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1、初初中中英英语语外外研研版版八八年年级级下下册册Module5-CartoonsModule5-Cartoons 单元练习单元练习初中英语外研版八年级下册初中英语外研版八年级下册 Module5 CartoonsModule5 Cartoons 单元练习单元练习一、听力一、听力( (听力听力) )共共 2020 小题;共小题;共 2020 分分听力局部第一节听力局部第一节. . 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 共共 5 5 小小题,每题题,每题 1 1 分,计分,计 5 5 分分1. 1.hourshours2. 2.8:30 p.m.8:30 p.m.3.

2、3.A. a famous playerA. a famous playerB. a great lawyerB. a great lawyerC. a professional athleteC. a professional athlete4. 4.A. They have some homework to do.A. They have some homework to do.B. They love swimming very much.B. They love swimming very much.C. Theyll do their homework after swimming.

3、C. Theyll do their homework after swimming.5. 5.A. Theyre going to the party.A. Theyre going to the party.B. They enjoyed themselves at the party.B. They enjoyed themselves at the party.C. Theyre having a party.C. Theyre having a party.A. 8:30 a.m.A. 8:30 a.m.B. 8:00 p.m. C.B. 8:00 p.m. C.A. floorsA

4、. floorsB. flowers C.B. flowers C. . 听句子,选出该句的最正确答语。共听句子,选出该句的最正确答语。共 5 5 小小题,每题题,每题 1 1 分,计分,计 5 5 分分6. 6.English.English.B. I have two.B. I have two.C. Twice a week.C. Twice a week.8. 8.degrees.degrees.9. 9.Its hot.Its hot.10.10.A. Mr. Green.A. Mr. Green. B. In the library.B. In the library.C. Thi

5、s morning.C. This morning. . 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。共听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。共 5 5 小小题,每题题,每题 1 1 分,计分,计 5 5 分分11.11.A.A.B.B. C. C.A. Its five dollars. B. Its fiftyA. Its five dollars. B. Its fiftyC. Its 4:30.C. Its 4:30.A. Black.A. Black.B. Its P.E.B. Its P.E.C.C.A. I have lunch.A. I have lunch.B B. I have. I haveC

6、. I like English.C. I like English.7. 7.A. On Monday and Wednesday.A. On Monday and Wednesday.19. When does Bobs mother watch sitcoms?19. When does Bobs mother watch sitcoms?A. On Saturdays and Sundays.A. On Saturdays and Sundays.B. On Fridays and Saturdays.B. On Fridays and Saturdays.C. On Tuesdays

7、 and Fridays.C. On Tuesdays and Fridays.20. Where are Bob and Ann talking?20. Where are Bob and Ann talking?A. In the classroom.A. In the classroom.B. In the library.B. In the library.C. At the bus stop.C. At the bus stop.21. - Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the21. - Do you think Brazil will

8、 beat Japan in thenext match?next match?-Yes,Yes,theytheyhavehavebetterbetterplayers,players,sosoI Ithem to win.them to win.A. hopeA. hopeB. exceptB. exceptC. expectC. expectD. preferD. prefer二、单项选择共二、单项选择共 1010 小题;共小题;共 1010 分分22. Helen22. Helenloveslovestototalktalkaboutabouttravel.travel.SheShema

9、ny places.many places.A. has gone toA. has gone toB. has been toB. has been to C. hasC. hasgone forgone forD. has been fromD. has been from23. It23. Itis iswell-knownwell-knownthatthatThomasThomasEdisonEdisonthe electric lamp.the electric lamp.A. inventedA. invented B. discoveredB. discoveredD. deve

10、lopedD. developedC. foundC. found24. - Guess what! I saw Sally in London.24. - Guess what! I saw Sally in London.- Really? I- Really? Ishe was in Newshe was in NewYork.York.A. thinkA. thinkB. was thinkingB. was thinkingC. thoughtC. thoughtD. am thinkingD. am thinking25. Everyone25. Everyone inin our

11、our classclasstotolearn English.learn English.A. likeA. likeB. likesB. likesC. are likingC. are likingD D. is liking. is liking26. I like my pet dog a lot because its smart.26. I like my pet dog a lot because its smart.A. braveA. braveB. cleverB. cleverC. friendlyC. friendly D. politeD. polite27. -

12、How long has Robert27. - How long has Robert ? ?- Since 2022.- Since 2022.A. been to BeijingA. been to BeijingB. become a policemanB. become a policemanC. joined the art clubC. joined the art clubD. studied in this schoolD. studied in this school28. - Do you know if Cindy will drive to Italy this28.

13、 - Do you know if Cindy will drive to Italy thisweekend?weekend?-Cindy?Cindy?Never!Never!SheShedriving.driving.A. has hatedA. has hatedB B. hated. hatedC. will hateC. will hate D. hatesD. hates29. Sam29. Samis isa agoodgoodboy.boy.HeHeneverneverwith his classmates.with his classmates.A. studiesA. st

14、udiesB. fightsB. fightsC. talksC. talksD. playsD. plays30. -30. - HaveHave youyou seenseen thethe funnyfunny filmfilm LostLost ininThailand?Thailand?- Yes,Yes, it it mademade mememanymanytimes.times.A. singA. singB. cryB. cryC. sleepC. sleepD. laughD. laugh三、单词拼写三、单词拼写( (单句首字母填空单句首字母填空) )共共 1010 小题;

15、共小题;共 1010 分分31.31. MotherMother waswas angryangry withwith MaryMary becausebecause sheshemade a great mmade a great mof her room.of her room.32.32. OurOur teacherteacher oftenoften tells(tells( 告告 诉诉 ) ) usus notnot totof fwith each other.with each other.33. Usually a general(33. Usually a general(

16、将军将军) l) lananarmy.army.34. We must try out best to c34. We must try out best to ca aclean and beautiful environment.clean and beautiful environment.35.35. TheThe h hstorystory mademade allall ofof ususlaugh.laugh.36.36.YouYouarearesosofunny!funny!I Icantcantstopstopl l ( (笑笑). ).37. Most of the par

17、ents e37. Most of the parents emuchmuchof their children.of their children.38.38. HesHes veryvery u ubutbut hehe is is veryverykind.kind.39.39. TheThe cameracamera waswas i ibyby a aFrenchman named Niepce.Frenchman named Niepce.40.40. ThisThis is is mymy p proom.room. YouYoucant enter it if I dont a

18、llow.cant enter it if I dont allow.四、单词拼写四、单词拼写( (根据中文提示拼写单词根据中文提示拼写单词) )共共 1010 小题;共小题;共 1010 分分41.41. HeHe is is thethe ( (丑陋的丑陋的) ) person Iperson Ihave ever seen.have ever seen.42.42. It It is is reallyreally greatgreat forfor a a radioradio producerproducertoto ( (创造;创造; 建造建造) a show like this.

19、) a show like this.43.43. WhenWhen hehe gotgot home,home, hehe wouldwould findfind hishis flatflat inina a ( (杂乱杂乱). ).44.44.HisHisinterestinginterestingstorystorymademadeeveryoneeveryone ( (发笑发笑) a lot.) a lot.45.45. DoDo youyou knowknow whowho ( (创造创造) )the first computer?the first computer?46.46.

20、I Iamamsuresureyouryoursonsonwillwillgrowgrowintointoa a ( (英俊的英俊的) young man in a few) young man in a fewyears time.years time.47. This boy is polite and47. This boy is polite and ( (幽默幽默的的). We all want to make friends with him.). We all want to make friends with him.48.48.ThereTherewillwillbebemo

21、remoreandandmoremore ( (私人的私人的) cars.) cars.49. We didnt49. We didnt ( (盼望盼望) to see you.) to see you.50.50. TheThe boyboy is is soso ( (聪明的聪明的) ) thatthathe can work out the problems easily.he can work out the problems easily.五、翻译五、翻译( (根据中文提示完成句子根据中文提示完成句子) )共共 5 5 小题;共小题;共 1010 分分51.51. 露西听音乐时情不自

22、禁地唱起来。露西听音乐时情不自禁地唱起来。LucyLucywhen she listened to music.when she listened to music.52.52. 许多年轻人期盼大学毕业后找到一份好工作。许多年轻人期盼大学毕业后找到一份好工作。ManyManyyoungyoungpeoplepeoplea a goodgood jobjob afterafter graduatinggraduating fromfromuniversity.university.53.53. 我弟弟不仅会打排球,而且也会弹钢琴。我弟弟不仅会打排球,而且也会弹钢琴。MyMybrotherbrot

23、hercancanplayplaythethepianopianoplay volleyball.play volleyball.54.54. 你曾经读过冰心写的书吗你曾经读过冰心写的书吗? ?词数不限词数不限the books written by Bing Xin?the books written by Bing Xin?55.55. 你曾经见过真的宇宙飞船吗你曾经见过真的宇宙飞船吗? ?youyou everevera areal spacecraft?real spacecraft?六、完形填空共六、完形填空共 1010 小题;共小题;共 1515 分分WeWe allall lik

24、elike watchingwatching TVTV aboutabout DonaldDonaldDuckDuckandandMickeyMickeyMouse.Mouse.TheyTheyareareveryveryinteresting. Do youinteresting. Do you know whoknow who5656them?them?Its Walt Disney. Ill tell you something about him.Its Walt Disney. Ill tell you something about him.HisHis familyfamily

25、waswas poor.poor. WaltWalt5757toto drawdrawwhenwhen hehe waswas young.young. ButBut hishis fatherfather hadhad a a lotlot ofof5858forfor himhim toto dodo andand oftenoften5959himhimdrawing.drawing. WhenWhen hehe grewgrew up,up, hehe beganbegan toto makemakecartoon films. But he didnt have much money

26、 andcartoon films. But he didnt have much money andalwaysalways wentwent6060 . . OneOne dayday hehe caughtcaught a amousemouse andand keptkept himhim6161a a pet.pet. A A fewfewyearsyears laterlater WaltWalt rememberedremembered thethe mousemouse andanddecideddecided toto makemake a a cartooncartoon

27、aboutabout him.him. DisneyDisneynamednamed thethe mouse Mickeymouse Mickey Mouse.Mouse. PeoplePeople allall overoverthethe worldworld sawsaw MickeyMickey andand lovedloved him.him. MickeyMickeymademade DisneyDisney6262 . . ThenThen WaltWalt mademadeDonaldDonald DuckDuck andand PlutoPluto andand6363f

28、orfortelevision.television.LotsLotsofofchildrenchildrenwatchedwatchedthethe6464 . In 1956, he opened up a wonderful land in . In 1956, he opened up a wonderful land inCalifornia.California. ThereThere werewere realreal boats,boats, castles,castles, trains,trains,riversrivers6565all kinds of birds an

29、d beasts inall kinds of birds and beasts inoneone beautifulbeautiful park.park. ManyMany peoplepeople wentwent there.there.DisneyDisney dieddied inin 1966,1966, butbut thethe worldworld willwill neverneverforget him.forget him.56.56.A. foundA. foundB. keptB. keptC.C.discovereddiscovered57.57.D. hadD

30、. had58.58.D. thingD. thing59.59.C. helpedC. helpedA. didnt allowA. didnt allowD. stoppedD. stoppedB. wantedB. wantedA. jobA. jobB. workB. workC. picturesC. picturesD. madeD. madeA. hatedA. hatedB. stoppedB. stoppedC. lovedC. loved60.60.shoppingshopping61.61.D. withD. with62.62.D. poorD. poor63.63.D

31、. otherD. other64.64.D. operasD. operas65.65.sosoA. angryA. angryD. on tripsD. on tripsA. forA. forA. tiredA. tiredB. hungryB. hungryC.C.B. asB. asC. fromC. fromB. excitedB. excitedC. famousC. famousA. the other B. anotherA. the other B. another C. othersC. othersA. TVA. TVA. orA. orA AB. showsB. sh

32、owsB. tooB. tooC. playsC. playsC. and D.C. and D.七、阅读理解共七、阅读理解共 1717 小题;共小题;共 3434 分分Barnyard is an American cartoon. It hasBarnyard is an American cartoon. It hasa few characters that always make a lot of jokes.a few characters that always make a lot of jokes.InIn thethe moviemovie therethere is is

33、 a a bigbig barnyard(barnyard(谷谷仓场院仓场院) ) withwith lotslots ofof sunsun flowersflowers aroundaround it.it. TheTheownersowners ofof thethe barnyardbarnyard havehave manymany cows,cows, pigs,pigs,pandas,pandas, goats,goats, sheep,sheep, ducksducks andand chickens.chickens. TheseTheseanimals like drivi

34、ng, singing and dancing a lot.animals like driving, singing and dancing a lot.TheThe cowscows areare muchmuch smartersmarter thanthan thetheotherother animalsanimals inin thethe barnyard.barnyard. BenBen is is thethe headheadcow. He asks all the animals to walk on their twocow. He asks all the anima

35、ls to walk on their twolegslegs justjust likelike humanhuman beings.beings. HeHe alsoalso asksasks thetheanimalsanimalsnotnottotoswimswimororwatchwatchTVTVwithoutwithoutpermission(permission(允许允许). ).WhenWhen thethe ownersowners areare out,out, theythey becamebecamecrazy.crazy. TheyThey playplay tog

36、ethertogether soso happilyhappily dayday andandnight.night. OneOne day,day, a a groupgroup ofof wolveswolves comecome toto thethebarnyard.barnyard. TheThe animalsanimals andand theirtheir homehome areare inindanger. Ben doesnt know what to do. But his sondanger. Ben doesnt know what to do. But his s

37、onOtis, a naughty young cow, is very clever. He has aOtis, a naughty young cow, is very clever. He has agoodgood ideaidea toto dodo withwith thethe wolves.wolves. SoSo OtisOtis andand hishisfriends start afriends start a fightfight withwith thethe wolves.wolves. AndAnd atat last,last,theythey beatbe

38、at thethe wolveswolves andand OtisOtis becomesbecomes thethe newnewhead cow.head cow.66.66.TheTheanimalsanimalsininthisthismoviemovieoftenoften . .A. make the barnyard crowdedA. make the barnyard crowded B. make theB. make theowners angryowners angryC. make audience laugh a lotC. make audience laugh

39、 a lot D. argue withD. argue witheach othereach other67.67. WhichWhich ofof thethe animalanimal is is notnot mentionedmentioned inin thisthistext?text?A. Foxes.A. Foxes.B. Dogs.B. Dogs.C. Pandas.C. Pandas. D. Pigs.D. Pigs.68.68. WhoWho askedasked thethe animalsanimals toto walkwalk likelike humanhum

40、anbeings in the barnyard?beings in the barnyard?A. The sheep.A. The sheep.B. The owners.B. The owners.C C. Otis. Otis.D. Ben.D. Ben.69.69. WhatWhat cancan wewe knowknow fromfrom thethe passagepassage aboutaboutOtis?Otis?A. He is kind of foolish.A. He is kind of foolish.B. He helps his father win the

41、 fight against theB. He helps his father win the fight against thewolves.wolves.C. He was very proud.C. He was very proud.D. He works hard but kind of slow.D. He works hard but kind of slow.70. What can we learn from this story?70. What can we learn from this story?A. Good teamwork and a good head a

42、re veryA. Good teamwork and a good head are veryimportant in doing things.important in doing things.B. Animals can help their owners a lotB. Animals can help their owners a lotsometimes.sometimes.C. In fact, animals dont like their owners at all.C. In fact, animals dont like their owners at all.D. T

43、o obey rules is important for all of us.D. To obey rules is important for all of us.B BHollywoodHollywood is is a a neighbourhoodneighbourhood inin LosLosAngeles,Angeles, California.California. It It usedused toto bebe thethe historicalhistoricalcenter of movie studios and movie stars. And thecenter

44、 of movie studios and movie stars. And thewordword HollywoodHollywood oftenoften usedused asas a a metonymy(metonymy(借借代代) of American cinema. But these are memories.) of American cinema. But these are memories.HollywoodHollywood isntisnt quitequite thethe samesame asas it it usedused toto be.be.Cos

45、ts have gone up and confidence has gone down.Costs have gone up and confidence has gone down.Movie-makers are afraid to spend their money onMovie-makers are afraid to spend their money onexpensive new ideas.expensive new ideas.HollywoodHollywood is is facingfacing bigbig challenges!challenges! TheTh

46、efilmfilm industryindustry is is changingchanging fast.fast. TeenagersTeenagers stillstill gogoout to movies. The theater is a good place to meetout to movies. The theater is a good place to meetfriends away from home. But older people mostlyfriends away from home. But older people mostlystaystay ho

47、mehome toto watchwatch series,series, likelike Dynasty.Dynasty. TheseThesesoapsoap operas,operas, asas theythey areare called,called, showshow rich,rich,powerfulpowerful familiesfamilies livingliving inin beautifulbeautiful clothes.clothes. ButButthetheactorsactorsandandactressesactressesarearenearl

48、ynearlyallallmiddle-aged.middle-aged.ThoughThoughsoapsoapoperasoperaskeepkeepthethefilm-makersfilm-makers ofof HollywoodHollywood inin business,business, bigbig filmsfilmsareare stillstill beingbeing mademade inin America.America. ButBut moremore andandmoremore ofof themthem areare mademade outsideo

49、utside Hollywood.Hollywood. NewNewYork is the most important new center, and thereYork is the most important new center, and theremanymanyotherotherarearemanymanyothersothersasaswell.well.Movie-makersMovie-makers havehave realizedrealized thatthat theythey dontdont needneedHollywoodHollywood anyany

50、more.more. TheyThey useuse modemmodem camerascamerasand real houses instead of expensively made copiesand real houses instead of expensively made copiesinin a a studio.studio. OtherOther states,states, especiallyespecially FloridaFlorida andandTexas, are working hard to take the film businessTexas,

51、are working hard to take the film businessawayaway fromfrom California.California. TheyThey areare offeringoffering betterbetterworking conditions and lower cost.working conditions and lower cost.ButBut HollywoodHollywood is is fightingfighting back.back. TheThestatestate ofof CaliforniaCalifornia i

52、s is tryingtrying hardhard toto keepkeep itsitsbest-known industry.best-known industry.71.71.HollywoodHollywoodofof . .A. businessA. business B. educationB. educationD. sportsD. sportsremindsremindspeoplepeopleC. cinemaC. cinema72.72.is is oneone ofof thethe newnewbiggest film centers in America now

53、.biggest film centers in America now.A. New YorkA. New YorkB. HollywoodB. Hollywood C.C.FloridaFloridaD. TexasD. Texas73.73.TheThebestbesttitletitleforforthisthispassagepassageis is . .A. Movies Americans likeA. Movies Americans likeB. Hollywood is facing big challengesB. Hollywood is facing big cha

54、llengesC. American new movie industriesC. American new movie industriesD. Film industries in AmericaD. Film industries in AmericaC CMain Idea(Main Idea(主旨主旨) )paragraph 1paragraph 1MariaMaria is is watchingwatching tootoo muchmuch TV.TV. A A kidkidshouldntshouldnt spendspend tootoo manymany hourshou

55、rs inin frontfront ofof thethetelevision.television. WorseWorse yet,yet, sheshe doesdoes somesome badbad thingsthingsbecause of those terrible cartoons she watches. Webecause of those terrible cartoons she watches. Weneedneed toto spendspend moremore timetime readingreading booksbooks withwith herhe

56、rand turn off the TV!and turn off the TV!paragraph 2paragraph 2Peters parents buy a new carpet for thePeters parents buy a new carpet for theliving room. Now he has to take his shoes off whenliving room. Now he has to take his shoes off whenhehe entersenters thethe house.house. HeHe cantcant eateat

57、oror drinkdrink inin thetheliving room any more. Peters furry dog cant playliving room any more. Peters furry dog cant playball in there either. When his parents get the newball in there either. When his parents get the newcarpet,carpet, therethere areare lotslots ofof newnew rulesrules soso thethe

58、newnewcarpet stays clean.carpet stays clean.paragraph 3paragraph 3BradBrad lovesloves toto playplay videovideo games.games. HisHisfavorites are Disney games. Brad gets home fromfavorites are Disney games. Brad gets home fromschool and his mom asks him if he has homework.school and his mom asks him i

59、f he has homework.He does, but he thinks about saying no because heHe does, but he thinks about saying no because hewants to play his games. But if he lies, he will losewants to play his games. But if he lies, he will losehis games for a week. He does his homework firsthis games for a week. He does

60、his homework firstand still has time to play two games before dinner.and still has time to play two games before dinner.He knows its best to be honest.He knows its best to be honest.paragraph 4paragraph 4JohnJohn is is goinggoing toto thethe baseballbaseball gamegame withwithhishis aunt.aunt. HeHe c

61、antcant waitwait toto getget there.there. HeHe lovesloves totowatchwatch baseball,baseball, butbut hishis favoritefavorite partpart ofof goinggoing totothethe gamesgames is is eatingeating thethe snacks.snacks. ThereThere areare manymanydifferent snacks at baseball games. A man in a reddifferent sna

62、cks at baseball games. A man in a redhathat walkswalks upup andand downdown sellingselling peanutspeanuts andandpopcorn.popcorn. GuessGuess whichwhich is is JohnsJohns favorite.favorite. JohnJohnlikeslikesthemthemboth.both.HeHeespeciallyespeciallylikeslikesmixingmixingpeanuts and popcorn together.pe

63、anuts and popcorn together.74.74.TheThemainmainideaideaofofthisthisparagraphparagraph1 1is isthatthat . .A. reading books is goodA. reading books is goodB. watching cartoons is relaxingB. watching cartoons is relaxingC. some cartoons are fun for MariaC. some cartoons are fun for MariaD. too much TV

64、isnt good for MariaD. too much TV isnt good for Maria75.75.TheThemainmainideaideaofofthisthisparagraphparagraph2 2is isthatthat . .A. Peter likes to make a messA. Peter likes to make a messB. Peter has new rules at homeB. Peter has new rules at homeC. Peter cant go to the living roomC. Peter cant go

65、 to the living roomD. Peters parents dont like the carpetD. Peters parents dont like the carpet76.76.TheThemainmainideaideaofofthisthisparagraphparagraph3 3is isthatthat . .A. Brad often tells a lieA. Brad often tells a lieB. Brad chooses to be honestB. Brad chooses to be honestC. Brad often loses h

66、is gamesC. Brad often loses his gamesD. Brad loves to play video gamesD. Brad loves to play video games77.77.TheThemainmainideaideaofofthisthisparagraphparagraph4 4is isthatthat . .A. John loves baseballA. John loves baseballB. John can play baseball wellB. John can play baseball wellC. John goes to

67、 the baseball gameC. John goes to the baseball gameD. John likes eating snacks at gamesD. John likes eating snacks at gamesD DLikeLike mostmost teenagersteenagers inin thethe world,world, JosoJosoMontanaro,Montanaro, a a teenteen artistartist inin Brazil,Brazil, likeslikes readingreadingandand drawi

68、ngdrawing cartoons.cartoons. ButBut hehe is is specialspecialhishisdrawings get published(drawings get published(出版出版). ).Montanaro is now drawing cartoons forMontanaro is now drawing cartoons forFolha.Folha. FolhaFolha is is BrazilsBrazils largestlargest newspapernewspaper andand is isknownknown fo

69、rfor itsits cartoons.cartoons. MontanaroMontanaro hashas alreadyalreadybeenbeen workingworking atat FolhaFolha forfor twotwo years.years. EachEach weekweekhehe drawsdraws two,two, threethree oror fourfour cartoonscartoons andand sendssendsthem to the paper. From those editors choose onethem to the p

70、aper. From those editors choose onefor the next days page.for the next days page.Montanaro draws about the news of theMontanaro draws about the news of theday.day.RecentlyRecentlyheheworkedworkedononTheTheWaveWavea adrawingdrawing ofof thethe tsunami(tsunami(海啸海啸 ) ) thatthat hithit Japan.Japan.Mont

71、anaroMontanaro alsoalso likeslikes toto drawdraw cartoonscartoons aboutabout thethefunnyfunny thingsthings thatthat happenhappen inin BrazilianBrazilian politics(politics(政政治治). ).II likelike doingdoing politicalpolitical drawingsdrawings becausebecauseyouyou cancan jokejoke aboutabout somebodysomeb

72、ody biggerbigger thanthan you.you.Montanaro says.Montanaro says.FolhasFolhas artart director,director, MarioMario Kanno,Kanno, sayssayseditorseditors sawsaw somethingsomething newnew andand differentdifferent ininMontanaros work. We brought him in with thisMontanaros work. We brought him in with thi

73、sideaidea toto showshow that,that, yes,yes, youngyoung peoplepeople alsoalso readreadnewspapers and can show their ideas on politics,newspapers and can show their ideas on politics,Kanno says.Kanno says.MontanarosMontanaros lovelove forfor cartoonscartoons beganbeganwhen be was only 7 or 8 years old

74、. His dad boughtwhen be was only 7 or 8 years old. His dad boughthim comics. Montanaro says these books gave himhim comics. Montanaro says these books gave himthethe ideasideas thatthat gotgot himhim drawing.drawing. II thinkthink thosethosegreatgreat worksworks havehave reallyreally helpedhelped me

75、,me, hehe says.says.They remind me that I should draw something inThey remind me that I should draw something inmy book every day.my book every day.78. What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?78. What is Montanaro doing for Folha now?A. He is publishing story books. B. He isA. He is publishing story b

76、ooks. B. He isdrawing cartoons.drawing cartoons.C. He is sending newspapers.C. He is sending newspapers. D. He is writingD. He is writingarticles.articles.79. Which of the following is NOT true according79. Which of the following is NOT true accordingto the passage?to the passage?A. Folha is famous

77、for its cartoons.A. Folha is famous for its cartoons.B. Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.B. Folha is the largest newspaper in Brazil.C. Montanaro draws one cartoon for FolhaC. Montanaro draws one cartoon for Folhaevery week.every week.D. Montanaro began to work for Folha twoD. Montanaro bega

78、n to work for Folha twoyears ago.years ago.80.80. WhyWhy doesdoes MontanaroMontanaro likelike drawingdrawing politicalpoliticalcartoons?cartoons?A. Because he can show his ideas on politics.A. Because he can show his ideas on politics.B. Because he is very interested in political jobs.B. Because he

79、is very interested in political jobs.C. Because he thinks its easier to draw politicalC. Because he thinks its easier to draw politicalcartoons.cartoons.D. Because he can make fun of some importantD. Because he can make fun of some importantpeople.people.81. What made Montanaro draw and helped him81

80、. What made Montanaro draw and helped hima lot in his drawings?a lot in his drawings?A. The comics his dad bought him.A. The comics his dad bought him.B. His interest in cartoon films.B. His interest in cartoon films.C. The fun of drawing cartoons.C. The fun of drawing cartoons.D. His dads ideas abo

81、ut cartoons.D. His dads ideas about cartoons.82. Whats the best title for this passage?82. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Folhas Art DirectorA. Folhas Art Director B. Brazils LargestB. Brazils LargestNewspaperNewspaperC. Teen Artist in BrazilC. Teen Artist in Brazil D. Montanaros GreatD. M

82、ontanaros GreatFatherFatherWhenWhen wewe fallfall ill,ill, wewe usuallyusually gogo toto seesee a adoctor. Doctor knows a lot about illness. They willdoctor. Doctor knows a lot about illness. They willtell us what makes us ill. 83.tell us what makes us ill. 83.ButBut sometimessometimes thethe doctor

83、sdoctors medicinemedicinedoesnt work. A sick person does not get well. Thedoesnt work. A sick person does not get well. Thepain will not go away. This happened to one man.pain will not go away. This happened to one man.84.84.ThenThen hehe foundfound a a newnewdoctordoctor insideinside himself.himsel

84、f. ThisThis doctordoctor waswas hishisown sense of humor. He saw funny films. He readown sense of humor. He saw funny films. He readfunny books. And something wonderful happened.funny books. And something wonderful happened.Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able toLaughing took away his pain.

85、 Then he was able tosleepsleep andand rest.rest. 85.85.HeHe saidsaidlaughinglaughing waswas hishis bestbest medicine.medicine. HisHis doctordoctorthought so, too.thought so, too. 86. 86.TheThe doctorsdoctors couldcould notnotstopstop it it fromfrom hurting.hurting. SoSo thethe manman beganbegan toto

86、picturepicture hishis pain.pain. InIn hishis headhead drewdrew a a picturepictureofof a a dog.dog. HeHe imaginedimagined it it asas a a realreal dog.dog. AndAnd hehemademade friendsfriends withwith thethe dog.dog. AndAnd hishis painpain wentwentaway!away!八、短文八、短文 7 7 选选 5(55(5 选选 5 5 等等) )共共 5 5 小题;

87、共小题;共 1010 分分TheseThesestoriesstoriesmaymaysurprisesurpriseyou.you.87.87.SoSo visitvisit thethe doctordoctor insideinsideyour own head and you can stay happy and well.your own head and you can stay happy and well.He works hard.He works hard.A. But more and more people are getting well inA. But more

88、and more people are getting well inthis way.this way.B. They may give us something to take. TheB. They may give us something to take. Themedicine often makes us well again.medicine often makes us well again.C. Another man was ill, and he had a terribleC. Another man was ill, and he had a terriblepai

89、n in his back.pain in his back.D. He was in hospital, but he was not gettingD. He was in hospital, but he was not gettingwell.well.E. His own happy feeling helped him to feel wellE. His own happy feeling helped him to feel wellagain.again.Without the creativity of one man, thereWithout the creativit

90、y of one man, therewouldwould bebe nono happiesthappiest placeplace onon earth,earth, alsoalsoknown as Disneyland.known as Disneyland.WaltWaltDisneyDisneywaswasbornborninin19011901ininChicago,Chicago, Illinois.Illinois. AsAs a a child,child, hehe enjoyedenjoyed drawingdrawing九、阅读与表达九、阅读与表达( (问答式问答式)

91、 )共共 5 5 小题;共小题;共 1010 分分and even sold his pictures to neighbors. When heand even sold his pictures to neighbors. When hewas sixteen, he joined the Red Cross and drove anwas sixteen, he joined the Red Cross and drove anambulance in Franceambulance in France during Worldduring World WarWar I. AfterI.

92、 Afterthethe warwar ended,ended, DisneyDisney startedstarted makingmaking shortshortcartoonscartoons inin KansasKansas City,City, butbut soonsoon ranran outout ofofmoney.money. HeHe decideddecided toto trytry hishis luckluck inin Hollywood.Hollywood.He came to California with a suitcase and $20 inHe

93、 came to California with a suitcase and $20 inhis pocket.his pocket.It It tooktook a a while,while, butbut DisneyDisney beganbegan totoenjoyenjoy successsuccess withwith hishis cartoons.cartoons. HeHe createdcreatedMickeyMickeyMouse,Mouse,thethemostmostfamousfamouscartooncartooncharacter ever. Then

94、in 1937, Snow White and thecharacter ever. Then in 1937, Snow White and theSevenSeven DwarfsDwarfs waswas firstfirst screened.screened. It It waswas thethe firstfirstfull-length cartoons, and it turned out to be a hugefull-length cartoons, and it turned out to be a hugesuccess.success. DisneyDisney

95、mademade manymany moremore moviesmovies thatthat wewestillstill watchwatch today,today, includingincluding Pinocchio,Pinocchio, Dumbo,Dumbo,and Bambi.and Bambi.It was in the 1940s that Walt Disney firstIt was in the 1940s that Walt Disney firsthad his brainstorm about a fun park for families.had his

96、 brainstorm about a fun park for families.His idea grew bigger and bigger,His idea grew bigger and bigger,and he realizedand he realizedhe needed a lot of space for his park. He wanted ithe needed a lot of space for his park. He wanted itto have everythingto have everythinga mountain, rockets,spinni

97、nga mountain, rockets,spinningteacups, and a fairy castle!teacups, and a fairy castle!YearsYears afterafter WaltWalt DisneyDisney firstfirst hadhad thetheidea,idea, DisneylandDisneyland openedopened inin 19551955 inin Anaheim,Anaheim,California.California. Admission(Admission(门票门票) ) costcost a a do

98、llar.dollar. InIn thethenextnext tenten years,years, 50,000,00050,000,000 visitorsvisitors camecame toto thetheMagic Kingdom.Magic Kingdom.88. Is Disneyland happiest place on earth?88. Is Disneyland happiest place on earth?89. What did Disney do after World War I ended?89. What did Disney do after W

99、orld War I ended?90. When was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs90. When was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsfirst showed?first showed?91.91.WhatWhatkindkindofofparkparkdiddidDisneyDisneywantwantDisneyland to be?Disneyland to be?92. Whats the passage mainly about?92. Whats the passage mainly about?答案答案一

100、、听力一、听力( (听力听力) )1. B1. B2. C2. C3. A3. A4. A4. A5. B5. B6. B6. B7. A7. A8. C8. C9. B9. B10. A10. A11. B11. B12. C12. C13. A13. A14. B14. B15. A15. A16. B16. B17. A17. A18. C18. C19. A19. A20. C20. C听力原文听力原文Unit 5Unit 5 综合能力评估试题听力材料及参考答案综合能力评估试题听力材料及参考答案听力材料听力材料听力局部听力局部 第一节第一节. .听句子,听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息

101、。选出句子中所包含的信息。1. I m going to buy her some flowers.1. I m going to buy her some flowers.2. The party will begin at half past eight this2. The party will begin at half past eight thisevening.evening.3. He wants to be a famous player in the future.3. He wants to be a famous player in the future.4. If t

102、hey go swimming, they won t finish their4. If they go swimming, they won t finish theirhomework.homework.5. Jim and Tony had a great time at the party.5. Jim and Tony had a great time at the party. .听句子,听句子, 选出该句的最正确答语。选出该句的最正确答语。6. What class do you have next, Bob?6. What class do you have next, Bo

103、b?7. When do you have art, Jill?7. When do you have art, Jill?8. What s the time, please?8. What s the time, please?9. What s your favourite subject?9. What s your favourite subject?10. Who are you writing an e-mail to?10. Who are you writing an e-mail to?. . 听对话和问题,听对话和问题, 选择正确的选项。选择正确的选项。11. W: Le

104、t s watch a talk show, John.11. W: Let s watch a talk show, John.M: No, I can t stand it, Kate.M: No, I can t stand it, Kate.Q: What are they talking about?Q: What are they talking about?12. W: I love soap operas. What about you, Tom?12. W: I love soap operas. What about you, Tom?M: Oh, I don t love

105、 them, Lily. But my sister TinaM: Oh, I don t love them, Lily. But my sister Tinaloves them.loves them.Q: Who loves soap operas?Q: Who loves soap operas?13. M: Did you watch the talent show last Sunday,13. M: Did you watch the talent show last Sunday,Jean?Jean?W: Yes, I did. It was fun.W: Yes, I did

106、. It was fun.Q: What did Jean think of the talent show?Q: What did Jean think of the talent show?14. W: You look so happy, Mike.14. W: You look so happy, Mike.M: Yes, Sue. I watched a comedy this morning. ItM: Yes, Sue. I watched a comedy this morning. Itwas so interesting.was so interesting.Q: How

107、did Mike like the comedy?Q: How did Mike like the comedy?15. M: Does your little sister like cartoons,Amy?15. M: Does your little sister like cartoons,Amy?W: Sure. She watches cartoons on TV everyW: Sure. She watches cartoons on TV everyevening.evening.Q: How often does Amy s sister watch cartoons?Q

108、: How often does Amy s sister watch cartoons?. .听语段或对话和问题,听语段或对话和问题, 选择正确答案。选择正确答案。W: What shows do you like, Bob?W: What shows do you like, Bob?M: I like sports shows and talent shows.M: I like sports shows and talent shows.W: I like talent shows, too. But I don t like sportsW: I like talent shows,

109、 too. But I don t like sportsshows. They re boring.shows. They re boring.M: I don t think so. My father and I both likeM: I don t think so. My father and I both likesports shows. We often watch them together.sports shows. We often watch them together.W: Is your father a teacher, Bob?W: Is your fathe

110、r a teacher, Bob?M: No, he is a TV reporter. He likes sports.M: No, he is a TV reporter. He likes sports.W: What shows does your mother like?W: What shows does your mother like?M: She likes sitcoms. She watches sitcoms onM: She likes sitcoms. She watches sitcoms onSaturdays and Sundays.Saturdays and

111、 Sundays.W: I like sitcoms, too. Oh, the bus is coming! IW: I like sitcoms, too. Oh, the bus is coming! Ihave to go. Goodbye, Bob!have to go. Goodbye, Bob!M: Goodbye,Ann.M: Goodbye,Ann.16. What shows do Bob and Ann both like?16. What shows do Bob and Ann both like?17. Who does Bob often watch sports

112、 shows with?17. Who does Bob often watch sports shows with?18. What does Bob s father do?18. What does Bob s father do?19. When does Bob s mother watch sitcoms?19. When does Bob s mother watch sitcoms?20. Where are Bob and Ann talking?20. Where are Bob and Ann talking?二、单项选择二、单项选择21. C21. C22. B22.

113、B23. A23. A24. C24. C25. B25. B26. B26. B27. D27. D28. D28. D29. B29. B30. D30. D三、单词拼写三、单词拼写( (单句首字母填空单句首字母填空) )31. mess31. mess32. fight32. fight33. leads33. leads34. create34. create35. humorous35. humorous36. laughing36. laughing37. expect37. expect38. ugly38. ugly39. invented39. invented40. pri

114、vate40. private四、单词拼写四、单词拼写( (根据中文提示拼写单词根据中文提示拼写单词) )41. ugliest41. ugliest42. create42. create43. mess43. mess44. laugh44. laugh45. invented45. invented46. handsome46. handsome47. humorous47. humorous48. private48. private49. expect49. expect50. smart / clever50. smart / clever五、翻译五、翻译( (根据中文提示完成句子

115、根据中文提示完成句子) )51. couldnt help singing51. couldnt help singing52. expect to find52. expect to find53. as well as53. as well as54. Have you (ever) read/Did you ever read54. Have you (ever) read/Did you ever read55. Have; seen55. Have; seen六、完形填空六、完形填空56. D56. D57. C57. C58. B58. B59. D59. D60. B60. B6

116、1. B61. B62. C62. C63. C63. C64. B64. B65. C65. C七、阅读理解七、阅读理解66. C66. C67. A67. A68. D68. D69. B69. B70. A70. A71. C71. C72. A72. A73. B73. B74. D74. D75. B75. B76. B76. B77. D77. D78. B78. B79. C79. C80. D80. D81. A81. A82. C82. C八、短文八、短文 7 7 选选 5(55(5 选选 5 5 等等) )83. B83. B84. D84. D85. E85. E86.

117、C86. C87. A87. A九、阅读与表达九、阅读与表达( (问答式问答式) )88. Yes.88. Yes.89. He started making short cartoons.89. He started making short cartoons.90. In 1937.90. In 1937.91. He wanted it to be a fun park for families.91. He wanted it to be a fun park for families.92. Its mainly about Walt Disney, his movies and92. Its mainly about Walt Disney, his movies andhow Disneyland was founded.how Disneyland was founded.



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