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1、高三英语语法复习专题之高三英语语法复习专题之03 并列句并列句 The compound sentence观察下列句子,说明句子的类型和结构。观察下列句子,说明句子的类型和结构。1. Study hard, or you will fail in the exam.2. Lets start early, for we have a long way to go.3. Im poor, but I always enjoy myself!4. He was ill, so he was absent from school.并列句并列句(The compound sentence)并列句并列句

2、(The compound sentence)一、一、 概述概述含有两个或两个以上的独立的主谓结构含有两个或两个以上的独立的主谓结构或简单句的句子,叫并列句。这些分或简单句的句子,叫并列句。这些分句在形式上处于平等的互不依存的并句在形式上处于平等的互不依存的并列地位,但是这些独立的句子往往在列地位,但是这些独立的句子往往在意义上有所关联。意义上有所关联。二二.识别并列句的意义识别并列句的意义:有助于做好定语从句等复合句以及分词作状语等题有助于做好定语从句等复合句以及分词作状语等题目目,e.g.Soon they came to a farm house; _ roof was much hig

3、her than others.Soon they came to a farm house and _ roof was much higher than others.Soon they came to a farm house, _ roof was much higher than others.itsitswhose四四 、并列句的结构、并列句的结构1 We fished all day, but (we) didnt catch a thing.2 We fished all day; however, we didnt catch a thing.3 We fished all

4、day; we didnt catch a thing. 并列句可由分号或连接词引导。第一个分句后并列句可由分号或连接词引导。第一个分句后用分号,后面跟一个连接副词或不用连接词;第一用分号,后面跟一个连接副词或不用连接词;第一个分句后用逗号,后面用并列连词,其结构为:个分句后用逗号,后面用并列连词,其结构为:简单句简单句+并列连词并列连词+简单句简单句五五. 并列句的分类:并列句的分类:1.表示连续两个并列同等概念表示连续两个并列同等概念, 常用常用and, not only but also ,neithernor, 等连接等连接, e.g. The teachers name is Smi

5、th, and the students name is John. Neither would I give him advice nor would he ask me for advice.2. 表示选择表示选择,常用的连词有常用的连词有or, eitheror, otherwise等等: We must hurry, or well miss the train. Either John is not willing to keep his promise, or he has forgotten about it.3.表示转折表示转折,常用的连词有常用的连词有but, while,

6、yet等。等。 She is seriously ill, but there is hope of her recovery. It is very good, (but) yet it can be better. Jane was dressed in white _ Mary was dressed in black.while4.表示因果关系表示因果关系, 常用的连词有常用的连词有so, for, 等等: He must be at home, _the light in his room is on. Something was wrong with my bike, so I w

7、alked home.for5. 用分号表示用分号表示, 把分句隔开把分句隔开, 后面跟一个连接副词后面跟一个连接副词或不用连接词或不用连接词: The clouds disappeared; the sun shone again. He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected. The composition is all right; however, there is room to improvement. Xiao Mings family has five people. They include his grandpa

8、rents, parents and Xiao Ming. They all have hobbies. His parents like badminton. His grandparents like to have a walk in the morning or after supper. Xiao Ming likes collect stamps and playing basketball. His parents tell him story almost every evening. On Sunday morning, Xiao Ming sometimes keeps h

9、is grandparents company in the park. Sometimes he goes to play basketball with his friends. There are five people in Xiao Mings family, including his parents, parents and him. They all have their own hobbies. For example, his parents like badminton while his grandparents like to have a walk in the m

10、orning or after supper. Collecting stamps and playing basketball are Xiao Mings hobbies, and to his joy, his grandparents tell him stories every evening. On Sunday morning, Xiao Ming sometimes keeps his parents company in the park, or sometimes he plays basketball.一、填上适当的连接词或副词并判断这些一、填上适当的连接词或副词并判断这

11、些句子的类型:句子的类型:1.They sat down _ talked about something.2. _ my father _mother are teachers.3. _ did we write to her _ we telegraphed her.4. _ you _ he is right.5. He _ his children is happy.andBothandNot onlybut alsoNeithernoras well as简单句简单句简单句简单句并列句并列句简单句简单句简单句简单句6. He failed many times, _ he didnt

12、 despair.7. Tom was rich _ his brother was very poor.8. He was ill ; _, he went to school.9. I got up very early, (and)_ I failed to catch the first bus.10. He is tired; (but) _ he will make another experiment.butwhilehoweveryetstill并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句11. Take the chance, _ you will regre

13、t it .12. _ you come to my place _I go to yours.13. His mother did _ scold him _ comforted him instead.14. The parents should be blamed _ the children.15. She doesnt go to school, _ she is ill.16. He failed in the exam, _ he was unhappy these days.17.He didnt work hard; _ he failed in the examinatio

14、n.or/ otherwiseEither ornotbutrather thanforsotherefore并列句并列句并列句并列句简单句简单句简单句简单句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句并列句二、句型转换二、句型转换:1. Both my father and mother are teachers. _ _ my father _ _ my mother _ a teacher. My father _ mother _ _ teachers. 2. We not only wrote to her but also telegraphed her. _ _ did we write to

15、 her_ _ we telegraphed her. We wrote to her _ _ _ telegraphed her.Not onlybut alsoisand are bothNot onlybut alsoas well as3. You are not right. He is not right, either._ you _ he is right.You are not right ,_ is he.4. He is happy. His children are also happy.He _ _ _ his children is happy._ he _ his

16、 children _ happy.He is happy, and _ _ his children.5. He failed many times, but he didnt despair._he failed many times, he didnt despair._ _ _ his failure many times, he didnt despair._ his failure many times, he didnt despair.Neither nornor/ neitheras well asBoth andareso areAlthoughIn spite ofDes

17、pite6. He was ill ; however, he went to school.He was ill, _ he _ went to school._ he was ill, he still went to school.7. Take the chance, or you will regret it ._ you _ the chance, you _ regret it.8. His mother did not scold him but comforted him instead. His mother comforted him _ _ _ him.but stil

18、lAlthoughIf takewontinsteadof scolding9. The parents should be blamed rather than the children. _ the children _ the parents should be blamed.10. He failed in the exam, so he was unhappy these days. He was unhappy these days _ he failed in the exam. He was unhappy these days _ _ his failure in the e

19、xam.Notbutbecausebecause of 三、语法填空:三、语法填空: One day, Pierre, (1)_worked in a government office, received an (2)_(invite) to a Palace ball. His wife, Mathilde, had no money for jewellery, (3)_she borrowed a beautiful necklace (4)_her friend Jeanne. She looked very beautiful (5)_they had a wonderful ti

20、me that evening. But after the ball, she found the necklace (6)_(miss). They had to borrow a lot of money to buy a new one (7)_Jeanne. In order to pay (8)_ the money, they worked day and night for 10 years. Mathilde became very old, so Jeanne didnt recognize her (9)_ they met in the park 10 years la

21、ter. From this story, we know a person shouldnt be affected by vanity, (10)_it will cost him a lot.One day, Pierre, (1)_ worked in a government office, received an (2)_ (invite) to a Palace ball. His wife, Mathilde, had no money for jewellery, (3)_ she borrowed a beautiful necklace (4)_ her friend J

22、eanne. She looked very beautiful (5)_ they had a wonderful time that evening. But after the ball, she found the necklace (6)_(miss). They had to borrow a lot of money who invitation sofrom and missing to buy a new one (7)_Jeanne. In order to pay (8)_ the money, they worked day and night for 10 years

23、. Mathilde became very old, so Jeanne didnt recognize her (9)_ they met in the park 10 years later. From this story, we know a person shouldnt be affected by vanity, (10)_ it will cost him a lot. back when otherwise /orfor四、四、Translations:1 汽车出故障了,我们得找电话。汽车出故障了,我们得找电话。 2 昨天夜里肯定下过雨了,因为地还是湿的呢。昨天夜里肯定下过

24、雨了,因为地还是湿的呢。3 快点,不然你上学就迟到了。快点,不然你上学就迟到了。4 一些人非常喜欢狗,然而有些人却非常讨厌狗。一些人非常喜欢狗,然而有些人却非常讨厌狗。5 他不仅踢足球,而且还爬山。(用倒装句)他不仅踢足球,而且还爬山。(用倒装句)The car broke down, so we had to find a tele-phone.It must have rained last night, for the groundis wet.Hurry up, or youll be late for school.Some people love dogs while others

25、 hate them.Not only does he play football, but he alsoclimbs mountains.五、五、Writing : 有一天,安娜想去听流行音乐会,有一天,安娜想去听流行音乐会,而而她的弟弟她的弟弟杰克却想去迪士尼乐园杰克却想去迪士尼乐园,因此因此妈妈决定带妈妈决定带他们去迪斯尼乐园。他们去迪斯尼乐园。然而然而当他们到达那里时却发当他们到达那里时却发现乐园现乐园因为因为正在维修并没有开放。正在维修并没有开放。于是于是妈妈说他妈妈说他们们要么要么回家回家要么要么去听音乐会。去听音乐会。结果结果他们只好选择他们只好选择后者。后者。不过不过音乐会音

26、乐会如此如此的沉闷的沉闷以至于以至于杰克和安娜杰克和安娜都感到失望。都感到失望。要求:用五个句子完成,多用并列句或要求:用五个句子完成,多用并列句或 并列连接词表达。并列连接词表达。迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼乐园 Disneyland 正在维修正在维修 under repair要么要么要么要么 either or 后者后者 the latter安娜安娜 Anna杰克杰克 Jack One day, Anna wanted to go to the pop concert, while her brother,Jack, would like to visit the Disneyland ,so Mot

27、her decided to take them to the Disneyland. However, when they got there,only to find that it did not open, for it was under repair. Then Mother said that they would either go home or go to the concert. As a result, they had to choose the latter. But the concert was so boring that both Jack and Anna were quite disappointed.



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