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1、 XXX公司协作的业务模型 方法论 xx咨询协作业务模型 概述n企业的效益是老总最为关心的话题,而效益的缺失也就意味着战略承载的失衡,也就是说,企业的战略无法得到有效的落实,成了空中楼阁。对于这一问题,我们无法将其简单归因于战略制定、员工能力、绩效体系等单一的问题,而是需要在整个业务架构上寻求破解。 战略业务模式业务流程作业程序业务架构访谈、用户调查、报告结构技能和资源来源业务能力战略 / 计划 / 创新 / 品牌 / 企业文化采购仓储计划 调度车间质检成品分销配送服务差额n应用n系统n网络企 业 信 息 管 理人 力 资 源 管 理财 务 会 计 管 理行 政 后 勤 管 理2 xx咨询业务

2、战略明晰n业务战略明晰n业务目的 & 目标n业务战略概述 n业务流程 n业务目标和业务流程的映射n活动矩阵n活动模板和活动矩阵处理n业务组件边界定义n业务流程/组件状态图表n业务组件的战略作用3 xx咨询业务战略明晰业务战略明晰概要n业务战略明晰阶段由一系列分析组成这些分析设计用于将业务的优先级及目标与下阶段构建业务模块或业务的“组件”联系起来。这些连接用于确保未来流程、组织和系统变革与业务目标的完成紧密一致。n这个阶段包含二个业务目标&目的创造经济价值的映射步骤,第一步收集高水平的业务流程(业务组件的主要功能),第二步根据业务活动的共性化的用途分离业务组件(构件业务模块)。业务组件在协作商务

3、中是关键的概念。n使用CBM采用协作的、专门的组件为企业建模,根据其支持的系统、组织描述业务活动的组件。也可能分解一个组件为几个子构件,企业里同一级别的组件集,不能互相交迭,他们总体覆盖企业的所有方面,并匹配所有的业务需求。组件是有边界的。业务目目标& & 目的目的业务流程流程( (级别级别 2/3) 2/3)一个一个业务活活动可能支可能支持持许多多业务流程,但流程,但是属于一个是属于一个单一的一的业务组件件III1.11.3业务活活动业务组件件绩效矩效矩阵4 xx咨询列出了6个或这样的业务目标,而且将业务目标与考量业务性能目的联系起来,如:目标:

4、 在选择的客户/产品片方面增加市场份额目的: 年财务从12%上升到15%。收入:净利润每年增加 $100-$150m目的和目标从可用到的业务单元的计划、战略和预算文件获取,通过高级管理者访谈和评论/讨论。确定每个目标的所有目的相当的(可能的)经济作用,使用价值树为每个目标统计可能的经济作用,这些价值仅仅为了比较的目的,不同目标的详细说明有益于不同时期的实现的可变性,为了简单化和一致性,一个共性化的结构用于描述所有目标的经济价值。业务目标 & 目的维度和属性n选择有代表性的六到八个业务目标n目标组关注于:实现成本减少/改良效率创造新的收入/能力平衡减少风险或开发新的机会n目标直接或间接的与业务的

5、财务方面有关联,评估可能的经济价值作用(基于确认的价值分析树原则)n定义运算法则。n价值分析树,用于定义目标的运算法则价值分析树自有服务渠道的服务交易百分比 可用服务百分比-到达市场/标准产品的平均时间平均成本/新产品发布能力课堂培训成本 P/ FTE# Products Held/Customer% Offers Made销售成功百分比利润数量/成功销售广泛可用的联系历史广泛可用的客户档案平均客户开销实施价格变动的成本实施价格变动的时间需要新合同的客户转换率 年度客户转换总量 Capital ChargeRevenueNOPAT*Invested CapitalWACC财产财产车间车间&设备

6、设备 Financial Value Drivers负债成本负债成本股权成本股权成本原材料成本原材料成本设计及研发成本设计及研发成本制造成本制造成本市场营销成本市场营销成本Competitive Advantage PeriodEBIT MarginCash Tax产业结构产业结构竞争位置竞争位置 可持续性可持续性Business Objective 1Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 2Goal 1, Measure 1, Measu

7、re 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 4Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 5Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2,

8、Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3课堂培训时间% TSC turnover (从受雇之日起至在职培训完成 % Offers Made目标数量绩效度量绩效度量每次呼入的混合AHT成本Capital Charge收入收入单价单价 总量总量NOPAT*Invested CapitalWACC营运资本营运资本财务价值驱动财务价值驱动资本结构资本结构劳动力成本劳动力成本Competitive Advantage Period息税前利润率息税前利润率Cash Tax商业目的 1Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Meas

9、ure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3商业目的 2Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3商业目的 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3商业目的 4Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3商业目的

10、 5Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 35 xx咨询业务战略概要是一个可选部分,依赖于对象组织自身战略业务规划文档的完整性。 非常清晰的表明的重要性在于它并不表示任何作为一个正式的战略业务规划努力的CBM发布版本。 其出发点是使那些作为CBM发现的观众的员工不可轻易的访问到有关业务战略细节的业务战略文档。业务战略概要是现有业务战略的摘要,或者如果没有类似文档时可从1.1-3中数据采集及分析中得到。它表征了某些为其他CBM发布版本提供通用文本的摘要方面/组织业务规划环境中的某些

11、考量点。应被记述为容器/其他第一阶段发布版本的介绍,以创建一个单独而统一的阶段报告。业务战略概要维度和属性n包括所有可用于完善统一的阶段报告的通用文本及内容描述,概要应包括选定的统一描述,表,日程,将被用于在一个精确的格式下提供充分的文本。总之它不应仅只是几页文章。n可能的主题包括:产品&市场细分Bases for Differentiation 差异化的基础SWOT (按业务线/业务单元划分)Key Planned Initiatives/Projects关键规划动因/项目客户档案/关键客户Deliverable Descriptionn任意格式的多章节报告(作为一个整合的阶段报告的一部分)

12、,其中整合了关于业务战略洞察摘要的文本、表格和简单的图表描述关键竞争者战略市场状况Business Volumes & Projections市场趋势/事件6 xx咨询示例:在战略明晰阶段,我们使用价值驱动树分析来给出可能的潜力区域. - 业务业务目的目的% Of Service Transactions on Self Service Channels% Of Self-service AvailabilityAverage Time to Market/Standard ProductAverage Cost/New Product LaunchCapacityhClassroom Tra

13、ining Duration% TSC turnover (from time of hire through completion of OJT)Classroom Training Cost P/ FTE# Products Held/Customer% Offers Made% Successful SalesAmount of Profit/Successful SaleContact History Widely AvailableCustomer Pro AvailableAverage Customer SpendTarget PopulationCost to Implemen

14、t a Price ChangeTime to Implement a Price Change% of Account Transfers Requiring New FulfilmentAnnual Account Transfer Volume 绩效度量效度量Product Development Time and CapacityOptimised PricingImprove Product Transfer CapabilityEnhance Self-Service CapabilitiesSuperior Cross-sellingSuperior Quality Optimi

15、se Customer Service Complete Customer UnderstandingImprove Product Development Time and CapacityCreate and Support Customer Level PricingImprove Product Transfer CapabilityImplement Parameter Based Business RulesOptimize Self Service CapabilitiesIncrease Effectiveness of CrosssellingImplement Cost E

16、ffective Testing Ability Rapid Internet DevelopmentEnhance Customer ServiceProvide a Complete Customer View and Leverage Customer BehaviorImprove Workflow CapabilitiesImprove Instant Decisioning CapabilitiesReduce Training Time and CostsProvide Flexibility to Leverage New TechnologyEstablish Deliver

17、y Channel ConsistencyProvide Enhanced Personalization CapabilitiesProduct Development Time and CapacityOptimized PricingImprove Product Transfer CapabilityConsistent and Flexible Business RulesEnhance Self Service CapabilitiesSuperior Cross -sellingSuperior QualityEnhance Internet PresenceOptimize C

18、ustomer ServiceComplete Customer UnderstandingFlexible WorkflowTurnaround Decision ProcessIndustry Leading TrainingAdapt to New TechnologyIntegrated Delivery ChannelsEnhance Touchpoint PersonalizationBlended AHT Cost per call新产品开发新产品上线Campaign List Creation and MaintenanceCampaign Portfolio Manageme

19、ntAccount/Portfolio RepricingCustomer RetentionProduct Upgrade产品升级 Welcome Kit IssuanceTransaction ProcessingApplication ProcessingNew Accounts Set-upMaintain Rewards ProgramGeneral Account InquiryDisputes Self ServiceBilling Statement Generation & MailingPolicy Check IssuanceCustomer Behavior Decis

20、ion Model DevelopmentCustomer Behavior TrackingGeneral Account InquiryDisputes ManagementTransfer RequestApplication Processing Fraud ProcessingDecision Model DevelopmentCustomer 关关键业务流程流程Behavior Decision Model DevelopmentCustomer Behavior Tracking Cross-Selling Processes7 xx咨询Different-iatedBaseLe

21、velCompetent竞争定位争定位业务流程流程改改进产品开品开发的的时间和能力和能力创建和支持建和支持对客客户的定价的定价改改进产品履行品履行优化自助服化自助服务能力能力提高提高销售效力售效力Implement Cost Effective Testing Ability With Learning Loop提高客提高客户服服务提供完提供完备的客的客户意意见平衡平衡Implement Parameter Based Product Fulfillment快速互快速互联网开网开发改善工作流改善工作流提升提升实时决策能力决策能力减少培减少培训时间和成本和成本Provide Flexibilit

22、y to Leverage New TechnologyEstablish Delivery Channel ConsistencyProvide Enhanced Personalization Capabilities业务流程维度和属性n根据流程需求的竞争定位划分每个业务流程的等级n提供覆盖业务范围的有代表性的1525个业务流程,每个流程根据情况选择1-3个指标n定义性能指标的时候,将定性和定量或直接和间接转换为经济价值(成本/收入、风险)BusinessObjectives % Of Service Transactions on Self Service Channels % Of S

23、elf-service Availability Average Time to Market/Standard Product Average Cost/New Product Launch Capacity Classroom Training Duration % TSC turnover (from time of hire through completion of OJT) Classroom Training Cost P/ FTE # Products Held/Customer % Offers Made % Successful Sales Amount of Profit

24、/Successful Sale Contact History Widely Available Customer Pro Available Average Customer Spend Target Population Cost to Implement a Price Change Time to Implement a Price Change % of Account Transfers Requiring New Fulfilment Annual Account Transfer Volume Performance Metrics Blended AHT Cost per

25、call New Product Development New Product Launch Campaign List Creation and Maintenance Campaign Portfolio Management Account/PortfolioRepricing Customer Retention Product Upgrade Product Upgrade Welcome Kit Issuance Transaction Processing Application Processing New Accounts Set-up Maintain Rewards P

26、rogram General Account Inquiry Disputes Self Service Billing Statement Generation & Mailing PolicyCheck Issuance Customer Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking General Account Inquiry Disputes Management Transfer Request Application Processing Fraud Processing Decision Model

27、 Development Customer Key Business Processes Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking Cross -Selling ProcessesBusiness Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measu

28、re 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Mea

29、sure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 1 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 2 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure

30、 2, Measure 3Business Objective 4 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 5 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3BusinessObjectives % Of Service Transactions on Self Service Channels % Of Self-service A

31、vailability Average Time to Market/Standard Product Average Cost/New Product Launch Capacity Classroom Training Duration % TSC turnover (from time of hire through completion of OJT) Classroom Training Cost P/ FTE # Products Held/Customer % Offers Made % Successful Sales Amount of Profit/Successful S

32、ale Contact History Widely Available Customer Pro Available Average Customer Spend Target Population Cost to Implement a Price Change Time to Implement a Price Change % of Account Transfers Requiring New Fulfilment Annual Account Transfer Volume Performance Metrics Blended AHT Cost per call New Prod

33、uct Development New Product Launch Campaign List Creation and Maintenance Campaign Portfolio Management Account/PortfolioRepricing Customer Retention Product Upgrade Product Upgrade Welcome Kit Issuance Transaction Processing Application Processing New Accounts Set-up Maintain Rewards Program Genera

34、l Account Inquiry Disputes Self Service Billing Statement Generation & Mailing PolicyCheck Issuance Customer Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking General Account Inquiry Disputes Management Transfer Request Application Processing Fraud Processing Decision Model Development

35、Customer Key Business Processes Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking Cross -Selling ProcessesBusiness Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure

36、 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measu

37、re 3Business Objective 1 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 2 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3

38、Business Objective 4 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 5 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3BusinessObjectives % Of Service Transactions on Self Service Channels % Of Self-service Availability A

39、verage Time to Market/Standard Product Average Cost/New Product Launch Capacity Classroom Training Duration % TSC turnover (from time of hire through completion of OJT) Classroom Training Cost P/ FTE # Products Held/Customer % Offers Made % Successful Sales Amount of Profit/Successful Sale Contact H

40、istory Widely Available Customer Pro Available Average Customer Spend Target Population Cost to Implement a Price Change Time to Implement a Price Change % of Account Transfers Requiring New Fulfilment Annual Account Transfer Volume Performance Metrics Blended AHT Cost per call New Product Developme

41、nt New Product Launch Campaign List Creation and Maintenance Campaign Portfolio Management Account/PortfolioRepricing Customer Retention Product Upgrade Product Upgrade Welcome Kit Issuance Transaction Processing Application Processing New Accounts Set-up Maintain Rewards Program General Account Inq

42、uiry Disputes Self Service Billing Statement Generation & Mailing PolicyCheck Issuance Customer Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking General Account Inquiry Disputes Management Transfer Request Application Processing Fraud Processing Decision Model Development Customer Key

43、Business Processes Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking Cross -Selling ProcessesBusiness Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3

44、Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business

45、Objective 1 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 2 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Obje

46、ctive 4 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 5 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3业务目的业务目的 % Of Service Transactions on Self Service Channels % Of Self-service Availability Average Time to Market/S

47、tandard Product Average Cost/New Product Launch Capacity Classroom Training Duration % TSC turnover (from time of hire through completion of OJT) Classroom Training Cost P/ FTE # Products Held/Customer % Offers Made % Successful Sales Amount of Profit/Successful Sale Contact History Widely Available

48、 Customer Pro Available Average Customer Spend Target Population Cost to Implement a Price Change Time to Implement a Price Change % of Account Transfers Requiring New Fulfilment Annual Account Transfer Volume Performance Metrics Blended AHT Cost per call 新产品开发 新产品上线 Campaign List Creation and Maint

49、enance Campaign Portfolio Management Account/PortfolioRepricing Customer Retention 产品升级 产品升级 Welcome Kit Issuance Transaction Processing Application Processing New Accounts Set-up Maintain Rewards Program General Account Inquiry Disputes Self Service Billing Statement Generation & Mailing PolicyChec

50、k Issuance Customer Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking General Account Inquiry Disputes Management Transfer Request Application Processing Fraud Processing Decision Model Development Customer 关键业务流程关键业务流程 Behavior Decision Model Development Customer Behavior Tracking Cros

51、s -Selling ProcessesBusiness Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2

52、, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 1 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measu

53、re 3Business Objective 2 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 3Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Business Objective 4 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3

54、Business Objective 5 Goal 1, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 3Goal 2, Measure 1, Measure 2, Measure 38 xx咨询业务目标与流程的映射维度和属性n矩阵的行相应的目标(选择未来分解为目的和/或典型的影响(成本/收入/风险)n列是相应的流程(未来分解的性能考量(如:成本/收入/风险)n记录每个目标可能的经济作用n矩阵内的每个单元分配业务流程对于业务目标的总的可能的经济作用分配份额n阐明经济作用的分配份额,描述目标和流程之间联系的业务设想将增加到单元里。Objective1ObjectivenProces

55、s1ProcessnTotal$CostRevenueRiskMeasure 1Measure 2Measure 3$ 份份额额 &设设想想Total $Total $Total $Total $Total $Measure 1Measure 2Measure 3$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?Total $CostRevenueRiskTotal$x+y+z$x$y$zb% of yc% of za% of xy-b% of yc-c% of zx-a% of xTotal $x oroptionaldetail9 xx咨询The ValueChainPlanning Analysis&

56、 RefinementExecution and (S)TPMonitor and ManageBusinessAdministrationMarketingAsset Mgmt &ProductDevelopmentSales &ChannelManagementNewBusinessCustomerServiceContractAdministrationFinanceBusinessActivity Level活动矩阵维度和属性n有代表性的价值链的7-12个阶段提供决议n现有的组织结构不必反映在业务阶段(是业务的逻辑视角不是物理视角)的定义内。n每个阶段的精确的定义是很重要的 ,有利于活

57、动在矩阵内的定位。n矩阵内行的 定义,确定活动所在的层次。10 xx咨询活动模板和活动在矩阵中的定位维度和属性n完整的活动模板可能定义150-350个业务活动Capture intermediary info.Track licensesAssign intermediary codeSetup workstationProvide forms, marketing material & illustrationsMaintain BD/Advisor directory informationScore BD/AdvisorMaintain compensation contracts an

58、d agreementsRationalize product portfolioTrack product feature utilizationEnsure ongoing compliance statusMonitor product performance (post launch)价值链战略执行管理业务管理市场资产管理 &产品开发销售&渠道管理新业务CustomerServiceContractAdministrationFinance业务活动的级别识别竞争者收集竞争者信息分析竞争者数据确定市场理解力创建产品战略规划产品上市时间分析产品的业绩评估市场份额统计分析规划市场 片确定目标

59、市场规划活动战略规划招聘活动规划提升战略预测费用需求和制定预算战略选择供应商Plan service resourcesIdentify training needsDevelop business cost modelIdentify service standardsRefine contract servicing approachesTrack customer service delivery to SLAsDevelop business cost modelsPlan processing capacity and analyse volumes/ efficiencyAnaly

60、ze and refine contract administration approachesTrack contract administration delivery to SLAs规划新的业务资源制定新业务的成本模型跟踪新业务服务级别协议的交付Plan reserve requirementsDevelop reinsurance strategyDevelop investment management strategyAccounting strategyDevelop budgets规划业务战略Monitor partner funds performanceDrop/ add

61、new fundsCapture 21b1 fee informationmaintain relationship with fund mgrs.Manage partner relationshipsTrack campaign effectivenessTrack industry competitive campaignsDesign and plan campaignsRecalibrate campaigns based on resultsDesign and plan promotionsForecast effectivenessAnalyze intermediary fe

62、edbackAdjust commissionsReport salesReport commissionsMonitor for compliance/ suitabilityManage partnersRespond to SEC auditConduct agency auditsProvide field office operational supportPerform reconciliation reportingTrack surrendersProcess servicing exceptionsProcess servicing correctionsProcess ne

63、w business exceptionsResolve NIGOsTrack gain/lossQA transactionsResolve underwriting issuesMonitor 1035 StatusPerform suitability auditPerform a QA audit Reverse commissionsManage call center resourcesPerform service quality auditsPerform “voice of customer” surveyForecast call volumeTrack call type

64、sTrack issue typesResolve financial correctionsResolve financial exceptions12b1 fee recaptureCalculate valuationReconcile claims with reinsuranceManage reinsurance partnersGenerate GL postingsPerform cash flow testMonitor reservesManage funds制定资源模型资源招聘制定激励机制确定利益 & 补偿范围制定激励方法维持管理和经营过程Generate ideaDes

65、ign product featuresProduce illustrationsLaunch productDevelop marketing materialsImplements state specific product variationsRetire productsinitiate state filing for productInitiate SEC filing for productInitiate NASD filing for sales materialsScrub listsPerform telemarketingMaintain listsExclude o

66、p-outsConduct seminarsMaintain end-customer contactManage scheduleScrub customer business informationDevelop customer specific illustrationsSubmit new businessDetermine suitabilityCapture responsesDevelop and design changes to marketing correspondenceExecute full launch of a direct/solicited campaig

67、nSolicit intermediary feedbackDetermine suitabilityApply cash with appPerform actuarial assessmentDetermine contract/policy level pricingSubmit amount due financialsCapture new applicationsSubmit paperwork for imaging and archivingCapture 1035s and initial payment informationExecute underwriting for

68、 LifeHandle NIGOsHandle InquiriesCapture servicing requestsEscalate problems/ complaintsRecord contactCapture claim informationExplain product featuresRefer advisor/intermediaryDeliver billing information and statementCollate communicationDetermine customersatisfactionSubmit pay-outsEscalate claim c

69、asesProcess claims/disbursementsCalculate payout optionTax,SEC, Statutory rptingIndividual rpting1099/5498Perform NASD filingPerform state filingProcess 1035 RequestsProcess incoming paymentsProcess withdrawal requestsProcess loan requestsProcess annuitization requestsConsolidate ordersPerform tradi

70、ngReconcile balancesManage fundsDevelop and maintain curriculaConduct trainingPerform preventive law pgmsManage outside counselProtect intellectual propertyReview contractsReview product conceptsConduct litigationCalculate variable comp and commissionsMaintain variable comp balancesSubmit payment re

71、questsCalculate variable compensationSubmit variable compensation payment requestsSetup commissions specialsPlan wholesaler appointmentsLead generationRespond to wholesalers/advisor /intermediary inquiriesCapture product exception requestsDistribute marketingmaterialsMaintain product informationPubl

72、ish target product combinationsMaintain illustration modelsMaintain legal disclosureAssociate products with segmentsProvide helpdesk supportEscalate unresolved issuesMaintain funds alloc. ModelAdminister BillingProcess surrender requestMaintain statement cyclemaintain policy contractsmaintain post-c

73、laim payout sched.Post monetary transactionsCalculate feesMaintain balancesProcess incoming checksCheck issuanceHandle ACH transactionSubmit transaction postingsMaintain balancesMaintain accounts hierarchyAllocate financial postingsMaintain treasuryIdentify incomplete customer infoMaintain customer

74、demographicsMaintain customer prod. and serv. termsAssign inquiry to resourceDetermine inquiry typeMaintain contact historyImaging and archivingHandle incoming mailPrint/mail outgoing mailConserve businessProcess PayrollAdminister staffRecruit new broker-dealersEnsure share of sales评估销售需求制定销售战略制定销售支

75、持战略制定生产力战略制定激励战略制定遵守的规则销售预测Calculate Commissionable Event供应商选择规划和跟踪业务单位预算绩效确定政策与方针定义组织定义角色和责任-活活动模板模板活活动 描述描述使用者使用者 事件事件/排程排程信息需求信息需求访问的系的系统处理成本理成本缺陷缺陷可能的改可能的改进关关键成功因素成功因素使用者之使用者之间的的联系系 矩矩阵定位定位 11 xx咨询业务组件边界定义维度和属性n30-50个业务组件将被定义,太少业务组件内部冲突增加,太多模型难以处理和碎片多。n活动分组为业务组件的考虑:活动之间紧密的偶合(参考活动矩阵定位)活动产生、运用相似的数

76、据相粘组织的使用者排程、量和安全性相似n详细描述基本的矩阵,不是采用完整的离散的业务线矩阵,就是矩阵的子集(产品服务和处理)The ValueChainPlanning Analysis & RefinementExecution and (S)TPMonitor and ManageBusinessAdministrationMarketingAsset Mgmt &ProductDevelopmentSales &ChannelManagementNewBusinessCustomerServiceContractAdministrationFinanceBusinessActivity

77、LevelCapture intermediary info.Track licensesAssign intermediary codeSetup workstationProvide forms, marketing material & illustrationsMaintain BD/Advisor directory informationScore BD/AdvisorMaintain compensation contracts and agreementsRationalize product portfolioTrack product feature utilization

78、Ensure ongoing compliance statusMonitor product performance (post launch)Identify competitorsGather competitive informationAnalyze competitive dataDevelop market understandingCreate product portfolio strategyPlan product rollout scheduleAnalyze product performanceEvaluate market sharePerform demogra

79、phic analysisDevelop market segmentsDefine target marketsDevelop campaign strategyPlan recruiting campaignsDevelop promotion strategyForecast spending needs and develop budget strategySelect list vendorsPlan service resourcesIdentify training needsDevelop business cost modelIdentify service standard

80、sRefine contract servicing approachesTrack customer service delivery to SLAsDevelop business cost modelsPlan processing capacity and analyse volumes/ efficiencyAnalyze and refine contract administration approachesTrack contract administration delivery to SLAsPlan new business resourcesDevelop new bu

81、siness cost modelTrack new business delivery to SLAsPlan reserve requirementsDevelop reinsurance strategyDevelop investment management strategyAccounting strategyDevelop budgetsDevelop business strategyMonitor partner funds performanceDrop/ add new fundsCapture 21b1 fee informationmaintain relations

82、hip with fund mgrs.Manage partner relationshipsTrack campaign effectivenessTrack industry competitive campaignsDesign and plan campaignsRecalibrate campaigns based on resultsDesign and plan promotionsForecast effectivenessAnalyze intermediary feedbackAdjust commissionsReport salesReport commissionsM

83、onitor for compliance/ suitabilityManage partnersRespond to SEC auditConduct agency auditsProvide field office operational supportPerform reconciliation reportingTrack surrendersProcess servicing exceptionsProcess servicing correctionsProcess new business exceptionsResolve NIGOsTrack gain/lossQA tra

84、nsactionsResolve underwriting issuesMonitor 1035 StatusPerform suitability auditPerform a QA audit Reverse commissionsManage call center resourcesPerform service quality auditsPerform “voice of customer” surveyForecast call volumeTrack call typesTrack issue typesResolve financial correctionsResolve

85、financial exceptions12b1 fee recaptureCalculate valuationReconcile claims with reinsuranceManage reinsurance partnersGenerate GL postingsPerform cash flow testMonitor reservesManage fundsDevelop resource modelsRecruit resourcesDevelop retention incentivesDetermine benefits & compensation rangesDevel

86、op incentive compensation approachesMaintain management and operational proceduresGenerate ideaDesign product featuresProduce illustrationsLaunch productDevelop marketing materialsImplements state specific product variationsRetire productsinitiate state filing for productInitiate SEC filing for prod

87、uctInitiate NASD filing for sales materialsScrub listsPerform telemarketingMaintain listsExclude op-outsConduct seminarsMaintain end-customer contactManage scheduleScrub customer business informationDevelop customer specific illustrationsSubmit new businessDetermine suitabilityCapture responsesDevel

88、op and design changes to marketing correspondenceExecute full launch of a direct/solicited campaignSolicit intermediary feedbackDetermine suitabilityApply cash with appPerform actuarial assessmentDetermine contract/policy level pricingSubmit amount due financialsCapture new applicationsSubmit paperw

89、ork for imaging and archivingCapture 1035s and initial payment informationExecute underwriting for LifeHandle NIGOsHandle InquiriesCapture servicing requestsEscalate problems/ complaintsRecord contactCapture claim informationExplain product featuresRefer advisor/intermediaryDeliver billing informati

90、on and statementCollate communicationDetermine customersatisfactionSubmit pay-outsEscalate claim casesProcess claims/disbursementsCalculate payout optionTax,SEC, Statutory rptingIndividual rpting1099/5498Perform NASD filingPerform state filingProcess 1035 RequestsProcess incoming paymentsProcess wit

91、hdrawal requestsProcess loan requestsProcess annuitization requestsConsolidate ordersPerform tradingReconcile balancesManage fundsDevelop and maintain curriculaConduct trainingPerform preventive law pgmsManage outside counselProtect intellectual propertyReview contractsReview product conceptsConduct

92、 litigationCalculate variable comp and commissionsMaintain variable comp balancesSubmit payment requestsCalculate variable compensationSubmit variable compensation payment requestsSetup commissions specialsPlan wholesaler appointmentsLead generationRespond to wholesalers/advisor /intermediary inquir

93、iesCapture product exception requestsDistribute marketingmaterialsMaintain product informationPublish target product combinationsMaintain illustration modelsMaintain legal disclosureAssociate products with segmentsProvide helpdesk supportEscalate unresolved issuesMaintain funds alloc. ModelAdministe

94、r BillingProcess surrender requestMaintain statement cyclemaintain policy contractsmaintain post-claim payout sched.Post monetary transactionsCalculate feesMaintain balancesProcess incoming checksCheck issuanceHandle ACH transactionSubmit transaction postingsMaintain balancesMaintain accounts hierar

95、chyAllocate financial postingsMaintain treasuryIdentify incomplete customer infoMaintain customer demographicsMaintain customer prod. and serv. termsAssign inquiry to resourceDetermine inquiry typeMaintain contact historyImaging and archivingHandle incoming mailPrint/mail outgoing mailConserve busin

96、essProcess PayrollAdminister staffRecruit new broker-dealersEnsure share of salesAssess distribution requirementsDevelop distribution strategyDevelop sales support strategyDevelop productivity strategyDevelop incentive strategyDevelop compliance guidelinesForecast salesCalculate Commissionable Event

97、Select suppliersDevelop and track unit performance to budgetsDefine policyDefine organizationDefine roles and responsibilitiesOperate &ExecuteLines ofLines ofBusinessBusinessProductProductLinesLinesEnterpriseAdministrationCustomerContactServicingOfferDevelopmentProductDevelopmentSet-up andDistributi

98、onKnow YourCustomersFinance MoneyManagementSell to theCustomerProductServicesOperationsTransactionProcessingPlanAnalyse & RefineOperate &ExecuteMonitor,Detect, React &Control组件模板件模板组件件描述描述活活动边界接口界接口外部接口外部接口先先线功能功能离离线功能功能主主 &参考数据参考数据用用户 & 用法用法应用技能用技能应用流程用流程经济上的作用上的作用业务的重要性的重要性当前的系当前的系统覆盖覆盖12 xx咨询业务流程

99、/组件状态图维度和属性n用所有的业务组件和所有的流程创建矩阵,单元说明支持(如H/M/L1-10)的考量。n一个状态图处理一个业务流程,有代表性的一个流程可能涉及5-15个活动, 活动可能分布在2-7个业务组件n在状态图里描述唯一的主要路径,不可能有太多的平行线和交叉的线Business Process1Business Process2Business Processn业务组件件1业务组件件2业务组件件nHigh7Primary EnablerMediumBusinessProcess 3业务组件件Activities Define product servicing policies De

100、termine if CM qualifies for convenience checks Fulfil convenience check request Plan product processing capacity and analyse volumes/efficiency Track alliance partner delivery to SLA Plan servicing capacity based on volumes Refine product servicing approaches (QA)BusinessProcess 2业务组件件ActivitiesBusi

101、nessModelingSalesExchangeMediumProdtnMgmt.Define product servicing policiesDetermine if CM qualifies for convenience checksFulfil convenience check requestPlan product processing capacity and analyse volumes/efficiencyTrack alliance partner delivery to SLAPlan servicing capacity based on volumes Ref

102、ine product servicing approaches (QA)Business Process 1业务组件件ActivitiesBusinessModelingSalesExchangeMediumProdtnMgmt.or:13 xx咨询业务组件的战术作用维度和属性n业务组件经济价值的分配, 首先在单独的业务流程级别, 接着是所有业务组件内流程的合计n作为一个显示的例子,避免文字上的过度解释,经济价值的计算将简单的分类n不超过5-10个关键的组件将被列出Metric 1Metric 2Metric 3$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?CostRevenueRiskTotal$x

103、+y+z$x$y$zb% of yc% of za% of xy-b% of yc-c% of zx-a% of xTotal $Required Competitive PositionBusiness Process Improve Product Development Time and CapacityCreate and Support Customer Level PricingImprove Product FulfillmentOptimize Self-Service CapabilitiesIncrease Effectiveness of Cross-sellingImp

104、lement Cost Effective Testing Ability With Learning LoopEnhance Customer ServiceProvide a Complete Customer View Leverage BehaviorLeaderBaseLevelUpperQuartileImplement Parameter Based Product FulfillmentRapid Internet DevelopmentImprove WorkflowImprove Instant Decisioning CapabilitiesReduce Training

105、 Time and CostsProvide Flexibility to Leverage New TechnologyEstablish Delivery Channel ConsistencyProvide Enhanced Personalization CapabilitiesBusinessProcess 1Business ComponentsActivitiesBusinessModelingSalesExchangeMediumProdtnMgmt. Define product servicing policies Determine if CM qualifies for

106、 convenience checks Fulfil convenience check request Plan product processing capacity and analyse volumes/efficiency Track alliance partner delivery to SLA Plan servicing capacity based on volumes Refine product servicing approaches (QA)CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?revenueriskcost$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?CostReven

107、ueRiskMetric 1Metric 2Metric 3CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?Business Process1Business Processn业务组件件Economic Contribution& Competitive Ranking业务组件件1业务组件件2业务组件件nCostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?N/ACostRevenueRisk$?$?$?

108、N/ACostRevenueRisk$?$?$?CostRevenueRisk$?$?$?业务组件件Consolidated Strategic Contribution Planning Analysis & RefinementExecution and (S)TPMonitor and ManageThe ValueChainAsset Mgmt &Product DevelopmentSales &ChannelMgmt.Marketing New BusinessCustomerServiceProductAdministrationFinanceBusiness Admin.Bus

109、inessActivity Level$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $14 xx咨询流程组件状态图维度和属性n处理流程可能制定说明高级别或低级别/详细流程n阐明了高价值,高度的集成和业务的关键方面n定义组件之间一致的信息和数据n流程的绩效考量可能需要精确颗粒度的定义,以便支撑较低级

110、别的流程分解。n确定客户希望结束保险单的原因,并结束保单Pass account over to customer retention to handle requestProvide customer with resolution options, including improving T&C on current productUpdate with either customers renegotiated terms and conditions OR closure of policy Correspond with CustomerPlan servicing capacity

111、 based on volumesTrack volume levels of servicing activityAssess servicing performanceRefine servicing approachesContactServicingIntelligentRoutingCustomerCorresp.BusinessModelingServicingMgmt.CustomerRetentionContactHistoryCust. Rel.ProfileMgmt.ProceduresProductUtility请求客户信息Workable AccountAlternat

112、ive Products/Negotiated TermsCustomer Contact ResolutionCustomer Relationship UpdateCustomer Status UpdateProduct InformationServicingPerformanceContacts Routed toAppropriate ChannelContact DetailNew /Updated ProceduresRetentionModelUpdatesStatus of InquiryProduct Details15 xx咨询流程改进的机会.业务流程流程 1- 现现状

113、状n确定客户额外的服务要求 n履行附加的服务需求n定义产品服务政策n规划产品处理能力 和分析数量和效率n跟踪合作伙伴服务级别协议交付n规划基于产量的服务能力n提高产品服务方法活活动增加并增加并行行过程程改改进处理的理的次序次序增加自增加自动控制控制 销售售 生生产 管理管理. 交易交易 方法方法 业务 模型模型业务组件件 服服务 管理管理 销售售 生生产 管理管理 交易交易 方法方法 业务 模型模型业务组件件 服服务 管理管理n提高产品服务方法业务流程流程 1- 未来未来活活动n定义产品服务政策,规划产品处理能力和分析数量和效率n明确客户的额外的服务要求 n履行附加的服务请求n跟踪合作伙伴交付的服务级别n规划基于产量的服务能力 流程改流程改进的种的种类整合或消除整合或消除n清除n简化n整合n自动化16 xx咨询问题和讨论17



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