域工作的经验。考试人员要想正式得到此认证,必须提交一封由一名高级人员证明的该考生在信用证领域有一定从业经验的推荐信。但由于中国是ICC成员国,因此不受此限制,参考人员无论工作年

3、限、是否具有专业背景,都可以参加考试。CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS简介4 4、备战考试、备战考试 参加考试的考生应使用CIB和IFSA的统一考试资料。考卷中的所有试题以此考试资料为依据。当考生正式注册成功后,会收到这些资料。CDCS考试时间为3小时,全英文考卷,共分为两个部分,第一部分为85道选择题,以CDCS考试大纲内容为基础,第二部分包括35道选择题,以案例分析为主,目的在于检测考生工作中的信息积累、对信用证的理解和判定等方面的技巧。CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS简介5 5、考试时间,报名程序、考试时间,报名程序 CDCS考试每年4月中旬举行一次,ICC CH

4、INA秘书局负责中国大陆地区考生报名。 www.icc-china.org6、专家资格的延续、专家资格的延续 CDCS专家资格有效期为三年,如果希望延续,有两个途径:一是重新参加考试;二是积累学分(Professional Development Units, PDUs),三年内积满24分,一年内最多不超过16分。CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS简介 在2001年4月以前,中国大陆地区还没有进行过CDCS考试,距离中国大陆地区最近的考点设在香港。最近几年,国际商会中国国家委员会(ICC CHINA)有关学术机构和其他单位一直在中国开设UCP500的课程和培训,但还没有这方面的资质认

5、证。值得庆幸的是,经过ICC CHINA秘书局的努力,终于和英国金融服务协会(IFS)达成协议,在2001年4月12日,首次在北京举行了CDCS考试,并于2002年经考试地点扩大到上海和广州三个城市,今年又增加了大连、长沙、成都三个城市。以后中国考区的CDCS考试将由ICC CHINA和IFS联合举办。 CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS在中国 自2001年中国大陆正式引入CDCS考试开始,总行国际部一直非常重视,并且一直鼓励和支持全行从事国际结算的广大员工参加考试。到目前为止,全行通过该考试的人员超过240人。 同时,为了加强对CDCS考试的管理和对已通过CDCS考试人员的使用,总

6、行在2004年特制定了关于对CDCS考试相关问题的指导意见。p 考试报名p 考试费用及资格延展p 获得CDCS资格认证人员的使用 CDCS 考试概况CDCS 考试概况CDCS在工行考试形式 考试时间:三个小时答题形式:涂题卡题目类型:选择题,两个部分,第一部分85题;第二部分35题考试通过要求:两部分分别通过考试形式题目类型第一部分:第一部分:Multiple-choice questions只有一个正确答案,三个等级: Knowledge questions are recall questions. Application questions apply knowledge. Analys

7、is, also called higher level thinking, questions require both knowledge and application skills.Knowledge I Recall/Knowledge: recognize specific information and facts that do not vary by situation. There will be 55 knowledge or recall questions on the exam.Ex. 1: Which of the following percentages re

8、presents the minimum insured value of goods on the insurance document unless otherwise stated in the Documentary Credit where the CIF/CIP value can be determined?A.100%.B.105%.C.110%.D.115%.Explanation:Article 34 Insurance Documents f.ii. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Credit, the minimum amount

9、 for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF or CIP value of the goods, as the case ay be, plus 10%, but only when the CIF or CIP value can be determined from the documents on their face. Knowledge IIEx. 2: Prior to advising a Documentary Credi

10、t to the beneficiary, the Advising Bank is responsible for:A.Effecting payment against conforming documents.B.Checking the apparent authenticity of the Documentary Credit.C.Notifying the Issuing Bank that the Documentary Credit is being advised.D.Checking that the reimbursement method is effective.E

11、xplanation:Article 7 Advising Banks Liability a. A Credit may be advised to a Beneficiary through another bank (the “Advising Bank”) without engagement on the part of the Advising Bank, but that bank, if it elects to advise the Credit, shall take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of

12、 the Credit which it advises. If the bank elects not to advise the Credit, it must so inform the Issuing Bank without delay.Application I Application: require comprehension, interpretation, or manipulation of concepts or data. There will be a total of 65 application questions on the exam (Part 1 and

13、 2).Ex. 3: Delivery of goods has been made to the buyer on 08 October. The relevant documents were presented in order, including a CMR dated 15 days prior to delivery. The Documentary Credit terms state that payment is to be effected 30 days after shipment. On which date will payment be made? (There

14、 are NO banking holidays and Saturdays and Sundays are NOT banking days.)A.Friday 22 October.B.Monday 25 October.C.Friday 05 November.D.Monday 08 November.Explanation:CMR(p.205): Transport documents covering the dispatch of goods by rail or by road are Rail and Road Consignment Notes. Road waybills

15、are also called Truck Waybills or CMR Notes (Convention Merchandises Routiers).Date of Shipment(UCP500 article28) ii. The date of issuance will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the transport document contains a reception stamp, in which case the date of the reception stamp will be deemed

16、to be the date of shipment.Application IIEx. 4: When an Advising Bank has accepted a Time/Usance Draft under an Advised Documentary Credit, they are responsible for effecting payment at maturity when:A.they have received funds from the Issuing Bank.B.they have received funds from the Reimbursing Ban

17、k.C.the draft is verified by the Applicant.D.the draft is presented by the Beneficiary.Explanation:By Acceptance(p.83): The terms and conditions of a Credit issued on acceptance terms are that:payment is not immediatedrafts are required to be presentedpayment is on the maturity dates of the draft. A

18、nalysisAnalysis: require the integration or synthesis of a variety of concepts and/or elements to solve a specific problem situation. Questions test the ability to gather information, evaluate data and make decisions. Analysis questions often require value judgments concerning the effectiveness, app

19、ropriateness or best course of action in a given situation. There will be 5 analysis questions on the exam.Direct or Closed QuestionDirect or Closed QuestionA complete question followed by four options; there is only one correct answer to direct or closed questions.Ex.5: What is the applicable Incot

20、erm for an Airway Bill market “Freight Prepaid”?A.FCA.B.CFRC.CPTD.DAFC. CPTExplanation:FCA: Free Carrier (named place)CFR: Cost and Freight ( named port of destination)CPT: Carriage Paid To (named place of destination)DAF: Delivery at Frontier (named place)Open Question or Incomplete SentenceOpen Qu

21、estion or Incomplete SentenceAn incomplete sentence with four options; there is only one correct answer to incomplete sentence questions.Ex.6: Documents under a Documentary Credit, including the CMR consigned to the order of the Issuing Bank, have been delayed in transit between the Confirming Bank

22、and the Issuing Bank. The Applicant requires the goods urgently and therefore requests from the Issuing Bank a:A.Delivery Order.B.Letter of Indemnity.C.Performance Guarantee.D.Shipping Company Guarantee.A. Delivery Order.Explanation:Airway Releases and Delivery Orders (p.460): and delivery orders de

23、al with the delivery of goods dispatched by modes other than sea and air and are the mode generally seen is in respect of goods dispatched by road.Complete Question that includes the Complete Question that includes the phrase “which of the following”phrase “which of the following”Is used when there

24、is more than one correct answer to a question, but ONLY one of the correct answers is offered in the options.Ex.7: Which of the following Incoterms applies only to where a ship represents the point of delivery for transportation by sea or inland waterway?A.FCA.B.FASC.CPTD.DAFB. FASFAS, FOB, CFRCIF,

25、DES, DEQComplex Multiple-ChoiceComplex Multiple-ChoiceThere may be more than one correct answer. The response will include options.Ex.8: A Marine Bill of Lading acts as:1. an acknowledgement of receipt of the goods by the carrier.2. evidence of a contract of carriage.3. a document of title for the g

26、oods.4. evidence of the contract between the seller and the forwarding agent.A.1 and 3 only.B.2 and 4 only.C.1, 2 and 3 only.D.2, 3 and 4 only.C. 1, 2 and 3 only.Negatively Worded or EXCEPT questionsNegatively Worded or EXCEPT questionsThree of the four options are correct and only one option is inc

27、orrect. There is only one answer for EXCEPT questions.Ex.9: In accordance with UCP all the following statements relating to commercial invoices under a non-transferable Documentary Credit are correct EXCEPT the commercial invoices manually signed by the made out in the nam

28、e of the Applicant.C.appear to have been issued by the named Beneficiary.D.indicate the description of goods corresponding with the Documentary Credit.A. be manually signed by the Beneficiary.Key Words-LEAST, BEST, MOSTKey Words-LEAST, BEST, MOSTThe question requires evaluation and the selection of

29、the appropriate option.Ex.10: Which party has the MOST responsibility to examine the terms and conditions of a Documentary Credit against the sales agreement?A.Applicant.B.Beneficiary.C.Issuing Bank.D.Confirming Bank.B. Beneficiary.Situational SetSituational SetThere is one answer to each question i

30、n situational sets. There may be more than one question for each information set.多为分析性问题,多为分析性问题,一般情况下,一般情况下,一组情境下只有一个问题。一组情境下只有一个问题。考试形式题目类型第二部分:第二部分:In-basket/Simulation exercises 五个分析性问题(Analysis questions)。 四套单据,每套单据五个问题。 两道审单题,各五个不符点。1、Documentary Credit Groups(1) Types and Uses of Documentary

31、Credits(2) Parties to the Credit: Roles, Responsibilities and Risks(3) Types of Payment2、Characteristics of Documentary Credits(1) Primary Characteristics(2) Specialty Characteristics3、Operations(1) Processes(2) Related Products/ Terms4、Financial and Commercial Documents5、Rules考试范围考试内容概览 Multiple Ch

32、oice Questions应试指南章节一览应试指南章节一览1.Documentary credits-an overview2.The sales agreement3.Documentary credits-types, uses and characteristics4.Parties to documentary credit transactions-roles and responsibilities5.Issuance and amendment6.Transportation documents7.Other documents8.Presentation, examinati

33、on and settlement/rejection9.Bank-to-bank reimbursements under documentary credits10.Related products11.Risk issues考试范围读透CDCS应试指南应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(一)应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(一)ISBPInternational Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary CreditsPreliminary considerations that r

34、elate to the application and issuance of credits (15)General principles that are not specific to any one article of UCP500 or any one document (644)Practices that are clearly linked to a named type of document:Drafts (4558)Invoices (5972)Transport documents (73182)Insurance documents (183195)Certifi

35、cates of origin (196200)考试范围读透CDCS应试指南应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(二)应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(二)eUCPThe Supplement to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits for Electronic PresentationseUCP是UCP500的补充,与UCP500一同适用;eUCP应用灵活,适用与部分纸质、部分电子交单和全部电子交单的情况;eUCP是动态的,目前是1.0版本;eUCP的结构比照UCP500并按电子交单的流程进行规定;eUCP的条款可以分成

36、四个部分:在UCP500中有的、也适用于eUCP信用证的条款(如UCP500中2到10);对UCP500是一种补充而无冲突、且不影响UCP500适用的条款(如eUCP中e3(a));与UCP500不同,但仅适用于电子单据的条款(如eUCP中的11和12);对UCP500中对应有所改变的条款(如eUCP的2(a)、5(c)和(e)、7(a)和(b)、8)。信用证,凡遵守eUCP的,将自动遵守UCP500而无需明示;如果信用证遵守eUCP,当与UCP500冲突时,以eUCP为准。推荐阅读“Guide to understanding the electronic supplement to the

37、 UCP500” ICC639。考试范围读透CDCS应试指南应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(三)应试指南第二版与第一版不同之处(三)ISP98International Standby Practices部分条款 全部条款ISP98与UCP500的比较考试范围读透CDCS应试指南项目项目ISP98UCP500适用适用“当事人当事人”不一定是银行不一定是银行银行银行约束约束包括申请人包括申请人不包括申请人不包括申请人及时及时3天,天,47天天7天天分行分行履行非开证人义务时为另一个履行非开证人义务时为另一个party另一个另一个party提示提示可以部分提示可以部分提示不可以不可以不可抗力不可抗

38、力顺延到再营业后的第顺延到再营业后的第30个工作日个工作日终止终止单单一致单单一致可以不完全一致可以不完全一致必须一致必须一致Two-copiesTwo-fold均为正本或副本均为正本或副本可以有一张正本可以有一张正本转让转让可多次,但不能部分可多次,但不能部分可部分,但只可一次可部分,但只可一次涉及到的国际惯例涉及到的国际惯例1.UCP500Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits2.ISP98International Standby Practices3.URR525Uniform Rules for Bank-to-ban

39、k Reimbursement Under Documentary Credits4.UCP500 subarticle 20(b)Decision on Original Documents (p.373)5.ICC Position Papers 141.Position No.1Amendments (p.193)2.Position No.2Negotiation (p.84)3.Position No.3Non-documentary conditions (p.180)4.Position No.4Transportation documents articles (23-30)

40、(p.292)6.ISBP International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits7.eUCPSupplement UCP500 for Electronic Presentations8.Incoterms 2000考试范围读透CDCS应试指南制定合理的复习计划,熟悉应试指南内容(480页)1.Documentary credits-an overview(8页)2.The sales agreement(28页)3.Documentary credi

41、ts-types, uses and characteristics(98页)4.Parties to documentary credit transactions-roles and responsibilities(38页)5.Issuance and amendment(24页)6.Transportation documents(102页)7.Other documents(46页)8.Presentation, examination and settlement/rejection(82页)9.Bank-to-bank reimbursements under documenta

42、ry credits(28页)10.Related products(14页)11.Risk issues(12页)复习计划巧安排重点复习UCP 500 Chapter 3 Documentary credits-types, uses and characteristicsChapter 6 Transportation documentsChapter 9 Bank-to-bank reimbursements under documentary credits复习计划巧安排Chapter 3 Documentary credits-types, uses and characterist

43、icspTypes of CreditsnCommercial Documentary CreditsnStandby Letters of CreditpTypes of paymentnAvailability and settlement methodsnAssignment of Credit proceedspCharacteristicsnRevocablenIrrevocablenIrrevocable confirmednTransferablenBack to back (counter)nCleannAdvance payment (red clause)nRevolvin

44、g and installmentnEvergreen nEstablished under aid agreementsnInoperative复习计划巧安排Chapter 6 Transport DocumentspCharacteristics of Transport DocumentsnMarine/Ocean bill of ladingnNon-negotiable sea waybillnCharter party bill of ladingnMultimodal transport documentnAir transport documentnRoad, rail or

45、inland waterway transport documentsnCourier and post receiptsnCommon characteristicsnLife cycle of transport documentsnForwarders vs. carrierspIntroduction to the Processing of Transport Documents under Documentary Credits and UCP500nMarine/Ocean bill of ladingnNon-negotiable sea waybillnCharter par

46、ty bill of ladingnMultimodal transport documentnAir transport documentnRoad, rail or inland waterway transport documentsnCourier and post receipts复习计划巧安排Chapter 9 Bank-to-bank reimbursements under documentary creditspUCP and Bank-to-bank Reimbursements under Documentary CreditsnIntroductionnICC work

47、ing party for ICC Uniform Rules for bank-to-bank reimbursements under Documentary CreditspICC Uniform Rules for Bank-to-bank Reimbursements under Documentary CreditsnIntroductionnStudy of articles, including types, parties, issuance, documents and presentationnDisciplines prompted by SWIFTnStep by s

48、tep guidepProblems复习计划巧安排比较复习例如: INCOTERMS 2000 Transport Documents复习计划巧安排以Article 23 Marine/Ocean Bill of Lading为例:a port-to-port shipmentunless otherwise stipulated in the Credithowever namedon its facesigned or otherwise authenticatedloading on boarddate of shipmentintended vesselplace of receipt

49、 or taking in charge differentfull setall of the terms and conditions of carriagecharter parties-sail onlytranshipment应试技巧时间时间顺序顺序涂卡涂卡铅笔铅笔做题做题认真读题 IEx.11: Delivery of goods has been made to the buyer on 08 October. The relevant documents were presented in order, including a CMR dated 15 days prior t

50、o delivery. The Documentary Credit terms state that payment is to be effected 30 days after shipment. On which date will payment be made? (There are NO banking holidays and Saturdays and Sundays are NOT banking days.)A.Saturday 23 October.B.Monday 25 October.C.Saturday 06 November.D.Monday 08 Novemb

51、er.认真读题 IIEx.12: In accordance with UCP, what is the maximum number of banking days (inclusive of presentation date) that a Confirming Bank is allowed to refuse the documents?A.One.B.Three.C.Seven.D.Eight.Explanation:Article 13 Standard for Examination of Documents b. The Issuing Bank, the Confirmin

52、g Bank, if any, or a Nominated Bank acting on their behalf, shall each have a reasonable time, not to exceed seven banking days following the day of receipt of the documents, to examine the documents and determine whether to take up or refuse the documents and to inform the party from which it recei

53、ved the documents accordingly.注意关键词Ex.13: Which Documentary Credit enables a Beneficiary to obtain pre-shipment financing without impacting his facility?A.Transferable.B.Red Clause.C.Irrevocable, payable at sight.D.Confirmed Irrevocable, payable at maturity.Explanation:Advance Payment Credits(p.126)

54、: At the sellers request the buyer may agree to make a part of the purchase price available to the seller as a pre shipment advance and further agree that such advance should be made from within the Credit issued. Historically, this clause appeared in bold red type in order to draw attention to the

55、special advance, and for this reason such Credits were termed Red Clause Credits.排除法 IEx.14: A Marine Bill of Lading acts as:1. an acknowledgement of receipt of the goods by the carrier.2. evidence of a contract of carriage.3. a document of title for the goods.4. evidence of the contract between the

56、 seller and the forwarding agent.A.1 and 3 only.B.2 and 4 only.C.1, 2 and 3 only.D.2, 3 and 4 only.排除法 IIEx.15: A Documentary Credit calls for presentation of an Insurance Certificate. Which of the following insurance documents would be acceptable for CIF shipment where the invoice valued is USD75,0

57、00.00?1.Insurance Certificate for USD82,500.00.2.Insurance Policy for USD85,000.00.3.Insurance Declaration under Open Cover for USD75,000.00.4.Insurance Certificate for USD75,000.00.A.1 and 2 only.B.1 and 3 only.C.2 and 3 only.D.3 and 4 only.Explanation I:Article 34 Insurance Documents f.ii. Unless

58、otherwise stipulated in the Credit, the minimum amount for which the insurance document must indicate the insurance cover to have been effected is the CIF or CIP value of the goods, as the case ay be, plus 10%, but only when the CIF or CIP value can be determined from the documents on their face. Ot

59、herwise, banks ill accept as such minimum amount 110% of the amount for which payment, acceptance or negotiation is request under the Credit, or 110% of the gross amount of the invoice, whichever is the greater.Explanation II:Article 34 Insurance Documents d. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Credi

60、t, banks will accept an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover pre-signed by insurance companies or underwriters or their agents. If a Credit specifically calls for an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, banks will accept, in lieu thereof, an insurance pol

61、icy.干扰项Ex.16: The Confirming Bank receives documents on Friday 02 April and finds them to be in order on 05 April. Tenor is 30 days after the Bill of Lading date. The Bill of Lading is dated 01 April, and the Confirming Bank agrees to pay the Beneficiary immediately. On what date would the Confirming Bank expect to receive funds from the Issuing Bank? (There are NO bank holidays and Saturdays and Sundays are NOT banking days.)A.05 April.B.01 May.C.03 May.D.05 May.结束结束



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